DaVinci Resolve 17 Multicam Wedding Ceremony

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hey how's it going this is my first ever video about davinci resolve um i'm a long time adobe promote yeah sorry i am a long time adobe user since uh version 15 came out or version 5 15. what am i thinking i think it was since 2015 version five 5.5 one of those is when i started with adobe switch there from final cut 6 because final cut 10 was a disaster when it came out for myself in the way wedding industry as i believe it uh but division seven i've always 17 that is i've been interested about davinci for a while and i'm always looking for something that works better and i really have no skin in the game like i don't pay for my adobe license because i get through work so it's not like i'm saving money by switching to davinci however i have noticed especially because i've been doing a lot more 4k footage that adobe on my macbook and i have like a top of line 2019 macbook pro it still chokes on the multi-camera edits for uh my wedding videos so i found that da vinci i've i've been doing some things i've just been following around put together a short video the other day i've done this multi-camera thing in it before and it doesn't choke it it's just continues playing so whatever the algorithms or programming they did with it there's something different that blackmagic is doing with their da vinci that adobe just hasn't figured out or maybe just adobe's too big uh to of a monster now so i just recently made a video about how i do my uh timeline syncing with adobe and pluraleyes an extension outside of uh adobe to sync my multi-cameras together in a timeline to do that the davinci 16 version i tried it i don't like how it works because when i'm doing wedding ceremonies you know my camera breaks up the clips that an hour long clip into like you know nine ten different segments because if i'm shooting 4k they're five and a half minute or four uh six minute video clips each so it doesn't work that way and i tried round tripping it through pluraleyes and when i came back and they were out of sync so i did the whole like line it up export the xml sync it and pluralize bring it back in and it didn't work right i did figure out a way however within davinci itself to do what i want to do so uh this is kind of like a little weird workaround but i got to work and it works pretty well so and hopefully i remember all my steps now and check it out so first of all here on the screen you can see i've created a bin just for the ceremony separated everything out i've also i took the step of color coding uh camera a as orange and camera b as blue or whatever i got my two lav mics here so i have all the stuff figured out now the one thing you can't do is you can't just bring all your clips from a all your clips from b and it's sync up because what happens is it doesn't like it so you know if i were to do that let's just do it anyways you know i bring in all these to a timeline and i we're just making a new timeline here i don't care right now i bring in these whatever and i select them all there's not even an option to the sync because right now this is still in beta i'm hoping that when the full version comes out maybe that it'll not be a problem anymore but you can't do a lot of clips in a in one line and have it sync up for whatever reason so my little hack that i figured out is and i'm going to start here's my clips i'm going to look at the second clip maybe here because there's people talking in it so that's always a good thing to sync up on i'm going to bring that down from camera a in my timeline and then within my camera b stuff let's see if i can locate that same spot yeah so here we have people talking so there that's the same area we're going to overlap a little bit that's fine i'm going to bring that here to v2 now i should let me go and rename my uh timeline here by the way always keep track of your timelines because i'm going to end up making a bunch of different timelines and tracks and things like that during this i like to keep track of it all i'm also going to bring down my two lav mics into the audio here so right now i have everything down here nothing is synced up you see i have a lot more audio than i do video and that's fine i'm gonna fill it all out later but this is where i'm gonna start because now when i select all these and right click here it is the auto align clips based on form that's the new thing i'm excited about so i'm going to click on that and my computer's fan is blown you probably hear that in the microphone which is annoying but there you go you can see it move stuff over if i come over here and listen towards all this works the lord is just in all his ways all of the audio is there we have it all synced up it sounds good we can if we make these tracks taller you can see the audio is lined up now so the waveforms are lining up but we now we don't have everything we need in fact we're not even have all the original audio so we have to kind of like now trick it a little bit this is this is where it gets a little tricky um this is a little labor intensive this is why i hope they fix this with future uh releases and updates so now i'm gonna i just say i've selected all that i moved it to the right to give myself a little bit more room here on the left side of my timeline so i gave myself about 20 minutes of room so i can now extend out the front of my audio [Music] as far as those lobs go we're going to still trim them but that's fine i'm going to just leave them there for now and now i'm going to fill in the front and back side of all these clips so you can see this is clap 646 from camera a that's my orange camera so 646 is right here this is one clip that goes in front of that and after 46 we have 47 through 54 all those clips around plop them down behind it and there we go make sure they all look like they're full length there they are and then we're going to do the same thing with my camera b so 2 1 6 was the clip beforehand i probably don't need all them because let's be frank here i start my camera b rolling a lot sooner than it needs to to make sure i don't miss anything and 217 to the end there because i put that camera be up in the choir loft long before anything starts so now now we can just kind of randomly go through and just double check adriana receive this ring all that sounds in sync right now everything is sounding great trim off this front part because i don't need all that there so we're just gonna oops clip all this and rip will delete everything to the front there so now everything is in the front so we are almost there we have everything synced up and this is how i like my multi-camera setup for uh wedding ceremonies and things because i want all my audio sources there i use them all i blend them all together i don't want to replace it and just have one microphone be the whole thing i need the two lobs i have one live on the groom i have one lob on the pulpit i have a shotgun mic on my camera that's moving around with me and i have a microphone in the choir loft i'm probably going to lose that one because that's going to be you know it's further away so the time is going to be a little off on that but everything else i want to keep so now we need to go ahead and make these clips into some sort of multi-camera sequence so this is the little tricky part here because you have to do kind of like a little extra step to do this next part where i have to kind of make a compound clip then i need to make a new timeline i need to make the compound clip to do multi-camera clip it's watch um first of all i'm going to unlink the audio file so i'm just selecting the video at this point and i'm going to make a new compound clip i'm going to call this compound ceremony so i know what i'm what it is and now i have a new compound clip so there's my ceremony timeline and there's my compound clip okay so here's my here's my little trick here now i have a compound clip i have my ceremony timeline i don't want to destroy the original timeline because i like to keep things you know it doesn't hurt you to have extra timeline so i'm going to duplicate this timeline duplicate timeline in my copy i'm going to call this oops not me to erase everything ceremony sync oops hopes if i can spell so that is ceremony sync so this is now i'm going to open this up this is where i want to do my multicam and i'm actually going to delete the compound clip that's in there i'm going to come over to my compound ceremony inside my bin here right click on it and convert the compound clip into multi-cam clip and now i can drag this multi-can clip down into that ceremony synced i hate when it doesn't do it right drag it down in there okay so now i need to enable multi-camera viewing i need to be able to see the multiple cameras that i'm switching from even though it's only two i still need to see them oftentimes i'll either do two or three uh different cameras i haven't done four yet that might be a little much but uh first of all i don't have the ability to turn on right now i have to go to the top right corner here and turn on this little button right here the dual viewer mode so i can see the dual program and source mode and now my source window on the left here i'm going to click this little drop down on the bottom left here and say multi-camera and now i can see my multi-camera and now i can start you know i'm just going to do this randomly anywhere here i'm gonna clip one i can switch to camera two back to camera one got the camera too cause someone's in the way back to camera one back to camera two you know we switch back and forth back and forth it hasn't choked yet which i love when you zoom in on the timeline here you can see every time i made a cut using the number keys on my keyboard or the top of the keyboard to cut between one and two you could also hover over and use you can see i can just click on the mouse i don't like that way i just want to use my fingers it's like being in control room for a tv studio i'm used to that so if you've ever been a td you know how to do cutting with your fingers um i just find it really easy one two three four one two three four with your fingers like that and that's how i can go through and do all my cuts for that and once i'm done doing the cuts then you can see this the the color is a little bit off unfortunately when i got to this wedding i was a little rushed and getting set up a whole lot of complication with that traffic and things like that i don't usually like to be that late but unfortunately there were circumstances beyond my control but luckily you can just go into your color uh grading area here within davinci and go through and do your color grading and it's really easy to do although i would not do it from this point what i would do is actually go and you can open up your compound clip in the timeline so i just right clicked i said open and timeline and now from there i can go my color and i can correct all the different clips inside the timeline you can always copy it once you get one correct you can copy and paste it to the rest and then you have that done and then what i also like is i can go into far light here and i can do all my audio editing on the timeline afterwards i'm on the wrong timeline so for my ceremony synced once i go here now i see all my audio in here it's a lot easier to edit the audio in this area so this is where i'm going to do my audio editing now this is a wedding i did in the past in premiere last year so this is this wedding's already done but i've been just playing around with this in davinci 17 and i i'm really impressed uh aside from like having to do a little bit more work to get synced up it's still a lot less work than i used to have to do 10 years ago when it was tape based and you had to match it off of waveforms manually before there were plugins that did it for you i'm really excited to see i'm excited to try a whole wedding on davinci because i just find that it's a lot easier going back and forth between the different segments within davinci whereas in adobe to do my audio editing like if i want to do really in-depth audio editing like background removal things like that i'd have to round trip it out to audition and then back in which it does and it's pretty seamless but it does create a lot of extra extra files and things like that in the background and it means i have more than one program running at a time instead of being able to do everything within the one program so i'm kind of excited about how davinci 17 is going to change my workflow again like i said it's not like i pay for adobe i'm still going to have adobe on my computer anyways but just the workflow and the fact that it doesn't choke it hasn't choked on me yet editing these videos in 4k so that to me is exciting as well because that's the most frustrating thing about multi-camera editing a lot of times is i'll be editing for five minutes and i have to stop and wait for the computer to catch up and continue on again having that happen several times during an hour-long ceremony makes that editing process takes you know fifty percent seventy percent longer which is just frustrating it you don't get in the flow of it and it's really annoying so i hope this was helpful for people uh with davinci 17 and maybe trying to do a multi-camera edit more than just like a five-minute video but actually like a long event you know now we can talk about doing two three four five cameras that's an hour long four different things and it's gonna be i think a game changer and this is by the way on the free version i am not i've not paid for the full version this is the free version of davinci 17 so all the stuff i've done here today is in that free version which is pretty powerful stuff if you like this video please hit the subscribe button so you can see more tutorials in the future thanks
Channel: Professor Z
Views: 6,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 17, multi-camera, wedding videos, video editing, multi-camera sync
Id: GtizVGLJM3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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