[Vinesauce] Joel - Sonic Forces ( Part 1 )

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so for the Salonika movie I was kind of inspired to I don't know if aspired is the right word but I figured why not why not play some sonic games why not you know and you guys want to jump down my throat is he like finished on a condenser well I did finish one of the characters so good enough right but I know that sonic force is kind of a universally slam game and people didn't like it I mean I know sonic mania was like heralded s like the real return rights and it was it was great and then I follow up with Sonic Force which like no don't go back to this so you know and maybe it's not like terribly bad it's just kind of mediocre I suppose like you're just kind of boring so we'll see see what I think about it maybe I could talk a little bit more about the sonic movie you know but hey you know what you know what now that we've all seen it it's nice to be pleasantly surprised because I remember seeing the trailer and I said like you know what it's gonna pass by nobody's gonna care about it but hey it seems that sonic movie really uh that's okay you know it was okay wasn't great but it was okay and that's all that needed to be really you know but anyway let's let's play some sonic forces you know haven't seen that the detective Pikachu movie they did the same studio that made take the Pikachu also make sonic you like animation wiser or different no they didn't looks like they did it catch my drift I think this has that look you know that that look to it I don't know what you want to call it and that's that sort of mid-2000s deviantART 3d sort of like what if they were real look in your lap you know anyway hope sonic for SIA has a theme song yeah so net fuzes boom-boom what's that what is that sonic on the ground again will be found yeah it's got a theme song it does you guys aren't joking around here oh my god ha the theme song is bad Hoobastank sung it I know I know the name Hoobastank you because the name is so bad but I do not remember what they sound like you are they like a ska band like also [ __ ] what are they called all-star band like when I think of hobo stank I think of dudes playing saxophone they have funny hats and they have like sandals and socks and shorts and they're kind of like forty to fifty you know clear specific sorry alright I thought I was gonna say this game has extreme violence and it's not recommend it to anybody you know sonic forces well that's what starts this is a game like a mobile game this is like a bejeweled game then that that's good huh all right - well I'm glad the game starts in in window mode that's always a bonus point for me honestly yeah all right well I guess a new game she's difficulty level you can play all the get from beginning so I've played a song me for those I have played a sonic game before oh wait wait wait wait an ECB for like I have never played a video game before normal it's like how the game was meant to be played and hard for masochists I mean I playing hard I guess but - what the hell line all right whatever whatever whatever Oh guys before do before we do anything subtitles is not all by default right I think okay well listen sonic how I and all of that loathing has been focused into this invincible instrument of destruction yes I try to just quit that of the game of you're like Sarge Jorge term this time it's him oh my god all right well I'm not gonna commit to that [ __ ] joke all right if you thought if you thought I was dumb enough to subject you to that for the entire stream you're wrong actually right hey welcome back to guys slowrun everybody to that we're playing Sonic the Hedgehog okay let's see if my controller works with this wherever that might be hey who stole my controller whose hide who hid it here is it hang on it's Sonic steal it Sonic your mother [ __ ] hang on oh no I'm so fat I don't want I don't want to do this hang on with a controller going here it is does it work with the controller though [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it's one of those days just one of those days just one of those days I so hope you oldest and live in apartment no I don't I don't so don't worry about that okay uh okay have a problem at the control isn't working god I'm so honestly push-ups on the floor - all right would you do it for one Scooby Snack I think you start the game if the curler wasn't roller plugin it is it was it was when I launched it so this [ __ ] ain't working Oh guess I'll play it with the keyboard and mouse in that's how the game was ment to be played right as I said at least one ring you'll survive when you take damage but I think the game was just threatening me saying hey by the way idiot have you ever played a Sonic game chaos [ __ ] PSS goods tell us is good lip-synching okay cool okay I can do this alright let's take the seriously I mean this is alright guys I don't know why you guys start saying this game is bad this it's it's goddamn Sonic he's running around at the speed of sound and it's got Sonic Adventure uh sonic adventure ISM Stu it we capsule we're press blind Stig to jump okay don't worry I'll press that blank stare you okay I got that blank stare y'all not about do this but if there's one thing that that I don't like too much about Sonic Adventure style is that when it's locked to this you're never holding stuff down it just stuff happens core goes all right it's not adventure style what is this solid I mean I am played that money 3d Sonic games guys see that this is this is classic Sonic bill who are you find a coin it color style I never played colors you have to understand I'm not like a big Sonic fan all right I'm just I'm just in it I set it in the movie theater and I'll say it again on streaming I'm just kind of here for the means you know I like Sonic but not like a deep [ __ ] hey don't I get to make my own hedgehogs or whatever I want to make Joel the Hedgehog Thanks Eggman what what Sonic's deal what supposes until you know vices are smug all the time you know well Tong is dead Sonic is incredibly dead the singles dead jog okay whoa guys I have a ferry do you guys think that Sonic has become confessed for the games okay what's that versus super super super fast like this was just kind of like you know running around but now it's like I came so far it's not amazing but I like it I like I like it not as much as I like Sonic Adventure that's too early to say it's them is everyone okay we are thanks to you yeah that's pretty much how I roll okay the same voice actress tails was in the moon it's him metal no way what oh my god on ik dying tails don't don't Google the answer cut them up now friend is dying what do call the police let's stop get off this rich get off this rich stop scanning the corpse doesn't have a QR code on it call the cops call an ambulance Danson you did this useless but soon activated Eggman or me quickly took over within moans all of you isolate the despite overwhelming odds a continued resistance fight and new and prepare to your industry glass Saamy is unstoppable without signage there's a crowd despair is the luxury we don't have I still dream that Sonic is with us do you think he might be I'm an optimist but I'm also a realist Sonic is gone Amy and tails I thought Silla was wrecked calling that for Sonic oh six like they put him in a cage why did I let him out into his right we've been hoping for a miracle these past six months but I'm afraid we have to make our own is that Patrick Zeitz grants name is gonna play D on the double hey look it's little beef [Music] [Music] okay English Yoder oh okay oh my god oh my god I will be bird okay - me it's a smash smash sounding ass okay yes yeah bro you need some glass of something all right Haley me alpha me you know it's a video about this are y'all had f ma you know there's a stray cat outside I don't want it starting to fight with Lucy Lucy it's okay it's okay Lucy don't worry about it ma Maud is a weird [ __ ] straight cat outside it looks it looks like grandmother [ __ ] thing hey get the [ __ ] out of here I don't even know if that's a [ __ ] cat blink [ __ ] good straight tonight good string voice all right okay but but who I want to be here uh you know I got I gotta make myself God goddamn it I gotta make myself I gotta I gotta commit to this [ __ ] I can't just do ha ha ha ha ha like the more seriously a ticket the better it will be if I make it completely dumb all right I got it I got it I got it you know I got it you know what's the closest thing to a raccoon dude dude looks like he's on Napa all right you know I'll angry all the time I need I need blood ice you know you put some pants on okay yeah oh my god oh my god hang on can I go back can I go back can I'm here mom what does it matter what does it matter victory pose hang on oh hey Harry Gaara Kent cannot change the color of the shoes because you know what's coming you know what's coming you know what's coming you can't later okay because I want I want red shoes all right but the blue or the mouth is not right or species or Hedgehog oh okay it's got stuff in the back okay but what does matter have maybe the blue of the mouth isn't right I look like [ __ ] Homer Simpson so I'm trying to make Lidl the Hedgehog if you didn't realize it it took you forever to realize that and it doesn't it doesn't look right all right I call her can I get the more blue I guess I can but I mean it doesn't does it look Lidl enough I mean it doesn't really yes and he never returned it which one do I want guys which one do I want to take that one home these have different abilities okay but if I immediately go into something else then you know oh [Music] hang on hang on hang on if I then because his beak is is yellow and then if I switch the the body color into blue but no that doesn't look Li the low that doesn't look lead then what the [ __ ] bleedin no no no no no no guys it's gonna be one of those streams where we sit around for an hour and we never play the [ __ ] game until we decide to like oh now I got to play it so oh I'll be head shoulder yes sir what's my care to look so off it doesn't look right like he looks like he looks too long like he I'll fix the game real quick here I'll fix the gate like he needs to look like like well no no now it looks like he's got ginormous feet but you know you know that should be the proportions like if the arms should be there I'm saying like he's - he's - like ginormous you know but now no no no no no no that this will not this will not be my character right this will not be my goddamn character all right he's not gonna it's not gonna be curved we got damnit this beet color okay hang on and then here we go here we go here we go there we go and then now he looks like no he looks like [ __ ] on screen hang on it guys we have found Lidl the hedgehog all right maybe it maybe be color to be a little bit better actually here maybe can be read that maybe could be read and then the I could be blue how about this how about this is how about that can't see [ __ ] Jolla what but better now [Music] okay is this is this now he just looks like Tweety okay guys guys should we do blue beak and red eyes or does this is this lethally enough guys are going to get blue big okay blue big kid but the blurriness of the beak is kind of like I'll show you what I mean with this the blueness of the beak doesn't have that dark blue that little has only on the low row like it's too bright change the eye shape blue shoes instead I wish it could change it good that fits lead Allah well I mean no [Music] that joke is not funny anymore what [ __ ] joke don't come to my stream and tell me how to run my show alright there's no joke oh my god now now fortunately in it the screen now it looks like my my character my character is now hang on let me let me let me correct this right because I know you guys are like shut up I just need like a I just need this I need like a man mask you unfortunately I can only find a picture of Vladimir Putin but it will have to do alright but I kind of find a better picture guys so you know this will just have to do okay I don't like my creation I don't like I don't like it okay no more of this no more this no more of this take the bottom left for B color well they're all kind of the same honestly I'll [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we're gonna we're gonna have to do this and then red eyes okay it'll be as little as possible all right all right boys here we go looks great [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] okay see leave it at this limited okay says he's in a solitary ridiculous dream [Music] plans already happening Amy I've got a squad on the way to the spaceport in the chemical plant borrow a shuttle come on guys who's up for an old-school style jailbreak okay uh I'm gonna correct this enough he thinks I hold them off for now wait sit this girl this joke is not funny I'm sorry the get get it off the screen this is this is not funny anymore why mine and this while not looking at leas I'm hit how [ __ ] long am I gonna do this [ __ ] joke for it ends here it you know it's here it it ends here it ends no no more that no more that okay I was a I don't never get the name my character though I don't know I feel about that Ella L that's what the music SP us a face boner use my damn gun Mike my god wait I have a gun I thought I was a [ __ ] vacuum cleaner Victor sounds like drunk Kermit merry guys haha L what the file a flamethrower I don't know if this fits too well in this but alright hey guys did you know that Sonic is a sudra now I had his Canon name is gadget by the way huh yeah I guess reduce it okay we can't fire and go forward really fast at the same time though that's awesome all right I'm just gonna hold forward I'm just holding four I'm not gonna do anything else except hold D I'm not gonna jump once I'm not holding anything down okay okay how about this just hold forward and do this okay maybe the game will be a little different now I thought the game place itself but I mean it's now playing on Hard difficulty right I mean I guess it's too early to say on the first level here but okay I thought I was gonna go on the floor you know but uh all right yeah yeah well you've all seen the spider-man thing right okay well let's take it seriously let's say seriously I'm going to this game and I'm just being like hi everything whoo and that's that's not how I should stream this all right but I am just holding the NL right now I'm not holding anything else here to cause an explosion okay what the [ __ ] dude okay all right well uh what do you want what do you want me to say what do you want me to say it's alright it's an alright game but I guess a lot of Sonic fans were like disappointed that they went back to this kind of gameplay after Sonic mania like I guess people wanted sonic sonic mania too and it didn't necessarily want this you know not really yeah that's not the problem well III don't know I don't know well it's just painful and linear okay well I got a medal man I'm glad Tony the hawk has a flamethrower okay the Avatar screen has been unlocked go check it out oh yeah all right here we go I cannot use the Sega Pack costumes what no way man we we we spoon what oh here we go now okay here we go here we go yo set dreams oh my god oh my god now we're talking now we are talking milky milky all right listen Monkey Ball and dreams and hey this is put your poi isn't it aka mean bean machine let's keep it cannon the Sonic all right and this I don't know what this is but man if I could hack this game and put any logo I want on the Hat bellisimo but I can't do that s what else don't have it it looks great okay get my cloth oh my god that I don't like that skin skin never got leedle leedle both dee yo jet set radio okay body suit okay I mean you know you know just keep it to this keep it to this for each the volume let's hear this amazing soundtrack raise the volume you say you could comment to my stream and ask me to [ __ ] raise the volume no I'm not gonna do that [ __ ] I'll turn it up a little before ya okay hello everybody it's me doctor [ __ ] you all right well that'll do that'll do that'll do but now I want to get the beak red instead because now there we go there we go now the eye color with blue see now this is more this this looks leaders now this looks little you know so uh I like it different eyes what looks the best like this maybe this maybe it looks like Ronald McDonald no he looks like a chicken nugget eyes shape or the eye shape okay uh I think I could change that you know guys it's stuck like this you know sorry well it's gonna go he's gotta go down to lead it recycle some bottles and he's gonna get some excellent excellent snacks it's gonna buy some some some chips all right well here we go again I'm done I am done all right what's V spawn again oh that's my weapon you saw like guns give me a shotgun okay that's great all right let's kick some ass ooh here we go uh people kept saying something about there's a gamer gamer thing like a gamer hat in this game somewhere there is where do I get that where do I get that it's a free down unlock later okay keep playing okay okay am i far away from it cuz I don't want to go like level 25 like it yeah you keep playing okay you have to stay okay that's fine that's that's fine it's fine let's do that what if we give tails a gun like a 45 [Music] the real one I don't know [ __ ] doctor said oh my god I play a s OG Sonic okay now we're talking now we're talking he even does the little thing when you slide around look at well none of the game is is nostalgia bait for me this game went from a three point ten or from three out of ten into a 11 out of 10 you know so 3.10 into seven point three five five two if the music is very Genesis you I have an idea well I don't hear me out why don't just Sega because if this is right it's like a product look III and Sonic why don't just make a whole game like this right like just just let's let's stop let's top of the other so let's make you know just this and look not mania not mania I'm saying 3d style but this is them my rangs okay it's called Sonic the Hedgehog for how is it that I know that you're wrong and having them play the game that's motor sonic I'm saying just keep this design it's my argument keep this I know a Sega has been left with this this franchise in ruins all right no III jokes aside jokes aside I mean this game is all right so far I I didn't even mind the the The OC part you know but I thought maybe maybe it's a detriment that I'm playing as a keyboard and mouse right now you know oh oh god I'm getting [ __ ] up here oh this is awkward just get up that get up there they were going I'm trying you know what they should do hear me out this sounds like a a very stanky oh my god a ver stanky oh look at that a very stanky proposal but what if they make a sonic all stars here out to get all the Sonics they get sonic this classic one new sonic and hear me out they get sonic from the movie and are talking about the Jim Carrey when I'm talking on the the ova from the the the early 90s you know with with nucleus and the cowboy hat get that get that one and and then let's get hey kids you know and let's get let's get whoo what else obscure sonic one is there there is let's get sonic X in I guess that's motor sonic 2 and then let's get let's get all the Eggman Eggman unite Eggman unite right Jim Carrey classic you know [ __ ] it all of them and let's get boink know what's his name growing and blowing no well [ __ ] they called you know the chicken and the tank scratching ground or de Vougeot yeah get them get them get them and then there let's let's have and and let's let's also throw in what what what else do we need here what else do we need here well I'll tell you what who we need I tell you who we need in this next that's right boys that's right boys that's right boys he never left Vladimir Putin is back together all right okay whoa whoa whoa there got my barbecue shoes on all right is it this game very long No they're arson or more Jesus Christ on Mobius wait guys I love this I'm loving this but it needs a little extra it needs just a little bit more [ __ ] all right I want to watch a cutscene I want to watch the goddamn cuts hang on retry retry how do i retry hello Eric Troy just trying to MIT goddamn turn like a [ __ ] dope turn like a goddamn joke and now everything is in ruins joke ruin thanks Rocky how do i how do I go back well I guess I made it to the end of the game theater on the main screen okay hang on yes okay here we go theater and this is the cutscene right there's somebody else you skip deep did anybody just get that feeling of like ripping up your your homework you it's completely pissing in the drawer like then I'm gonna just get the feeling I'm like opening up your drawer you start pissing in it and then mom would find the pissed drawer at some point you know he's gonna suit suits for 20 year look up look up mom found the piss drawer oh here we go Joe why do you [ __ ] on this death metal of and Slayers fetching punch second piece all right here we go it's fair fair fair I'm 66 six guys is that the dumbest lyric ever written I mean listen I'm not a big fan of Slipknot right I better listen to him but what the [ __ ] does that mean extra deeper meaning or said just literally saying folk good gravely no but it is pretty dumb Oh funny try again I thought I was pretty clever with with with the lyric and opening or open your coffin and scout the middle three and I think I'm like nobody laughs at this joke but just me because it was just like unfunny but it made me laugh when I wrote it it opens up with the clock is 666 I don't nobody want it yeah I think nobody give a [ __ ] about this how money is to run and this is the same time no it can't be how do you guys feel about lyrics and vocals in in the video game songs I'm I don't know I've never been a big fan cuz I feel like I get numb to it I don't even hear what's being said because I'm just like oh there's so much stuff going on can I burst nah can't burst no please I want the Rings is it just me or the this vector sound a lot like Kermit look out look out bad Kermit he says more like Ernie and Bert kind of you know cyber Kermit well the game looks good though I like I like the background so for something you kind of tend to miss them a lot of this stuff is going by so quick what would you guys say what would you guys say is the best sauna give mania sonic mania 3 you know I have a funny story to tell you guys when Sonic Heroes came out I have video games magazines to this day that say best sonic game ever made this game revolutionized sonic and this sounds insane but hear me out when Sonic Heroes came out it was like a 9 out of 10 in these [ __ ] video game magazines behind me I am dead set [ __ ] serious and I will translate them I will go through a whole junk of magazines to be like this game for the Gamecube is amazing like in [ __ ] [ __ ] Sonic oh six was not even span when it came out I remember it was like yeah 6 out of 10 7 out of 10 yes Sonic game you know like and then I'm a year later I hear like what worst game ever made I'm like what but the magazine's told me otherwise I don't know man do I get a chivos football glasses gamer okay just saying they were told the bugs will be fixed before release anyone what was his comment I've said this once and I'll say it against again sorry if you sorry if you know though but Chris Redfield also voices sonic seems what what seem guy no serious what's his name what's his name it is Jaleel White I oh I always had a suspicion I said when I saw Chris Redfield punchable I said herckel versus Abba zaba he said it's not a Vulcan you notice the bad sonic because he talks a lot Wow let's see you try something now that I'm free foolish schedule getting else if your change does not make you free now come and freaks thing inevitable yeah I say this in her work [Music] okay I can't get into this I'm sorry guys get some squirrel excite here in background move this stream is gonna make a lot of people very angry they're like Joel you can't focus at all you keep slipping off platforms urinated you were just as bad as when you played Shadow the Hedgehog and this is something about these sonic games when I play them I feel like I'm sedated on like morphine like it's bizarre look at that what doesn't sound like Chris Redfield are you sure that's Chris Redfield I mean I guess he's doing a voice but you know this Chris Redfield get Westar in their Sonic welcome to the defect me and dr. Robotnik have milked a thousand pigeons for the ultimate in feet technology the control so this is bad worse on a keyboard yeah yeah no can't do that a complete global I hear come soon now zavok here is a fan favorite you know when you think classic characters in sauna Eagle sat on Puget Sound is exclusive to this game I bet it's from the comics right that's how I would do that that's not how we do this it was in lost world I don't remember lost word I mean I haven't played colors generations a lot of games that I just like pass me by completely you know that we use the sitter Drecker almost now can you believe that when did we you come out 2013 guys they came out eight years ago eight [ __ ] years ago [Laughter] huh all right well what you can ask see now this game is great because you can only pull your kidney you can do whatever you want as long as you have lost and spacebar you're good to go right can do your you can eat soup you can you know refrain from me making any any any any jokes you know so you know so it's all gravy you guys might want Bayonetta had a one hand gameplay option was it wasn't that something huh should I missed what was up with that but what was up with that yeah cause Bayonetta thought and you say you say that that that that Robotnik isn't you [ __ ] double standard gamers always going on about Oh see sick dude Eggman it's the thickest [ __ ] of them all dude son egg have you seen him in the cartoon Mamma Mia don't let me pull up that image of Eggman in like a bikini again oh [ __ ] oh my ring my ring oh my god clutch here we go you think Eggman is so hot he fry the pan [ __ ] jusa death imminent hot egg on leg how long as fruits Chris Redfield invoice and so on exchange any question because how long has this been going on how long it says scat scam me going on two thousand ten ten [ __ ] years damn he's good okay I need to thank you seriously I can't stop [ __ ] we'll be here all night if I don't take this seriously don't stop slipping well you know I'm talking about Eggman I get looped up you know well what's that thing that that egg mess said in the Sonic Adventure fights at the end when I you know have my lord of this no wait no no no no what was it you know the sad thing about these games sometimes I buy these games right actually before I say anything this is a gift from Karelian well while ago I must say I was gonna stream it on a weekend so this is all karelians doing I didn't buy this game so blame him for this blame him for this he also was a lot of RAM truck commercials Ram ran [ __ ] satisfied okay no Dodge Ram pickup trucks okay top [ __ ] well damn it I said this before but my my current keyboard that I have I don't like this keyboard and but now that I'm using for so long it's it's horrible to use because I can't go back here cuz now my hands are super sensitive and obviously Justin's the crap factor right and how it just generally hard to like you know it's awful awful get the sanic shirt DLC yeah you whoever runs the Sonic Twitter could you matter getting paid for [ __ ] posted on it gets paid for that [Music] you know I gotta say something that's that's [ __ ] why is it that Sonic loves chili dogs right but I've never in any of these games see sonic wolf down a chili dog what games does he eat a chili dog and he does he did in generations show me proof show me proof show me proof show me proof to me proof if it's a hot dog this is unacceptable you looked it up no no cuz because if I look up a video it'll trail off two to two hours to me like laughing at Ronald McDonald and I'm gonna have that Sawney chili dog for ten minutes okay now let me see here put up on YouTube [ __ ] you're right [ __ ] I got guys I am sorry I am [ __ ] sorry god damn it I'm sorry I take it back I take it back still didn't eat it so I'm right you know okay I'll watch I'll watch I'll watch it for real I'll watch it for real I'll watch it for real this image is bizarre to look yet because it's it's Sonic the Hedgehog and rayed shadow legends having a goddamn chili dog together where'd you get that chili dog from now this is just now this is just this is this this this this dream this dream right here everybody and then that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about what I what I what a good stream okay also I I [ __ ] hate this and every every frame of this cutscene or this intro is just I hate it I hate this this belongs in hell [Music] it used to stuff like where'd he go where'd he go where the [ __ ] did he go oh he's back okay did I need to play that game it's nothing but three hours of eating chili dogs you know Oh get that game on yeah get that game on it was pretty good okay here we go we got a thing you got that I got oh my god oh my God look at that JPEG move move I don't hyper NASA to move sound again whatever they file names are called wanted move okay all right we got death thank you how many stages are in this game because I'm like breezing through this what the hell 20 I thought it was like nine stages I'm like this can't this this can't be right well how are you talking there's no oxygen so I've been known for its realism you see monologuing or he talking sonic is so goddamn fast that logic cannot catch up to him like sonic is the equivalent of like you know the the roadrunner shipped where the declotae he's like standing off a cliff in heels and realize it you know you can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't acknowledge it meet people you know that's that should be a thing Roadrunner and Sonic ah that should be a [ __ ] thing huh crossover the century Warner Brothers I know you haven't done anything with Roadrunner but ham there'll be that BMW thing and me locked up on the desk rap just won't stay destroyed I'll be out of here in no uh busy I'm playing roller coaster tycoon that how come I loathe you sings Sonic's wind button his what now oh [ __ ] [Music] shift oh yeah I have that ability I keep forgetting it what what doesn't what does a Saugus murder x-man if it's that much trouble why don't just like bike oh no wait that's shadow they had to [ __ ] that's not the Jedi way [Laughter] there we go let's win holy [ __ ] okay there's going look too fast here Joel am I sitting nude here what tell you something let me tell you something let me tell you something you get out of my window all right whatever whatever [Music] okay I I see what's going on here got a little bit of a tricky dicky situation huh all right here we go boys [Music] my stool so bad I'm not bad at this game I'm really good you know I'm like D and D when you do it like a bluff I think it's failed you know my mom my my my bluff my bluff role as as [ __ ] it out around here somewhere I guess sonic thinks so much and like you do so much [ __ ] at the same time you see a gamer gamer like me all right so this is this is all Eggman's is all Eggman's stuff that he's built bright death egg these ships and all that yes it did and you're telling me that after all this stuff he can't just build like a nuclear bomb but in his murder sonic he did he did when I remember in Sonic 3 you dropped like a John bomb that the gluten blew ship up but you know Unleashed it where are you saying that wait what lost world so you're telling me there's a game out there where doctor goddamn Robotnik builds a giant Tsar Bomba drop some the [ __ ] on Mobius and there's nothing but skeletons and burnt rabbits everywhere and Sonic has to get in a hazmat suit and clean up the radiator I want to play that game he nuked the moon so he can destroy the moon but he cannot destroy like a dumbass Hedgehog you didn't even I hate that Hedgehog now all right let's see here okay oh yeah oh yeah that's me that's me that's me well can we go I can't become Aquaman fun fact I was in the Warner Brothers Studio park in Australia and it was where they filmed Aquaman and I was standing inside the set of that movie the I never saw Aquaman but I stood inside the submarine scene and I was just standing there like I'm inside a movie right now that I don't care about [Music] your concern is touching knuckles it's a commoner chap right now and I didn't debating if I should read it or not I really I really shouldn't because it's like I can't tell if it's like a genuine genuine comment it or it's like a like a spooky spaghetti okay I'll try to read it Eggman dramatically gets strangled by shadow while being repeatedly punched in the [ __ ] face as blood comes out of his mouth as his gasping for life - underscore - what was this posted what context was this posted what did you tell me this you just you just told me some violence you just told me violence a scene of violence context okay stop saying this stop saying this alright only if your non-violence can be achieve world peace no kidding look Sonic I know you just got back we're spread thin can you take care of this we need that factory in Green Hill destroyed Stuber take the rookie with you stop stop promoting this violence and chat all right I don't want to have this Keeling in shed all right I don't give a [ __ ] out if Eggman gets punched in the coccyx cool but bye-bye Shadow the Hedgehog that's not why I stream I don't I'm not a news reporter I don't report on this this horrible violence on the Internet all right but get someone else to do it call the cops I'm not responsible will be when it's burnt to the ground Sonic you take the lead rookie just make sure you take good to know how to name I got six months of payback I'm just dying to spend that sounds like a good start all right boys enemies factories inside the pyramid I can say oh we're doing doing I'll blitz it a reason the magic bullet yep how are we having a dialog in cities like London or [ __ ] my stickykeys [ __ ] window on goddamnit [ __ ] it it's done and I'm about you guys but ask they're going Mack five I can't think about anything else besides [Music] [Music] now kick kick on with this joke your social screening that stop stop stop screaming in the name of the Lord all right Jill please make a highlight video this game I'm up but if this stream could then just be this bad and then No you missed the theme though the femur they've got a red coin here we go huh you did what did I miss what did I miss when that double boost thing appears bottom ash into you get the theme song with lyrics was it Olive Garden Oh Liv go dings then you're here you're family all right dirt god dammit sorry I missed a red coin but whatever I die a lot in this game and I don't know if it's because I've used I suck where he said it's that they don't care both yeah all right you got you got to spice it up a little bit you got used to flamethrower you know I don't know why but I used about two reminded of its Soul Calibur three you guys remember zazzle emelles level the Clocktower thing I don't why but I thought of that Charizard oh man man we don't play the Soul Calibur know why we should we should fix that we should fix it had a fun time with that game could be fun I thank you well my rings my rings my rings all right yeah more soul camp it's been a while but I don't know if anybody to place it anymore you know which is an excellent opportunity for me like you know I'm fine it's gonna be an evil to see your hand hahaha how did games get accepted into evil can I submit game suggestions - like a big big box like right down a little napkin and I sent it into the big big game suggestion box you know I knew that hello evil I was very much like if you guys could play a little fight or two for evil this year I think it's an excellent game and I think trash like Tekken does not below I'm sure a few guys you know what a little fight or two is but [ __ ] I love that game at what an OG game yeah only got a hundred times lethal fighter say what you will about this game but the levels are short and I appreciate that I appreciate that these levels do not drag on for too [ __ ] long like this is an actual thing I like about this game and I don't know if that's aI don't know if that's saying like I don't enjoy playing this game to thank others short but yeah I'm not complaining I'm not complaining whoa guys we got Crocs we got Crocs boys about that splatoon action go on what if I am an alligator character and I wear Crocs is that isn't that like [ __ ] WS I don't know I know how is it how is it not [ __ ] up coke corks are not made made out of crocodiles black sorry sorry sorry sorry I know that's not funny let's try this this lightning out okay Mike beat me to that joke oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay Joe protracted all are made by somebody else all right here we go never go shut her down shut her down now what looks gamer that looks pretty gamer dat looks really gamer look at that Gogh my Crocs on and look I look like a park alcoholic rocks got my vest just keep it Oh God Oh Lord what oh oh oh oh my I mean again guess that drains gonna don't think I'm gonna use it black okay but in fact what if I oh no oh hell no all [ __ ] that [ __ ] that I don't like that what in God's name okay okay no it's it's gonna be per se it's gotta be presentable it's gonna be okay that no matter how much I [ __ ] with image it's always [ __ ] up it's always [ __ ] up like it doesn't matter where you are in the world this image will always bother the [ __ ] out of you all right okay no no more they say mister give me [ __ ] nightmare sir what if I even make me so green I don't get it what what is the point of this oh it's just oh okay okay I see it's like you know I don't let me let me it fixes up for display purposes okay all right where my pants come from let's not do that - all righty ever go awesome III just I just like to get the gamer hat okay here we go have you didn't save I did it yeah he's dropping nuclear bombs man I'm raining and living and living and wheeling and dealing I'm kidding I'm kidding oh okay maybe I gotta care a little bit but what I'm doing hey you know you know see what you will about this game and all that love of lights it's not amazing or whatever but hey at least the levels have you know a little bit variation on them you know okay it's not a terrible game it really isn't no they are not well sorry guys but you guys aren't game reviewers you don't you can't you can't you can't tell you can't say if a game is good or not you know we have to we have to trust those opinions to people that that are qualified for opinions you know so unless unless the reviews say so we don't we can't we can't we don't have the power to say that you know that's what reviews are for you know I don't know about you guys but I think maybe this visible ability is a little overpowered I mean it just obliterates everything it's just that they're like hold shift and use win really soldier I remember him I can't believe it put him in the game I'm glad that Team Fortress 2 cross or finally paid off hang on if these are the dudes that are helping me boost am I like eating them am i grinding it to paste and like he's never toothpaste yes well are they okay with that [ __ ] no okay so why sonic doing it little mean you know is its phone neo that's why I okay I got you I got you you know you know I kind of like this game actually you know why because for completely ridiculous reasons I like this game because it is delightfully boring and I can talk about whatever I want and I can play off this games whatever when a game is really invested in the ice you tend to shut the [ __ ] up and the more I talk is just like it just makes for bad streaming you know so know what but what happened over the zone again did it put me out huh okay when I say boring I don't mean like the game is boring to play but I'm saying like I'm not sitting there like shaking with excitement going like it's just for like a like a like a it's like a nice walk even though I'm running in the game but you know you get what I mean get what I mean all right let's see you let's see what we got here we got well boys the game heard me I said you you want you want to crank it up a little bit Joel huh and I said I don't know and there's like well get ready get ready oh my god oh my god yep get me get me on get me on that that ought to change right now okay hang on okay I cannot I kind of wait for this holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that is okay well [Laughter] it's our gamer shirt in this game too with like a joystick and a weed symbol that's what I really want but I'll tell you what I really really really want okay okay okay okay that that's a lot of games that's a little engagement I mean what's that song that plays I'm like for cry three or four and it's you burning a bunch of the other and it's Skrillex and like these vocals that's going like you know smoke the herb smoke the herb Obadiah do Babu and the squares come single I'm gonna play a song you know well Tata what let's let's get some gamer music in here let's get some gaming music in here you know there we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] I found something good [Music] [ __ ] I need some legs I need some I can't fight it it better so this miss 11 do [Music] [ __ ] Peaks Trinity boys but I means working he's rocking perfect I got my [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't I can't find the tab for the [ __ ] new thing is covered problem [ __ ] north and [ __ ] sonic eat [ __ ] out there Jesus Christ okay ah maybe I just keep these maybe just keep these [ __ ] but I got off I'm gonna get so much flak for this dream saying all Joel did in this dream was put Healy's on Putin he was drunk it was 9:00 in the morning and he was he was drinking in the park and he found a laptop and you know okay listen I can't I can't get the goddamn booties off the screen there we go okay good that's good enough that's good enough a lot of god-awful [ __ ] strengthen I tell you okay mission huh clear all these these missin objectives okay [Music] [Laughter] whatever man okay here we go does anyone but you believe your lies [Music] your persona this persona Johnson its Joker Sam Samuel yeah hey doctor yo each other so what's your favorite color you like long romantic walks on the beach what's the source of your power you can I thought it was music if I'm Spotify but no it's just some dudes sing in the background he refers to question if you like the source of my power sorry but you've just got to share the secret of your power with me I insist you're insisting this is easy Bork resistance is futile hey call Picard we have a situation all right stop stop playing the flute up there get the card down here oh my go at Sam this is a character I should know like know what's he made just for this game yes I'm guessing they explained that the this character a little bit better later but I mean I'm again I just feel this game's thermo stuff just stuff your way and you're expected to get it and I'm like why no I'm old no they don't oh oh my yo it's just f-zero X this is a lot like big blue right now okay get him get that guy get that guy [ __ ] get him get that guy [Music] what's infinite superpower like even get what a superpower is it is that it breathes fire is that it what this was a thing I don't know he's red he laughs a lot I gotta I gotta say guys who who would cut vegetables better shatter or infinite shadow well infinite doesn't have a gun so you know this music is a little gamer actually it sounds like something you know you'd hear and one of us like roblox gaming compilations things you know that's something that's not a jab at it just sounds here you know gamer playlists keep missing the ring still [Music] I come over dude [Music] it's eja music one of these states has you check out one of the newer ej versions because they kept making new e but they stopped making EJ's now but up until like 2005 they made a Jason I should like to make some using him like EJ not mark Coolio edition and it'll be pretty funny because there's more than just like five samples you can drag onto the timeline you know there's even on EJ game for PlayStation 2 I am dead serious you could make music on the goddamn PlayStation 2 with it I think of it's called EJ music but yeah places you do get to do it I might I might I might who so the sonic sonic conic ended right how long that [ __ ] run for wasn't been like 30 years 20 years okay okay for sonic car cartoon kaneki readers I have to ask it was it awkward whenever a new game came out and the comics trying to tie into it or did the game or did the court comic just ignore the game completely doctor just have to drop plot points in the middle of everything be like you'll by the way here sir his Tony the hawk they rebooted it okay yes spank the monkey this one this all this all this jokes ever Bert [Music] you get over here you get over here now hey stop that knock it off there's an owl hobo sonic who eats trash chili dogs at a dumpsters on this stream we speak English I get more powerful every second I will teach you to hold that tongue next up you can count them I thought it was dabbing [Music] hey didn't know who who made Sonic real quick who made Sonic real quick and don't send me give me the actual answer all right ge you única that guy wanted to star as a cameo in the sonic movie and they never returned his [ __ ] phone calls like he literally called him and be like excuse me I made sonic could I be in the movie in the background just be like a little wink they never even get gave a [ __ ] they never return the phone calls and he's like oh ok you know there's not the crater it was the the the coder for it okay well I'll tell you what how does this feat how did it feel when you guys sat in the theaters right and there was all these Becky's around you and there was all these moms and like grandpas and all that and you saw goddamn carry you on screen looking at all of them guys from the goddamn movies like it wasn't wasn't that incredible to see God didn't care you in the movie theater in an American cinema it'd be like what them you know kill your John so that was incredible I cracked my ass up harder than I should have oh I got a gun now [Music] all right I shouted that the cake is a light to attract the gamers I did as well I did as well I did as well but I couldn't like save for that like go into a Cajun accent so I took up my by fisher-price megaphone and I went and everybody went because we were just watching with gamers you know it's like I'm watching the sonic move again sonic is unconscious all the time I gotta figure out the secret of his power hmm his power is that he's really cool yellow a green hill zone let's go [Music] I assume and in this sonic it only speaks Japanese and goes uh sumimasen sumimasen dorrego Harmison okay oh my god this music this game has a lot of whiplash and contrast and moods we're just fighting like you know Skrillex and now I'm like a look at this this this this game goes from like you know eating chocolate cake into like eating a salad immediately like it's it's very uh all over the place OOP that put a pop this music is on I like this I like this because it's straight forward straight coordinates obviously nostalgia Bates I'm just like yeah I like it I like this I like I like this whole game man I I don't want to be like I mean I'm just you know I'm just just in a weird mood right now because it's very late for me so I'm just kind of like yeah but I'm having a good time and I'm having a good time but don't you cap at me all right anyway there we go [Music] something gone [Music] Persepolis that the gamer seen without having problems no just get up there I'm having a terrific terrific problem so with this alright alright well well well now well all I can say about this game it's it's it's alright I don't know if I'm gonna continue playing it for too long but you know I don't think this game isn't bad it's it's just it's alright I guess I don't have too much to say about it except yeah have you ever spin death before wrong sorry I'm more like a sonic 1 gameplay fan when it's like oh I got to do this and that like uh I just revert to like Genesis Sonic alright I'm sorry sorry what do you mean spin - do you mean all sitting down crouching Ingold are we talking about that is that spin - ok but that that's in first Sonic - some I'm being an idiot or is it are you kidding me are you kidding me get sandals now [Music] man they sure give you a lot of the option to customize stuff but here's what I want right can you unlock sonic and put him in a gamer kappa that's all I want kind up dammit no that would have been awesome that would have been awesome to see classic Sonic running around with gamer you know let's let's battle Eggman with my strength of jungle which reminds me didn't you run into Sonic there after he escaped yes but he was powerless against me your thing at infinity this goes to himself [ __ ] I shudder clocked out the other eye too because I can't see [ __ ] inside this dumbass mask what's Eggman's D luck what's it what's his gold like from my understanding Eggman used to be a good guy who had like a dying wife and then he is kind of went nuts something I know it was no no that's mr. Friis no no no I'm not crazy I'm not confusing dr. Eggman with goddamn Batman and Robin no no you have built a giant army in space and now you're attacking me with like a a bowling ball and you think you're gonna get me with that okay there we go that's what I thought that's what I thought Jesus Christ okay thank thank lord yo is this mischief-makers son okay this is actually a boss fight huh well I gotta [ __ ] up the same room wasn't generation Unleashed Oh segment is kind of got a little lazy oh I'm dying I'm dying I'm a dime alright but anyway so apparently what I'm thinking of Eggman's dying wife that's in the comics never read the comics I probably read that on like a wiki page for Sonic like 100 years ago I'm like okay that's canon I guess it isn't so if that's not canon what what is his deal he wants to make a theme-park you he wants to make a theme-park [Music] is that is it is that real so you just want to get a little roller coaster tycoon action happening oh I see what's going on out there but you know you know me you know me I remember we've been hustling together for like years I assume that this this version of Sonic was just young son and like kid Sonic you know that's not - this this is just a sonic from another dimension so they're not going to say like yeah this wasn't happening long time ago you were still a kid you know [Music] you believe all this technologies to beat them by a couple of rocks throw rocks Adam oh no my one weakness rocks okay bye I got a cheer for that by the way guys I am how many stages all from the ending mi because if I'm really close to the ending I might as well just like I will be nine I'm fifty minutes away too [ __ ] many okay you're but third of the way through okay well I might just call it here learning unless there's something you doesn't really want to like see or play or whatever then I mean please call here call or they say that they do save them they say you know they say the anticipation at the end is worse to the ended who said bad news before you courting you alright well I'm 86 I'm I'm Mike at some point recurrent of this but I'm gonna call out one off for now I mean that this game was you know can't say too much about it but it's it feels like they this one of those games hear me out it's one of those games where they had a [ __ ] ton of concept art and a lot of people just like we're gonna make so much Colin if they were gonna make infinite the most epic character ever we're gonna make all these levels and about and it just amounts to kind of yeah nothing I can't imagine the pages and [ __ ] pages of concept art and it's like yeah [Music] so they did well I'll tell you what what is a sonic game that's like this that's really good it's really good you won't go back to this or generations okay but it's generations because here's I wanna kinda want to know what the story ends man I kind of you know what you know what [ __ ] you guys for saying that I won't finish this tell what I will finish this I will [ __ ] finish this you're gonna be two streams and you know what before this week is over I will have finished this and we'll see what's [ __ ] kaplan then huh you know I wanna finish it i I like to see Eggman Sonic and Tails and my character and all the other characters I want to see them interact I wanna see what this all amounts to you know because I like this this makes me smile because maybe cuz I'm just in the mood for Sonic after [ __ ] playing it or seeing the movie rather that I'm just like I you know what am I going a sonic binge yeah we're gonna play this in a reverse chronology we're gonna be playing this and then we're hopefully play mania and then I might do a hawk or Friday of like one or two you know so who knows so who knows oh my god oh my god it's a sonic earthquake man it's very King okay anyway what a stream tonight huh what a stream tonight then well anyway I'm gonna be right back with the arcs are sit tight and more stuff coming up see you soon all right so we're gonna stick at the orc tonight let's see here from I cannot believe this shirt earlier that I did for the the joke for the sonic forces thing like what kind of shirt is this like playstation ps4 smoker like imagine wearing this oh my god you know it [ __ ] that here we go powered by anime video games and weed do you guys know what unemployment looks like while you stare at it alright cut it cut the [ __ ] jokes alright cut the [ __ ] jokes alright anyway let's see here from let me see here if I have already shown this then [ __ ] me cryin did this I was gonna do a whole set of puns but end up scrapping the rest and I was damned against us into the abyss I think I did did I not see boil before I think I did see boil before right I swear to God I did no I didn't not this one I think a boil has just been a joke I don't think I did I don't think I did so I'm gonna review it like I haven't seen it just in case but there we go but there's this boy boy I got to do some more cooking simulator soon but thank you so much from none of your business what the hell is this achievement unlocked soup the burbs Joel dunk scoot in the soup all right so I'm sure you've all seen me and Vinny we did the we did the Animal Crossing thing and you know so you know it's confirmed that we're well eventually do like a one-off and I'm not crossing at some point and it's gonna be madness but there we go Jesus this could have a [ __ ] biscuit up his asses from bone marrow cou here's me scoot and linear Viennese got the ax yeah that's pretty good that's pretty damn good I like that a lot murdering my I said great great great job lovely watch style very very nice very very nice from Xander here we go what's this come on get up they're getting over it with kitty yeah will they ever go there's mr. cat I might do a Zen again with dr. meow at some point but I'm just realizing that how long's Ennis some just like [ __ ] you know but they're going from Bob not a Joel's been watching for years and love the content watching you play Black Mesa kind of makes me miss school source maybe hosts a new kind of competition wink wink anyway all you do all do is the right kind of entertainment keeping up well thank you after years of research or science team has located the perfect new metal vocalist school ooh I like that like that maybe a little too much oh thank you so much pineapple raptor the dissing a rich werner inspired bulk that i duel in my free time i werner a rich werner okay I'm not a rich Werner Jesus hang on a second I thought someone else at the door but there go pretty damn good I like that a lot so I was supposed to buy groceries last night and i sat there looking at my grocery list like and I realized I have everything that I needed from the grocery store in my shelf and yet I'm like let's buy new stuff I'm like dude I'd love some soup and I'm like I have soup at home you know it's like what the [ __ ] cuz I can only think of what I have when I buy things you know to me like I need to go to the store to be like wait I have this already so idiot but yeah thank you so much looks great too I'm metal Matias oh look at this hey Joel there's a little fortune for you I've been super sick the past week or so but your streams have been helping me get through it and feel much much better I'm realest it's a big fan I always look forward to your conten hope you enjoy the rest of your day / night but look so awesome look at that say done say done say done do you guys know what I'm referencing what I'm saying say done say done say done I'm curious does anybody know from the inflection in from the inflection yep so I wanna go out yes yes it's the Winnie the Pooh thing where we need to poo goes say Dan say Dan say Li add the viral video yes that one that one well thank you so much that looks awesome that looks awesome from painted rain here we go look at this it's friend in Doom hey Joe well I haven't posted in a few months and I hope and have been really excited for doom external well I'm sure someone has drawn vork friends the doom Slayer well I'm sure someone has strong work friend mister do Slayer I hope you enjoy my take on it well look at that - holy [ __ ] that is very very nice in how many days until doom eternal guys guess I'm getting anxiety thinking about it 25 days twenty five [ __ ] days how soon until half-life Alex a month I really wish they could separate the goddamn case like this this trifecta of games Animal Crossing half-life doom thought like I will be fine if they could smear that out until like how about this doom first then from my from a month from their half off Alex and then from an imam from there but it's all on the same it's just clumped together down like you know I'm gonna have to scream scream to stream so much you know so did all to get my VR headset no we're gonna be talking about that sue but well thank you so much that looks very very cool very cool from DT here's a couple of our shrooms a little 3d ask pretty damn nice pretty damn nice I like that a lot cool cool effect till where that's all from settlement here's battle Tennessee I've been rewatching part two so I drew the main cast as friends I totally agree with you in love and battle Tennessee the most and all it gets better when I watch it all over again well here we go we got a battle friend in see we got Brad first we got Lisa two Buble we have Buble the world's smartest idiot I like that I like that a lot the world's smartest idiot them we got vehicles ikeda key way I'm a slammer and sand nenene oh my god there's neva three is a third of April [ __ ] the world smart I liked Buble Buble oh my god that's that's incredible also is it me or does Germa make a perfect Jonathan Joestar voice when he speaks with a British accent I've never heard German do that I've never heard German do that so you guys are gonna have to be the judge of that the rats movie yeah but that was Gemma's friend wasn't it right I remember now like yeah I had a friend do that voice instead write it why the [ __ ] do I know this I look barely I've seen it you know god it's like but but I am emotionally touched I remember things that I should not remember let's it's whatever great art great art tuned from egg maker you're his kumquat Johnny I [ __ ] reference kumquat Johnny today in this dream and then there's art that is not even from today referencing kumquat Johnny that is amazing that is amazing that is [ __ ] amazing I can't believe it Pete thanks from Austin D for friend wants that Lida I'm studying abroad in Stockholm this summer and my perception of what Sweden is like comes from Joe streams you don't want to talk on for that friend although I think I once heard in a stream that shocking was this nothing like the rest of Sweden yeah yeah yeah yeah and I'm spec to nothing with Lidl and metal anyway well not Stockholm when you go to Stockholm for Sweden you're gonna get Starbucks and hmm H&M stores and you're gonna get subways and trendy art galleries all right that it's like saying hey y'all I'm uh I'm a cab or I'm a cowboy and I want to visit the good ol States I want to go visit good ol States and wrangle some cows y'all gosh darn and you end up going to like Chicago like what like no no like [ __ ] gosh darn cowboy you I got travel a little bit not that's like a city to enjoy real Sweden but but you know you know we have horse cops in Chicago I would say that's more Amish than a disc a boy ye but a you know your wife's there no Amish gamers why is there no Amish gamers you know I mean why is there no Amish gamers onto it you yes well I guess there's no games that says file an Amish gamer they're like well listen these games are boring they're too easy for us there's like farming simulator [ __ ] that game we don't need some some big-ass vehicle they got wrong Brum Brum Brum we do this [ __ ] ourselves all right easy you know he might be onto something you know they're active on the farm simulator eSports scene shut up shut up alright we're gonna move on now great art great art - from super Kaku here is a friend ain't that cute I don't know what this style reminds me of here must be a little bit on pond Mun you know i'm puttin' i was pissed off and generally just in a bad mood so i drove our friend to cheer me up but look at that that looks incredible looks pretty damn good I don't why but I expected the the background it'll like be slowly kind of you know moving a little bit but it's in my head and that's enough so great job great job I like that a lot very nice very very nice from cat meow meow Stine here we go here is gamer Charmeleon from that one bootleg stream I did this I know you're supposed to I know you give them like a six pack but it doesn't look like that at all it just looks like something else okay that that's up to you for the cypher but you know yeah but there you go there you go good job completion hey Joel Joel I've been watching your stream for a while now but this is my first time making any art it's nothing special I hope you like it love your streams thank you thanks for doing what you do well I appreciate that a lot very cool Scola looks at pretty damn good it it looks good and I just realized there's a whole there's a whole new art because I was checking on page two I thought it was page one but there is a lot of art of the Lidl the Hedgehog and I'm gonna save that for tonight's stream and I might just finish this game tonight because this was a lot of fun and I really want to do Shenmue because you know it's one of those things I promised you guys and it hasn't happened so Shenmue tonight Shenmue my sonic forces why not but here's what I want to do it's ten twelve and I'm still hungry as [ __ ] I suffer to this stream you know my little breakfast break you know all I did was eat a bucket of candy because I'm like I can't cook any food so I'm just like [ __ ] what do I have in the house that will sustain me a little bit so he took a handful of like gummy worms and one mom and I just sat down and went alright listen let's kick yes so I'm gonna get some lunch now but before I end tonight I need to showcase one particular art piece that is from crunchy toot crunch crunch toot and it looks like this so you can expect a lot of this it's done tamartian but this looks incredible look at that look at that that is that is incredible look at the ice look at the ice my god like get it get a zoom in on that you see how incredibly detail that is like that that is that is phenomenal well look at them little shoes too dad is incredible and it is also the first post that crunch to it has done on the board completely out of nowhere that is phenomenal I mean like I couldn't end tonight string without one acknowledgement of Lidl the head chocolate little the bird or whatever do this is and I just had to show this art because this this was just this is phenomenal [Laughter] [Music] that is that is fantastic that is fantastic that made my morning well I'll treasure it forever thank you incredible job incredible job really really cool huh well everybody thank you for watching and I know the rest of you guys so like hey you didn't go through my orc yet tonight tonight because it was just a lot of the art for this character right now so I want to get through that tonight and I really gotta get some food cuz I'm my energy is dipping into like zero territory I'm just like oh it's more heart like it shouldn't be that I I need to appreciate this to its maximum capacity so I can fully get every angle of this but yeah just incredible arc really thank you so much well anyway uh vice all stuck on throw to TV such teams as vices for the rest of twitch streamers right now dr. Eggman is currently live as you can see no we have let's see dire Boers playing for for Chris well [ __ ] I know who I'm hosting well everybody once again thanks for watching tip of the day this there's a tip I got to do myself sons I forget how much food I have in my my cupboard or whatever and I have to like have a I have to write it down what foods I have I have it like a post-it note like what food do I have what can I cook because sometimes I'm just so lost from like I have all these ingredients and I don't know and I again I was I was gonna buy groceries yesterday and I'm like wait a minute I have all this food that I'm trying to buy anyway so like I was like let's buy a flower less buy soup blah blah blah blah and I'm like well if I can have this what the [ __ ] am I talking about you know that's how long have I been given tips by the way like you know it tip you know this I don't know when I started but it's been a long time now I think you know note that not ten years no it's like maybe maybe two to two years maybe like a year well anyway hope you have enjoying these dumb ass dumb s tips anyway because I'm gonna stop them now instead I'm gonna do fart of this dream just ah bye oh no I'm just kidding uh I'll never change but I will do this I will recommend you to go watch my sister calm right now I'm gonna starboard and I'll see you tonight but shenmue alright peace out and be good to each other you know so what's important peace out
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 101,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, sonic, forces, lidl, the, hedgehog, green, screen, ma, weird, cat, head, xsplit, cutscene, edgy, infinite, vector, tails, movie, robotnik, level, worst, generations, mania, eggman, jim carrey, spoiler, review
Id: DXjdn28_yvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 22sec (8482 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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