[Vinesauce] Vinny - WarioWare: Smooth Moves

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so this may come as a surprise to some people but wario wears smooth moves it's the we warioware i've been in a bit of a wario mood and um the announcement of warioware for the switch made me think man i'd like to revisit an older wario game which one haven't i revisited in a long time and it's this one in fact i don't know if i've ever streamed this or did any content on it if i did it was before it would have ever been on the full sauce channel so mario wears smooth moves i'm not a huge fan of motion controls in this context but this game is genuinely like ridiculous and fun so yes [Music] i like even the title screen you can do stupid things [Music] um what are we doing here who will play my name [Music] juaro warol that's me thank you and i guess uh hello sounds like a nintendo tuber perhaps a muppet put your hand through the wrist strap oh well of course i will do that i definitely have a wrist strap attached to this [Music] wiimote so yeah i guess we'll we'll just do um we'll i don't know what i want to do i don't know if i'm even going to play all of this i might depends if you like it if i like it i i probably will like it because i remember liking it back in the day i played a lot of this i liked the gamecube one more but this one was cool so here's your typical warioware story wario eating sustaining his life only on sweets cupcakes cakes donut until a bird steals them and wario's heart hardens he goes on a murderous rampage gets arrested and then comes back works at an amazon fulfillment center that's warioware 2021 [Music] okay so this is a unique wario game in some ways hold the form baton straight asmr with the tip pointing forward this simple stance reflects one of life's fiercest and greatest sports channel surfing i forgot about all this but this game is unique in that it tells you how to hold the wiimote because there's so many different forms [Music] that was a weak mustache come on mario's got a better mustache than that [Music] oh i gotcha gotcha [Music] i remember this one it's it's amazing how much of this i don't remember and how much of it i do remember that is a bizarre statement but some of it's coming back to me and then other things i'm just like nope i got nothing [Music] this was kind of like some of the best use of the wiimote from me just because it's so creative and weird and you have to like actually use dimension with some of the the micro games i just killed an entire like that was an entire like hatch of what would you call like a bunch of wario eggs that just hatched whatever that is that was what that was they're all dead now [Music] now that was crazy you got it you got the wiimote now you could find these things at yard sales for 13 cents newtown bulletin board popped up in the south part of town [Music] so we got the movie what's the train station again let's find out i guess this is um [Music] uh not unlocked yet is what it is [Music] see all the games and pose cards you've unlocked oh right yeah because the right these are all the different ways to hold the wiimote that's what i'm saying about creativity [Music] okay intro minigames so i'm playing this maybe a week or so before skyward sword hd comes out and i'm using the skyward sword wiimote from original release the gold one and it's weird because motion controls were the coolest [ __ ] thing and i mentioned that i haven't uh a new tv [Music] and the the remote functions as like a gyroscopic wiimote [Music] and you use it like this and that was like you know 15 years ago whenever the wii was out it was like holy [ __ ] it was amazing and then i just got sick of it and skyward sword probably put the nail in the coffin for me [Music] because while it was cool it was like a little tedious and also um 10 of the time or more it wasn't registering my movements my motions that said this still feels to me like the height of motion control and creativity in regards to nintendo games and now skyward swords coming out with like non-motion control options and i'm like hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at these wii graphics if i was streaming this right now you know people in chat would be saying this looks like a mobile game [Applause] i mean fair enough [Music] vertically umbrella is pronounced on the button through this dance you channel the quiet dignity of the circus clown yeah in the midst of a thunderstorm yep that's me [Music] oh all right all right i remember that one [Music] [ __ ] [Music] sideways and grasp the ends firmly in both hands oh that's what she said michael scott perfecting this dance requires grace steadiness and tight shorts i like how this game invented asmr it's a little uh it's it's the coffee cup from mario paint [Music] there we go you know what game i've never played wii sports resort i probably played it like once at a friend's house i don't even remember maybe maybe because i have the um the wiimote required for such things maybe i will check that out one day that's the one with sword fighting i think because wii sports i played a lot of but i'm not like a big sports guy but you know you couldn't get us you couldn't get a wii without wii sports right so i played it i loved it for what it was oh that was minecraft steve holy [ __ ] in a nintendo game before smash all right [Music] yeah remember this remember all these silly little mini games no i don't remember all of them i remember this one though [Music] hey when the motion controls work it's good [ __ ] it's good [ __ ] give it your all yeah only a few seconds left and only one question remains will the diamond city rough turn around game round i don't know mitch there seems to be some traffic [Applause] outside six flags three hours of traffic because someone tried to turn left into a divider [Applause] that's nice [Music] there's uh new duck babies at the lake i go to the park i go to new duck babies just dropped i will have to share at some point i will also i will do a further update on on the the geese and duck situation but today is not that day i will just say that for now it is [Music] adorable [Music] i don't know did this game have the little tchotchkes that you could play around with i forget [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did anyone else not get that it was a katana reference at first like yeah they say it but you know was anyone else stupid like me they might have been in a game boy one [Music] there's also warioware spam on gba which was like maybe one of the best ones [Music] but i don't know how how hard that is to emulate i mean to play because i wouldn't be able to uh i wouldn't be able to capture that i don't have a gba adapter of any kind and and like you still have to rotate the thing while it's plugged in the sketch artist maybe someone knows how to do it as you would a pencil during a pop quiz delicately but defiantly the mastery of this move can change a pop quizzy into a pop quizzer this is good writing that was good writing too that was good enough writing i should say the chauffeur turn the form but down sideways and wrap your hands around both ends as the form baton turns so too do the earth and all upon it from liver to livery men it's deep so yeah wario where twisted i don't really know if that's amuletable [Music] yeah in a case like that when you don't have a wrist strap i almost instinctually just dropped it on the ground but i kind of like simulated that and that was good enough [Music] chauffeur [Music] filthy [Music] the samurai with your right hand hold the form baton close to your left hip like a hungry samurai defending his line i mean i'm sitting close your eyes and await your enemies attack i mean to use an analogy i'm sitting like a beached seal so so yeah that was definitely not anything like you would see in a movie film [Music] yo look at that guy holy [ __ ] can someone rip the model of that of that strange man [Music] we need that dude in vr you want to talk about like obscure characters that sakurai can pull from for the uh okay well don't know how to do that one clearly [Music] that's mean [Music] there you go enjoy dentures dishwasher the way i used to speak before i got my dentures the rubber chicken book said that was the funniest knock knock joke of all time knock knock who's their dishwasher dishwasher who dishwasher the way i used to sound before i got my dentures i was a kid i read that rubber chicken book and i didn't understand that joke and i didn't laugh and i hated it and yet i thought well it clearly the rubber chicken book um clearly the don't talk and drive folks clearly the rubber chicken book knows better than i it is funny i am not i had that book when i was real young it was like just a book of dumb humor and i loved it and now you know why my sense of humor is just stupid rubber chicken book [Music] i've told that story in other videos of mine other streams of mine and just like the dishwasher joke it never gets better or funnier [Music] hey if you had your own clone what would you do [Music] you have to imagine the developers just had a lot of fun it's one of the reasons i love this series so much is it's just you can detect it's palpable you can detect that the developers were just having a lot of fun [Music] okay i had a little bit of uh wiimote crusts i remember oh man i played a lot of this [Music] it's like castlevanias music but why does the music have to go this hard why is it so good [Music] for a silly tower minigame it just became like alp it's it's [ __ ] 70s prague rock mixed with castlevania which is also got that in there anyway [Music] is this not in smash [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] i was supposed to get it in the flower i [Music] think god that's that's some good [ __ ] [Music] the wario game on the gamecube is a really good multiplayer wario game and dave and i were talking about maybe getting that going at some point [Music] via netplay [Music] could be fun this will be the year of warioware i think that just reminds me of like you go to um a store that sells like furnishings for your home and there's now wooden like you know rustic wooden like planks that go on your kitchen wall that say hangry [Applause] [Music] who's buying that [ __ ] live love laugh hangry [Music] [Music] find the sword as a the robot of war with the formation pointing forward hold it firmly with both hands just above the navel this stance calls to mind the epic struggle between heads and tails [Music] gonna need you to recognize the wemo better okay [Music] it just says weirdo that's that's your instruction [Music] the waiter place the form baton in your palm tip forward and buttons facing up you see yourself serving a group of socialites such grace they cry such style such horrors [ __ ] divorce [Music] bro [Music] there we go yeah resident evil 8 minigame ethan winter's taking much time uh what what the [ __ ] wemote please the elephant point the four baton forward with the end lightly touching your nose just as the mighty elephant uses its trunk to gorge on peanuts so too will your new nose sustain you [Music] get nose grease on your wemo it's very silly and totally unnecessary to even do that [Music] actually a good chunk of these you could just hold the wiimote like the remote control and still managed to manage to be you know be equipped to handle the micro game [Music] yeah that one i remember being confusing for some reason that confused me back in the day [Music] talk show host man from warioware smooth moves confirm for smash final character revealed no click bait free bitcoin and free beer through the internet like those old warcraft 3 servers i used to go to [Music] it was sliding [Applause] i'll take two of those [Music] excuse me [Music] let's get in line master [Music] wonderful stories to be told here there he is bizarre luigi [Music] dance luigi block star i remember playing and enjoying quite a bit let me uh actually get into a position you know like one of those lovely positions that you can use part-time ufo had something a little bit like this in a different way of course and there have been other games that do a similar [Music] a similar thing to this steven spielberg himself created an entire switch game around this concept he didn't but he did do uh we not switch i do that a lot i say switch when i mean to say we and vice versa they are both kind of in some ways similar consoles i mean if you think about the success of both that's the similarity the complacency of nintendo mid-life span for both the previous console not doing so well the um it looks like wario's given the finger huh [Music] the other thing about the switch that's similar to the wii is like yeah i mean the motion controls i guess but even then the switch is still kind of de-emphasized as much of that so if i'm not mistaken nintendo there was some kind of mandate where they had to get motion controls in their games even if it didn't feel like it would fit something like that but maybe i just heard that wrong or maybe some rumor which is why so many games like mario galaxy had like the spin thing you spin the wiimote it's because john tendo was like yeah we have this product and we're going to try to change the world with motion control so that grandmothers at nursing homes can play so if you wouldn't mind making mario spin that would be great thanks [Music] [Music] jesus i call this one verge of disaster [Music] oh don't no no no recognize recognize didn't recognize it's another thing that kind of [ __ ] sucks about motion controls on the wii is you're gonna get that sensor bar in in there gotta recognize i was trying to do something kind of fun [Music] there oh well that's fun right [Music] that's fun i call this one verge of disaster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i call this one the middle finger do one more for now [Music] fast [Music] i call this one verge of disaster okay [Music] i've been playing warioware games you know since they've i every time a new one comes out i buy it pretty much day one and i never remember this dude's name i just call him like disco waluigi why that mouth though it's not even covering the whole cat they really got this guy's lips like perfect okay i've had enough of this this fever dream let's play some mini games mushroom [Music] they call me a shrigma male what's a shrigma male shrig trigma shir ism is a mushroom man like a sigma [Music] go to sleep i'm going to take your cellular telephone that doesn't even have a touch screen yet [Applause] [Music] so bounced it too high but we're good [Music] what a bunch of nonsense what a bunch of [ __ ] baloney okay push someone volcano erupts okay okay [Music] drink this suspicious yellow liquid no problem yeah okay for this next mini game don't drop a broom in the hollow deck because we can just beam the ejaculate into space [Music] [Applause] oh oh god [Music] how do you drift [Applause] little monkey fellas not monkey fella okay [Music] all right jimmy t i got your number [Music] [Applause] well some of this feels like a new game because i don't remember the cat conga line [Music] and it definitely feels a bit like a fever dream today was very hot okay today as of day recording we were subjected to like 95 degree fahrenheit which has been you know there's been like a heat wave we've had multiple 95 to 100 degree days and then a little bit of rain and all that but you know it was a busy day for me and truthfully the the heat made me extra tired so i'm a little tired now which you've heard before because i'm always tired when i play video games speaking of playing video games we gotta do oh wait no that's not eight bit i need where's the classic nintendo labs that's right okay here's this character that some people absolutely [ __ ] lose their [ __ ] over the point is though this is doubly a fever dream when you're tired so i recommend playing it after say pulling several all-nighters in a row note if you do that i didn't tell you to do so [Music] is the song is there the song beetlejuice beetlejuice [Music] oh i know who did the soundtrack to this danny orcman danny elfman's worst nightmare i'm happy i'm still around doing some cool jokes like that 11 years on and my jokes haven't improved [Music] [Applause] [Music] rotted the thumb wrestler hold the four baton vertically and rest your thumb on the top of it the note list of athletes the thumb wrestler enters years of training before mastering this pose [Music] okay no sound effects for that one that's weird [Music] i i want wario soda the discard place the do not touch the form baton again until the proper time okay [Music] oh i think i'm supposed to be getting noise from the the speaker on this thing [Music] yeah i think i'm supposed to be getting some speaker noise and i'm not [Music] why do dolphins not have speaker noise i wanted just a random non-emulation related question about dolphins the big cheese with the form baton at your hip force your chest and hips forward this dance honors the ceo unsung hero standing proud on the backs of his employees [Music] i will discover if there's speaker functionality did that want me to jump in real life oh [Music] god [Music] what the [ __ ] kind of gear shifts bro gotcha all right i was gonna say what kind of gear shift is that i know nothing about cars so i have [Music] no idea [Music] hold the discard [Music] take one ready the [ __ ] kind of burger is this [Music] oh i missed it because the rats broke it [Music] that's good i want to see another burg i want to see what other burgs are possible at this fine establishment you know four leaf clovers wiimotes poop actual like [ __ ] is in this burger right now several [ __ ] three full shits are in this burger on top of the asparagus and under the asparagus what the [ __ ] and a live fish enable speaker data mr data [Music] feed me nice little shop of ours and alien reference all in one [Music] i had it partner it should have been i can shoot like i like now this is better i'm still not hearing speaker data [Music] [Music] so i do remember this i don't think i played very much of it but just you're you're run-of-the-mill shooting gallery i mean every carnival circus game on the wii you know all four dozen of them have the same thing repeated dozens of times [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] it sounds awful scummy [Music] i can't tell is that a is that a wiimote problem or is that a fish problem [Music] [Applause] [Music] dribble spits and drool and their lawyer swallows [Music] oh [Music] i want to see a a television show starring these two with danny devito also in it and andy kaufman we'll call it taxi [Music] we just won't acknowledge that there's two cartoon animals [Music] let's go oh hell yeah i lift turn the four baton sideways and clutch it from below in your right hand true masters exhibit a firm grip and an exaggerated premise [Music] song [Music] you don't need we fit [Music] point the tip of the form baton forward and hold it atop your head letting the form baton fall is like letting a mohawk droop shameful and my forbidden [Music] [Music] the way i wish you could have seen the way i i like jostled the wiimote to get that pitch it was just like real baseball the janitor hold the form baton with both hands as you would a mop the right hand represents order the left filth the form baton is the bridge between the two i'm learning so much [Music] i want to do voice of one of the warioware characters and just do my signature [Music] why though why are we what is why are we hurting that guy i remember that face [Music] bad music [Music] you know playing mario golf super rush and seeing the me's that are available in that and then play playing this and there's like a 15-year difference almost right 14 years or so same me's the only difference is that metopia on the switch has phenomenal me's which should be system wide but otherwise we get lads that look like this well that was generous why banan though [Music] well then i'd have to ask why knows at this point it's too late to ask that question the warioware series does not have [Music] answers [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i like to watch my stories yeah speaker still isn't really working [Music] i hear like little crust noises but i don't think that's normal which makes me wonder if dolphin inherently has problems or maybe it's the wayfarer adapter that i'm using maybe it doesn't send the date data back properly i don't i don't know [Music] of course it's also very possible i just have a scummy wiimote [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] there's a lot of game and watch lads watching this burning ants with a magnifying glass nintendo thought it was cute enough to put it in their video game holding the back end delicately between two fingers point the form baton forward the regal french fry remains one of nature's greatest muses this this form seems a trifle unnecessary all right i had to unlock the door all right [Music] eureka yeah i'm not getting any sound data whatsoever [Music] the mortar and pestle hold the form baton vertically in your right hand and cut it gently in the palm of your left to crush is also to create and from squashing comes spice [Music] again yeah i guess i could see why the mortar and pestle was necessary there might be like a couple too many forms in this game but i'm not i'm just gonna complain for the sake of it it's fun [Music] hooray i give this four fussies out of four the boxer turn the form baton sideways and hold it firmly from above in your right hand let the spirit of the noble sucker punch guide you to victory yeah yeah punch the wemo ah [Music] i like that one and also the this guitar string almost sounded like sp [Music] that little robot should have gotten its own spin off [Music] okay you get to wash a cow's [ __ ] in this game [Music] somehow didn't remember that one this is a lovely game of ass why didn't it work yeah just didn't work i was doing the thing [Music] that one worked [Music] better than red steel [Music] i ain't never seen graphics that good [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign they should port this to the switch oled and have it only work on the switch oled with no explanation this right here these are the mini games i've been waiting for [Music] [Music] this is always the most anticipated part of any warioware game for me probably not alone in that sentiment [Music] whoa is that a ds light no it's a gaming watch [Music] i i like revisiting old nintendo games and seeing which product they were pushing at that time [Music] only at game store can you buy such [Music] things we go nintendo references my favorite [Music] that was the new [ __ ] at the time nintendogs that was the big deal oh man oh gee animal crossing on gamecube sorry for saying oh gee a reminder that pikmin 4 is still not out or announced sorry sorry arlo [Music] i can't believe they put all of wind waker in this one mario game [Music] i'm gonna give you a pro tip you don't need to stand like that for that one this scene right that we're seeing right the kids the the game store at this moment in time it would just be scalpers it would just be like a bunch of middle aged men with beard on their faces and necks and also wearing the same new york yankees hat all grabbing it up getting ready to sell that [ __ ] on ebay [Music] well all the kids are at school still listen scalpers have been a problem for a long time and in different ways too like in the music in the music world [ __ ] pearl jam boycotted ticketmaster but you know ticketmaster was was sly and uh yeah unfortunately it's it's they didn't quite win and now prices are still 300 thanks ticketmaster by the way i am not commenting enough on this right now but i [ __ ] love this 60 fps star fox with rob the robot as a boss i would like to see a full 60 fps remake of star fox original and two [Music] with similar visual style with some up updates and just tons more content and different like you know different r-wing abilities that would be a good direction for star fox even though they've remade star fox um the original like four times by now in different ways [Music] [Music] jimmy i'm sorry but whoms does this club spice do you know what happens in there lots of good curry while people [ __ ] all right well you know we gotta save development costs it's the best way to do that really is to just take the jimmy other section jimmy t and make this new character otherwise it would be too difficult to [Music] draw [Music] uh [Music] you know this is another um micro game that you don't have to actually squat for [Music] gotcha uh yeah you get into a kind of a groove where you start to recognize certain mini-games games then you can just do the thing you can just play them however you want as long as you you kind of know what you're doing with the controller it's it's you don't have to actually stand up and squat oh boy of course it's more fun to do that but [Music] i am very anti-fun [Music] thank god for the visual feedback [Music] okay [Music] oh [ __ ] superior jimmy p [Music] boogie little would he know that the horns would be ripped off in a couple years [Music] oh [Music] yeah oh check controls coin sound because we mo okay [Music] nope and then that i didn't even like i don't even know how i did that that fast and then that doesn't work okay and i actually did the thing to what the [ __ ] what is happening okay i can afford to lose no more puppies [Music] i kind of perceive that as a noose [Music] oh [Music] what the [ __ ] is that game i mean again i am tired that's my excuse today but still what what the [ __ ] man [Music] how does one straighten papers better than that [Music] yums their yums got yucked [Music] better at catching fish mini game in mario aware than actual animal crossing catching fish okay [Music] okay all right come on come on now still feel bad about crushing that pikmin [Music] i just can't yeah i guess small motions like really small motions [Music] and then that one was fine that time okay okay we i remember now i remember it's all coming back to me [Music] okay yeah i i see how you have to do that now you actually have to like tilt the wiimote appropriately [Music] very dumb of me that i didn't think of that earlier but that's okay oh no mouse car [Music] sorry i can't hear you if you're speaking [Music] ah look at that accurate [Music] motion controlled sword [Music] peace [Music] well there you go i mean half the fun of the warioware games is going back and trying to get high scores and seeing all the different forms of the minigames and then unlocking the the tchotchkes the toys they're fun again warioware twisted had some good ones warioware touched on the ds was pretty good i don't know if i've ever played that one on uh stream just don't i think gaming wario was the one i played the most because that one came out and then mario wear gold obviously um i probably have done this at some point [Music] but then i know i did the gamecube one somewhere along the way some somewhere along the way i did that but not too much of it [Music] go back to nine volt check out a couple more uh [Music] a couple more classic games [Music] keep that sea bass that was like a barred knife jaw knife jack i forget what the name of that fish was but yeah c-plus [Music] sift through the sand to get playing cards open this bar of gold to possibly get actual real gold or a chunk of meat food [Music] over here i'm sitting too far away to mute i'm sorry there we go twist the knobs for pong good minigame ish look did you see lank holy [ __ ] adult link was real weird and then child link had like extra high pitched voice that was that was strange missing uh there you go there's lost metroid prime content [Music] everybody big brain i don't know why the one or two buttons wouldn't shoot either that just makes sense if one or two on the wiimote is like the a or b button i said that with a little italian lilt but yeah it's just weird it should just at least be an option [Music] word i wonder if they actually had an employee in a morph suit [Music] and then like got the silhouette of said employee and just put it in the game power on know i have an adapter for um component cables into hdmi signal which i could then use into my capture device because i'm not capturing this through capture device i think we we all know this by now um yeah this is where i wear twisted right here i was given one thing to do not to lose [Music] so yeah if i need to like actually capture my wii and gamecube [ __ ] in the future i could use that i just need to find it but i know i have it somewhere because i got a new capture card in the past year or so whenever i got this one and it was a nightmare for a while if anyone remembers but it doesn't have a component input like my old one did oh wait unless that was directly into an hdmi signal i'm just thinking out loud [Music] i tried to conduct [Applause] oh oh god oh [ __ ] hell motion controls please good [ __ ] [Music] someone recomposed the star fox theme but just ever so slightly bootleg [Music] it's like they heard it twice and then just go do it so [Music] seriously though star fox man it's a shame because star fox zero when it was cool it was it was pretty cool and i know it probably killed some of the motivation for nintendo to make a new one and also maybe killed the motivation of the fans to want a new one but i would love something star fox related [ __ ] miss that series [Music] that was small [Music] game good i am good [Music] put just put that one back in the sand [Music] oh well [Music] let's see i think i got all of the nintendo ones [Music] we're missing one oh well i want to go back and see lank again [Music] oh he's so weird and skinny [Music] he's so old someone needs to rip that model [Music] and then just the cuckoo [Music] forever formed a ton [Music] why doesn't mario's house look like a clove of garlic a bulb of garlic sorry bulb [Music] all right tons of scummy baby warios [Music] i'm glad the punch was recognized there we go [Music] i like that kaiju wario there's a game in there like a full game somewhere [Music] no i didn't find the problem zone okay would it be great if you could just do that one time and then just get [ __ ] ripped [Music] good wario noise music [Music] [Music] was that like a whale mer [Music] okay slap 3d wario good good [Music] beautiful [Music] barely won that one [Music] excuse me your bills are overdue [Music] scared you oh god i remember this [Music] oh no actual dancing now and booty slaps great [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i'm pretty sure i did the thing [Music] [Applause] thank god oh i did not want to have to do that one again [Music] give it back [Applause] almost pokemon music [Music] well that's it that's it go home hey aunt bertrud gives her thanks for watching mario time a game is 60 dollar hour and a half worth of gameplay it's a very wario type of game and monetization will be unlocking new wario farts you got to kill mario 4.99 per month [Music] screw forgot about orbiting [Music] multi has been unlocked connect the balance stone all right yeah i remember this i remember i had to bring this out and then uh when i started the game it said remove attachments all right [Music] [Music] the stone my name is john batiste emmanuel zog and i'm looking for the stones you know that is a very rectal mouth [Music] the sacred the sacred stones the death of gaming all right maybe it's a little overstated just because i don't like the way the motion controls are sometimes the diner you ain't mean they kill dining i mean gaming in your left hand and the foreign baton in your right stay vigilant the battle for seconds is always sudden and fears okay [Music] there's a cool way to go about adding a little variety of the game [Music] even if there's a lot less of these mini games than all the other ones [Music] oh right yeah oops kind of hoping that bear would just automatically grab that but we're good still here [Music] no [Music] just flailing my arms around [Music] wow safety dog well i really like safety dog it's really nice rescue yeah [Music] oh then you actually have to ride the bike i kind of remember that one [Music] kel jester [Music] okay oh god what was that boxing game there there was a boxing game [Music] one of the main boxers looked like that oh man i forget looks like a ps2 game or something [Music] wow i love some cheeseburger grease yeah got them onion rings [Music] cricor [Music] i mean truthfully i could kind of knock out the bulk of this content in under two hours [Music] and then the rest is just unlocking little things and checking out all the rest of the games i'm sorry what the [ __ ] am i looking at i don't remember this at all [Music] oh it's like a workout thing this uh this isn't really what i want to be doing right now i'm actually like almost ready for bed [Music] it's it's giving me the ones that require me to move my arm the most [Music] and uh yeah it's just like fake calories i don't think you can really lose it's it's more about the workout [Music] you know it's about the pump it's quite literally about the pump it's a rick's ufo i saw episode three of ricardo mortimer of season five that was all right [Music] one and two were better in my opinion in my opinion but i i think it tried to do something kind of cool with uh some character development and um a [ __ ] giant alien space slug orgy but yeah character development as well [Music] me but did they just say pingus listen i'm hearing a very weird word [Music] i actually tried to exit this but there's no button ah there's like no button to exit well this is one of many ways to get one arm stronger than the other [Music] and it's the second most fun way to do it the first fencing wow i feel wow so accomplished [Music] i guess this one didn't have the tchotchkes okay you know i forgot about this and this is kind of cool because it's like a motion control 3d remake of balloon fight or balloon trip in particular in this case which is kind of [ __ ] cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i've had quite enough all right i i think i'm done with warioware smooth moves i i think that might be it in regards to a revisit i think we covered most of it because sure there's multiplayer but i don't remember it being no there's darts there's survival mode yeah i kind of remember there being a couple decent i mean it's just me but uh yeah kind of something around here i remember liking it's like a decent multiplayer thing but that yeah that's wario we're smooth moves granted we didn't see all of the mini games and there's probably a couple extra unlockables aside from multiplayer so still a lot of micro slash minigames missing uh do we unlock all the forms yeah we got all the forms though [Music] still good [Music] only unlocked two poses though not great [Music] that's me that rabbit is me playing this game and how i feel about it right this moment [Music] alright well i hope you enjoyed a fun revisit for sure and i'm ready for new warioware game i want to connect the wrist strap in that new one as well well take care everybody thank you for watching mario wear smooth moves it's okay it's pretty fun and the motion controls mostly work and it's warioware and it's a pretty good one so thank you for re-watching or watching or whatever you're doing right now [Music] and thank you for it goodbye [Music] okay wait wait wait wait wait this is an innovative new way to tell a story you complete the game and then you get the intro story now we learn all about the background of this ancient mysterious wiimote [Music] just being just being greedy you know just just laughing at how greedy he is reveling in it okay goodbye
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 141,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, WarioWare, Smooth Moves, Wario Ware, Wii, Nunchuck, Motion Controls, Wario, Nintendo
Id: L8wxy2SW6xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 19sec (6199 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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