Visit The Netherlands - 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about The Netherlands

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with Walters world and today we're in Ireland the Netherlands for five things you're gonna love and hate about visiting the Netherlands so let's get started and for me the first thing I don't like about coming to Netherlands is all the drunk crazy red light district insanity of Amsterdam look an stream is fantastic outside of the red-light district and since so many tourists come to the Netherlands just to go to the Amsterdam to have their their drugs and prostitution and stuff like that that's fine for you but for me it kind of gets me a little frustrated when I go there and the thing is is there's other bad things that go along with it like the drunk high tourists and the you know them bothering people and vomit everywhere and stuff like that that's what actually bothers me the most it's not the red-light district itself it's the tourists that go there and just get out of control so that's the first thing I don't like and the thing is that's not just in Amsterdam it's also in some of the border towns with Germany because you have a lot of German tourists they'll come over to get high and stuff like that so that's the first thing you don't like now the second thing you're not gonna like about coming to the Netherlands are there stairs in the hotels look there's a lot of independent hotels here and they you can see these little thin buildings behind me yes they need stairs and the stairs go like this there it's not really a stairwell as so much a ladder well and that's one thing I don't like my mom's falling down them Caleb fell down them chipped tooth busted his head open all kinds of stuff you gotta be really careful with that so that's one things I'm not a big fan of when I do come here so if you are gonna come make sure you're asked your hotels like hey do you have an elevator or how's the situation and also don't bring a lot of baggage because it's gonna be tough to take that stuff up there because think about you got a big backpack you lose your balance oh you're gone okay now we have moved to the rooftops of beautiful Amsterdam and the third thing you're gonna hate when you come to the Netherlands is this service look you're going to go to restaurant you're gonna go to a bar go to go to a cafe you're gonna go to a pancake house wherever you're gonna go you're gonna go and then you're gonna sit and you're gonna sit and sit oh and wait don't forget to about the waiting and maybe sit some more and then maybe eventually somebody will come to take your order and it gets kind of frustrating because here the Netherlands you know the customer isn't king people make a decent wage here so yes you do Tipton but it's not really influencing how much they're going to like come and try to help you in things like that and it can be frustrating for some travelers now I'll say is when you do get the service it is professional they will make sure you get the right thing they're not like rude or anything it's just that they're not always coming it gets a little frustrating and when you want your bill don't don't be like oh they'll bring the bill to me no you have to ask because they will literally let you sit there for I don't know hour two hours five or six days I mean not that long obviously but you'll just be there for a while so if you want to get your bill make sure you ask because the service here is not going to come and kiss your butt so just want to give you a heads up on that one now the fourth thing you're not gonna like when you come to the Netherlands are the bike lanes look biking is a part of coming to the Netherlands and I will talk about that later but oh my god walking in the bike lines look I know I said in service that the Dutch aren't very nice but they're nice people in general but I'm not when they are in the bike lane or I should say when you wander in the bike lane like a tourist and it doesn't matter if you're here in Amsterdam where our L'Amour line our routes collect or wherever the Dutch become like little heat-seeking missiles when they're on their bikes we're then those bike lanes okay so be careful because you'll see the little red lanes all over the place and the bikes just go whizzing by and they don't care about the cars they don't care about you they don't care about your kids they're just going and that could be really frustrating when you're not sure so do pay attention because that's one sure way that you'll make some not friends in the Netherlands okay and the fifth thing you're not going to like about coming to the Netherlands is the weather look this is not how do I say a consistent weather country in terms of consistency nice or bad it's just the inconsistent nature of the weather look I want a forecast a day that said right now it's supposed to be raining no rain but this morning when we were trying to film a little bit it said it was gonna be clear skies and it was raining and I'm in a long-sleeve shirt t-shirt I got a jacket look if you're gonna come here make sure you bring layers cuz it's not the warmest place ever and it does rain quite a bit so do have a heads up for that and the locals will tell you you don't trust the weatherman just like everywhere but here definitely so so if you're going to go out for the day make sure you bring something to throw on because it does cool off at night even on the warm days so just a heads up there so the things that we didn't like about going to the Netherlands but there are things you're really gonna love because you could tell that those dislikes those hates they're not so much hate just more mild annoyances but we'll go back to our loom to start with our with our love's okay so those are things you might not like about the Netherlands Palissy Otteson oh this is a really great place to visit for a lot of reasons you know people speak English there's all kinds of great transport wait I shouldn't get ahead of myself the first thing you're gonna love about coming to the Netherlands is the architecture and the culture throughout the country look whether it is the going to see the old Dutch masters yes there that is a whole thing you see in lots of museums the art and culture that here is fantastic the museums whether you're going to the tailor's museum or the the Fran's halls Museum here in Arlen or if you're going to Rick's Museum in Amsterdam hammer out the van Gogh Museum or go to the Anne Frank House or all kinds of stuff there's things all over the country to see and they do have really great pride in their country and they have some of magnificent museums but the thing is is there's also the pride with that architecture scene those buildings man that's one of things wherever you go in the Netherlands you always feel like you want to take more and more and more and more pictures of the buildings because they really are gorgeous when you see the guild houses and the the tops and things like that so do brings an extra chip when you do come here because you won't want to take so many pictures and yes those pictures will also include a lot of pictures of flowers if you're here in this spring and seeing the over 1,000 windmills that are throughout the country yes you will see those and you'll get a few pictures of those even when you're on the train going by you will do that okay now the second thing that a tourist really loves about coming here is actually there's a really great transportation system and I'd say it kind of a tours of infrastructure because lots of people speak English here pretty everybody speaks English here so you don't really have an issue with that but the thing is is that the transport links without throughout the country are super easy coming to Ireland from the Amsterdam is 15 minutes on the train I get to Leiden and like a half an hour from Amsterdam you can get all over the country within like an hour and a half and it's super simple and the trains go very often but I will say make sure you you buzz in your card in and out when you go just to make your life a little bit easier and also because I'm trying to tie a lot of loves together I would also prove that transportation the biking around the Netherlands it is really something that you should do and you can do but I will warn you if you're not sure if you're not really good on a bike or it's been a few years do be careful maybe not start in downtown Amsterdam okay we're doing somewhere like Leiden are here at our loan or something like that it might make it a bit saver for you but biking throughout the country is one of the things you're gonna do and the thing is if you bike through the tulips in the spring is fantastic Jocelyn did that a few months ago and she loved it or you're just like a big guy like me likes to get around town to meet friends with it you can do that because you can rent bikes at train stations you can write back to different towns different places heck you can get an app on your phone and you can find a bike on the street and rent that okay so there's a lot of options out there so those transportation and that infrastructure thing is really good here the other thing that I love going to the Netherlands is leaving Amsterdam but don't get me wrong answer am is cool to museums like the reeks museum like I was talking about the van Gogh and seeing all the buildings and the canals it's gorgeous but getting out and going to explore other cities like Leiden like here in our l'm going to mist mountain vacillation going to grew nanang there's so many cute little towns you can go see and bigger cities like Rotterdam and stuff like that that don't get sucked into just going to Amsterdam though it's cool but you really should see more and with that transportation it's really easy to do and honestly I've enjoyed going to these smaller towns much more than going to Amsterdam because you don't have all those drunk tourists and stuff like that bothering you or hi tourists it's more of a getting to see the real country and the real people and that's it's really nice so we're back on the rooftop here in Amsterdam and the third thing you're really gonna like is a tourist when you come here to the Netherlands it's how well the people speak English and the people in general yes in service they're not nice but when you get to meet the Dutch people yes they fantastic English and the thing is they'll explain things to you because they have a lot of pride in their country so yes if you want to know about the different ways you can eat herring you could learn from that from some old lady who speaks English probably better than I do okay and so you do have that and for a tourist it's a godsend and that's why I tell a lot of tourists if you're looking for a foreign country with a foreign language that you can go to and visit and not have to worry about speaking that foreign language yeah I say Scandinavia and then the Netherlands is another great one because everyone here does speak English and the cool thing is when you speak with the people they get sarcasm their English is so good here the you can tail sarcastic joke and they'll give sarcasm back or they'll start with sarcasm and if anybody has traveled and had any other the international English stuff that's one of the things that gets lost so it's one of things you really appreciate when you come here is that English level into sarcasm and that that attitude that people have here because also their no-nonsense here okay and if you want to get to the point you say what should I see they'll tell you what to see what not to do and get to it now and get out of my way because you're in the bike lane I mean they're all the way up on that and that's one of the things I really love now the fourth thing you're gonna love you come here is the biking now I know I said I don't like the bike lane as a tourist when I'm walking but if you're here you need to rent a bike go explore any of you do one of the cheesy tourist bike trails around Amsterdam and do those things it's worth it because it's super flat here you can go around and you can try and see all these things and what's cool is when you explore the country you can go to the different train stations like I said and you can actually go rent bikes there to explore so you want to go to the Keukenhof you can go there and then rent a bike there and ride around in the tulips but it's usually only like a mid April through mid May is the best time to go for that but you have that and it was just really cool and you get back on there and you really kind of explore and you get to see some of the country without having to spend a lot of money because ringing the bikes it's not too expensive to do so that's one of things I really enjoy doing we are here I know Johnson loved it to bits okay and the fifth thing that I loved about coming here and this is more of my personal thing and I've had a really good time one of my friends defied another youtuber here you should really check out if you're going to go to the Netherlands I'll put its link down below but he and I have been hitting all the food stalls and the food stands around Amsterdam and it's not just dancing time you have these food stalls all over the place and eating the little snacky dews around the Netherlands because they have so many like tasty little treats the restaurants the restaurants here are expensive I'm not a big fan of them the food to be very heavy but when it comes to snacky stuff it's great check out a food hall go get the bit to Balan the little tiny balls like it's like mashed potatoes and meat inside and fried and tippet the mustard that's so good we're going one of the herring shops on the street and grab one of those new Rotterdam style or however or maybe you want to get little cheese things or whatever there's so many or coquettes there's so many great little snacks to have here to go with a really good beer that's one of the fun things so when I say people it's look don't feel like you have to be you know stuck at a restaurant here go sit it out a cafe just order little starters and stuff legs like that and go and enjoy the city and the architecture and the country outside around there because you can have those everywhere and that's one thing I really really love about this and that's why I always want to thank my buddy Dutch aside cuz he's really got me hooked on to this and my tummy is like guess we need to go eat more pizza pilot we need more croquette so I want to go do that with him if you want to see more videos on the Netherlands check us on our website at Walters worldcom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube and we really appreciate your life subscriptions if you like videos like this we put out new travel videos every Wednesday and Saturday so if you do like that click that subscribe button it really pays off anyway have a great time here the Netherlands and if you love it or you hate it or anywhere in between put your comments down below to let us know the things you like and you don't like about the Netherlands anyway I'll say bye from here on the rooftops of Amsterdam bye
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 444,378
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, netherlands, holland, dutch travel
Id: b4nnIa4Wdgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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