[Vinesauce] Vinny - Weird Sanic Games

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okay I know what you want I know what you want you want super toad sunshine the Encore welcome to we're sanics ah what the fuck already atomic sonic is first what a start no I don't like that alright here we are finally finally I can begin I may have to configure the controls give me just another second we have yet another weird sanics delay I have to figure out what I'm gonna do for the shoulder buttons start right left down up you ready [Music] why is it so horrible it just hurts to look at so this is weird sanics is a collection from two separate people who made me the weirdest Sonic fan games let's say that they could find and whoever you are thank you for making these and I already hate it [Music] what do we do to wish this hell upon ourselves maybe it was for the best that weird sanics got delayed in two weeks in a row and you know i may have a spook tober treat if we if we can make it through this i may have a little spooked oh birthing i've got a number of spooked Ober Sundays planned but this will give you a short one so please try to survive if you can if you can make it through this then we will get to something even more appropriate all right well that was atomic sonic I guess this one's called big fish in big fish and Derby so here's big the cat a character I've only become made aware of very recently and the start button is fast forward I have to change that real quick much better Zen mode start playing so I guess this is fishing [Music] as you know big the cat is John st. John I think I knew that at some point now I know for sure so Duke Nukem is also big the cat [Music] so so this is it this is I mean it's not as relaxing as stardew valley but I'll take it actually kind of legit I need to catch a frog oh the Frog was the key to all this because the Frog is a funnier character than we've ever had I'm sorry you fucker you hate my frog [Music] yeah this is pretty good I mean you know for a minigame this isn't something I would spend a lot of time on but surprisingly surprisingly interesting and innovative for a weird sanic [Music] damn it was hoping I could really cheese that out [Music] by the way there's a documentary on Netflix that made me want to die so I want to warn you it contains like really really graphic imagery and it'll really fuck you up so I want you to not I want to tell you about I want to warn you about it so that you don't watch it all right it really made me think about a lot of things and and put it like a fucking existential crisis into my head I mean my fatalism has never been worse after watching this documentary truly God is dead you know and all that fun stuff it's called Tokyo Idol and it's about Japanese idols and the old men that follow them around [Music] [Music] just remember handshaking handshaking is very sexual bubsy in Sonic 2 is next [Music] there is the original cool cat [Music] Wow look ease guy he controls very similar to his oh oh it's insta death [Music] I'll tell you what could possibly go wrong the game could suck as much as I have a problem with the way sonic controls bubsy is at least three times worse but at least you get this nice Glide does it knuckle have the glide [Music] okay I'm actually I'm impressed with getting bubsy and Sonic and actually making it work well but this would definitely make the game even more difficult quite watch why are you dead oh god there's fall damage bubsy has like tiny small amounts of fall damage what sicko would make something like this when I say small amounts of fall damage I mean bubsy can't fall from a large height without you know being removed from the mortal coil it's it's great pathetic dead that's the fall damage right there could you imagine I mean I know bubs he's a different game and you know you're gonna want Sonic to play a sonic level but could you imagine having to play Sonic with that level of fall damage these are just death Springs Wow [Music] then he did you've noticed the level name No [Music] that come on no way you have to glide down at least complete one level [Music] my job here is done dr. Robotnik's creature capture this is a nice collection considering I've played a lot of mario fan games and rom hacks and all that and plenty of other games too but not too much Sonic I've played more Sonic like shitty fan games and game maker as opposed to actual like mods so this is kind of cool dr. Robotnik's creature capture that's not Bugs Bunny is it totally original bunny do not steal welcome to Green Hill Zone some I'm assuming this is the story of Robotnik before the sanic games this is Robotnik captured the animals before the Sonic series this is fucking amazing I am actually really impressed oh you can only capture one at a time [Music] how do I deposit the bunny oh there we go [Music] No so you get more time and then you must capture these poor innocent rap animals rabbits ducks anything anything that could possibly power the Robotnik machines that's pretty cool my chat froze I don't even know if I'm live anymore this happens from time to time it's never my favorite I don't know if I'm live anymore yeah I'm dropping frames probably talking to no one let's see I hit refresh and I'm good well weird sanics is canceled yet again I think that was a vine rising moment I'm not entirely sure what happened there but I think I just talked shit about Japanese idols and someone didn't like that jaunt which was not okay with us [Music] but anyway I'm back let's hope the Internet can maintain just until weird sanics are done so I never have to say that words again all both of that words [Applause] and the stream has frozen yet again [Music] yeah I'm dropping frames like a motherfucker [Music] a good night for this Verizon [Music] quality night for this [Music] have mercy Verizon please [Music] okay the I'm sorry I was just I was torrenting 13 gigs of Japanese Idol performances and it was messing with my internet connection sorry everybody hopefully it's better now thank you for your patience I hope the stream can not die Verizon you hear me [Music] this one's called a hog hate that Hedgehog what oh it's just backwards it's it's mirrored um okay excuse me it's got a tickle in my throat [Music] it's just Sonic backwards the level doesn't appear to be backwards everything else seems to be oh my god everything's mirrored controls are backwards oh no oh this is fucking impossible [Music] really nothing changed as far as I can tell and I can't really tell because I'm not that big of a sonic or if you knew this from watching my streams but I'm not that big of a sonic fan but yeah the controls are reversed the levels mirrored everything's totally reversed until now Oh every time you hit one of these [Music] okay I'm good justice challenge [Music] justice challenged well gonna power his own amaze a pure confusion that's in short to leave you tearing your hair out your goal find the exit time amount unlimited rings required none good luck [Music] just a maze do a soon - I don't know what that means [Music] it's just a big confusing maze also if anyone is having trouble with the stream if the stream goes down again just refresh the page and hopefully it'll come back up I think it's just Verizon shitting the bed tonight so someone in chat just said I've never completed this that's not encouraging spin a boying pad I guess so someone asked me recently for every now and then someone will ask me for a quote for their yearbook and so I gave them options the first option was if you don't if you're ashamed of doing the things you love you don't deserve to do them something like that and then the second one was finna boying which one do you think they're gonna go with I mean I can see people getting into this I'm a little bored let's go on to Kirby in Sonic 1 mayor maybe finally I'll like Sonic games if I just if I just play it like this you know you get one jump it's not entirely Kirby you can't you can't suck [Music] there's no suck holy shit Kirby's even faster than Sonic [Music] now this is not legit Kirby I'm sorry to say that this is somewhat of a disappointment you can't suck and Kirby won either yes you can in Kirby's Dreamland on the Gameboy uh yeah you can you can suck enemies and then you said then you spit them out you don't get their powers I press all button every button has been pressed no suck down plus a equals suck [Music] so let me get this straight there's six face buttons on the Sega Genesis but I have to press down a to suck there suck it you have to press down a to do it [Music] it's almost legit sucker [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] three on the original pasta I say focaccia the six came later in Genesis is life okay so I didn't actually know that [Music] yeah it's pretty good it's it's alright it's Kirby it doesn't really play like Kirby you don't have infinite jump oh man you can't suck in the air so there's there's some limitations but for what it is I give it credit it's um it's AI next is mr. needle mouse what is what in the name of Christ is going on is this I [Music] tried to do level select okay so this is mr. needle mouse the world is corrupted and looks like ass but mr. needle mouse is super realistic [Music] some really good animation Luther look at that walk animation up the hill [Music] it goes upside down everything come in pen it just turns into a blot of ink [Music] jeez is this original tunes [Music] no it's not oh it's labyrinth zone I see look at him go I mean for the most part it looks kind of normal ish it's just when you do this you go upside down otherwise the loops are fine more or less [Music] all right mr. needle mouse there you go oh Jesus [Music] here's one I'm not gonna tell you the name of this one I need you to see it for yourself okay it's good right two combats almost Comic Sans yep it's Pepsi man there's there we go now when I said Pepsi man I mean it's just Pepsi it is just a can of Pepsi [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm still streaming people are having problems yet again with Internet of course the one time I went finally I get to do weird sanics and the Internet's all fucked up but yeah it's it's rip No look at that look at that oh no do you see what happens when I kill an enemy [Music] [Music] yep I have no idea what's happening with my internet I thought I was live for the past five minutes so that's cool the chat was working everything was fine I'm just trying to play Sonic Pepsi man game but I'm not even Pepsi man I'm just a fan of Pepsi like come on I finally do weird sanics it takes this long and then Internet and the Internet's fucked again [Music] there goes again [Music] yup that has comedic timing that's for sure [Music] spin spicy today Pappy's gonna have a good time putting this one together Pikachu the mouse [Music] [Music] I guess I'm back apparently Verizon has very good comedic timing because whenever I complain about it it just goes offline again anyway here's a bootleg Pikachu Pikachu [Music] I can't jump oh wait now I can he back I'm not even gonna say anything I'm not gonna say I hope this works I hope the internet doesn't shit out I tweeted the meme to Verizon but just remember kids paying for shootie internet is no good when you're a streamer [Music] is my understanding that I lost about let's see 6000 viewers maybe it was an intentional maybe I just wanted to bleed the viewers may be weird sanics is cursed I think weird sanics is cursed anyway anyway you'll notice on Pikachu so [Music] Pikachu has a very interesting move which is you can go fast in the air like extra fast again is another case of someone being faster than Sonic [Music] how will this affect VAT be in full sauce I think well if you're watching this on full sauce keep in mind that be probably fix it up nice [Music] atchoo has passed rest in peace I think what vApp II will do is get the raw file from me and then combine it and I don't know a miracle just miracles [Music] where am I supposed to be a little like Oh [Music] yeah I mean you'll see there's a lot of similarities between this and the other weird statics involving another mean character which is it's just sonic button with mean character and meme character is faster than Sonic and has more moves than Sonic sorry sonic sonic has been displaced as the king of speed Pikachu is a meme Pikachu could be a meme it could very well be a meme here's portal gun in Sonic the Hedgehog [Music] remember kids mod your favorite games into sanic [Music] yep lick cake there's like some ghost hunter video or some ghosts under TV show where they went into this basement and on the whiteboard it said the cake is a lie and they're like we did not do that there's been activity in this house we did not do that and he tried to explain what the ghosts might have met by saying the cake is a lie [Music] Jesus Christ idle fuck this is kind of cool actually no really it's a real I'm listen it's a real video oh my god I'm back here I'll show you I'll show you the video just give me a second as much as I can help it I try to not tell tall tales here on the stream because there are like a couple thousand viewers almost at all times and it would be really easy for me to get caught in a tall tale so I understand that the validity of my information will be questioned at all times so you know [Music] that said a short tail could be fun you know like every now and then you just tell a short tale [Music] and then tell that it's you know fake later ghost hunter cake is a lie let's see [Music] let me show you let me show you just a moment just so you can see what these ghost hunters are doing with their lives now I'm sure it's a fine hobby but Dora Klee Jim says means the promised reward never a message lures proved to his toughest and still don't think their brawl is over even a century later other paranormal science Jim says a message on a chalkboard which was once part of that basement jewelry business someone or something he says wrote this message the cake is a lie which historically Jim says means the promised reward never happened meaning somebody down here isn't very happy four years ago Jim says he had his team psychic write this question on the board what is your name six month later we came back and found Maddie we didn't write it back upstairs members if no one could enter the house like the ghost hunters did did it write it but no one else could possibly enter the house the promised reward would never come beautiful look at Sonic after that video Sonic is just totally fucking completely bored like come out even sonic knows better come on Maddie this is so Mari 16-bit and we've done we've done some Mari on the NES this is the genesis version of some Mari also you know the other side it said messages from the other side so I'm gonna blow a couple of people's minds I'm sure most of you are aware of this I'm sure most of you understand the why did the chicken cross the road joke but if you didn't I'm gonna explain the joke ready to get to the other side because the chicken dies in the road I know this isn't working by the way Sumari is not working yep there are a number of people who didn't actually know that yeah happy spooped Oh Bertie you too this doesn't work that is sad so Mari 16-bit with Mushroom Kingdom level then he thanks to you I now understand comedy well hang on a minute can can you can you tell me how to understand comedy it's not exactly my strong point then he I always thought it was just kind of an anti joke yeah for a little while I did too I guess it's all a lie the promised reward has never come the sad news is so Mari is not working and I'm really upset about that because it would have been great if anyone well I don't know what to play it on I think it's just Genesis but it's not working so we'll try Sonic 1 boomed I don't know if this has any relation to the sonic boom which was generally critically considered to be the best Sonic game of the past 10 years you've never played Sonic then I would recommend starting with sonic boom of course oh I got it here it is Samari could you imagine this happened 25 years ago Wow no shit this is impressive [Music] it's really impressive it looks like New Super Mario Brothers soup oh there's a bonus jump I don't know this this Mario sprite is making me kind of uncomfortable though look at it oh it's too weird it's too like semi-realistic [Music] Mario Brothers theme with Genesis sound capabilities also making me slightly uncomfortable but still a pretty good job then it's Mario in disguise go that smug face what if it was Wario look at that look at that face [Music] that was Mario's reaction after the chicken crosses the road joke was explained to him Vinnie double jumping will now forever be known as bonus jumping well it's not technically a double jump because you don't press the jump button it was it was some that you gotta press a different button to get the second jump and it's not even like a true double jump it's like a spin [Music] see what his sprites are for almost falling off a ledge oh here we go there's another stank face alright guys we've got a fidget speeder oh I can do backflips this is very intricate this is the best summary game I've ever played and I've played a couple Samari games as surprising as that may be [Music] Wow Wow get a couple of different moves buy one ring please don't take that away from me that's all I have [Applause] [Music] Kirby and this were done by the same person very very good this person knows how to make good Sonic ROM hacks I'm even afraid to say the word rom hack sometimes people like that um that takedown button you'll notice my reticence towards saying rom hack when I do fan games made modded from the original game engine under if if there's a level select here and if so I wonder if other Mario levels were modded into this Vinnie it's okay Sega isn't evil hang on a minute sonna a mistake has taken down some hacks too I'm sure the chat has the information I've been told there is a situation one time or another [Music] it's their level select here this is the only level okay never mind then [Music] streets of rage remake cut assist cease and desists [Music] okay so then less litigious for sure and I know the sonic media team is pretty much like that's pretty much just a romhack being a role model is overrated hilariously edgy thank god here it is sonic sonic booms let's do it oh no oh god no does this happen with everything yes it does as the sonic boom was actually like please stop please shut up no it was worse [Music] the player might get bored if we don't have a voice clip every two seconds it's like a modern-day horror movie if you don't get any at least one jump-scare per five minutes then the audience gets bored it was worse because you had three more characters that spoke whoever played through that whole game you you have my blessing I respect you and I hope you're okay sonic with fries okay I don't know what I'm in for it's just a city [Music] here we go the next the next iteration of the Sonic main series has to take place in an edgy like a graffiti top city it would be great if Sonic would say things about is like scrotal warts but speaking of warts new Nathan for you tight tight yeah warts yeah there's just not enough voice there's not enough voice clips I don't know guys I'm getting kind of bored I need sonic to tell me how he's feeling how he's thinking Sonic you never tell me how you feel anymore I don't know I just feel like I just feel like all the years we put in how you don't talk to me you don't communicate Sonic [Music] this is Sonic 2xl I don't know what that means I couldn't tell you what's different so if anyone knows what's different oh oh I see what's different [Music] all right now I eat too many rings what the fuck [Music] wait so every time I have a ring every time I collect rings sonic gets a little thicker now this is the heat thick sequel that I've been waiting for look at that look at that this is a masterstroke even when you lose the Rings FIFA get their arguments I can't even tell you gonna help me tears please now [Music] but the more you run the more weight you lose this is what I'm being told I'm not sure yet let's just keep going yep it's it's legit it's legit oh no oh no [Music] I can't get over there I can't I can't get over this what kind of what kind of monster would make this [Music] and there's not a single chili dog in sight oh there we go [Music] yeah it's just avoid rings but then how the fuck do you avoid all the rings look look look you don't have a choice most of the time revolutionary game mechanics yeah maybe maybe this is what Sega could be oh oh I think I yeah I'm good but maybe this is the direction Sega wants to go in with their main series even completing one level is difficult but I did it yeah it's like a challenge hack it's just extra challenge wow this is sonic leet wow that was the problem see as stupid as that was that was one of the more creative rom hacks I played tonight help me God help all of us this is sonically and it's just I guess it's a recolor this may as well be corruptions [Music] okay I don't know what the point of this is just slick sick vibrating neon colors is that it it's really not fun none of this is fun it hurts my eyes Sonic in colored zone [Music] Jesus oh boy oh my god here we go again I've turned into a ring [Music] again no idea what's happening address error I mean I'm turning into different monster this is a good debug thing [Music] I'd say of all the weird sanics tonight this truly fits the description weird sanics more than any of the other ones sonic microtransactions this aw this is going to be good I have to buy points to unlock the features air horn remix [Music] no no no put me through put me through I want air horn remix play a better game played a better game up color debug mode I think I already just did that oh I don't have the speed DLC I can't go fast the button the button is non-functional [Applause] you must pay to go fast [Applause] there's fun DLC speaking of fun DLC did you guys hear about the battlefront two Star Wars Battlefront 2 microtransactions there's like a playable beta and the crates have items that aren't just aesthetic in them but actually like game-changing things so through those microtransaction crates you earn cards that affect the gameplay and make you more powerful so you can be the same level of skill as someone else but if you paid a lot of money you can get a lot of cards to make you better and more powerful unlock Spin Dash extended camera well I can't right right [Music] yeah I mean you can unlock them through just playing the game you know you could play through the game and you'll eventually unlock crates like most games but in this case since this stuff isn't just aesthetic you'll end up you know earning like cards and apparently gameplay changing items that can make you more powerful so that means if someone drops a hundred bucks they're more likely to have better shit than you that's that's what I listen I could be relaying the information improperly but that is my understanding of it I haven't played it anyway I don't know how to cheat and get more points in this and I don't have any sonic crates [Music] [Music] [Applause] young Eggman Eggman [Music] I wonder if I get a bunch of points for defeating Eggman I'm gonna try just to see if I can unlock a better game [Music] keep in mind I actually beat half of this game with Marissa leveling up is also tied to how many cards you have net not matches played corrupt more coins alright well you know I've given up I'm obviously ill-equipped to defeat Smeg men so I'm just gonna try to corrupt coins did I win yet I think I did it if I think I did it illegal instruction alright let's continue sonic multi if this is just a sonic multiplayer thing oh what the fuck [Music] infinite rings Oh infinite enemies oh my god really who in their right mind would create something like this there we go there's the slowdown there's the slowdown oh there's the enemies why am i dying I don't understand why I'm dying you can't get more than 250 rings holy shit yeah there's there's an actual ring overflow I like have to form a path there we go that's it now I can't get any rings [Music] good [Music] infinite infinite fish thank God okay good now I can actually play through the question is do I want to [Music] when I go faster illegal integer overflow too many rings [Music] very interesting all right this one's called Sonic Tetris play Sonic one with Tetris special stages it's two marathon okay it's just two games in one and the special stages are Tetris no I don't want Sonic music I want Tetris music in the style of Sonic the Hedgehog [Music] oh it's it's Tetris Sonic the Hedgehog bounce bean machine I like bean machine i'll Coolio's better thinny you're not gonna try out battlefront - I might let's see when the game comes out maybe this microtransaction thing will have been resolved or it won't be so bad maybe the game itself will be good maybe this single-player campaign will be really good and I'll be able to enjoy that this is a really original take on Sonic I cannot deny that it's just bouncing I can't fucking stop bouncing there you go maybe you shouldn't give ei money oh I mean you could you can give whoever you want money or not I just I don't disagree Oh telling me how to live my life II ace Kok it's up your ass [Music] see yeah you have to understand there's a cunt there's a bit of a conflict in my brain about the about the thing because on one hand maybe it has a really good single-player campaign oh okay this is called Sonic and the mega mushroom so that's yep that's what it is it's a new Super Mario Brothers but very very large thick sonic so yeah on one hand I'm really conflicted because I don't want to support that business practice I don't want to give them money if they're doing really really scummy shit with micro transactions but on the other hand what if it's a good single-player campaign I don't I don't know what to do it's very conflicting I want you don't I want you to know I'm conflicted titanfall 2 has good single player multiplayer also doesn't have shitty gameplay changes loot boxes yeah titanfall 2 is excellent [Music] titanfall 2 is great there was no microtransactions there is no bullshit it was just an excellent single-player [Music] it's like everything call of duty didn't do it did right like everything called duty turned away from it was in it was unique it had some really cool game mechanics they had good boss fights the multiplayer was everything that she was shitty about titanfall one named a fixed and added more and then said you know what no microtransactions why can't they do that for Battlefield oh because they know they're gonna make millions of dollars off of people who want to have a better blaster so so that they can win because they don't want a level also I don't know what this romhack is but I hate it Sonic the Hedgehog vs Danny DeVito there are micro transactions and titanfall 2 now but it's all cosmetic oh okay Oh at least it's optional of course the one I want to play doesn't work play battlefield 2 so we don't have to buy it that's an interesting way to look at that but what if it's poop what if it comes out it's poop and I don't want to play it what the hell yeah I've played poop that's a good point yeah look at what I'm playing now seriously that this is a shame I fucking again a really great title but doesn't work that's wierd sanics this is Sonic the very useful engine look at the fuckup ruckus it caught me off guard I was looking I was looking for the Thomas circulation but it's yeah it's there it's it's the enemies it's the flowers it's everything but Sonic that's nice isn't that nice this legitimately one asana chronic packing contests really [Music] get stopped a man even the blocks are Thomas [Music] come on so I was told to get to a boss [Music] you know you don't get to go a whole lot of fast and in Sonic 1 at times that speedball maneuver I don't know what it's called I'm calling it speed ball which I know is just isn't that just cocaine anyway the speed ball maneuver was a very welcome addition to the series [Music] spin - okay [Music] yeah I like how sonic does speedballs and goes extremely fast we have to be I guess you got to be rolling yeah [Music] all right come on I need to get to a robot Nicki it better be good it better be worth it [Music] boy remember I've only ever played Sonic 3 so this is all of this is very new to me [Music] I guess this is my sonic game for the year and then some [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we go here we go it's I don't I don't know I'm not exactly a Thomas aficionado so I don't know which character this is I'm sure many of you do it's just the conductor okay now which one was Ringo Starr [Music] sir topham hatt the conductor conductor great next up sonic VR this is zero [Music] hold right to win how much does that cost [Music] Anamanaguchi okay not nothing is happening this doesn't work on bizhawk [Music] okay [Music] okay we're going to come back to this one this one's sonic Necco we'll come back to this one at the end [Music] [Applause] No [Music] make it so [Music] good morning zone and our fests the dish fit distributed default speed of all Sonic games [Music] amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is before it was a meme really so this is an older one then [Music] this is just a music showcase hack okay yeah because it's not really giving me it's not really giving me a whole lot of options for gameplay alright alright Yoshi and sonic - so we had Kirby we had Mario now we've got Yoshi nice oh that's cool I'm already impressed [Music] holy shit they got eggs down - oh shit alright this is genuinely amazing I think this is the best one of the night so far for me [Music] this this has to be the best of the night at least said sonic doesn't even cry but touch fuzzy get dizzy touch fuzzy holy shit even the touch fuzzy cat disease intact [Music] this gets my mode [Music] yes even better than Sonic with cheeseburgers even better than Sonic duplicates everything and so far it's better than Sonic VR [Music] to see flowers and everything yeah maybe maybe even better than sonic eats rings and you know can't run as fast anymore whatever the name of that one was extra thick Sonic Excel okay that looks a little silly [Music] oh we get the different-colored yoshi's - it really does marry the best of both worlds you got the best of Yoshi the best of Sonic and it just really works nicely somehow they work well together I don't really get it but they do [Music] back here let's see what happens I love the way sonic bleeds rings that's awesome [Music] well which sanic was that that was the sanic that someone definitely recognizes [Music] this one's called zanuck buzzer that was metal sonic okay alright that was fucking awesome I would recommend anyone try that just for fun because that was good and it played really well too so if you're looking for something to do your board you're a sonic fan you're Yoshi's Island fan just do that the music is a little fucked up here but [Music] you go real fast [Music] not really yeah it's just you just go really fast Wow you go go faster than the screen can keep up which leads to death [Music] corrupted [Music] but why does sonic climb the mountain wait what there's an aesthetic button [Music] how did this happen [Music] things have certainly changed um actually no it's not a button that was just a cutscene I guess I don't know what the fuck that was but it's it's over now I think [Music] when you go so fast that your world turns vaporwave and I'm not nearly as fast as I was before sonica has truly passed a kidney stone damnit that's a shame all my impressive SuperSpeed is gone okay listen we need to do sonic VR I think I have the thing that can play sonic VR so please bear with me for just a second and I hope this works or you can't see anything I can't even capture I can't capture this yeah so far not working okay so I can't capture it and it doesn't work with Jen's very well let's see what it looks like on YouTube okay so it's not all that impressive looking here it is yeah it's no Yoshi's Island Sonic all right so that's some that's weird sanics that's where it's an excise I lead unn three weeks in the making that's finally over so my favorites were Sonic Excel B just because it was so stupid the Bobbsey one was really funny Kirby was kind of cool obviously Yoshi was the best so Mari was fucking incredible really nice collection Oh tried to veto well I can't capture the other one so it's not gonna work I can describe it maybe let's see sonic versus Danny DeVito let's see it doesn't work here either it just doesn't load all right well fucking YouTube that too then sonic versus Danny DeVito I'm probably gonna get some new grounds flash animation from 1999 Wow ya know now there's no information this this could just be a jape load it onto the real Hardware VIN what the hell I don't know what that means I don't have a I don't have a Genesis hanging her I don't know how to transfer it to a cartridge I will learn I will learn how to transfer it to a real cartridge and then I will get a Genesis but yeah Jen's doesn't work bizhawk doesn't work and that's that's about as much as I've got so I think we're gonna pass on that one and no I'm not gonna research I'll tell you what if you guys find it online and you can anyone wants to make a video of it please let me know keg effusion okay I'll try it something tells me this isn't going to be worth it in fact one of the things I noticed was it said needle mouse so I think it might just be a copy of needle mouse and I think it's just shapes I do I think it's shapes but I'll try keg effusion and well here it is nope [Music] see it says mr. Neil Mouse [Music] yep there it is sonic versus Danny Dorito [Music] excellent all its corruptions without the corruptor let's just let's just call it a night there but actually we don't have to call it a night it's still a little early just a little bit well early it's over fucking 2 a.m. but I have one more thing that I want to do which you might enjoy
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 286,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Weird Sanic Games, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sanic, Bubsy, Kirby, Mr. Needlemouse, Pepsi, Pikachu, Portal, Somari, Mario, Sonic Boom, XL, Tetris, Thomas the Tank Engine, Yoshi, AESTHETIC
Id: 5k1kj0J6qNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 15sec (5115 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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