[Vinesauce] Vinny - Corruption Stockpile: Real-Time Corruptor v3.0 (part 17)

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so this is the real-time corruptor made by ear clues are and well I'm gonna wing it we had some issues I figured out some of them they figured out most of them thank you guys you know who you are and Erik Lazar was kind enough to make me a version of the RTC that doesn't resize the window so we can get a really good you know consistent corruption experience here on the stream a more pleasurable gaming and corruption experience so I'm very excited to check this out we're gonna start with some stockpiles and then we're gonna do mario 64 nightmare mode which will just be done live it'll be all corruptions live mario 64 corruptions and I have a little guide on how to make that happen and it's not too complex but it should be it should be interesting I mean it's not like the Chaos Edition where everything was programmed in there this is just the corruption takes over the game and creates a totally random and unpredictable experience and that's only possible with RTC 3.0 which you know the longest for the longest time the big challenge was how do we get stable n64 corruptions well by god I don't know how Phil did it but he did it why don't we start with [Music] on second thought maybe not okay earthbound nice colors and you know what we get rid of a mouse there yeah see if I can decrease the window a bit yeah all right so this is um a stockpile by smelly feet you have I've happen there good good good good so keep in mind the corrupters also just better overall like the whole experience is better which means corruptions for anything our bet okay look at that look at that [ __ ] crow face he knows he shitposting when you combine music the face of the crow and the text it's a really good experience I recommend you do that so yeah a lot of these corruptions are are in fact but princess pretty clean space I don't think this is regular Mario Brothers you don't get the princess but you get consolation turtle so it's a really good prize for second place you could maybe you know maybe the princess just didn't quite work out let's see resize some stuff okay so the window we're gonna have to figure out on the fly keep in mind by the way this isn't going to be a 100% glitch free experience on my end this could be a pain in the ass it's a brand-new corruptor and there could be some problems there could be some down moments there was a stockpile that didn't quite work unfortunately before so you know that plus epilepsy warning and all that so I haven't played this game yet [Music] but I'm assuming the title wasn't supposed to just die like that [Music] huh a corps accepted the rum but through an exception while loading it hmm see that doesn't work the mario world corruptions don't worry way way way way way oui oui I think I may have a way around this hang on it's gotta load up a backup configuration so we're already we're already running into problems the new crash sound well there's there's a couple of choices you have for the crash sound now that's funny got a minute let me get rid of that stuff okay alright so I had to load his settings that's a whole different story sometimes the things don't work but you can load the settings whoa whoa alright maybe this will work it works the name of this corruption is racist Mario not clickbait now I don't know what I don't know what to say about this I feel like it's clickbait smelly feet I would argue that this is in fact quite clickbait tea and that you know exactly what you're doing oh my god we can't we can't we can't do this 9/10 doe does not do stuff like this come on yo she's house we're gonna we're gonna find Yoshi it says kind of having a control issue hmm Wow blood Yoshi there's water in the sky Mario hang on we had an issue here with them hmm Oh sir I don't like it rebind the controls and and something weirds happening happening here let's let's see okay no no no we're good we're good and this is also consider this this is after like an hour and a half to two hours of troubleshooting so why this is B I don't know why the controls just want to keep adding more buttons on top of previously established buttons that wasn't happening before but okay okay much better okay now I can play the game so it's pretty good pretty good just a bloody Yoshi some good sounds and I'm not really into it so that's why we have to [ __ ] it up with a couple of manual blasts our old pal Emmanuel blast is back and he's harder than ever let's see let's let's add some some extra magic to this okay I think I went a little bit too far I can no longer control Mario and that was absolutely uneventful all right next [Applause] psychedelic Mario they don't I don't understand how did I just take damage more than once we're at like terminal [ __ ] 9.7 remember it's like warp from Star Trek you can't go faster than warp 10 unless you turn into a lizard in corruptions terminal 10 means everything is [ __ ] and lizard like and that's that you can't come back from that so this is like nine point seven now I know you're waiting for the n64 corruptions and there's plenty we'll get to them in a bit that's horrendously loud so here's some pokemon yellow corruptions let me show you the dance of my people look they get to dance together that's nice dancing changes the world it makes everyone happy memes wants to fight trust me that's not part of the corruption oh my god what the [ __ ] although is the pay oh my god I forgot pokemon yellow had limited sound ability like samples and stuff that's just so wrong SEC people from the [ __ ] depths of hell a peek arises [Music] but I didn't press anything item I am absolutely not understanding what's happening here okay hello Professor Oak it's closed right oh my god what are you doing to me Professor Oak what the [ __ ] [Music] oh my god Oh make it stop [Music] from the [ __ ] ninth circle of oblivion comes Pikachu yeah no no no no we're not doing anymore that pokemon crystal centric lit AF while you're just like you're just loading up the memes into these corruptions aren't you hello fellow kids it is I vine sauce with your hip meme corruptions good music though well it's not often we get a visit from a [ __ ] arcade game but yeah here's here's here's pac-man playing playing himself I actually mean that because I can't control pac-man okay Mega Man 3 Wow what year are they [ __ ] making Mega Man from oh that was the Atari version I apologize the Atari version of pac-man hard man I can't I can't deal with it sh to dome an now this this would be his online handle no Adel man is pretty cool too and just man I like man and snake these are really good these are really good villains in the Mega Man universe but well what do you want okay for those who are curious I have not seen the new Star Trek show yet I haven't exactly been looking forward to it but I'm planning on watching it sometime this week I'll talk to you about it after I see it I guess don't want to get that CBS all access going though I'm going to avoid that like a [ __ ] plague nice [Music] ready yeah the default bindings for this are garbage I have a button that presses two buttons at the same time I don't understand this like these are the worst by the jump button is B and the shoot button is X on the Xbox controller luckily this is only corruptions but I'm not gonna spend my time rebinding these only for them not to get saved just seems like a waste of time [Music] Vinny should sell corruption and seizure glasses what like the Eclipse glasses bank alright I'm a big fan of manky he's from Manchester he went to school with Carl he listens to Oasis he [ __ ] loves Manchester United [ __ ] loves them you've got a wank the monk I'll tell you defeat the boss boop-boo-boo-boop [Music] ok thanks music AB calm this is very interesting [Music] I don't think I've ever quite seen a corruption like this where the [ __ ] level select turned into a goddamn soundcheck dick Megaman oh my god this is I can't I can't figure out I can't figure out what's happening but [ __ ] hey you may remember this ah look at sus spoo glob Leo the newest brother Mario's early years oh one of his younger brothers specop leo hi how you doing a fuller waluigi joins the fray negative Yoshi's also here to stay for there was not a sound throughout the house not even a toad or a dead mouse by you are you [Music] [Music] [Music] no no needles music what are we learning or have you learned are you smart yet do you know your ABCs [Music] that's not a key nice [ __ ] Shepherds tone we've got here [Music] Wow if I go left it goes right up if I go if I try to just go right it goes right up nice keybindings nice default key bindings we've got here this is really really good really good I love the song hey can we get a can we get that again please crashing is gonna be so much more fun now all right up I have to rebind some stuff priority no I do this I feel like this was easier not too long ago to rebind controls now have to press escape alright so these you know it's a new thing it's not my old corruptor it's a new version of the RTC which is causing a bit of problem a bit of commotion okay let me save settings hopefully that saves and we can bag bag bag bag bag bag okay just a second before we get back to the lovely music gotta do some more control configuration bag bag [ __ ] off bag bag bag bag bag [Music] well we will he went terminal 10 everything became lizards and it happened it finally happened what so that's an optional crash noise for anyone who was curious about that let me see if I can get a window size here that would be the window size just keeps defaulting back so let me figure this out okay so we'll go for all right cut dammit nope now the window size does not stay so that's a little bit of a problem I have to resize every single time there's a crash you know this was kind of like I knew there would be some trouble shooting live on stream but that's definitely something that is not very stream friendly which is um figuring out the window size with corruptions this has always been an issue pretty much since the beginning [Music] yeah it spin dong [Music] now this is called super physics car [Music] [Music] oh whoa well whoa [ __ ] okay and even here now the controls are kind of weird start I need to start to be the start button please so I can [Music] guess we'll do that again [Music] put the [ __ ] [Music] I always knew the Mushroom Kingdom was totally underwater hang on okay I'm just gonna do some more configuration hopefully this would be a one-time thing L&R there's something wrong with Elinor right shoulder okay [Music] I just want to see maybe if it's possible nope [ __ ] it a shadow mode oh my oh my god wait a minute whoa all right this one's called ultimate mirror mode and everything is reversed holy [ __ ] okay we got [ __ ] driving backwards I'm driving backwards against my own [ __ ] will told that's where toad is toad is upside down oh my god yeah this is the only real way you play Mario Kart if anything lower than this and you know what the [ __ ] you're doing telling you you got to play on ultimate mirror mode for the ultimate challenge [Music] okay this loop this one doesn't work that's a shame okay I guess I just have to restart it's called Luigi Kart 64 I mean it sounds great right this is still not exactly a science is it it's close but still no cigar for a lot of stuff so this is Luigi Kart 64 okay this is pretty good [Applause] it was worth it it was worth the reset [Music] where are we going Luigi maybe the better question is where are you going how did you get a start [Music] where's the [ __ ] Omari welp never never mind we're going for a swim again supergravity card is name of this one why is it so loud oh my [ __ ] god [Applause] [Music] oh yeah there you go that explains a lot oh okay we're pumping we're pumping for some reason I can't jump like I haven't been able to at all [Music] okay like what you know Wacky Races with dick dastardly and muttley it's like that so yeah the window keeps keeps scaling down the ouija spinning again this one's called Vinny gets first place I'm excited the windows [ __ ] I got I haven't pressed a button yet so I don't know if I'm actually going to get first place no no I'm not getting first place but dong is going [ __ ] mental [Music] hang on try again [Music] okay this is new this isn't it's just a close-up of dung I I don't know why this is called vide gets first place it has nothing to do with that [Music] okay this one's called links short adventure yep just insta-death okay it's an Earthbound one I'm getting an error where's that where's the crash button one of the things I liked about the previous version was there's a button that you could press that would just restart the thing and I'm not getting that now I don't know where that is right it goes away actually it seems to just go away weird show me what you got yes only a few people know your amazing courage [Music] this is what I got there's no way the cops are gonna keep us after that oh my oh my god I guess this is what I got an RTC hit settings auto kill switch okay I see I'm still still learning some of this stuff too [Music] cool so this is that classic Silver Surfer game [Music] reptile huh I guess we just keep going terminal 10 that's the only it's the only answer I have this [ __ ] game man [Music] I hate this game so much Oh Doug [ __ ] stop my left ear [Music] [Music] [Music] this one's called dingdong country no it's not okay now it is this reminds me of the classic days gonna be like an hour of DKC corruptions per week the giggle fits that I experienced during Donkey Kong Country corruptions I don't think we'll ever be matched [Music] this one's called space the final frontier [Music] yep these are the voyages of the starship Dom its continued to continuing mission to provide giggle fits to [ __ ] your ears to boldly poke where no dong has poked before this is some nice [ __ ] hot caramel Oh run go away Mario run away you run away the corruption is coming [Music] these [ __ ] corruptions are getting more and more deadly [Music] why would you listen to them Mary [Music] they sealed the monsters so yeah this is like yeah Mario Brothers I don't have anything interesting or witty to say it's Mario Brothers the birth of shadow Mario later to show up in Super Mario Sunshine marry open why do I have fire flower I'm a [ __ ] baby shadow I'm a Bab crew shadowfied ooh I have fire what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] good good I mean I've seen it all if I'm not like exploding into giggle Fitz's because I've seen so very many types of corruptions for this game in particular but I mean you never know you never know you might there might be something amazing hidden somewhere in here one play or like you know Mario dying on the title screen [Music] this one's called jumping corrupts more [Music] yep a [ __ ] corrupted Bowser just came out of a questionmark block so yes I'd say that is very accurate yes yep yep can we see the Bowser thing again oh come on I've never been more frustrated with a corruption there you are Bowser Bowser is dead about Bowser was a turtle Bowser was just a regular Koopa [Music] anyway this marks the what the [ __ ] I'm not controlling this I did not control that but yeah this marks the fourth week in a row I've done corruptions it hasn't been like this in a while but I mean there's there's been a lot of good stuff happening in the corruption world so to speak Hardware corrupters GameCube corruptions brand-new corruptor [Music] all you had to do was see the [ __ ] front of Dracula's castle that was too much for Simon Belmont he gave up right then in there oh [ __ ] is this a sylvania holy [ __ ] [Music] if you were here in the early days you would know that there was [ __ ] up corruption called a Sylvania which was just an infinite corruption machine this is almost that it's [ __ ] back [Music] you're a video of it oh yeah I think I do have a video of it just when you thought it was over there it is there's a Sylvania that's why it's called a Sylvania meanwhile all Konami has to do is release this exact thing and they would make millions but they're they're busier with pachinko and a Sylvania pachinko machine confirmed I actually figured out there was like a trick to this when the screen turns gray you're not okay so I figured out that there was a trick where if you just walked a couple steps [Music] you get some very interesting music [Music] all right well I'm gonna move on from this in a second because there are plenty of other corruptions [ __ ] gameboy advance one yep yep it's exactly the Game Boy Advance Monkey Ball please no 15 frames a second or less even when it's not corrupted dear God this is the ultimate Monkey Ball challenge where there's all this [ __ ] on the screen to distract you fewer fine I'm like kind of determined to complete this level at least I can't I can't actually do this with the controls and the frame rates being the way they are holy [ __ ] god damn it deprive me of my victory oh [ __ ] i-i-i tries desperately to fight against the black hole the void but succumbs to its influence nonetheless Jesus [ __ ] so this is um doom for the Game Boy Advance at little do you know this isn't even actually corrupted man everyone [ __ ] shits on Skyrim for being ported to everything but Doom is literally on calculator [Music] it's cycling through all the sound effects but they're just getting worse it sounds like a seal having a [ __ ] intense glitchy orgasm oh my god it's going through miscellaneous data and converting it to audio this is that's what that's what's happening Wow that's good stuff though and here's the Super Nintendo version of doom which looks even crustier worse my score man listen to that drum listen to that snare drum sounds like st. anger whoa what the [ __ ] this is the calculator version of doom like how the [ __ ] is this even in the corruptor howhow is this possible ti-83 it's the ti-83 version of doom I can't I can't do anything with this it just immediately crashes let me reboot it mmm cleared I don't know if that's a good thing okay I'm ready to start doom now I died wow I had one of these [ __ ] calculators I used to play fall down or something but yeah this is unplayable anyway this is the PlayStation version of doom I know the resolution here is god-awful while this is like so much better than the SNES version even corrupted this is better than the default Super Nintendo version of doom I actually completed a level so the name of this corruption is fittingly non-euclidean to him non-euclidean geometry yeah it's pretty good that okay so there you go you might know this game you might you might recognize this game good [ __ ] good part of those effects good carpal tunnel syndrome all right link builds speed for 12 hours oh but this kind of power link is undefeatable except for [Music] dammit hey whoa whoa where's this me topia a [ __ ] mage cast a spell on link sword to make it massive I think the sword is vibrating so fast that it's lifting him off the ground somewhat like a helicopter [Music] a link got raptured I didn't I was waiting for it I was in Asbury Park yesterday watching The Pixies I was like well now's a good time if I'm gonna get raptured do it now and then I can eat the sock from wherever where do you go after rapture heaven reverse rapture would probably occur for me for the likes of me but that's okay reverse rapture is something like eating a sock anyway smash brothers mirror mode nice Deutz tone deaf dudes [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just good oh that's happening here it's happening again link is 100% untouchable and Kirby Kirby is just a bunch of floating body parts so this is some yeah this is smash five here it is open low angles it's a lot of wings you got there starfox what the [ __ ] kind of link is playing the ocarina for the soundtrack how nice of him are you are you are you you know of a body okay these are good n64 corruptions [Music] [Music] Wow yep they spin that's how they do oh [ __ ] it's playable kind of it's like a double arwing like stacked I'm gonna double down from KFC you know you know what I'm talking about the thing that instantly kills you when you eat it this reminds me of that how nice good moves slippy good moves I'd never saw someone pull off a reverse hover technique we're entering corneria putting out good lasers I'm actually shocked that this is playable I mean it's it's not that funny but it's playable there's upside-down lasers ships are doing weird fucked-up things I mean that's that's a barrel roll right there amazing [Music] some of these controls are not bound properly I don't know you want me to do pep-pep secret this one's called the penultimate part one there's an exception we might have to restart it auto kill switch stopped working so the auto kill switch function it immediately crashes as soon as I load it so there might need to be some hot fix for that yeah apparently this one's gonna take while to load but it's it's also saying core except at the ROM but through an exception while loading it so something's wrong we're gonna have to restart use detached mode actually I did I started it in detached mode whatever the [ __ ] that is okay so we do this we load again so just load the settings and again there's a number of stockpiles from a bunch of different people that work with corruptions like some of the people that have submitted some of the best corruptions have submitted corruptions tonight for this brand-new corruptor that finally makes n64 corruptions not only possible but like really good like previous n64 corruptions were good there were some people found some really good ones but now I think we're gonna start to see some really fucked-up ones let's see hopefully the Zelda one works start it in Depeche Mode okay Phil can you please create a Depeche Mode setting for this okay it's loading it's loading oh okay they're long but they're Gartland em known test echo tree the children of the four Kokiri live here with me each Kokiri it's us on Guardian fairy you up a barber prepares one Nova who does not have a fairy that's thank you Miss but stanky leg syndrome restless leg stanky syndrome that linka Oh all right apparently this was supposed to crash at Navi if you softlock rewind I will crash sometimes here and sometimes Navi okay so we'll we'll load again a core is having a problem so it's losing its goddamn mind core accepted the rom error during during attaching plug-in moopan 64 plus video jabo the tech is here it's still not a very cohesive streaming experience though a lot of restarts and stuff which is no fault of anyone involved it's just a really difficult thing to do alright start auto kill switch just that immediately crashes well I'm doing alive I'm doing a live play test classic jabo ruining corruptions that's son of a [ __ ] okay so then I restart and then I think the bizarre settings have reset possibly which isn't good let's see what happens here a core accepted the ROM but blah-blah-blah-blah-blah can't do the thing [ __ ] off the settings don't reset okay yes I've noticed that so I have to reload settings this could take a little while I'm gonna save config yeah you don't I don't need to reload them okay I will hang on if it's if I don't need to reload them then it should just work so this is you know I give a disclaimer every corruption stream that this is bound to happen and that you shouldn't expect a flawless streaming experience okay something's going on here something's working nope part 2 & 3 don't work either nari actually nothing's working now good [ __ ] there you go thanks for re o thank you for [ __ ] out of your [ __ ] real quick so that everyone could be entertained ok I'm restarting everything going back into the launcher trying again I feel like I should have some elevator music just to keep you you know keep a little entertained are you not entertained all right let's see stockpile load again I don't think the I don't think the Zelda corruptions are gonna end up working that's my theory oh it really restarted everything okay that's weird huh okay it restarted like everything everything so now I have to reload my files my stockpiles then he gets frustrated and troubleshoots the stream core is not loading please be patient everyone just a little bit more patience while I attempt to get this n64 corruptions to work [Music] one day one day there will be a smooth corruption experience today is not that day [Music] [Music] here's a little something had to go through many steps to get this to work many Bothans spies perished for this Oh Nava the we're debry from right listen to my words the words of the Deku Tree re aren shows our D shows that the Sendai - I came read that malevolent forces are mustering to ACK our owl and fought so long the [ __ ] reforest kokiri forest how do you pronounce um bar analog stick ear [Music] tremendo [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa when the [ __ ] did coke curry village turn into a [ __ ] beach [Music] oh the link is now just boots oh okay hello me men wake them up the rear deck utro wants to talk to you me man eat up I said eat up we got a Faton yep [Music] come on come Hyrule's debt to me really do end on X such a blade 3 AZ boy the music just gave up [Music] correctly the you agree odd yaku try the yaku tree Trey asked me to be your partner from now on not see to meet you Jesus [ __ ] the great Deku Tree has B so mom what the [ __ ] is this text what a horrendous horrendous story this game has I don't like it that's the thing people always said don't play Zelda fruit with the health link awakens to the sound of music [Music] for the record I like Ocarina of Time story you know like there's a couple people like Vinnie you don't like Zelda story I do I like this story I can't figure it out trying real hard to understand what's going on I got nothing [Music] Wow a fiery finally a fairy came to you me men [Music] wait or you get going gaga see the great Deku Tree that's the best instrument oh my god [Music] the music just got satanic [Music] it's an incantation ritual finally the return of Satan and corruptions you know I've been a big advocate for the return of Satan to the corruption world oh the something came to see you equals now [Music] it's somewhat stable Wow just as I say that we go to [ __ ] terminal 11 well this house is silly the sound of music fills my ears [Music] [Applause] good good good good good texts I'm all about that [Music] that meny my dough made cut momentum momentum the my toe told sorry he you know ones me I'm me oh oh old do it so she would like him but to wonder don't ought to work you and sir I are close a friends so will you help me cut the nika's [Music] silly silly conversation for a silly Kokiri I can't I can't even can't press the button anymore see you I can't reload the thing I mean it's a good corruption but now now we get back to the the stress of the corruptor not doing what I wanted to do rewind if it gets stuck well this is what's happening now if our clues are needs to see what's happening so that's uh that happened just as I tried to reload the corruption something tells me it's gonna be kind of a pain in the ass to get that one started again so I might I mean I guess I should like I should go see the Deku Tree I thought about it for a second I think you guys need a little bit of uh a little help I just noticed that you need is the duck button [Music] okay me man is here I need to go see the great Deku Tree alright oh we don't need a sword and shield to do this equals now well wait maybe I could just like run through my toe your but not allowed to leave the forest oh wait no no no that's that's how you leave the forest just which past it [Music] [Music] I would love to glitch past it but I don't know if I can hey you mister no fairy what's your busiest wit can't talk to the student every [ __ ] time I try to talk to the student oh wow I rewound really far okay I'm going to I'm gonna say [ __ ] the Deku Tree and we'll just keep going again there's a lot more corruptions to get to there's a lot more stream to get to however this is a really good start to n64 corruptions [Music] like if they're gonna end up like this playable and this [ __ ] up then that's a good thing well here's Wario pissing garlic out of his ass again [Music] so the name of this corruption is anxiety the previous one was called stress [Music] this one's called dopamine [Music] Jesus Christ Jesus Christ this one's called panic [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] Lucario's cohen super Sayan super Soojin super say I am how do you say it this one's called destruction where's the destruction jeez and this one's called acceptance [Music] I am NOT sad to see these corruptions go away [Music] [ __ ] hell okay this is from this is a collection of mario64 corruptions from Weiner list Steve I hope they work I really hope they work to the point that I can just play them and not have to [ __ ] with any settings now this is not mario 64 nightmare edition which will be up later this one's called trust no one not even yourself a lot of bombs here okay hang on a minute I think I might need to rebind some controls be a [Music] okay trust no one not even yourself [Music] seems kind of okay to me [Music] everything in its wrong place yep I'll read the notes okay exploring the whole map and ones like these lots of subtle things wrong okay here I'll go back to the first one I mean there's you know certain things I'm not supposed to be here I'm aware of that [Music] geez like okay for example all right just just for example there should not be this many Baba's here all right there should not be this many coop of the quicks here okay you can't even race coop of the quick [Music] welcome here for some reason [Music] yeah the game does not know how to process coop with a quick being over there also is just me or is the [ __ ] chainsaw a little too close to the road oh dude no no no no no no no no don't go absolutely not I don't want you to crash my [ __ ] game now this is really buff on Battlefield I believe this I believe that this is where the bombs live now you don't see enough of them usually but now it's like oh yeah but bomb battlefield they live here plenty of peaceful bombs just hanging out they're upset because their kingdom has been corrupted [Music] see now I'm looking for things that are wrong okay I'm a bomb just fell off that ledge just died I'm sorry what [ __ ] man get a nice sound effect there just doing some reading there's now an elbow oh my god [Music] okay we cool we cool I think we cool also just one second hang on it some plugins see if I can get the resolution a little higher here it's not working all right never [ __ ] mind then [Music] [Music] the [ __ ] bridge maybe just go through there No [Music] sand sand everywhere the signs [ __ ] up the scenery break-in man Mario reverts to baby [Music] that's interesting that is certainly interesting the [ __ ] are you even doing here mate boxes all over the place it's just random boxes and random sponses who's that it's uh this was a 1-up okay [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I love this new corruptor mostly quick go for the stone [Music] and that's about the right spot [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just want to watch from up here [Music] what swamp the quick swap the superfast looks like hi where is he there is there he is swamp the almighty fast as good stuff [Music] you done [ __ ] up even though now I'm inside you just absolutely disgusting so this is cupola quick now what the [ __ ] are you holy [ __ ] [Applause] it's a dark Goomba know his bark was only [ __ ] everything's everything's totally [ __ ] yet yet it's playable [Music] I have a hundred and sixty-eight stars by the way I don't think I caught that a full 168 you just there while you're you're just there you are just there you've been relocated not here but there [Music] this one's called Super Mario 65 try picking up a box Wow Oh oh my god I'm supposed to pick up a box Oh [Music] [Music] trust no one not even yourself the only way you get better is if you race a deformed clone version of yourself Luigi that's the only way you can really really be the best you'll ever be Mario know who I am anymore [Music] stuck in here [Music] you're not supposed to be on this level [Music] you are not supposed to be on this level [Music] nice cacao sound effects blown into the great abyss you've got bigger problems than feeding your baby or finding your baby yes you do you don't have a [ __ ] head [Music] multiple penguin mothers looking for their babies and again this isn't the level that they're supposed to be on so it's just it's a wonder that they got over here [Music] yeah too bad I got this star already you know having all 168 stars in Mario 64 of course oh wait a minute [Music] wait what I did not go back in I did not [Music] get into the English or just a [ __ ] time as Mario's fabric of being is torn apart a ball harasses him also this is the origin of finna bowing to saying fit a boy [Music] Mario I don't know if it's okay that you go back to all these levels years later things have changed Mario things have changed you've changed I'm still the same plumber I've always been whee Mario you haven't been a plumber in 30 34 years I finally did it I finally got past that [ __ ] part that I couldn't get past and and now I don't I know I don't know where I am anymore [Music] [Applause] this music got good [Applause] [Music] Louise you haven't been a plumber since the Haley's day nice blue easy excuse me a little Miss sriracha [Music] I think it fixed itself my stomach that is yeah I know the music fixed itself what are you what are you come on mouth it's time it's time to die start to die in Mario strange noise in the distance good its Yoshi on the roof it's kind of farting it's very far DS footstep sound oh no it's okay [Applause] kind of [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the name of this corruption is Mario goes to Vietnam by the way Oh some slightly modified sound effects mario has become a chipmunk random Deutz of sound even though I have a hundred and sixty eight stars I've never been through any of these doors Oh first time I've ever been to this level [Music] this one's simply entitled highbrow indeed headcase accurate titles I'm sorry oh oh no it's like arse face [ __ ] preacher please God [Music] okay bye Mario nice knowing ya this one's called massive wood yep that's that's massive wood it crashes getting too close to one of the objects crashes the game take the low path all the way to the top that's we just can't get close to the wood [Music] I can't actually get this to work see if I go up here the dirt path it's too late now I'm up here oh my god Mars are so many [ __ ] there's an exceptionally large amount of Piranha Plants okay that crashed let's restart I might have to resize this window now we're good [Music] it's a black bar at the top but I'm sure you can deal with that this one's called family vacation okay so whatever corruption was previously looked just a star was there good for me recovered very good ah oh I forgot I have rewind [Music] multiple [ __ ] no no no stop talking to me Cooper the quicks with no shells truly this is the newest field of Cooper's also they have like babies with them you notice that there's a like baby Cooper's this is like pond of Cooper's oh I just punched a Cooper in the face and it's dead I'm killing their babies [Music] so many of them - okay here's the oh it would make sense that this would be the boss Whitman I guess I just have to pretend I'm fighting the flop still [Music] it's good coin chaos all right so I have to find the bully nice [ __ ] slide puzzle Wow yeah this is good that is good at least they reward you well for attempting the challenge there's a fuckload of coins over there there's a lot of 1ups over here [Music] hello can we fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah someone who asked in chat does this thing support higher resolution I tried to get it into a higher resolution but for some reason it's not working it's weird normally it does normally I can get it into a higher resolution but reboot the core well there you go that should help a little bit [Music] all right now it looks a little bit better okay so this one also says alright oh no this one's good this one's called it makes me so mad what [Music] Jesus [ __ ] I know you're not your man I know who are you [Music] [Music] but I'm [ __ ] myself how did I die holy [ __ ] I'm still massive [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I mean what kind of mutagen did Mario take Mario I think your mushrooms were laced I think I think someone put something out of Mario PCP do drugs nice what have I done I've squished myself i won I think the wait I think the bully just like jumped into the lava by himself wait a minute I don't know what happened I think the bully killed himself the star appeared and then I died well some cool sound effects those a cry for help I couldn't hear the rest of it it was just Mario going [Music] platforms extend for ever the worst part is having to be stared at while dyeing [Music] beards - this one's called the drowning orchestra and it sounds pretty good the mario odyssey remix of the song is very good quality that was a different lawyer that was shadow mario by the way just just in case you were wondering oh it's either a surfboard or Mario's i has mutated that looks extremely painful even in a cartoony game this is called terminal 8 yep the void beckons the cold-shoulder he doesn't give a [ __ ] about any of us he never cared we bought his games for years we gave him so much of our love so much attention we gave Nintendo so much of our money Mario never cared [Music] so this one's called psychedelic Wonderland and this isn't the first time we've had a corruption called psychedelic Wonderland but I think it's probably the most accurate thus far I [Music] [Applause] mean down to the music which is more or less to say oh what the [ __ ] I see you up close oh you don't need wings man man when you can fly and you can really fly and let your spirit free man you can do and anything [Music] [Music] Mario tries a new kind of mushroom it's a nice nice Scooby Tunes lovely tune in love lovely tune äj-- [Music] what the [ __ ] let me get up there okay alright I give up [Music] oh wow what the [ __ ] yeah this is a new level of n64 corruptions there should be I've never seen a corruption import canon onto the slide [Music] [Applause] [Music] Major Tom to ground control Major Tom to ground control [Music] geez come on oh let me oh it's a carnival funhouse slide good god damn it just as I was about to get a new record I sang it backwards on purpose because Mario was stranded and he needed to contact ground control get it it was bad don't worry about it wait a minute doesn't Bowie say Major Tom to ground control at some point in the song isn't that part of the lyrics like it reverses intentionally anyway super doom 64 this one's called oh my god [Music] yeah I still got it wrong okay alright never mind then I still got it wrong this is nausea-inducing [Music] this is this is interesting [Music] [Music] [ __ ] just before the last one - there's one more corruption for Mario 64 and I've just I just crashed - beans - well there is a point where he says Major Tom to ground control but he apparently says he doesn't say it twice he says something else after that oh wait now there's a couple more corruptions there's not one more there wasn't just one more okay okay [Music] you know now this is another issue because I just set the resolution to be a bit higher and now I have to reset and as soon as there's a crash a lot of work has to be done doesn't look like the resolute resolution yeah a little bit a Bowser flat Mario vs. Bowser which is this [Music] Jesus Christ you are long or rather wide [Music] hesitate to say the word thick figures I would get back my actual playthrough I [ __ ] it up so many times [Music] this is a site for season this is a diorama Mario is very lanky very lanky I don't even know what to say this is amazing and again by accident I just defeated Bowser even the smallest Bowser can be defeated [Music] that is nice Mario really does take after lanky Kong yeah look at that low poly Mario there's there is there's Mauro I haven't seen Mauro in a while take a look at them polygons [Music] hang on fixing it fixed just in case you couldn't tell this Mario was basically flexing the entire time I'll rewind so you can see the celebration I think it's kind of worth it just showing off his arms I don't know if that's natural I think I think Mario has been injecting saline into his arms this is illegal the video games committee is gonna come down hard on Mario using illegal substances for performance enhancement [Music] [Laughter] [Music] kind of a huge fan of this remix Wow [Music] Mario is the sky and again [Music] at that time I died jump into the painting pick any star the all-seeing eye is found on the left side of the spinning platform this is the final one of this collection [Music] yeah [Music] so it seems like a kind of a normal I almost a little bit often it's connected to me man but I'm invincible so oh there it is this is the real all-seeing eye okay it's getting kind of late and I still have a lot of corruptions I might continue with the corruption so that I can do Mario nightmare edition and then the thick thing I don't know if the sonic stuff is gonna happen tonight I might have to I might have to come back to that because there's just way too much stuff to get to and I want to test these new corruptions so let's see let's see how much more I can get through and we'll take it from there so I have classic NES corruptions these we could probably get through kind of quick and then I have some corruptions that unfortunately don't work very well and that was the problem it was VG DC stockpile they didn't quite work don't know why but we can go through some of the ones there that do work vini do you have an NES classic addition to corrupt no how would I even corrupt that I'd have to i'd have to ship that off to grant and have him reverse-engineer it and then make a hardware corruptor for it new hawk okay so some of these work some of them don't we'll do the ones that work there's there's only a couple here anyway so like like this one infinite titties in bubble bubble fire and Donkey Kong Wow [Music] sixty-four oh my god did you hear that [ __ ] scream put it what is this hellscape what is this what the [ __ ] is this what I don't remember that being in Mario 64 [Music] I can't believe now this has got to be this has got to be a mod this has got to be a mod there's no way Mario makes that sound it is a mod it's confirmed to be a mod it's the only mod [Music] okay pipe engine doesn't work vector engine on conquer yeah this is kind of a mess but yeah that's that's what it's supposed to look like it's tiny conquer try to work on some settings but a floating floating gun okay these [ __ ] frame rates please good okay well we've seen that one more crashing Oh movies are more crashing Vinnie any plans to stream this game some day I did if you go to youtube and type vine sauce conquer you should be able to find it i streamed conker I think a year and a half ago or so anyway I'm not even gonna bother with VG's because they just crash they're not reliably consistent so that said I do have some good classic NES corruptions and then we can check out one more set of corruptions with mario 64 where it's just a live nightmare edition which is in essence live corruptions showcasing that this thing can corrupt on the fly and have it still be playable that's my understanding of what we're gonna do but I do have some stuff here that may be of interest let me get rid of this okay but yeah this corrupters cool it needs work a couple couple of bug fixes and it would be good and these corruptions are from frustrate err [Music] ok good good alright let's begin a slower darker Metroid and harder it appears missiles only go one way hang on a minute I need to get some volume out of this because we have no volume it's better and so many settings that I'd like I get in then they go away the settings do not save it's very frustrating okay I had no idea the morph ball was to the left and through a door okay [Music] so when you save config that's all well and good until hang on a minute until you have to load someone else's configuration and then it's kind of beans again all right Huk Huk music generator I mean [ __ ] Metroid didn't age well but this is this is a new [ __ ] level DJ's though would continue to use the Metroid game for years to come to create sick new bit riffs and beats I was gonna say Biff's which is kind of a riff beat what we're getting close to like this is this is really what like the type of music that that's popular like a couple more years and we're gonna have retrosynthetic funk [Music] [Music] this one's called super metroid run okay okay I get to shoot samus's that's cool [Music] backwards doors and yet for the record Samus is running on her own that was pretty quick it went from pretty okay to failure in just a couple seconds good corruption the game shits itself yeah I think we're there already [Music] now yeah this this is where the epilepsy warnings come in obviously much like the Sun you shouldn't look at this directly maybe use your peripherals you're not missing anything trust me [ __ ] is this [Music] what the [ __ ] okay uh uh yeah Robin Thicke was a goddamn [ __ ] profit-making NES games back in the 80s the Lego the lagoon of Elda many an hours ago print prance darkness gintant swole a lot of the triforce zip our again [Music] oh man [ __ ] kinton was one of the worst villains in zelda history though [Music] I was always hoping they would bring gintant back for at least one [Music] dinosaur music alright okay so this is very minimal almost Atari like graph okay frog awfully high he ho frog off high up Touhou frog got a little frog ah hole tuck this under Carl [Music] yeah the AI in this game kind of sucks I know if you notice that if they just kind of move away from link whatever direction link is facing they run away [Music] don't know what that means please enlighten me what stair fall is that the new Elder Scrolls game elderscrolls v or what are we up to doesn't matter ten tear fall [Music] [Music] yeah enemies are extremely predictable in this version the Atari version of Zelda was a lot easier [Music] Wow [Music] just the important things you don't need to know anything else here it is stripped down to its most essential elements again and try for Zelda Triforce 8 ganna and go find the eight units linked to saver oh I can make things happen by pressing buttons [Music] I like that Halfmoon in the Halfmoon item I've never seen it in Zelda but I'd like it some say the half moon is the most powerful of all the artifacts second only to the Triforce and then well third to the by force forth to the by horse there's a lot wrong here ten taster well well yeah there's what there's a whole lot wrong here these are even the NES corruptions are [ __ ] quality with this new corruptor look at this this is [ __ ] great so we have ammo force we pick up the ammo force which is basically bomb testicles as far as I'm aware double bomb testicles no sword run but we get double bomb testicle great oh we could double roofie oh never mind they're just single rupee Mik per 12 has till 11 I think they're speaking code they're trying to communicate through some kind of code some rudimentary oh my god please make it clean the darkest years of vine sauce is the name of this corruption but yeah yep nice darknut Human Centipede by the way I don't [ __ ] you want from the old man but allow me to at least give you the sweet release of death the most precious gift I could give to someone such as yourself stuck in a dungeon you know he lost his faculties this is what happens and when you're in an old moldy crusty rotted dungeon your brain starts to go funny you start saying strange things I direct cool [Music] nevermind my whole train of thought thrown off by a sentient [ __ ] corruption I didn't know this new corruptor could create sentient living corruptions that could respond to my queries okay all right yeah he named the he named link vignette these controls are [ __ ] horrendous [Music] why are you guys bringing back rickrolling why does my chat keep bringing the rickroll back while you guys do this I know it's a sick meme butts but still well let's make it worse [Music] and go blargh it says blargh dr. floppy there you go I made the bad man go away ships back I'm going to Emanuel blast him into oblivion all right this one's pretty cool this is me now getting dick lolled [Music] never gonna give you a song yes the classic Sonic the Hedgehog on the NES Entertainment System the Nintendo Entertainment System Entertainment System so you got your shitty sonic tonight [Music] at a Pikachu we've reached some kind of ninth circle of hell that looks like a crevasse that looks like a sex crevasse I don't know if that's allowed on Twitch [Music] Griffen film film yeah yeah I gotta get [ __ ] yeah oh oh I'm afraid of heights [ __ ] this is the Master System version it says NES I think this is this is actually a this is a bootleg of sonic on the NES this it says it right here that the system is NES gotta wear a diaper Oh sonic is past moment of silence please [Music] we'll always remember you Sonic [Music] [Music] Oh just this just get a little bit uncomfortable [Music] [Music] rise of a new hero [Music] sonic may have passed but we have so Mari the legendary [Music] his name is Sol Mari guys it's it's not Somali it's not Grande it's not an uncle it's not a dad it's nothing like that it's so Mari all right now let's go back to classic Mario Brothers no nothing nothing weird here [Music] you all tried and true nevermind the glitchy goombahs everything here is fine just going through level one world one one world one one everything here is fine nothing to worry about it's okay let's have to pass the great barrier to get to the exit pipe or you could or you could take the shortcut which I unfortunately missed the some reason there's no rewind on this one I guess the settings changed and frustrate or uses a different rewind button what's your rewind button frustrated [Music] so on the keyboard it's not bound to the controller oh well turn on a dime Y&X on the Xbox controller ok those aren't no they're bound to something else no all right well I'd have to rebind it I'm not gonna do that because I'm not gonna be doing these for too much longer before we go to nightmare edition and then thick one Oreo you can never just have one Oreo you know I mean what's the deal with one Oreo it's a kind of an interesting version of Mario get to swim and shoot fire like this it's like a whole nother game it's like a whole new experience oh [ __ ] there's even bullet time like the matrix the great jape is the name of this one Wario one I understand the jape now the greatest of japes Bowser is always waiting for you this one's called smart steering I have no control over Mario right now that's cool I mean Luigi wait I mean Mario I think like [ __ ] god i can go through pipes at least this is really nice ok I cannot swim I'm wearing lead boots [Music] pipe pee use I need to pick up Mario shoulder to get big oh yeah let's see what you mean now we've entered a parallel dimension [Music] I'm dead this one's called Super Mario properties I wish I could have started earlier so we had more time for activities I might I might figure out something this week or maybe go a little extra next Sunday but yeah a lot of troubleshooting a lot of troubleshooting today I've 63 lives I'll be fine I'm also Orie so a character that would show up like 25 years later [Music] 20:20 hmm this corruption is unstable try slowing down for best results time fawn whatever you say man Adventures of duck why are these called duck corruptions I don't I don't see the duck am I supposed to be seeing ducks that's an oddly specific amount of points for that that was like 2,000 34 points it's duck hunt I mean it's duck hunt minimally there might be some textures well that's oh yeah I see what you mean that's what the 2020 is all about so some of the that looks like poop that just looks like poop so it has elements of duck hunt within but it's not fully duck hunt like you don't have a fully formed duck available [Music] [Music] okay now this is much more ducky I need someone to do a remix of this got a move gotta be quick gotta be quick if you're gonna hunt ducks can't [ __ ] around can't wait how many duck O's are available to duck O's [Music] [ __ ] flappy bird nevermind procedural levels this one says try rewinding it can generate levels differently it so it's procedurally generated Mario Brothers this is world one one you [ __ ] this [ __ ] this right up right away this is like infinite worlds Mario Brothers I always wanted to do levels guess I finally got my wish oh I'm not dead I don't know a mikuni will we ever find fan off been searching for seven long years this this could be fan off no it's not it's no no we're just we're just walking into a pipe endlessly never mind rewind is back slash so let's see well let's try this again new level new pipe [Music] kind of boring no enemies can't even go down pipes because there have I mean this version of Mario Brothers kind of sucks it's like no one tested it for fun I think I'd rather play the ti-83 version though like the doom on the ti-83 looks like poop the Mario brother on the ti-83 is also poop trust me I tried it wow it really is just generating levels on the fly I have no idea how something like this could could occur but here it is little smatterings of coins and scenery I run out of time [Music] it's the best we could hope for is a flagpole need a flagpole 65 oh god dammit castle suddenly castle man I would have loved this corruption when I was a kid I've played this endlessly looking for new worlds bulk bulk you gotta find the world's dog come on dog these levels suck oh there it is there's a fight Pole I needed give me that give me that play Polly yes with 16 seconds and dead [Music] okay I have a little guide here I want to do this thing I want to do this Mario thing real quick before before I finish off with thick which you know what it is probably but it's it's a sequel okay so now this is well you'll see in a second so there's been a lot of Mario 64 tonight and that's usually not a problem I'm always okay with that one of my favorite games to corrupt or rather to watch become corrupted and through using this new corruptor we can have it corrupt on the fly and still be stable so that's what I'm you know to the best of my understanding and knowledge that's what happens in resolution Mario's back there we go Mario has logged in [Music] it says enter the castle come back outside [Music] okay here we go so this will be in just a moment Mario 64 nightmare edition answer the castle comeback controls are all [ __ ] man I love having to reset the controls just a second all right so once again this should be something like chaos Edition but maybe even a little bit better I just I'm not sure okay now I can play the game good okay and to castle go back outside great shift + f1 click on easy start start worth recommended settings then play the game so that's it but it's that simple okay Mario is losing polygons the world is being torn apart [Music] this is all being done like procedurally [Music] biggity Bom Bom on the summit oh my god it's really intense Deutz I'm stuck I'm stuck it's Mario's emotions okay we're good we're good we're good okay we're huge whoa we're going through a level were huge everything's wrong it's more or less unplayable [Music] definitely more unplayable and less at least those [ __ ] horns are gone small mercies don't know how I don't know how I just did that but I did that the corruptions sure have come a long way I'm having another control issue though what was the I think I have to unbind the movement real quick see if that works yeah now I have true analog control good just a ball just just a ball in here what brought you a present for your dog it's a ball bugs love balls Chris mr. dink I thought you were a dead meme why the [ __ ] do you keep coming back I got done better to do you [ __ ] Wow I know we we initiated the challenge already a couple times you can stop now okay he's devolved into like just growling noises he's like feet I think I saw the word feet in there this this you're scaring me Big Bob um alright well yeah that's a little [ __ ] let's try again this time let me enable a couple more settings this might actually become unplayable very quickly I told you is a bad idea it's too scary in there I mean this this is what Bowser should have done when he took over Peach's castle you should have just left the door either locked or heavily guarded or like booby-trapped it this is good there's like a couple of like you know pointed sticks right there in front of the door door [Applause] guess we'll give it a couple manual blasts [Applause] Wow Birds got really loud yo I just like I just raised the corruption intensity to like a hundred and fifty thousand for a couple of seconds and it made things kind of weird but most notably the birds got extremely loud and so does the butterflies get really big and somehow it's not crashing somehow this thing is still move off well I'm not but somehow this is still running I wish I could swim like the dolphin [Music] [Music] [Music] No okay now I've crashed me no now I've done done it trying real hard real hard to I'm just stuck in like a corruption loop here like [ __ ] just stop okay good good yeah that was well auto kill switch doesn't work for me that was an attempt at auto kill switch but the new auto kill switch does not work for some reason having some struggle with that okay let's let's do a couple more of these okay birds are really loud again and this time even more obnoxious Oh he died for your sins again this is all happening real-time it's very easily controllable it's amazing so these aren't corruptions that someone sent me these are all just it sucks that's a good noise [Music] let's go okay there we go reverted back to a different language entirely was that a star was that like a massive star in the distance I guess we'll never know no I corrupted the world away [Music] okay let's go back in here okay so what I'm doing as soon as I get in I hit it really hard with the corruptions and then I lower it and see if it works still and it it is oh yeah that's the star right there [ __ ] is this thin layer of darkness it's kind of amazing it's not getting corrupted any further out wait I take that back it absolutely is [Music] so wait wait a minute these balls found a spot to go down and then react to environment down here and the physics is still intact [Music] [Music] where'd this coin come from is there supposed to be coin oh yeah there there is supposed to be coin but it why is one really flat and long and the other one is more or less fine I don't understand corruptions I never will blows my mind [Applause] [Music] auto corrupt is on and so this time we get one really really long tree just one all the other trees are fine one really long tree the signs a little [ __ ] did you hear that did someone just scream climb the tree okay well here's another good feature rewinding rewinding is doable okay so thin long tree I knew it I knew we'd be able to climb it that's a shame how about this reverse tree teleport tree I get down there yes I can just sends ahead sad animal [Music] all right this is a good joke you can get me out of here now [Music] there's too many banjo players in this band and they just wanted to be mixed really loudly is it obnoxious banjo player in the studio whose listen I need to be upfront I'm the star of this band the engineer just gave up [ __ ] it pulled the plug on the whole recording [Music] [Music] yep there you go frozen I'm sure there's more specific ways to get very pointed corruption results I haven't figured that out but just using the system as it is and just letting it do its thing is amazing [Music] so again this is not a romhack this has nothing to do with cheats or game genie codes like the previous Kaos Edition that I did that Nintendo didn't like very much what a surprise this is this is just glitches this is just glitches lots of them and in a row it's the best way I can explain it so Nintendo if your lawyers are watching please understand please understand but this is in fact not a rom hack okay so here's my plan the intensity is on 101 when I try to get one star at least one star so autocorrect is on it's gonna just continue going through corruption cycles until things get more and more toasty like that it's very very not good all right already boned what the [ __ ] I just started Bowser yeah Mario's a baby no wonder Bowser is so imposing for Mario beautiful beautiful sound effects what please please yeah they call him long coin Johnson the longest coin that ever lived that was the vector engine let me see if anything happens with the Knightmare engine good right nightmare engine is not working out you can see you can see it doesn't it doesn't really have doesn't really have any stability it's just meters Mario like really really small like like baby size like how did you get so small baby you like a baby small so yeah Mario can decrease with the power of the nightmare engine and that's just another way of corrupting I have again I have no idea how this works I've got to pretend like I know what I'm talking about but I really don't pipe engine a air clues are there any other engines I could be using for better for better corruptions like the pipe engine ok the vector engine absolutely works this is the vector engine I can do stuff like this no not really so the vector is the the main one okay just checking right god damn it ducking crashes vector engine was developed just for this ok well we're in a right and an endless loop of Wrath crashing and every time bizhawk loads it just crashes again so I don't know what the hell is going on here ok all right we're quacking we are quacking that great I guess that's about it I don't really know if there's anything else I could be doing here how about this I'll try one more random n64 game and just see what happens so I'm gonna load up something that we haven't seen tonight something random from my collection of terrible games and good ones and ok there's there's one game I'm thinking of in particular that I haven't seen corrupt very well ever this game has always been very difficult to corrupt [Music] let us begin so something's happening oh god its it whatever whatever it is it's happening too much please stop hard reset banjo is crashy as [ __ ] okay never mind that that explains that some games just don't just don't agree with them with corruptions corruptions off maybe we can get to the intro actually you know yeah I'll just start a game here we go let's see it'll probably crash but I'll just throw some random blasts at it oh my god I'm actually shocked this is kind of working when I say kind of working oh [ __ ] place he posed such nice music grant kirkhope composed for this game Haider oh [ __ ] [Music] that [ __ ] noise [Applause] and I try to get a little further this time and then and then I'll hit the warp engine yeah that was terrifying that was absolutely terrifying here we go Grundy doing there [Music] [Music] they lost some furniture nothing's happening oh my god there we go yeah there you go yeah yep yep extra long extra wide but just her okay now now she's more [ __ ] up there's an inconsistency here yeah banjo crashes a lot but you can get a couple good things out of it it's some stuff like that hide there that's the game's cue to crash on the hi there [Music] - D - you're upside-down you're not the mole bottles is and thus grunty filled the world with a poison cloud that would choke every living being out of existence a much more efficient plan [Music] what where did Ben Joe go this banjo just got real spin I am NOT surprised that did not it didn't survive the transition over there that is amazing there's listen this is way better than banjo kazooie corruptions have ever been just randomly so this is pretty this is pretty good this is a step forward and banjo kazooie has always been one of the harder games to corrupt so this is amazing I'm very tired I want to get to gameplay real quick try a couple more and then I'm done with corruptions I have one more thing art is gonna be like tomorrow just because it's it's getting late and again I started really late because the corruptor I ran into problems with it and I needed technical help but sonic thing I had some stupid sonic roms planned for you I'll either do that during the week or definitely next Sunday but I mean this is this is a pretty impressive thing I mean this is a special occasion we've got a brand-new corruptor and it's pretty good need some work but pretty damn good maybe my computer is just making it suck because they seem to like you know those that made these corruptions and aircrews are seem to have less problems with it than I do but I will do he thick after this part - which will probably only last like ten minutes anyway so I don't know what its gonna be like it's probably gonna suck how could it be good how could he sick number two be good [Music] instrumentation changed a bit it's like incorporated the underwater music okay banjo got a big fist well now we don't like that we need to lower that [Music] gravity just got crazy seriously I can barely jump I can barely move [Music] [Music] it's good music [Music] [ __ ] do you get free from that banjo banjo this game is resilient man banjo stretches he turns inside out he gets wide he gets thick and then he fixes himself [Music] okay I don't think he's coming back from this one [Music] bottle pop music [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so there you go that was banjo kazooie corruptions and I was RT c 3.0 that's um extremely impressive Phil you did a good job there infinite remixes you know if you're ever looking for electronic remixes of your favorite n64 songs then you know where to find it the last thing I'm gonna do and again please understand as a wise man once said please understand the reason I wouldn't do the art tonight is simply because there's probably gonna be a ton of it and you know I'm really tired today let's see at least two pages three pages almost three pages it's not it doesn't seem like a lot but I can give you a little bit more streaming instead so I'm going to do that I'm gonna play he Thicke and then I'm gonna go to bed
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 360,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Corruption Stockpile, Corruptions, SNES, N64, NES, GBA, TI-83, Atari, Atari 7800, PSX, GB
Id: --JX3fDqeOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 3sec (12063 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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