[Vinesauce] Joel - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ( Part 7 )

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you know having a relaxed in old-time my microphone is in purple that just a dear we go that's much better sorry about that anyway so as I said we're gonna do oblivion and we're doing the fighter skill stuff we might get done today I'm not sure cuz I I it's been so tight incredible long while but I might start something else tonight as well we'll see yeah but all right let me just configure this there we go now now now any bet any takers on that it's gonna crash when I do this let's find out oh my god it didn't all right anyway is something else uh-huh we'll see we'll see it's been kind of popping up and I'm I'm kind of thirsting for it I know a thirst is the right word more like hungry oh yeah we're supposed to do this quest uh damn you're short working together or something again we've got one let's hope this one will pay well all right cool okay let's hang on let's make a joke here ready ready no wait let's roll all right anyway uh all my intelligence uh I'm having a tough day today I can't really think too much today I'm just too uh too much in the brain Wow well anyway let's see here level 10 man I'm in love only up a lot on the last story might actually made the mag Lear like super super tiny uh it's kind of not gonna be the case today that isn't that right Magli I'm gonna do a good job yeah all right anyway so let's check our quests here and make sure that we well here we go I haven't actually checked MOT my guild level which is swordsman but are at any anyway not that I really need intelligence on my character but here we go sorry about all this anyway as Zhaan has given me a contract to find the lair of some thieves Manville I am to travel with another fairly new recruit maglia I should go to the anvil first I should go to anvil and search and see what information I can get about thieves so really I should ask around ok he looks like he looks like when you take a content-aware scaling and like [ __ ] up a face oh damn it I heard they were holed up in here rota cave not too far from here alright well thanks man actual actually do you need your stuff back poor bolts a wondrous cup keeps a cold and sweet been drinking from a lousy wooden tanks if you can find it you'd have the gratitude of new home the portly alright I mean I guess we can do a little extra asses is that the first time I've heard asses in in oblivion and language it's a problem huh it's your problem you got to go to church and like last thing self akatosh upon you asses asses it might actually be the first time the asses is uttered in this game it's already gone anyway I have to deliver these copies of the black [ __ ] courier have the latest edition free as always it's about the gray fox Oh bye-bye what whoa whoa okay bye-bye well Megan was happy as ever but all right anyway let's see here let's go over here and we're gonna do the quest but I will say this by the what is again reducing my intelligence the point where I can't have one single coherent thought on my brain let's see here um my hat dad is increased of course but what what it's like what's my what's my debuff here hang on here we go warrior birth sign doesn't seem like I mean what oh no no no no you know this you notice I drank too much school mother that's what it is my god all right fine now I'm okay no no no okay how much do I need to wait I haven't permanently like got Dumber because of the school all right get that it's not permanent is it school my television drains is permanent so you're telling me that bogan like dranks drank so much like illegal alcohols that he literally got so dumb he can never use skills like spells some I'm basically I made myself impotent this is incredible this is I don't need a brain I only need fists holy crap all right whoa whoa magley what the hell dude okay I think I can go to church and fix it but well I was actually my brain being better react to that but like we're on let's get this mission done and get paid all right let's go fine payday let me guess magley you're gonna take care of this look at mag we're going actually I should probably help them Megillah get out of the way dude alright sorry excuse me yeah excuse me I'm burning but you know what I'm so dumb that my brain doesn't even register the pain which is an advantage for me you know get the zombie out of the way that it oh hang on ah alright but that's fine though alright let's just let's see what I have here grounding no no no no drain it Intel draining tell us if I drank feeble mind I wouldn't even feel it ah bees like drinking water at this point oh my god my healing oh my okay [ __ ] you know we can probably just sleep here right okay you know what you know what mag listen I I am I have magic impotence at the moment I can't heal up so you might have to do this on your own hang on hang on let me just image sleep an hour and then uh back and then we'll go to church and then we'll we'll pray that God fixes my brain Akash please all right anyway man I'm fast that's just 20 goal or I'll take it anyway huh so we're gonna get through here get through here and I guess through here we go down who's who goes there wait why is just smug every every time magley I don't like that guy no one bit I mean I helped him out earlier but I kind of ran it on into so whatever oh I know manlier but give me a break all right wonderful all right let's see what they have mithril Greaves all right leather gauntlets can I we are gong to us on top of my band snow I can't but that doesn't work like that does it no look at that hey you know what they looked like it looked like oven mitts I'm gonna he's making my dance at Quang lo mud crabs Morpheus from you meg Meg Lee really doing anything are you over cut really all I've been like I can ah no I'm like super dumb and I can't move all right so um by how much if I just drop some of this stupid stuff for booth stuff like I'll never use I don't know why I'm carrying this but I'm gonna take care of you first Frank no listen all right Meg let you just deal with him all right bye oh this is awful I should have packed some some potions or something but dad this will have to do I'd love to do for now not come back Magli listen love you buddy but okay are they gonna come out of the Cape yes they are well this is this is actually great for me because I actually just kind of do this at the same time oh my god how about me huh me just take in the town hey we found the thieves hey everybody I think I found the culprit oh you bastard oh there we go there we go okay do you have anything of you snow okay I'm gonna stay behind and just watch okay sure oh oh magley oh oh it's an 800 i son is super NPCs okay I thought it was gone alright well oh look what is this the elf sword elven sword hang on yeah dude look how weightless this is I mean I'm sure I'm strong and all that but like this is like paper I could just like stab the air like I'll give you a decent resting place okay come here come here this guy's heavy hang on there we go that's how I want to die - wait somebody shot at me I guarantee it I thought I heard that but ever going back in I gotta go into the town but let's just do this in a in a hurry because like I've wasted too much time already wrong wait my callback can you sell the stuff but I do want a house already like I've gone this is the seventh stream of oblivion and went on a house yet it's kind of embarrassing so we gotta like rectify that tonight you know and well let's get up here and and see what else we have the baby brew beer the urban sword hello friends can't shoot me now all the bolivian trick i think i showcase this earlier but uh if you press a and w at the same time or like you alternate really quickly they i can't really tell which way you're going so they miss each time it's actually really useful kind of breaks the game too but alright and then we do one of these and then another one and boom and wha-bam we're Joe oh what's this oh I'll take that I guess sure you know what Oh Oh God that's like that's into the heart okay well while actually this on the right oh I'm the wrong side but anyway you know what you know what because there's no unarmored skill why don't we how's this look oh my god terrible oh my god no I don't want to see that how about yes for this one time I'm gonna equip some hats to protect our head because we have valuable things in it which I can't see at the moment where'd she put the which other oh there we go okay I just want this helmet thank you wonderful alright you won't get us now man which we still fighting what's going on damage speed all rights and take it out yes okay let's Mangler do this I'll sit down and watch his excellent job oh yeah that killed somebody oh my god megamen I've succeeded in clearing a road a cave and all the thieves are living there I should guess I'm from the paper or chrome here we go well there's still the Magglio dude you're doing like more hardcore than me dude oh I can steal I can listen okay here's how this game works immaculate it's not I can't tell if he already had an arrow on him but it it almost seems like now I am pickpocketing his pants and I'm finding arrows through it can I can I take these yes I did give me back those arrows they belong in my flesh oh my god Meg we're all right anyway let's go look for that buck a cop or something yeah give her back all right anyway covered pot chest oh I actually need that could he believe that shepherd's pie you know what I want to try out I don't know if there's any from anyone from Britain watching right knee over England but a pork pie I don't know they look good but I I mean I can't really tell but you know one of those things I always wanted to try anyway so we've been there and let's see here we're going down there okay so we got to go over here to find a cop I guess see you're a cop cop cop cop no anything over here no well damn I've been everywhere in this cave so I'll bet there's something I missed here but where's this tankard thing it's not here did they leave it at the dinner table no yeah there it is okay there we go I couldn't really notice that in the darkness I found a new home new hat new hi I'm the polish dragon I should turn to him okay I will all right anyway let's see here so going through here and we're going over here there we go Cup looks like [ __ ] repair gloves with the repair hammer excellent idea you know what I should do that right now III have all these repair hammers and I'm not using them it's like unbelievable but where is it repair hammer here we go and all my only a journey man armor or hire my repair all of course is a skill limit on that so yeah okay let me just get through here and let's let's go to church and pray for forgiveness that we've been abusing skooma so all right anyway yeah I know that the frames have been dropping a little bit I can't really tell why but all right so let's go back into town he should repair hammer to repair the frames alright anyway let's see here so we in the town again yes and now we got to go back and let's talk to the dude first well actually first of all let's talk to this guy want to go speak with villena don't none of your brothers will deal with you until you are tone for your what are you talking about what when I stole your arrows from your flesh you still I'll [ __ ] off oh oh god damn it I didn't steal for me what are you talking about oh my god hail and welcome friend hey okay great you stole them from where's valina where's Valene listen I I took I took Eris are my friends bleeding wound and obviously that wasn't not cool so I I'm here to apologize you know that belonged to him that was his arrows I swear to God if I have to traverse land and sea to find where I want excuse me valina daunt on well how about this how about this have a better idea how about this I'm gonna go down and we're gonna just gonna talk to them anyway it's what happens you've stolen from the fighters guild go speak with I haven't stolen anything you know where's villian you know where the hell is real enough you're Elina Lena well you know isn't coral no no no no no no no Oh what okay that's it decide one of the few times where I cannot be bothered with this game and I'm just fast travelling are you are you kidding me are you kidding me Oh God that is incredible that is actually incredible I can't believe while next time Aguilar gets shot with a bullet I'm just gonna be like listen I don't want to take you to a hospital I might get stolen you know those bullets right where's Dawn taun taun taun there you steal from your brothers if you had a need for something why would you not just ask I will give you a chance though Oh as it is only your first offense do not return until you have collected 20 bad belts use this time to reflect on your actions they want 20 beer asses because I helped my friend oh oh I'll give you the mayor belts but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get him I'm gonna pay for him I'm gonna steal it whoa bear pelt saw bear pelts hey I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna find one and I'm gonna steal him I must steal I'm ironically tell i wad before I before I I thought was a person dead here I am going to restart the stream here because the stream is a little laggy so I'll be right back sit tight and yeah we'll be right back Laith okay we're back so I don't know if the the frames are gonna consistently drop tonight but yeah I don't know what to do about it except alright listen listen oh hang on why walk why walk when you can run has always been your motto okay now the miles running is ours to swing we have paid off your dirty matter that is your rate of AD fatigue recordings when running is increased by 50% okay that's cool alright alright I guess but bear pelts dogs all right where can i where can I get up where the [ __ ] can I get some bear pelts I'm angry I'm angry there's gonna go boom I hate you so much I'm 20 I mean 20 of you listen we're gonna go to a generals a good store I mean that's probably the only place but goddamn it that's awful seriously man you're gonna burn they're gonna burn man hello hello how about you repair my bandsaw wanna offer for gold thank you and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna sell all my [ __ ] because I don't need any of it yeah I'm gonna sell this stuff I stole from a glar - huh I mean I realize I can just quickly than that and you know but listen did you know what I'm just gonna sell this - I don't even care sell this - you want some bones wedding gift here's our wedding gift to you thank you I don't worry about it all right cool nice I like it all right let's see here I swear to god I'm gonna crush you like this watermelon one day school all right so there I got a go fun oh hang on what's this the oak and crows you that's got to be it okay here we go welcome to the Oakland Crozier yes you know this is uh this is my end oh my god this is all your fault alright general store general store where can I find a general store that's a books first of all let's go to church and fix my brain ok anyway yeah excuse me welcome my brain is fixed no it's not oh my god my blessing for you I gotta wait Oh problem III I think I I have legitimately contracted like permanent dumb oh my god okay we gotta find a general store here my brain can't be fixed my brain cannot be fixed I'm a blade and I'm mag leer okay here we go Goodson trade all right yeah all right yeah I don't think we've met let's talk yes I am pleased to meet you welcome I'm sure my mother would be glad to meet you as well Thanks only the finest yeah yeah yeah their pelts bear pelts oh there we go five well that's that's [ __ ] expensive too that's a fair deal oh man we're Oh Oh Maggie uh-huh it's what we're gonna do all right do they restock instantly hang on okay stupidest thing they don't it doesn't take 24 hours for them to restock takes a few days okay Meg we're you you don't want to do with Meg Lear I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna take this guy guess what we're gonna do with Magglio okay magley will now be a permanent party member I will never finish the Fighter scale quest because you know why I I am telling you right now mag leer you [ __ ] up so you made me so angry you have perturbed my quest to so bad that I am now going to do main quest only to put you in lava in Oblivion and forget about him I know I see mortal but he'll never escape [Music] you're gonna be you're gonna be my companion listen I'm gonna take him to hell I'm gonna leave him in hell I'm gonna start do a main quest right now just cause of that just cost of that we're going straight to clutch he has he has he has messed up now by the way I think I have a few potions of like restore brain fortify intelligence hang on restore weak potion of hang on let's see your drain 4 to 5 restore restore fatigue restore fatigue I can't get any dumber can I so if I could this would it work though hang on temporarily I guess but ok now now I have if you had an IQ of 0 I don't think you will be actually conscious like I think you would actually be dead that day you know kind of kind of in a weird way reflects on my own intelligence but I honestly do not know they answer this but not me but like the most the most pure of life-forms out there doesn't they don't have any any semblance of intelligence they're just like plasma you know oh there we go wait wait where's my clear nag Lear where'd he go where did McAleer go I'm gonna wait one hour well is he did he stop following me no magnet did he die did Magli or leave he's gone oh that son of a [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa no noise here oh it's just he sent off being an idiot fantastic I I am I'm getting real but why are you two fighting right now I'm fine hey magnet when I'm dead don't pull off the arrows through me because that that'd be dangerous this is this is like a bandit character this is not like a like a important that you see that that that I gotta like yo yo yo yo chill out dude rejects my yield magley we're friends we're friends Magglio the stream you know I'm gonna resist the rest you know you know what you know you know I'm gonna save the day and still be like like chased by the cops I'm gonna be Batman I don't give a [ __ ] anymore Meg we're I'm fed up with this world everybody betray me Lisa maglia why this is why alright anyway even the end of this like dear hates me alright why God life really sucks today llama tire just blows but it totally alright everybody main quest engage come on there's still time God still holds the road but it's only a matter of time before they're overwhelmed run from what God's blood you don't know do you deidre over ran clutched last night they were glowing portals outside the walls gates to oblivion it's a that was a huge creature something out of a nightmare came right over the walls blasting fire they swarmed around it killing the whole city can't be destroyed that go and see for yourself booth kabocha is a smoking ruin understand uh how did you escape it was sadly and Matthews some of the other guards helped some of us escape they cut their way out right through the city gates sadly it says they can hold the road no no if you'd seen it you know who I'm getting out of here before it's too late they'll be here any minute I'm telling you can buy I should run to Magglio you son-of-a-bitch mope mag leer well we're gonna do when I'm gonna take this guard into the plane of oblivion itself mag let you follow us well my days has been something else I don't think this has ever happened oblivion where I'm like chased by people into the realm of oblivion I mean they they got some big big balls to like yes down right say listen I don't care I don't care about going to hell I'm gonna arrest you prioritise anyway so I guess I should talk about the main quest here and it you know this is where all the skies turned blood-red and we've all seen this but I kind of hate engaging this main quest because now when I venture into the wild we're gonna get this like every 15 minutes but whatever hey aren't you guards hey you guys want to get me a free pass oh boy this is no place for you get back to the encampment at once what happened here we lost the damn city that's what happened it was too much too fast we were overwhelmed couldn't even get everyone out there are still people trapped in there who some made it to the chapel but others would just run down in the streets the count and his men are still holed up in the castle and now we can't even get back into the city to help them damned oblivion gate blocking the way alright well you know the only thing that's what if we can't hold this barricade those beasts could march right down and overrun the encampment mm-hmm I have to try and protect the few civilians that are left it's all I can do now I'm just gonna help all right - you want to help you're kidding right if you're serious maybe I can put you to use it'll likely mean your death oh thank god finally sure yeah absolutely I'll do whatever I can I don't know how to close this gate but it must be possible because the enemy closed the ones they open during the initial attack yeah yeah yeah yeah I can see the marks on the ground where they were it's a great gate right in the middle all right cool we got this we got this they could find a way to shut it they haven't come back if you can get in there find out what happened to them if they're alive help them finish the job if not see what we can do all right the question is the question is do you guys think that mag leer and the guard is gonna follow us into this if they do where where's Meg we're yom a clear there is here he comes oh okay I'm fine let's go everybody my friends with a million quotation marks all right everybody now how fun it would be if this guard actually died because of these imps how about a free pass cuz I'm helping the world oh you still mad at me buddy just talk to me what the [ __ ] is your problem man we are gone okay yeah you guys want to come yeah I sort of if this works if they are in the plane of oblivion I what nuclear god damn you mentally what the [ __ ] is your deal that's it that's it I have the perfect perfect spot for you oh you know they give a [ __ ] maglin goes straight into hell he's just oh my god alright this is incredible but this is incredible I'm just gonna I'm just gonna see what I have here uh damage health store fatigue one eye on a guard after me but Magli you know he's he's okay hey you wanna take care of that yeah yeah I'll let him do it you know what I don't I don't feel like right he's an enemy now okay I need I need something - can I like make stuff no I can't okay what can I possibly do party eat eat a lot okay what if we cannot schedules from this place just heal up a little bit just a little bit okay so we need something here she said add some potions before five health here we go here oh here we go fantastic right now now I can deal a little bit of [ __ ] alright I guess we just gonna close down the Oblivion yet while mag leer the dumbass I cook you to chill out what is this problem I don't know we should drink skooma inhale everybody well again this is the plane of oblivion and it wasn't the the way I've wanted to play it but all right here we go so I can actually get sorcery here which is fantastic as I can get now I can wait that ain't that in restore my magic okay I have none that's why how great oh great yeah yeah listen Mac leader here's what I do I'm gonna speed run through these oblivion gates and if maglia is trapped in hell or if he survives I don't know steal Sheol and only that Alvin bagger don't need that is he still after he is still after me somewhere or here's we're gonna do I'm just gonna play the game like normal and I like to imagine that magolor got lost and he died in hell I think I should I should be talking to the guard but I don't really feel like it I'm just gonna go straight into here because I do you remember how to do this the brew our feast listen we don't be not the would deal with any of this honest honest to god you don't need to you gotta just go through here and enemies nearby [ __ ] alright I'm really doing this unlike no health to so it's like incredible but yeah I'll take a blood fountain it needs time okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay can't get me now man the blood feast thanks for the Medicus essence that I can't use oh wait I was supposed to go the other way oh [ __ ] all right here we go yeah I'll believe in gates not a big deal is you know what this is turning into it's turning to half-life because I'm I'm going in going in with like no health oh damn it oh I got me he got me no magic no health no stamina let's go there you go all needs a key all right oh I need a key for this oh [ __ ] all right no problem I can do that I can do it all I got a need all I got to do oh god oh god okay here's we're gonna do we're gonna do this you're going to do this but how I'm not sure I'm gonna I can try to get the key from one of the dudes but uh oh my god tell you what is it we're gonna do because you know we're gonna do okay listen oh I think they do that predict all thing all right I'm just gonna unlock this with the console because I I feel like to serve it anyway here we go wait let me let me just do this anyway no no no here's the challenge I am going to run through this but I'm not gonna do with with with with yeah heal up the police I can't heal up by there there there's no way what's in here by the way maybe there's a slight slight chance of doing this anyway hang on isn't the key in here oh yeah this is this is where I gotta go Oh God okay all right if this guy used to spells I'm screwed if not we're gravy Satan Satan all right all right let's see what I can possibly do to this guy how do I we are not gravy we are not gravy I've been trying to tell you this for chef for like ten minutes now you scroll past the trigger when you prayed if you did it again if you'd slower it would work all right so the game just crashed by the way just so you know but I'm gonna I'm gonna fix this real quick there we go all right so we are we are in a little bit of a pinch but that that's why I love oblivion you know it is entirely my fault but I just love this game anyways I don't really give a [ __ ] but here we go all right mr. president boom boom boom put it on all right I can't do this I can probably just do this all right but that's good that we know that it's good you know what you know what here's we're gonna do what could I do let me see no no no sorry it's it's TGM isn't it yeah there we go let me see if I can kill this guy and if you drops the key I assure you we're gonna pray and everything will be fine there we go I read let's see have the key yes it does okay good cool so here we go quickly there's no time you must get to the top of the large tower the city they call it that's what keeps the Oblivion gate open Oh find the sigil stone remove it and the gate will close hurry the keeper has the key you must get the key oh all right enemies are nearby right so I'm gonna play a little bit of a god mode on cuz like [ __ ] doing all that stuff honest to god the key wait hang on oh it's Magli everybody come I'm a queer he deserves this he deserves this how is this not my active quest at the moon by the way like all right anyway let's see here get a Magnus unconscious wonderful I just put him in the trash isn't this guy supposed to be like hang on [ __ ] to him one more time all right don't worry about am i right whoa chill out nag Lear is unstoppable he okay he ever got wonderful there we go now I can actually activate this I mean I've rarely cheat in these streets but like for that moment I I feel like doing it anyway here we go there we go and out of here like that there you go alright nice you know I could probably take this guy down hang on is that Darth Maul I swear to God you know what was gonna go up here get the blood thing yeah okay bye there's a bit of a cheat by the way you can do here to get the enchanted stuff I thought was maglia for a second I was like damn it he's up here already well there is speak of the goddamn devil it's manly gonna follow us straight and get this thing yes he is Mangler you dumb [ __ ] Meg we're the unsung hero of these dreams you know I'm gonna take care of this guy first always unconscious what a shame I got by thank all for my fists it's the only thing I trust okay you know what this is getting a little too intense for me all sorcery Allah no can't I can't use that anyway I'm gonna make maglev following me it's into the Shivering Isles let's just have a fire oh I like this you know start abusing that because I don't even know you know what let's take off this stupid helmet there we go there we go in this ability Daedra heart you know what I'll just keep that anyway alright I want to have Mangler up here when I when I close it here come here oh yeah these are fire resistant of course they're made out of fire so weaknesses decease really ten that's a pride all right where's maiya clear where is he where's that dumb dumb [ __ ] I'm gonna fist I'm gonna use my fists kill these dudes and then can I even do that yes I can okay we're gonna take one of my potions the tech life sorcery the tech life feeble mind cure ale [ __ ] that then here it comes here it comes boys oh god I'm put off my slip off ah but how is he so how is he so like all right whatever I was gonna go whoa hey hey help me up friend okay but move all right here they all come while he's doing that I was going to do this mag leer magley are I swear to god guys I stole from hell I've closed the gate by thinking the singer than that angered with him I should tell selling that a kid is not open a wonderful hey mag Lear mag mere negligee right are we cool now huh you've stolen an hour this [ __ ] idiot I swear anyway you know what I'm already yes okay listen here's what we're gonna do because we're gonna go back to a church and do this properly now I mean we're so close to anvil anyway but uh here we're gonna go to the main gate every girl we're gonna go back pray up and I know I don't fast traveled much in this game but but give me a break all right I mean like it or not this guy fought his way through hell so I mean he might be an [ __ ] but he he he he's a brave [ __ ] you know anyway let's go to the church as I said I think watch does have a shrine but yeah and anyway well see what the the enchanted item we got from the Oblivion gauge what do we get uh here we go assassination here we go soul trap for ten minutes ten seconds on strike resist magic what should we add it on guys shall I add it on my pants I mean no no no no we're gonna keep it though but for something else god dammit okay fine I'll pay the gold I pay the gold I just saved [ __ ] Orlov surgeon and you're gonna pester me about some [ __ ] watermelon or some [ __ ] like some tomato I still god damnit [ __ ] this game oh god damn god damn I don't even know why I was [ __ ] I have ban on it like I touched a cup or something oh it was my [ __ ] arm bands so I can't do that my our mats are stolen I keep forgetting this so I can't do that so we have to do now let me these do this real quick yeah meridia yeah you go yeah you lost me see how we're gonna do this we're gonna go to the main gate and oblivious just stop working god dammit there we go this is like a Benny Hill experience you know I swear to God try that again all right all right sorry all right cool now we're back it's faster this time I saw that pay for your crimes alright we're gonna go back here we're gonna go back in this town and we're gonna do something really stupid but it's going to work it's going to work in the dumbest way possible yeah today's not my day high yeah absolutely my hair so we're gonna do and I think this works maybe because it's such a pretty crime I can just do this I can put my my gloves on the floor right I can just do this and I can be like hey arrest me hey gold I mean I think this works here stop see if this is this actually works if it does then my love for this game is just increased oh I uh they have a little bit of a dilemma here but we're gonna do nag later look the other way okay okay fine you know we actually have in this ability potion anyway so it's like I can probably do this so we just do this hello yes many good day bye bye I cannot last fix my brain oh yeah this this has been like [ __ ] up but that's fine I'm just gonna pray oh this is fine I wish I wish that was you okay can't do it here then want shirts we go to and it's like the death church are it's fine you know what we will go to we'll go a quarrel then only this three men all right this has been like an unintentional fetch quest you know it's like god dammit alright anyway we're so close done like actually is getting through all this garbage shot all right now but and well let's Requip my arm bands here in a second they're my bands of Cuong low so I get for drinking skooma man anyway alright so let's let's fix my brain so I can start using restore magic I'm fine I am back I am smart ooh what's your problem blessings you stolen all right I can think again the gods have blessed me with a brain all right so I need I still need bear pelts but I kind of don't want to finish the the fighter scale quest now because it's like I'd like having maglia around [Applause] there's anything I can do here is he just permanently pissed yes he is yes he will do nothing else except pester me about who's stolen from the fighters guild it's Jesus Christ all right oh okay I think at the end of this at the end of the Oh bleep he's gonna have one unique dialogue once I have conquered everything in oblivion and I'm like you know master of this realm is gonna be like you've stolen my heart secret Magli rending anyway so uh the general store Reese talks how often they are pelts tell you what because we already cheated in this Lots for the sake of the stream kind of turn a blind eye and wait a minute can do this hang on hang on I have an idea now I would need wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how many oh we need that we need that we need a sword I'm sure thanks I'll buy a one sword here yes absolutely wonderful I almost through with this this this annoyance okay so we're gonna do this here's how you do this right you you do that and then you'd like double expand i wasin I did this and like won the first I'll blame you strange but hey I never liked dropping right no the dupe trick it's been a while how do you do this again so we're like we quipped this twice right and then we I forgot how you do this can I do this in current patch you can I did this before but select the scroll and drop an item it's easy as that no sword uses or anything really select the scroll and upin item then drop an item just like that and then we just drop this can't be that easy can it I think quite work did it double-click a scroll and dupe item well mm-hmm I think it is did it wrong though it worked no hmm did it though I mean I have bear pelt yes but do please Scrolls first oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but then but I can't really do that can I so what I would just need to like double click and do this but I still have just you gain two pelts you had three now you have five no I bought five I bought fire from the start guys hey guys oh my god no ki since before it's like you swing get two of these and then you like drop this at the same time I you got to do is some sort of swinging motion to it you know let's try this I work either huh don't book click on the scroll stand drop one bear pal just one okay unless here we go just one just one so we double-click on this let me just get this right double click and then we drop one A one beer belt well that drops to which it's not what I want but can I then okay we're just gonna keep that we're gonna do this double click and then we get another one that's two right this is where the magic happens right this is where the magic happens right so we would double click and then we would this is where it all comes down to does this work I mean yes I mean it's gonna take a while to do this but alright can I use not can I do this instead well hi I'm Nydia drop 1 is it easier well then I have to have several rights oh my god yes you know what I'm quickly realizing that we can just get the player set item thing can I buy several of the same scroll on a general store or ok what else do we have that's I have more of the more you scroll see of you the more you can drop on however you can't do it but if it's the same number of scrolls for example if you select this world anew to do you want to the numbers have different I promise the numbers of items that dupe is equal to numbers cause drop a different scroll I know but I need more of it so but you're watching huh huh duping is canon yes it's just it's just a magic thing can I go to the major scale then do it I can do this how about we do this all that for nothing essentially right Wow look at that it's another form of magic anyway so now we're done with that thank God I'm gonna go back to the fighters guild and pretend nothing happened it's not cheating it's magic it's magic hello well the question is again we're gonna we're gonna check in I'm gonna see what happens huh huh did he call me Sara so you've collected the pets I trust you've learned a lesson I sure did I went to hell along with all rights and responsibilities I'm gonna [ __ ] in these display cases okay and what about what about you now huh we are done here let's go get paid let's go fine let's move rumors good to be a fighter skilled member don't you think I [Music] swear on the night it's tavern time does McAleer have a house thus Magli or have a house guys I need to know this anyway if he has one let's just say that Christmas will come early in the form of skeletons but that that's nothing to do with me sir for fast traveling this dream but I think at level 10 it's okay to do so alright yeah yeah oh you're gonna [ __ ] at me for doing that as well wait wait hang on wait a minute you know and the port lease I wonder hang on can I sneak into house to give him the cup you're like listen I know I'm breaking into your house but you really need this I saved but let's try it anyway hang on hang on nope there we go all right all right here we go stop I thought I wasn't an invisible man here we go now nobody can see us stoppin alright and and police I think magner snitched on us this anybody what Mangler you son of a [ __ ] it was Meg it wasn't Mangler god damn you god damn you god damn you guys how do you rename NPC's in the game I know there's a command for it and I really need to hang out set actor name what is it sect Act and what is it because I nag Lear magley deserves a new title alright set actor oh it's just it's just name yeah okay hang on name but how do i do quotation marks on on a keyboard like this hang on cuz I have I have a different one hang on set actor full name magley mag Lear mag Lear the snitch I got to do quotation marks as I do it's a set name okay set the name test no doesn't work what they forget I'm using like a Swedish one and it's like gonna do quotation marks it doesn't really work and on shift no copy-paste I'm not I can't do that can I somehow activate this this it's set actor full name and then test that it's name yes yes here it works okay met mag leer nag Lear the snitch oh do i do like underscore oh it's got like it's got a user name there okay is it like alt code [Applause] okay uh how about this how about this I have a better idea we are done here let's go get paid it's tavern time hey back we're I hate him it's 7:00 time all right you know what I have I have a better name um Blair hahaha how about how about this how about this oh I can't do that okay magley more like crap leer haha okay how about this Magglio restore me somebody said that if i do uh these it works hang on test now doesn't work okay whatever it's gonna there we go anyway let's go get paid tavern time wait hang on alright proceed this yes yes that's not the one I wanted I wanted fighters killed here we go here we go then a thieves here we go alright as on it's okay oh sorry it's it's this and 20 the snitch does it work oh it doesn't work I'm sorry so have you taken care of those thieves yet sure I'm cleared them out did you good work you two I see big things for you with the guild know if your payment no no a pleasure to speak I don't know weapon take care one of these states man alright but that's that's enough what an adventure I'm free now free now what can I do with Magli hang on if I do kill what if I do this hang on I hope I can help kill rumors it's good to be a fighters guild member don't you think yes good evening it's good to be a fighter I hate you mag wheel I'm gonna go wait wait wait somebody mentioned that I can teleport NPCs to a plane of existence I'm doing fine I hope I can delete how do I send things to places can I is their way because if that's the case then mama oh how ironic that I put a disable thing on mag we're and lo and behold everything crashed disable let's try this again are you sure you want to delete mag Leary dot exe okay okay let's let's all pretend it's my go hurt something okay I have a better idea I have a such a better idea how do you do it so they're killable oh sorry sorry uh it's not on screen anymore hang on can you guys see this now hang on yes okay good set essential I think I did that just spell it wrong set essential zero actor base not found essential I need the idea in his base idea they're getting a little complicated don't you think then how do I do that set essential all to a e310 but if I do this set essential co2 many okay there's a code for this too so it's four one six five zero I think Magli is now mortal he's now a mortal now all I got to do is wait and wait and wait and wait for a problem how do I make embassies follow me just gonna tell you right now you'll back to fight thus Magli appear again does he come back in fighter skill because if he does then I might as well just like continue and leave him here is your problem oh he comes back okay fine fine anyway let us go in and keep on doing the the Fighters Guild quest so I do want to finish it but everybody's awake now hurry where's Maggie we're serious it's your problem huh in a way stand the ugly no no no no no no no the Magglio saw has ended for now yeah it's this guy ever in his office is on like he's never in here well we are going to get negly killed in one way or that lucky there's no way that this man can walk free pleasure just they're gonna do for advancement I hereby name you protector of the fighters guild all right breathe I'm gonna undo this for now see he is immortal anyway contract I've been told to send you to coral for some duties all right the master's son though I saw this on an SSD no but the game is quite old cities loads fast anyway there's a reader can I make a fake mag leer look out like a like a clone Magglio that that I can just have around me as a permanent dude yeah I can okay I have an idea mag here here we go alright how do you how do you clone we're doing some real magic tonight I don't think you would follow me though really okay play your place at me okay I got this okay here we go player place at me Oh two four one six five one do I not have a it's a mag leer a pleasure to speak with you oh my god oh you're just you're is asking me like puncher had clean off but the question is if I kill nag leer here again theoretically let's find out okay this gonna get a little awkward to do but he's gonna stand here in the middle of night doing nothing so here we are here we go do another quick save just in case okay well they definitely saw this tell you that I could just go to jail for it I don't care at this point okay so if Maggie was dead and I dropped this real quick hang on there we all sorry forty gold for killing Magli or what that's true I guess they hated him too how funny if we started dark brotherhood by killing it fake mag leer Faye clear alright anyway nobody likes him his life is worth forty gold all right so that looks this is corpse still here in the streets yes it is it's dead Magglio everybody but if I go inside here this magma we're still here yes yes until then good ok ok ok ok Magglio you're chastising me for killing you Magglio Magglio I know I have zero intelligence but you're making me have like - I'm doing fine so are you on my brain I was gonna go how do I make mag leer a full Mun is it sex change oh Christ I could have make mag Lera - my my sexy companion out that won't work I saw there a clone of him we're going to like weird territory with this like this is getting odd wife whom leer anyway alright let's actually start doing stuff now you know what you know what you know what we're gonna do a little mag leer it's gonna be I'm gonna make him he is currently he is currently invincible I know that but let's just let's just say that a freak accident while in Oblivion created a alternate version time travel version of mag leer that it's also very small what was the name again set actor name was it what was it set actor there's a tiny desktop nag exactly full name yeah and it's gonna be baby no you guys got a name meanie lair middle all right it's any cute now you know now you know good to see you absolutely all right now that we abandoned that let's go babe leer I wonder right Babli er okay the babbler uh can I make him tinier hang on googoo gaga okay uh it goes fine can i push them around can I like take him for a walk hey go cart come here actually let me see if I can just curious just curious if I do this and then I do TCL oh I made him like okay wait it's you here we go now I'm sitting oh no no that looks like something else Mangla get out of my butt now I want to sit on him Enola Gay like oops okay we have we had an accident in the middle of town stop okay I'm I'm out of here I actually level up - all right okay Megan was like stuck in the floor hello okay TCL he has ascended all right stop right there criminal scum get your head out of your my ass Magli all right this room is ridiculous I think we shouldn't meditate him well what have we learned ice I think we should meditate tell you what I'm gonna talk to this guy if you're looking earnestly and then continue with the quest oh poor Meg we're well met I'm gonna enjoy every time I go past this good morning my god I'm gonna do you know what let's start doing intelligence cuz that's what we need willpower and endurance know how about how about luck sure so we can finally have some like better healing stuff because oh my god I bought a healing spell then I did but it like it sucks cuz I can't use it but whatever let go you know you know what you don't want to do I'm gonna I'm gonna give Magli a friend the times I'm gonna give him things give us some food because he's starving here we go I'm gonna feed I'm gonna feed him like a cat and I'm gonna give him some I'm gonna give us some let's see here some lettuce there we go dab there we go there there we go buddy Oh where's my lettuce then where the hell did that go I hear oh no no no no no no hello Magli r issue food and I'll give him I'll give her some what else I'll give I'll give him a whole mead or like an ale all the Magma's gonna get [ __ ] up on this no my Ayla there we go put it there and put it up no not Magglio gonna be perfect it's got to be perfect there we go and then we get up there go I hope you're fine and I'll also also I'll make a little I'll give him the pie there's got some pie - so he'll be fine Magali will be fine everybody don't worry bicep i upside down should I give him a fork - I think a fork would be fine shovel you know I'll also give him a hourglass to remind him that I I will kill then his time is running out so so the this skull would be symbolic form a clear that he knows that I am I am the Grim Reaper and his time is limited so you know watch out there God now he's reminded hello bye alright get out of this town before we go though yes okay actually you know what you know what before I go when I'm tired of mag leer all I need to do is just bury him like but put it here too so he knows that yeah absolutely yeah there we go and all right there we go now I'm just gonna deliver the the cup back to dude and we are ready to go the Masters at least Magli won't snitch on us this time for doing this thank God I should give him a pumpkin any mods knowledge this is vanilla man here we go that all right in a way apparently there is a way of getting him to follow me but I can't really be bothered yes yes thank the gods finally my mead will stay cold and won't taste like goblin this whoa this guy says ass and pissed in the game my god goblin piss goblin piss alright alright well I thought I was mad away for a moment I'm like damn you following me around anyway no swearing in my vita game no no no no no Todd Howard will be mad he sees things still gonna be around he moved oh my god oh oh I'll be back watch yourself keep an eye on him someone somebody keep an eye on mag Lear Babli alrighty way yeah we got to do you know if you're looking to buy a horse let's buy a horse bye welcome to the horse the horse the horse whisperer alright 4,000 gold that's 4,000 word [ __ ] horse so I changed my mind dude I can't I can like buy house with that money like I'm serious all I got to do now see it's all I got to do is just like steal this horse like this idiots absolute idiots and look I have no bounty for doing that that would be like Jesus you know we ought to do here we go oh I'm tiny too no I just wasn't what I expected but I've got them at can't can I alright there we go no no no no God I'm giant no no yeah I thought I was gonna ride on a like a lot of pony but whoa what's going on whoa bonk oh wait am I talking to myself rumors I hate him what the [ __ ] around tossing fire that's not how I sound our God I'm a conversation with myself prophet he's the one calling for some holy night to return maybe we can use a few more holy nights these days you ever had a conversation with yourself well what's going on oh no no no no no bye [ __ ] okay I'm gonna go now I think you're sure of gorath is intervened yeah anything like resume the game put I just did cuz my game is crashed [Laughter] god I loved oblivion what the hell was that what the hell was that okay question somebody mentioned I can clone myself let's do that real quick this has been like a really really weird oblivion stream tonight how do I clone myself cuz I I want to see what happens well what I'll even work can i bribe myself no no no no no no no okay here we go crate crate full act act there coffee there is an impostor oh my god guys you know we should do fake mag leer and fake Hogan venom Boggan defectives will rise will make diamonds at addresses oh my god please God I'm surprised that on let's see if I can piss myself off how nice thank you ok ok what happens if I what what this just looks I don't want no part of this yeah both Morgan is a summoner what what the hell just happened hang on and then he is me but he sucks at hand-to-hand combat come here get down from there he's playing just like me he's just like me he's playing art coward - oblivion stop your speed has been damaged I didn't know I was this good at the game no come back come back me god damn you I'll pay gold it's okay oh I'm sorry it's real sorry about it real sorry well let's go get my other bands of fun low I'm sorry this dream has been like a circus but I've come for myself trust nobody not even yourself I like the fact that Magners life was 40 40 golds me just punching myself for the golds you move the lettuce all right anyway it's still here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's all yeah [Applause] [Music] stuff resin stop all anyone's hurt [Music] gasps I am already demons [Music] you know you know what III know it's more you know what I should have done I mean this joke works this joke works yes but I can do this joke a little bit better I can do this joke a little bit better and and in the same context too [Music] I can take this right wait what I you realize I just cloned items in the weirdest way possible I killed myself so now I have everything twice Thank You Vanna bogan your sacrifice was necessary [Music] [Applause] what is this dream what is this garbage dream he sacrificed sucking up man [Music] my brother by truly he was a realtor okay okay I can't do this one a little bit better I can't do this a little bit better there we go there we go we will get to the quest but I just got to do one more thing one more thing and I got to do wait [Music] liquid it kind of looks like liquid anyway oh I got him now [Music] Oh No [Music] Oh God Oh God his jeans are falling apart Fox died Fox 9 my so thick all right you know what you know what this is canon now let's just say it throw a freak accident we had a fake bogan spawn and I had to take care of the problem and now I have to all right and I'll take another Reagan what is this [ __ ] stream I'll have to argonian maid books all right okay you know what I'll take all the gold as well thanks I'm gonna leave you I'm gonna put you in the bush and nobody nobody will see that okay where's my damn horse it's actually resumed the game now I want a good horse he went all the way back home there we go all right back okay so you know what the funniest thing here is you know the absolute funniest thing is I'm gonna leave this as the cannon save but you saw what just happened right that killing was obscene as seen by forces unknown which means the Dark Brotherhood just noticed that I killed my clone and they're like you make a fine addition [Music] good bogan you created a time paradox well you can't say that this dream that it was like uneventful but alright anyway let's let's go and and resume these quests coral coral good thing we're taking a course though but yeah [Music] Molly Lou lilo this has been a this has been one of most interesting oblivion stream discuss listen first of all we had mag leer follow us into hell survived came out still pissed at us I made a clone of him I did this dream like I can't even summarize what happened tonight this has been incredible like my god my god well I'm glad y'all could cut could be here for it because my god anyway we need to do something we need to put on a different grab two of these can equip this enchanted item right now white I've never seen that I mean not okay whatever but British rock okay alright who died that they think came back what is my honest opinion on Metal Gear Solid 5 I think I think it was a great game I wish it was longer and I wish it was what Kojima intended I wish it had him on elaborate ever ending you know but I love that I could have been better but you know I had a lot of fun with it and I I'm I miss playing it one of tragedies tragedies in in video games where you know you could could you could you could you could tell that Kojima wasn't satisfied with it I mean especially with without Konami dealt with the whole thing but uh you know III wish we could have gone on the MDS 5 that was like even better but you know my horse is a giant but look at that I wish it had an ending I came out of nowhere didn't it now speaking of Metal Gear I'm actually been contemplating this now I am doing a half-life thing and I'm resuming half-life the I'm doing decay and source mods at gold source mods this this this coming days but I am doing also half-life to this this week but I also want to do a retrospective on Metal Gear starting with AMS MSX title and doing - I do want to play all the games and I want to do I want to do the full voice acting of the original I wanna I wanna I'm on a voice big boss in the first two games just like Sutherland asset you know back on the level anyway yeaaah even acid okay now I want to play the PSP games and I know portable ops is great and all that but I'm talking like not a lot of people like it played the MSX games in fact I'll tell you about the best Metal Gear Metal Gear game that few people I played and it's just a damn shame cuz it's so [ __ ] good but the gameboy game is incredible it's it's so good and like it's it's not canon I know that but for what it is it's incredible it's a great Metal Gear game like and it sucks that so few people I applied it but for the Game Boy Color there there's go ghost babble and it's it's an incredible game and I highly recommend it and I might stream that but uh yeah I'll tell you what tell you what Metal Gear Solid game I should play I should hang on wait a minute I just had an is added revelation why did the Metal Gear Solid 5 zombies ever come out or did was that like abandoned that's abandoned right broken promises cave mark Bethesda cave Ghanim hahahaha that's next ear of God it's still in development oh my god what a [ __ ] show what an absolute [ __ ] show anyway still festering in the bowels of Konami pollutes Martin anyway yeah is everyone gonna do how long have I been streaming guys not counting the first portion of the stream like let's let's just combine that later but because I want to put a three-hour limit on on today's stream so I can resume Ness Madison and the other game so you intended on playing tonight or maybe like three and a half three and a half sounds pretty good we're gonna find a unicorn hey man oh it's this oh god I thought I was gonna talk to her oh my god I'm in a nightmare but first now a murder but your crimes are escalating you have one final chance go out and collect the horns of twenty-minute oars if you succeed perhaps you would have learned something in that time if you fail perhaps you'll be dead and no longer our problem now go that are they chastising me for killing my clone who was part of the guild [Music] this game is incredible this game is incredible I some had a cold for the Minotaur horns my mine got mine got alright so my character is totally like he is when he died I died that day I can't I can't I can't I can't deal with this game right now anyway is can something with aw here we go all three three five six eight thank you so much set thank you so much Luke sky your rank and responsibilities are restored there will be no further chances given you mm I hope I can help yes don't crash whoa whoa why seed why was this problem but whatever it lost oh hey man I hope that can help duties I've got another job for you slightly off the record you'll be going on a mission with Vorenus Dantan narrative the guild masters maybe I was the venom venom Boggan all along you're to accompany him and make sure he succeeds he needs some time in the field to get his confidence up or he'll never become a good warrior warrior all right Delana cuddles the boy too much doesn't want him in the line of fire suppose it's no surprise after the telus all right confidence his mother's been holding him back protecting him you'll go to none will Kevin with him Galt his preview was lost there and you're to find him and not a word of this to the guild master go find him he'll be in the downtown house most likely and bring him back in one piece all right velena danton's eldan time smart all right tell me about it all right so what's it what's happening in the city hide all right who really moves called that day right all right anyway oh hey his guild mate well let's go man I'm Varennes Taunton can we go a mission well of course I'm sure we can do this you say this came from Orion himself well perhaps I should speak with mother first don't oh my god yeah your mother's not to know about this yeah but she's the oh yeah certainly she we should be off immediately I'm sorry it's just that I haven't been given many contracts that's my brother since the accident the accident accident this yes my older brother he was lost on a mission Vitelli died value he sure wasn't a clone that mysteriously died then he had to pay minutes or horns words I'm sure our mother is very proud of him alright let's go man alright well he's better that then then was it was his name again yeah but then did the man Magli there we go sorry I forget this name I try to forget all right anyway a common man all right cool he enemies are nearby where'd you go hey man hey man what the hell did you go you're taking his sweet time hey buddy hey friend coming got like stuck in a tree or something whoa whoa I just took him away okay okay area soon yeah that's cool nah but can you do this whoa is that a bear I'll like that let's see how good he has a killing what's the matter why are you shouting on a bear like might insulting him what is your [ __ ] problem dude but various wants to like you left alone eat them eat them go do it do it just do it man III please you know what you're okay in my book damn or you'll get damn like you want [ __ ] advil for that dude he's fine let us be on our way you do neosporin alright cool dude this guy can like take one in the head you know one of if that's how this brother died you slam into a tree boom like Fist of the North Star alright I'm a homo Shinde - all right I said let us never speak of this again all right thank God now we have we have my Magica back so we can actually you know restore stuff but uh fault bed extraction complete oh my god furnace Dalton I have arrived at nan Belhaven we have to find out what happened to go I was dealt this preview and it should make sure no harm comes to young then don't them yeah don't worry man young you look like you're 40 anyway you know I should really like Oh Charles all gods I don't do so well with these things it's not conscious out okay he is fine I thought these [ __ ] trolls are crazy art Oh God alright uh they're broken actually okay hang on how about we do this there we go oh boy it's a lot to do with this trolls in this game it's like they're ridiculous they will it obliterate you like I'm serious my best bet is just like take them out as fast as possible it's not three throw all my okay I'm screwed I'm screwed no don't anyone I used to revive over and over again oh my god oh my god haha didn't work don't I have flair to do the weight I mean I have that I have the the staff I picked up in Oblivion I can do this hang on check this out whoa there's a new enemy it's docked on dauntless dead Oh green we got trolls and Old Lace Oh well this this this quest is a little difficult it's nothing I can't I can't do see what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna I just I'm the real sneaky about this Matt okay here we go hey you guys just take care of that rack cool later don't say we're gonna do we're gonna cheese I'm already all right now where are they here we go guards guards help help me all right understand here do it no harm will come to dump them no no you have my personal guarantee there we go I think you're safe it's wait an hour oh he's doing fine let's wait a whole day yeah bill do ah yes I'm sure he's doing just fine all right well that wasn't nice relaxing sleep let's check up on our old buddy old pal there's not even like a sudden bone marrow left there's nothing oh hello so he's doing all right doing fine it's alive we must find Gelder's previa yeah I could just mean then I'm here I'm your friend friends friends friend does dwarven held it all right check this up check that check check out bogan wants a equip the super helmet boom oh my god I can't prefer this honestly but this is way better but you know just this dream I'll I'll be a little guarded there you go cool hey took care of the troll I think I'm not sure this this staff is doing more oh my god oh these trolls hurt are their overs but yeah I'm innocent next charity string win the structure next year here we're gonna do no no it worked I'm chasing it a little bit but but come on here it comes now but the sandals he's fine all grace teeth I mean did this say what you bill about mega rare but this dude you know what you know what I'm not doing that I'm doing this instead I feel more confident with my fists honestly no I don't look at this workout Oh God [Music] hmm he's fine well I'm I'm ripping out his teeth like what's wrong with me man anyway tell em I doin [ __ ] dagger if depletion drain magic or I'll take it I guess yeah I'm sorry for hiccupping oh oh well I guess we are really using the the fire staff for this huh out of the way Oh charge I'll I'll do this real quick where's my soul stone I don't have any you can charge it up Oh chip well I guess we're going on good old flare yeah this is completely useless hey at least my destruction scale has increased oh boy all right well I I I have tell you what weapon wart Kurt cure is or cysts normal you know I can actually have this as like a real thing I could actually be good we're gonna do we're gonna find person we're looking for and we're gonna be done with the quest and you can get the hell out of here actually let me get this sorcery potion right now so I can just heal up real quick by the way it should probably get my spell wheel out so I can do this but are these trolls are fast what is with all this these magical items I'm getting like this wait we're just normal weapon quilted oh this is that's the thing I want a second like weird you know casual items and stuff look at this it's perfect for bogan perfect absolutely perfect love it alright okay I'm gonna get through here oh oh no all right oh no do I have that glitch where the music is gonna keep repeating oh no I can't go in here hang on whoa God bad saved bad save bad save oh boy hello if I guys if I told you guys that I I have never seen a Minotaur in this game would you believe me that this is the first time or God that I have ever seen one I have never seen any of these creatures I'm I'm dead serious all right anyway can I just do this instead why the hell if it's easy and I have a high log base yeah but mine are my auto log pick a number whatever hey let's do this the real way Thank You Man I'm still like a luck-based I guess but hang on and one more one more one more thank you what what is your problem what is your problem huh I I have problems tonight with stuff their level of creatures usually only show up a certain level yeah I mean that but like I still haven't seen one guys I can break I can break into very hard chests but if it's easy chest oh mama you better believe it unbelievable war hammer of a version turn undead up to level 6 verse 15 seconds on strike I'll take it but I'll sell it oh my god this darkness is a pain oh my [ __ ] god I have like I have a whole family of trolls after me oh my god what the [ __ ] oh god what's this freedom can you deal with that you deal with that oh babe a baby okay we have an excellent idea how about this this troll Cavin is more deadly than oblivion so how about this we all get everybody ever that has ever existed to go into this cave and help us because these trolls will eat us I guarantee it you take care of that now okay that's my kill I did that we must find gouges prep I welcome at gelt this is dead yes not just a hunch down actually let me say first what was Zeus enemy who is nearby enemies no let me do this I mean we can't kind of use the fact that he is invincible to a degree but you know okay well you deal with that now I'm gonna schedule oh I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck but Jesus alright just let that come to me first okay we're gonna go out these trolls are is so incredibly scary I hear that's better that's better right it's there's no highwayman in here that can help me whoa bye okay uh no what could do now that they're out okay that's perfect that's perfect okay now now chase me Oh chase me chase me they're all gonna come after me right I'm gonna lay them right into the city I'm gonna do it I'm gonna create a Minotaur troll war Oh God here we go this one left now I can take one one on like this no problem Oh God oh Jesus Plus that I GTA san andreas reference yep I think it's owed G to local says it so yeah we have two trolls how close am I to the city and you know I can ease out around these dudes bye bye he keeps dying you can't you can you can't actually oh my god you can't actually slide down the difficult if you want but I hate that I think it I just think they like how hard it is depending like the situation like yeah I dislike using it and I saw someone mentioned that just turn down difficult Jesus but I don't know it's just I mean I'm kind of half cheating it anyway so you know so we're back at the cave now you know and so there goes there and wait I'm going wrong way Oh wah wah wah well but I was saying I was also gonna when I'm done with Vice City I am going to check out I am going to check out San Andreas hey there we go so now now that we're done in here I can just jump over this guy there's no Minotaur all right so that goes there so okay I'm in the wrong wait did the daunted just take the other way I'm not sure it yeah didn't did he I think he might've I think he might have what Oh Harry a serious corpse of gout this all right oh I'll take this this quest was done horribly I'll be the first one to attempt a sin III I'm at fault here for like messing it up by like avoiding these trolls and stuff like that but still still alright so this this lease just took some yeah yeah I think this was specifically made to like be really challenging um maybe but I can just do the normal way right like yeah I can just hang on yeah this is the way okay we yeah we now our problem we need to lure these these dudes out much rare these trolls are like always spawning in here but oh God alright whoa our rats Virata here we go all right anyway so now that we're done with this we can just run home man this guy this guy is the real trouper here man Nathalia he's gonna make it he's gonna make it man nope Oh God anyway so let's start the healing up my restoration here get through oh boy we don't have enough magic oh so what how do you guys pronounce mana mana mana I'm curious I've said this before but madnes murder man Anna man Anna man Anna no but anyway I say mana it's a little bit of a more this is a magic word so this spelling should be different or it's not the spelling but the pronunciation rather sorry I'm 6 a.m. now an oven streaming for a while but I'm still gonna follow up on stuff don't know what don't you worry man anima you guys know that the the muppets crossed over with a Sesame Street like the other day I saw in watermark image of Kermit in I don't like Sesame Street calm I'm like what wow this is like Star Wars and Star Trek colliding man this is intense how did this happen geez oh I gotta go into more dren you know what I'm not gonna break into this guy's house just to like talk to him there we are oh it's raining fantastic now I'm happy they're in the same universe though no they're not whoa what happened we should get back to Orion what what happened oh my god guys I think I know what happened just a theory here but I think I think a daunting Tsar mer got so punished by trolls that he is nude do you agree yep yep that's what happened yep yep yep yep yep yep yep now you're back did damn damn what got him there were creatures inside I suppose that's it I'll paid on time for his contract and I've got this for you good work getting him back in one piece I might make a real soldier of you yet duties I'm going to need you to find madly oh yeah yeah I agree that's right the little vermin has defaulted on another contract oh I need you to go babysit him again uh well that's the understatement of the year Orion wish I knew what happened he had a contract for a local mage in brilliant it seemed like a particularly difficult assignment not again he hasn't reported to the client at all get yourself down to reveal and find Magli oh my god one fact that he's gets done and sent him to me Oh God stop saying it it's my pleasure whoa whoa whoa whoa for you of course well why don't you got to say something goodbye but bye got nothing to talk about at all by Yammer I'm gonna go home and equip clothes because III lost them all in a fight but I am kind of I'm a demigod so I can't die so you know trouble alright anyway let's take another horse ride back boom isn't this one of the last quests or I forgot you know well let's get this helmet off you know I'll comps it this time I wear shirts with no pants man this horse is slow I can run faster than this I swear hang on yeah I brought faster I brought faster than the work you're getting there oh yeah anyway so we be going this way and then we more unfinished business reveal which is wait wait a minute the layer when that dam that I don't know where these cities are just by memory Burgie oh yeah so I'm Abbi okay well all right chill up time everybody let's talk about random topics while I try my traverse the land the seven seasons sacred flame of Arnor anyway no fast travel I try not to I listen I'm gonna ask you guys and it's blood on your hands off mine what do you want being a fast travel at this point to the place or should I engorge myself upon the nature yes or no yes sort of new nope okay good go ahead nope hahaha anything for my princess haha anything from my mag oh my nice anyway so I said I'm gonna go straight down south cuz I'm gonna go here and there's like the point of hey you can't go here all bare creatures never accept a yield let me let me have a proper fight here okay now I feel smart threatening Oh God whoa what if I said TCL on this dude is he a flying bear now Oh God can I go through the tree oh yes he can yes he can oh my god I'm in a horrible horrible mistake Wow help me oh god oh god oh thank god for thank akatosh for fences oh god I forgot about that now the true challenge begins okay no I'm not doing that again I'm not doing that again Jesus blessings of RK upon you look out highwayman you're the money no let's run hmmm you know let's make this a little interesting what's that sound wet and now you deal with it Oh [ __ ] run no my problem now Oh God meet thee the meat zone anyway so that's soup today I said that at the start of the stream but I had this soup right and it was like soup that was just tomato soup regular tomato soup right and I come to the realization that if you're really hungry don't eat tomato soup because that is like hollow food what I mean with that is like it just goes through you sort of be like gross but yeah it's true like you need some croutons or you need some bread and I just had regular tomato soup no chunkiness or anything just straight you know and I was like damn hungry after like three hours after eating so yeah tomato soup is terrible for your straighting the only is flavoring with other things yeah I thought I could like survive by eating lots of it but then kind of gonna work out no real cheese no nothing man I ended up actually making like oh yeah but I told asked this like last streamer of oblivion I've talked about mac and cheese I bought mac and cheese I bought prepackaged American mac and cheese at the American aisle in in our stores we have one but it's mostly like fake American food but whatever so yeah I have mac and cheese and III don't think I've ever like made it like that so uh you know we will see maybe I'll do it on streem wouldn't be funny I just I should just get a USB extension cable and like get the microphone into my kitchen so I can like to stream while I'm playing oblivion making mac and cheese on the go no that's the dumbest idea ever hang on you know what I have this ability why don't I roll more often it's it's how I get through the game you know faster man wait what what's your problem hey buddy okay cool never stroll did you see the new hit movie nope I I know it's good I know people say it's really good but I don't know I haven't been to the movies and I well to the movies let's all go to the lobby let's all go to the lobby why did I go to the Imperial City I don't even know all right all this all this talk about food all this talk about food this little to me hungry what's your opinion on bologna sandwiches I never had a bologna sandwich because I barely know what Bologna is Bologna is like fake meat right for like ham like we don't we don't have that kid cuisine stuff in Sweden right so I don't really know what Bologna is it's that you know what it sounds like you know it sounds like it sounds like you have a balloon full of meat and you like freeze it in and then you unwrap the balloon balloon s of it and boom frozen meat pop along [Laughter] like I don't know man we [ __ ] the closest thing I can imagine to Bologna is like liver here liver paté pet pate hey hey how do you say it yeah now that stuff I like you I like liver man I like that irony taste irony taste iron - II taste man the lignin tastes better than [ __ ] liver Joel ok ok guys am I going the right way I'm going what am i doing I'm wrong way will there be a half-life 2 stream yes and they will be done in one stream - so you you if you want half-life 2 and you're suffering for long periods of time this week will be for you Bologna's actually is hot dogs in pancake form oh okay Madoff had Bologna Bologna Bologna Bologna you guys ever like think of words and that they you taste them like a wine and you end up like tasting can be like that that boar doesn't taste good to say like it says the one of those words like what what I'm crappy word for something like Bologna Bologna yeah that are like porridge or zucchini I think it's one of those one of those Wars that tastes like they sound baloney uh oh yeah there's another word I don't like is kumquat or pimple Joel hates words truly truly things that you should met that matters in your life flabbergast yeah the zit what else oh yeah that this this is more of a this is more of like a you guys stole my word you got you you you listening right now not those other guys to [ __ ] specifically talking to you you listening not those other guys you all right I know what you did you stole fizzy lifting drinks you stole a Swedish word you stole smart girls booed shmore guess borscht more gas more what ah you took my you took my vocabulary my Swedish culture and you'd like I don't know man Mert what was that like it's not shoot in in smut smorgasbord God what do you do murderuss sorry you say that I'm so angry anyway boquete well if you want to know what a merc asset is its motor gross and it means sandwich in sweden which and bood is like table so anyway let's see here what else do we have I fought Oh mud crabs more fierce than you now that mud crab wants nothing to do and he's like no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm good bye I'm gonna I'm actually gonna I'm gonna have a frozen popsicle mud crab delish ice cream Joe what is the longest Swedish word you know probably he practices got the afraid my vibra Hoonah which is Swedish word for singing longest the Icelandic word I know is a fel a aquel but yeah alright anyway keep on going here whatever chance was that can you repeat that yeah he purred acoustica diaphragmatic una and it's just a fancy word of saying like your diagram is vibrating and that sounds and your high park who that's for anyway who you see that that's a that's a full 360 man waving right at my Chapel yo yo check this up I'm gonna I'm a stream hero some mathematic 3 I'm in contemplating doing this for a while and I've been I've been wanting to play with my main man Sandra for a while and it gained crashed god damn it the question is is here are some mighty magic available and some sort of like HD thing Oh God I got to do all that again okay cool well wow I can't believe you made it all the way over there can't believe it excuse me my what I'm sorry to impose upon you like this but I'm in need of assistance and I don't know what to do my husband al Iran is missing missing Oh Meg we're madly triana lonely suitor Lodge lonely suitor are the fair dude sorry Dilys favorite food from your hometown you know check this out now sometimes it's really hard to like tell people why some food is good because it's just like it just it just is and it doesn't look good but just so I'll give you a little bit of this cuz he's spicing things up a little bit but yeah check this out hang on so sweet it has something called body cakes I don't don't don't even ask about that right but it's made of like it's basically uh what is it made out of hang on it's made out of it's it's making like look like a potato dough and you have onions and bacon inside and then you have like strawberry jam too it sounds weird as [ __ ] but it it's really good it doesn't look good at all like I can't even show you an appetizing picture of this and she'll all be like what that looks disgusting but it looks like this and it doesn't really have to potato flavor to it it's it's very unique and you also got a drink this with milk and it's it's a it's fantastic I love this stuff and I might actually go to storing pick up some soon because I love this stuff and and yeah but there's also a version called pulped which is like more regional to where i live but that stuff is like made out of flour I think but yeah this this stuff is really really good it's got bacon and all that jazz too and I quite like it anyway back to the game that was the best picture I could find honestly what's going on over here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Babli or is canon Babli r is canon what the dude well okay you again I imagine I know why you default the dude defaulted that's all you talk about money I'm Blackwood company now plenty of work the pay is good and I don't have or rain on my back all the time oh boy you are but why am i cling on you overall or gobbler the job needs to be completed let me give Magnus some [ __ ] cuz he put me through some crap here sup here some doo doo that means a lot coming from you oh I didn't hear about you ratting me out to alright oh now get out of here before my friend and I get angry they want to fight you again have you heard about crotch they say that Deidre came from oblivion have I heard about Quach have I heard about coach I I need to sleep off my anger I'm sorry I great so see us to join the Blackwood company so alright for this stream I I am you can't arrest her from this location okay so what all the way back all the way back to to Orion I've been ok that I'm gonna faster I'm sorry but like I can't dude I just can't I'm only partially Scandinavian but I recently had a semla oh my god I was rock solid for a week yeah so wait a minute I could have just I could just stand outside and done this I didn't need to travel all the way to prevail whatever as on those are not the so not sleep with these dudes like he's above that you see up here hang on maybe in the quarters but yeah alright so check this out this this is a same law it's one of the one of the bests of Sweden right so there we go now if you like if you love pastries now for some reason I don't know why but I guess marzipan isn't so super popular in America but here it is and if you love a lot of whipped cream marzipan in the side and some I guess in a weird kind of like I like a doughnut s bread you would like these here they are oh mama oh mama they look like this and I want one now mmm mmm yummy they really are like ginormous I'm not even kidding about this like they will do there they're quite quite to something let me tell ya oh please now I want one oh no thanks as on so on man damn it wait wait is their bite their bones here that put it here where's that creepy scale it was probably us creepy skeleton right there we go tell you what I was gonna sleep well everybody's waking up everybody on the planet it's 4:30 in the morning it's Ron Oh morning good morning all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey who sleeps in here again hang on nobody that's who I can sleep here if I want no problem hopefully brother soundly for a murder that's good I'll need a clear conscience for what I'm about to propose Oh who who are you explain yourself now or say nothing I'll do the first one classic I am you've seen the chance a speaker for the Dark Brotherhood in you you are of life harvesters your words come to you with an offering an opportunity to join our rather unique family man say what you will about oblivious voice I can't eyes but the guy who voiced Lucien is like the best like he Wow alright anyway please please continue mr. Lachlan I find your etiquette refreshing Hey now please listen carefully on the green road to the north of reveal lies the inn of ill omen there you will find a man named name Rufio will kill him and your initiation into the Dark Brotherhood will be complete do the happy and the next time you sleep in a location I demons this is secure yourself once more bearing the love of your new family but I'm not murderer no the night mother seems to think otherwise allow me to grant you a gift in case you reconsider it is a virgin blade and thirsts for blood Burrell brew brew now I bid you farewell I do hope you meet again soon what if I do this hang on what I'm doing is less awkward than what just happened though so you know we we good to see you too oh my god so I'm not gonna do dark brother this this this stream with next stream for sure I'm doing fine curious oh yes wait a minute well wait what why how did that go to this place I'm not supposed to be here I'm supposed to be in in coral coral was about being [ __ ] and all I'm supposed to be in here yeah my god hey man things nananana na I'm so I'm so excited in Swedish what the hell is wrong with me man okay look what's the story on magner yes yes I know he took him in when no one else would this is how he repays us talk to Ari Ari and reveal she's our client do the job Oh God all this all this back-and-forth crap alright thanks alright sorry they're not fast traveling now but you know we are up to almost three hours of well blooming today and like you know I do want to get a move on so the lucky old lady I'm sorry I'm sorry too you guys have a laugh that's a stranger's conversation and you try not to laugh because you don't want to acknowledge other people in public like say there's two dudes in a grocery store they tell a joke and you go because it's funny whatever they're saying and you're like oh [ __ ] no look no it's not funny Swedish problems dilemma do one took us up see I mean you can't do it he is kind of strange because like you're not allowed to specifically because like you're not part of their circle you not I mean wait why am I in the mages guild okay what I needed Katelin hello Stan Tadros heavens has more jobs than she knows what to do with she's very eager to help out her guilt wonderful well I guess I have to break in all right I stand here eventually when she pops up by I guess are they gonna arrest me for being in here oh yes oh you know I need em call for my research uh Blackwood company real just don't trust some endeavors demand time necromancy may be illegal in Cyrodiil but few will openly admit to practicing it now that the mages guild has bass sounds like she's got something in her mouth like no wait a minute no I am supposed to talk their time someone from the fighters guild showed up in call yeah I need em call for my studies ten portions of it in fact you might check robbers get mad a minute wait don't I already have that like the fall teammate because I always pick up that crap hang on imp call that one so so aggressive dude come on all right let's get out of here and go to that cave get some stuff go back boom all these travel they're real quick it's gonna be so you said the trolls quest but like a bunch of troll stuff and now now I can like just do it super easy cuz it's like it's like oh gotta watch out a real challenge Oh Mamma Mia Thanks Wow I can't believe what a hard thing this is I'm look I'm just like ripping their heads open just like squeezing into it like a bucket give me the paste press the rest of these dudes yeah by the way let's do this - yeah no no there we go okay that's cool boom boom boom you see some sort of cedar she's strong enough I I am I am strong enough to actually just punch these dudes oh I got I got a fix this up hang on can i repair hammers this no I got I got to take this stuff to an armorer to have it fixed I can't do it on my own acts of Hazard whoa what is this yo guys look at this weakness to fire 35 weakest to frost weak is a shock we just what this is amazing holy crap okay I may say only got 14 uses but still damn okay I know it still only weakness but if you were like a spell blade that would be like the best thing ever the foam and I like let them go boom dead alright anyway three more three more you know what song I was listening to today and I realized go about god that song is so good oh by myself don't wanna be that should be both bogans theme as he's punching through Skyrim don't want to be by myself is hello bye alright cool shock she'll be getting so much stuff water walk I can pick up Jesus okay oh my god bear no no my luck is being drained oh no not my luck emerald dude forget all this stuff like get look yet that's that you had to make your life so much more bearable so I gotta like skadoodle in here hang on whoop okay hang on guess we gotta keep this open to hang on [Music] no no see easy crates orcish gauntlets okay I mean that would have been nice if I you know had a real use for it but I kind of don't so sorry I should just collect more stuff here because I'm lazy I'm getting incredible loot like this for example like gold Wow look at this Ruby oh my god I can't go here okay hmm I think it's a bit of an unfair staff that I just like it's too I think a luck should not be a stat it should be completely random I mean that's that's what luck is which I mean the it manipulates the orangie I guess with with the game by increasing your like staffed for it but it's still kind of like it's unfair in our way I mean no because it's like investment into more items you know but a lot of RPGs do do a lock staff so I really should just shut the hell up but still but what luck actual doesn't affect item drops and I believe you select the original stats increases the health to decide you bet on the arena what I didn't know that I'll take this - oh damn it you know here we will do you're off this boom oh god that's ugly damn dude never go am I the only one who hates socks I hate socks I hate him first thing I do whenever I get get home from like an event and I get home first thing I do throw us those damn socks off oh I love summertime because I can just sit inside all day with no socks on and I have iron feet to so uh I can I can like a go on on rocks and it doesn't hurt me Hayden and I got a I got a confess something jet you know that one sock that's always missing from the pair that was me I'm just trying to prove a point that I hate socks and you should too so I'm sorry I took your sock listener viewer but they taught you a valuable lesson you know Sox suck more like saw sucks oh oh that one you smelt your check this a check is that I want to do this boom Oh God all right anyway I'm like a hobbit you know really well thank God I Bruce on coffee-room night huh so where is she how do you do well yes it might come in handy in your work but why grand rigor of a you uh what's this whispers shield 18 constant effect hell yeah and I can real like multiple rings right okay yes oh this is fantastic Oh wonderful all right now we're gonna fast travel back and I'm sorry that I'm fast traveling stream but we are doing it for for time constraint reasons if anything I mean if I was just doing oblivion tonight I wouldn't be but you know now resist normal weapons and magic I really needed this to man okay where is he where is he don't go outside what is it there we go I can't believe we lost another to that bunch well done taking care of the contractor we can't afford to lose any of them these days here's your payment for completion of the contract I think it's time for us to discuss the Blackwood company a bit oh they weren't always a threat small three hundred goals until we Zach are took over then came the fat Imperial contracts after a mission in Black Marsh they set up shop in layin ruthless than ever it needs investigating first them you will need advancement oh yeah well I what I get to your service to the guild has not gone unnoticed henceforth you will carry the rank of defender the offender title proudly alright cool I've got something for you but we're not going to talk about it here but I want you to meet me at my house what does sundown what we'll talk more then what what I'm sorry I wasn't we'll talk later meet me at my house after dark what later what how about no I'm gonna go get my stuff repaired first yes my mic not in my new place are constantly bleeding hoping in our closed oh god damn it alright well I guess I have to Faro follow him home kinda like this like this one bit and I don't like this I just like the original bogan experience like I this is what I need nothing else man shark shield here we go that's wrong with this guy man dude I'm like spider-man what the look I can jump so hot whoa how this happened dude I'm Santa Claus I cannot spy on everyone from here what the if had a bow I could snipe like everybody nobody would know what the tonight okay it's challenge an I get up all the way over there hang on Park work if I if I do this and then I like jump on the sign hang on tonight okay new challenge oblivion ik parkour let's see I kept like get up here and I can like jump on the sign hang on that's gonna be a little hard to do but alright go go go go and then we by the window by the window yeah what was that about yes someone would see this person standing on the roof with our bow and arrow well I did not in this game you know this game is it's wacky wacky effects well anyway nobody looks up here they're like dogs but that's a myth actual the dogs can look up did you guys know that it's like an urban legend or like a wives tale whatever you call it that uh dogs can't look up the stupidest thing I've ever heard of my life dogs can't look up well let me smash this because I know that somebody shot say will do it true no ready ready boom D confirmed well technically Dean look up hello kindest did I I did I put that bit yes I did I forgot I'm sorry okay well I could do this but all great now kicked out of the guild good you're here we've got duties to attend to okay I've been looking into them heard some disturbing things I know the disturbance things all night and we know they're good at what they do why don't we stop them huh the lane has gotten tentative since removed she's worried about getting us killed but we're just getting killed a little bit at a time uh all right that mission was the start of it that was when the telus was killed we were contracted by a wizard a wizard off to recover an artifact from black heart oh I went in there with 20 men I left with five the telus wasn't one of them he died covering our retreat hmm and the black wood company i snooped around apparently they completed that contract for us I went in there with 20 good men I can't believe that lunch finished the job there's more argh off he's dead the effect gone Oh sounds like a setup maybe they made a deal with black art I don't know but I'll find out alright so what now now we find out what really happened and we let it be known I want to show the people who the black wood company really are I can't order you to do this with me it's dangerous and villena isn't going to know about it it's your choice amen we leave as soon as you're ready I want to investigate Blackheart stronghold in our pina meet me at the Leo and guild hall we'll go from there all right cool we need to fun let's go let's go was weird so okay you want you want me call all the layin odd my god back and forth back and forth this entire stream back and forth dude but I'll do it well I can eat for a day with a single koi Oh have a coin thank you again this guy doesn't fake it this guy's a fake because the other guys are like again there's like a sixteenth time I said this but you know feed all over and suddenly when you give him a coin did you know that oblivion is a dangerous place anyway the gorge is fast travel yeah I'm kind of doing it for time reasons this stream you know all right I thought he'd draw a sword and try to kill me dude whoa yes hello we need to check out opinion come on okay well well and then I got a oh god alright listen listen what time is it guys listen at this point at this point I think I'm ready to call it quits for we have done we have done a lot of quests tonight we have done even the main quest stuff you've done so much progress that I'm like yeah yeah alright three hours okay we're done at three hours and I think that's perfect for me someone to stream the other stuff as well tell you what we're gonna go to the armor we're gonna get our stuff fixed and boom I'm single thanks dad but but bye alright this in out the armor is here yes okay there we go the dividing line yes absolutely it is broken I can fit four four four gold damn bro all right you know I'm just gonna sell all my really good stuff I mean listen I love my stuff right but at the same time I gotta be honest I don't love it more than a house you now saw this - screw it and I will never ever use these bear pelts again sapphire gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go and gotta go gotta go through these soul gems I don't need them that's more than I don't have any charges so screw it and I could also sell my other shall I also sell my other Quan Lohse okay cuz like you know what what's the point how about we do this do that I want to get the one that's not stolen so if I do this well both are stolen isn't it well don't look at me like that we're gonna have to alright fine keep them for your house alright yeah have a backup Quan low yeah just in case stuff will go really self you know anyway let's go let's go get that house which by the way it's haunted you guys know you know so oh ho ho stop thank you oh this are going inside is a good dude I like him pulse of my heart Spinks you made me feel you bastard anyway know that this isn't this isn't haunted house haunted houses back in the anvil isn't it yeah wrong wrong city dude we got to go back to animal rights yeah yes anyway everyone here and boom all I need a key all right I thought I had the key though well whatever I'm gonna go to the inn and I'm gonna be like hello I need the key to the spooky mansion that you're gonna sell me thank you oh hello Babli technically we could kill Babli right and there would be no repercussions right I've been there the cows arms where is he what no that's the guy I mess with ages ago that Manor is still for sale if you're interested I sure AM if you want to buy Banaras manor it's still available for a modest price no questions asked please use it yes five five thousand gold excellent here's the key to the front door and the deed of ownership I hope you enjoy your new home now if you'll excuse me I must attend to those pressing matters I spoke of earlier that took like three weeks to do guys we got herself a house we got herself a house ain't that cool damaged a lot of money left well what a low price I wonder what's odd awful absolutely awful this day has been nothing but like shenanigans alright let's check it out my own home let's see here odd I have a route up my new house and anvil Benner's Manor looks like the place may need some work but it was a great dealers couldn't pass up I can now make myself at home looks great huh well now I'm gonna sleep an hour here that feels good I don't like my new home I hate it the doctor will see you now mr. Bowman I hate the dentist I hate it ah well that worked well I can tell what's going on in there but it seems fun yep hey what's going on here oh my god ha pathetic this guy can't even punch blow like he has a sword still can't blood kill ghosts I'm using my fists thanks get rid of this ectoplasm police wonderful yeah yeah yeah I'm fine I'm fine Punch ghost but how does a ghost believe it and how does it fall down it's levitating right hello everybody welcome back and Luigi's Mansion various masala I was awakened by ghosts at a technomage slab as I walk I thought I heard a crash from downstairs I should search the house investigate okay oh my god hmm skeletal and what's this I found a skeletal hand next up page from their diary the very makes mention of a secret room that house had their only true blooded Boehner's can open I would need to talk to velvet about this I may have to ask her in town of fine where he has gone [Music] the people of animal of worms how dare they criticize what you don't understand I shall have my vengeance in a fall they cannot possibly imagine I shall lose the souls of the departed to prolong my own life the tomb is very specific I must have more bodies yes more bodies they what there what you deal with that I'm gonna go order hotel by man my house sucks yeah all right anyway wonderful I hope I can help sure it's my pleasure oh yeah do you know I don't think about this guy I'm not sure where he went but I would ask if the counts armed cool take care cool you know rest all right everybody that's gonna be it for believe me today now this with a pretty long extreme we did a lot of stuff and and yeah pretty good pretty good stuff me up but I'm done with this for tonight I'm gonna move on here to another game but yeah I still love watching and you know never forget whoa oh he always dead like actual dead dead how do I spell resurrect please well and then and then and then where am I yes there is I hope that can kill resurrect hello kill resurrect kill prease erect I'm doing fine bye-bye all right let's end this in style okay what's the command to to make do this clone how do you clone oh boy you look least great full actor coffee Oh No Oh bogan bogan Bugan Bugan Bugan Bugan bogan what's your story let's kick this up a notch I believe my ice are bleeding yeah that Sun you see at down at the fighters scale don't worry about it robot noise can you kill all oh yes you can oh uh you ever swam in a in a sea of yourself sleep tight bogans sleep tight here's a question let's do this horrible I have an idea and this idea is pretty stupid there we go all right now oh okay they don't spawn in the air like I do I think how are you attack of the giant bogan she now cool let's see let's see if I can see from from the air how many there are I wonder what the limit is can I do like 20 already like a hundred a thousand Oh No oh my eyes Oh God I'm looking into the Sun I hear like robot noises son the bulkan yes alien ruins the big thing is to watch out for the traps thousands of years old and still working amazing thanks son bogan oh god the noises yes I'm gonna go now bye oh my god that's one more time all right how do I create entities I'm curious wait wait a minute I have an idea I am Ivo Oh guys let's do a classic let's do a classic guy thought I spawn how do I spawn like potatoes or watermelons we need to do a classic you know what that guy we messed with ages ago sex tears Noah's paneros it was pinners hang on he's in here too all right alright now we got to find apples nope how about this I have a great idea how about this we do this I check this out actually they get something real quick hang on well I want to help watermelon didn't really work I have an idea yes sorry uh I got a I got a bar or something for a second yes oh yeah yes yes hello hello all right okay go to bed good ideas and now we do this it's okay play okay so how do I do this player spawn what is it place place at me set it item let me see if this works no here's potatoes I'm gonna try that real quick 91 no sorry player place at me Oh for a 9 1 d oh I gotta do this in caps sorry they're not do it right now player add item it's like locally you know place at me and then it's got to be well its water balance again sorry not case-sensitive okay player place at me item I got to do like item right 0:03 three six zero one okay here we go are you guys hungry place work please work don't crash and now we wait it's gonna work I'm gonna get oh Christ are you we're opening up believing for one last time cuz I need that I need it I want it I need it now here we go you four go back to sleep back to sleep time Leslie Leslie all right player place at me Oh was it all o3 a F oh no what was it again sorry 3 3 6 e 0k a hundred all right now can just do 700 Oh cushions let's do 300 and again it's like a it's like a ball pit you know feels like I'm playing gmod now we're getting a need to get out of here well I'm alive sort of whoa - where's my friend Darius I can't steal them though that that's bad sorry we have no desire to consort common criminal hmm hmm okay sorry hello what can I do for you get-get-get like a fire talking here or for someone to help you Matt ladder what can I do for you uh Nomura Frias Vinicius is good with his fists oh really by not unless fighters here will talk to you again it still follows me can I steal one hmm naughty boys it's okay guys I'll pick all this up how many can I how many can I eat in one go imagine eating 36 melons I think you would actually die how about this disabled by he is no more now check this out set scale a hundred huh okay I can't I cannot get out open up Oh get in get it you quick you gotta get it in quick how about we do this real quick TCL DC l DC alright the moment we open this door hell it's like oh okay close it up we don't talk whoa whoa okay don't talk about this alright it dripped down it dripped down what about the basement let's get out of here now the big finding out let's go stop whoa you violated the law the how with your blood I'm sorry bye-bye a good job well I think I've just disabled it in general so it's like okay I see okay the moment I unleashed this super spell of watermelons this time we'll be ready hammer gulp please work no I just closed up okay anticlimactic I guess but that was a long oblivion stream thanks a lot for watching I'm gonna switch over to another game now so sit tight and more games coming right up
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 134,272
Rating: 4.9245677 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, clone, bulk, bogan, tes, oblivion, maglir, fighter's guild, fighter, quest, console, cheat, skooma, funny, metal gear, solid, solid snake, liquid snake, phantom pain, nuclear, standing, cloning, glitch, watermelon, physics, crash, oblivion gate, kvatch, hero of kvatch
Id: U-fZMSAn4hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 39sec (13059 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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