[Vinesauce] Vinny - Palworld

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[Music] okay so this is a game called pal world and um I got a key of uh for this game from the publisher I guess and um it's Pokemon with guns have you seen the trailer I saw like a couple seconds of one and I was going to stay far away from this until I got a key sent to me and then I just thought it would be funny so I'm hoping there's something here to enjoy whether it be funny or not um world name dink dink world yeah uh no multiplayer normal difficulty yeah that's fine character name H yep that sure is a character why is the game so low normally I I have to lower the volume of these games um someone just said she looks like a hot dog what um whoa hold hold the fort oh okay we get to do this all right it's one of these games I Goa those are normal and cool proportions that make a lot of sense I I don't you know what chat why not why not I don't I don't think I care anymore let's just just yeah it's fine perfect this is a weird time to raid on what did did someone raid uh yeah sorry about that oh hacker I'm sorry I am so sorry I am so I'm so sorry oh boy I kind of want to make like a mobile ad character bro her kneecaps Have Eyes little [Music] bit [Music] it's a shame you can't do like like multicolored hair like different oh oh God I just made Luca from final uh from onono trigger kind of [Music] huh it's like thick AA Luca [Music] um these these cut scenes are definitely not going to be disgustingly cursed are [Music] they Towers are are we breath of the Wilding or are we Ubisoft do you like how Ubisoft is like Gamers need to get used to not owning their own games Ubisoft needs to get used to us not buying their games pick up Fallen branches or hit trees to get some wood I thought this was Pokemon oh yeah this character is really good really glad I made this character like this this is uh very smart and good thing of uh mhm it's by the makers of craftopia yeah that that mhm this island is a living hell the people I came with aren't with us any longer those damn Pals ate every one of them be careful take some basic supplies yeah so we're just going to have to deal with the arms clipping through the Robertson the entire time we watch this Vinnie you cannot edit your character anymore your choices are permanent I going to be real with you I don't care [Music] what is this video game and there it goes wow mamor rest mamories meet mamar rest this is already the best stream I've done all year but yeah there's a multiplayer component and that means there's a chance I'm going to end up playing this with some of my mods because they were talking about maybe playing it so I'll probably even just for like shits and giggles I mean I don't know what this game is maybe I'll never want to look at it again after this but um there is a chance just for fun we fuck around in multiplayer just so we can see what like so it's a a crafting Survival game with guns and Pokemon why open the technology screen from the menu unlock the pal sphere okay that's the Pokeball craft pal speres I need um palum fragments okay yeah nice nice view then you remember that it says on the green on the what on on Steam page that there are no labor laws for Pals oh that's they're just covering their asses legally yo what up [Music] cool fucking [Music] item oh you have to M you got to knock them out first completely well where do I need to get them fragments low HP not KO but I I threw it and nothing happened yo it's it's a fucking Meowth it's kativa okay I guess you could just build workbenches like almost anywhere someone just said why am I excited for this garbage I don't know you know what's funny Dave uh my mod Dave actually likes pal um the other one what was the other one called again craft to Opa he ended up kind of enjoying it apparently it's it's kind of good a little bit are there slime Pals here I hope not I need more wood this is what gaming is these days we just punch trees we just punch lots of trees these trees don't even collapse [Music] yes see that leads me to believe that I had some some bullshit went down [Music] chat because I threw that before Oh my God I fucking threw that earlier lamboy return [Music] idiot chat this is I don't I don't know what I don't know how to feel about this because it weirdly kind of works like just starting the game I understand what they're going for like you know obviously there's a lot more game to go but just playing like this tiny little fragment I understand the concept is it going to be good and stay good for the whole game I have no idea but when people in chat are like hey this weirdly looks kind of good I see what you mean is it better than Pokemon though I see what you're doing that's bait because I haven't even started this game yet I mean we've hit a couple rocks and collected one Pokemon uh one pal so I don't even have close to an answer for you chat member I mean it would be funny because then I could make fun of modern-day like Pokemon and their Rush development cycles and their bad visuals I could do that very easily whatever you'd like but um I've done it before but yeah I mean this obviously is on the PC and Visually I mean my character is very cool just as an example the water looks nice well it's Jank nice I picked up some stuff I I don't know why someone would like make this I mean I do know why actually never mind but yeah it's just very very interesting unlock the pal box build in an open space well I'm not ready for that yet but I wonder if I can it's it's easy enough to to do that it has like a like a stock cat sound effect it's like a Clefairy Meowth with a stock meow from like some kind of library that they just downloaded it from which is fine I mean that's what sometimes you got to do it's kind of funny though holy shit this is you know what though I have to applaud the freedom I had to make my character look like this not every game would be content with letting their player create this like Street Fighter 6 obviously you can do something like this I you know anytime you have a character creator that is you know willing to let the player be an asshole I applaud that I really do I have to look for a spot for our base chat and I don't know where I want to do that but we'll find it get chimpin uh I can try but I can't right now because I am out of pow balls and I have to build another bench God what is the multiplayer for this going to be like does this cost money money not for me not for me it didn't it will this is I believe it's early access and it's not out until tomorrow but again they sent me a key and I'm like do I really do I do I stream this yeah 30 bucks well if you unironically unironically liked craftopia then maybe you find this appealing as well and when I say appealing I mean I mean this I mean her I mean who wouldn't but who knows maybe this will end up being kind of fun um obviously you know where its influences are and it's like a blatant it's let's put it this way whatever it is it's blatant I think for some that give not a shit like craftopia gave not a shit about breath of the wild being exactly what that game was um with of course survival crafting because of course of course survival crafting always but yeah I mean if if you're fine with with that I mean it's like Bush compared not that kind of bush but like Bush compared to Nirvana you know what I mean like if you're fine with it then yeah sure have at it have fun someone said hey bush is good yeah yeah they're they're they're exactly they're good I agree they have some good songs need a copper key literally who one of the biggest bands from the 90s but yeah I mean I'm not expecting people to know who Bush are it's just a band that was big in the 90s I'm just saying they were pretty when they came out it was like they had zero credibility cuz it was just another ner band but I would take three Bush over one Nickelback name one Bush song Oh H line I got gunk in my teeth I need some relief lisine yeah I think I've entered a slightly more difficult area than I should be at right now chat and I don't even have a gun well I mean a whole lot of nothing is happening right now uh which is partially my fault because I was looking for a spot to place my base no music though yeah I know I mean at least have some piano going bring um I think maybe maybe base could go like here I don't know I mean this is really wide open maybe maybe here is good yeah yeah here is fine for a base for now I'm I'm fine with this I I don't think I care anymore it's fine hbox oh man wow an actual outfit that would be nice okay we get um get some Fiber and wood and we can make a bow I know you want to see the the pal battles though that's that's what this is all about [Music] right go lamboy go go go anyway uh we'll we'll we'll get there don't worry chat don't worry you need to attack first all right I gotta oh no there's hunger okay you know it turns out you can actually fa the trees uh Slaughter Pals for food chat that's pretty cool why would that's how do you do that it's not like there's one that looks exactly like a chicken with a juicy plumpy delicious chicken breast so tasty let's get a nice look at at what's going on here exactly yeah there you go that is a nice look at those graphics how do we how do we eat these oh even your pals get hungry oh okay okay why didn't you make her arms massive too funny how much more fiber do we need I mean I just ate a bunch of berries yeah access the pal box and summon a pal to your base it just you know I have so much fun holding the button it's just fun to hold the button wandering Merchant hey hey hey whoa whoa whoa friend friend we're friends right we're friends the hell did you come from everything else is too expensive could buy egg I'm also my character is cold partially because I mean we're wearing a loin cloth probably uh that's pal world you there it is access pal box and summon a pal to your base what does that mean what do you mean they'll automatically search for jobs they're capable of doing what is this small cat going to do Pals without beds would will get stressed I I'm already like tasked with so many things that I must do what must I do the answer is everything I could have just do so many things no bed eight without a table a sin as we've learned from Rim world can I make a torch just a oh handheld torch I can I have to just do that here are we making a Pokemon labor camp yeah but it says on the steam page that there's no labor laws involving Pals so it's apparently okay there we go there's the torch she skipped arm day she skipped arm life ah ah dead dream didn't I have more arrows than that oh man no Pals on the team oh shit I bought Chad I bought arrows from that guy I know I did anyway my pal is getting stressed okay now we can have the pal not be stressed I think how straw bed 20 seconds you know I there's a maybe there's a way that you could just set the thing down and it just Auto builds over time hows build it you make Pals build stuff all right I'll build this one just this time because apparently my cat is stressed out or something why is the cat in the wall quality I don't know now how do I make the cat do the work oh boy come on 40% 40% oh it worked chat that cat is not really doing much of anything um press tab to strengthen your stats enhance stats ran away yeah it's running away I think that's my cat I'm not sure it hauled ass no no no no hang on watch bam and Bam no cat where's the cat let me let me name this um uh Willard it's a coward Willard the cat the cat's in the wall again build build build okay insufficient materials certain Pals can only do certain tasks you you're just making that up no they're probably right I I have no idea oh this is ore I need stones those gormless hands my God okay capture five lamb balls and earn an exp bonus in increase your player level by capturing 30 Pals see Willard's doing it why did it take so long for Willard to figure this shit [Music] out uh thank you and now it's running away oh it's mining okay I wonder if there's a way to like pick up one of the things and place it someplace else because I currently have um that that's a really bad this is in a bad place you can only destroy and rebuild it's not like your basee is in a good place no really really hit B new build um production disassembly mode oh okay just fucking exploded oh that reminds me what happened to my My Pal Willard what is Willard where's where's Willard didn't read the warning no no Willard's here Willard's chilling if anything happens to that cat I swear to God Vinnie why does your character have worms look at Willard go good good cat I need to unlock arrows repair kit shoty bed cloth that's good cuz then finally we can get some clothing on uh we need wool okay I've got that she does have meat legs oh my God the her her kneecaps literally are meat like from the right angle you can really see it there you go oh that makes more sense yep sure sure looks normal normal and real um command no I need uh H yeah there you go good cat Vinnie when are you going to create your next iconic character like meat or grey Leno I I like how you called grey Leno iconic um H let's see I don't know you might be looking at her but also no uh bust the blood nut I felt was pretty was pretty good see underrated people don't know about bust the blood nut okay uh now I think we can just you know we'll catch five lamb balls um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do I have God damn it hang on before I catch things see you got to do a million things to prep but it it's like every other game of this type like oh hey what's up uh no you can you can return we don't need you right now upgrade pal box so you can use more pal at base Vinnie those arms are making me angry the intent was exactly that how about that pal down there doing that little twist come on baby let's do that someone said they they saw someone playing this where they had um like 12 or more Pals on the base watering cooking and like doing things you are way oh okay lamb balls Farm wool for you how does one upgrade the pal box this cat is amazing that noise click missions I can't jump meaning I can't get to my treasure [Applause] box oh there we go wow that I can't believe it Willard actually broke that entire giant thing of rocks that's amazing okay so these these are just like materials [Music] and was that an owl Willard is on a short break this is unacceptable um Ranch fire arrow when do you start getting guns oh that's a while first you get like a a a shitty like bone gun from exists and then you get like a cult like a 1911 and then you can start getting like fucking rifles and machine guns and rocket launchers wow okay what was I doing oh yeah uh someone said upgrade the the pal box but I don't think I can do that right now oh V missions okay base upgrade okay build shoty bed and now we can have Lambo do some stuff oh my God that's a lot of things I just picked up not connected to a structure oh yeah I think you probably have to go to your base every time you want to um oh you scared me I have to build this indoors oh man okay we got some work ahead of us then hey you you can build this build your own bed oh my favorite part of any game I do genuinely like building in games like this to an extent and then I get bored of it pretty quickly but I like it for a little while I do this is my home I get jump scared every time I go into the menu security settings oh wow like rust oh you got to go into the menu for every you don't oh you just have to right click I say still not right clicking okay now I have right clicked all right insufficient materials Vinnie how is this compared to ancestors of humankind you're just you mean like actual humans like life like humans uh favorable less labor intensive on the actual body the monkey game I don't even I don't even know what you're talking about yeah they can build look at them both build those little bastards they're they're cool they're really nice they're [Music] Pals build feed box build straw po bed we we have a new worker a new worker has arrived no joke these stock cat cat sound effects are at least as old as the 9s they'll build it you know having the pals build your base for you it that that was my one complaint about the building and now I feel I feel a lot better about that but uh they they need a feed box common Shield just unlock a bunch of stuff Berry Plantation yeah I mean yeah Plantation we don't maybe not use that that's help okay wrong button oh that was wasted I think okay feed box insufficient materials uh there's a lot of punching trees now the pals don't seem to be punching trees for me how do you get them to punch trees this game isn't even out yet I'm asking chat you have to assign them like you assigned the cat to the Rock I I didn't though the deer is a the deer is a tree puncher I see I think the food expires yeah just more ways to have fun that's what it's all about chat fun and friendship and Eevees creis [Music] I got a creis and a a chickp pee all right we need a tree puncher oh God that that is a fucking highlevel creature that one's a little lower level copper key holy shit go sending out like a level two chicken 6% capture rate we don't want that H wrong button I keep pressing the wrong button yeah yeah go 12% capture rate yeah williard you're here yeah go Willard motherfucker [Music] they're still attacking it they're going to kill it oh man yeah they killed one of them shit my Lads are kind of going mental aren't they I think they might have died the hell happened here corpse oh well as long as my pals back at the base are doing okay yeah they're fine even these are fine uh dead dead dream is not doing so great that that that's yeah we get like a 10-minute cool down partner skill fluffy wool uh fluffy Shield cat helper egg layer oh wait no they're dead as well currently think you got to place them in the box that's 10 minutes build Berry Plantation deploy a work pal to the base could you rename it to Granny Cris no can't do that that's that's bad [Music] um when do you start capturing other people that's end game and that let me tell you story gets crazy right around there not it's not a good time you actually can oh what that wasn't a joke oh okay oh they just go for it huh don't they they just go for it you can capture them in Pokeballs they're pal speres first of all okay wood takes up a good chunk of your um inventory [Music] it wandered onto my base for some reason bake those berries no okay they eventually cook kind of slowly it ran away it ran away are you able to sleep yeah oh [Music] oh requires kindling I don't know if the palace can actually cook that might be too Advanced for them you need a fire type again no idea if you're lying but it makes sense Willard is training to kill you no that's incorrect Willard would never you need to find a duck pal I will find a duck before the end of the Stream um okay so we're collecting rocks at least uh where are they going up there they're going to put the rocks in the the boxes that's nice of them see they they're doing they're useful they're actually actually genuinely being useful and removing a lot of the busy work that I don't want to have any fucking thing to do with mental uh I do need to get rid of this box because it's in a bad spot we don't want it up there we we want to oh God I'm I am completely immobilized oh my God drop it was the stones there's there's just too many of them kind of reminds me of valheim a little too like not a lot I mean oh boy why did I do this palim carbon copy of Ark one of The Inspirations for this game was Rim world oh man I've been jonesing for Rim world but I've been playing uh fucking dot age and that has been really really good it's just not as like funny as Rim world but at some point this year you will see a rim World stream that's a that's a guarantee want to move small pal Soul okay um leather bring this here I need more pow balls I think the venison's about to expire I actually want to go Adventure but the base stuff is I surprisingly and like kind of weirdly compelling compelling um I didn't build a workbench we're going to build one here and then I'll build a repair bench it's my always the thing that you got to do is build build next to uh oh are you a new cat [Music] build your workbenches next to your buildings that's the best way to do it what's going on here oh oops build repair bench I need more wood but in order to do that I need more see and that's the the fucking endless cycle of gaming that's why I needed that deer the deer could punch the wood but I need to make a I need to repair my my axe where is my axe anyway I had one oh um repair it's cheaper no no I'm going to go and uh we're going to do the thing we're going to go explore at some point definitely definitely going to explore I just need to do a couple more things to the base and hire an Elk elk if I hire that elk chat it's going to be we're going to be in good shape Vinnie you're using very aggressive hiring strategies there's there's free food at the base a nice comfortable bed oh here here comes the troops um okay need to make some some balls we can make make couple balls required handiwork yeah they don't they don't have hands yeah they're pal spheres it's different whole game is different it's super different okay uh recipe for arrows oh God the arrows take a while oh dear God Vinnie please tell me if it's possible to play this game with one hand asking for a friend no need two hands three is preferable if you use the foot pedals though you'll be able to you will be able to successfully build without alerting the guards Colonel I'm dummy thick and I I'm stuck in a Pokemon clone melport what are you doing nothing Colonel nothing someone just said I just got here what the fuck is happening normal things chat member normal things this is all normal and fine completely cool and chill and normal I wonder if I have wait do I have my pals I have [Applause] yeah return I have there's some Pals we we can unleash these Pals I need to capture the elk chat this is It's a bird it's a little bird I need that bird who is this bird hangle it go yeah I got it I got the little penguin okay great oh shit giant Mammoth over there [Music] shit no I want to throw can you throw multiple I'm out of arrows already fucking hell 2% go ah remember to dodge what button is Dodge wrong [Music] button you you left 15 arrows at the table oh you're right control is the Dodge button ah that that's not very convenient I'm going to rebind that uh controls okay key cannot be used oh all right well then never mind I tried to use the mouse button how do we restore even more Health than this maybe one must sleep love that camera angle on those meat on those meats there is meat in her kneecaps my pals aren't strong enough to go for the the elk just yet chat also the trees do grow back and now the giant Mammoth is here great also there was a treasure chest not far from this base and I now now have a key for it [Music] planting seed I mean the pals do level up while you're like while they're working so that's good also I probably want uh we got to make another straw bed for another pal there you go they'll build that and then also uh I have a a penguin now we have a pengle it now it shows you what they can do but I don't know what they can do I need advanced details so handiwork watering cooling transporting so it shows you each of their their tasks that they can do um so penlet would probably be good to do a little work penguin yeah the penguin has a rocket launcher that's fine and normal and probably very very cool pal gear workbench and statue of power parachute okay it's going to get breath of the wild wait what is what's that action hang on this is a thing farming okay I definitely would like a pal who can build my arrows for me oh we got one there you go pal a that's awesome good for you buddy I think they learn more maybe they learn more things as they go dragon skill fruit Dragon Cannon if you start a craft manually they won't craft it for you oh I see I see I see okay there's still some food here but again I believe the my my chicken is producing egg I think is what's [Music] happening oh you're my are wait who are you why' you the fuck HP has remained HP has remained [Music] damn [Music] go [Music] yeah fucking attack help me 7% capture rate 55% oh shit oh shit [Music] they're still fighting my armor is [Music] damaged [Music] help meet your new meet your new coworker everybody not yet oh God yeah penguin use the penguin shit yeah a a food yeah the level was just too high I need cloth I wonder if I have damage uh who's dead are you dead no you're major injury but recovering slowly this pink is wonderful Melbourne Harvest elk meat carve that poker man's fucking skull and out and wear it oh captures are stronger if you hit it from the back yeah that is that so so chat member no one's going to know how to build this or cook this rather it you know it it just it's just going to take a while okay we got it um wondering like so it restores more but also I'm wondering if that is um more efficient like is it is it a more efficient way of feating Vinnie name the penguin so in Mega Man X there's a character called chill penguin and I believe I forget what language but it's chill penguino good job Lambo well done it's icy penguino yes icy penguino okay I just just want to make sure these fuckers are fed icy penguino we just need to get this little penguin fellow a rocket launcher at some point I also would like to make that I need um some extra wool I they're probably dropping the wool off in one of these and before Vinnie gets addicted to this game no I don't have any wool [Music] I'm assuming you don't get extra ingredients for that but you do get an XP bonus [Music] so I got some wool yeah I got [Music] some and there's my XP bonus all the while my other pals are leveling up chat I I don't I don't think I'm going to get addicted to this game there's a boss at the tower I see that yeah that could be a fun thing to attempt before I end the stream or before I move on to Final Fantasy whenever that will be oh this could take a little while you want a gun before this ends well I've been playing this an hour and a half I could see myself playing in another 40 minutes and then we'll play the yui DLC 40 minutes so let's see I don't think we'll get a gun by then but there is again there is a mysterious Treasure Chest not far oh there you go yeah like completely breath of the wild I kind of want to go and look for that cuz it was somewhere around here you can even see there's like a point of Interest over there I don't know what that is but it was like it was around here wasn't it maybe it was along the Cliff face there it is bread coins cloth outfit schematic now can one teleport back to their base I don't know I don't see a way to do it I think you not at your level I think you need to the one way to do it is make another base there's like fellas down there by the beach I wonder if there's ducks the stamina is a little low that's why I keep like putting stats into it oh these motherfuckers will cook chat these these fucking [Music] things uh we we seem to have angered the boss or the the the big poke uh the big pal the big pal okay let's see the hell is that thing dinome I think these will cook they yeah they deal with the campfire so here watch let's take a look and see start production yep that's exactly what they do you're hired now I wonder look at look at it doing a flamethrower on there I wonder if it's going to bring it to the food area maybe not [Music] okay uh let me drop these rocks off and that as well how many fragments do I have or how many of these do I have I have I have one house spere left that's not good you can press R to Quick stack okay oh it's wood and stone I don't have enough wood for for a lot of those right now [Music] yeah there we go I yeah didn't even fight back but I mean I could use one of these on my [Music] team this fucking car every time there's no way I can take this game serious now what what is the goal of this game just be slutty that's that's really it like you just just do [Music] that okay you you want to make sure the thighs touch in order to start a fire like to Kindle the fire that's the real end goal uh well the teleportation would be nice especially if you're going to go explore like wherever the fuck outside of your base at the moment I'm a little hesitant to do some exploration um also the fucking elk creature oh there's something happening over there no not really um the elk creatures are gone from this area I don't see any more of them they have not repopulated grass skill fruit wind cutter follow that road and you'll find a TP Stone okay that's what that is yeah there you go oh well that's nice common Shield they just love let me tell you they love attacking those rocks that's their favorite thing pal gear workbench statue of power Almighty statue I will place you near this waterfall May Lucario bless us all this seems like a bad place for it yeah I changed my mind we don't we don't want that to be there I'm going to put it here instead and my pals can build it I don't they'll take care of it um I can also there's another thing uh pal gear workbench I need some extra wood and I need a cloth for that though and no cloth I think your I'm pretty sure your your um your sheep can produce wool somehow maybe not I don't know you need a farm watering the farm or the little the berry area okay but yeah I just keep needing wool do you think this little chicken it wants to be a part of the base oh it is never mind more elk have spawned they have weak [Music] points go [Music] a I I actually genuinely love that they just roll down the hill like they're so they're just helpless okay we can build this pal workbench somewhere [Music] let's see what this does enhance player stats offer lift monk Effigies to enhance your capture power oh okay enhance Pals um motivational leader offer souls to enhance your pals okay wow okay I don't know what that means how do you get more souls where's the world music the game needs that honestly like it's one of the things people keep saying when they get here and they're 100% right don't mind me I'll just eating some of them too base upgrade build Crusher build stone pit build logging site Mr Crusher Crusher that harness for holding Fox Sparks activate its partner skill to hold Fox Sparks and attack using it as a flamethrower what the fuck Ranch for raising sheep see this is why we need one of these Pals to um to fucking get wood for us so we don't have to I don't have to deal with it like there's just too much wood that must be acquired actually I will need more pal speres because we are quickly running out of those didn't unlock logging Camp no not yet fucking meow every see it's the lack of Music Plus the meow that gives this game its weird like fucking offbrand atmosphere among many other things of course but you know just in general all right here we go this Cris could help I don't know if the Cris is going to help but here go creis oh man the other one oh got to deal with type matchups too I think okay here here come the pals they're going ham [Music] [Music] [Music] believe ice is its weakness come on I just need one I just need one of you ah 15% come on come on come on come on come on come [Music] on oh you bastard come on yeah that's I mean that's the best chance I'll have got it I got it worth definitely worth a okay we have some injured Pals there's some you know there's a couple injuries all right now you can go collect wood congratulations welcome to your new home um my poor uh penguin my my poor icy penguino what's going on what's going on here oh okay it's that's what's happening it's logging need to make it a bed this giant ass thing is going to sleep in a tiny bed [Music] sleeping I mean it is called [Music] Daydream yeah that's the problem is having to hear them make their weird noises like every time they perform an action not my favorite thing definitely not my favorite thing I didn't get the statue at the plateau chat I forgot I I didn't know what I was doing so I need more uh I need like flame sacks mpaka oh God wait no mpaka we are friends you're a new face you can get extra XP by capturing up to 10 of the same kind thanks well you are rewarded for exploration for just finding random stuff I would like to find a duck please common egg this is where the Ducks would be normally I would imagine and yes there is climbing like breath of the wild kind of meat KN it's funny because every time a new chat member joins it's either oh my God Vinnie look at your character as if I don't know or Vinnie your Mees look your knees look like meat breath of the wild invented climbing yes well the game that they made before this craftopia was just straight up breath of the wild I wonder what the the breakout like Pikachu creature in this game will be I actually didn't mean to throw that yeah attack that fucking thing go yeah don't worry about it tant yes just beat the shit out of your Pokemon with an axe sorry not Pokemon [Music] Pals have you noticed every time a pal escapes the game says cheeky bastard I have not noticed that actually tany so I think we found one of the towers definitely not going to find a gun before I stop playing this today but yeah I mean it doesn't look too bad it doesn't it doesn't always look amazing compared to like like some other open World Games obviously like more AAA games but there's moments where it can look decent and the frame rates are nice not throwing any particular shade just saying in general I like the frame rates I think you get the ingredients whether or not you you kill I was a mistake I I really by accident I throw those those pow balls thinking I'm throwing out a partner to attack it happens a lot let's see if I get the ingredients from that materials yeah you get them you can capture or kill you get the materials either way so here's that [Music] power piano Stinger Syndicate Thug whoa what Team Rockets blasting off again they have guns finally it's Pokemon with guns I put it in the title and now it has finally come to pass it took this long my cat is just killing them I'm just going to set them on fire while my cat does the work God if only I had a fucking um I I don't have a sphere now I do oh my God chat wasn't joking it's a it's tough though it's tough you can even sell or butcher them after catching them what knock okay are you dead yeah you're well not dead knocked out I did pick up some bullets mental you're going to play this with the mods aren't you yeah I think so I think so I you know what though they're probably going to outlevel me I I know how they sometimes they they play more than I do it's fine but I'll probably jump in when I can and uh I don't know if I'll be using this character I kind of feel like my character is Iconic at this point I don't think there's a way to change the name of your character right no probably not oh well I need a Crusher these are the things needed for the next level uh I do want to do this the fox Sparks harness so we're going to head back to the base and do that real quick they're adding character editing in a later patch apparently it's funny because I didn't even know I I saw a trailer for this game I forgot it existed and now here it is like it came out of fucking nowhere wait how do you make this oh oh you have to go to your um H bench The Shield works like fortnite by the way thank you for putting a description to something that I was trying to think of because I couldn't and now now it makes more sense especially with the gun aspect is there PVP in this no yes will be okay so we've got the harness okay so uh nox can collect some stuff too leaves mainly you do get egg from the chicken I think okay so okay uh party I don't know how to do this you need to summon it chat I have to say I'm actually impressed I am somewhat impressed by this just the concept the audacity H crates I like owls too oh is it like Socrates like hres that's silly if that's true that better not be true cuz I'm going to fight you use lamb as a [Music] shield need to make some kebabs real quick and uh let's see what what does um what does you do not much air cannon you don't do much however congratulations welcome to the team bro her nussies are out of control wear some pants oh yeah actually didn't I get um I got a recipe cloth outfit uncommon but I need Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient C what's going what is this what are you doing you rescued you're pal I can't believe it there's a level six one over here come on 66% got it that one's better okay let me just do some inventory stuff um quick stack yeah chat I'm I'm actually shocked at how good this can be I'm not going to say it's like amazing but it works it kind of fucking works it doesn't make any sense but it works like it it shouldn't these are very disperate elements but they're kind of also not when you think about it it mimics the things you like relatively well like that's really kind of the best way to put it but why not have it why not have it go across here and here and then there and then there why is it all one line [Music] okay there's some wood in there I I was hoping they would deposit the rest of the wood like cuz that that elk has been working like overtime I don't know if there's any um oh wow this is just happening up here are you g I think it was broken I was going to say for a game that's attempting this many things it's relatively like not too glitchy but no it's it's pretty it has its moments all right well that'll be that chat once again this is a weird strange game there are guns there's there's Pokemon clone things but there's also some relatively compelling stuff here too uh I find myself pretty addicted I'm not addicted I'm not addicted but it it is it's it's kind of good so um I think maybe one day you'll see me play more of this with my mods and um I don't know it it it gets surprisingly deep into the mechanics well here's what I need to do I need to find a duck I have I have three goals I want to find a duck I want to find a gun and I want to chop I want to capture a human in a pal sphere and then butcher them no I mean um sell them or have them work for me or whatever anything just just be I want them to be in there is it janky yeah is it a complete unoriginal game it's completely unoriginal is it kind of fun kind of fun um wow shocked I am let's take a quick break I'll be back want to play more Final Fantasy 7 remake uh thank you for watching so far and be back in just a couple minutes
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 193,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Lets Play, Gameplay, PC, Let's Play, Stream Archive, VOD, Full VOD, Full Stream
Id: _heviTMlr2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 59sec (7739 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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