[Vinesauce] Joel - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ( Part 2 )

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by adora by Ozora it's Grand Champion anyway so Bolivian more that than I've been looking forward to doing the Oblivion streams they're very relaxing such a it's such a violent world but it is what it is and I love every bit of it I pray just getting a straight go straight into it I guess but uh anyway can I ask him I stand on the background hang on and I guess you can but yeah uh let me put this on screen they were going by Zora miles Laura how do you guys stand me I'm so annoying anyway here we go oh that music oh-oh kind of sounds like Star Wars doesn't it not anyway I you watch my streams on mute I that is an absolutely fantastic idea I highly advocated me on alright anyway the audience is now deaf because I pulled that joke up anyway there we go I said it's not it's not a Joel Joel stream until you see a bunch of technical stuff that goes nowhere and it takes like five minutes to actually get to the game I know there we go I think that that's good enough all right cool do that the mushroom has been like smiling at the front while male but anyway so here you're real that that an that a Skyrim oh wait wrong game alright so ever last left off if you knew this serious or whatever we've been playing oblivion and this is the main quest early on and we just gotta structures to find the welcome Oh hoot citizen I'm brother Piner and this is Wayne and Priory a monastery can I help you No you too so buff anyway let's check our quest guide here because a better way of actually reading what I'm supposed to do it rather describing it ah sorry job Joffrey told me that the Emperor's an age image son named Martin who is currently serving in a policemen Chapel of akatosh in the city of clutch I must proceed to Koch at once and bring Martin safely back to Wayne and Priory I got increasingly Gingold goofy I know but yeah this game is essentially dingle Dukes quest hello the first priority now should be to find Martin and bring him back here yeah I know I know they tell us guide you he will trust me he's guiding me right now now that is a condescending face yeah yeah I think you're good ah anyway I have 15 cans on my desk and I got a clean tomorrow because III think I'm literally living in trash you guys heroes can't ever stream I do like III III have my arms I have my arms wow that's English III had used my arms suddenly I hit a bunch of cans and it's like oh there goes those awful energy drinks I keep drinking but yeah anyway a crumble piece of paper can I read this letter to mother assassination now I can't even read this stuff or else you know they'll they'll uh get really angry at it which is awful anyway you have arms sort of like t-rex arms that that's the hello I'm so angry at the world man hello what can I do for you absolutely nothing YouTube anyway so we got to find Martin the king the emperor sorry has an illegitimate son and we gotta go find them but we're going to do that quite get we're gonna [ __ ] around in the world just a little bit because that's feel like you know running around in the rain and you know punching stuff did I did I sleep yet hang on yes I think I did yeah level two muscle wizard anyway what do we have in nature today not part I love a lot of love you it's like randomly roaming the forest like I love this this is why I love oblivion right thank oh those those damn oblivion gates I haven't like been showing up you know that comes later but yeah that just attracts for my enjoyment of the nature later on so if you don't know these oblivion gates pop up later and they turn the sky into like blood and it just ruins the atmosphere but they pop up everywhere and I hate it anyway but for now I'm just going to go around punching like deer and what I like yeah by the way I'm running faster than like a like a wild beer here and I'm gonna hung on a hunt is with my fists they both gets mantle enough to do this hello eat your heart out link alright come on watch out ah get over here come on oh my gosh there we go use extrapolate the meat it's it's just not a skin it's just skin at this point anyway the fear get some mushrooms I've been anyway let's explore the while here there's a lot of explore in Oblivion some of these for stuff it's a little half randomly-generated but yeah you know this Espen carefully put out by a game developer which it makes you know exploring all the more yeah interesting oh I'm not hail joined now okay you have to look that up later but uh yeah somebody dunya's themselves are a little bit boring because they actually for they have this copy/paste formula made by the game developers which make them a little uninteresting but I don't mind them that much you know and whoa hello okay oh they cut off his genital to you and let's go in here I'm punching too many dogs and beer and stuff like that dead treasure on what's this we got a quest I think hello I think I've ever done this one oh we've got stuff awesome vampire alright oh my god I hope I get get vampire itis whatever that's called in this game all right well what will yeah I plan that oh I love the ran a vampire no no I I forgot what the actual term Oh in the Bolivian what this is called but a poor performer killed earlier whatever it's called means you're a vampire in it well the thing about being a vampire in Oblivion its oh my god yeah get the good stuff you know I'm going to do per person come here come here yeah yeah oh the bones big up vampire in Oblivion it's not as fun as you think she sure can suck blood and all that but generally it's it's just a bunch of hassle I mean you can but yeah yeah I've never been a big fan of being a vampire the the little things it's just it's just a bunch of behalf of us I said yeah that's early spooky Saturday or lates to Saturday I don't know I can't tell but alright bone meal oh my hand-to-hand is increased coffin what's all this or see if I look good with this poof poof I don't think so I'm so ridiculously buff til like this he's like I'm playing Dark Soul effect here here we're a vampire oh so I can actually sell this deer oh oh my god no I know I absolutely know what are these wraps supposed to be like live food or so we can open this up an apple whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa Kate actually kind of worked all right well moose case anyway let's let's go around a heal and heal and stuff because again in Oblivion in order to progress levels in this game you got to do specific things you can't just kill stuff and then you get experience on it that's not how this game works what you got to do you got to do it like healing healing healing jump jump jump fist fist fist and suddenly a you should think about what you've done nothing to show for you what's going on here Oh a vampire patriarchy okay defeat that on first or like five thousand years so we'll be near Scott like randomly like punched in the in the nose and he's like when like that's got to be a humiliating way to like and your vampire life line alright whatever that coffin or I jump i right fists fists fists you know I've never played this character before and I got to say playing on Armin in Oblivion it's been a been a really fun experience like it's a I thought of us he's going to be like a joke but it's absolutely possible to do it in fact I think I'm doing more damage than I would have invited the soul gem suite if I did but swords and stuff like that I don't know it's a treasure chest shadow vanish what wine okay night IFRIC okay oh sweet we got the the night vision wine where was this I've come across a bottle of wine with Marquis I've never seen before I can barely make out shadow bandage wine on the label it must be quite valuable it should hold on to it on a filling working that's cool I'm gonna put you right here hang on no okay I'm going to care this colour round fine all right well see if there's anything of you with this thing and it goes there but there's not nothing to do with it I believe I believe maybe if I drink this I'll turn into a vampire which is quite bad so I'm not going to do this I don't know I think I'm done with this dungeon right you should've lain this sweetberrywine yes what a big fan of wine I don't know might come as a shock but I I the only one I really like is like a red wine with not as a alcoholic beverage of Marissa all dammit you know what whatever I don't care I like it more I say a food companion you know what I mean I like it with a little bit of pasta a little bit of a cheese you know but I'd like to drink wine on its own like I I know bone bone so nice ready there we go right hey friend there's nothing I want I'll casually peer level three all right I could level up let's go with strength let's go with a little bit of a speed this time yeah sure a little bit of endurance I think block or no no no no you know what we're gonna go with luck this time because with luck I get better stuff so yeah bit of a crappy uh role-playing statistic in my opinion because like luck is just yeah how is that like a stand luck should be luck it should be totally totally random it shouldn't like I don't know well look at that zombie but oh yeah yeah stop that I'll cover your same man like he's like breakdancing if if they do all right anyway waste site so we got done with there now I think now again I think that might be the vampire drink I'm not sure about this well there's more wolf but okay it's the game a little too loud hang on yeah I think it's a little too loud just a little bit but uh yeah I I think that might be a vampire drink so I'm working on I might hold on to that if anything that's a joke there like a don't turn itself vampire you know look at this you got a lot of the oblivious jump animations just so do this Oh God alright anyway let's see what else are having in the nature again I really like Oblivion's like forests like before stuff is it's so much better than Skyrim like I did not enjoy Skyrim's nature that much it's cool now that's you know a little like Nordic sort of you know but this is like this feels more real than Skyrim I mean I know skyress more of like a fantasy setting because it's like mountain stuff like that but this is more like a European force but I just love this style man I don't know and we all feel that way and we'll prefer the Oblivion for us to kiss Karen well don't get me started on marwan's mushrooms though because that stuff is just whoof there's something to do here I think sure though I think this like a gate here somewhere there it is there it is there see here a Bolivian atmosphere as I hold is that in the sky room yeah but then again then again you have stuff like these these dungeons are are gonna be quite frequent when I play this game like this design they don't look too unique but you know excuse me excuse me oh no no in scale all right this is we're going to do okay gonna do a little bit of log picking all right wait there you go down dagger okay Gold hi Gemma and as we will SWAT some gold now I mentioned the level scaling stuff earlier but oh my god [Music] okay anyway so I'll mention the level scaling stuff earlier right and there is there's an instance where this doesn't apply there is a there is a a high level character in oblivion which is Umbra I'm sure you guys know what that trap sure worked there's a high level character in this game called Umbra and Umbra has a very very good sword I'm not going to guess that yet so you can get Umbra whenever the only thing about it is because Livius combats a little bit of flaw with this a little flawed sorry I'm trying to punch imps while I'm trying to talk as you can probably see so you cannot use the flawed combat by kind of scheduling on a higher platform while fighting Umbra you kind of just steal the best sword in the game's really early on but I'm going to do that I want to play a little bit of fear you know a little bit anyway and we're going to heal up anything else I can do in this dungeon tiny flying dudes alright spiderweb mr. spider some oblivion I forgot I mean I know there's like a there's a metric ton of spiders in in Skyrim the crab spiders or whatever all right I'm going to go over here I'm going to step on the center pile here I'm going to yeah I've been here too right I think I'm done with the dungeon hang on been there been there our case I've got to go here now no there's no spiders all right ah a little bit of shame I wanted that all the bloom ah excuse me you see all right I want to demonstrate this early I think I did that on the previous stream but our to this empty if you do this they can't hit you check this out the game kind of calculates where you're going to go left and right and if you do this quickly they can't aim towards you it's like it's a flaw in the game they're like left right left right where is it going something's going to do this while I'm healing up it's going to be fine trust me now when you're doing like melee combat at close it's a little harder but anything that's like target range weapons stuff it's just completely flawed anyway a cool cool cool weak potion of grounding okay that's nice well speaking about the shock it we had a giant thunderstorm here today and I fell asleep during it because like you know rainy mood is my sleeping pill right I put on rainy mood like almost every night to like fall asleep I know it's ridiculous and all that but it really really helps me and you know when it's thundering and like raining on my window today I would like to I just instantly fell asleep I'm a weird man weird ah cool okay look I can I can do this I can probably do this hang on give me a second I'm going to for just want to put something away all right sorry about that anyway I have some of the cables anything like managed cable salad below my food which is quite annoying but yeah I'm going to worry about that now we are going to worry about is the fact that I have my three seat controller and there we go alright sorry anyway so here we go here is the log taking stuff this is average and probably do this and some people have a system for this now I don't think the log picking is particularly hard all I got you have watch out for is these things rise and fall and here we go again jewel is going to explain oblivion again it's going to be like a hilarious fail at speech craft whoo whoo ha ha but all right this is very easy this rises and falls differently there's one specific pattern or a look and when you race it up that's the right one so that's not that that's not it there it is you know it's a slow rise and when the slow rise happens you click and it stays in place however it can get quite anxious when you're doing this which is like I could click click look so you just have to take your time be patient with it and you know chill out so yeah I know some people like talk about sound and stuff like that but I don't really I don't really do that I'm going to do it the the way I do it so hang on there we go that's it and I have a Red Bull can hear on the on the biscuits annoying me alright here we go that's not it there it is yeah there it is there it is open very easy luck why thank you I just did that though what else average a shot forgot about this poison poison God ah oh my flesh it burns yeah I think I've been everywhere now yeah [Music] this even worked well what it's actually hurting is it acidic it's my flesh like peeling off or I can't tell say what's this dungeon I think I think I'm done here yeah I am I am unless I missed something major but yeah alright sweet but yeah that's the log picking and some people really have a problem with that in last stream I actually I tried to explain how the dialogue wheel works and I failed miserably but it is essentially just a well watch that stream and I say it better but I can I can I can summarize it in two you have to you have to minimize what it is likes the most but judging by his facial expressions and the wheel you also have to maximize what it likes the best so you know what we're going to be we're going to get more into that later on just just for now he's gonna kill nature I totally forgot how how did the Skyrim lock-picking work was it similar to this one no no no they did like this fallout stuff right which I gotta admit III even though even though Rob you didn't honor its mysteries period my chapel orders to receive my blessings even though I am very weak for the Oblivion lock-picking I love it Skyrim rather fallout had a pretty good lock-picking system there like it's like fallout yeah it's certainly easier for sure but you know I said this on a previous stream too but when I used to play fallout 3 I I installed this this one more that I really loved and it was a system where you could break open lock doors with a bomb I forgot what it was called I think somebody explained what it was call again but uh it was called something like explosive entry I think I've been here yeah Avenue uh-huh and I love that mall because it's like one of those things for you you apply caveman logic into video games and you would think it would work you have this like chrome magenta will [ __ ] door right that's like rotted wood why would it open up with like a like a explosion in a wood in real life just disappear and you know that's exactly what happened okay this one is going to be a little more difficult I'm going to save but yeah I love that mod and uh I I cared no logs around because they blew everything up a burn City here find out what's going on here hello let me give you some advice stranger leave now you ain't welcome here well that's that's no way to welcome bogans it's great by not that we've ever had naught but trouble from outsiders like you I was like oh you know what's good for you dental plan hello what let's let's see if I can actually do this I have nothing to loose actually so okay so this system is you got to minimize what she likes limos so basically uh what I could do if I do this yeah but the admiration would also go into here so I can do this yeah and then doesn't like that she really like this so okay I'll do this for the least was that supposed to be a conference captain yeah take hey that's not you know what screw it I'm on a brighter like everybody else did okay if that's right exactly exactly give me the money or hey what's great bye make it quick oh I thought you were going to tell me something interesting but no she didn't okay well I'm just gonna sell off my crap then yeah so that's how I used to do these speech craft I feel long I'm still not very good at it you probably cheated me didn't you yeah I probably did you you you you you yep what else we'll see here what's the most valuable thing I have here uh must wait no I don't really want to sell anything to I was going to keep everything short sort you know I can sell all these arrows I'll never need that I can tell you that right now probably cheated me didn't you yeah yeah if you're done shopping you'd best be moving along that's all guys I have this I have this H key punch hand trigger and I'm telling you right now if there was a you know person to randomly murder who I want to be a good boy wait wait a minute I can loot the stuff she doesn't object to this why I guess I can tell her this stuff this stuff that's in her house okay something's going on here with us okay because we're gonna sleep in on it no but but what but you this is okay look you got a problem with my teeth oh no dental plan yeah what you gonna do about it huh I'm taking everything you own I'm gonna sit in your chair yeah yeah what huh huh Westside wait a minute over that's a libel hang on Thanks you are a mean person but I'm not gonna kill you I don't remind you that that mean people get punches okay good waist tight very easy all right what's in here but I'm like even getting punished for stealing this stuff what's going on okay you want to watch me take you don't even do it anything what's going on I'm gonna sleep in your bed too do your worst he has been a routine so this has been oblivion I solve this problem okay we are they okay I'm gonna solve this problem right there's gonna be cheap cheap cheap [ __ ] idea but check this out let's take all these breads I will can I check my bounty do I have a bounty on me for doing this where is it about 78 does it go up when I do this yes it's nice if you can steal the stuff it's fine why am I getting punished for this but it's not even like red and like angry at me so what but what the hell well you wretched I'll take a spoon Wow I'm gonna eat your face I'm gonna put the spoon right here whoop ooo flute space Oh oh no no no here they come okay everything we're gonna do we're going to please oh okay that's it we're having that we're having a no shirt comment grandpa join too oh my god let's not [ __ ] going on who's sniffing okay I need like health here we go Thanks I think I'm murdering a whole family right I can't tell that's how I greet people too hello hello okay I'm gonna I'm gonna help you out all right I'm gonna pull your hand out hang on I'll get help Barry oh there we go we don't like strangers poking their noses into our business okay just go away okay I'm gonna let these guys sleep on a better place because I think dying dying on the floor it's like you know there you go there we go get up you've been you're sleepy and dead all right no there we go I'm giving them a resting place oh my god are these our same people okay uh I'm gonna hide this okay looks like nobody have looks like before a face you want somebody now what god I love oblivion oh hey we got some more dudes halt you come here to like get rest with us here is Hector key okay I'm gonna I'm puttin better resting place to come here come here get on the pile I kind of look like him - it's like I got like club of shirtless men I like it alright I went down here I'm gonna go now so uh yeah what the hell has happened hey what yeah Hector two Outsiders came and burned our town years ago ruined us but we'll get ours back one day soon okay I have a better idea I have such a great idea you have no idea well hello we are called if you like okay so it's like the same guy so I'm waiting I'm gonna sell you're not gonna beat all my guys you know I'm gonna do make it quick you probably cheated me didn't you no it's from the guy on the floor and you gave me money for it you're done shopping you best be moving along I will now bye bye okay now this stream has turned quite silly moralism that's in here Chapel of the Brethren oh here's where they all come from right [ __ ] it I'm murdering everybody I want to restore my state Valeska alright that's better okay well what what is this place it's so weird Hector all right so this town was apparently burnt or something I've never been in this in this place before I'm so perplexed by invoices Justin here's muscle in sin all right hello are you all so mad at beating me give you some advice stranger leave now you ain't welcome here and I wasn't aware of Hector no I'll bet I guess we've got a room available thirty gold per night take it or leave it sorry I'll take it - fine take the stairs up to the right the room on the left no visitors allowed and no pets all right well Oh bothers someone see I think we want them to like murder me oh you don't Hector K burns whoop okay all right we're going to do we're going to be we're going to be sneaky as hell about this we're going to do this I'm going to lock this lockpick this in secret I'm gonna actually take a oh [ __ ] I this is like a vampire drink right it's just hidden so we want to do I'm going to see if I can alright how does it not see me I mean it's showing that that that that you can't see okay what does this would make any goddamn sense it's just glitched files you do with anyway then okay well here we go this one - come on come on perfect stuff okay something subtle all more is there a all the dudes came from I believe hey you guys having your little secret club downstairs here what is happening okay now up here apparently this is a pretty elaborative town and yeah I think I'm breaking the the quest here I'm going to sleep Oh bear whoa haha I want to bleed to this I'm gonna go now again really low myself okay what I don't think I'm quite ready to take on this this the boys are called when your sequence breaking yeah I'm sequence breaking this quest and I don't think I want to do this just yet but I'm sure it's quite interesting and all that but no not right now just what the hell man I've never been an actor before but uh okay I still have a bounty on me right yeah we're doing no I love bounty okay so I got a bounty for going in there I see well I'm just going to be athletically jumping around the plains of this is an oblivion this this is of course this is of course I'm sorry this is really embarrassing but this what province is this it's a yeah yeah oh my god I'm being an idiot I'm being an idiot uh Sarah dialog there we go that's the name weather Leah alright sorry I'm trying to drink an engine drink to remember stuff that's how it works right I'm quite sleepy so I apologize whoa whoa the hell happened here okay this guy fall in no I don't think that's it bones is a random ribcage here well what does happen here all right yes I want to sleep skeleton oh I'll help you around skeleton all right I'm gonna put you right here there we go all right I'm gonna repair you okay I have the technology there we go it's like Robert Kulp there we go they ever go alright where's your head put you right there this like this like it music is so fitting to this sleep well skill wow the [ __ ] all right well uh yeah let me just get these rib cages eh no I'm good ah what's this bone is apparently someone got murdered in here what do you guys think so whoa what what was that noise what's footage it's oh geez what's going on okay so could it be this is related to Hector maybe did mention something about the strangers or outside is burning down their village so I don't know observe the law yeah I'm a good boy I'm a good bogan anyway let's get a move on here I'm going to keep on doing the question but first I do want to punch wildlife a little bit more though I think you know I should totally invest in in like a fireball spell come here come here all right venison it is the most humane humane way to kill wildlife right you smashed her ass yeah you know it's making some like a zelda joke earlier but Jesus i dice links outfit is now in skyrim on on switch right so there's a connection there you know I miss totally not making totally dumb jokes Oh who's after all Wolfie are both okay I cannot kill them in any fun way just punching them isn't yeah how about this how about this how about this oh I feel real bad now I don't like when dogs do that whimpering sound breaks my heart alright anyway uh hello but it's the Johnstone here as fate is known when they hear us famous groan all right well I'll come back and punch you later Satan all right something see someone after me no it's not it's just a music sounds like it st. John's wort nectar okay I said this before but look at the force now believe me this is truly like like this to this day I still think this looks good like these force look I'm acing let me show the grass is a little dated but look at this this looks great the night sky the you know the foilage I love it I absolutely love it oh wait a minute I can get a pretty good weapon here I think I think I remember this thing it's like sanguine yeah sanguine dagger mace whatever hey have you come to revel in the glory that is the shrine of sailing it is a place of celebration for us we dance we make love but would you speak with sanguine as long as I make love with you I will speak to sanguine approach them and bring sanguine a gift some Syrah Dilek brandy is an appropriate gift free hugs okay I offer the finest goods and lowest prices in all cereals okay well go then all right I probably put my fist down before I talk to him hey you have been told how to summon sanguine if you feel worthy Oh see I don't have cereal brandy yeah I have testicle brand value wine though but same with blessing are involved it so when demands are more powerful champion to begin this quest oh yeah well I'm pretty powerful I can probably take you down god all right let's watch these guys interact with the wolf what sit down ah I believe he has a dog you not a worm but uh poor doggie Oh doggie No Oh doggie yeah doggie she's a little sleepy hmm I do want to see what happens when they sit down on the wolf can they do that real quick hang on there we go that's a good dog good the doggies yes actually can I put him right in here coming on I don't know exactly what I'm doing here but uh you know come on wolf come on stop there there he goes there he goes whoa whoa raggy what dog dog needs to get a cab alright come on dog oh my god this dog is wacky salad ha ha ha I'm just gonna go after do this of course let's head on the dog don't sit on the damn dog alright the dog is a beautiful creature and he deserves hey hey it's me Star Fox it kind of a wolf from the game some smashed twins was it we're going with your butt alright there you go in both bogans perplexed by was like what is your problem I'm gonna go now that that wolf is wacky in English damn animals they can it last by the way I did all that on the shrine of sanguine and they had no problem with it no problem whatsoever and I okay I'm still restoring around here this looks more like Skyrim if anything you know these open plains it sees the closed forest areas that are more more what I'd like to know bolivian but uh yeah whoa oh yeah yeah yeah could could this be now I know this is like a crazy hypothesis could this be a Oblivion gate that's going to spawn later on surely not right surely surely not no you know absolutely not here's the two moons of the other schools now there's just one out tonight should be two right this is it yeah I figured now if this is what's an oblivion gate spawning later on this entire sky were just like drip with blood it would be metal and stuff let's go over here first though I took this odd aim for me come on you can do it all you didn't do it right come on oh my hand - Hannah's increased all right let's do this dungeon what's in here Hayden I use visit this dungeon oh yeah that's right they all look the same that's how you do a trap oh you know you know what you know what you know what hey listen I love this done you know that but I think I'm just going to go back and heal up and I'm gonna rest and then we're going to level up yeah bye-bye aims are ripped by the way you might have noticed that I have a fast travel of once yet and that is intentional I I don't like fast travelling too much but uh I'm doing it more for the sake that I either love the game it's like it silently punishes you for fast traveling all the time because you basically are not playing the game and if you play the game you don't fast travel like this and you play generally you'll get better at it so yeah there we go is it true that you no no I think I'm a different game that if you if you do diagonal walking you go faster but okay mom am I thinking of Oh bye bye I am dead off to the animal heaven bye bye feel bad I feel real bad so these are these animals attacking me not Ocarina of Time echo mine this place well that this wrath make this campfire Oh ale all right let's get wasted man yo yo I totally thought oh my god I feel good this is this is fine everyone that we're going to sit in this fire and we're gonna we're going to like okay this is bad idea I was gonna suggest that we just sit here like absorb the fire in order to level up the salt beds all right but this is oblivion why the hell oven but I have bogan become a school my attic did hello oh my god oh dammit I thought I was going to do that thing where they can't open doors but I jokes on me all right anyway we're gonna have we're gonna keel up a little bit and then we're gonna let's see what I can do here with spills I have a plenty of cool stuff I guess I have my I have my my my greater powers in Nordic frost student all things Hadouken let's do but do you have flare actually I was just saying like a let's got a fireball skill I you have it absorb health's or else do this take your house yeah hey that's that's bad we've got blood all right oh yeah are you not dead no use that is easier than in a resting position okay yeah well my why my green hey you calm down go to sleep all right thanks this Khajiit needs a map I think ok yeah yeah wait oh he's crying I'm gonna let him die properly here we go here we go there we go buddy oh yeah it's probably heal up some more actually here let me close this door first yeah yeah yeah yeah man this unarmored stuff like it's impressive i i i thought i was going to like to be a joke but no it's actually quite good to snowball you and let's do uh oh there we go and done oh I have all these weapons that they drop and I'm not picking that up these go for like high value well sort of steel battle axe and you know you got that to iron stuff I'm killing the pet rat to I'm a monster man what's this silver oh nice pickaxe alright I can do this too here we go uh uh uh there we go ah thanks 8 goals for that I don't think so alright nice just go sleep I guess level up some more enemies are nearby all right Oh what am i doing oh my god I closed this door first saves me some time healing up I guess actually am I out of it as stuff ah grounding Apple you don't just eat a bunch of stuff see some bone meal okay there y'all wait and I don't know for the first or no fatigue no no no we're we're worse for self here we go [ __ ] bluer air venison sure thing have all oh oh whoo oh damn brutal all right some skulls that all of them you guys done there we go and we just feel nearby all right we're a people mind I can probably pull these on somebody but that which we will do later on don't worry I know you guys are like are you gonna like you know destroy the food supply with poison apples and stuff yes good work come here come here you in fatality surely I am gone man all right I think I'll remember this well I think I remember that's done you know whatever the thing is I got like a loose wood a loose wood Wow you'll there's like a loose plank or something and you go further into the cave or something like that I forgot what it is mmm whatever uh a loose wood can't sleep now yes I can I level up uh yeah guys by the way funny funny strength number hoo hoo ha ha Cebu mind let's go with let's go with speed this time some more no no no give me willpower because I need I need more restoration you know and more strength sure that load fool whoo-ha-ha is right now I think that I think this it might be done but I remember just like a loose plank of wood somewhere in the game I don't where it is but yeah it's like somewhere I don't know things here but and I think I'm done here clean hey I'm Rhett hey how you doin high five but he's not going to do this right give me your hand I'm going not no no I almost got you high five all right one give this pickaxe can I use this pick a weapon no oh I don't then here yes yes yes I have no not actually no I don't you know I definitely gotta like start looking at the map when I'm doing these places because yeah Oh twenty gold ain't that cool oh wait a minute here we go oh yeah yeah that's more of this that's more of this mushroom Oh dispel is a skull - I was going to collect skulls in this I don't know why but I might do like a skull collection when I get a house later in this game we just put a bunch of skulls in it all right now now I most definitely build at this place but I remember this some something here you can like activate but yeah all right anyway well silver vein but no wouldn't it would want all that silver silver all right anyway I'm gonna step into this fire to leveled off chicks up then we restore come on come on at one more one more give me give me one more one more thanks and then we just kind of rest while on fire mmm crispy speaking out speaking of setting yourself on fire I usually do do that as a kid okay okay let me explain I used to take these matches and burn the the the the hair on my arm I don't know why I did that but I thought it was fun it's one of those things like eating glue like why why would you do that to the thing over here acrobatic skill all right Oh better over warm oh I did that too and there's someone out there that did it as well who's after me another wolf oh my god here it comes all right I'm going to serve whoa no I'm gonna suck this wolf self-tanner mmm mmm delicious a soldier's bone is one bone in a skeleton he is now skeleton free hey what's this one all about nothing nothing okay well no that's like I've done the nearby or whatever but I'm going to go to the city I think that's kvetch is it yes it is Boyd and here's the that would actually be the oh my god I'm so bloody I'm so bloody that would be where the the actual plot of the game goes um we're buying that footage I believe that dog was like dirt surfin just taking a little you know may not stroll in the floor of the earth who's nearby this butterfly nearby can I kill him that I don't really want to do klatch yet if you're not familiar that's where you get your first on volition portals and I thought I just want to enjoy the game just a little bit more before all these oblivion gates show up because they do quite alter my my enjoyment of nature in this game you know we're going to wait for that first you don't know what to do in the meantime we should join the fighters guild or something we should just do like a guild quest so yeah but yeah yeah that match over here soon as you approach this place it's one of the game like kicks in and I don't want that just yet here we go that's a trick of doing it you got a like schedule upwards a hill and the boom levels all right do I have any interest in doing dumb console command stuff not yet maybe maybe towards later strings but right now when I want to enjoy like pure oblivion motherboards well look can you guys see the gap and it's in the earth alright well huh what's this the stone stairs Honoria do you want to see it's called richer oh my god I am the day blaze now yes holy [ __ ] yes fight me I I dare you I have the power of [ __ ] hate on in my hands gate dog listen listen I know they're animals and I listen if if somebody looks like this shows up without murder [ __ ] axe you should probably not instigate combat with them but alright God both looks so good with with Daedra armor on my god can always make this even better or is he robbed of a buck here we go oh yeah oh yeah absolutely you wish you looked as good dad you wish I wish there was a way to have sandals and socks in this and then we perfect yeah I'm into LARPing I love with my friends in the forest and this is my is my character he enjoys hunting beer with his satanic acts of Hell magic whistle that whistle sleep sleep all right damn the these data reference are quite lasting huh if this 100k if there's one thing I really like about the round is the fact that enemies eventually fear you now there's no fear in this game like there's no sense of okay you are a badass nobody wants to mess with you there isn't in a weird way that system with having with having you scale with the enemies like you love a lot but eventually these levels or rather the the enemies around you gets changed out to bigger and more fearful enemies but I sound much like wolves to look at you and be like no no no no I don't want that that's why I always like of an Earthbound it kind of respect your authority in the world where you're like if you're a high level character or yeah whatever the game says all right you're too badass for this the enemies are not scared of you but in this game it's like you don't quite get that but yeah I forgot about that if you if you put away your weapon but this is look yes that's great but all your weapon it just disappears alright anyway look at him yeah why don't see that you cannot go that way turn back if I went that way I would have been going to Hammerfell oh I would have gone to - Daggerfall aww alright well we're not going to do that let's actually let's actually this time let's go to skink skin grab and fast travel in the game actually by a horse now I don't even know if this game is installed at the course Armour but yeah what's horse armor the first DLC ever made hello hello how are you your gardening pleases my teeth hello I'm Bernadette Fernandez hello Oxford Tomica I grow grapes for her one nice yeah can you give me some wine for the Satanic god I'm trying to like worshipped do that I've lived here all my life grown grapes it's all I know fresh air mountains the grapes on the vine it's just beautiful oh I'm through talking to you why are you so hostile oh maybe good because I lost my daedric armor and now I used to look like like a like a person that should wear clothes nice nice oh my fur boots are broken oh I'm gonna fix that there we go oh my god yeah a is a sheep what's the Sheep doing Hey who are you it's whereas the Shepherd go ahead please he kind of looks like just a little bit just a tiny tiny little bit it looks like an elephant Steven Seagal you know I don't know I guess you'd assemblance and let me compare could it be well he looks more like modern Steven but hang on no I'm not about this I'm right about now look at that look at that totally totally man it's Steven Seagal dude my what do you want when I was in kung-fu yes to training hey wait wait wait I was not going to joke like I want to listen to kung fu but no he actually does know kung fu training yeah yeah yeah this it cost they're in a sixty yeah yeah I'll buy this thanks man you - oh my god we learn athletic athleticism from from Steven Seagal everybody I am I am very content with it I know Kim sue whenever I see berries in like buckets and like stuff I think of that one video from like ancient YouTube like 2007 YouTube where the woman is like stomping on grapes and she falls over can I sit with you greetings to you yes I talk to you or go ahead please ah I'm listening see if I can do this right let's do that would be the work oh that's perfect okay we're gonna do yes yeah I get it nothing and then our dude in that so amazing how it is okay one more one more we got to minimize this perfect don't waste your flattery on me yeah was it your best face he really liked this one so yeah okay and then Rach okay all right I get it that's how you do it we're not going to worry about that now I want to go and see you my's melons or something come on come on hello I help you uh what are you looking for I am looking for the shakes the West wheeled ins across from the Guild's inside the north walls two sisters lodges inside the South falls in the west near the gate all right got any rumors I think God is having one of the saddest galore fear caloric fear oh my god are there total nutcase if you ask me but he's never done anything yes we can arrest him galore fear is like a joke name I would come with come up with grothy of the Semana each wet bread I don't really feel comfortable talking to right now look we can't talk to public meet me behind the great chapel at midnight don't let anyone follow you I'll make it worth your while help help help me hit this date peace something to report Gloucester take care bank ah the Baker all right I'll definitely go to solomou oh okay what's closed I'm sorry well over you didn't see that did you can't you see that I'm very busy well nobody busy with looking like Vegeta could kick a rock anyway uh damn one get some bread man come on settlement of Baker's house wait wait it's the samel just advertise that he lives here but it's not a shop it's like I live here I wish I was that cool in real life my apartment we have like a flashing like Las Vegas sign that's neon and going to be like Joel's house Joel sells Joel sells hello or sorry you want me I'm Jean Gro Garage accounts Butler yes one of my house this is not something I would tell the likes of you excuse me this is not something what yeah follow a lot of a put my fist down stop make it quick yeah yeah yeah yeah I ask myself do I like you enough to tell you about this yeah totally the off fine fine what okay here we go he really likes this so if I yeah do this police la blah blah what a bore and this will be he'll okay so this is gonna be the best it's all we're gonna yeah you can't scare me all right it like this least oh what a bore yeah what is it like he's really into this so and I like could I I'll do please I'm embarrassed but thank you yeah I like your green skin all right so what would I owe this would be pretty bad actually good [ __ ] it so like I'm bribing them that's very good hey I don't trust you it well Jesus I'm not good cop if I punch you in the face and then then you can talk to me about buying a house one more coin and I can't get a pair of shoes Kenny very much mark Dorothy I don't trust you enough to talk about that could I have a coin for a pair of shoes I don't trust you enough to talk about this blessings of mister why the nine Divine's sorry stop you violated the law since you lack the funds to pay the court you must now serve out your sentence I'm gonna resist arrest then pay with your blood yes see we can take this guy down which is my fist I wonder could I I don't think I'm strong enough to do that yet but one day skiing skiing grand board time for the ball game run waste site well you know I would play the Benny Hill theme yakety sax but it will be coop ride incorporated so I'm just going to do this toe toe toe toe TT to toe to toe Tata do dodo sara barba trip da da da da doot ability' roll ITA's toward eternal Duda oh I'll start out I'm fine no I'm fine all right well oh Jesus this is where last saved oh my god well we didn't do much asking Brad so do that again wastegate then I need to put clothes on again to look like I do I look like a normal person with this on no you know I look more normal with a bit out of shirt on I don't know why but yeah here we go yeah yeah nothing in here uh yeah you can sleep here I think yeah yeah if you don't have anything to sleep up you we can't talk here do public meet me behind yeah okay you heard that guard no ok well go come on go to a kiss fighter skill all we should totally be finer scale stuff but first I just made you skilled uh look at the traders first it's all of us it's tough because we were growing too high on on money welcome to Colombian traders skin grads finest selection of general merchandise I'm Gunther just let me know what you want isn't Gunder like a slang for like but somewhere huh let's do business alright yeah they're gonna sell everything we got in indie dungeon I mean I can haggle here but yeah dude there as long as they black you know I wish there was a mod out there which isn't bargain would allow you to excellent bargain an excellent an excellent stream I wish there was a mod out there that allowed you to just sell everything you have I will never use this honestly I'm just going to stand around and spam heels yeah sell this to a vampire dusty I'll sell this to I guess or is this valuable silence yeah I probably won't I probably won't ever make potions in this so you know immortal blood I'm gonna sell this book I'm gonna sell it after I read it though your friends above me yeah I'll tell you about that you look like you had too much a drink alright anyway uh exciting exciting I myself now only quality goods for sale here what can I interest you yeah yeah yeah now let's listen listen all I give a [ __ ] about when it comes to reading in oblivion is it's the lusty argonian maid ha ha ha ha I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about but no no no no no knowledge no I you guys know about the lusty argonian maid is a real book in this it's downright porn and it's about this like lizard that like I'll read it when I get a hold of it in the game we're going to search for it's going to be a search for the lusty argonian maid the book anyway sell everybody buy that's my stuff chameleon is that Ruby I'll never do sever silver I will never use to repair drive off huh your drama ha a pleasure to soon yeah it looks like it's got the flu you do hello what do you want ah Gloria some words should be shared only by friends good day well ah wait wicked okay no I can't quit that quit that there we go I'm a being a friend to you guys now hi there not here Oh acting even stranger than usual don't you think yes I heard any news from the other provinces take a ah ah hello they say that the priests and priestesses of the chapel of DiBella have all been murdered flowey no one even knows who did it oh I heard there's a prophet in Anjou who seems to know what's going on he notably speaks only and risen as prophets always seem to do about that that LT God haters sure has a chip on her shoulder with a blade but she really holds a grudge against the church religion is definitely not a topic to bring up around LT swords on the other hand play you talk about really really by my I'm sorry I'm not so used to like I have I have the social anxiety I don't know how to act with the people I'm sorry hello make it quick this do you know this reminds me of you know this reminds me of it's on a picture this Merce it here we go they were just no I kind of find a good picture hit but I don't know why but I kind of seen Miss Piggy just a little bit with the nose Kermie have a good day now all right hello I'm vilandra sabor primate of Juliana's you may address me as your eminence uh Gloria I don't trust you Wow everybody has a problem with me the UH camera talk I'll go here hello not so loud please what a headache I've got I'm Agnes to Smith the pickled they call me sure wish I was pickled right now hey I offer the finest Goods and the lowest prices in all see Radel uh let's see oh I have 800 I could theoretically buy something but I don't really want anything okay okay I need to I need to make my dough make sure I'm doing the right thing here but uh so there is no unarmored step in Oblivion right hang on unarmed unarmored no no so if I have nothing on me while I'm getting attacked I'm using light armor yes so I could just buy like you know chainmail Greeks so there is a really rare unarmored unarmored only Morrowind all right so I can probably do this hang on all right adding you know no no no no we're going to do or even do this real quick I'm going to do this I'm going to do do it like this I'm gonna stand over here when I quickly consume I'm going to be a bad boy I'm going to be a bad boy see if we're going to be we're going to we're going to do chameleon she doesn't see me I'll she saw me uh I like the predator man I'm like did I know that I died uh yeah my okay so hey we're gonna do I see if I can that that's heavy I want to see if I can find the the chainmail stuff dammit can I please get these these boots everyone doing that kinda like half care I'm not directly touch them but I'm gonna like skadoodle and put them over here hang on OOP OOP OOP there we go nice all right I need it out damnit see me again well this plan is failed okay no no no no no no I was very close to our area it is like us heavy armor imma drop it how do I drop this stuff again hey it's your boots and nobody saw that right I need to confirm that bounty zero go ahead please please armored weapon I wonder if I can now I can't do this ctrl-click basic two are no no that's not that either shift things like there we go I put your boots back they smell like vinegar and ablet yeah don't worry about that actually the Fargo back in them I wonder if I can start up one more time all right so we got get all this crap out yeah yeah if only that she had one of the the chainmail stuff available on this plate but whatever hey I didn't do a bad thing [ __ ] kid I'm only asking for a single boom goes his head with this guy which is a story I can ask around there like this is jingle doofus second he only eat potatoes in the midst of summer and thus he saved the kingdom of glue [ __ ] uh clothing traders I've been here yeah yeah and I'm not sure what I'm looking for in the city boom goes ahead here's all things all chemical I'm going to do you know what we'll just join the fighters guild screw it good afternoon yeah you know you know what I you know I miss you know what I miss playing the elderscrolls everywhere I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about very very constantly [ __ ] constantly horrible memories let's use millions upon millions of the cliff racers trying to like eat my eyelids boom goes his head this is the two sisters Lodge and I want to go here good to see to my friend hello I'm David of Surrey Lee brothers vineyard Gaston is my brother from our vineyard Gaston honest wines in Tamriel silent amicus yeah well in all honesty no but our wines are very good and much cheaper than tamika's very fine product I assure you so it's basic with Tesco bye bye Bly yes I have no mercy of Sauron both bogan hello we're looking for recruits interested me ok if you're interested see villena Downton in coral or as an in anvil or birds grow cash in shaitan all very well let's go to channel all going to kill you won't regret it oh my god I want this could I wear it's this supposed to be in this guy guy guy guys guys you got a lock this [ __ ] in come on oh oh my god is going alright guys that never happened join the guild and fight for go absolutely honour and valour and all that stuff smooth oh my god you guys are idiots alright hey whose call is this alright well hi there hey you scared the crap out of me okay can I sleep I'm trespassing I'm trespassing come on I do these getting okay I didn't do anything never happened I'm a real bad boy I'm betraying my own potential future Gilda how can I help by not noticing me please all right all right let's go to Chayton hole I need to confirm just I should join the thief's killers anything with my the way I'm playing this character huh Jaden Hall where is Chayton Hall that's Breville there stay in LA Larry oh that's weird I have apply this for years and I remember all these cities and stuff like that you know all chained and Hall okay this this this town is a little peculiar because it's it has a special guild I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about and I'm contemplating joining that guild but yeah first I'm going to do fighters guild if I remember where it is right I think I got it it's around here somewhere wait yeah enjoy the cool kids club resid I should be around here somewhere in fact I think this well no no I'm always lying to you oh here we go here we go abandoned house easy you know what sure sure why not hope they don't get angry because I do this but y'all [ __ ] what am i doing there we go let's see what's inside here abandoned basement Oh aah whoa oh my god what is it call it a night say nothing and walk away I'm gonna go now bye bye I have pooped my pants alone this light but that's for later quest guild whatever want to say I'm sure I even know I know the answer to this I know the answer to this but you know we're not going to do that yet I have to I have to murder somebody in order to do with that quest and I haven't murdered anybody yet which is a little bit odd thing because I have slaughtered plenty of like local fauna I have I've killed more wolf than I've had coherent thoughts you know and I've killed several bandits but doesn't really count as murder does it surprisingly I know but yeah I guess it's if it's self-defense it's not murder but yeah hey something I can do for you this guy's like I don't usually normal looking for oblivion isn't he like he's probably most handsome character ever in this Gilbert good old good old Gilbert that Gilbert see Gilbert would be the most handsome man ever if it didn't like have a fake head okay the problem is fact he uses a it's like one of those latex masks you know it's like it's like scooby Doo you see it here's his real body it's just a fake mask on you know it just goes removes it it's just like a like a big eyeball good day to you anyway bye bye right and we need to go to the fighters guild here Oh as a librarian book book book club bargain - wait like a whole day outside here mmm what time is it oh it's almost 2 a.m. right okay here we go I'm gonna look press spirt certain book I don't know oh no it's an org only all its going to be awkward oh there's gonna be real awkward hey I'm looking for a bad book book book ba ba ba ba ba ba Porky Pig books I sell books go ahead look bye so yeah I'm buying for friends you won't find better price I don't even think they're theirs hang on look at the org only account that's not it the real Barons is a little naughty - but okay wait okay I can't find this book thank God thank God chronicle of sacrifice Jesus a less rude song huh good yeah okay can you can you teach me how to read I'm willing to teach if you're willing to learn semi goldshire knowledge is power it grows like a flower I was doing the second level up knowledge I'm willing to teach if you sure Salome knowledge I'm sorry I am Nastya Kozma shade and hall steward I offer introductory training with blades whose mom is this to accept you was a student while jaylen or I prefer a career in the arena to this paper pushes position everybody still hostile hello what's their deal well I can punch air and hopefully I level up our God my bloody knuckles Wow well yeah what what is with me I ready to see the the dark brother not know I'm nervous Paul something he he hoo hoo ha ha I'm going to see the fighter skills sorry my mind was wandering about something else could this be it it's just like my house you can buy yeah you can buy the South Floyd if you want but no place hello hmm I hate it's like me huh alright well hey yeah I don't care who you are ain't talking to you you ain't from around here so push off so some mean porta villa I hear she's turning [ __ ] and all inside out looking for her husband a like I said [ __ ] in hall having bad has happened to him alright leave me alone slowly walk away slowly walk away I want no trouble okay Spyder skilled fighters guild house for sale there it is there's it's potentially my house if I want to but I'm a me up in for a single boy you sure about that be generous kind of sense oh my god oh shut the hell up natives go there's major skill but I don't want up higher what fighters dude now there is the fiber zoom a girl where how are you yeah I'm flying whoo and why do I care exactly because I am levitating woman yeah I don't need you so go away huh I'm asking real nice because my mom brought me up right ah the rumors I understand the fighters guild is hiring new members huh not bad work for some folks okay how about you mister hello wait I was here before yeah yeah all right the fire's killed where is it sit up here no no no this is the castle yeah and I'm I don't want to be caught on a rock cos at the castle I don't have time to do that okay a cider scale did I pass this accidentally I would even sets dog brothers it's not a spoiler at this point you'll get the next B I'm trying all right here it is I think I think neck writer Mac Mac writer so much writer cell phone as weapons and armor can I help you Obama weapons I have to have the cord and saber well okay give me me some new boots thank you they are giving one not to think about that for a song another satisfied if I can't figure hey a good day you know when I see that this stuff you know what I want to play like like blacks make my sauce I would love to play dark messiah of might and magic or call that game is so good you know if you ever never played Dark Messiah of Might and Magic that game is like if a Bolivians comet was good like it's it's just fantastic well okay this is I'm going in circles at this point in fact i streamed or Dark Messiah but I was like five years ago now five six years ago so yeah there's a hilarious thing in this game or Dark Messiah you have that you get this like ice spell or you can like frig the floor and they people slip on it and you can make this like ice flip on the floor and have people like fall off the edge and they just like they slip to their death over and over again absolutely great hello we're looking for recruits interested yeah if you're interested see Villena Dantan below or as an in am bill I'm so talking to you yeah whatever okay they kept it kept that in this place this condo oh hey what do you want a job yeah you want it from me you'll have to join the fighters guild not that I'm sure you can cut it okay the fighters guild is always looking for new members if you've got a clean record and don't have a bounty on your head we may be able to use you are you interested in joining yes I'm good I guess you're now an associate in the fighters guild report to me or as on an anvil for contracts and don't screw up screw up all right yeah any any any jobs I suppose I've got something for you we need a weapon shipment delivered the desolate mine that's a desolate mine okay a war I don't need more Amer I'm going to sell this right away well why do you guys really weapon up my my weapons I have right here you know look look look boom snowman I'm you Lanie look okay you calling me a snowman [ __ ] you shouldn't be talking Smurfette thing about the Smurfs I was listening to I was listening to the Smurfs on yes when a plague the guest came you okay perfect perfect absolutely perfect thanks okay let's try that again oh hey no way man alright anyways I was saying I was looking to the Smurfs on NES and I guess Dark Elves day they they yeah but have you ever heard the Smurfs on NES it's the most amazing soundtrack ever I'm not even kidding howling Smurfs and yes listen to this you will be blown away by how good it sounds not not even kidding not even cute look alright can I clash the levels oblivion here but listen to it [Music] in fact you know what this will fit it'll fit oblivion fine I totally it's great it's um I'm a pirate's polder shop or something [Music] hang on I don't know what I'm doing the stream has become too silly for me [Music] okay oblivious craft again and the Smurfs is blasting my eardrums as I can't stop this ah please please ah oblivion Oh what the hell oh my god make it stop oblivion why should ok they were oblivious died alright cool I'm never playing this first again [Music] alright Doh deeply puppy to Papa but uh you can't rescue any a silver surfacing instruments yeah yeah I would say I would say that uh I think it's the same composer maybe maybe not sure though anyway I'm gonna quite sleepy aya yeah let me try that again dupa buddy Papa - Papa Papa oh my god Oh can't you yes have a cup of coffee I can Amaro house lick the are you I'm so sleepy I I might have to end the stream in like ten minutes because I'm absolutely out of it sorry okay thanks this game is difficult it's difficult to stream it really is all beliving us crashed again I believe in us crashed once again and you might be like no it didn't Joel well well will tell you Natalia Natalia alright woman tell you want to tire what tell you something let me tell you something you know it is not going to do here's what we're going to do we're going to do this [Music] yes yes absolutely I would like two more poor Eric a sulk all right one more try this dupa dupa I don't know what I'm doing is I'm I'm too sleepy for this I'll try this one more time must be Swedish anyway you know it's bad when I'm drinking like a like a dr. pepper and dr. pepper sweet dr. powers and not breaking me up not good here we go try this one more time go Bob buddy but but but but uh all right try this one more time keep saying one more time but yeah all right thanks now please would you work would you please work please pretty please oblivion here we go now now if the scheme could work that would be fantastic yeah there we go now we have one problem with this though both seems to be perfect permanently stuck in Westside mode what hole did you draw look I'm sorry my hands are like this very buoyant even sorry I I can't I oh my god I'm saving up enough with the mixing I like to Madison right here ba boom ba boom okay I'm stuck sneaking around damn it stop right there criminal scum nobody breaks the law and my watch confiscated your stolen goods now pay your fine or it's off to jail I'm a resistor Esther then pay with your blood if I block time if I block nothing bad will happen to me there are if I just actually have a better idea I'll ever do this and we go right into the water and he won't get me there we go oh my god is actually you can block under water when you're Samet what the hell dude Aquaman - you're old about Morgan is now king of the sea Krait clipping the sword all right well attacking okay well I can't I can't change [ __ ] mmm hello I'm good now no okay I guess know what Hema star or whatever gods are watching him pull this arrow out of my gut too please I can describe this pain right now now I'm not getting tired I'm getting sleepy look if you punch for a second you can start running again oh here we go oh I got shot in the crotch again you alright here we go okay maybe if I just go in this again it will deactivate hopefully well no whoa what's gone uh okay I think my save is like slightly corrupted I said this ain't good you finally recognition yes finally yes yes they now face the most great they feel my muscle is so hard my microphone died tell you what tell you what I'm gonna serve I'm gonna reserve oblivion for another time because yeah we a little just a little just a little too tired to be pliable you know night so I'm going to end up here I mean I had a lot of fun playing but the joel was tired and he needs to get on his bedroll and sleep a little bit so yeah but the Bolivia was fun back with Vice City tomorrow and maybe some Shenmue but the effort tonight undone so I'm going to be right back with org so to go anywhere alright let's take a the orc from JK for the summer vine whistle 2017 slaughter let's ride Luigi rev bulk against Hogan and it was an amazing match and Wow I don't like a top this year entire roof but yeah there you go pretty nice from charge then Laden charge then Lance here we go here's sauce boss and here's me defeating the vine vine school on the VAR self of mushroom you know in the in the ring pretty nice I like that a lot from microwaveable the space men can't even beat Donnie Divi absolutely I'm not sure what this is but yes from Gio Gio I am proto encrypting your files is my motto yes next week by the way I'm doing the final part of the Vista thing but a lot of fun discovering ProLiant and it's horrible horrible horrible antivirus wrap roof uncle crusty is the newest vine wrestle thing I think yeah yeah there we go 300 pounds I am big boy I come from Switzerland apparently yeah totally there you go it's pretty badass crowd science USA this is all I just left it as default when I did it to but hit font ratio of 4,000 damn all right well I'm using the old version 2016 so yeah very cool though but we are going to move this 2017 edition soon though we'll see but you know we will see if there's going to be any more wrestling students this year before Christmas but yeah from seve Slayer secret message in Norwegian do a cooler golden six Muk karaoke ball I don't know why I screamed at and your dog in a mean they 342 holy goo good so I'm I know reading sucks but yeah cool tattoo there you go Slayer it's pretty nice thank you so much and I could read that you know I can't read Danish a whale but Norwegian I can so haha odd because i nuked you guys you know but a pretty nice thank you so much it was like the art a lot and the sprockie kinesic so yeah anyway pretty nice pretty nice from from German Furman here's a little more self or mushroom and he's bloody ugly that it's been like trying to make bolognese pasta and he just got the tomato sauce all over himself I don't know but I like it Inferno in front of do come oh my god excellent software it gets better with each new version Joseph's ghost or yeah mana stock photo dudes I was looking at look just like Joseph so tried everything everything is Jojo don't you guys know that everything you know it's even slightly related in the weirdest connotation or even like it looks like it is Jojo everything's a joke your reference right yeah from on onyx cyclic P oh my god your name is getting harder and harder pronounced I don't know why but yeah my nose 500 year old vampire pretty nice from James the ellis cose for most case you know it and from the sang Healy today has been a weird day hasn't it oh they do try to kill me and stuff a lot of not a particularly amazing day but yeah anyway guys that's the art for today I am pretty sleepy right now over straining to bed but I want to thank you once again for tuning in and watching the place I'm not blaming tonight let's just live on my sauce and host them who are Emma and Mike almost the I'm in a while so I'm going to host I'm up but anyway I guess they see it tonight and hope you enjoy but anyway I'm done see you around and you know sleep any dream
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 180,520
Rating: 4.9419184 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, oblivion, elder scrolls, skyrim, bulk bogan, glitch, cliff racer, fly so high, crash, windows, fighters guild, guild, dark brotherhood, glitchy, dungeon, cave, sneak, lockpick, hackdirt, npc, bed, shirtless, death, stop right there criminal scum, high elves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 50sec (7130 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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