[Vinesauce] Joel - Bugsnax ( Part 1 )

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so um bugs bug snacks um well i can't say much about this except uh people mentioned that the places in five games i was like well all right what was that and everybody was was going bug snacks bug snacks bug snacks and i said what's bug snacks and people say game of the year so we're going to be playing game of the year here um i don't know much about boog snacks but the word is addicting to say so whenever i say boog snucks it's like a swear jar right did you guys are you guys like joking with me by the way like come clean now come clean now did you guys is this game like kind of bland but it's fun to say that it is the game of the year somebody said it's the knack of like the playstation 5. it's just like uh whatever no it's it bug of the year what if i end up like really liking this it's generally good generally good yes but actually no you're gonna have a lot of fun with it all right well uh i do have crazy tastes in video games so who knows let's check it out too bug snacks all right guys so this game is about body horror no joke yeah what give me a second all right sorry how to sneeze all right anyway so bug snacks let's uh let's give it a try i've already installed it and i'm playing the pc version because uh imagine if i oh wait no because fortnite is updating right [ __ ] [ __ ] off fortnite uh i thought it was already installed oh you can only install one thing upper once at the epic store i see all right well that seems to be a huge game home thank you boog snucks uh thank you for ruining everything cancel that and get ready to download bug snacks please that's all i want all right installing here we go boog snacks boog snacks boog snucks do you don't play boogie snacks it's bad well we're gonna play it regardless if it's bad or good that's the that's the great thing about it base technical difficulties it's like 10 already after i clicked on it so it's fine play bug snacks it's bad seriously seriously now now that we're talking so much about boob snacks what if this game generally is great um shamu 3 is now on steam no wait what no when did that come out oh for [ __ ] sake are you serious no hang on shenmue 3 when did it come out shenmue three yes it okay uh release date wait wait a minute 19th november uh get out of here all right well i'm glad that we already finished so you know so i have no real reason to play it again but uh you know it is what it is all right anyway we're still downloading boog snucks so there's that joel do i like kiro bonito they did the music for boog snucks i i have no idea what caro caro bonito is it what what's that too it's like a death metal man though [Laughter] it's life groups so it's the emphasis of death scripts okay that you know you know if people are talking about the music of bug snacks being really good how about this uh i'll make a cover tonight of the boog snacks song from caro bonito and i'll do my own take on it you know i'll do like a death metal version of it just to like [ __ ] around with it why not let's have some fun here and this is that's antithesis like that's how you say it that's that's no no no no no no you say emphaticist just do say that you do say that we've been over to this before all right we're still downloading bug snacks yeah boog snacks so what's your day guys you have a have a good day and all that yeah have a have a good day okay it's like okay then antithesis no that's not how you say it i'm saying it right i am saying it right listen to the song yeah no i want to hear the song in game before otherwise i might be like stuck listening to it at least laughing at it welcome to bug snacks all right is that how it goes is that anything like what the song is the song is in the credits this is the place for pleasant five version pc actually [Laughter] welcome to boog snacks welcome welcome welcome to bug snacks welcome to bug snacks you ready you ready well you better be what if this game end up ends up being like one of my favorite games ever you know [ __ ] box next are you [ __ ] ready are you [ __ ] ready for bookstore are you [ __ ] ready for garlic [ __ ] pretty okay open this blood up [Music] oh i'm applying garfield wait i've seen this game i think uh wasn't this game on uh like a previous uh e3 or something like that and i was like yeah that game looks kind of cute too oh that's that game okay that was bug snacks all along oh hell all right so this is the power of the playstation 5 yeah [ __ ] hell this looks great damn was that like mocap technology okay no stop with those jokes let's play this for real okay now i just want to make sure that we are playing this uh let's yeah let's play an ultra there we go i really am playing a score field dude yo if this game was called like garfield and the uh seven golden lasagnes i i would not mind objective find odie well i'm not going over that pitch i'm not going over that bridge oh [ __ ] okay i'm rolling that guy i mean call of duty huh i thought this was like a viva pinata game i i expect this to be uh like an fps kind of thing pizza pizza dragon will this be a full play through uh i can't answer that question right now um okay two weeks earlier greetings i am lisbet megafig intrepid explorer seeker of the unknown hunter of undiscovered creatures hey it's a [ __ ] aussie i deserve to know get a guppy in the [ __ ] dunny eh i'm lisboot and i have made an incredible discovery here on snacktooth island but this is more than a mere expedition if you know what getting a garby in the dhonius shame on you construction of our settlement is well underway where am i so far away from civilization what discovery could tempt us today am i in heaven i'm down on the dane they're the most delicious thing in the world you haven't lived until you've tried one it's true half bag half snack there's nothing quite like them there's one now i got it good effort bilbo the game is glitch too would you say the game is bugged i've read your work the shadow of grandfather the secretary is supposed to be a cut scene here oh okay like me you have a passion for discovering unknown truths and also like me if you truly recognize your talent i'm blindless i'm blind with the world i have no eyes put my eyes back liz my [ __ ] eyeballs have been stolen i can't play the bug snacks if i don't have eyes okay okay well all right wow that's your new lead another monster hunter rocco do you have any idea how much trouble you caused me i had to record half a million papers and give a public apology all because your grump foot turned out to be a lost football mascot we've been over this it doesn't matter how eye-catching your articles are if i'm stuck cleaning up your sloppy work you're already out of sight of spider-man and now you're gonna follow elizabeth to some grump forsaken island elizabeth megafig is either a con artist or a lunatic remember that whole mess with trump lances this bug snacks thing is just her latest delusion why don't you believe in bug snacks what's wrong with snacktooth island what do you know about lisbeth well i'm going so this is like mass effect they've got a paragon and another thing why don't you believe in bug snacks because i've got a working brain see the opposite of a streamer what's wrong with snacktooth island do your research ships go missing around there all the time the place is like me before i get my coffee deadly okay what do you know about liz lisberg you got a little famous after stumbling across some forgotten civilization in grumpsylvania she's been sylvania success ever since well i'm going this is absurd only a desperate loser would follow liz bert all right well it is a tantalizing story if true we'll just have to hear it from lizbert herself say you get an interview with her and make it back alive you just might keep your job now get going and try not to fall of a cliff or something i'll try oh my god is that the boog snucks right there it's creatures it's bugs and food combined into one it's bug snucks book snacks i see well is that you oh thank grump you're alive too bad i'm dying though moving on okay who are you al what oh this is me philbo hmm i'm sorry i want to do some sort of joke about lord of the rings like yeah you know a pixar percent but none of those jokes are hitting me in the head right now but whatever what happened for you but uh i got hungry and i couldn't catch any bug snares okay where's lizburgh that's a weird question but where is lisberg like i'm you know existential moving on you're not liz bert oh grump it doesn't matter who you are please give me something to eat okay sure thing buddy i think there's a bug snack right over there could you get a good look at it i know which one it is for me you know if this game was like a pokemon snap kind of game uh i would not mind it bug snack scope okay a very simple snack watch its walking pattern okay it is it is kind of really so i have like a pokedex too huh they're a little shy but that's okay they just need some space here all right okay there's a problem with this game uh i really like like this this kind of very over overtly cute stuff and i can't hate on it it's like a it's like bouncing off any sort of like joke and i'm like it's like it's so cute that i'm like i can't say anything mean about it you know i i scanned a strap oh good that that one's pretty easy to catch well you aren't me anyway do me a favor and take my snack trap okay guys full playthrough confirmed that you don't have your snack trap selected all right all right i see put the snack trap down there and then we'll hide okay dude get out of the way dude all right so we just gotta watch the walking pattern here all right well let's take it back here hide behind this rock all right i don't i don't like filboa here is i don't know it kind of looks like little elmo but the bug snacks themselves i really like you guys pick it up before it escapes okay i got a chivo okay but i i i don't kind of like how he talks okay talk and feed what wow you got it okay now toss it into my mouth hole nah it's one of these games so they get some cute [ __ ] and then this happens all right well anyway so that was bug snacks uh what do i think of the game um [Music] why do we have to do this no no no oh yes i'm saved well what happened to your arm oh this pretty neat huh it's a side effect of eating bug snacks anywho i'm still recovering i could use maybe three more bug snacks i'm sure that scope of yours will come in handy skin and plan i always say are you really the mayor and not like satan i i i don't like this i don't want to i don't want to like efficiently murder these cute strawberries i'd rather like feed filbo here to like you know i'd rather drown them all right all right guys welcome back to murder snacks it's a cute game that's all about uh basically consuming flesh uh didn't expect this okay can i go like the vegan rap in this game and just like flip them off and tom [ __ ] you i'm gonna eat sand no i can't uh i hate this this game is not seriously what i uh all right well uh yeah okay well i guess we have to find another strawberry here oh wait there's another no you cannot expect me to get the the the snake character no no why am i doing this [ __ ] sake no i hate this i hate this why the [ __ ] am i murdering these these cute animals all right well let's use my camera here what is this rootley burrows into the stroller scared oh come here come here i'm trying to get you back please all right thank you can i get it back here oh he's getting back that way okay and then and then you do this to retrieve it okay uh anyway so you just kind of do this you deploy it and then you wait too but i seriously i have a problem with this like if the if these animals weren't so goddamn cute i would have been fine with this but this is like a horrible experience [Music] if i was feeding the buck snacks this guy would have been fine with it okay uh let's chat i could hack it on my own but i guess i'm just not good at anything except consuming consume the flesh all right who else who else did we go up to you know you know how i joked at the the start of the stream and i said you know maybe i should do a death metal cover for this game you know like and now i'm very inclined to do so because this game is is quite brutal you know oh we have another one of these roots i really don't want to do this man i i generally have a problem with this it's it's it's i hate it i hate it [ __ ] sake why are you making me is this the whole game about this just like feeding cute animals like what yes like is this like a like a sickle game you know i was like lifesaver buddy is this isn't this what what what uh serial killers do i'm filming you know i'm the uh mayor around here um sorry if this is a stupid question but uh what are you doing out here murderer okay leslie asked me to join her i'm here to investigate bug snacks it's my last chance to find a good story yeah well i guess i'll just talk about little is really you got the film i helped lizbert make that awk i couldn't see anything you are you're the journalist i knew it was stupid to ask desperate said you'd become this is like a lovecraftian game and i'm investigating a cult still it's my job to show you the way to town follow me okay huh follow field bow to snacks burger let me guess this guy is the bad guy he's gonna rip off his face buddy i have to tell you something uh-oh i'm supposed to take you home but lisber might not be there oh huh why are you sad i don't know where lizburt is i was out here looking for her she ate her she will be there when we get back i'm sure she wouldn't want to miss her interview with you ready to go buddy let's go then all right through here yeah at the very end of the game fieldwork transforms into some like sumerian demon that's like very out of like the art style he looks like an actual demon and he starts chastising it's like uh it's kind of like a liquid snake in metal gear you enjoy all the killing you enjoy all the bug snacks killing it's who you are all right hey wambus how's the farm you're still alive i thought you just starved to death by now nope i found a journalist i'm also pretty good at hunting bug snacks i was gonna bring them back to snacksburg that's nice don't you want to come with no no why not i got my paws full with my ketchup crop ketchup grappler bluebird around to catch bug snacks i gotta keep us all fed uh so this is that red dead redemption game i've heard so much well it's better than nothing you want us to die out here no no but uh but this garden is just so far away from everybody maybe you could start another one in town call this one quits i don't quit now kindly leave and take a ketchup for the road whoa darn bunger get out of here stranger i could use your help this bunger goes wild for ketchup there's a pen set up nearby take my sauce slinger gather up some ketchup and use it to lead the bunker over yonder this game invented english too and i love it too okay so you get the ketchup as ammo okay i don't know how i feel about this i don't know how i feel about this i i gotta say let's scan it this boot this bug snack knocks away traps it also tackles anything covered in ketchup i had a set of skin crews okay maybe they didn't talk like that but uh all right a buddy uh you didn't say you were gonna play doom okay uh how do i leave it again i got a lure it right do i shoot the ground like he loves it like he he loves that and he loves this okay i see this is like gamer language took care of that bunga stranger we better go check on filbo okay yeah yeah no this is how parents felt when pokemon came out i'm out of touch i'm out of time okay oh you're right philbo uh don't you worry i'm a i'm a little sore but uh i'll be a-okay all right just happy you're getting along with wambus he's having a hard time and his wife isn't around much these days so uh well just see if you can help him out i'll stay here until my brain stops hurting i'm sorry stranger i didn't mean for filbo to get hurt like that he's right though i'm in over my head i know farming would be easier back in time you ain't been okay since the time you ate your wife well i'll be cold and buried before those walking [Music] all right uh doing good buddy uh don't forget your snack scope and your sauce all right fried dirt at the rescue of fried there is once this pest hides it won't come out of hiding until it's forced out too it's darn warm and ruining my goddamn [ __ ] farm blurp okay all all people with like a texan accent sound the same to me okay honestly i'm gonna give this game a little critique immediately if this whole game was just you and the animals i would have been fine like this guy is okay but no like if this game was only hey find the funny insects and the burger you know i would have been like okay good uh it would have been better that way field bow sucks yeah right now do i just snack trap here no not yet too a friday you'll learn to love the characters well i oh i hope so come out buddy oh holy [ __ ] he he he attacks it man but how do i how do i get him out there wait that's not that that's not the right bug is it a bush that smaller bugs can hide and larger bug snacks will bounce off and scare whatever is inside yeah that wasn't that was uh well it wasn't him all right cause that's [ __ ] shish kebab okay yeah once it's bad hides all right i kind of like the idea that whatever they're saying is just censoring because they're all swearing like they had to change the language of the game oh [ __ ] it that's a frighter climbs oh look at that climb to the high walls and out of reach but we'll come down if it smells ketchup all right i see i come here buddy yeah he's coming all right let's get ready here all right [Music] it's got a good soundtrack i'll give it that i'll give it that you know but no no no no no no no more no let's chat please i'd hate bug snacks if they weren't so darn delicious no what was i doing again you should feed me that friday no goodbye stranger i'm i'm like shaking my head in disagreement like uh uh-uh all right [Music] tastier than i thought now i want to eat those darn shish bugs those pests are easy to spook and they don't even like ketchup not sure why they bother with me oh yeah all right i i don't know guys i i i just don't know seems that work too okay yeah yeah get him get him get him get him okay well so i gotta get the right angle here okay i need some more ketchup okay is this like is this a game about uh like uh consumerism and like you know how how the environment is being like desecrated for uh you know resources and buying land to make more mcdonald's you think that game is that deep yes he cracked the code [Music] oh i can't get that huh one more time oh i did get him okay okay can stop stop saying words oh god i'm sorry but i i i just want to like play this during this game because it this soundtrack is good right but skip i'm playing a video that's called kirby is a [ __ ] monster it didn't sync up the way i wanted it dmca for oh oh oh you can't see it i'm sorry guys it's kirby you might have heard about this game maybe dmca for kirby music right right all right see what the other one is should be right there right all right here we go hey buddy i gotta i gotta prepare this right too there we go some some some cute stuff oh [ __ ] it was in the way how long is this game not that i'm hating it but i'm just curious because it seems so uh yeah horrible not that the gameplay is bad but i can't go on with this horrible stuff that i'm doing at six hours all right here we go uh wambus [Music] not exactly the sound i wanted but okay all right last bit of business let's get revenge on those bunkers [Music] they're too wily for your trap but if you can get them all woozy and vulnerable you can scoop them right up with this net so bug net you can kick up you can pick up bug snacks when they're stunned or vulnerable okay okay this game is violent man it's it's okay [Applause] so how do i knock out the other guy yeah i don't want to kill the bunger cool soundtrack yeah oh all right maybe i hmm if i do this right can i make him like smack into a wall or something you're not killing them wham was it yes but i'm guilty by association because i'm you know i'm like hey buddy no okay okay how long until i just get like a like a gun i want to do this oh look at this wait am i speed running okay i just did like a skyrim horse thing maybe i can like get two bunkers to like smack into each other and that way how do i get them [Music] they want to be eaten wait wait wait they want to be eaten you're doing a good thing all right yeah fight to the death fight to the death kill kill kill yes there we go [Music] you two all must be consumed oh jesus christ uh streaming stock effect they'll be back eventually well i'm fixing to get my old garden growing again oh you really mean it let's get moving right away you know you're a pretty good hunter like bilbo said uh since lizburg vanished yeah i'm rougher for some than others uh hey i sure could use help with this tree you know i saw a skeleton at the start of the game was that liz hold on i got this okay sure why not okay [Music] catch damn you stream or you're literally all funny hey there um i'm like oh my god is this sqweep really talking to me right now [Music] yes let's go down to the [ __ ] mall it's my game now i'm not a squeam it says right here on my back bilbo personality type it says that because you wrote that in yourself it also says you're a terrible leader cheers like are you still like oh my god let's like staple our eyelid shut let's like totally like dive bomb into a volcano yeah it's gucci okay hello befika you're that journalist i haven't seen a new face in like forever i'm befika winklesnoot and i know everything about everybody can i help you i love your snack scope you and me are toads twinsies i bet you've seen lots of great is this english let me take a peek at your journal i've misplaced my journal you lost your journal no big deal you can borrow one of mine i keep them in my cave bring it here i'll show you how it's done yes let's like totally like get like piercings on our eyeballs so gucci i'm gonna go down to the mall we're gonna see chad and we're gonna totally slice off our flesh and sacrifice to stay done yes um you okay okay man i thought i didn't have any pupils bifika total annoying [ __ ] what i'm gonna go nearby okay uh oh can i steal the journal okay oh yeah i can okay i have the journal okay now open it up have you ever learned how to read at any point in my life dude uh no that's why i'm reading your comments [Music] oh so tragic okay do i have to open the journal do do i have to huh don't miss me too much all right two is your bugapedia you can scroll through all the bug snacks and scan it with your snack scope you can also check on their likes dislikes and hints how to catch them now check out the other pages see what they're all about okay there we go this is your grumpeda it is like a bugapedia but for grumpac the blank space will fill up with your notes once you get to know your grump eats grumpus better i thought grumpus was like god in this game or something like that because they go oh my grump so okay it's my quest list hey look at that you can go on depth info on all your ongoing quests you can you can also pin a quest to keep it visible when you're walking around this is your snack snack pack it's where you keep the bug snacks you've caught why am i what okay so a question why am i not eating the the book snacks like like question if everybody around on this island is consuming like you know why am i just like abstaining from it because it's horrifying well yeah all right the clues page is where you keep all your progress on finding liz berto you can also select the clues to get a closer look at them report on whispers discovery of bug snacks it was included along her invitation to snacktooth island sadly the photos are all blurry yeah it's your list of tools just a way to keep track of all your snack catching gear all right that's everything all right neat too this journal will be helpful everything you scan with the snack scope winds up in the journal i have more for you to do but whambus is scaring all the snacks away you'll have to come back later until then you should get bilbo out of here she's mean and i don't like you [Music] let's get this over with buddy i don't like you either but i like you less oh i like you more than her well here we are it's a regular old ghost town i'm sorry but whenever i see these characters with their hands being turned into like garlic all can you think of this kill me kill me all right all right here we go all right would you say this is placement 5's killer app right now look at that i got a chivo god left me unfinished yes sir i'm sorry i guess you're not going to get that interview with lizberg just yet why don't i interview you really me i mean if you want to um ask away i guess [Music] did you murder lisbert oh lisbert and me go way back lisbert was is awesome she always knew what to do and she brought out the best in all of us she leave me in charge of watching snacksberg when she went out hunting so that's how you became mayor i mean i wasn't really in charge nobody took me seriously but as long as you're walking down the bug snacks everything was fine all right who are you i'm filbo fiddle pie i guess i'm sort of like a deputy mayor i don't know well i i'll play not bio snacks bioshock and would you kindly why come to snacktooth island well lisbet asked me to tag along so i dropped everything bio snacks thoughts on bug snacks great i mean they taste good and they make everybody happy so what's not to love make everybody happier what happened to snacks snacks burger one day liz brooke went out hunting and she didn't come back i tried to step up and keep everybody calm well technically i was in charge right but hmm that didn't last long why didn't it last too there was a big fight and then an earthquake and then everybody decided they'd be better off alone couldn't even keep us together for one day i honestly don't know what lizberg saw in me i think we're done here [Music] sorry buddy i didn't want to bum you out no it's okay all the murdering is really bumming me out but you you're pretty good at stuff and well nobody hates you yet you could catch bug snacks and bring everybody back to snacksburg once they're here you can do some more interviews and figure out what happened to lisbert ah yes sir who should i look for find gramble on the beach if we get his ranch going again that'll be a big help all right i guess no i'd rather not let me here if you need any advice all right good luck buddy all right you got several quests active you can check your quest in the journal i pin one on you want to have up here in the corner all right sweet all right so i'm gonna find uh grambled scramble uh what's this pick a key to you sir oh yeah that's the murder evidence i believe that now the game begins in a world full of pain and misery one day garfield came to the bug snacks island to find out a world of pain bug snacks the ultimate in pleasure and pain welcome to endless suffering onboard snacks island your lack of any and all useful skills i require your assistance okay journalism is a useful skill well who are you now my experiments were halted with the unfortunate disappearance of agabel since the settlement's dissolution finding new subjects has been vexing okay what experiment gastronomic biochemistry never mind the details silence yourself and listen okay correctly witnessed grumpus limbs transforming into bug snacks i call this process snackification i call it a nomination in normal circumstances this occurs at random however i have developed a method to direct the effect to specific limbs it's simple once you understand the internal mechanisms behind the molecular dissemination of snack particles this is the snacktivator feed me strabby poke snaktivator in foot foot turns into strabby understand oh neat very good i will allow you to field test this activator for the time being i meanwhile have some very interesting plans for my leg i look forward to working with you further okay right chocolate all right meanwhile i will go chop off my foot because it is an abomination of satan do not mind the screams it is simply a natural response to blood [Music] i call playback recent dnc rules we cannot truly show this music so i have to go now bye [Music] i'd rather turn into a horrible bug snacks creature and suffer the most abominable pain on planet earth than to listen to that again your song's nice and all but you're scaring the little ones sorry gramble inspiration is so hard to find i just have to sing wherever it strikes me well maybe it could strike you over there oh but i'd hate to go alone won't you join me for a long walk on the beach like a date of course darling it would just be you me and your delectable strabbies singing the night away until we drift off to sleep no uh sorry every time i go to sleep my snacks just up and vanish so no to all that but the date's still a maybe very well i will go and seek my inspiration hello i like this carrot i like wiggle a lot you know why because it reminds me of this calm down little ones wiggle means well she just don't understand you like i don't i am not i refuse i refuse to murder that okay i've been very on the fence about it but i absolutely refuse to destroy the sanctity of life that is the funny orange i absolutely will not do that the line must be drawn here financial love it brought us into santa high perhaps another bug snack's gonna dig it out no i i just can't crack crap crap for the craft full i'm sorry but crapple is is kind of based it's nice like to dig things in the sand and bring them to its lair i've been calling it crapple i've been calling it crapple wait am i reading it wrong all right no no no show me that again show me that again oh what the okay well hang on hang on now no i i jus i just can't guys i i just can't they're too cute like no man i um snack snackery leasing out of the ocean it needs to be caught in the leap have you ever played band kazooie and you've looked at all the little uh jigsaw pieces and the the funny things that bounce up and down and said you know what that's that's pretty good but you know what i would like to do kill the innocent no no god damn it why is this game like this it's like it's cute things covering and fear and you're like the game is like go kill spill the blood of the innocent feed upon the souls of man hello hi darling welcome to wiggle wiggle bottom steamy walking tour lucky you you get an autograph oh i can see your utterly star struck don't fret darling i always have time for my fans well you come back to the snacks burger you want me to come back to town darling it will have to wait i simply cannot rest until i find my muse and by muse i mean butts you know when you make a character in a video game and you hit the random like generation button oh yeah it kind of turns into this change starts from the outside in darling if i want new ideas star glasses mohawk it's like that's what i want wow new hair dude get me a pineapple yes you wait joel okay all right oh oh what what what uh is there a pacifist ride in this game it feels like what i'm doing in this game is like ethically wrong and the game is not punishing it for me all right well can i go in here yet no i need a i need to key yeah okay all right well i guess we're heading back [Music] ramble i haven't seen you around here before if you're looking for bug snacks you best turn back these little ones are my kin i was looking for you actually well that's a relief sorry to be short with you i haven't slept much lately i'm granville giggle funny i'm an aspiring bugs googlefunny.com philba told me to come see you i'm not too keen on going to town but i'm running out of room down here i want to get back to my barn trouble is some of my snacks went missing i'm not going back till they're all home if you want to help me then i got a friend to introduce you to follow me i think i like ramble the mess the best because he's not a murderer see that strabby that there's sprout i've been training him to follow my pointer in his buggy ball okay we were in the middle of training see if you can guide sprout back here to us okay have a ball all right no i gotta actually get stuff before that okay finish all right well here's the buggy ball so we just we gotta do that and then ah okay i see and then this is this is fun oh he goes through here okay i see what's like american gladiators who did [Music] this this is something like game show that did this he can't get through oh i got to do this that's what it is this game should have just been about like hanging out with the funny animals it should it shouldn't have been like you eating them i i i don't like that too i got the buggy ball now watching you sprout's always been a good judge of character who likes you because you've been killing all his brothers and sisters you've been reveling in the in the slaughter of all his friends that's why i like you little holes around the beach please find them those little cuties must be so scared without me okay they're snacks joel well i think that [Music] that's crap crap all right peel bugs what what would happen if i did this what if i force fed gramble a a a a strawberry strawberry nun okay he won't what if he does it for five dollars okay peel bugs huh well i do a manhattan a passionate pet lover runs the bug snacks ranch all right so where's the peel bugs okay uh [Music] let's back here well is it wait a minute didn't i it's the uh the orange on the uh the wall the the peel peel bug like i saw something earlier with like right here yeah looks like peel box living here okay how would i get them out i guess with this look at that how can i possibly want to kill such an innocent creature unfortunately it sounds like he's saying okay now i want him to be guided out of here so let's see if i can do this and it's like no no no no no [Music] oh i can just okay that doesn't work like that okay now and now we're just uh you know all right [Music] hey man all right now i need to get more but uh so i just have to uh guide my friend here all right if this goes if this game was just find the funny bugs find the funny bugs and be be nice to them and like uh like you know i i should have said viva pinata but viva pinata was kind of [ __ ] up too like it shouldn't have been death you know it shouldn't have been death okay okay what else do we have we have one over here maybe no no no get out of there okay maybe he's not in there uh tropical jams all right uh how about this let's let trap here first so if if uh they go in there then i can probably just do this oh hey hey look at that no no no no okay okay you go in again you go in again no no no no no spook him out okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no no no yes yes while you run here oh come on okay well let's retrieve this and do it right here welcome to american pokemon [Music] and it's on the opposite way that's that's great too okay get in get in there we go all right now we just have one more but the real question is all pokemon say their names except like uh king kingler or crabby krabby yeah cause crabby goes why does he do that pokemon experts uh please explain huh cookie cookie story well yeah yeah i guess no no get up get damn get him out get him out and on the other side please there we go didn't need him but [Music] all right let's do another one and then you go in here so there's no uh there's no peel bug in here huh all right well i guess we have to uh check what that's oh look at that there's one in the log here all right first of all i need to get this again thank you all right sweet too come here all right well here we go i got your boog snacks boog snucks back but jeez you spooked them real good they don't even want to unroll they don't like being in your trap much i still got two queevils missing but i want you to bring them to me without catching them in your trap oh lucky you got sprout to help out smother him in chocolate and those quibbles will follow him till the end of time english too without trapping them huh all right bug wrangler i'm really curious about this bug snacks theme song you guys were talking about that's really really good apparently but before we do that though i'm gonna do a little slight brb i'll come back to boog snacks here in a second so sit tight and we're uh funnyfunnyfunnybugs.com all right we're back anyway so we have to get the quibbles without uh trapping them so uh let's check it out too you know what it might be these graphics even though they're like it's kind of weird to say that but uh the vine realms game the beach of that reminds me a little bit of this you know except environments you didn't like murder small animals okay so how would i do this sauce the buggy ball with chocolate all right i forgot about doing that too okay for getting vine snacks this year huh all right so the question is do i load this up with chocolate okay okay there's some joke i can do here but i'm not gonna do that all right so if you go here so he loves chocolate okay no no no no no no no i'm sorry okay why can't the game just been like this you know it should not have been the killing the killing okay i must be like the only person on the planet that feels this way like you have to like stop it all this like you know oh oh scared him a little bit too okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no relax soon you pretty much or feels like i'm in a room full of crazy people that's like fine okay let's get the other guy too jaws of bugs next vegetarian i mean it's just it's cute little animals or bugs snacks or whatever like really that we really have to like consume them i don't know man i don't know nothing where's the other guy in here now they love being here no they don't if the game doesn't specifically spell that out and says they love it they love to die then that's funny i love it not there either love chocolate as well it's true i'm a bug snack so i love dying oh here we go here we go there's aliens in the game excuse me hey hey hey that's my that's my that's my funny funny ball come here okay book snacks and chat yeah i'm kind of a bug snacks gamer uh no no no i'm sorry i didn't want to do that okay here we go so how do i feel about this game it's okay it's okay i i i i it's okay you know it's all right i would definitely definitely say it's bad it's uh it's bug snacks he hates it no no okay [ __ ] it i love it this game is is the best okay better he's lying i'm not lying this game is is bug based based snacks better now okay hang on hang on hang on hang on it go here go go here come here okay all right now now enough we're walking we're walking the fruit no no no no no no no yeah oh yeah now okay there we go hey keep on doing it make sure you do all the side quests i'll try and there we go [Music] don't you ever leave me again all right i got your big snacks back again you did it oh [ __ ] are all together again i'm so happy i could cry here goes that's not how you cry dude this is how you cry [Music] i'm ready to head back to the ranch thanks for all your help i want you to take sprout with you he's always wanted a life of adventure i'm just holding them back sprout papa's got a job to do you guys remember that simpsons episode where uh homer gets his like lobster and eats him in the end and he cries because he said that his friend is dead but at the same time it's like so good that's what this relationship is going to be like you take care of sprout or else [Music] or else all right beneath the skin we are already one the evil sea germinates the new oh hey [Music] now i wonder how i do this okay uh not exactly uh you know the wiggle song fruit salad it would have been the perfect perfect song to license forward to fruit salad yummy yummy but now i think of that slipknot song that we played on rocksmith i did my time you know yummy yummy fruit salad [Music] burrows into the sand to hide perhaps another bug bug snacks could dig it out too he sounds like what's his name jonathan davis from corn right i thought i sped up chipmunk vortigaunt too okay another one can i all right it sounds like conker's bad fur day yeah kind of turns wiggle hair into a financial all right but do i just gotta catch it is that it how would i do this i wonder you need a kiwi to dig it out too alright i can probably do it on the beach i just gotta get some some chocolate there we go and then i just got a crab crab crab gotta do a little bit of this yes he's in there he's in there right now all right get him get him get him okay okay hang on hang on this game has a pretty good soundtrack it must be a little bit like spore viva pinata pokemon snap oh [ __ ] i'm sorry well there goes that [Music] it's pretty cute uh i like it too do i see myself doing the entire game uh maybe [Music] no promises but uh we'll see maybe let's see what happens okay will this work here hmm everybody's got to shoot the pineapple with the chocolate okay so if this goes way over here that can just steal him real quick oh i gotta dig him out again but [Music] excuse me it's a mess the speedo for this game is 16 minutes long earlier [Music] oh no not himself [Music] see okay he's gotta you gotta time that out see i probably will finish the game because i just like you things like this [Music] i just do okay um now i just got to go back and help that character out too so no part two no i said i'll finish it [Music] if you guys want me through that i mean it's okay you know i like the same i like this game for the same reason i like qt sometimes the game is just like so charming that you're like yeah you know what i'm down to climb with this i don't mind this all right hey no [Music] no [Music] yeah that struck a chord with a new head i can think new thoughts that's the magic of bug snacks now my magic was inside [Music] i know i'm flowing i'm flowing [Music] this flow is more of a dribble i need you to turn it up darling you got it find me a grape skeeter they're too fast for gramble or eye to catch but maybe you can find a way to slow them down all right some boxes only around a certain time so you can scan evidence in the environment to get a clue when to find them [Music] fruity goop uh this is fruity leafy glob is it as a bug snack uh the bug snack seems to be appearing at night but not when it's raining [Music] but that's uh well look at that this one plump up and slows down if it eats another bug snug kid okay he likes chocolate [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry hmm can i alright well that seems to work all right and then we just uh do this again all right [Music] uh here we go here's the flesh okay uh what what part did she want again uh what was it again how do you wanna any okay i look fabulous the colors are striking no and now the ideas will flow um any second now come on now i assure you we got diarrhea oh who am i kidding i have nothing there simply isn't a snack on this beach that can give me the inspiration that i need which is why you should look in the desert i need to look that pops a look that's hot darling i would be so delighted if you could go to the scorched gorge and catch two pop ticks okay what do you say is the best character of 2020 okay pop text yes where's that though poptic yeah there's the uh uh these these drinks but uh yeah already have these snackery you can't get them yet different area oh okay so i kind of done at the beach right to all right so [Music] yeah all right well anyway let's go back to snack snacks burger [Music] see what dwells in here is a warning you may not you may or may or not like to catch the pop tech soon okay well well well look what the snack dragged in oh i wouldn't have come back if i knew you were here i don't like each other well i ain't about to leave now oh yeah me neither then i reckon we're neighbors again howdy neighbor i got my eye on you whambus trouble ham you best keep your eyes on your snacks seems like they're getting away from you oh charlie where'd you run off to all right have time for an interview all right but keep it short i got work to do yeah i gotta yell at people um all right well welcome to snack snack tooth island to start a farm hmm can't you start a farm back home huh like i can afford that seems like you never had to pay property taxes what's taxes oh what do i think about bug snacks they're pesky tasty [Music] confusing what's the phoniest thing with bug snacks they killed my wife the tour lambda lamb [Music] every night i go to sleep i still hear the screams what is the funniest bug snack well they ain't animals and they ain't plants no organs no seeds nothing and you have to eat them raw or they turn to mush i call that confusing and they don't feel any pain right [Music] how do you leave town well when lizberg vanished i knew we needed a reliable food source without snacks i figured i'd farm sauce as an alternative though we would have been fine on bug snacks if it weren't for gramble what's your problem with gramble huh that weepy little rancher thinks all bug snacks are his pets now we all know that no bug snacks have no souls they don't have no feelings or pain so it boil them alive taste you're that way you see when they're in pain that's when they release the flavor juice yeehaw okay people said you have a what you have a wife where is she phil beau needs to shut his grump and mouth tiffany is off somewhere poking at skeletons taste the pain god dang business what happened with trifania well when you've been married this long the little spats just pile up doesn't take much time i'm sorry but this dialogue is completely [ __ ] because the man is a french fry for an arm respectable time elizabeth we trade sauce for snacks now and again or plants for dr batternugget to fix his medicine that's the name okay who is doctor oh that's the town doctor you know edgar bell liz's partner what happened to liz burt too i couldn't say she was off hunting most of the time dangerous work could have slipped and fell could have got caught in an earthquake could have got thrown in a volcano volcano that's all thanks for taking time seems like a waste of your time if you want answers you need hard evidence here i dug this up the other day i'm thinking it might help you find elizabeth oh well now back to work nato uh wha wambus gave you notes about a strange device check your journal for details why all right i saw headshot wiggle i have no real use for this all right who's your favorite bug snack so far chet i gotta say uh i love orange peel bug uh love this guy in fact i love them all you know but uh wait i i didn't get bunger oh that there he is seriously this box app knocks away traps it also attacks anything covered in ketchup it's pretty good pretty good i do like that he's like wrapped in uh not a condom but what is it called uh the the burger paper [Music] all right let's see if we can do some more quests here in bugs next this is concept art in the game huh hey this is gonna sue this is gonna sue [Music] okay it's pretty good soundtrack though huh yo grandpa how you doing quick gramble don't wake a gramble grandma wake up wake up grandma [Music] grandpa grandpa [Music] is that you see by not devouring the bug snacks grandpa died of hunger proven again that you need murder to live wake up sprout huh oh just a bad dream okay this game is unintentionally dark okay pop sticks huh let's get some ketchup get some butter some spaghetti i call it skitty can you i could use your help with something yeah nobody's figured out how bug snacks reproduce but i got an idea uh oh i think i might be able to garden them throw them in the dirt like plants how do you come up with that theory here well half of them look like fruit but i reckon there's more to it than that i've seen bug snacks crawl out of the dirt that weren't there before fresh and gooey-like it seems promising to me all i need to start off is a root and a fruit should be simple enough all right let's chat just don't get it city folk just don't get it city folk just don't get it city folk just don't get it city folk just don't get it by the light i know this vile demon you're long now it's been like a campfire nothing like the flame that that's a good fire look at that look at that gift let's chat you watch buddy soon snacksberg will be good as new i'm still painting all the huts but it's taken a while because i don't have a lot of paint and the last batch made me pretty dizzy phil will go out in the paint again till next time all right plant the root boog snacks in the garden plant whoa whoa what's going on what's happening what what why am i moving what happened [Music] oh i don't want to leave here anymore please return me the pain the pain no book snacks let me die in the flames please please okay cocaine addiction be like okay uh anyway yes can i can i plant some toilet paper please all right raspberry and now i need a root okay well so how do i know which is a root and watches a uh well i could get uh rootle ruthless was in flavor false so i have this backtrack i guess okay guys i got into an argument last night until i it was really late and i was like what am i saying um i uh i realized that potatoes are vegetables and for the longest no they're like you know root root objects it was one of the the weirdest conversation i'm like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what i i think i said something no they're they're neither they're not a fruit or a vegetable there's the potatoes wait is that a hot dog weenie worm a lacy little worm it's only motivated by ketchup okay well oh my god look at look at that guy huh white strawberry exactly like a strawberry in every other way other than its pale color they sleeping all right we're back in flavor falls here huh anyway so when people say eat your veggies should be like yeah just let me eat some french fries dude they need some chips you know pizza's a vegetable oh yeah didn't tell me there was a sandwich in the game guys where is he what is all this pinkle the jar protects it from capture perhaps they're getting grappled it can be grappled anyway all right who are you you are the ruby peel bug hides inside the narrow tunnels near flavor faults all right speeds along crashing into things it won't slow it down until it's broken up why is he so good right so i need to break him up first all right uh there we go white riddle said i'm seeing at the same time as regular rudolph i have an idea a really dumb idea how will this game feel if i do this [Music] just curious and then we do this blue [Music] me [Music] [Music] baby [Music] now how does it feel if i do this cool and the dream slayer found the bug snacks wait wait hang on have an idea there we go there we go and in the first age the bug slayer found in the first realm the bug snacks they had to die for they were an abomination of god yeah this fits right oh my god this game is so good look at that look at all the gore on the floor the snacks okay thanks sir back to this [Music] [Music] okay this is a big testament how powerful music is in a video game [Music] i think you don't like this game no i do i do i i i'm just making a joke here uh the only thing i don't like about this game is like i love the these creatures but the game wants you to feed them to these like characters and at no point in the game it's just like is this wrong to do except there's one character in the game that does think it's wrong but he's treated as like an outcast for it it's kind of weird all right so i need to like make a bridge here or something watch me click by the balance soon wait i wonder if i can do this soon hang on you can't open up that area yet oh yeah that's what you think i can totally make this jump dude i can totally make this jumper [ __ ] almost uh friends watching the ball skip to five hours later please okay where's the shortest shortest way there i wonder probably there probably that gap right here i think i can do it on yep okay what if i what if i do this i have an idea can i use my tools and no i can okay oh [ __ ] they put an invisible wall they put an invisible wall okay i thought i was like all right [ __ ] all right in the garden grove i should probably go back and talk to uh uh becky oh hi oh hey gramble um have time for an interview never done an interview before um how does it work all right who are you uh giggle funny i look at gigglefunny.com and make sure they don't wander off um why come to snacktooth island then i heard lizberg was gathering up some grumps to be part of her new family and i thought i could really use one of those [Music] you don't have a family i did but then they uh can we talk about something else grandma enter the bug snack slayer you see it was the slayer who had defeated gramble's parents in the first age of discovery on the bug snacks island millions of birds were slain the blood of a million root vegetables flowed like fountains of blood rivers of death mountains of gore okay okay thought some big snacks well they're just the cutest little things aren't they i don't understand how anybody could look into their googly little eyes and want to eat them exactly man i agree but everybody does eat bug snacks that you're putting words in my [ __ ] mouth game what what no [Music] um well they don't eat none of mine and that's what counts why do you leave town without leaves to bring in snacks everybody got mighty hungry they'd untreated my barn like a grocery store i held him off for a while but i should have known wambus never quits hmm any what did vampis do the next night i woke up to him throwing my snacks into a sack i panicked and i let the rest go free broke my heart but it's better than them getting eaten i left that night for the beach and started rebuilding my family are your bug snacks safe from wiggly maybe wiggles a lot but she's got a good heart she really likes me she'll learn to love bug snacks the way i do now grandma let me tell you something now i love eating bugs next myself but what are these these here we're gonna run out of them burg snacks and we're gonna have to eat each other here and i'm gonna eat your first glue she'd bring me lots of new friends to take care of but sometimes we work together training my little ones it's survival and i'd have to say goodbye [Music] what would you do with the bug snuck soon i like to think they're all like sprout helping out like little sidekicks but sometimes she didn't get enough on the hunt she always liked to bring something back for agabel can we talk about something else and what happened to liz bird too sometimes i wake up at night and i'm out of bed lost in the woods i think i see liz bird out there watching me like a vengeful spirit can we talk about something else we're done you can relax i don't think i like interviews very much here bluesberg dropped this in my barn back when i never got around to giving it back i don't know what it's for but you can have it if you promise never to interview me again this interview is over okay let's see here there was a locked door here earlier uh where was that again oh yeah we should put this down hey don't worry i'm murdering a lot uh hey buddy planted your snacks i'll get those bug snacks growing you'll see thank you kindly i have heard that before all right sweet hey man you need help i suppose so oh yeah we're home the little ones are still restless i think they might be getting lonely after all the barn used to be chock full of bug snacks i'd be real grateful if you donate a few more bugs next to my barn maybe a half dozen or so there's some really like i mean jokes aside i feel this game like has a very genuinely like weird disturbing undertone to it like it's very cute but there's just something off with it like i can't put my finger on it like yes i'm adding a lot of like you know drool jokes and all that but generally something's weird with it like ah there you go how you doing how's it going i saw a melts that's crab the other day foul creatures okay metal gear solid three here okay whoa what the centennial you can pet you can pet the uh the snacks what i can where how's it going i can't okay now that's what i'm talking about all right listen dad how's it going bad that also almost made up for the uh the blood of the innocent just now but you know all right well where was the locked door like where was that hey buddy uh i swear it was somewhere right [Music] check her home and scan good idea this device can play all of whispered and igbell's video diaries okay can i do something with that right no i don't have that oh there it is there it is right yes oh yeah oh yeah yeah like a few other video supplies inside okay locked your secrets away inside of it which one is it not this one just for the book right that's her that's her okay yeah okay the way the space is it reminds me of like those like howling wolf t-shirts what's this let's put life's like drawings on bug snakes encounter in the wild yeah okay that's it blind joel blind oh it's right there maybe maybe this uh what do you guys think that i'm not seeing blind it's in the chest yeah but i don't i don't have it like so there's a tape by the projector oh yeah you're right think of a very diarrhea i'm back in town just in time for a gorgeous doctor well this gorgeous doctor thinks you're an idiot oh that stinks and after i face those snacks just for you don't joke around you here bill not while the camera is on trying to look strong for your audience so how's it look bill don't worry no all right guys who who murdered it who murdered uh liz lizbert what do you think did you bring me something you tell me my suspicion is definitely bilbo okay all right uh hmm what should i do find out what they know and convince them to come back to town okay bye till next time hmm well i'll tell you what i tell you what should i should head back and backtrack because i think there's a uh something else i can do up here that was my ship i wonder if they're saying i can scan here okay yeah i guess i'll talk to becky she had some like books in her uh in her cave you know hey yeah we won again all the snacks here fill up your journal then we can swap deets but don't be surprised if they're not all out at the same time okay nothing here okay all right hot dog befrika has drawn this bug snack on the wall surrounded by a little heart she seems very taken with it okay the murder journal sweetie fly it zips around fast enough to evade traps but eventually sets down to rest wonder who else could i could i jump down here well no all right so i got i gotta donate something here huh so what's in the cave there's a clue how uh now oh hello guys here what is that what is that what is that [Music] okay probably take a picture right too roman simple pigments these murals depict the the defeat of a giant bug snack by cave dwelling grump assistant ancient murals drawn with simple pigments all right wait are they boiling them yeah they don't have any feelings so it's okay all right but anyway uh so i need unique i need unique creatures right to for the donation right to or can i use the same species i need this guy by the way huh you can scan okay all right scan scan the gore candy patch oh i thought it was like ribs and gore this pile of sugar and sticks is evidence of a bug snack seems to be appearing during the day and not when it's raining okay dude i want that hot dog all right sweet weenie worm yeah glizzy sounds like meatball i got it not making me laugh but i get it okay get out of there get out of here get out of the bush listen i need you for my shitty shitty uh sleigh project i mean my uh funny collection can i just like throw this out here and no no no no all right there we go joe stop beating around the bush what do you mean [Music] okay flavor falls let's see what i haven't got in the episode yeah i think i didn't get the the sandwich here uh can i no i need to break him up somehow what's this hang on what's this twisty snack powder all right i need to see i didn't scan at first but it's fine hit him around the fire falls not quite as healthy as you think here i'm gonna go there let me get scan them yeah i need to do that follow veggie chunks of seven has a bug snack the secret here than they are too hmm bungles are smashed bungalows will smash the bush if you put ketchup on it too yeah but will will uh will bungles destroy the sandwich this is metroid prime green uh uh what's that name the cat latches out the snacks and traps with its unsettling long tongue bungles mr bungle huh lulu okay i really like this part of the game when it's like not talking too much to the characters i mean the characters are okay but i like more when it's like exploration you just kind of have to figure out how to like capture it because it's kind of like pokemon in a way you know i wonder if this works now this won't work here will it no okay hey what's in here huh oh i can't get these huh okay that's poo caramel goop the sticky glob is evidenced by bug snack it seems like this but only appears when it rains all right so what can i get here what was in trap as long as it's under the dirt it can't be caught but it can't be [ __ ] or solid objects okay that's a video game rule that there's always stuff behind a waterfall but that's over there so i can't really get that too okay well i can get this guy too nope yep already got that all right i bet these voice actors had a lot of fun recording all these voice lines for these creatures because it's like hey you want to be uh some pretzels yeah snack bug here we go strange statue the status must be a hundreds of years old oh hey that was my hand no no not a boogie snack you need to chill out hmm do not laugh at this all right so i should just go back and donate these while i [Music] anything else i should get is there any area i can go to right now that i haven't gotten yet too rider dog snacks is a true undertale too hey can toby fox hurry up with the delta rune please what you're saying omg you really got them all i knew i picked the right grumpus not that i'm surprised after all i've read all your articles even if i don't believe in the grumpa acabra or whatever your interviews were always on point good picks too you've got a way of digging up the truth out of the lies but enough about you let's talk bethica i want you to use that journalistic instinct to find out what my favorite bug snack is and feed it to me ops no scope and catch what beth got favorite bug snack is i guess the hot dog oh yeah i don't like this i hate this answer you really get me i know you're just doing this stuff for me because you want me back in snacksberg but i don't mind if you really want to be besties with me i want some dirt do you want a dirt nap because i can punch in the jaw mysterious before he goes to bed around 10 every night i want you to find out what he's up to and tell me if you don't want to wait around you can always just take a nap until it's time all right 10 and 1am all right all right uh remember again what is a one person what do you look like again oh i don't know what one person's uh uh people people people so what now i gotta like spy on people when they sleep what the [ __ ] no [Music] okay wonderful and a dreamers book perfect for recording what you think your friend is dreaming about the nightmare prevention tone helps control unpleasant dreams just press this button and he'll be awakened from his nightmare it's the new and exciting sleep watching chair from cinco finally a practical way to watch your friend sleep adios all right wait hey wait wait wait what what wampus is uh yes trouble hammer was she love again i really don't like the idea of like spying on people when they sleep it's like [ __ ] weird okay the milhouse thrill houses does he live here [Music] i'm in the wrong uh wrong area right no no he lives here right okay first let's donate all these okay i got one more actually but he's in the farm but this is not the farm this is uh i gotta go way way way way back okay yeah okay i can't even do that quest anyway because it wasn't 10 10. so wrong way what blind that's a town's forms joel but then didn't he have like an earlier form oh yeah yeah he moved he moved right right right so how do i get in when it's locked should i do some blj [ __ ] the other one the other one well there's only one format like here joel oh this that's a rock he also from the garden joel here oh i i thought okay it didn't go so well today soil's depleted but i won't give up yet i wonder i miss you so much i would hug your cactus facsimile but it would only hurt me further [Music] but let's chat city folk just don't get it i sure don't buy it take care now i will okay look at what she he was talking to oh cactus wasn't he today my friend robin now the show begins the sleepwatching chair comes with a sleepwatcher zoom lens so you don't miss a single detail in the action and a dreamer's book ambus gets lonely sometime are you sleepwalking don't work ramble okay all right uh let's talk to uh feed him follow him okay do not feed i can't even feed him is that because i just don't have any i don't have any snacks to feed him with right right okay don't let him eat those creatures sorry it's food don't let him eat you guys remember that from two years ago hey i discovered wambus omg wambus has a fake cactus wife like he wasn't prickly enough already 10 out of 10 perf dirt uh snacksberg sounds way more fun than sitting around in this cave i thought something when these the bug snacks food reese's resources are depleted she's the first one to to um around town souffle [Music] okay [Music] okay we need we uh hang on oh my god i got him immediately dr saudi what [ __ ] what are you talking about what a this carbonated bug sprays a watery jet at any source it sees now we're talking you know what i mean hey buddy oh yeah i can't get him that way but you know what i can't probably get uh well not that guy let me scan him real quick there we go now we got the route we do that we got to get a little bit of the uh the stuff tell what you just run into this no no that's not how we do this we have to uh hey buddy go over here oh [ __ ] that's that's not enough okay where's the tomato tree is that back on the farm no this tomatoes right here sorry kit ketchup butter skitty oh damn it oh they're so close oh hang on oh yeah it regenerates good okay thank you time for death guys guys guys kill each other for my amusement how am i missing pokemon be like you oh he's going in the water that's why that's that's why i just gotta time this right to okay i wonder if i can just like yeah now we're talking now there we go you can just make them run into a bush yeah that's true guess what come on come on come on boys what are you waiting for oh come on you're the worst bug snacks player i've ever seen let me tell you something if i was the worst bug snacks in the player i just got two cheevos no one's ever done that [Music] okay let's try to see if i can get these uh you know probably what i need to do here i need to get the the the bunger to uh hit the tree and maybe maybe that'll work i don't know let's find out hang on no it doesn't work like that too hmm maybe there's like a projectile whip maybe i just need the the ketchup that doesn't seem like like the solution here but i'll i'll try it i guess these these these uh these creatures right here sweetie fly reminds us of a prank call i just heard hang on uh and it made me howl and [ __ ] laughter hang on wha what the [ __ ] was this guy called uh jim florentine sweetie sweet cheeks so this is this a telemarketer guy that costs this guy and he starts like sweet talking him 1.43 how much was that again pumpkin lips 31.40 okay buttercup pumpkin lips [Music] there's another from the same uh same guy and it's like a [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] uh basically someone's calling them to like install new windows and it's like i have no walls and they're like what and like yeah i have no walls but i want new windows it's like wait what and he said basically yeah i think the telemarketer says something to the effect of so you're saying your windows are floating midair and he just goes yep and he says it's like dead on yep you look excited you're really doing it you're bringing everybody back you even got bethlica here and she's awful i know you know what we should do we should throw a welcome back party uh let's do it he seems to be trying his best this is how you make oh my god he's trapped i thought it's potatoes oh charlie grandma's favorite quebec seems to be filling the void that sprout left it okay sick party dude well howdy stranger seems you're getting along just fine farm's doing okay on my end [ __ ] like this don't sit right with me feels like i should be getting work done welcome to the party wham bone we are not friends [Music] hey there bestie good to see you finally somebody worth talking to living here is better than that cave but it's still pretty dull like where's the drama ad what a great character coming to the party beth i like live here now you started a party around me well i'll take what i can get how's the butt juice isn't this just water well uh it's it's bug infused so it's about as strong as you i give this party a two out of ten man facade two is looking great too i hope you're uh having a good time buddy you should go and mingle with your new friends maybe we can find the melon snacks oh hey you remember charlie how's my little sprout doing he misses papa oh of course he does maybe you should let me walk we'll be fine you just have to leave gonzalo welcome back how's the barn well it's good and locked uh great it's good to be secure what happened to the snacks you were babysitting for me great catching up with you buddy okay uh come on everybody it's a party drink mingle be wild before doesn't this music make you just want to dance with you as if my new besties the only reason i'm here wambus gramble youtube okay listen i'll get this party lit that's not the right video that's not the right video i gotta go i got nothing to oh yeah well go on and say it it's your fault we're in this mess if you to let us eat your precious livestock we could have kept together they weren't livestock they were my little ones my kin you lied and stole them away cause you can't grow food for yourself you think these walking vegetables are your family i got news for you gramble bug snacks will never love you you don't know a thing about love that's why your wife left you [Music] okay i'm gonna do violence to you hey let's let's all take a breath here and don't act like you're in charge if you had the spine to lead us everybody would still be here yeah triphany would still be here yeah oh y'all gang up on me it don't make me wrong yeah don't trip me back so bad go find her yourself yeah well that wasn't ideal but maybe after a few dozen more parties we'll all be friends again yeah either way thanks for being here buddy no oh hey i just realized you haven't had any bug snacks yet well you must be starving nope look here have a strabby on me maybe we can end this i'm not sure my journalistic integrity forbids me i'm not sure i want to eat that come on at least try it you got to be curious right you try this jenkin you can't say it's bad you haven't tried it bro all right my journalistic integrity forgive forbids me how can you write about bug snacks without first-hand experience how can you how can you write about the bad effects of drugs when you don't sniff crack down your urethra you know what are you not a gamer no why they forcing me to do this i don't i don't want to no i don't want to oh come on at least try it you got to be curious right no oh come on at least try it you gotta be curious right no oh come on at least try it you gotta be curious right no oh come on at least try it you gotta be curious right dad you're the coolest hrp professor swallow it that's the spirit bug snacks a game about death are you okay oh gosh i'm so sorry buddy i uh i guess you're allergic to bug snacks didn't see that coming don't worry about it give me some space all right as long as you're fine i'll um i'll get out of your hair yo there's something wrong with your game you need to reinstall it what something is wrong with your ui stuff isn't loading correctly oh really yeah hi how's it going hey there i needle died last night effects aren't there really the size of your heart is growing and so extra inventory space keep doing and keep growing yeah okay how you doing man last night was tell me how do i save how do i save the game i'll restart the game real quick it all saves you sure you sure oh last checkpoint okay okay let's just restart the game before i do that let me actually like uh restart the stream here because i uh i gotta go uh eat some bug snacks here so sit tight brb all right we're back let's play some more boog snacks i think it's one of those games it reminds me like there was another game that wasn't like super entertaining by itself but streaming it and like having like funny jokes you're like all right here's gutsy's theme like it makes it kind of a fun thing to do like it's one of those delightful games like uh for some game i did the same thing with uh like sonic forces yes exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fun stream though fun stream though but i mean that's only because i'm streaming it okay boob snacks i really want to hear this song soon bug snacks here we go time to eat some snacks and stuff [Music] okay i'll continue how much left of the game just just curious [Music] oh the epic social panel oh that's that's epic dude a lot quite a lot 20 minutes okay no ramble huh made my donation oh they're all so cute thank you so much hopefully my little ones will settle down maybe i can even start training them again [Music] all right pop pop sticks i can go to the desert now i'm glad you're here uh yeah i've been talking to the other offices and uh i think they could use your help not just with chores and stuff but you know uh personal issues but it can be hard dealing with your problems alone you know but it won't get you closer to liz burke but but it'd mean a lot if you could help what what should i do find the other grumpuses find out what they know and convince them to come back to town till next time i'm not sure what you want me to do but okay joe stop drinking dr sodie listen i i have to this is the point of the game you have to kill you know hey that's time for an interview oh god you'd never ask omg i have so many hot takes hot take this character is awful why come this who are you i'm befika winkle's new and i basically do whatever i want hard agree cold take sure but what do you do professionally let's just say i'm an information specialist let's just say that i have an onion ring for a foot i'm here on vacay uh unrelated fun fact did you know that no international laws apply out here so basically i'm unemployed [Music] is that fun fact unrelated i'm just saying if you got in trouble like a lot of trouble and all your friends turned against you this would be a great place to hide out forever the bodies the parties thoughts on book snacks they're so cute i could literally eat them up and i do thoughts on boob snacks why did you leave town there's drama and then there's drama we have too many geminis around here and i'm done getting caught up in social dumpster fires what if this entire game was just you and her was the only character you interacted with it would have not been a pleasant experience and that's where you were living in a cave hey my cave was sweet plus it was close enough to wambus that i could swipe some sauce when i needed to [Music] cromdoh let me show you a little bit what this character actually is because uh it let me spell it out to you maybe not so literally but more so when i hear her speak it reminds me of this there we go etc no she's great don't worry about it any in front of liz bert what don't i know about lizbert please answer the question uh liz is smart and fearless and she can see the talent in all of us it's impossible not to look up to her she's practically invincible but she does have one weakness befeca and morgana from persona 5 share the same voice actress what's a persona no i know what person is but i didn't okay i'll buy what is her weakness liz would go to the end of the world and back to make her happy and if i've learned anything in life it's that you can't this is personal music somebody else what happened to liz burke too liz and agabel got in a big argument before liz went hunting i haven't seen either of them if i'm being optimistic maybe they're on a romantic getaway sorting it out together that's everything thanks biff beef no prob i'm just happy to see your interview skills in action wasn't beth wasn't beth that that that bully and back to the future it's the key to liz's cabinet the stuff in there is really personal finding her is more important than keeping all her secrets how did he come by that key sorry interview's over don't let me down bestie [Music] okay out of the way please okay i think he's going to murder me guys i think he's going to kill us all okay oh yeah wrong one some more of that stuff our video dairy diary not there darius milk product i'm sorry what excuse excuse me no grump city time crypted downtown is this a grumpus or a groom foot how do uh you know i could have just done an exploit i could have just i could have just done this all right i could have just been lacing by like uh yeah but instead i opted into like you know put a little effort into it which is rare for me to do i can't really do that yet but uh let's let's see what's on the uh surprise i'm back early and if i got a story for you bill okay that's one of those days you wanna wake up and everything granville got sucks poisoning i couldn't help both of them everybody was shouting at me i didn't know what to do and none of that jew folk what's the point if i can't help anybody i just sit here all day while everybody else is out there all productive and happy that's not true you help me all the time like when i cut my pool you only got hurt because you were getting snacks for me fine if i wasn't around don't say this i need you bill you were there when the world was laughing at me you were there for me during oh well all right well anyway we're going to the desert and we're going to find that other thing for the quest to [Music] oh yeah the scores gorge oh yeah these things never land if only there was a way to catch the mid-air yeah gun holy [ __ ] this snack lobs fiery peppers anything that catches attention they're too small to catch in the trap but maybe some heat will pop them up how can you possibly want me to like destroy this creature all right oh hey man it protects his territory by charging an intruder with his powerful jaws oh well i don't think this is gonna do it too it's okay oh who are you please talk like kermit yes oh goodness i didn't notice you there hi how are ya are you from minnesota you got me doing some archaeology hey you're from minnesota hey you know okay well come back to snacksburg you want me to come back to snacksburg gosh look around you there's water civilization you want some water here and i barely dug one hole but i could use a trip to the old research tent once i get a few fails see these skeletons something's fossilized in their stomachs looks a bit like a local bug snack i'll need some live ripple that's mortar you see can i see uh back back there in the that village there she is he murdered them the bodies okay sleep don't don't sleep no okay this game has a bit of a rare energy to it like it it reminds me a little bit of like been a kazooie like you know this could have been like a banika zooey kind of game but you know it isn't but rebel ped it's still it likes to hide and sit still maybe maybe some seuss could get it to move up okay sorry sorry i'm talking gamer here after playing a counter strike with a lot of people that's how you learn what if i just no some source you want some sources where can i learn gamer two oh you just load up like call of duty or something and sit on xbox live voice call with the you know strangers you'll learn you learn anti-english oh [ __ ] oh he's special i think a barbecue bunger this book snacks as much oh jesus okay no i got my barbecue shoes on [Music] i'm gonna smoke me a fatty brisket okay i need some more rib lapids let's get some more sous by the way i was feeling a little sick this morning and you might make fun of me for like yo that's not how it works but i [ __ ] felt better doing this i had i just felt sick like i had i was coming down with something so what i ended up doing i i took my hottest hot sauce and i drank it straight and now i feel good again i'm not even kidding yeah all right man [Applause] hello friend welcome come on over take a look i assure you you won't be disappointed this should have been your buddy in the game the one and only salesman in paradise um um bootleg danny devito that's badass i'm the trash man i ate bug snacks i throw bug stacks all over the ring friend have i got a bridge to sell you beautiful isn't it hard wood new construction huh oh baby what a bridge all yours for just i'm the snacks man what do you say uh that's too much man can't afford it no problem i got a specialty item just for you cheap is free follow me pal don't like this feast your eyes on this beautiful lunch pad totally for sale and not at all stolen you're itching to try it out i can tell and my windmills over there got stuck and my windmills knock them into shape all right let's uh let's give it a try all right so we're gonna do this guy right here and then we uh okay okay how about i do it how about i do it all right oh i can do it anywhere i want okay free of charge huh let's check this snacks at a cherry on this grump sunday if i can make it back home with a pack full of these babies i'll be a bonafide celebrity why why couldn't this game just be about you and this guy right here uh the bug snacks man you know it should have been uh this game should have been a buddy cop buddy cop murder mystery with incidental funny characters in it that you don't consume hey i'm walking here don't work like that huh okay [ __ ] no no no no no no whatever huh that's what i've done with the pokemon movie you know i was gonna like offer you be like shut up but i'm like that you're actually very correct with that too but i i guess you don't need to like well i don't get it so i can't like and then there we go okay well how would i get up there uh i guess the rocks i suppose right yeah but how but how accurate will that be all right well anyway and then oh you gotta aim it first ah and i see gotcha okay and then you do this all right [Music] all right oh feel that hot sweaty breeze i just want to be pure you used it you bought it there's no such thing as a free lunch all right [Music] all right yes he is all right now can i just shooting down some hot sauce no that is definitely not how we do this bridge for sale some assembly required but your own risk all says are final offer void where prohibited shirt and shoes optional may contain nuts or shellfish guaranteed not guaranteed okay so there's creatures in this area that uh um that i need to uh what they call it uh do at night okay if it's on fire it's for sale yo relax yo relax settle down yo don't relax stop swearing at me all right uh what if there's any more zeus i can get swoosh there we go all right let's uh because this sauce wouldn't work here right let's get them first all right let's see oh [ __ ] hell you know what no no no no relax would it no okay hmm i wonder uh we've got a special uh sweet fighter all right guys quick thing quick thing what do you prefer regular fries or sweet potato fries regular i gotta say it depends what i'm in the mood for uh i always feel like when you get sweet potato fries they don't taste good with dip like they're so sweet that like you don't need a dip for it but like naked naked fries quantum quotes you can like you know do whatever with them all right well let's try the the launch pad on these guys i doubt this will work but physics okay regular you know what's the best though huh you know what's the best chili fries soup but no no cheese fries i mean i chili fries i'm kind of different too but cheese fries with some raw raw onions some jalapeno and just a lot of nacho cheese and that's what i'm talking about animal fries that's what it's called animal fries i mean this won't work there's got to be a way to like stop him from like moving around here no this is not going to destroy no that won't work okay let's see what this description says again it says if one was a way to catch the mid-air would i be able to like just get them as i jump off myself no okay hmm so i can put my tools on there right what if i take the actual catchy thing and then i launch it towards it like it like that yeah it works [Music] it reminds me of chin pokemon from south park kid jimbo girl mound shoe is my favorite too okay problem solving alabama man wow wacky action back can't we can't read it can't read it it's worthless these guys are uh it's not there uh he's pretty strong he's active ever played stick a truth not i never play that south park game i i it's kind of weird i don't like funny games i like games that are unintentionally funny but games that are like just straight up funny i i don't know i just nah i'd rather like watch it than play it too oh yeah we haven't got some more more of these guys let me let me catch this guy as well huh oh wait i ran out of hot sauce how do i how do i switch it up oh there we go okay hot sauce there we go this reminds me a little bit of ghostbusters when you're catching the the creatures in the in the thing just a little bit i heard that that new south park that game that i came up with or was it a fractured butthole or whatever uh it was like meh like it was it was okay ah you know it was just okay all right i might play it off stream someday oh [ __ ] so close hey come back here now this isn't gonna work i think hey that worked yeah hey guess what [Music] you too okay yeah i haven't actually watched south park in a in a long time not that i'm like it's bad nowadays i just haven't watched it relax relax okay well i'm just gonna do this over here now yeah thanks oh come on oh that sucks all right we need this and we need to retrieve it okay maybe in a better spot because this guy's right here first of all let's let's catch it well i don't have any ketchup [ __ ] uh ranch dressing on a burger do you like that i need to like stay away from this guy hang on all right loves ketchup loves that he does love he does like uh ranch hey buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy let's ranch it up [ __ ] i ran out too okay well he can't come over here kenny oh my god he's still going horror game horror game horror game horror game heart [ __ ] hell please no okay it's kind of spooky at night isn't it all right use the trap well i don't think i can catch them that way but i only wanted to distract them anyway because i want to do this you know all right here we go there we go right on time sweet all right now we got to get the other one i guess it's a testament that i'm just enjoying myself because if this game was bad i would have shut it off a while ago and been like you know that was bug snacks may not be for me but i'm not i'm enjoying myself this game's all right you know uh oh yeah we need to retrieve it like that um oh yeah i have a full bag that's right [ __ ] uh see if i can maybe get rid of something that i don't need uh that's my snack pack she want to release the fighter uh yeah i guess no i'm good okay here we go put you on here and then we're gonna put you here and then we hopefully do this right too yes all right that's about it go back home and donate yeah i am i am i am man uh i i prefer playing this on a pc with a controller but with a keyboard i mean i feel this game is much easier rather than with the controller but who knows what do you want again [Music] have a nice day thanks sir i gotta eat those ripple peeds you know i wait hang on how many did i have three right huh you oh yeah oh yeah yeah i forgot the whole objective of the game again yeah yeah yeah uh sorry i i forgot to uh yeah why not oh that's curious ripple peeds only look like they have bones they're squishy all the way through kids what did these fellas eat then well like grandma always said if you want answers dig through their sock drawer i want to get into that dwelling over there but the door's blocked up do something to get that door open that'd be real swell can i say that dead pig flesh ass like an appendage like like an arm i like that too don't like that guys meat or man how long until i stop playing let's give it like a 20 minutes more and then we're gonna move on all right here we go and what did you want again cheatproof right this is so wrong so wrong it's a body horror okay okay i know you're just itching to get your paws on that bridge so i'll cut you a deal friend i want a fighter but it's on this ridiculously tall rock and i wasn't exactly blessed with stilts for legs no you have cheetos for legs now huh bye-bye guess what don't i have a sweet fighter no this is another one right yeah wait did it wasn't that the one i released oh all right all right where what do they appear to think yeah they do they do they do you watch this gamer [ __ ] that's right another oh neat uh-huh uh-huh uh that's right yo yo he talks like a used car salesman danny devito there you go just cheating me up buddy yeah you're my best and only customer i'm starting to think i should get a better location back in snacksburg but uh moving all this inventory across the desert is real sweaty work i need a way to keep cool if you make both my feet into big popsicles then walk in the hot sands would be a breeze what kind of [ __ ] scent is that if you make both my feet in into big popsicles i mean what but i gotta warn you you won't find popsicles in the desert better look elsewhere okay open open blazer if you make both my feet into big popsicles [Music] this game turns into an adult only rating extreme writing [Music] all right uh bob i can't us popsicles where can i find some popsicles i haven't seen those yet right that's uh peppermint pepper johnson uh can't do it right now okay well i guess i should just go back and donate what i've got so far popsicles all right part two joel yeah probably uh what what i want to hear this this this buggy snacks amazing song you guys were talking about how good it is bugs snacks bugs snacks uh uh what what is it a wrap is it a wrap don't over hype it dude okay well let's donate these sir all right so right yes yes well i'm glad you don't consume the the animals at least the the npcs do but you know here's my ranch dressing my hot sauce [Music] give me a second here [Music] sisters wow [Music] one of us one of us now not again i should tie myself down oh that old coot wambus he thinks bug snacks grow if you plant them in dirt how's that make any sense oh that old coot wambus oh that old coot wambus take care uh can i reload my save can i please reload my save [Music] please tell me grumbel grumpal is okay [Music] hmm i don't like that if anything i'll say that it was a ghost who did it that's [ __ ] up like that [Music] messed up messed up it's messed up it's real [ __ ] up uh this game got surprisingly dark all of a sudden hang on wait wait a minute wait wait wait a [ __ ] minute what do people eat here outside boog snucks what do they eat to sustain themselves yeah sauce right sauce so just sausage okay so grumpy has just been drinking sauce all day you guys want to do it again just kidding why doesn't he comment on it why doesn't he say anything that's that's messed up [Music] man what's on my head what is that what's that right [Music] that's just the camera i don't know i've done a boo-boo i think i need to clean myself another fine day behind us all right that was bug stocks everybody i was kidding all right so uh i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do now what should i do find out what they know and convince them to come back to town all right find the other grumpuses find the other grumpus yeah shut up i'll see ya yeah but oh yeah i need to get the green the green lady back right right right right i just legitimately feel bad for what i've done like i i thought it would be funnier but now i just like actually feel some sincere [ __ ] weird guilt in my head like i'm like because like i made a big i think it's the hypocrisy that's hitting me now it's like i made a big spiel about don't eat bug snacks and i had like a friend who also had the same ideology in the game and i [ __ ] like i ratted on him for a funny gag and now he will have that scar for the rest of his life and i did it because it was funny so i don't know i'm a monster man i want to get into that dwelling over if you could do something question if it's only their limbs do they eventually just turn into meat themselves come here come here yes sir right oh mural depicts it grumpus is opening a section of the wall near the river well i know what that is oh i see so that that that pizza snacks at the start of the game was behind the the rock here okay interesting you need to chill out dude oh you're too kind meet me inside you're you're made out of me too this game is kind of trash no it isn't it's it's bug snooks check it out these murals are still preserved as far as i knew we were the first trumpsters to settle this island but here we got a thousand years of history unaccounted for generations of grumpuses who hunted and ate bug snacks just a cosmic reminder that nothing really lasts say hmm what's this looks like there's a hidden chamber somewhere getting existential on me where they stored bug snacks you mind i want to take this as a like a kids game i know it's like cute and all that but there's something like existential dread that haunts this game and i feel like i don't know i don't know a little kid shouldn't be playing this there's something something about it too the hidden ruins but i know where the hidden ruins is but like should i just backtrack i guess all right wait until the end here i think this legitimately okay i'm gonna i'm gonna announce it right here i don't even care i will do a full player through this because i am finding myself enjoying this way more than i should um that might just be because it's a fun stream to just stream but like this game is kind of like unironically growing on me in some way oh no not again hey um could you help me with something sure you're my friend i've got a bad habit of walking around in my sleep and uh looks like i've been eating in my sleep too so if you see me sleepwalking be sure to wake me up okay it was dildo dildo did it okay yeah let's see where this leads to where was it again it was it wasn't here it was some somewhere else right too uh what's up can i scale this mountain yes i can it was in the desert what was it are you not going the right can all right so i gotta go back okay okay hey buddy don't worry it'll be quick there's another walter break oh okay i thought i thought that was the uh right i thought okay being an idiot too okay i do like the soundtrack here it's got this nice feel to it too all right watch the trees here would you would you say that uh hello this game has a moral um a moral teaching to people that play it like don't do this maybe no totally okay so there's another one here all right i haven't read the somebody was pointing this out uh where was it again is that all the characters in the game really and a lot more uh oh wait here's the game here's the rest of the uh okay uh am i halfway through the game or is there even more you're you're a third in the game okay where's the uh where's the other breakable wall i wonder how oh what's this see what comes out okay thank god i have x-ray eyes oh okay i see hey hey come here no no friend friend buddy boxes soon man he's drunk he's really drunk here all right thank you shy weeny worm a lace little worm it's only motivated by its hatred or ketchup here's a hot take hot dogs are the best when it's just a really good mustard you don't need the ketchup as well on it too wrong corrector he coming and coming did you bring a friend with you oh yes you did all right green kill bug limes got that guy too all right let me get my ball my ball back here all right but these aren't the ruins this is another house is that another destructible wall perhaps okay do you like sauerkraut or any pickled cabbage i'm not a big fan of no actually i'm lying to you i think that uh coleslaw is pretty fine but that's that's that isn't cabbage is it that's uh yeah it is okay feed one shy weenie worm yeah yeah it is well i'm fine with it but i i just hate i just hate this like this this [ __ ] right here so in sweden we call it like sauerkraut we call it pizza salad and i'm i don't know i'm kidding with it and if everybody loves this here and i just hate this [ __ ] it's it's just like um what it is it's called pizza salad people buy it with their pizzas here uh and all it is is just uh cabbage that's in like in a brine with black pepper and it's very like sour and you're like well yeah but [Applause] even as a kid when like the when we're in like second or third second or third grade and we're like hey pizza day we had like an you know let's all go to the library and then there was a pizza place and we all got free pizza and like who wants pizza salad i'm like i tasted i'm like what this tastes wrong it tastes like bad and people like joel you're bad and i i discovered that day that everybody around me has bad taste okay isn't that nifty your arm is dead pig fleshy i'm wondering how long those snacks were in there did you find anything else in the chamber a lot of corpses hmm that's a little intense for an ancient city that's a little intense for a kid's game you know that just might have been a burial chamber but if that's where they put their dead that's where they put their bodies out in the open well i gotta solve this mystery sorry but i won't be going back to snacksburg um dildo needs your help i hate to leave poor filbo hanging poor fella can't hardly take care of himself but uh wambus is back in town you might have heard things haven't been too good between us i keep telling myself i'll get around to cnm but it's just easier to uh stay out here with the bones but the bones lambor stressed the cactus to look like you oh my sweet deer i guess the big love really misses me well i miss him too but i'm still mad i thought maybe time would help but time's just pushing me closer to the grave and i'm not feeling any better i don't know there's not many kids games where like the word corpse and grave comes around but all right [Music] i don't know guys i just it might have dora the explorer had an episode where they find like a like a decaying corpse with maggots on it swiper knows oh my god you know you know there's a song in stores like we did it we did it you know a corpse a corpse hide the corpse it's a corpse maggots maggots flesh eating maggots you did it we did it we did it oh boy you're back oh i had to come by and pick up supplies is that a new garden you got there yep are you gonna stay for long well that depends there any reason for me to stick around man trippy i'm sorry i've been a dang fool this game is already kind of dark but do you think they could sneak up uh i think where she's looking for another kind of bone you got a lot of growing to do i wasn't gonna give up my dig site either we may have different goals sometimes and we may not be in the same place but that doesn't mean we're not together i guess i could leave my farm every now and again and come see your dig site maybe even lend a helping paw you better now give me a kiss ya hot dish lily nothing hey want an interview sure sounds like a real hoot i like tiffany she's not mean who are you oh i go digging up bits of history and try to piece them back together it's usually not so dramatic just an old coin or a severed toe under a rock this island's chalk full of fines what's your name oh goodness my name i'm tiffany lotablog hey i know welcome to snacktooth island i heard about the trip to snack tooth and thought well i could keep scraping it guys we play this game for four hours holy [ __ ] what i could really get out there try following in grandma's footsteps why it's like sans on the right to your head you might have heard of veronica a lot of blog an adventure in type just like lizbert she filled up our old house with relics and sketches taught me to love history bless her heart thoughts on boob snacks oh you know it's a 10 out of 10 game you know game of the year you know civilization rises collapses and turns to dust but the bug snacks they always stay they are walking records of history very existential game i got once again what did you leave town it's less i left and more i stopped coming back i wasn't even there when the fight broke out imagine me coming home to find wambus all red in the face and at ramble's throat throat you know is that why you and whamma split no no nothing so simple as that i wanted him to come with me to the ruins honest but he wouldn't give up his farm not even for me stubborn fool any from liz burke too lovely gail that liz wasn't often we'd both be in town at the same time and when we were we usually be in the medical tent getting treated by agabel we'd swap stories about what we found and show off our grisliest scars you two got injured that often adventurin is a dangerous business archaeology less soul but the lada blog method can be unconventional bug the heck out of eggabel she never liked to see anyone hurt least of all liz that ecabelle do it too you know out here it's only a matter of time before you fall in a hole or get wedged in a crevice especially with all these earthquakes shifting the geography around not to be morbid but it could be a thousand years before somebody finds where lizberg wound up [Music] thanks thanks tiffany i learned a lot about this you're too kind i'm just happy to chip in and solve a mystery or two speaking of mysteries uh tiffany did it you betcha lisbert stashed a journal in the ruins for safekeeping i can't get it open without damaging whatever's inside i'm thinking you might have better luck with it anywho i've nearly talked your ear off better get back to work eh all right you know key to do it too [Music] awesome um you picked up liz's notes on the secret code check your journal for details all right take a little look-see here uh side quest that's not where it is it's uh where's the journal itself but where's the uh here we go looks i need to weigh down the pressure plates in order first left unfortunately cuts off the air huh you got that one too all right so the door is attached to some ancient mechanism it looks like oh god don't stay so close to me there's attached to some kind of ancient mainstream it looks like a man take it all these three companies to activate these all right well guys i think i'm gonna call it here uh for bug snucks now i'm gonna say this this game definitely was way better than i thought and i'll definitely finish it but uh yeah this is a journey this game is all right it's not bad um definitely wouldn't say it's like as people hype it up to be like the killer app or the playstation 5 but what it is it's a cute little like game but it's it's also like funny in in an unintentional way with its uh existentially ethical questions about like flesh i don't know just uh what the [ __ ] a collection of bunsen beakers and besselheims okay i got a chivo science probably uh so what i'm looking here is it's like just a [ __ ] plate of eyeballs in the context of the game oh my god uh right it's getting a little weird now but uh a full attack skeleton brought in from the desert dig cause of death unknown strange statue all right let's check liz she always knew what to do what to say when she made a plan i knew i could just follow it and i'd be okay okay have a good one you bet all right anyway we're gonna call it here uh i'm fine just guilty anyway uh we uh we'll we'll go back to this game and we'll uh finish it but you know i could probably knock this out in two more strings because apparently like i'm a third or whatever in or a half i don't know but uh yeah uh more bug snacks gamer moments soon and all that stuff but anyway we're gonna we're gonna call it here guys all right now should i should i listen to this the the the amazing boog snack song or should i wait for until the game is over wait for the credits wait wait wait wait wait wait okay let's just wait then well anyway uh that's gonna be bug snacks as i said uh you know pretty pretty pretty cool game i don't i don't mind it i don't mind that game it's pretty damn cool so uh yeah but anyway we're not done with the stream here we're gonna resume with another kind of game that is completely like unrelated to this so uh uh all right anyway i'll be right back sit tight and we're going to play a swedish game for windows 98 check that out anyway be right back sit tight games coming up don't go nowhere
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 146,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, bugsnax, ps5, doom, eternal, bug snax, story, grumpus, berserk, meme, strabby, bunger, filbo, gramble, wambus, elizabeth, liz, eggabel, danny, devito, trash, playstation 5, walkthrough, reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 2sec (12542 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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