[Vinesauce] Vinny - Luigi Doesn't Drink A Glass of Milk

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dear diary it's been 30 days since i last saw my brother he hasn't answered any of my calls and i'm afraid something has happened to him the last time i talked to him he was going on about pursuing a new career opportunity i don't understand i thought he was happy being a plumber and his newfound obsession with milk it's really starting to worry me it's all he ever drinks having it with breakfast lunch and dinner and he even has some whenever he gets thirsty homelander what's even stranger is the recent news surrounding the milk industry milk sales have been at an all-time high and employment at the milk factory is through the roof so news came as soon as mario disappeared it just can't be a coincidence in any case i have decided to take matters into my own hands tonight i infiltrate the milk factory luigi this is my way of celebrating mario's 35th anniversary by the way i streamed a game in the mario crust pack i think it was called uh called mario drinks a glass of milk that was incredibly dumb but i ended up playing it for way longer than i thought i would and here's the sequel wait i want to check the options because this this window mode right now like the resolution of this is real small so maybe there's there we go that's beautiful mario beautiful [Music] those are bones like dr wily bones it's a mega man parody chat it's not at all okay normal it is if i need to lower the difficulty for sunday stream purposes i will now this is an interesting follow-up to me streaming mega man x corruptions a little while ago well there's even mets not like the sports team it's a little crusty the controls are not like they're floaty they're not as tight as mega man x or mario but all right it's egad luigi i hope it's you listening to this it is i professor egad do you still recognize me if you come here i'm hoping you can help me with something important something bad has happened at the milk factory some of my creations have been running amuck i need someone such as yourself to deal with it now listen carefully i'm entrusting you another one of my inventions i created it using a prototype poltergust an old game console and a shake maker you can hold space or down control to suck up milk around you which stores it in a tank then you can shoot it out i'm aware that you have an intolerance for all things milk so be careful not to store too much inside the factory you'll find more upgrades to use later on i should be seeing you again my boy hi boy [Music] well now we're now we're going mental [Music] okay now it's good [Music] the game speed seems to be fluctuating yeah like why is luigi walking like that wow you can't store more than a certain amount of no i wonder if it's the game speed or if it's just the movement speed it's the game speed i hate that i have to do this but i have to actually restart the game let me turn vsync off and see if that helps [Music] could have loaded could it could i have though did i even save the game we won't we won't ever know seems much more tolerable we'll speed run it no problem we'll get we'll get back there it got beat it got bad after egad it got beat [Music] seems good [Music] yep much better [Music] this is just straight up mega man x music no not really heavily inspired oh mega man 7. well hang on a minute is this mega man 7 music or is it um inspired as such like is it led zeppelin inspired or is it actually a cover or or is it the same [Music] thing it's a remix okay same thing then just remixed i have strawberry milk now oh man i haven't had strawberry milk in years [Music] wonder if it's more powerful more sugary well it's all sugar there's a milk war in chat i like chocolate milk more than strawberry milk but i remember liking strawberry milk quite a bit [Music] this happened last time too last time the conversation of chocolate and strawberry milk came up i was like oh man i need to get some [Music] banana milk i don't think i've ever even had banana milk [Music] i usually do vanilla creamer with my coffee which is very much not the same thing but that or hazel [Music] root beer milk no no i've had almond milk that's that's pretty good how do they milk the almonds i'll just stop talking now you may be facing a boss now make sure you are well prepared i am lacto-s milk machine systems now online running at 50 power new specimen vicinity potential insecurities have been detected begin the milk check you have failed the milk check subject is incompatible threat level 64 preparing to eliminate new found threat [Music] what [Music] what the [ __ ] happens when i run out of [Music] milk it's a milk missile [Music] you can tilt the gun up i know it just it's not it's not particularly great [Music] we need to prefer milk with or without the pulp i like a good spicy milk you know what i mean like i like to let my milk chill out for like a month and then i like it [Music] so [Music] well i might have wasted a little bit of milk [Music] bit of a milk sponge [Music] this is really this is better than it has any right to be [Music] you would do a lot more damage aiming your shot instead of jumping and firing yeah but the aim doesn't go too high is the problem it's it's a very light aim welcome to the coffee brewery tour opening times are 8 00 a.m to 7 a.m feel free to sample the variety of new and exciting flavors we have been coming up with [Music] don't ever think about don't even think about mixing milk into the coffee vats you'll ruin all our hard work bean is the coffee specialist it's me i know this music do you drink coffee yes yeah i'm not a coffee fiend but every day mostly every day um like usually a medium i don't go more than one cup or one it's usually one medium coffee a day but i do like coffee quite a bit [Music] medium well i mean like a medium size like i won't go for like a crazy large coffee here's some flavor text for you this is a marmite flavor coffee ah when we were researching new ideas for flavors this one had the most mixed initial reception 50 percent of people said they loved it 50 people said they hate it no other votes were cast [Music] just wanted to check this out over here [Music] why do i have a nut ah it's a good thing i went back this way hello again my boy it looks like you had no problem arriving here getting past that machine is no small feat it certainly took poor old me a few tries but that's enough about everyone's favorite professor here's your next upgrade in this little you have to traverse through several vats of coffee that's right hot coffee thankfully i can increase the pressure in the fds which will make things a little different now when you shoot milk while inside the liquid you'll be propelled backwards how much do you spend on coffee i don't know man do the math a medium cup a day [Music] millions [Music] uh three three dollars is it's like 304 for a medium so usually that or i make it at home so vinnie i'm 30 and i hate the taste of coffee while i become an adult someday you really don't have to no one is forcing you to drink coffee [Music] oh [ __ ] i gotta get rid of some of this milk damn it [Music] i mean you'll probably maybe you'll like it eventually i don't know maybe if you just find a way to flavor it properly like i can drink black coffee and find something [Music] and enjoy it to some extent but i don't prefer it i like sugar i like milk and sugar or cream and sugar or caramel and milk this coffee was produced research department came up with the name cacophony after that we replaced everyone in the research department this coffee was produced by combining every other flavor of coffee into one oh cacophony oh [ __ ] you that's good i like that [Music] this isn't coffee it's factory septic tank oh no [Music] it's a little fecal funny but not too funny is the thing you know what i mean [Music] a fecal chocolate sure [Music] [Music] [Music] aiming down is not quite enough here chat [Music] that's me aiming down [Music] [Music] i guess i could have found a way to just not hit the goddamn ceiling but see now i've missed a secret forever and i'm gonna be pissed about that years after i've completed this game i'm gonna think about it i'm gonna wake up in a cold sweat or while i'm having a cup of coffee i'm gonna remember this discussion and then like once every couple months we have the conversation about people that put butter in their coffee i'm not really sure about that but hey whatever you like [Applause] [Music] man [Music] [Music] new boss maybe i should have kept the nut you you i saw what you were doing mister didn't you read any of the signs i told you not to mix milk into the coffee for some of my best brew my blood sweat and tears went into each cup oh you're the worst i'm sorry who are you supposed to be exactly i'm bean obviously who are you in fact i bet your name is as stupid as your mustache wait why do you kind of look like that old kooka who's working here oh this is stupid forget it i'm going to beat you up now god the clown mug [Music] [Music] [Music] nope milk does nothing while in clown car [Music] oh i wasn't paying enough attention [Music] didn't you say you put salt in your coffee once or was that someone else i don't believe that was me [Music] well that's another thing that people do that's not too out of the ordinary i bet many of chat is like oh yeah i put salt in my coffee every day but then there's also like salted caramel so people do that that's not too weird salted caramel is pretty good [Music] uh salt brings out the sweetness and drinks okay fair enough [Music] some salt on the glass big big grains of salt big big big pee pees big grains of salt on the glass big greens big grains [Music] i got this now note it starts red this time it started blue last time and it started red the first time [Music] try to save as much health as possible [Music] hmm [Music] okay one more again pretty decent boss fights like fairly well designed game i like it [Music] oh [Music] it propels you so far you have to counteract it with milk yellow now [Music] [Music] foreign okay i don't have a lot of milk left this is gonna be a little [Music] weird [Music] hmm [Music] how soon do i fool [Music] tried to use the milk chat i tried to use the milk it would i couldn't get there fast enough just shoot the left on okay i'll try this time but i keep beansing it [Music] yeah we're looping estoy also sage you know i have like the best games of the sage pack or like you know not objectively the best games but you know a collection of good ones and uh there's a lot so there's probably gonna be a part two of that anyway but i'll do my best to get to as many as i can tonight but i do like this and i want to continue playing it because i played the first one and i want to see where the story goes you know it's important there's a good story here there really isn't [Music] wow i learned from my mistakes it only took me five times i'm gonna tell big bro about this this isn't the last you'll see a bean [Music] boss you just killed a kid mario no luigi [ __ ] luigi luigi whoa who was that [Music] hello luigi my name is princess derry and i'm your dairy godmother [ __ ] off okay i think i've had about as much as i can take wait what what are you doing where the heck did these level boundaries suddenly come from it was worth the shot oh don't you wish to find your brother hey how do you know about that well well then perhaps i should reiterate as your dairy godmother i've been watching over you since you were born day and night we dairy godmothers help people consume enough milk to help their bones stay healthy and grow however because you are lactose intolerant it proved to be a bit of a wasted effort so instead i've been trying to find a hobby at first i tried golf then going kart racing eventually i settled on fortunes looking into the future which is lucky for you do you remember a dream you had recently what did you say excuse me were you falling asleep on me this is very important stuff actually i might be able to use this to my advantage i will now proceed to endlessly ramble about my personal life so the other day i was surfing on the internet you know i've been told that's what people do at the same time i've seen music on my walkman there's things so nifty you know i really like the fact that you can listen to music whenever you want nowadays so cool let's was doing on the internet i was going on there to post board and then they called them oh yeah yeah forums and then the site called i want to say bowser's technology was it bowser uh what else is there lorem ipsum this is the original game chat [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] you oh what was that wait a minute that was a lot like holy cow i had a dream several weeks ago all about mario drinking all the milk he could find and he fought that milkman guy i you have something to do with this so do you understand it is your ultimate destiny to defeat the milkman go forth now luigi for everlasting calcium okay but there's several things i don't quite get please just get on with the next level [Music] again if you want to watch the first one it was very dumb it was in the mario crust pack oh i didn't expect that hello there luigi i'm not just your average message block this is egad speaking in this area the ice cream towers i have some upgrades for you to find yes that's right more than one upgrade however they are quite well hidden good luck oh it's the mario 2 lads flurries why would egad hide the upgrades wouldn't it make more sense to give luigi the upgrades make them more noticeable for [ __ ] sake [Music] um hmm can he go back i don't know maybe i thought that was the secret well it's like mario 2. look mario i'm riding on a flurry over the [ __ ] spikes [Music] welcome to egad's ice cream truck what can i get you that was a joke this is an upgrade enter the capsule you'll be able to make your own frozen treats i can now add a high power cooling system to the fds that can freeze your milk if you continue to shoot for long enough you will chill the milk to create an ice cream when you release control the ice cream will fly off and create an icy blast which can hit multiple times i imagine this will make an ultimate weapon an excellent weapon rather to deal with lots of baddies it's not how that works though it's just milky ice but i'll take whatever upgrade you have for me egad [Music] that's pretty cool though hmm [Music] i hope i didn't miss a secret i did miss one did was it an upgrade how would chat know apparently some chats played this some of the chat [Music] great music all the way through good mega man's music you missed the whipped cream upgrade which was basically milk flamethrower [ __ ] [Music] hmm i also missed the master sword no did i miss the hadouken too mr shout oh no let it all out these are the things we can live without come on hey check this out speaking of [Music] that's different that's a different 80 song never mind here check this out [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh sorry that's hard for you but easy for me you know why i ain't got nobody [Music] okie dokie get ready to move your fingers that's me i said that that's correct i did please after the 20th of october do not send fan mail to any address these teachers i'm warning you with peace and love but i have too much to do okay no more fan mail thank you thank you and no objects to be signed nothing the the teeth like look at them they go vertical like the platforms in this game please after the 20th of october dude that's so [ __ ] weird and then troy says the line too you love trash you love trash you love me [Music] the program is called wave to lip [Music] that's good stuff [Music] i say good stuff it's just a little slightly disturbing and that technology is only going to get better over the next 10 years so get ready to be confused every day of your life chat brave new world that we live in [Music] i keep forgetting that like you can get too much milk [Music] yeah that was like a one that was a 1-1 tribute mario hello luigi mario is that really you my luigi and mario voices have been switching the entire game of course it's me luigi it's your brother mario oh mario what happened to you you haven't come home in weeks i've been worried sick luigi luigi who is the worrisome type i've told you i just took a new career opportunity there's nothing to worry about what's wrong brother you look like you saw something bone chilling no that dream it's that's impossible luigi with milk anything is possible you should join us you can be america man too what did you just say mario what have they done to you luigi come on just try some of our semi-skimmed never not even for you mario well i'm afraid that makes you an enemy of the milk man [Music] huh [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] hmm [Music] it's a really good attack but yeah it's it's you have to spend a lot of milk to even get there gotcha you were my brother mario i loved you luigi i always love you don't put my bones [Music] i can't believe mario's dead mario i'm gonna keep going am i gonna get whoever did this to you [Music] that milk bottle is almost full okay [Music] now entering central assembly line area please do not interfere with quality control staff that reside here your complaints can be addressed at the office the milkman found at the end of the area [Music] do you think the map is a speed luigi just a little speed luigi-esque [Music] cool game mechanic [Music] oh yes an upgrade you're almost at the end my boy you have done very well enter the capsule to receive a much-needed upgrade to the tank on the fds i don't believe this but i've given it the ability to analyze and copy the dna of cells the fds can use this to reproduce milk cells providing more milk into the tank 50 if you have less than 50 units of milk the tank will now refill you with more milk this is the last upgrade i have to give you in any case farewell luigi and the milk flame thrower would have been fun but all right i'll take this too [Music] oh [ __ ] auto scroll [Music] oh man how do i get that damn [Music] [ __ ] is that thing [Music] i would assume i had to like jump on the enemies that's my own damn fault for not getting that strawberry milk guccin [Music] there's chocolate milk there [Music] what does the chocolate milk do i guess more power i would imagine too much milk [Music] beware over milking it's a real phenomenon [Music] damn it go back then you missed the secret it's hard to know what the secret is it's it what is it [Music] oh no [Music] oh no [Music] you ever heard the tragedy of darth vader the fool [Music] please just be patient luigi that's fine [Music] i think it's maybe it was two paths and this wasn't necessarily a secret mario [Music] maybe it is [Music] oh [ __ ] banana milk time [Music] got really lucky there oh this is this is bad this is very bad luigi is very lactose intolerant lack toast and tolerant [Music] you must expel the demon fluid [ __ ] [Music] goodbye banana [Music] just once it would have been nice to have some flavored milk just once [Music] [Music] remove remove milk [Music] now i have my choice chat um i'm gonna go banana [Music] oh they bounce look at that that's kind of cool it's the milkman so the little green man shows himself to me at last jew you're actually real why does my voice change back between the show and the actual games yes i'm as real as the healthy health benefits of milk consumption and calcium ooh don't make me kill my brother no i am your brother what really no i was told that something you humans consider tragic yet amusing anyway enough talking more milking i'm gonna launch you out of the milky way foreign phase two you're even stronger than the red plumber unbelievable you know you would make an excellent milkman what are you doing not so fast i'm gonna put an end to all of this please reconsider plumber without me there will be no more milk for you you don't seem to understand i am lactose intolerant no please don't do this to my big bro just because you lost yours doesn't mean you should take away mine [Music] hey hey what's the big idea [Music] this that was such a cheap shot i had to big bro he was gonna kill you i suppose you're right it's for the good of the company so long plumber boy it's about time we delivered you to the boss you're gonna learn to truly appreciate milk creamy glory [Music] milkman i have several bones to pick with you mario mario that's right i'm back to my old sprightly self again and my nintendo cartoon voice but i don't understand i saw you die mario well you see luigi i had an extra life oh well how many extra lives do you have i don't know about five yeah yeah me bro unbelievable the red plumber has come back it matters not we can still take on both of you humans hands down forget the boss's orders i have something much greater in mind i hope you're prepared for this excuse me what why do i just i won't look at chat anymore what's going on now thanks to your brother becoming one with milk we've made enough milk to last us years so much milk it's overflowing out of containment it's going to flood the city now the entire kingdom will bow down to me or become one with the milk bro this seems a little over the top now whatever i've still got to get back at the green one for last time indeed we are going to team up and destroy both the traitor and the intolerant man luigi let me help out i'm gonna fight them alongside you it's the least i can do all right let's do this mario's like i'm helping [Music] wow [Music] mario's special ability is turning into a skeleton thank you mario [Music] looks like we got him luigi you know what they say payback is a glass best served cold luigi mario you know we're 3 000 feet in the air right what [Music] we're doomed oh oh i guess there's no fault damage hey luigi it's good to see you again it looks like this place is gonna blow at any moment we gotta leave sure thing luigi you know what i'm craving right now luigi it's moist creamy and great to have before bed yep i could really go for some pasta mario you know i can't eat that stuff i'm on a no gluten diet you what [Music] well that was even better than i was expecting [Music] [Music] that's good a bit of a [ __ ] post decent gameplay surprisingly good gameplay um some good fourth wall moments some uh you know some funny moments good enemies become friends friends become enemies very nice [Music] definitely worth giving a shot and i wasn't sure i was gonna actually finish that but it was it was good enough that i wanted to keep going and i'm glad i did all that for a pasta joke [Music] huh [Music] awesome the l on luigi's cap is backwards and the m on mario's hat is an n well hey i have a this was great and i'm really happy to have played it but i also have some what do we have here bonus materials [Music] chat i download this there it is [Music] wait a minute wait wait but joel's in here but but not vinny [Music] my my fragile ego [Music] same guy hang on chat i have bonus materials using the um wave 2 lip thing uh oh well there's there's a coda there's a post credit scene well that was certainly interesting to watch even after that i guess he still couldn't be turned over to the side of milk oh no oh well i just have to restart my business from the ground up again it's so dumb now what am i gonna do with these yes mr president well that was great and here's some bonus footage okay that that's [ __ ] disturbing and jackal made this one i have here a group of kids playing video games notice the hypnotic power of these machines okay by the way this isn't really david duchovny this is liquid snakes voice actor cam clark doing david duchovny if you missed last week's ex-school stream this is from that game we've got this [ __ ] game you never [ __ ] believe it it's got like a [ __ ] emotion engine there's no [ __ ] controller aliens have put these training devices in shopping malls and convenience stores everywhere their sinister purpose to numb the minds of young america uh now i've got now you should invest like two million dollars into it yeah mate it's gonna be [ __ ] sick wicked mate it's amazing how easily these innocent kids are seduced by these games i never let my kids near any of them no really there's no controller you [ __ ] weave your arms around like you're some [ __ ] crazy rave party mate nah nah and then you like diets and [ __ ] it's the future it's crazy so dumb it's so dumb also the jillian anderson voice actress was [ __ ] spot on and cam clark is so close to dukovny what do we have here a group of kids playing video games it's so it's so good it's so good someone just wrote young vinnie that was like four years ago i was 31 or so maybe even 32 when i filmed that that was not young vinny old vinny has been old for a couple years now uh but that's a great edit i i really appreciate it and like that edit okay so i want to do at least some of the sage i didn't expect us to go this late with uh corruptions in this but
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 213,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Luigi Doesn't Drink A Glass of Milk
Id: 9b4GwPUUycM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 50sec (3950 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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