[Vinesauce] Vinny - The Museum of Anything Goes

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It's a pig corpse, but it was badly decomposed and was put in a way where it was supposed to be a human.

Otherwise this game is surreal and was fun to watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MangaScraps πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 13 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

The corpse is blurred out on YouTube, have to find the twitch replay: https://www.twitch.tv/vinesauce/v/88921045

Its around 1:34:00

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/riccarjo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 13 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's all fun and games until Vinny goes dead silent

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WiffleHat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 13 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a strange experience. The sound effect and music choices were so unsettling.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/adakis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't want to watch almost 2 hours of this, anyone got like a greatest hits or something?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Logaline πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
the Museum of anything-goes and this is some hot garbage for you here on this Sunday on the Sunday stream you're gonna love it I'm running it in a virtual OS so for your pleasure for your pleasure for your Fraser let's do it well thank you for all the resub everyone so this is a museum if anything goes as a 1995 cd-rom game the resolution is amazing for your health Ralph [Music] like that look at those graphics [Music] it's so graphical oh [ __ ] copter [Music] you can turn right you can turn left you can step forward step backwards moving angle oh you can just click on you can move forwards you can go back you can go [ __ ] you so it's a real person in 1995 this was the future of video games real people real actors real life I'm gonna change the resolution a little bit yes so this is gonna be this is gonna be good this is gonna be good let me let me make this fullscreen for you yeah play with the illustration I've been told okay we're just gonna oh oh lady again why are you in an echo chamber it says I can go foe look at some pants than the guy in the middle holy [ __ ] you can almost tell that it's a 90s game just based on the [ __ ] clothing put war this music though [Music] the [ __ ] music is this [Music] like some some [ __ ] these are like voices that I do for the stream and they're in this cd-rom from 1995 Hey look me up you know I'm convinced it's just random it's just random [ __ ] that they filmed and put in a game that there doesn't seem to be anything more to it than that it's just random footage in a cd-rom and the game just closed so we're gonna try that again I guess the dive-bomber thing was too much and we don't need the introduction we already computer I'm a dive bomber take a look at me check out my game I just made the game a little louder Dalek I went there look what happened to me that was the skeleton so is the skeleton I don't understand is this a death Museum is this a spoopy game why is the man dead okay how about this this game is pretty much [ __ ] youtube poop before youtube poop that's horrifying like The Shining whoa hang on a sec that's yeah okay we're gonna do that again how about we just stop doing that I click on the dude and he went like he threw up a little bit why what he went so here's a map of the museum I guess and and okay I just clicked on the museum map and it took me away from it it's like terry gilliam from Monty Python when he was seven [Applause] yeah okay this is some kind of this is some kind of bad trip seriously I don't understand anything that's happening right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the music was pretty sick sick bro okay someone just overlaid a giraffe eating over a window Oh moment of silence everyone you know what to do Wow even on a 500 megabyte cd-rom the gifts in this game are 10 times worse than they were even 10 years ago holy [ __ ] no pakka oh my god isn't walking backwards in it [ __ ] I don't get but I don't understand what this the sound is why is this the sound is is like industrial I mean it is called the Museum of anything-goes but yeah that's that's like taking the concept a little far playing like really creepy weird sound effects over just like harmless little animal fellas I don't get it No who are you is this dream exhibition no audience productions well until today presents amateur night to be our virtual reality that is the question no question is the better question we will win we will fight for our right to win I could have been a contender if I only had a mind a mile oh don't think I wanted encore I think I'm good it really is anything goes Museum because that it should be called like nothing goes because I don't know is anything going hears that starfish oh I want you to turn the other direction so these are all exhibits here in the museum I guess you click on them and just just random wacky [ __ ] happens I'm also gonna assume that based on the fact that it's at authors early on that this game was made by a bunch of different people contributing all kinds of [ __ ] to it what what flowers just walking flowers I was almost a blues song I can't actually click on that so this painting if there's anything in this exhibit I'll never find out oh wait oh it's a heck no right right I have diagonal movement so this is now I can plant a garden it's like a little interactive like cd-rom kind of you know just just crazy inter interactive skeletons and children and gardening you can change the thing I guess this is probably really cool in 1995 then again we had some pretty awesome doom was out in 1995 well how would you guys rather do doom or the Museum of anything-goes I'm not entirely sure if if there's really a question here ok well the game crash is pretty frequently I was trying to plant plant some dank maymays in that garden he's right you know you go in there you die a little bit on the inside no I'd like to find more activities and Krash again this game crashes constantly I mean granted I'm running it in a dust box Windows 3.1 virtual OS so I'm not expecting like the best technology here but uh Wow like allow me to experience you Museum give me the experience you go you're ready to get experienced this is is this a slide puzzle it's not crashing you keep clicking outside the window oh and that just shuts the game all right I'll try not to click outside the window anymore and see if that doesn't if that doesn't work it's a very interesting function I missed the days where if you clicked outside of a window the game would crash well you can change the puzzle pattern so this is just puzzle so it's a [ __ ] duck puzzle you know is this ducks now it's a slide puzzle oh now it's my the bane of my existence the ever-popular slide puzzle every Halloween they gave slide puzzles out at my school and it was just like oh here here's here's torture for two hours enjoy yeah hang on see now we got I'm gonna make some kind of mutant duck of course back in these days if you didn't have a sound effect on every action you did then you weren't a real game you weren't a real ji so yeah this is um slender slender neck duck the body of like seven Ducks combined alright it's actually just more like too good all right well there's that so you get a puzzle that looks like a credit card speaking of which I wonder if this game tries to steal your I wonder if this is just an elaborate ruse for a game to steal your credit card information Hey look at me I'm a game check yeah oh [ __ ] there's another gorilla okay sometimes when you click outside the window it doesn't exit the game okay try echo child I don't know maybe well what's going on escape escape [Music] I guess we're just doing this now we're just gonna look at some top spinning tops it's like the end of inception except you never wake up pick one no escape escape thank you I'm good I'm good on that thanks babies I just don't know like if the target audience was babies I think it was I think it's babies so this is I assume yeah it's a trained minigame it's almost like that Teletubbies game I played target is stoners I don't think it was I mean this is 1995 we're talking about these the people that did the voice acting for this the kids and the adults are all 21 years older it's uh pretty crazy to think about that they're they're my age now probably the kids that if we hear any kids laughing they're probably about thirty now I was what I could have been one of these kids oh man now I feel old and it Harambee edge you if that's okay I'm sorry Harambee because I know everyone's gonna say it anyway as soon as I get to the gorilla so [Music] okay so I'm getting some mildly racist undertones [Music] use everywhere [Music] now we know where Skrillex got isn't is influenced Skrillex played this game as a kid and he knew from that day forward what he wanted to be some say he still plays this game the Museum of anything goes when he's live on stage DJing it's a clown I like clowns that clown looks a little murderous though I can't quite put my finger on it but this clown looks [ __ ] dangerous what am I supposed to like spell clown or something see L Oh clubs clubs clock buzz plasmic Claus book well I tried to spell clowns but it looks like I have to do the next best thing blocks some of these objects are interactive and some of them don't do anything just like real life you are real smart you hang on you know I have one more thing I have to do here I'm keeping my mouth shut wait what it's another puzzle but this one is extremely easy like this this doesn't even qualify necessarily as a puzzle does it it's just click until the proper image appears which in this case happens to be I mean usually you know this is 95 so the gorilla that everyone's thinking about is actually was not born yet so don't even play I don't even want to hear it is it Jumanji and I clicked outside of the window again good thing there's no progress as far as I'm aware there's no progress to be made [Music] like there's actually for a museum of anything-goes there's a whole lot of nothing to do you also have to be very precise with your movements and then again this was just point and clicks in general [Applause] getting murderous vibes from this music sorry sound effect slightly murderous wait a minute who was that I want a theme song a theme song the foots hell when I walk by someone can click me and hear it like a very it like you are now on your way up to the 95th floor of the John Hancock building in Chicago look at Chicago everyone this is how it works when you're in telescope just like this was that why is a gorilla booth by well there's a gorilla walking in this in the sky it was think we have all these new tools to make a game so let's do whatever the [ __ ] is possible just like he lives protect us [ __ ] [ __ ] myself oh my god okay this random gorilla for no reason [Music] what we're sorry for your inconvenience but this painting was confiscated by the powers that be we oppose all censorship and leave the space blank as a reminder that censorship still exists all over the world this is OK this game knows the future this this [ __ ] game is a reflection of our current time [Music] yeah no thanks go ahead and turn that off so where is this does anyone recognize this train line I was gonna say it kind of reminds me a little bit of I mean could be Chicago actually CTA everyone yeah I think it's the train headed to to the city hey you know I've been on this one the CTA yeah I was in Chicago that one time also reminds me of Boston two people scream and train start I was informed that that was a Minnesotan accent and you're telling me that not a single Minnesotan lives in Chicago for shame this games like sounds kind of make me queasy I don't know if that was intentional or not but uh yeah here's another cool one Oh couch monkey skull so it's just windows crash simulator again this game predicted like the future of so many things windows crashing censorship on YouTube a certain meme gorilla [Applause] those [Applause] code that's a really calm is it what the hell would you even call that looks like I'm back well that's exactly what it's supposed to be this kinda reminds me of the Star Trek next generation episode where they play the games like this game control device me there's a mind control device game that I did a little parody of for agario and the game is the name of the episode it kind of reminds me of that it's it's terrible you put a disc in a little cone by the way this came out one year after Star Trek The Next Generation ended so that's kind of insane to think about I don't know why I'm specifically comparing it to that but it's like they had a holodeck but yet in real life this is what we had like this is what if you gave me a blender or whatever 3d programmed is easily available I could probably learn how to do this in like five minutes these days but in 20 years ago this [ __ ] was probably really hard this was like blowing people's [ __ ] minds this is very nice don't egg me on the sing it twice Champa Champa Champa you're clicking around like your heads cut off chicken are they a chicken or the egg shut it down shut down theirs by their vile plumes popping out of eggs singing at me I don't like it cause it's [ __ ] roll it's [ __ ] raw this whole experience is rule to those of you not yet born but of the future holy [ __ ] this game really is predicting the future so that's many of you in chat anyone born after 1995 this is a message to you okay I was born 85 so let's let's this game is gonna give you a [ __ ] existential crisis now okay and to those not of the earth I am a primitive living in an age post religious pre immortal earthbound anxiety who can be content as just a link in the chain of evolution we found out we were wrong we found out the [ __ ] falling throng the fullest fittest survive is the whatever the fittest survive is the only call nature nature does not need us all as the only call period nature does not need us all whoa edge before edge predicting emo as well tear down walls this is the 90s summarize it's basically just a glimpse into the 90s and into the future of what people thought that the future would be after the 90 I don't know what what I'm even talking about anymore but simple twist of fate can lead you where you're going [Music] Chrono Trigger came out the same year as this where dreams died suddenly in the twelve-year-old mind by free-falling Freddie free-falling Freddie is currently 2 years older than I am if you're out there free-falling Freddie and you're watching the stream chances are that's not the case but if free-falling Freddie is watching the stream I'd like to say how does it feel to see your cringy 12 year old poetry being plastered all over the internet again dude it's like most of us have you know if we write this [ __ ] down it's it like locked away you know privately on a public live journal cuz he's free free fallin I'm just a vibration he says actually this is some of these thoughts are a little bit more than I expected from the 12 year old you know I thought the guys at least 14 spicy song I like I like this one better though I'm picking up good vibrations now there's also that kind of reminds me a little bit of that almost sounded somewhat like a parody of of another well-known song that I'd like to refer you to if you'll just give me a second here seriously though it reminded me a lot of it almost sounded like they were going for a Beatles thing I'm gonna play you like a second of the song I'm thinking about you my mute this [ __ ] all saying with the distortions all watch your fire presence please figure beyond the trees of Pollak recognition in facially burst inside out contrary to tradition I justify fresh [Music] I'm sorry about the skull trumpet yeah mute that pod we don't need that [ __ ] bod tear down the vod's mr. Gorbachev can someone get easy on the phone when he's got a new sample for his new album Christ this whole to twist chat the whole time has been the [ __ ] baby emoji just crying baby like since I started this [ __ ] game [Music] [Music] watch out watch out oh this is this is an incredible find person that sent me this you know who you are thank you so much I am damn the flow of time cyberpunks rule the floor please well sounds like that Nine Inch Nails song it was on the first song on with teeth who accept he I don't think Trent Reznor was going after every bass riff oh that almost did sound like that it's the time of the season dead letters lost memories I'm all shook up Elvis Elvis Elvis what a dream so far I got all his platters the guys are all jealous including Jimmy they say Mickey Mantle is cooler than the Big E starting an Elvis fan club you want to join Jim is taking me to the school hayride and to autumn fest my parents are constantly arguing about Ike and Stevenson neither of them compares to Elva what the [ __ ] am i reading i drank my first beer last week elvis is burning down more bridges dead people letters enough they're necessarily dead then again this is dated 1970 for everyone streaking at the U of I last weekend George Bob Michelle and I streaked across the quad we dumped our clothes by some tree and ran like hell the only problem is it some smartass frat guys took our clothes we had to run back to Michelle's place for cover her pad was the closest I never did get all my clothes back ones wondering when tricky dicky is going to quit the yes concert was a-ok I got stoned saw a reefer madness wait a minute I thought this was a [ __ ] game for kids they're talking about streaking and mr. ex-beatle I am he as you are me as wait a minute no you can't do that [Music] mr. lyric this is audio footage of when John Lennon was shot well he was shot I think um December you will not embarrass president-elect Reagan you will not lead demonstrations against our proposed agenda the people have spoken get your ass back to England ass they were trying to deport Lennon around this time well we will find a way to get rid of you legally or illegally this is your final warning the 60s are over it's our turn now citizens for a righteous tomorrow jesus [ __ ] christ what is this game no I'm a conscientious objector to the fighting in Europe this is a letter from 1918 being doused with small doses of various gases including mustard gun I don't know if these letters are real it's with peace and love dead letters are undeliverable mail in post officer terms oh that's interesting okay dead letters lost memories that's it's kind of interesting [ __ ] one more to letter last week the Germans launched an attack on our camp many of my friends were killed darling I don't know how to tell you this but the medics had to amputate my left arm those dirty mutts he's finally got me I caught like a caught in the machine-gun fire others won't be coming home at least I'm a lot what the [ __ ] kind of game is this who is this marketed towards I should be back in the States as soon as I recover good thing I don't Bowl left-handed it's happening things are really incredible out here it's wild parties every night beans Lovins acid parties I did LSD for the first time last week it was incredible floating in this giant psychedelic room an experience you've got to come out here everyone's so friendly including the women crashing at this chicks pad all summer until I have to move back in the dorm at Berkeley wish I could drop out of school and hang out here with but with Johnson continuing to bomb Vietnam I need my college draft deferment what do you think of the new Beatles album it's a bunch of cool groups around here do free concerts in Golden Gate Park come out here's plenty of places to crash definitely know Charlie Charlie Murphy what Charlie Manson this is um yeah hate haight-ashbury is Warner Brothers pictures collects that was very very very very very weird this whole thing this day but also fascinating genuinely to me at least did not expect to actually think a little bit during this okay I'm starting to think that yes this is in fact as people in chat are saying this is marketed maybe towards users of the psychedelic a variety of things I think I wasn't sure about it at first because I know there were kids that were involved in the making of this that much I know about it but now I am not so sure now I don't know what the [ __ ] to think [Applause] oh my god look at the outfit it is this guy escaping from a [ __ ] train he looks like the cups the 90s cup pattern really keep enough people entertained I also feel like we're like kind of like archaeologists of this game in a lot of ways too I doubt holy [ __ ] I'll just say I doubt a lot of people have played this ever like when it came out and even now especially now like I I would I would imagine there have been not been people that have played this or have thought about this game in years and then just some Rando emails means like Vinny you gotta try this out and then the download page on archive was pretty much like it was I think 80 people had seen it that's it so I really do feel like we're stepping into a weird like history like like like time capsule in video game form and this is fantastic [Music] [Applause] so that's it for mark Michaels everyone mister mock Michaels Thank You Mac Michaels thank you mock Michaels next up people walk in there you go a day of people watching near downtown Chicago on Saturday it's just a day of people watching that's it this is just life in 1995 look even the cars date the the [ __ ] these these pictures and video so you know obviously they all signed release forms right all of them okay now this this is a little sketch let's just keep the camera low very low [Music] you want to see an amazing [ __ ] video I'm gonna show you something that I had never seen before if you want to talk about an amazing historical document I got something if anyone who actually genuinely finds this as interesting as I do and this is only 21 years ago and yet things are still pretty noticeably different they're playing like animal music it's a parallel it's satire babby that that babby is now twenty like for [Music] you have some monkey sound effects why not go hi to [ __ ] now we got nothing else we got plenty of monkey so throw all on the track oh [ __ ] Beach cuz it's swimsuit god [ __ ] even everything the fashion you physically [Music] the resolution of the video is fantastic - Luther look at that resolution it's almost as if we were we were tricked into believing that all of this was the beach as well it really isn't [Music] [Applause] [Applause] to preserve space with these uncompressed bitmaps they just have these tiny little like to frame a second gifts and the lowest resolution possible chunky yes [Music] all right this needs to be analyzed too much pain are you [ __ ] serious this is a dude giving CPR it's like they filmed they candidly filmed someone who is on the ground getting CPR someone who chose choking or fainted or at a heart attack and then just place your shitty music over it [Music] I bet this is what a lot of you thought red box would sound like I feel like this sounds like a Talking Heads parody song TV headmen pays a high price for your entertainment y'all [ __ ] heavy that TV was on his head Eric Andre would later see this and develop his own show almost twenty years later [Music] too much pain that's but that's basically my reaction to this whole game too much pain okay since that was so fascinating just the people watching aspect of this I'd like to show you a little something I know we do a lot of silly things on Sunday but I think take a brief moment to show you something very very interesting I think I put it my favorites hang on got it so the sound is a reproduction but this is video footage surprisingly good video footage from 1906 April 14th 1906 this is just a few days before the earthquake and fire destroyed this market in San Francisco Market Street so four days before the San Francisco earthquake which which almost basically lost this entire footage but yeah the sound is a recreation I think the footage was stabilized but but check this out this is footage from over a hundred and ten years ago and this is astounding the frame rates are at jerky you know the footage is more or less stabilized I think on the building all the way at the end and this is like this is like 12 minutes of just this and getting closer to the building at the very end which I don't know what kind of building though I think the Ferry Building it was but yeah I mean look at all the different modes of transportation there's there's horse-and-buggy there's early Mata Mobile's that people just walking around there's trolleys I mean you'll see carriages you'll see it's amazing also you'll notice that there's no [ __ ] rhyme or reason when it comes to crossing the street people are just just darting into the street like did the automotive rules were not established yet and people just did not give a single [ __ ] 110 years ago there's very few people probably on a few hands that you could count people that are still alive or maybe just one hand but yeah this is you can see the footage is all like splice and a lot of recreation but yeah they basically again the audio this is not legit audio listen how clear it is I mean that's a it's it's for its it's a fakery it's in jail but it does add a little bit of atmosphere to the to the footage I'm gonna skip around a little bit like you'll see a number of people that look like they're just about to die and get hit by things like here this look at this kid right like what are you doing dude and yeah all of this was destroyed in the earthquake in the fire so this is especially like incredible footage in my opinion I watched this whole thing and I was just like my mouth was just totally like my jaw was wide open it was amazing dude just on a horse look at this look at this can [ __ ] guy look at this [ __ ] right here what's going on here what we dude please stop standing in the middle of the road also that dude just got in there I don't you saw that he just jumped in I wonder if he even knew that person that's a fun that's a fun one right there that's a fun near-collision at a whopping 10 miles an hour and the whole time this fairy building gets closer tarp child just so yeah I just I would recommend this for anyone who's just curious about what life was like a hundred and ten years ago the fact that the footage is this good was I didn't I didn't realize we had footage that looked like this from that long ago and I just found it to be fascinating [Music] this [ __ ] garment like that is the definition of varmint look he's picking his nose the cop preserved forever don't worry future generations centuries from now won't be watching you pick your nose mr. cop so yeah just a little something that I thought you guys might some of you would find pretty interesting I loved it and here's another thing that many more of you will find more interesting oh look look it's a skull playing a trumpet if you want to see that video it's called a trip down if go to youtube type a trip down Market Street 1906 the one that I've just played says with new footage it's by Mike Upchurch so check that out if you ever want to really take a good look at that at that footage it's great I love it so let's continue the Museum of anything goes it's not a hundred and ten years ago but it's it's certainly it's almost a document somebody shot you said this is like YouTube before YouTube was a thing yeah it really is it's like I said before it's like YouTube poop and just a weird concentrated form [ __ ] weird men I made a death coaster once I don't know some of you guys might have seen it so we got dead letters I think we got everything in here so we got another section of this museum I think it's really [ __ ] hard to navigate you could probably you can probably see that but why hey you kids that's not the way to go in there just defying the laws of physics just like I like it here we've done giraffe guy okay what's this what is that I gotta find out like right now oh it's more animals they took a trip to the zoo in Chicago I'd assume and they just filmed a bunch of [ __ ] quick we need a game throw some [ __ ] in there and then to chain when we sold 15 copies wrapped up in a blanket a little nappy a little tense phasing sounds like an airplane it's a Google deep dream before deep dream was a thing or just like shitty early filters all right tell you what from a distance it doesn't look necessarily like this guys trying to start this vehicle it looks like he's trying to impregnate the vehicle that's just my opinion vo filters is so cool you get punched in the mouth if you release a gift like this these days [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm already bored I'm already bored next goof around or meet friend [Music] hi just because you should doesn't mean you should [Music] just when you feel like you're getting someplace just when you feel like you know you might be able to like [ __ ] see something cool the gift reverses 1906 had better better video quality than this [ __ ] something tells me meet friend will would be equally as disappointing [Music] they have to hide how small the resolution has to be so they just hide it in another picture [Music] that made the music for this game so so happy to make the music every ounce of his music just screams enthusiasm I like that okay that was Brian Boitano skating by Chicago take river trip from downtown Chicago to star for Rock Illinois 90 miles what a surprise that's the route we're going downriver [Music] okay I know this walkway been on that [ __ ] or one of them at least [Music] [Applause] Starved Rock you sure it's not called shaved rock [Applause] [Music] so here Bob [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] yeah my senses don't know how to process this information [Music] Bridge River bridge opener the future of video games this yeah you can press a button and open the bridge yourself it's much more better than in movies it's interactive bond the kids love it it's almost like Donkey Kong music but cranky Kong is gonna give me advice on how not to do drugs [Music] it's me your old pal funky coffee we're gonna get bodacious you want to go down the river take a barrel ride you have to shaped rock to be bodacious bro it's like we didn't know what else to do so we just spew eyes the picture whatever [Music] the boat boat the boat is on fire again oh they found a UFO nice but why the animal stampede noises can they have found some more appropriate sound effects for this I don't think they knew how to make this work this is like what are we gonna put here just put some sounds but we need but we're gonna we're on a boat going down a river yeah dude Multimedia that means you can do multiple things of each media it doesn't matter [Music] the UFO otherwise known as bird yes chat member thank you remember anything goes anything goes dude Charlie you're right we're gonna be rich shitty Charlie Kelly impression pull the graphics [Music] why war music [Music] I've I've had enough I'm sorry but I'm fun but hey we made it yay shoes just ignore the psychedelic ice skater you're looking out your window at Twin Peaks san Francisco's highest point you can journey up there by clicking the correct next row at next direction at each stop [Music] apparently people go up there to have sex according to a member in chat you know no no but no sex but that was that was annoying the [ __ ] out of me tell you that much Kelly Moran where's Tanya Harding this is the 90s right [Music] getting something weird let's say your own Depeche Mode oh god I hope I'm right I hope it was Depeche Mode or not and I'm trying to blank but he sounds a little bit like that [Music] yeah Depeche Mode that seems dangerous don't stay in the street [Music] yeah it does sound a little bit like Depeche Mode to me that dude obviously you know shitty Depeche but that's ok we're all shitty from time to time I forgive you you forgive you take off your sins you're now naked you have no sins and no clothes you wish to continue yes or knows holy [ __ ] [Music] there's a thousand things that go through my mind when I see that but the only one more saying is work [Music] ding ding dong he's 35 cents please ding dong bell hey you kid I think I got just about everything let's find out it's this one I don't even remember if I did this there's so much abstract [ __ ] in this game I mean in this interactive multimedia anything-goes experience that I wouldn't even really [ __ ] know the fish needs to be fed is this a game how easy it's almost a game there was an attempt at a game here holy [ __ ] you have to click it just before the fish goes to touch it be frustrating testes I missed the rooms in the back no I most certainly did these rooms these you mean yeah I've done those I'm gonna check the map though let's see if I missed anything oh yeah I did I did miss a bunch of ones so you'll notice here that there's another [ __ ] hallway altogether so there's the middle we did both of these big rooms and then there's some little rooms and another more interesting area oh wait hang on I won't hear this guy again puke now go for the big dog hey you kids okay so here it is I didn't even know this these were rooms but here we go hi deals for cd-roms we decided to pass on virtual gram on me the Mayo Clinic patients who didn't survive erotica two dimensional stimulation for one-dimensional minds the big market don't laugh spaceship warjack the irish wort sniggers story space marines became a huge thing in the current year seven hundred and seventy-seventh guests lost on missed island [Music] Disney characters who never made it to the big screen he's like a fire attempting stand up hide someone once said to me Mike you think the world who files around you and I answered only when I'm standing at the North Pole but says his name is marquis at that eggs are high in cholesterol and chicken is low I had so many books overdue from the library they told me to stay home and start my own branch humans drinking cow milk that's like horses drinking sheep milk she loves basketball cuz she's always on the rebound I usually go where I want we need some quotations please around the word Hamish gravity's got control over me to the eyepiece missing I feel like 20 years ago this would have been me I have a lot of empathy for this guy and this is just this is just cd-rom vine sauce everyone Steve Brule mixed in for good measure here some [ __ ] yeah that that's something that happens from time to time like I said luckily there's no sense of progression so you can just get back to where you were like Jojo who got back to where he once belonged I spent a year of my life tutoring sixth graders at grey elementary school in Chicago it was quite a rewarding experience most of the children were a joy to work with some of them could really challenge you with the sense of humor and by treating them as equals I managed to survive the Chicago Public School System is generally regarded as one of the worst in the country there was one Mac lc2 computer for 37 students in this classroom do you think that's gonna prepare them for the next century there's obviously a lack of resources and a lack of funding the Chicago Public School System you could throw around all the numbers that you want but to me these children are real people whose futures I actually care about who are now older than all of us some of them morphs kids morphing into other kids [Music] okay Warren my name is dalarna Garlin and I'm 11 years old okay how long you been going to school how long first exceeding six years just go one year this school how long you been here seven years I only go to school wait so you died but you weren't bad enough for hell and you're not good enough for heaven so the saint of killers send you to purgatory where your fate is to wander this museum's hallways for ten thousand years what do you do where do you go do you do you listen to all the interviews it's purgatory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the news witness it sounds like Steve Rose really does sound like real music [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice to hear the wrong crank berlin's go on the bro Danny NZ healthy [Applause] the Badlands in South Dakota [Music] [Applause] Tropius [Music] [Applause] you gotta find your humor you gotta find the things that make you happy right now the way steve brule pronounces words is making me very happy welcome to Scotland's ears a proper enjoy [Music] so good and then you go to Egypt [ __ ] Sphinx in the catacomb [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crying's [Applause] here's Egypt's we have snake charmers [Music] [Applause] there's a video that's too small for you to see and if it wasn't hard enough for you to see the video we're gonna move it around the screen in a nauseating fashion another thing that do not enemy Cameron and don't think he wanted to be found [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so something crazy is happening someone told me that they googled this game and that this live stream right now was the third result they're not lying [Applause] that actually is a thing that Google is working [ __ ] fast okay I've had enough of that music I have to say I have to save that music somehow I need to I need a clip of that so that I can just every now and then play it does anyone want to get in on that it's just a shitty maze welcome to the Mario's rainbow ride part of Mario 64 okay thanks for that [Music] looks like a [ __ ] like weird tesseract nipple [Music] I don't like it that is the think I want that at all just [ __ ] an egg amazing the if I reviewed this game in 95 I believe the headline would have something like unbridled creativity I feel it in my bones I'm gonna catch you oh [ __ ] scoot oh I'm gonna catch you run they're dead now they've died moment of silence for the children I know what you guys want I know what you want you want to hear that music again then click this button if you want to see someone fall out of the sky [ __ ] yes now look what you've done you must now attend his funeral he's dead he is actually dead but first you must dig a grave what the [ __ ] this is [Music] far out man like deaf is such a trip and I really dig it and it's the old man is not the useless feeling this kind of like cool that's been you know like I like it this guy sense of humor is so [ __ ] weird [ __ ] christ this janitor died with cancer of the brain [Music] it's got dark [Music] it's got so dark this is like the full gamut of life like there we just saw birth with like there's some really deep [ __ ] happening here we saw this birth there's like innocence there's children there's animals there's traveling there's death I mean everything is covered you should I don't know skydiving accident when our parachute failed to eject her husband Richard was responsible for packing the chute holy [ __ ] that's dark [Applause] I don't know how to feel right now this game is is depriving me of my emotions whatever you do don't click the grave you'll be sorry what spooky skeleton [Music] oh my god that's a dead body get me yet the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] with that educational I need a minute I'm gonna I'm gonna need a minute [Applause] oh my god this cave just got so [ __ ] Wow this game got [ __ ] dark this took like a trip into the downer dimension this is probably let you all know I've never played this before [Music] why was i sat down here why am I being punished [Music] what do you like I think it's time for me to leave this museum this museum of farts that this whole area is just gross and then there's this guy a flying [ __ ] donut poop mound well it's time to leave the museum I'm pretty sure we've seen just about everything anyway so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go ahead and leave oh wait no wait I can't leave because there's a lady in the way the museum was designed is simply a place to explore no smoking is a lot of the premises the museum the museum was the museum was designed in our second I've been I've been told I know you guys are done with this [ __ ] I know some people are more done than other people but this person it's not them okay the more you know [Applause] [Music] the museum is a horrible place that you should never bring your children or anyone you should probably just leave them as museum and and never come back [Music] the [ __ ] navigation in this game is terrible well it's pretty much there is one more room down that way you see that I think we're gonna just yeah after this hallway I don't think I'm gonna spend too much more effort getting to that hallway or it's that part of the game you know I think we're done think we're done I can't I can't even [ __ ] get out of this I could just close the game I could I could I'm drawn to this the idea of the final room you know what I mean I can't like just but this is this is just this goes no way the navigation is so shitty oh wait wait a minute hang on a second yeah it looks like looks like that's I don't think there is a final room or a final window or whatever I think it's it's pretty much over I figure we [ __ ] come this far may as well see it through we've already been through so much you know for a little while I was in this game's corner for like a short period of time yeah this is the final room it's nothing it's just a spooky skeleton man Vinnie your button fun there's a button hang on I have a little bit of a spiel I wanna say about this game and then but people saw a button this is where the birds were students pretty [ __ ] morbid sense of humor unexpectedly so what button did you guys see there were two buttons I'm gonna catch you I think we're done now so if you guys saw buttons they would have been over here but I don't think they blend into the wall you're not talking about this stuff right tiny square on the wall you sure it's just not like a graphical error I mean I'm not sitting close enough to the screen to really see well I'll tell you what you're gonna you're probably gonna have to when you said it they blend into the wall it was in front of you it was right there under the torch Finn do you mean this [Applause] I've passed it so many times okay I'm I'm now sitting up I'm no longer reclining in my chair I'm gonna find this [ __ ] button I don't know what you're talking about if navigation wasn't horrendous in this stupid game okay now I'm back here there's a dead end and a tiny square button okay okay we're looking more birds so that's not where the button was correct near the flesh fish this went from Vinny turned the game off immediately - Vinny you need to touch the button left of rainbowroad this oh [ __ ] oh you guys are right the [ __ ] no Doris me I really didn't see that when I was leaning back I couldn't see that at all that's a really surprisingly good eye you're watching you is this the end of the game was it worth it I don't know if it was worth it there's a second button yeah I'm not I'm not entirely sure this this button business is worth it skeleton again my curiosity is gonna get the best of me if I don't press this [ __ ] button though escape yeah I might just escape there's another dead end yeah there's there's a button there there's a dead end here there's the other button okay got it out of order it's the Willy Wonka's elevator we're gonna go to the top of the Chocolate Factory through the roof and the glass elevator and then I can shut this [ __ ] game off forever yeah this this was this game was cool at first the island of dune mystery intrigue isolation where there's nothing to do and nothing ever happens coming soon to a cd-rom dealer near you be sure it's not just a coming attraction for this game sale or jail they're just a fake game slickers the student is astounding sense of humor [Music] my finger well as far as I'm concerned that's the end of the game so that's it everyone yeah post-mortem of anything goes Museum in all seriousness it was definitely an interesting historical document in in the sense that we saw some footage from the 90s and we saw some just weird stuff we saw a lot of the pitfalls of 90s cd-rom development we saw skeletons and weird [ __ ] and then there was a something that we really I didn't I didn't want us to see I definitely wasn't hoping to see something like that I thought it was a kids game that was a game for kids and then oh what's this the guy is dead and then you have to go attend his funeral yes so that that was [ __ ] completely unexpected I guess what I guess I have to give a disclaimer from now on or I'll just say one disclaimer now it's that if you watch me play trash just keep you know an idea open that may be some horrible [ __ ] could happen so totally unexpected totally bizarre the tone of that game was all over the [ __ ] place there was like drug humor there were stuff for kids there was planting a garden there was going on virtual tours there was weird like stand-up a guy talking about how much he liked to teach the kids in his class and could you imagine his students like playing this game and finding that room it's like I mean part of me I'm not too disturbed you know I have a pretty I can deal with it but at the same time I also feel like well if I was like a twelve-year-old playing this game how the [ __ ] would I react to it then you know it is maybe educational it's not like it was the context of it was weird it wasn't it wasn't like some grave robbers came along in the middle of the night no it was that's what happens to cadavers you know it's a medical thing it is a clinical thing it's a job for some people fair enough but still did we need that in that game it's a shame that that one moment had to sully an otherwise very interesting and bizarre and surreal experience but yeah the dude who made that definitely did not have a proper grasp on what might make a good tonally sound game in my opinion but yeah it's it's what it was weird it was a museum anything [ __ ] goes you know that's how you make money Charlie Kelly made it so anyway I'm gonna get this next thing it wasn't a human corpse apparently was an animal people are saying it was uh was a pig so I mean fair enough it's it's what it is I suppose it happened but I'm going to now switch to something that might be a little bit more familiar and also somewhat unfamiliar at the same time it's Mario Super Mario World randomized which I think you guys will enjoy I've been looking forward to this so give me a few minutes I will be right back with the Mario World randomized stream and then after that I have corruptions some good ones on a new version of the realtime corruptor that is more stable and quicker than ever it looks like it's gonna be a good corruption night so stick around and I will see you guys in just a few minutes whoa just a few minutes my charlie voice is getting closer to Mickey Mouse whoops it's always been Mickey Mouse what a surprise be right back
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 198,027
Rating: 4.9390244 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, The Museum of Anything Goes, 1995, Michael Markowski, Maxwell S. Robinson, Windows 3.1, Macintosh, Mobygames, Wayzata Technology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 25sec (6445 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2016
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