[Vinesauce] Vinny - Super Bowl 2020 Corruptions + More

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so once again corruptions have reared their filthy faces onto the stream and this time it is Super Bowl Sunday I did not watch the Super Bowl before anyone asks because I was busy watching a video of a dude reviewing various TV dinners because that was for some reason it just showed up on my YouTube and I'm like sure I'll watch that that's fine um I don't know who won the ball cool oh Jesus I gotta stop playing with this alien that gene Oh God this alien figurine I keep playing with it while I'm like doing my speeches and it just makes noises yeah it was brutal moose and it was lots of weird disgusting fest you know make you make fast and microwave food and it looked it looked gross so that was fun but anyway if you would like to begin we have some Madden NFL Oh 8 corruptions this is made by a number of people in the community including nari Eric lose our retro combine and Novi it's a collaboration made in the past 24 hours so very interesting this is maybe one of the first times I've seen something like this where they collaborated so quickly thank you by the way nari for getting all this together and all the rest of the corruptions and helping out so this is going to be well why don't you take a look [Applause] [Music] oh look it's the it's the correct teams as well now as you know this is the O eight version of the game which means it's just about the same as last year the year before next year the year after say almost the same thing presented by Snickers most satisfying candy to make you feel like [ __ ] when you're done eating it that's so awesome no I don't really know how to play football games chat I really don't know something tells me I won't need to know how to play Chipmunks doing the music I have the limiter up because these apparently get really loud so just if you're wondering where the volume is I'm saving you [ __ ] splatoon nightcore is playing this year at the Super Bowl alternate reality 2008 oh yeah yay good I think that said let's go cuz the name of the did he say shut up [ __ ] up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm I need to enable an option for background inputs if you don't mind I don't just look at this while blind what's happening on the screen today here is marijuana was legalized in the stadium that's the easy joke and clearly they are all that dude in particular is getting some cannabis poisoning which is I think not even possible really I don't know I'm not a scientist do a football thing with football players in a football game that scores football points in football land that's good I mean I'm really happy about those instructions that's really nice naari is their background inputs for this are you aware of such things while all this is happening it should have it by default none [Applause] it's still wiggling I like that I can troubleshoot and the audience is still entertained on some level maybe like minimally but also I'm sorry if you had to watch the Superbowl and then watch this as well where's Shakira oh I'm sorry Shakira is not at the vine sauce Super Bowl controller is background input okay controllers Akron thank you beautiful Mary to the rescue again press B when you catch the ball it says all right here we go I think I would watch football if it looked like this this is the fever dream that I would require for the entertainment you know what I mean like it would take me away from watching videos about TV dinners [Applause] what's happening chat I don't know what are all these button inputs did it say slide protein I think it said slide protein I know you want me to say the spin word we're gonna plan and we're gonna do some some plays running back quarter quarter bunt pigskin flintlock punt punt we're gonna do a touchdown a field goal an up dog a down wind a bunt cake let's do it touchback there we go you gotta use my running back quarter quarterman actually try to catch the ball I think that wishes the B button I have to figure out what the B button is get that thing got it I got it I got it I'll give you one I'll give you one spin it was you know fragmented into three parts but it was it was one it was one whole spin the funny pasta football man did the line also can someone tell me what the [ __ ] the Iron Sheik has been like smoking oh wait no this is a different like - by the way I'd like to dispel the rumor does Vinnie Dead or Alive I am currently alive as far as I'm aware thank you no but the Iron Sheik made a tweet the Wu Han virus and Star Trek Picard same thing cheeky baby and the William Shatner boldly [ __ ] suplex them both where no jabroni what the [ __ ] okay where no jabroni has gone before what is this dude talking about I was explaining like I think that I think the Iron Sheik is dead and he has a PR team just tweeting out random [ __ ] like you would say or it's a bot I'm almost positive it's a body or he's like a living corpse that's been like reanimated by just jabroni fluids anyway now that I've gotten that I just needed to share that with you for a minute thank you thank you everybody how much what do we got nine nine nine te & RB nine nine nine that's cool that's awesome [Applause] make you humble he has a guy type out his tweets as he shouts them fair enough okay let's move on to the next corruption I'm failing to understand anything that's happening right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this poor football player broke his [ __ ] fingers they replaced the football with a steel egg this is football my friends welcome to the big game Super Bowl is here everyone catching the steel egg with their bare [ __ ] fingers and breaking them and including the reference is it like promotional shots for the stadium [Applause] [Music] some heavy-duty we got going on here are these all penalties are these penalty boots [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for f you just shimmy on out of that huddle I did I I call for a timeout I like how the only [ __ ] people moving are the cameraman which again leads me to believe god damn this is loud it leads me to believe that this is all a publicity stunt and they are in fact taking photos for promotional purposes because all of the people with the camera equipment are fine they're moving around am I just gonna let this play out like why do weird interesting things keep happening well I say interesting but like a ref will just slide every now and then [Music] white [Applause] [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] dead silent imagine you're in the stadium and everyone is just perfectly silent thousands of people tens of thousands of people no one's saying a goddamn thing and then you wake up but you're still in a dream [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't even I don't even know what to [ __ ] say anymore about that one I just had to make the honks stop make this guy throw it before he's ready it's just that little split-second early are they ghosts they're like little ghosts well that is certainly interesting grass [Applause] only one man in the backfield aimed it off to the back you know what I think for a lot of football fans this would be acceptable if it was just the ball and no one else on the field just so they could see the ball like where it goes and count the numbers and I think that would be ok if you want to give the other team great opportunities turn it over on downs it pumps up they have like little legs oh wait no they have big feet tiny legs but even smaller bodies I really didn't call a timeout I guess I'm that little fella does that mean that that one Hut [Applause] whoa the name of this corruption is alien gives everyone diarrhea or rather gives everyone a constipation oh I guess they are constipated Wow my brain interpreted that as like diarrhea but it was constipation you know that's perfect that it or maybe they do have diarrhea they could that's also a diarrhea walk where you going boys got a poop chief is that what they have a chief in football they have like a chief right yes chief what have you done get back off to the field please go that [ __ ] play was wrong I at least know a couple things about sport all I know about coaches I know about the constant constipation the guy out there I know that sports this strenuous where the clog than bowels you know they in small and Uranus [Applause] the dangers of sports what can I say [Applause] cool face that one's got that nice nice forehead nice cool head nice how many of them have nice heads I think most of them probably have some kind of like severe frontal lobe trauma from years of playing corrupted football while having like massive constipation pains it do [Applause] I think I heard one of them say something like here's to my sweet sake [Applause] the Bey's are filing in to Dolphin Stadium and we're set to bring you another great game glad you could be with us nice game this is gonna be a good one the Chiefs must have a head chief [Applause] [Music] people are saying it's hockey I'm just thinking they're all covered in some kind of white powder oh wait nope solved both teams have taken the field and we're ready for tonight's kickoff music [ __ ] [ __ ] that up so bad your foot went through the egg I think we've reinvented the rules of football I have to like bust in there I think trying up trying to get in there day three I've entered their huddle they suspect nothing to you who's coming back no you can't come back the entire audience is missing nose yeah they kind of are I wonder if anyone know I don't think anyone's gonna be able to get the ball just simple as that many of us on this team whatever team this is are just standing here waiting for something to happen I can't I can't do anything the only thing I can do is pause the game and even then nothing really way did it take God when I paused it I am a god - come on you know yeah the raw battery all right the loan back just through to the raw dog most passes are incomplete I don't think we've seen a single [ __ ] complete pass today [Applause] I like when football goes light blue like that oh my god I love these corruptions again if you're just joining this is a collaboration between between four people over the past 24 hours and what an amazing way to approach a series of corruptions this is this is incredible we got a football corridor in a narrow stadium [Applause] it's like it's only as wide as like three people that would make for an interesting game of football just put like five people on the field at most and just have the field be really really really narrow so now it's first and 15 there was a penalty I can't tell what's happening Nickelback to make the flood find some romantic [Applause] [Music] big bucks big arms that way and we'll get full report from the sideline when we get the information [ __ ] we got an injured player that looks natural these idle animations sure do look natural and normal the name of this corruption is no one wants to play anymore after they find out they can get injured [Applause] why is one of the members of their team a frog oh oh that's that's my team [Applause] dude 65% of the team just disappeared they just vanished there's there's football magic [Applause] they disappeared to the [ __ ] bench the injury sustained earlier was minor and they expect them to return to the game after a series there - by how this puts a smile on my face [Applause] just just a snap and all that is left is one player oh my god okay this one's called ghost football from the 5-yard line something out of beetlejuice maybe for the first play of this Drive it's a little beetle juicy in the field goal I was gonna say Tron [Applause] I don't know what did I catch that didn't water what ghost caught that they have like little ghost helmets to in front of their actual helmet use the pause the replay function to look around okay well that that's helpful huh Beetlejuice I want to try something real quick what happened I can't do replay I can't do this one and do a replay for some reason maybe I have to play a thing first this one is handled by number 48 [Applause] oh wait no yeah kind of whoa this one gets really [ __ ] bizarre Oh their bodies explode that's what's making it difficult to see is their bodies just explode into the into the world there's nothing when they explode that much you there is John McPhee Paul himself all right moving on and not even the limiter could save us dude don't walk it's football you got a run [Music] yeah spin2win [ __ ] touchdown I'm gonna get a touchdown you can't rotate anymore touched touched touched by [ __ ] Satan there's so much blood on the field [Applause] who's that football player that's upside down there I wonder wonder what his name is I feel like Joe Montana is the most football name outside of John Madden like those are football names like John Madden Joe Montana what what else you got chat what other football generic football man names do you have aside from John football mark tackle that's a good one Travis touchdown where have I heard that one before bill slams him man [ __ ] ting uncle vine saw wait what Jeffery Montgomery that's a good one Brett Favre that's well we know that to be football now rung funk okay Steve McMahon wrecks Thunder [ __ ] I don't think they would allow Rex Thunder [ __ ] to be a part of the game I think he would probably not be allowed in the major leagues and he'd have to change his last name Rob fumble [Applause] well protected oh Jesus Terry Bogard I may listen I I should always do this at the beginning of every corruption stream visual epilepsy warning I always forget to mention it early on unless it's specifically noticed notified on the corruptions but I suppose almost there's a chance that a corruption could flash I'd say more often than not there's a chance so just be be careful and now the sound of a jet engine taking off inside of a football stadium oh and protect your ears too [Music] while that was the football chat that was the football always remember always remember to wear earplugs when you come to a vine sauce dream always this is muted because there was Ozzy music Vsauce create your character but with Vlad protection okay so students not chunk it just stopped the weight is only numbers at this point it doesn't go any bigger actually nothing is affected you can do something with height I can do 611 but amazing it's 2001 a Space Odyssey I was gonna say at first it sounded like like early radio communications with someone in an unstable jet [Applause] oh [ __ ] it's kicking in you got to land me you got a land Evelyn oh my gosh I love the low-poly helmets chat listen what in the name of Christ was that was that part of a song was it gasp step [ __ ] borderline experimental [Applause] number 26 the long back a fumble we got a fumble [Applause] there's no audience here in the void no this is just like out in space number of aliens set up a field because they were evolved humanoid creatures that watched humanity and decided they wanted to play their own version of the football and it's instead of actually having any real conception of the rules all they managed to do was recreate the field the general look of the players but their limbs could not comply with the game so it's it's just multi feet ball at this point is this totally accurate football simulator yes every now and then there's an incidental ball kick but the refs don't know how to call it like they don't know what to do with this game they don't know how to play the they don't know how to play the game John Madden John Madden the ref I love the ref second moving animation is really good it's very nice ref eventually this ball will get to a place so yeah it's just a pile of bodies and fast feet and eventually the ball will be kicked into a goal or that'll happen and someone gets needed the [ __ ] out of the stadium that's not human text there meet Chat Chat you need to you need to look at their faces just as I said their meet if you zoomed into the helmet it was like a meat creature that infraction moves the operands into field goal range I guess this is football appeared to have jumped a little too soon because okay that's him that's my football player the warp step football man that's him Johnny raw dogs I think yeah I think we're good I think we got some some good um I actually kind of wouldn't mind playing a football game where everyone was at different species with different like you know pros and cons it'd be like Starcraft like you have Zog vs. Protoss and they're very different but you know they're balanced more or less and then um you know in football you could have like spiders versus cockroaches like with like a number of different limbs that's called blood bowl that exists oh okay well no goddamn original ideas anymore I swear to God speaking of this is called football too [Applause] glad you could be with us tonight's game promises to be a good one both games extremely well prepared it seems pretty normal well wait a minute so there's a a goalpost in them oh I like these new rules spices things up a little bit so you can kick both teams have taken for a field goal pretty much anywhere like from the you know you're close enough to one at any point so you may as well just kick it's gone this one is table well John it looked like he had some room initially but the blocking just didn't hold up you have to put some of the blame on the returned man - it's his job to look downfield and determine if he has a blocks to work oh well before the balls out of the enzyme I just pressed buttons I'm just fascinated by their by their heads I mean they can see I mean the good news about this is they can see all around them they'll never be surprised they have full 360 degree vision [Applause] I don't think I'm very good at football [Applause] this one's called ps1 port no good look Mike my guy in the back running all the way the [ __ ] away me on football this is kind of cool like like it's like laser tag or like cosmic bowling you know the bowling alleys that have like um black lights and glowing balls you know glowing balls just cosmic football or it's kind of like Starship Troopers or they played this weird extra [ __ ] brutal version of football where people are doing backflips and [ __ ] there's a symbol right this corruption doesn't have a name but it has a symbol I don't know what it is because it's too small so I'm gonna put it here oh okay I mean to be fair I couldn't really tell what it was you see it was too damn small I need to I need to see this way I need to actually pay attention to this one so their fingers are [ __ ] up people are floating around the usual referees running through players no problem what oh okay that he gave the finger I see that makes a lot more sense I didn't know the RTC the the real-time corruptor could support emojis [Applause] trying to jump the step count [Music] penalty accepted I got to stop him from punting there's no stopping there's no stopping that kick [Music] it's such a Oh I mean even if this wasn't corrupted like this particular era of sport ball on on consoles like things look pretty good the field looks good the players look pretty good from a distance it runs smooth but they're just so [ __ ] lifeless everything's so bizarre to look at when it gets up close and everything's like really predictable and weird and like when you look at when you look at modern football sport games that the attention to detail is just so much more so much less uncanny and I could just be there next swivelling that's making me say this [Applause] touchdown San Francisco this is a good play by the offense in the red zone the wide receiver is gonna break away right here the name of this corruption is douche town are those the douches okay is that douche town in the distance puppy [Applause] what that was mortis that was [ __ ] mortis oh that was Peter Griffin that was [ __ ] Peter Griffin [Applause] play ball you heard him play ball sound like the beginning of a flaming lips aww bow-bow [Applause] someone could probably use these sound effects in a game where they fire like a god eating cannon that is the sound of a cannon that can destroy Christ you this is still happening I guess the meat pile they're all on a spit they look on a steak [ __ ] vlad the impaler is draining their blood so that he can dunk his bread in it [Applause] sure [Applause] sure-sure is some big hand they have like a lot of they have a lot of big hands and also their hands look very similar kick is good with hands that big you'd have to wonder why would they ever even try to kick the ball spider crab spider crab biggest guys in the field biggest guys of all time [Applause] the name of this corruption is foosball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I would probably collect sport cards I used to collect some sport cards again I really really like the sport cards because I like the rarity of them and then by the time I grew bored of sport cards like Magic the Gathering started getting popular and then years later it was Pokemon I got some of those but mostly I have lots of sport cards and I liked the hollow foil and the gold ones but generally I yeah I gave that up pretty quickly anyway speaking of sports look I like that they just plastered the faces of the players onto the onto the models like now they'd have to like take a 3d model that have to be like you know they'd have to do a little bit more work than I would assume just go into a photo booth John medallion yep all right here it is the football once again I meant to say the Superbowl but I just said the football that works though [Music] while they have a giant they hit like a giant looking after the stadium yet crotch and they're just trying to give football more sex appeal these days huh both teams have taken the field and we're ready for it tonight's kickoff it's so calm but it's on the brink of falling apart and again their fingers are very long and broken distance you kicked at all of one foot I a football fanatic followed the game very closely and I know a penalty when I see one and when players merge into each other to create a super player well that's just too far that's when you must call a penalty of a fumbling back [Applause] they got the rights to Queens the stone-age for this crust of the Stone Age like one of my favorite songs but boy it sounds crusty yeah it ain't no thing that's what we ain't gonna hear in the vaad because boy it's gonna be claimed josh homme ii himself is gonna kick down my door and he's gonna probably just want to have a shot of whiskey with me I'd be down for that but anyway they need the C stick I don't even know the c stick did anything he's gonna motorcycle into your kitchen yes in kicking mode you use the c-stick oh that makes a lot more sense hey on the plus side the n64 had better models I would assume we're seeing the lowest poly models for when you're the farthest away from the players which they're just triangles it's kind of amazing how you don't notice that [ __ ] especially when the resolution is small and it's not like a CRT the level of detail is just triangles where you going me going [Applause] what's the loan back you [Applause] second and law [Applause] watching me know [Applause] I'm surprised they can say words in motion like their lungs are so enlarged endued expect their you know the amount of air to push through the vocal cords or just shred them the poor ref just got [ __ ] murdered reload to see meat where's meat this one [Applause] there are a little meat like I kind of see it Blood Bowl again the name of this corruption is fantasy frog bub you should have named it Franta see but that's okay I forgive you why was the announcer a battle droid you kind of was though yes anyone can be a battle droid Roger Roger they walk around like they it sounds exactly like a [ __ ] battle droid they walk around like the thermians from galaxy quests we wish for you to save us the historical document [Music] oh my god it's this it's the Star Wars galaxy quest crossover I never I knew I wanted [Applause] someone said oh great Disney bought football it's not like they couldn't afford it telling you Mouse blood is very valuable more valuable than liquid gold bunch of people putting mice and blenders now I guess in New York City giant [ __ ] pizza bread rats trying to get that valuable [Applause] okay referee only game players go home let's see how it plays out tonight as we get set for the opening kickoff the robot needs to kick this little booming picked down fear I feel like as much as there aren't first of all there are players here so I don't know what the hell is going on but as much as I like the football corruptions there's there's so many of them oh my god well there's hope there's only a couple left there's only a couple left then we can move on to different games I love that noise that was a really great noise the name of this corruption is we come in peace [Applause] [Applause] I don't know how to play the game so that's not helping but [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that one that is some extreme football you got an icon for every player everyone also gets a penalty weird as the star players everybody the name of this corruption is I'm running out of names [Applause] number four with a man in motion I cut you some bow [Applause] [Music] but okay this one says after avoid receiving the incoming ball to provoke a touch back and enjoy okay so clearly I did this wrong [Applause] [Music] oh they are here to worship the ball the ceremony known as sport we're all come to worship they gather around the ball even though it's not a ball it's an egg the Deutz signify the devotion yet they wait for it to hatch exactly what comes out what comes out of the egg when it hatches ceremonial duties spur it to life and then John Madden is reborn as a giant baby fetus [Applause] this one's oddly hypnotic pumped up kicks' it's also it's paper DK mode and one more you lose good day sir no good no good that works wow that was good that was a great collaboration I feel like even though I didn't watch the Super Bowl this year I feel like I got the full experience good [ __ ] corruptions guys all right great now what is the next game oh I know what the next game is Mario Sunshine now I know I've done this I know I've done Mario Sunshine on stream plenty of times but this is a corruption stockpile from norc's I believe this is noir X's first corruption stockpile and apparently it's very good so I want to hype it up too much so here's a picture of Simon Cowell okay alright so no more hype and let's see what happens you okay almost ready important notes I have important notes to read okay I have to do this I have to set something up [Music] hang on a minute [Music] almost ready hang on a minute it's not giving me the option for OpenGL I'm not really sure where that option is is it under a specific tab there's some really weird bugs apparently so this prevents it okay all right I see I see Thank You nari all right let's try it all right so I don't know if this is actually [Music] I don't know if this is actually like a corruption or if this is just the stock standard mario sunshine but we'll find out now I think it's just regular as always flashing lights are we on a giant spinning pizza starting off at a hundred miles an hour are we zero to a hundred oh my god alright a little loud its playable I don't know how the [ __ ] is corruptor can do this but it is playable it's stable enough God what a difference 10 years can make [Music] well I say stable enough I just went through a [ __ ] wall so to sport my way back up here now [Music] [Applause] [Music] reload if they do this okay really sure what this one was supposed to be bit the bells ring I was told not to even open this corruption because it's so loud so of course I'm gonna open it [Music] at this one it says pausing or talking to NPCs will cause the music to explode cause the music to explode you say yep [Music] load twice to make this one work jump and use hover nozzle to move a new hover based platformer genre oh okay Mario's hat is definitely a little unstable oh [ __ ] is this mario is leaking rainbows someone said is Mario the guy from smash I think he is yeah there that yes yes he was also in mario teaches and typing so I'm just still to this day shock that sucker I put him in Smash Brothers with credentials like that get move your fingers someone said that's impossible I don't remember Mario and Fire Emblem see what you did there [Music] I was trying to figure out what the comment on this corruption meant funny Baldy message left by noir X not nary it sounds like [ __ ] Baldy when all these snaps is ruler that wasn't norc's okay that was nari then okay this is called resident sunshine yes the camera is stuck Oh weird camera auto-adjust when you leave the current view similar to Resident Evil 4 you'll first-person it breaks the camera [ __ ] why is this so stable kind of weird hang on a second try to navigate without doing manual camera change oh it's totally broken yeah I see okay you just can't change any camera set the settings you just have to keep going I mean it works it's good enough I can play the whole game like this maybe I'd hate it but I could maybe presume presumably do not presume you're right I shouldn't pursue moving on everything at 0-0 I get it I see every NPC is stuck at the zero zero coordinate including this [ __ ] Mirage lair [Music] yeah I feel like Ayla chrono Luka and Marlon Robo are about to engage in some kind of drink off and then ale is gonna ask for dactyl [Music] [Music] I like that Mario is wearing bell-bottoms I guess weirdly enough Mario got dactyl [Music] close enough got a dinosaur but I mean there was some sacrifice what did it cost everything mario has to wear 70s fashion bell-bottoms [Music] and again everything else seems to kind of work well not whatever the [ __ ] is going on here Oh yo she's dead I forgot about that hey Mario [Music] nevermind [Music] you okay I was told to go all the way to the bottom of this hole I know what I just said chat it's gonna be fine it's just a little subnautica black forming bacteria thought flood was saying plague [Music] [Music] here's a bongo for your efforts whoa whoa whoa so the name of this corruption is first try and I see chat making similar jokes to the [ __ ] pachinko machine [Music] mario has logged in its second for the [ __ ] void right into a black hole can't move around stuck in one spot sounds are very interesting must find a way to destroy myself a little bit more Mario yes this is called Mario joins the space program [Music] good title there's no getting back down this is Mario's life now cursed to an eternity of falling but never actually falling this is a meme the name of this corruption you me Murr is uh Mario's gonna get into area 51 thought about that for a little while I forgot that everyone knew about area 51 and now no one gives a [ __ ] about them aliens anymore oh by the way it says this aged well for 2020 so there's that it's our it's self-aware and it also says bonking will snap Mario's neck killing him instantly [Music] I mean I still care about them aliens I know they're there lost in his own mind Mario mustn't confront the Chuck stirs once his enemy finds that talking about their problems is the only way to truly get along your reward for this is not only a few friends but a nice hug [Music] is wrong all that for the wrong notes there eventually [Music] Phineas the Harmony all right so this is all accurate then okay [Music] even see any goddamn truck stirs now we came all this way [Music] these are Chuck stirs oh I thought they were the [ __ ] mechanical things from Mario 64 I don't know the purple things I don't know what I was talkin suddenly everything is very very loud [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] these birds are [ __ ] massive the void spills [Music] cuz clean is better than dirty and dirty 'he's meaner than clean [Music] that's the commercial [Music] I kept at Mario [ __ ] dies the name of this corruption is not a mind-control corruption purchase Skyrim and in the comment destroy Mario headbang are we sure that's headbang because it kind of looks like something else is going [Music] he's he's banging the I know it's head banging it is that it is certainly that has tube tube skirt wearing piantas oh [Music] [Music] oh oh that's the head banging I guess something different happened the more alien jokes greetings you with the worst alien voice I could possibly do sounds like it's been a loud [Music] the cursed hotel of spin oh [ __ ] was Mario connected to well that explains it so I was wondering why it was called that now I finally understand [Music] it's like Final Fantasy 7 textures almost like a Ronald McDonald version of Mario [Music] well it's not really textures art I mean its lack thereof what's the name of this what is the name of the type of MOT like say for example the way Final Fantasy sevens models were [Music] there's no nut low-poly flat shading flat shading [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] okay speaking of final fantasy seven look it's a gold saucer minigame which of course will be DLC 35 bucks we were discussing earlier well I wasn't really talking much about a fight it was discussed earlier that gold saucer DLC will be in addition to the Final Fantasy 7 remake chapter one two three four five and six where you revived characters and then you get the gold saucer ring DLC of course yeah it'll be like Final Fantasy seven seven by the time they're done with that thing [Music] okay easy Red Coins we're almost done with these and then I have one more corruptible game for you and then next time I do corruptions a month from now I have a number of variety packs [Music] I don't understand I'm supposed to collect these coins it says they're easy but they're very much not that it points to the coins or the title is a lie that's the joke you don't well then I feel like the corruption title lied to me this one's called press B to drag Mario's torso it's like if flood is just dragging the dead corpse of Mario to try like Mario died on the mission and floods like no Mario we must still save the kingdom Mario are you asleep I I will take us to Bowser [Music] the name of this one's VCR quality opening that's really really shitty yeah [Music] I know you want me to say the word again it just keeps happening then you check controls yeah I can't control Mario properly he just keeps he keeps moving I unplugged my controller let's see if that helps I can't control normally I can kind of just not fall off [Music] oh Jesus [Music] well this one works as intended I don't know why but this hat that Mario's wearing reminds me of the hat that Bob Hoskins wore for Mario even though it's nothing alike you know but it was bootleg let's face it Bob Hoskins in the Mario movie was a bootleg Mario I'm sorry he was the original the original crusty bootleg Mario [Music] [Music] wasn't ron jeremy first upshore good then oh it says dying or exiting causes he thick what does that mean what does that mean oh I think I kind of get it now [Music] I mean even the name of the mountain people are saying is cursed [Music] the name of this corruption is sitting on the edge of a hot tub with no friends poor Mario so as that how Bowser takes a [ __ ] bath upside down I always forget that there's voice acting in this game I [Music] feel like I'm like watching this on a radar screen like this is this is what Godzilla looks like the people monitoring the radar [Music] [Music] so long gay bowser [Music] [ __ ] Mario even look like my house I got pantomime other oh that was really interesting there's no way to win this one confirmed i screen so small oh yeah you just are my family uh-oh oh my god [Music] it's [ __ ] massive Hagrid [Music] nope alright okay we're good thanks norc's pretty great corruptions for your first time good job I commend you someone said thanks for that Vinny I mean I don't even know what to say about that last one but yeah else you're pretty good I enjoyed them I definitely enjoyed those but we have one more game this is Donkey Kong 64 again another familiar game but there's something very interesting about this one you almost ready so this one as you will see there's a sound font editor included so this is our e11 ding I don't know how to say that Relling welding but this is an older version of the corruptor it's slightly older version not too much different but anyway here's monstrosity Kong for your for your health [Music] the wrath SpiderMonkey on DK island the likes of which have not been seen in thousands of years thought to be extinct spider Kong scuttles about the island looking for death [Music] there's [Music] only Donkey Kong is [ __ ] up everyone else is fine [Music] weird oh this is double bound controls again I think it's just because [Music] a minute that does happen it do be like that a little bit sometimes because just make sure these aren't because this is an older version so I'm pressing buttons and they're doing the exact same thing there we go all right so let's continue [Music] I gotta throw this thing in the limit or hang on a minute [Music] okay we're good so all I can really detect here is clown vomit on the armadillo and that's just fine the name of this corruption is duck I'm assuming because it looks like Donkey Kong was corrupted into the [ __ ] state of a duck well what do you [ __ ] know [Applause] [Music] see if I can boost that resolution for you a second here Buc which rhymes with duck but give me a second it's some things frozen wouldn't wouldn't want to go a corruption stream without at least one of those [Music] try to boost the resolution on if it actually took it looks kind of worse now in some ways not like it matters all that much but I want to make sure you can see all the corruptions in their finest form [Music] hang on a minute I prefer one more [ __ ] thing controls are not bound the Z button button so the Z button should be off shoulder there we go okay once again let's see if Donkey Kong is the only one yep the only one who is [ __ ] up is Donkey Kong okay all right we're good everything should be in order for bugs animation attack boss okay [Music] I don't quite remember this fight I don't know if is supposed to go down quite like this but it's like nightmare mode for a second and then it it's just babbies II [Music] Diddy's animations are bug too [Music] you did it did he good for you right now where's that banana nope tricked you you're stuck here forever [Music] Diddy more like didn't [Music] I can't even like I can't even go in the lava duck family so you've managed to turn every Kong into a family of ducks now thanks [Music] see an interesting perspective on the game I have an interesting perspective on this game I think it's pretty good but I don't think it's quite a classic like some people do that's my perspective on the game and someone just said [ __ ] you Vinnie so so clearly I've done I've done God's work here [Music] someone said it's the opposite it's a classic but it's not that great of a game interesting perspective on the matter T yeah I mean I tried to stream this game with a change that allows you to press a button and change characters on-the-fly at any time and that was a nightmare stream because nothing worked properly and then I ended up not streaming the game but that would have an easy character switch that actually works would make this game I think 25 to 30 percent better maybe even more so it will go from like a 7 a 10 to an old it in ten point five out of ten there's a way better version of that now I believe it well hey listen there's always I I do have a lot of nostalgia for this game which is why I think a lot of people end up corrupting it for that exact reason is because there is some I don't know there's some indelible like a rare magic associated with this game even if it does get a little bloated I do love it yes I said red I said rare god it's wrap sorry that was loud thank God I have a limiter on my voice you [Music] [Music] that's it that's the whole corruption all right enter a barrel alright so um you're gonna enter a barrel there cool yeah [Music] you oh my god funk he's been possessed funky is most certainly not radical right now I just I can't get over how much it sounds like a big nut it's always weird to me and it will always be weird to me in the future it was weird then it'll be weird now and it'll be weird in the future and I know that's Grant's voice [Music] well that was good as an easy fight armadillo was just made poorly and is now dead okay okay so the soap so you can kind of see what kind of corruptions were getting here for this [Music] this is like something I would make in Spore [Music] it's a bacteriophage guess it kind of is [Music] this cutscene just keeps happening okay okay did he okay you're naked did he [ __ ] put on some clothes oh wait you've got clothes on put on some pants [Music] the name of this one is chunkies head don't select anyone okay I'm supposed to live across land in this one [Music] good job boss was expecting Diddy to give a thumbs up on the way down [Music] okay okay the name of this corruption is a child's play set and the whole game is playable like this apparently or whole game is explorable except the barrels of course you wouldn't want to be able to see who you're choosing wow this is this is a kind of this kind of sucks in the best possible way but mostly just sucks [Music] Wow too much fov oh now you've got too much info V a chat member benanna warps I don't think the water is aligned properly okay don't worry about it not worth thinking about or worrying about yeah I can't look at that one anymore okay this one's called extraordinary binoculars [Music] ground-pound shoot gun throw oranges [Music] [Music] don't remember how to shoot the goddamn gun [Music] it's like or in something or other [Music] z+ see left yeah it's not working so I don't even think I have to go I'm not sure what the [ __ ] the corruptions telling me to do but yeah was that corruption weird alright let's just keep going did he has an existential crisis over killing a bug [Music] [Music] many between this and Tarak too which is harder to play again oh god don't do that to me that's a debate for the [ __ ] ages Vinny you're blind you missed it on the last corruption no I saw here's the thing I saw the eyes on the thing [Music] like I saw the boss's eyes but it didn't it was telling me in the comments to do a bunch of things that didn't work leave battle through pause to try main game second 101% there it is okay so now I think try the gun and the bongos and stuff okay [Music] [Music] z+ left takes out Kong's gun it does the bongos hang on a minute maybe something's bound incorrectly again you bet it was Oh for [ __ ] sake [Music] that orange made a strange noise let's see is this even like yes this is funny [Music] no I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at and now I first of all-first first super how did you get the textures to look like ps1 and may I add I kind of like the way it looks and of course I became a spider for real this time and again only Donkey Kong is affected very interesting corruption [Music] then he tried the gun now hang on a minute okay apparently that eyes corruption had the wrong notes it happens I was very confused don't know what it is about long spindly thin limbs that freaks me out so much but it certainly does [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay this is oddly threatening instrument that affects the whole game [Music] [Applause] so I was that screech supposed to be like that [Music] penis music why what does that mean chat member please explain yourself why would this be penis music is it because the penis itself is making the screech that is not a mental image that I want but as soon as you said penis music I just it made sense and I hate you thank you chat member it's good because I don't have any better commentary than penis music [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I guess DK island is under attack where La Voz is about to [ __ ] brides from the earth that just ends ok now everything's fine don't worry about it there he is Donkey Kong has acquired the Triforce accept the Triforce grants the wishes of whatever is in your heart and Donkey Kong well his wish was weird now I can't stop thinking about penis musician and K rool is also a duck [Music] apparently it's a German meme and the memes are just homogenizing at this point this is called Donkey Kong's kaleidoscope course [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa well like he gets really thick Oh blah so apparently the whole game can be explored like this try one more character and then go into a different area I don't want to do corruptions the whole night I still have speaking simulator and I have some really good Jedi Academy mods but I also want to do the sound font editor for a second or two penis music is not a germ Amim confirmed I god it's amazing what kind of like new world we live in we're trying to get information from a twitch chat of thousands of people ends up being the weirdest game of telephone and it's usually the misinformation that gets posted first yeah nice guitar [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay explore up to the file selection screen and the last two corruptions so this one is the intro corrupted you finally get the DK rap I mean these corruptions are pretty good they probably could have been trimmed down a bit in my unprofessional of ungrateful opinion ingrateful even they're pretty good they become spiders and [ __ ] but yeah we've corrupted this game a lot so [Music] nice [ __ ] tall taller oh [ __ ] [Music] I know again her limbs make me uncomfortable [Music] he's got no face you think I think there's a name for this ya know lanky was [ __ ] lanky was completely [ __ ] [Music] [Music] good effective nice nice face chest okay well that was that was nice and now all of that is playable [Music] Wow its height accurate to anymore but it was okay this this I think might be my favorite one or maybe in the top three of the dk64 for tonight maybe ever considering linkies [ __ ] face [Music] vini of the names what was wrong with the names I didn't I didn't even read the names dankey lanky Pongal 'he's hunkajunk dankey kang and dartle cockles that's all custom but that's definitely custom input [Music] some good ones though call Kurt Russell he needs to torch these Kong's the things coming soon [Music] did a good look at linkies face if I can [Music] almost kind to get a good look at it [Music] okay that's enough of that before I end this session of whatever the [ __ ] any of this was I will which which one am i loading Mary shuffles sound effects at random every okay I got it I got it I got it [Music] nan Jie I was meant for you while you did this GUI lets you do it manually okay I just don't know how to run it I [Music] [Music] did I dragged it and dropped it onto I think I got it working [Music] so it's shuffling a new sound effect every couple seconds or not a sound effect like a new sound in the sound font [Music] [Music] it wasn't drastic enough so I had to do it I just clicked randomize all and this is what we get yeah this is definitely penis music [Music] oh wow this is an amazing tool I've never seen anything like this I don't know how to get actual instruments I also might have [ __ ] it I'm good this is the good stuff right here [Music] [Music] [Music] jump I can't make lengthy jump off arms disturbing I'm sipping at the DK rap now you would never know which number the DK rap is right someone said number 20 there's a lot of [ __ ] songs in this game Jesus Christ there's so many musical cues it is most certainly not number 20 let's see there near the beginning or the end I passed it how long ago did I pass it [Music] we'll get it [Music] now dammit be stopped [Music] [Music] [ __ ] help nope I hit the end of it [Music] [Music] this is normal [Music] yeah I can't I have to go outside to get the music I think because I I can't get the DK rap or any other songs while I'm down here in this cave maybe up here I won't have to do with any enemies tell me if I pass it again chat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's already so [ __ ] up I found all the lyrics hang on a minute [Music] [Music] this is horrible I know where's that noise I hate that noise I'm so sorry [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] get that limiter can pick up a boner [Music] [Music] [Music] someone left the vacuum on sorry everybody someone on the radio yep the combine is here welcome also very normal stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [ __ ] machine guns moans people dying robot noises [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's crumbs would you take a break we'll be back
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 113,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Corruption Stockpile, Corruptions, Gameplay, Lets Play, Playthrough, Nintendo, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Super Bowl, Madden, Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario Sunshine
Id: ihDtWWzL6xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 29sec (9269 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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