[Vinesauce] Vinny - Corruption Stockpile 13

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ready let's go took long enough what the hell is this whoa call the cops welcome to the world of mother3 everybody if you've never played it this is the game you you as a cowboy kicked the [ __ ] out of lizards and dung beetles well basically just read it - then welcome to moon side order up come order come some good chroma key potential here at least I'm sure whoever edits the next corruption video will chroma key Metal Gear taco directly in the customer there's both Cool Ranch and nacho cheese shells here what the [ __ ] Lucas can count higher than you lunch is ready everyone I made your favorite boys omelet run bony run woof woof you can count on me [Music] relatively early in the game boneyard going on a mission oh okay I see Wow guess Boney's that coming back and neither is anyone else but Flint killed oh [ __ ] [Music] Flint you can stop now [Music] [Music] you have to stop run over again Abbot stay down stay down Abbot think I'm not sure what to say please try pull yourself together Flint I'm not sure what to say Flint this is saying this please try to pull yourself together frog is now saying Flint ribbit I'm not sure what to say what miracle facade is played I'm not sure what to say I'm not sure what to say please try to pull yourself together [Music] [Music] no I think you'd save your game yes or not Oh Mira please be careful out there I sadly cannot visit frog car but I can walk on water because I'm a Jesus monkey okay just disregard all the rules its facade eating a banana by chance a banana just leave oh [ __ ] I can't leave what oh my god Flint is dying a thousand deaths on behalf of this monkey Wow Lucas I know this is a pain but this is amazing I need to I need to further explore this now it's just monkey death but gift oh okay okay now now on Lucas and boney sure this was trying to do the dance [Music] and jazz is such a pure musical expression form [Music] you have to have some kind of [ __ ] superhuman lungs to do that I think and bony then became one with the chair while a naked man showed up who is this naked man why do I see ass I don't know who is this what is this Oh Lucas became Lucas and boney merged into a naked man never mind there's bony okay this is fine Lucas it's mean Alec I wanted to order God order come with you oh hello Lucas it's me Lucas we're all just Lucas is out here in the wild just you know just all of us together [Music] little too close oh oh okay we're fine what what the [ __ ] but I don't understand how you could just get a corruption exactly like this where the character just goes behind the other character like like how do you nope Lucas just nope doubt of that this is gonna be a hard scene to watch corrupted mind no it's fine these horrendous noises it's just amazing it's me you son okay I guess we're relaxing now after fall apart fun they just take a nap oh no this is fine kkoma Torah is bleeding from the face and so is Lucas there's no one here okay we wanted that's cool it's a you know it's a really good thing what's his name fast for odd is that the new Fast and Furious movie for fast for odd have to get on the boat welcome to the Museum of corrupt it'll be like the Hall of Presidents you just all you have to do is just get on look around and all around you will be famous corruptions of corruption past the Museum of everything blows thank you ocean that is an amazing that is an amazing thing you just said I appreciate that was it weed lucky your daughter your hands hi look it says hi on the right little secret message oh I'm waiting for the things to happen that are supposed to be the corruption then he you've I'm blinded hard it was lost okay so the name of this corruption is meme oh oh [ __ ] it really is loss it's right here I'll get out of here with this [ __ ] how did you even do this god damn it Mary Chui Chewbacca is doing the ending theme song starring fumus cool hey Lisa who is this cloud of flesh which character has become a cloud of flesh like an unfolded piece of paper like the skin was just [ __ ] like rolled with a pizza roll hey Alec I'm assuming it's called a pizza roll but it's not I don't even think of a pizza roll exists it's a rolling pin pizza roll I like how nobody in Czech called me out on that either by the way everyone was just fine accepting that what a game look at that Bob classic character that is Bob okay the mirror realm has constructed itself it's a new VR experience it's like a Tetris effect I'm ready let's do the thing do the ahh I wanted the goddamn dialogue just trying so hard to defeat you I can't use his whip properly [ __ ] oh no the whip tiled dysfunction I guess if they know a whip tiles probably the worst thing I've ever said on the stream by now whoa yeah that's like a Richter hang on a minute what is a mountain monster you don't belong in this world denied I can actually warp out whenever I want just by pressing the button on my monster you don't belong in this world all right just a minute we'll be right with you Dracula just a minute okay all right we're ready [Music] poison squeaky die monster just a second just say let me ponder that man the name of this corruption is appropriately the floor is lava not only does Alucard have to fight his father he has to traverse a lava field to get to the castle and it and his soul just left his body his soul has left his body multiple times let me add I will be honest with you chat I have no idea what's happening right now you'll be real with you I don't know what's happening someone a chapter said Dracula I'm trying to heal that the numbers are dummy dick the clap of their ass cheeks is corrupting my game yes I'm extremely thick at the moment would you mind letting me through I need to see my father about reversing the curse [Music] [Laughter] no no it did not just say we will get again no I like that Alucard is getting Thanos snapped every two seconds and is still able to live that's how you know Alucard is the most powerful being in the universe where did that sound come from that is a very smugly sexual sound [Music] mekka cursed so you are the one Stickley carved so you are the one called shaft so you are the one called shaft and that was a gun called shaft so you are the one called shaft you are the one called shaft okay so you are the one called shaft it's modern art very good noises throughout it says here don't touch anything just enjoy until the books melt Oh book melting yet not yet several other funky things are happening but the books are in good [ __ ] okay yep the UI is [ __ ] sick [ __ ] percussion though I'm sorry what and now I understand now I finally understand what you mean by the books melting order corn don't you want to go after him Maria no it's best this way what happened to shaft god there's so much to unpack here Victor there's the the [ __ ] the triangle Jocelyn some oh the type in your help rate beanie Arnie our thoughts like Vincent G robot we're all Vsauce I remember Vsauce in bot Lester and your warning Denis huggy har oh it's me gooble eager that I am eager that is correct yes Wow look at all these names you got bootp in here too and some call me Joel as well though they would be quite wrong I ran out of names bye all right bye thanks Mookie this was awesome so this is the war of the thick we get to scream you see door I can't because I'm dummy thick and the clap of my ass cheeks are alerting Sauron look at that strike the confidence of a dwarf the strut of a sex machine paper Legolas oh cool well I'm glad Aragorn has a massive [ __ ] sword no no need for a narsil anymore it says here get a kill for enlightening enlightenment oh there's the enlightenment this is going to take over the whole screen good good the ritual must be completed Pikmin must be sacrificed the name of this corruption is human eye level so this is kind of what it's like to play Pikmin in real life actually this is what it's like to play Pikmin in real life what's that you want more fov how about this you like that sounds it's like I think that's actually like like the actual recorded sounds before they were like up pitched up that's like real people noises the name of this corruption is boying they're jumping they're having fun before their inevitable demise oh I can jump to Odion II said I can jump oh nice oh [ __ ] that's big jump big holy crap if we don't need fuel anymore we just go straight back into space secret rage what is wait a minute Oh Lamar has secret rage the name of this corruption has reached the platform [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how come they're not clearing well I know why they're not clearing corruptions that's the easy answer but what God hates me oh okay yeah this is fine I can do this the name of this one is full sauce shroom speedrun I'm a Tetris god excuse me what in the name of God Christ are these [ __ ] pieces that are showing up these are not Tetris pieces I don't like them I don't know what they are and I'm afraid of them this is like all those times they attempted to change the tetris formula when all they really have to do is just keep it simple I don't even know what I don't know how much of this is a corruption like I seriously have no idea if these these blocks are actually real this is your brain on tetris this is what happens when you don't get tetris Maximus and Tetris 99 after a long night of playing and you get second place and then you gradually get worse and then you die at general Genichiro multiple times sorry wrong game same thing though this is a little bit [ __ ] up it's called the void this is the chibi-robo series being sucked into the void of neglected Nintendo franchises [Music] I don't know if the FOV is long or if the level itself is long wait a minute it's not the fov is the same it's the [ __ ] level the level got stretched this emulated FOV [Music] I think that chippy rubbles phone number over there well now we're doing a boundary break of chibi-robo fans we're finally gonna find out what's in this house a long pondered mystery and the answer is it's just more grass so is something supposed to happen why is meat in this game Oh kind of looks like Sebulba from Star Wars mixed with me and now it's fellating itself thanks do you have to stop that twitch staff is here you can't do that what's happening that's disgusting it's just flesh and hair I don't like it [Music] why did half-life 2 just load which agent am i this is not neo agent Rison you you work at Verizon your mission to destroy every streamers internet at the right moment and thus ends the tale of agent Rison I have a question if anyone's played this game are these horned OOTS normal because they might be part of this game soundtrack they sound [ __ ] terrible please remain calm everybody [Music] it was hope hmm are you busy hmm later mr. Anderson I heard you from down the hall because the clap from your ass cheeks alerted the guards I am it's like am i small or it's hard to tell what yeah I'm real small real small but sometimes it looks like a massive because my shoes are so [ __ ] big someone in chat just wrote find Thanos anus and my meat oh no that's just a meat outfit the meat tricks yeah don't come don't do that don't say the meatrix I don't know a lot about cars but let's go bowling again that is not at all what I want to do I can't laugh anymore I've been laughing for three hours straight and my stomach hurts failed to crash unlucky [ __ ] I was flying across the Milky Way I hit a [ __ ] Island never get tired of just driving in a straight line you think to yourself boy I'd really like the launch well now you can make it happen we've got reverse thrusters on our new pessoas that's right the sophisticated way to say Tesla Tesla follow your dreams put a Tesla in your thrust see [Music] Barty where we're going we don't need roads let us give thanks in praise to the Lord as we ascend into heaven by by way of the rapture it's actually it's called 7up that's when you ascend into seven you go up into seven I'm losing my goddamn mind is it just me or is the siren a little thick like a little extra large thank the limiter that we didn't just get our gears [ __ ] blown out the name of this corruption is time sure does fly oh that's amazing way slippy supposed to be a robot in this game also you think they'd be able to hire a decent cameraman I'm just having fun [Music] why is slippy taking on the attributes of the last character on the screen god slippy what the [ __ ] is your problem everywhere except where it needs to be look I would love the style of the game was actually like that insta pose changes like that like it's like it's ultra stylized [Music] [Music] [ __ ] an you tell me about gold rings [Music]
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 694,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, live, corruptions, mario
Id: rNZ67Z07P1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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