Vintage Bristol Dozer repair part 1

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[Music] all right today I'm going to give the Bristol dozer a bit of a service that's been sitting around for ten years or so and it's not running quite right and there's a few things I need to fix up on it so I'll give it a tune-up and have a good look for any broken parts I'll need to replace you might have noticed the horrible sound clattering around as I was driving out its the bearings and this fan shaft pretty shot that that moves around quite a bit in there and there's a water pump on the back of that shaft so I'll have to pull that whole thing out of there take the radiator off and pull that out and see what sort of status um hopefully it's just a matter of replacing the bearings the temperature reader broke off the radiator so I have to solder that back on clean it up and put some solder around that joint the state of that thing so that's the thermostat looks like it hasn't seen the light of day for a few years nasty he's pretty corroded in there as well at least it came off pretty easily which is good a bit of a horrible mess in there that needs a good flush up it's quite chunky in there look at that that's weapons when you don't flush radiator yeah it's nice and free that's good sometimes things like this can be sees them in place and you're not breaking the stud and they can be a real nightmare to get out if they do break off in the housing plunging it's moving now we're just the gasket sticking no something's holding on the wonder if it's a water pump possibly corrosion built it built up just stopping it coming out looks like it hasn't been greased enough it's quite a hard grease nipple to see so it's been neglected decades what you wait for on get that up so you can just see the bearing in there and it's pretty shagged so that's coming out one way or the other all right it's like just two bearings with a spacer in between looks like there's a spring clip in the end the retaining clips I'll pull that up all right so that was holding the daring in bearings falling apart spice' get the shell out of there now all right that popped up quite easily that's a seal you can see the springs gone on it it's quite surprising that held up given the state of those bearings I'll get another one of those and a couple more bearings and put it back together should be good for another 60 years after that so I've got the new replacement bearings for the water pump shaft and a new seal but one problem I've got is don't know if you can see this where the seal runs on that surface you can see no wonder it was leaking water out of there there's quite a bit of clearance between the seal on the shaft so surprising it wasn't leaked more water out actually so what I'll have to do is build that up with my neg water and try and get a nice clean world all the way around there and then put the shaft in the lathe and turn it down to the correct size so that the seal will sit on there because if I put that Co on that pitted surface it's just going to cut that Co up and no time so build that up with a MIG welder and turn it down on the lathe and it should be good to go [Music] alright I'll just see how well the seal fits in there yeah that's perfect it's snug but it's not too tight so I'll get that off and clean up the surface with some sandpaper just get it nice and smooth so that doesn't cut the co up [Music] and that's pretty good that sale is still nice and snug so I think I'll leave it at that all right that looks pretty good to me that groove isn't really needed so I won't worry about cleaning that out I'll just knock that bit of splatter off can't forget this little key that goes in the key way there that key goes into the key way there and that means the water pump can't spin around on the shaft it's good see all goes in the back of that so now I've got to press that seal in the back yeah it was pretty so loud now so that seal will ism' as far as I can get it because there are pin sided I don't want to get any grit in there so I'll just put that over there see that's pushing on the outside of the bearing which is what we want you don't want to be hammering into the inside because you put him all that stress on the races on the outside of the races one's right to the back nice and evenly seated so the shaft has been in the freezer for 20 minutes nice and cold and the housing has been in the Sun so hopefully the temperature temperature difference will help it get in there [Music] [Music] and this will opt in place nice and smooth all right so this little K goes on the key way now [Applause] single these older these old machines sometimes parts are quite hard to get so you've got to make your own and the only gasket I could find was in the UK and probably take three weeks to get here so just easier to make one see our first really good so I'm cleaning the mating surface with us where the gasket goes just to get rid of any old gasket material and grit and dirt grease cleaner odors the better it'll seal and now I'm going to apply grease to both sides of this gasket and that'll fill up any tiny imperfections and give it a bit of seal and you can use gasket sealant and that sort of thing but I find it makes it harder to get it off if you have to take it apart again so grease is as good as anything it seals up all the little gaps and when you need to take it apart again I just comes right apart stops any corrosion and the joint as well so I'm going to use some non hardening sealant for this hose one gives it a good seal and makes it easier to take off because it bit of lubrication to to slip the hose back on all right so let's water pump back on now if we try and do something with this thermostat now these old bellows type are quite expensive like one hundred and twenty dollars or something so I'll pull that out of there and try and replace it with a just a normal cheapo one for $12 so cancel that out of there [Music] okay got that sleeve out what a mission you can see how I had to collapse the internal part just to give it enough wiggle room to come out okay so that's the old one yeah what if it does I'll clean all that up give it a good scrub and then I'll make an adapter so that I can fit a cheap thermostat in there there's a little bit of a seat in there but this is too small for it so it just slides past the seat so I found this washer which is just a little bit bigger than the thermostat housing I'll put that in the lathe and skim it down and we bit so that's nice tight fit in the housing and the edge of that will sit on the seat and then thermostat sit inside there so it'll stop it going on way in turn a piece of pipe which is just slightly bigger than the housing so I'll use that as the sleeve above the thermostat I'll just have to cut away a lot a nut skim that paint off and it should be pretty good I think perfect okay I guess I'm going to drill a little hole in this washer I just saw this valve can do its thing just see it can't really can't really open up with the wash of this I will just draw a hole in that little valve fits in there all right now so now I'll just push this into the housing all right that fits in there quite nicely now it's all cut a bit of pipe throught links and press it on there [Music] [Applause] so now what I'm going to do let's put some anti corrosive lanolin based grease over this so that hopefully it will stop the rust a wee bit and make it easier to pull out when it needs to be changed just gotta line that hole in the sleeve up with the port all right that's pretty good I think that's in there what nicely so what I'll do because this is just a little bit proud of that serveth I will just get the grinder and skim it off so that it's level with that surface first of all I have to drill a little hole in there that's the locating screw so this is the screw here I just have carefully drill a hole in there so I don't ruin the thread that's the thermostat dumb water pump back on so now I've just got to solve this heat sensor back into the radiator [Music] before I get too carried away putting everything back on I'm gonna put some water on the radiator and give it a run and sit there's any leaks
Channel: Marty T
Views: 504,595
Rating: 4.923418 out of 5
Keywords: Dozer, crawler, bulldozer, will it start, will it run, restore, reestoration, fix, diy, repair, british, heavy machine, machinery, farm, forestry, winch, engine, rebuild, vintage, old
Id: OaFCq-K4X-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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