[Vinesauce] Joel - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ( Part 1 )

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that's right all right so I'm gonna I'm going to strain this like it is the first time we straighten this even though I've seen many times before in my sauce but uh yeah living it's one of my favorite games it is a very wacky game but it is it is a good game yes it has gotten a lot of resurgence of late because of you know internet stuff but I've always enjoyed oblivion for what it is you know I I got it on my 360 back in the day when it was first released even and I always loved it it's got some some little awkward harsh edges that it can sandpaper down I guess but uh it kind of answered the charmin I believe but alright so we're gonna have to recreate our last character unfortunately it is a little bit embarrassing but uh hey if it means I can stream more oblivion than fine fine but uh anyway so let's uh let's put this on on screen here can I do that can i under prepared as always that's that's a Joel stream for you man I tell ya I know this sounds trivial and dumb but whenever I hit our blog in music I I get nice feels into my spine I'm like hoo hoo Marwin is better absolutely moorwen is better but that's not the point listen uh if I wanted listen I've tried to stream or win before and it borrowing streams really badly I love Maura when I do but first of all I would have to do a lot of reading and and immerse people in it which you know won't be that much of a problem but migrating voice and a lot of dialogue to read is uh a nightmare for you guys you know so but yeah I'm living is more of the animated game so to say if that makes sense it is more of a it's also its flaws in its way because you know it's so goofy at times but and it has a lot of unintentional humor which I liked as well they're very different you know anyways there we go almost ready almost ready and here we go all right again if you're tuning in last time we played this I accidentally deleted my save files I was moving we must have strings and bifesta gained streets for my documents asked like the save route and I was just cleaning that out I'm like oh wait that's where my save is right so I got to redo this that doesn't matter cuz now it begins anew and nothing ever happens right I was born 87 years ago for 65 novels I drooled as Tamriel's Emperor engaged all these years I've never been the ruler of my own dreams I have seen the gates of oblivion beyond which no waking I may see behold in darkness a Dueling sweeps the land a compressed video oh boy the real did look this compressed back in the bay to like you we you saw past that I guess but uh but we got to love the the ground texture here around the land with you seven good lost seed the year of akatosh 433 these are the closing days of the third era and the final hours of my life it's like a beta were look at that I don't want to like break the immersion I think that Letta where's all this stuff it's a guy a bootleg version of the axle world you know I guess they may be the cinematic first of the theme of amazing graphics for 2006 it was on Italia these graphics is to blow me away they really did [Music] here we go oh what a feast assistant that's right alright so uh I said this before but yeah we're we're last left off we did a character and unfortunately that character did not he got I accidentally erased which is really embarrassing but hey again we're going to play it like nothing ever happened but uh yeah oblivion I want to recite what I said last time oblivion is all my favourite games you know it is a little mimetic in nature these spaces in it but I I've always enjoyed oblivion generally for this and as I said it's a little rough at times but a day just adds to the whole experience I believe it is it is definitely not as a complex of a game is morrowind it is more streamlined in certain regards but it's still a fine game and I very much enjoy it we are going to be playing the main quests - stuff like that I can't guarantee that we're going to do all the guilt quests and stuff like that but I'm not we're going to try to enjoy oblivion for what it is and you know play it but uh yeah anyway what character we're making III have this idea that I should just make me in the game with oblivion it's awful awful a character designer I don't know what what do you guys think you you guys want you guys want what you guys want the book yes yes all right I guess okay here's what we're going to make do you either want the Joel or you want the muesli well we really split on this opinion huh the Joel Joel oh my god we are we are a bit of a conundrum here all right fine fine fine because here's the thing we need you know what to do you know we should do let us make a straw poll on a post a strawpoll I've never really do these things but a oblivion character Arielle Joel both all right that's so dumb for me to do this but I here we go here we go if you need to light that was a bit of a waste of my time but we're going to make a new character here because dammit dammit I want to make a character that I feel is totally the ultimate in in like a monk character you know here we go now that's going to be way easier because you know making a making a character that it's like super duper ugly uh it's kind of oblivious natural thing here we go so what we're going to do is is do this because I think there's like I almost almost a hairstyle for this here we go book book it's a little pants oh there we go I don't know what book is actually colors though but all right here we go movie the best thing yeah I guess this is the closest thing to a bogan haircut hang on yeah okay yeah okay and then we do unnatural yellow okay okay okay we have something already there we go okay length maximum length okay we have it we have it all right now he's going to do giant eyeballs Ariel here we go OOP we got no no no can I make him bigger all right face here we go Volk Morgan looks quite silly oh that's a little too round oh I guess that works all right we're gonna do the mouth has to look a certain way cheeks here we go I'm onto something you know what you know what we need a reference picture that's what we need let me let's let me let me get a good reference picture for bulk here we go this is like the worst picture for it but uh III guess it kind of works hang on there we go all right now we just have to get this face onto this this man on the right so all right here we go oh boy where do I even start a little bit more of that little this okay mouse I think it's kind of yeah then no no okay now if I get a mustache on him I think it'd be pretty good actually there we go see he's in jail too so it's even more perfect it's like medieval hard time that's what it is this is perfect this is perfect man oh my god guys okay the nose I can even okay this that this is an excellent character for oblivion let me tell you he he'll fit right in all right yeah there we go our case he's got a little bit of a pretty wide no snow so something like this would work bloke Morgan is also constantly angry at life so okay there we go just let's just a little bit up here we go yeah yeah yeah yeah sin wide that works yeah a little too long of a no spell but you ever go knows we got a there we go yeah okay okay now we got a six up to four head a little bit because he's got a giant one there we go okay Wow he is ready for some combat man all right so what else can we do here chin I think we fixed that last time it's kind of a square chin honestly I'm analyzing things I never thought about okay there we go oh my god yes okay you know okay Patrick Stewart he he voice acts in this game but I think this looks like Captain Picard if anything engage all right okay okay no we're definitely getting there we're definitely getting there all right now I just got sixties iced up man big as possible because it's like the the hard time kind of face off a little bit too much alien for me kinda looks okay all right face let me see if I can change here now that that is good enough a little more a wide face all right now I think we're done that the jaw the forehead for sure brow okay okay okay Bogg bogan is angry now so you can get the ice more like this okay okay I think we got something I think we got oh my gosh I think we got something okay no don't do that and I forget you just get the ice a little closer to each other because this doesn't look good you know here we go yeah this is one you know you spent too much time on on oblivion face crater when you're doing stuff like this oh my god that face he looks okay in the front but other side my god I can you know what it fits for both though it fits for book there we go there we go okay we have something all right now the moment of truth here if we can get first of all the ice okay there guys okay there we go there we go okay now the question is can I put a weird beard on them and if I can do that we have a book oh my god all right there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah almost almost it's getting there let's see your eyebrows it's got pretty oh wow Kenshiro that's gonna be harder than I thought huh but I like a challenge I like a chill oh my god it's losing its like color if I do that when these oblivion face stuff it's unbelievable isn't it all right I guess that works I guess if anything I can do like a yeah music is so ominous ma'am Wow okay okay okay it's like a techno dance okay what is wrong with this skin I mean he's getting there for sure you know it's not too terrible I mean yes it is but you know there we go okay nose yeah okay it's coming together it's coming together for sure okay a little more that yeah okay now if I can get this beard in if I somehow I need to close my window hang on re-rack sorry alright I gotta get the little goatees going but like this is it like this looks bad like it's got that weird of Bolivia no no no no no no no no look look at that look at that never refine this just a little bit maybe yeah yeah okay okay II no no no no I'll keep it keep it keep it give cute no less of that this is harder than I thought this is where Maude comes in handy right this is where Maude comes in handy where we get now he's like green what man oblivious face crater-like I love it but why is it so weird I think this is the best of all get honestly I don't know if we can get better than this because now we spend too much time on this and if we wasted so much potential time and eyebrows right you know what you know what though you know what though [ __ ] a little bit more less of that yeah there's something magic here is missing I don't know what it is but uh yeah that's more like him but uh okay yeah [Music] yeah okay now it's okay there we go now I fix up the lips a little bit and I can't believe I spending this much time and I believe you making like dumb dumb dumb characters I mean that's that's that's pretty good that is pretty good you got to give me some credit it's the best we'll get okay it's the best we'll get he looks like he like just ate like raw ground beef this is something wrong with him I can't put my finger on it but uh all right that's the best we'll get I can't get better than that honestly I wish I could use the ice completely hang on I guess that's not we can change right I don't know what else we can do because you can't you can't change the ice you know the mustache is the thing wrong with them yeah I know but like I can't really make that so the mouse well that's because his mouth is open here like in the reference picture like II now let me show you how both looks otherwise like both cast a pretty wide mouth you know there you go mouth too wide still alright you know I can try to fix that I guess but we got to get a move on soon we have to get a move on soon you guys were right [ __ ] it it's the mouse if we if we change the mouse a little bit yeah that's the secret okay there we go that's better isn't it yeah that's what it is that's what it is that's what it is man okay that's what it was that's the trick okay now if the ice can get a little closer okay hang on I can't can I maybe hang on let me do the forehead yeah what do you think I think that you know out of all the oblivion stuff this comes yeah it's in their jaw Heath great lighter forehead we won't get any better than this honestly ice a little bit bigger all right but after that we I don't know if I can do more no no no no no no no no okay listen this is the closest we'll get honestly I can't I can't send their jaw and we're done all right thinner jaw deliver that there we go mmm I don't know I think I think I ruined it up there we go yeah okay can I get these parts to fit say a little better can I get the cheekbones yeah here we go cheekbones more like straight hang on oh yeah there we go you know I don't know if I can make it any better than this jet honestly honestly side shot pump it each time to boom face alright oh that's even better actually you know what it kind of has a he kind of this uncanny resemblance to Vladimir Putin [Laughter] which question that looks like young dave mustaine look it up but alright here we go mama alright what else can we do here I think we're good here though like yeah alright we're going to go with this and I think the hang on I think the eye color it's a little too or like the color around is ice we fix that up it's a little bit and then we change the skin to be a little more tanned yeah okay we got our bulky we got our boat I guess the last thing we could change here and I mean the last thing is maybe just the nose that's not the nose though oh great now I ruined it this editor is something else yeah it's the best we'll get its the best will get Thank You Boake thank you we're gonna go with both Morgan said who's cable guns and yeah now if I could make you just black ice I would but I can't so uh yeah a little green you know you spent eating a little too many sewer rats you know all right here we go and yes oh yes it looks fine look look LS it that s bulk all right I'll give a [ __ ] that's that's who he is yes I know I guess right so strong you can't dance T if I came and those big muscles most place going to waste away oh you won't even have the strength to cry for your mother mama right you're going to die diamine or you're going to die hey you hear that the guards are coming for you alright 10 cool all right my job right now is to get you to safety this is this is both bourget's like great great ancestor you know usual mix-up at the watch and I never mind get that gate open stand back you won't hesitate to kill you if you get in our way it's not a state foot prisoner good let's go we're not out of this yet I like ice head moves you I am seeing you really let me see your face you don't wanna you are the one from my dream you dream of me then the stars were right if this is the day let something like there's now a nice string I agree to card number one engage all right what's caught what's going on Assassin's attacked my sons and I am next my blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route by chance the entrance to that escape route leads through your cell who are you or clay main.js uh yeah I forgot what what what the actual bulk boganan heart I went to prison for I think you like for terrorism or something but anyway who are you I am your Emperor Uriel Septim by the grace of the gods I serve Tamriel Isola you are a citizen of Tamriel and you too shall serve her in your own way they named it Kaylee perhaps the gods have placed you here so that we may meet as for what you have done it does not matter that is not what you will be remembered for oh I go my own way or what should I do I what should I do I go my own way so do we but what path can be avoided whose end is fixed by the Almighty God we must keep moving I ate my cellmate I ate him I'm one of our way you don't want to do that again yes there's trouble ahead your destiny calls me down the trouble just hit you in that all right these are my bought boring gang signs waste side waist side waist tight left protect the Emperor protect yourself this can only lead and I would trust both more gonna be your life yeah are you all right side we're clear now captain Renault and offers that death rattle sir this guy is like I don't know mace with the Beast alright alright we got a complete this we got a complete the look guys boom perfect it's perfect they don't run in my head we will Oh God look I'll take point stay here why did he suffer but he is ripped all right so on my last day we did we you chose a monkey character and I'm going to do the exact same thing here I'm not going to do any weapons in this run it run sounds weird but yeah I'm going to do a pure fist run just to like be the perfect book that door alright let's see what else can you you know I I think both would be do you think book fits more into the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood what do you think wait waste site here we go doc fatherhood yeah for sure waste site alright anyway it's perfect you guys I was doing the same thing in hard time I saw flashing these gang signs you know there we go yeah yep Oh separate rat flu all right you know I think I'm just going to skip all this honestly because like we we spend a lot of time last stream just messing around this tutorial this is the tutorial by the way who's watching oblivion for the first time that's what I'm wondering yeah I would say if you're watching a blender for the first time and you oh my go there's too many people alright so I'm going to be playing this game with the with the assumption and most people have played it or know where I'm going or doing but I'm gonna occasionally just film I'm gonna like let people know that what's going on like hey here's a goblin you can you can do sneaking stuff on this game like dude you know you crush down you get this eye and then you can you know do that which I always say laughs but yeah but yeah if you're new to this I'll give you a brief brief explanation to all of this oblivion is let's see arena was the first one I think this is the fourth in the school's game and it came out in 2006 some people regard this as a masterpiece I see it as a moral flawed masterpiece of anything it is a great game it's got a lot of fantastic atmosphere great music you know that it is occasionally a little weird and wonky you know the ragdoll for its time was a little yeah but when this came out it was like it was like the the game when it came home to role-playing games you know it's a very rough diamond yeah but it's a very it's a very eccentric game it it's heart of hate to say but I'm sure there was a lot of pure respect in that back in the data said dude this game is just crap but uh yeah yeah unfortunately I think oblivion is a product of a time with an erroneous clear to trust I think oblivion is it's a thing of its time where people favored graphics of a game play a little bit and I think that's how this game was developed in mind you know hot off the heels well that would be 2003 with the testers Morrowind Marwan wasn't like looking game but it had amazing atmosphere amazing lore and you know the comet isn't like the best but it's based on the the dice D&D stuff which was fine but I think Bethesda said all right plus a movie we want the players to have a more you know boom boom comet experience and they went for this whole nice looking game and they kind of stumped it some of them you know marwan's I am NOT going to get the staff by the way uh marwan's finer elements you know some of the toughest miss streamlined or simplified which is fine it makes it for a different game but uh what it is its oblivion and I think it's a great game it's got a lot of lovable characters and quests in fact I think this game has the best guild in all of the Elder Scrolls games the Dark Brotherhood as I said before it's like an assassination guild and it's going to fit right in with bulkier I could sell the staff I probably could but less and it's it's gonna take off with a few seconds for this it's really tight kill it you might be weren't you in the assassins know that no not you art one must help us they cannot understand why I trust you they've not seen what I see how can I explain this you know the night how they guide our fates with an invisible hand yes I don't know I don't think about it I'm not on good terms with the gods the night guy did said protect Asus I've served the nine all my days and I chart my course by the cycles of the heavens the sky is a marked with numberless sparks each of fire and every one a sign alright I know these stars well and I wonder which sign marked your birth I don't know if a collapsed star is a star sign but that would be me so if you're if you know this again oblivion has all these little star signs that give you different attributes and stuff like that am i showing at all with the warrior because I am playing as a monk which means that we are going to get 10 more points of strength endurance which is perfect like ever like this show the end of my path my death a necessary end will come when it will come when Tibet me your stars are not mine today the warrior shall prove a stalwart companion when fortune fades aren't you afraid today no trophies of my triumphs precede me but I have lived well and my ghosts shall rest easy men are the flesh and blood they know their doom but not the hour in this I am blessed to see the hour of my death yes to face my apportion fate then fall can you see my fate if my dreams grant me no opinions of success their compass ventures not beyond the doors of death but in your face by the way hold the Sun in companion the dawn of akatosh is bright glory may banish the coming darkness with such hope and with the promise of your aid my heart must be satisfied so oblivion has this weird thing where they animated the faces of the ice aren't actually random looking at things it's set on a specific SAR like left I'm looking right now you know it makes it seem more animated but yeah it's where are we going I go to my grave a tongue shrila than all the music calls me you shall follow me yet for a while then in this part this can only lead to yawn you may as well make it so flexible here carry this torch and stick close all right thanks too close and let us do our job here we are anyway we got to take off these errands you know and I'm going to pick up this torch there we go it's just a game no no no I'm taking up something else but uh oh my god yeah Jesus Christ I was thinking of no you can actually do this is in this game I think if you tap the Run button really quickly and it comes you little movements yeah it looks like you're rollerskating you know but uh I care you did it don't push me prisoner push all right here we go a little in the right way yeah oh yeah there we go now in my last save it oblivion I actually sold all my Locke because it's like a horrible horrible decision but uh yeah I'm not gonna settle any of my law clerks this time now I I have passed oblivion here which means that I don't know if all the bugs are retained but if you haven't seen oblivion already if you have ever been on this wild ride of a game let me tell you uh when this game first came out it was very very buggy there was a glittery the paintbrushes in this game would not have any physics and if you had too many paintbrush you could essentially make a ladder to nowhere and if you'd like to climb buildings and and do all sort of weird stuff and and arrows back in the day you would do this glitch where you fire an arrow at the same time at you like drop by item which would mean that you duplicated items you know the bug is still in really well uh I'm like your smile like this let me take a look take a look take a look see okay gravity gravity means nothing in oblivion it has this very weird sort of like slow motion physics to it you'll see it later with the physics but the one when like dudes drop and corpses drop it's like like it doesn't go Boop it just like slowly descends like I believe there's a lot of Mortimer fix that stuff but I am playing this just best Vanilla's can be I want I want oblivion to be represented what it is I mean some people do more overkill on this game and III think that's cool too but III think you can't really fix oblivion at its core it is oblivion which is I guess for some modern awesome purpose why they bought it they just want to enhance that experience healthy I can go no further you alone must stand against the Prince of destruction and his mortal service he must not have the amulet of kings take the amulet give it to Joffrey he alone knows where to find my last son find him and clothes shut the jaws of oblivion I am here Oh and the abroad waste Westside oops the blades are sworn to protect the Emperor now he and all his heirs on dad the amulet where's the amulet of Kings it wasn't on the Emperor's body the Imperial edict to me strange you saw something in you trusted you no no I say it's the dragon blood that flows through the veins of every septum they see more than lesser men the ambulant of kings is a sacred symbol of the Empire most people think of the red dragon crown but that's just jewelry the amulet has power only a true heir of the blood can wear it and said he must have given it to you for a reason did he say why uh I must take it to Joffrey Joffrey he said that why there's another heir nothing I ever heard about the Joffrey would be the one to know he's the Grandmaster of my order although you may not think so to meet him he lives quietly as a monk at Wayne and Priory near the city of coral how do I get de it first you need to get out of here through that door must be the entrance to the sewers past a locked gate that's what we were heading it's a secret way out of the Imperial City or was supposed to be secret here you'll need this key for the last door into the tune all right this choice there are rats and goblins down there but from what I've seen of you I'm guessing you an experienced Archer all right did this last time but every goddamn time you you play this game and you're like hey I'm this and that he never gets his right like I haven't used a bow once and he's like Archer what uh anyway we are a monk and the securityq acrobatics marksman ulceration Oh Han Panna athletics absolutely yes Archer my god argh I could do a custom class a also a custom class screw it let's go with strength we could do endurance to block you know I think strength is what you want let's see the strength and what else would be good personality ish I you know if Volk is any personality but luck he is unlucky but I think endurance will be good here because it's you know block Armour and have your armor you know increasing the sleeping race yeah you know what strength and endurance is best for this alright so we're going to do here we're going to do I won't block definitely hand-to-hand is like given I think oh yeah by the way unarmored where is it that's not an actual thing is it acrobatics for sure athletics acrobatics what else could we do here marksman missus and restoration light armor I know that's just one thing you naturally get good at security armor was a skill in tomorrow and that's what I thought yeah but it felt in this game it is we did block sneak bot off yeah he is kind of sneaky he's sneaky and he's been in jail so uh yeah we're not doing heavy armor we just doing like shirtless you know speech craft what do you think marksman no security how about this sneaky security we could the restoration it would be pretty good if we're doing like you know healing spells guys between security and restoration what you want so healing or opening up lock picks actually I can get both alright well I think this is good this is pretty good honestly yeah this is pretty nice and I will be I will be uh I will be a mostly we said muscle with okay I can't do the full name but it is perfect moose Cleary's perfect moose Clarisse oh no no no no no god dammit oh not already say that okay good alright moose moose clay we I should do this Keith no yes did I do that again wow it's like it's like ocarina of time with the owl like oh god damnit right yes oh oh I see I see I already am or I saved that's what it is I apologize oh my god yes it would be Muscovy I wasn't far on in any your albums won't give you any trouble right after this race then wet and mussed get the amulet to John take no chances but proceed to win in prior immediately got it yes I understand good the Emperor's trust was well-placed and stupid what about you what will you do I'll stay here to go to the Emperor's body and make sure no one follows you you better get moving to Mikado's guiding that's not smart that's not smart listen he's dead bulk is pretty hungry so I'll take like a nibble out of his foot listen the Emperor's dead I need to show them respect and then to give them a graceful death resting place so hang on hang on I did this last time but uh no not quite all right it's gonna kind of have a good resting place where the emperor will be remembered oh my god his foot the can-can all right so what are you thinking about you know stuff being dead me yeah being Emperor's hard whoo-hoo all right look there we go did I make the Emperor Bab guys I appalled Ivan I even uphold su Barberton bow bars but why are you so Paulo that's some sneaky oh I'm like the cyborg and talks to people no it's anyway I want to give them the starfish look snow angel you think you approve of me doing this I can't tell but uh what what's your uh narrow into him but uh there you go and we're out of here all right anyway so here's where the real game begins and Joel waste half of the stream in a resting room yeah I know hmm roll roll roll all right Chet how long until how long until I encounter a guard and what guess the star provider toodle-oo I give it 10 more minutes anyway yes [Music] yes we've all seen those videos and I'm making all these references to it and here is out in the wild he's finally awake alive I don't know what to say but yes serious yes the float bays and the babes so beautifully a swim swing time dolphine all right anyway let's depart lost punch um dudes I'm gonna steal this this late to seize it only in all right so here here begins the adventure of both bogan or like bogans ancestor I guess I'm gonna get this by the way you draw power from the well yes and now we have a bunch of let's hear what that attribute or what am i doing oh there we go all right then we go here all right that's my skills what am i doing but a while so I played this even though I played it like not so long ago here we go alright now my current thing that I've got a lid with fortify Magica alright nice alright I'm the first thing I kill officially is going to be a a dolphin they're going to take that shark here we go oh it's a bandit area I'm not killed a dog there we go look at some boots that's perfect for bulk you anyway I even brought your arrows mean nothing to me ouch oh wow hello ow out now you may say borgin man I only get strong killed I'm fine with side alright so yeah I'm okay I'm okay I'm feeling fine could be better of course but uh all right all 4 adventure isn't crab meat I mean dolphin meat so yeah I almost mean nothing in this game you know they clearly here's your flesh it really means nothing get this Apple there you go so oblivion is filled with little little little nice details like they might not be too obvious at first but when you actually start playing this game you notice a little things that you might have missed the first time you play it like this little little little things that make the world seem alive like there's occasionally an adventure that's Payerne out of vampires like over here there's a tent and there's a little garlic thing and it's got like a little storybook about the vampires and stuff like that right going to go around and take that and sell it I'm gonna get the garlic and do that my game really freaking out about a mud crab can I lift this guy's I think actually you can start messing around with rag dolls better the stronger you get yeah by the way I want to say a serious thing oblivion to this day I think looks alright sure it's a little rough in certain areas but I think all these trees and these countryside stuff like that just a little grass I think it looks alright but let me tell you one this was 2006 I was like this is the pinnacle of graphic this is unbelievable good I'm serious when this game came out I was blown away by how good it looked you know but uh yeah I I still like oblivion Lord and I think I think a lot of people like overshadow some of the nicer aspects like one of my fondest memories of oblivion is when you just you get on a horse and you feel like you're really in this game I know it's weird to say it's immersive but I really felt that way back in the day I was riding a horse I was like I was I was I was going to buy some food and stay at an inn and I really found this random in in the countryside I'm like man this game is just this [ __ ] hey old dog we face stop I'll be ok row all right also I'm going to do this little half weird bunny hopping just uh there by the way so when you land on the ground if you do a specific frame or whatever you wanna call it you you can look like a you you're instantly like scheduling on the floor there we go that's what you want anyway uh we're going to go into the Imperial City here and that's where the real game begins I guess so yeah but yeah I seriously love this game and you know hopefully me playing it it's gonna the the the the love will make more sense when you see me play it but anyway hey what is it sir uh room eighties the upper is dead and so on he's in his travels faster yes without a leader the blades were trusted with our Lord's protection way yeah it was their fault not mine not mine diploma Talia I'm so tempted to punch him in the face anyway we're actually going to pass around here this is not the right to right Imperial City the Imperial City is like the the main place of this this game it's quite big and you can get a little lost in it but uh yeah DEATH BATTLE Elser Pinto vs. Hulk bogans anyway we're gonna stay here pretty soon but uh yeah I am unfortunately a little stressed I'm not stressed well I'm you know I had a cup of coffee but uh I'm pressed that's the word I'm looking for on time I got to go in like just an hour so I probably can't show art so I'm gonna just play as much as this as possible there we go anyway enough neat trick you can do so as I said I believe it has the system where you you got to do certain things in order to level up so if you constantly heal you will get your restoration up which means more levels so yeah and also jumping around also increases that chance so there we go it's gonna be a full playthrough oh yes oh yes yes this guy wanders into town is you're suspicious nah no I don't think so anyway yes I said this this game is quite big but uh yeah here we go all right so yes want an example of how rough oblivion can be at times I think I've showed this but uh let me talk to this beggar for a second and saving up enough for some medicine okay this is a bad example action but when I talk to eight when I talk about female beggar that's when the game is like ooh ooh wow hang on I'm gonna go over here I want to show you exactly what I mean I did this last time but uh yeah here we go here we go whenever you can be oh yeah here we go here we go this might yeah nope I'm only asking for enough to feed me games is that so Claudette Paraguay alchemy shock it you should check out the yielded carafe faker thank you times wanted parody should check out the gilded carafe swak you know but that's not the worst of that though the Oblivion voice acting is quite infamous for third of that stuff like inflections get randomly lost it's a little weird and in a very early version of oblivion that was still released it's an npc in town that they forgot they have an outtake in the actual recording and it's just like talking and it goes let me do that one again sorry anyway there's not actual the shop a strict district this is it there we go I go in here it goes into the green and persuades the wrong one actually yeah I look it up it's it's a it's weird as hell they kept it in but it's very human you know maybe what's an Easter Egg no I don't I don't think so citizen here guys the market district this is where you want I think this is where the Embassy is hello what do you want rumors the feedbag isn't fancy but it's still job here she is here she is alright get ready get ready please be generous come sir have a corn burger thank you time sir and then the Tiber Septim burger yeah I can eat for the day with a single calling oh yeah can you the Tiber Septim business thank you tosser the Titus [Music] yeah yeah yeah whatever and they're gonna do a fighting chance I'm gonna showcase a little quickly how this the the some of the stuff works but first I want to sell all myself yeah yeah I'm sure there's something I'm gonna sell 16 arrows for one coin they're gonna sell this to slaughter Ruby yeah so no I'm going to do that so I need you for your patronage all right oh yeah before we do anything let me just show you how this this this this works so this is the speech crafting a little speech wheels some people don't get how this works but it's really easy once you get yet to understand it which I mean they're going to mess up but that's not the point so anyway in each attempt to persuade you must admire both joke and course each one of these actions raise or lower stamp this position don't take too long Stan Petey's disposition is steadily falling I guess so here's what happens you have to start with with this whatever they like the least so the joke so okay let me let me let me say this work so we do this you can't and then and then she likes me a little bit bored so how the system works is the best thing you have you want fall that into joke you know and you want the least one - yeah I explained that like [ __ ] so while I knew sending a briber then just yeah exactly mama anyway so that system is it's not the best I say anything good I basically you have to you have wet winter face okay let me say that one more time when her face smile said something and it she likes it that's when you click on it or rather okay you have these wheels when it's the biggest one you gotta align because you have turns right worst explanation ever my god so for example one that the yellow stuff is at its biggest you want to align that to where she smiles the most and when she smiles the least or like gets angry that's when you want a little little thing so uh yeah nobody know what the hell I'm talking about actually make a powerful presentation right not me mind blown the yellow stuff I mean I explained it though III did I mean if y'all understand it then then yeah yeah anyway I actually understand yeah okay I'd say somebody understands right okay let me show it one more time so okay so if I start if I'm I dislike me immediately so let's say year when I choose joke he's like I like that he doesn't dislike he he dislikes this and it's got the least yellow in it so if I choose this the really big stuff here is gonna fall into joke which he really like so for example this makes him dislike me but he loves this like yay that's great that's really was that if you I mean I think I need speech craft skills yeah there's also another thing in this game with lockpick and stuff with the he that makes more sense all right that's what I mean all right sorry all right yellow stuff it's early in the morning I'm not like that acquainted with talking in the morning anyway we're going to go to go to stay merchandise let me pick some stuff hello feel free to browse friend it's nice to see a new shopper I was afraid I lost any hope of new business ever since dornier opened up I don't know why but she looks like Yoda Foster have a look at my wares I'm sure there's something to suit you all right so we're never going to get this so I'll plate up living a lot of times but I have never ever never ever been able to buy any of this I've been able to like haggle stuff which you can do here you know but uh yeah I can never do this yeah actually looks like Maura Brown from fallout bred but anyway yeah just don't bother with this they'll just make your own like crazy sores and stuff you know oh yeah but by the way in Oblivion you can't touch anything if I start moving her stuff around she gets really angry at me right but I can't do this and she won't react so here I go geese geese mmm yes mmm but the moment I do this and I got I'm not I'm gonna poke the ceramic bowl here we go I want and that to end up if this everyone feel free to browse friend it doesn't like me too much so I go now bye bye brother criminals everybody breaks the law and my watch root now pay your fine or it's off to jail I'm a resist arrest don't prove with your board then pay with your blood oh no oh no you cannot get me no no no no master of escape oh okay how about this I'm going to let you guess what just happened if you guessed crashed then you win the big money okay oh my god alright let me try that again it's all part of the the Oblivion experience man they want to kill me for for like poking AAA like a cereal bowl in oh god I love this game oh my god go get me give me like one second I'll be right back about that half and our good yes we are there we go opium sure to great some room all right now question for Chet I'm not going to bring in more went into this because then we'll have oh god you know what you know what I'm going to pay I'm going to pay one goal for this what I'm going to bring a bit more weight into this but what do you prefer a Skyrim or Oblivion oh oh oh it's all over lawbreaker your sprees at an end spree I'll take any stolen bike I looked out of something that you're fine or I'll haul you away I think most people prefer it's a very split decision yeah okay one goal is too bad I was hoping you'd resist arrest okay here's the procedure we go to the castle first we search you confiscate any stolen I touched a point you pay your fine I can be huge I touched a port my garden speed hello I was going to say to a quick thing I've never done this but it is possible to like slaughter everybody in the world in this game right now I know some empty seats are like immortal but I mean like townspeople ie go into the Imperial City and just kill everyone in which except mm-hmm play Miss Bernette there we go okay well dad McCoy one more cool in and out can get a pair of shoes sure but up thank you kind sir absolutely the tiber septim was a nice place it's not cheap oh yeah you might be shocked if you never seen that Elder Scrolls game before which is like unbelievable but if you have never seen it you might be shocked that there is a lizard people race my God look at him what he went to war man anyway so we're going to check our requests here real quick we don't want to mess around too much in time but anyway let's take the amyloid King's to Joffrey had way no prior you near the city of Coral coral I don't need anything honestly so I've I have contemplated doing this many times but this game is one of the first games to have fast travel in it and well I like fast traveling but I think unfortunately fast traveling also sucked the life out of the game it makes you forget oh this guy it makes you kind of forget to appreciate the game and its surroundings so I'm not a fast travel as little as possible I hope that's okay with you guys but I don't want to go between cities it it's kind of destroyed my own experience initially because I'm like man this game is just like okay go there go there go there it makes you bad at the game - yeah yeah it does because you're not playing the game essentially you're the enemy let's go get a horse and all these horses perfectly 16 Somerset ion has become a much more dangerous place oh yeah by the way you know what I think it's weird ellis cose orcs are like they're warriors yes but they're so like see then what works for me it's like Warhammer 40k works you know why but they're just like regular people in this go on I would like a horse please oh yeah design one yeah yeah I work at the chestnut handy stable have you seen our horses wandering around no yeah I love the Warhammer 40k works though what a state what is the gods of the origin in the Warhammer 40k I never played orcs I used to play black Templars is it Gork and Mork or whatever you know you know what I think we can do here at the first thing I'm going to start quick saving but I'm gonna do my first steel so nobody can see me so I'm going to do this imma steal this leak out of this man's pants what are you doing already coffee well I gotta be mattify yeah it's all over law breaker your spree is at an end I'll take any stolen could you have that next move is yours hey you're fine or I'll haul you away now resist arrest then pay with your blood no please no no I'm gonna sit down I'm gonna think about what I've done this is fine hello all right now what do I do with this corpse enlighten in my house I wake up go ahead please I like a horse no this guy doesn't even have horses I think all right well but who self the horses though I cook theoretically steal a horse but I don't want to really do that who sells divorces hang on you know suffer make it quick yeah I mean I'll get one later I know that but whatever I guess I'm just walking then fine whatever they don't sell horse at this table yeah okay so just like a stable table you know anyway let's let's go over here and it's it's uh Northwest so let me do that I know hello friend yes I don't need I need I don't need the direction I only this me by the way I need to do a phone call like super quick I'll be right back all right Ariel there we are anyway see you probably wonder what the hell I'm doing I'm going to have lunch I'm having lunch with their family I'm being a good boy I'm gonna have started anyway anyway let's enjoy this this countryside and the rain the only thing I could bake is any better because I love rain is if we look up and it's like raindrops on my face nothing like a little bit of canine combat in the morning this is fine let's take this launch at 3:00 a.m. all my friend and you thought I lived in America did you I don't worry guys I'm not going to go with that debt that Chinese restaurant and I'm going to go upstairs where the hell am I going anyway I wish I was impressed on time I what I could do I could resume this later on tonight let's see there we go anyway what was their gonna say oh yeah yeah whenever I look up and video games and it's not raining on your face I'm like you'd play Metroid Prime it was the first time I play my trip I'm like wow dude it's like I'm in the game alright but anyways well I'm not punishing wolves to death so this game is a level scaling system and it's not familiar with that it's it's this system I don't really like Bethesda introduced this thing where depending on what you what level you are everything is adjusted accordingly for example for example you have this leather and like further armor at the store and you're fighting crabs and wolves but later on the game it starts getting to like steel and glass and stuff like that I just level up by the way but yeah what you get to that level the enemies also changed suddenly it becomes more like goblins and stuff like that but the system I never really liked because it caught it detracts any sort of danger from the game if that makes sense like one of them I love walking into like high level stuff accidentally or like I shouldn't be here yet it feels like you're you're trying to accomplish a goal later on like I want to get to this level I or this part of the game later on if I work hard enough but in the blob unit doesn't really happen it does maybe in dunya stuff like that but generally this level scaling [ __ ] I think a lot of people had troubles with because or problems with because it's not really it's not really a good system I mean it's it's made to be more you know friendly to the player but it's still you know I don't what do you guys think of the level is healing I'm not a fan but I want to hear you I would hear you email me at this oh oh runes hang on in my second this is important this is important to be hang on there we go mark by a special fate you rule your destiny the issues you're stared by the Stars and the thief know I am a Warner it's unrealistic well I mean you're talking above Ian here but it never been a big fan of abilities level system really mind and Wolf Wolf no okay fine you want to go all right boom boom didn't do that in a while let's go out there and punch a wolf to death I'll guarantee you that you'll have a fun time you will learn stuff and you will learn about a floating rock anyway again you can't just fast travel to these location you've got to find them first though but for me I like just like the country so I think that for what it is oblivion has a all these trees and this contra set it feels alive and its simplicity I don't know why but the European forest feel really they nailed it I don't know why but when I think I'll blame is just countries on like that kind of looks like what it looked like you know except for the wolf just chomp down your face but you know yeah boop-boop-boop-boop I think but there's a weird contradiction in this story so I believe that the Imperial City initially in the Elder Scrolls lore or that all this stuff wasn't like European forests I think it was like a UH not marshland that's they are going arresting it like a place uh but I believe it's like a jungle I think correct me if I'm wrong bill but it was something I read something about that that they read Condit to be European forests yeah was a jungle was it yeah who's following me hello more wolf do you we be able rip anyway I think I came in Bruma now I'm okay now I gotta go straight Southwest a good way of leveling up your your your jumps is just to kind of go out an angle like this and occasionally you cannot schedule it'll upwards like that sand all my stuff to really heal by the way my knee place old days and here is Bruma we gotta make the coral Magica yeah Syria was a jungle for Bethesda did some cosmic level recordings I I don't really mind retconning too much if it's done okay ish I guess it just actually you know what you know what you know what you guys tell me a story tell me a story because I always tell the stories tell me a story about the most frustrating retconning you've ever experienced I want I want to hear about it I want to I want to hear some nerds tell me about some nerd stuff that I also relate to red Connie has never done okay ish I'm thinking I'm thinking of something there we go fallout 4 with everything but I don't fall for retcon anything but uh Star Wars but yeah yeah Metal Gear Solid 5 yeah man I'm jumping a lot let's goes online [ __ ] the lower horde really new Vegas Star Star Trek well let's start the JJ Abrams movie the original timeline in Star Trek still exists while I'm really sorry I got nerd now but uh yeah in Star Trek sports universe still exists it's even in the movie you know but uh yeah I sort of think of some like retcon stuff that made me angry but nothing like that comes to mind I guess but I'm sure there's some stuff that I'm like oh oh oh oh yeah here's a perfect example of like a retcon that I'm like white right it's a red corn as much of this it's like a stupid thing so if you're if you're fist of the north star fan I'm sure you know what I'm talking about every festival gonna start - if is a silly extravaganza so in the original Fist of the North Star the big bad is is kennel RAL you all know him and at the end of the series you know Kenshiro kills him or defeats him or whatever and you know Big Sight than whatever and one of his one of his down forces that he had like compassion in his heart and stuff like that now in the sequel they make yes twin brother shows up but this time he doesn't have compassion in his heart and they don't that they're like oh yeah he had a brother which looks exactly like him except he's like purples all this wolf what is this wolf doing hey in fact I don't forget what his name is hunter nice all right anyway it was so lame what's his name again I totally forgot to tie all was his name okay yeah you get fast travel to the the priority without that's but okay well I shall want to do it you know well we'll see your but yeah yeah didn't like episode 7 of Star Wars wreak on all the books I not sure if you talk about expanded universe listen listen let me tell you about one of my favorite books of all time so I don't know maybe you guys have read this I don't know but but as a kid I used to go to the library I know like nerd but let me tell you there used to be the star wars like weapon and vehicle book that was the the the coolest stuff it was super detailed and it explained every nook and cranny of the Millennium Falcon well how a lightsaber works all this stuff huh blaster works it was super detailed and I was like looking at it like that this stuff really works ok this is not like just science fiction it's like you can build this alright and I'm not sure what it was called I'm sure you guys might be familiar with it but I used to go to libraries Brasel a cloud do this is your elementary school had idea but that look man now if that's part of the expanded universe and that there they expanded universe on retcon out of new movies that I'm going to be mad that was my favorite book you know no I'm just kidding the only reason I'm mad because of the new movies retconning the past is because we'll never have another holiday special that poor dear guys asked smashed oh I feel bad for that I feel bad for that animal to go down here at Coral whip stir whip stir and it took like a really weird detour to get to the wane a priori but shadows rests cavern you know what you know what let's do a dungeon sure dungeon speaking of dungeon did you know that Billy Harrington liked one of my tweets I I I am not even kidding about this he isn't in by the way check aside if you move left or right you can't sit you at the fire ball anyone check this out come on shoot your thing come on now thinking how about the other thing this is one doesn't do that but yeah so this is unbelievable but it actually lost in Japan Billy Harrington himself liked one of my tweets and if you're not familiar with who barely hearing thing is he is a he's a buff man and he does a lot of wrestling I'll put it that way and he is quite well known in the in the in the YouTube world I'm sure you guys are familiar with Aniki but yeah he he'd like one of my tweets while I was in Japan and was saying something along the lines of I had won his figma figures whatever he's like action dolls and I was like dude I love Japan and I saw my phone blow up and I'm like okay what's going on and I'm like really Herrington just like when your tweets and first of all I thought well Billy Harrington really no I care about that I have the expansion packed with stuff but anyway I thought hey well who's this guy and I'm like wait wait a minute it's actually been really hairy tournament so I was blessed by Aniki himself unbelievable I know but it actually happens excuse me in the shoots fireballs I gotta say playing on armor just like better than I thought and we need like heels here we go excuse me rocky run yeah I get that I guess apparently it's also a porn actor what what that that can't be true I did not know that no no spheres are you that white no Oh what you're kidding me right no way hey CT that cannot be true anyway thanks gold gold it's a gold mine anyway so these these get these caverns in oblivion people are promised because it looks all copy-pasted but it's because it is the way these were constructed yes they were all built with this this toolkit and they okay before do that let me tell you about how this lock-picking stuff works but yeah this don't just look a little same because they were they are all like LEGO pieces put together but anyway let me explain the lockpick system right so there's a lot of ways of doing this now some people listed for sound some people you know do this and that what I do is when I do this it goes slowly up and that's when you press and click and that's when it's put in place so this is not it this is this that was it not it not it that's it so let me let me show you an example so yeah that was it I gotta be careful all right there we go and I'll see what I mean Oh what am i doing no it's not it yet Babs sorry but I'm not the best at that but that's how you do it and then lesson listen I sucked at explaining the speech wheel but if you can't understand that and then then it's then it's your problem okay we trap - one rat meat anyway dog two dogs oh this might be another book book live see if you cannot skadoodle on the side you can kind of heat these dogs I think yeah I did it look at those spaghetti legs each poor dogs at least they died cuddle up together and what's over here oh yeah uh uh uh that was it mmm there this all right oh I got a brass ring alright anyway it's the way I came from yeah I think so yeah that's the thing with these these cameras right they can't do look the same cell and we also talking about oh yeah gotcha Meucci but yeah I I was so happy I was so happy I was generally really happy because I like Billy Harrington like you know his work maybe not so much but he said he's a great guy honestly I I know that sounds weird but but I like to be learning a lot he's a cool guy all right he loves his fan and yeah absolutely I was so happy I haven't more happy in my life sorry dog all right anyway how we gone through all these places yet now I'm gonna say I'm impressed how how well applying as a monkey's well I'm playing as a muscle wizard but you know odometers done in yet no way or not no we're not going here there we go Billy Harrington now I only got to get Dan dark home to light like my tweets the Santorum have a Twitter oh nice look at that I think it's the way out actually most gay we said this is the way it came from to so I think I'm done with this dungeon I'm not sure didn't think unless to do that is the question I think I'm done here I think I might be done unfortunately I got a backtrack out of the dungeon right I can't all right let's check the map first I can't just wandering around be like it's just good yeah it's done it's done dungeon anyway here we go but I'm also going to say oh yeah so these stones do look a little like you know when when you traverse int them and but I'll really mind you know I don't really mind too much honestly there we go don't enjoin I never think of dungeon I think a dungeon man we're sound anyway I'm really like getting a good pace on this game like not really but like doing this dungeon I did surprisingly quick and you think I waste time right that's a good thing then because a lot of these dungeons are kind of straightforward which means we're not going to waste too much time it's kind of straight straight forward you know oh yeah here we go you know what I need I need a final bed yeah I get to punch these guys keep the noise they make is a little off like this in state is a muscle they sound more like fairies or Pixies which I guess they kind of are but they look to monsters to be that anyway let's finally go to the the priory here in coral Zubat speaking of donors have tried Dungeon Keeper the original on PC yeah hell yeah played Dungeon Keeper I thought you were talking about what was that game dungeon saw it was it's like a throwback game the the maze crawling stuff I could have died there but yeah here we go hello Dredmor is that yeah yeah Dungeons of Dredmor that's Vinnie played out a while ago yes like in that game a try one day yeah it's it's a pretty badass addressing of one of the Dungeons & Dragons games like the doom of something fight fight fight fight fight Oh see here's the thing when people die I can just I don't care I can just watch observe all did you know we should do we take his horse is take it source I just want to see what happens okay somebody my watch stealing the stolen goods oh and you'll go to babe then pay with your blood Oh take it down yep however I never saw my own head like through my head in my ponytail but that's what happens anyway anyway oh um my posts have ever heard of total overdose you are dead dead dead suck your work hard guess what you're not now you're dead and your body starts to rot whatever or healing top half half half half half half half half half half half guard ow guard now will be the time to help me l-o-l Pez Elpis now LP LP me what I'm doing fine here okay oh he'll be el peace [Applause] did you just steal her gold or whatever did corrupt man alright nice anyway let's get all this and then it's going to move on she played Dragon's Dogma it can create both Logan easily [ __ ] it's like I use like a multi character you stop here some other games you know too bad total overdose didn't get any sequel you know we should play you know which in place be enough great music in video games you play that game that's about like a blues playing skeleton what does that game call again mister mister mister bones is seriously that is like my game man come on there we go mr. bones el mágico a grim fandago guys please my god the Grim Fandango [Laughter] all right here we go say to Admiral X to Joffrey yes absolutely now I think where I got to go with the lodge no many dreams many sleeps mmm yes what you having fun dream ace yes I too have fund Remus mmm you have good dream now by now it's question we're gonna can I get away with this I take this cheese without I'm getting mad mmm-hmm yes now now the dream is snail very bad snail hungry are you getting hungry yes dream master 69 that is my username the cheese has been rejected Oh Oh what hole did you crawl out on your [ __ ] alright I'm gonna I'm gonna go with strength and I'm gonna go with endurance and I'm gonna go with a little bit of luck I think yeah look it's fine and I think we are good Oh another thing crash did you call the cops did you call the cops man I just touched her teeth no I hope you didn't then right at me I am the shepherd yeah hello Aaron or your name and this is Wayne on friary yes I'm through talking fine oh yeah bye let's probably mention this but if you're talking about people with the fist stop they dislike you in conversations but uh all right anyway that's not y'all for you hello let me let me pray hurry the gods have done a piece now bye-bye that was not a Gouda idea your jokes stink anyway it's draw free no that's not includes me can I help you are you looking for Pryor Mabel or Joffrey offer my must speak to Joe friend I think he's sleeping but it must be important go ahead upstairs and wake him yeah all right nice draw free wait he's not sleeping is he well I got to sleep in that bed but I wonder I was gonna see what happens hello I am your Saviour okay oh yeah this doesn't work like Skyrim does it no I'm brother Joffrey what do you want okay we're gonna redo that cuz if it gets a little too silly don't touch the fruit hello I'm brother Joffrey what do you want I brought to you the amulet of Kings it cannot be no wonder the Emperor is permitted to handle the amulet let me see give Joffrey the amulet by the night this is the amulet of Kings who are you how did you get this what do you know of the Emperor's did I helped area as unlikely as your story sounds I believe you only the strange destiny of Uriel Septim could have brought you to me carrying the amulet of Kings right close shook dipped it Joseph elidio anissa's meaning is unclear to me as well the Emperor's seemed to perceive some threat from the demonic world of oblivion the Prince of Destruction mehrunes dagon is one of the Lords of oblivion but the mortal world is protected from the Daedra of oblivion by magical barriers hmm how can I leave you okay I think I think it's so hot outside my window is breaking how can oblivion trait Tinto stain I'm not sure only the Emperor's truly understand the meaning behind the rituals of Coronation the amulet of Kings is ancient Saint Alicia herself received it from the gods it is a holy relic of great power when an emperor is crowned he uses the amulet to light the dragon fires at the temple of the one in the Imperial City with the Emperor dead and no new heir crowned the dragon fires in the temple will be done for the first time in centuries it may be that the dragon flies protected us from a threat that only the emperor was aware of they're browserify the herbs are being paid Odysseus commit to find Sonia I am one of the few who know of his existence many years ago I served as captain of Uriel's bodyguards the blade one night Uriel called me into his private chambers a baby boy lay sleeping in a basket Uriel told me to deliver him somewhere safe he never told me anything else about the baby but I knew it was his son from time to time he would ask about the child's progress now it seems that this illegitimate son is the heir to the septums throne if he yet lives da where can i friend we a lease on his name is Martin he serves akatosh in the chapel in the city of kawatte south of here you must go to crutch and find him at once if the enemy is aware of his existence as seems likely he is in terrible danger and please let me know if there's anything you need my resources here are limited but I will help in any way I can all right cool waste no time you must find Martin before the enemy does God sir all right so I have five more minutes of the stream I can't go any longer than that become good citizen I'm brother Pilar and this is Wayne and Priory monastery can I help you uh no goodbye all right I want well both bogus real smug you think you are better than me mmm-hmm you think you can be more bad than me mmm waste tide hmm I bet you can't even read I can't either but I have booster power I have the shirt for you I'm your Savior you will put right on the head so we're going to do I'm gonna put it right here I'm gonna sit here and nothing's for asking for now I see it it's been awkward awkward day but uh yes what are you gonna do about it mmm feel the book they holy be blessed feel the poor care of Christ on you you are blessed your first priority now should be to find Martin and bring him back here cool farewell your first prank yeah yeah I want to get up Stacy yes okay I didn't know he was like a like a Japanese monk man oh we can do this synergy didn't your night that was great that was great he'd be dying it was gonna sit on me - what all right try that again okay please sit right here hello this is my chair goes triage of reading a book all right anyway guys that's going to be the first oblivion stream I will resume later on I can't tell you when but hopefully soon I hope you enjoyed it oblivion is one of my fav games of all time as I said and just chilling out talking about this and that like you know that but anyway I hope you enjoyed it I'm going to check out our claytor but for now I'm super like pressed on time so yeah anyway I'll see you guys around thanks for watching and I'm going to see you slime on my sauce and we'll host them here we go we got none other than let's see here here we go we got two nobodies live at the moment which is damn shame but I encourage you to all check out twitch.tv slash team / - awesome anyway I might be on later on tonight with my wrestle 2017 a sovereign law tradition we'll see but alright for now I'm done see us around thanks a lot for watching and uh I'm going to eat steak now so take care
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 290,180
Rating: 4.9417043 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, oblivion, bulk bogan, guard, oblivion guard, stop, violated the law, elder scrolls, bulk, character, funny, glitch, dance, arrow, skooma, emperor, septim, uriel, punch, ragdoll, poison, apple, stealing, crime
Id: 1WVS81R6mW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 14sec (7034 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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