[Vinesauce] Joel - Diablo 1

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so we're gonna do the original Diablo out of nowhere haggis cuz it's October and I figured seeing some scared years before I do seven days of spooky games which is that main feature but this is just like a little one-off thing I guess but you know Diablo 1 is really a game that holds a lot for me you know I played it like essential when it came out on shareware Fran had a big collection of shareware in one of those like what do you call it books plastic books where you put CDs in like a big old book that have like paid these subpages of plastic little slides you put CDs into a binder that's what it's called or god I didn't know what that was but yeah in Diablo song I'm like what the [ __ ] is this is great and how I kind of like had to hide it from my parents a little bit because like oh no Diablo Satan games oh oh but okay all in all a great [ __ ] game it's interesting that the habla one is so different from from the lighter ones now I say that less with the hablo - but the apple of one it's like straight up like just like a like a Christian medieval satanic crawler like it's less - do it like it's still a fantasy game but for me it's always been very like a gothic like it's very uh it's less to do with Diablo 2 is kind of like mystical like creature stuff like that it's more so here's the devil that devil has invaded like it I love that and it's a church and it feels very like Christian Church he I know it's not but like you know in Diablo 2 it just feels like a bunch of like the monster [ __ ] which is fine it's more like fantasy game like with Bale and it's and stuff like that but the other one it's very much like you know like a horror horror movie you know El Diablo but they're very simple and the atmosphere at the above one is probably the best it's just got this [ __ ] like fog to it like you put that game in into your PC and this the whole room is to get all like black and purple and it's just like oh but and the elbow too is one of my favorite games as well but for different completely different reasons like Diablo 2 is the better game it's more fun to play and it's less janky of course like you can't even run in Diablo 1 but this a ton of stuff in the habla 2 that is superior but this one is just charming it's it's a little piece of history that I like to explore every once in a while and maybe maybe even I can beat it today maybe I used to play this game a lot I probably forgot most of it but yeah have you seen Beelzebub Diablo 1 HD mod yeah I know about that one but I didn't install it because they kept I don't like when HD mods aren't just like here's your playing window motor or like in widescreen mode you know the add a bunch of [ __ ] and I don't like that you know here's me nitpicking it like 10:00 in the morning I don't like this and I don't like that so oh boy oh boy that's right kick off the jams tonight today rather good morning did you watch the new Jojo part 5 episode it was another Jojo Friday after all so Georgia Fighters is coming back I'm gonna make a quick announcement on the vine yard so more info about that soon and I did watch the new Jojo intro that was pretty cool was his name Koda from Part 2 the intro again pretty nice but anyway oh let's play some damn games god I love that quote now what's interesting about this this this the thing I'm gonna play here is that we're playing with DX windowed the same thing i do for san andreas to play it but the problem is I can't alt tab out of this so the moment I start playing Diablo I have to finish in one sitting I cannot alt tab I cannot [ __ ] around with be obese it's gonna be hours and hours of grueling nothingness now we're gonna be fine but yeah unfortunately this game runs really badly in windowed mode it's gonna be a lot of jank and Diablo is one of those games where you find online solutions problems like my game won't run and win though what do I do and you start googling like Brazilian forums and you get dead links and it never leads anywhere so it's one of those find you'll take moments I had to do before stream so on you know you're doing holy [ __ ] I think I might have actually done it too so after all those technical difficulties I think we are sort of back you may be I have to sit there for an hour doing technical issues and then I have internet problem so this one's for you Diablo anyway so here's it's Diablo and it is one of my favorite games oh my god the window what the [ __ ] is going on [ __ ] that's me I've tried to solve all streams just make sure it work but then the UH then the [ __ ] game started being real dumb to me so let's let's do a new guy I guess the warrior because that's what I do most of the time okay guys first name I say in quotes I will pick make it a good one version 11.04 a ton of ox salad [ __ ] gravy [ __ ] please you know what oh my god it actually works so as I said before this game is notoriously hard to get running in windowed mode I'm doing this in DX window the same way I'm doing GTA san andreas and yeah but besides all that Vonzell technical issues blah here's the a blob one legendary game the atmosphere is fantastic the soundtrack is fantastic and it is essentially you know it's not a roguelike but it is a dungeon crawler it's very reminiscent of like I won't really say like a roguelike but but it draws a lot of elements from it because you use gradually it's kind of like hack in a way you know you go down like angband or more-- and all those games to go down and in the [ __ ] in the dungeon level by level by level by level and gets harder you know and you know it's not Parma death but you die in your dead zone anyway this game was released back in ninety Gaga was at 97 98 97 diablo 2 kind of revolutionized it a little bit but at the time this was the [ __ ] 96 goddamn but it is a true definition of a dungeon crawler and I really like this game it's kind of spooky too which is really it sets it apart from the other Diablo games Diablo 2's more of a fantasy feel to it Diablo 3 I gotta be honest I didn't care for at all Diablo 1 straight up like medieval slasher horror game it's fantastic it's it's awesome anyway now I'm just talking a little little stuff about this game before we start playing it but as I said before I used to play this game on shareware back in the day you can have a spawned version or whatever and what I liked about it was it I think you could play it for like up until the butcher and then it quit or whatever I totally forgot but yeah I used to have this binder book with all these CDs on it right - and oh drop frames no no we're fine we're fine I'm sorry sorry my my a nerd it's been really bad right now but anyway as I was saying how to bind a book full of like croc the crocodile game Diablo I used to borrow this from our friends and all that so spaulos a multiplayer thinking that [ __ ] what what did I have it was something I had I had like a shareware compromise version of this game but think of almost like a different thing on this game so you can do a spawn version of this game when you install it and it's like a shareware multiplayer edition or whatever like ah anyway you might notice in this game that uh kinnison emmaus is again I was gonna say this game has no run feature which is like crazy to think about but it's like no [ __ ] of truth within his constant ramblings it sounds like you're doing the lower voice well a lot of that is parroting liquor Caden you know stay a while so what I also love about Diablo 1 is its story it's very dark it's you know just this little village out in the middle of nowhere that gets haunted by the [ __ ] devil you know it's so simple but I love it you know and it's just the at lookup purple this game is it just has this gloom about it that I love it Griswald the blacksmith you do visit this in the able to of course but it's it's awesome Wow oh yay talk to Chris will their signs are your struggles against the darkness if you bring them to me with a bit of work and a hot Forge I can restore them the top fighting farm and awesome thank goodness you've returned much has changed since you lived here my friend always peaceful until the Dark Riders came and destroyed our village many were cut down where they stood and those who took up arms was slain or or dragged away to become slaves or worse the church at the edge of town has been desecrated and is being used for dark rituals the screams that echo in the night are inhuman but some of our town's folk may yet survive follow the path that lies between my tavern and the blacksmith shop to buy in the church and save who you can perhaps I can tell you more we speak again good luck yeah how am I talking about this atmosphere yet oh it's fantastic you sup Farnum damn I'm in the game you should make sure you get to know [Music] really is me anyway this game can be beaten in like 10 minutes or whatever now I am NOT adept at this game like I I have played it a lot back in the day but I barely remembered most of it now I remember up until like hell I'd say but yeah it sucked at the which he's around here somewhere I thank you look at that [ __ ] soundtrack my god so now I didn't play much of a diablo 3 but apparently this character that's kind of like unrelated in Diablo 1 it plays a major part I think it's interesting cuz you know the a blob one doesn't get too much love nowadays it's kind of abandoned where in fact like I think police are themselves so like that pirate it whatever whatever you want to do with it we're not selling it anymore but yeah anyway I remember all of us [ __ ] my god this isn't gossip do not hesitate to bring it to me if I can make sense of it I will share what I find I saw like female Skeletor is that you even live now we will crush Eternia and ruin Diablo I think this game is just so dark throughout the entire experience and the ending echoes that too because any one of those games that that's like a [ __ ] bummer ending which is great because the exactly what this game is all about it's dark it's evil it's you know then anyway now I'm equipped with a short sword and I claw bit and I always remember this club I don't know this club has played a major influence how I see weapons I I know it's just cracks me up it's a 2x4 with a [ __ ] spike in it and I think in in barbecue quest I actually drew this very particular 2x4 with a [ __ ] spike in it like I'm gonna I'm gonna kill the devil what do I do a tuba or spike it's awesome you know anyway here we go please listen to me the Archbishop Lazarus you let us down here to find the lost Prince bastard led us into a trap now everyone is dead killed by a demon he called the butcher avenge us find this butcher and slave so that our souls may finally rest I guess ready for fresh meat man I mean I cannot give credit enough what's this oh my god I should really know that the composer's name it's it's finished guy called you guys know the you guys know the names better than I do Matt gulaman woman John Belushi yes he's fantastic man like he he nailed the soundtrack this soundtrack is as iconic as the game itself I would say but you know and here we go into that Church of the sanity of this place has been fouled listen to this [ __ ] soundtrack look at the visuals god damn that's what I'm talking about there's that game you didn't want to watch her like parents find out you were playing you know who that [ __ ] skeleton already awesome I absolutely love listen I didn't mind that much that you walk in this game like this I really don't do it is kind of like you know it gets harder later on because you get attacked by the bunch of [ __ ] and you're like I want to run out of here but then when you're a mage can teleport out of here so that's that's better but listen the sounds oh it's just fantastic already skeleton captain Oh watch out for that guy I love it a lot of the sounds are the same as Diablo 2 like a gold and they I watched my dad play through this game man you must have been like [ __ ] quaking behind the the gamer chair huh all right it's all coming back to me now now the apple ii did streamline a lot of this stuff like they they improve the UI and all that but again this game has a certain charm to it that is just awesome let's get all the gold it is randomly generated by the way you know so that it does it does share a lot of elements with roguelikes or you know what dunya crawlers you know but it is still very much its own thing but it draws a lot of influence from it zombie just run Joel that's when I say about this game yeah the shareware version I play back in the day I don't know exactly what that version is but there is a share with shareware version of this game and you better quickly get acquainted with the hotkeys in this game because there's a lot of [ __ ] coming your way soon and well you know you gotta get that help and wait to get that too I just love the graphics the graphics like in Diablo has like fake 3d I guess it's it's scanning 3d models into a 2d sprite tune like the ablis look is so iconic in I love this like kind of like it's it's a weird kind of like oh there we go can you press tab to do this no you gotta manually do this I love this look Age of Empires 2 did it Age of Empires 1 I don't know what this look is called but it's it's it's crusty and it's like you can't really make out entirely what it is so your imagination kind of fills in the gaps a little bit please stretch the image about 269 no thank you to this Caitlin I'm gonna have a cape on now on a Batman pre-render isometric I guess so now whenever I play games like this I always choose warrior I don't know why but it's mages and rogues and like the archer Salva I never appeals to me I just want the big dumb [ __ ] the big dumb [ __ ] with the sword you know an experience building the body thrives I don't even have that like you can't you guys so or mana as it's called in this game so your original blah blah blah there's a demo ok it's a demo not a shareware well same thing I guess alright let's spend some attributes by the way he's leveled up [ __ ] oh yes it was it was a thousand years since [ __ ] the warrior travel to Tristram to slay me I blow the version that goes far in our history let's just put everything - strength strength and vitality annoying as [ __ ] [ __ ] let's get the map out of here 30 strength that's a really powerful [ __ ] a lot of vine so streamer says plena love buzzer gets how about playing heroes of the storm together I don't like those games I gotta be honest I don't the older games and lead your legends games they make me kind of wanna read a book instead I don't know why but I never really liked them Jos birthday 93 Diablo released 8 96 therefore Joel played this game when he was 3 years old now I'm not really loving and how many play this entirely launched like I play this probably when I was 5 or 6 or whatever you know so probably 99 or 2000 or something like that look at those burning burning nations this used to be a thing I used to do in this game by the way it's odd you have it all but wait hahaha take this demons ha that's right you're tormenting us now torment you with my door how fun would it be to be a voice actor for like you know all these zombies to stuff oh my durability is going down let's durability right yeah however there's a bit of strategy involved with the door [ __ ] later in the game when you can fight the butcher this is a demon that's like oh look at that I have a little walk little camp later on in the game and the butcher is gonna come after you just close the door on him there's no strategy involved that I used to do I used to have in this one particular area and I don't do bow and arrow on these games but for the butcher I like to kind of chase it and stand behind and kind of the arrows and it's one particular part and then I never used to bow and arrow again he's kind of hard actually which again 3-hit kill you if you aren't careful yeah he's a bit of a bastard huh where have I missed something staff of charge ball I totally missed this 25 it met all K Shipton it's best to deal with the butcher later yeah I remember like just don't worry about him just carry on whatever you do one and then eventually come back and do it then it says up here did ever play dungeon keeper one no the only thing I remember from dungeon keeper it's like the ads for it I'm like wow this is like porn because it had those like latex dominatrix s on the advertisements and I remember like the game agassi's be like I got hide this from mom I was gonna be pissed goddamn sexy video game ads like stop stop doing this video games are bad reputation already there we go Oh a cloak armored Nita and I said I love the graphics already yes I have interestingly though the graphics of the items in this game is hand-drawn whilst in Diablo - they're all rendered so you know have our plate here some mathematic two and three I uh played three and I suck at it but I love it oh [ __ ] you skeleton captain get out of here let's see here the butcher returning Diablo - no no no that's that's Harry the Smith or whatever in this there's a spiritual sequel guy to the butcher in the elbow - I forgot what its name is it's Horace this the Smith or whatever half a toes yeah just the Smith know there's this guy that has like a fastest Hephaestus the Smith figure what is called a yes I'm so happy I'm streaming this is one of my favorite games alright oh what's this scroll of identifies so if you're totally new to Diablo which I mean Jesus Christ some of these items need identification to see what they're really doing you know or else I can't equip them which is something Deckard Kate can do but sometimes you just need to have these little Scrolls with you because if you don't then you can't use them too much baggage hang on let me do uh Aereo holy bolton twenty Magica this one think that the Apple to really did that again maybe I'm wrong about this but I remember that this game does not have a hold tab to see all the items dropped so you're gonna have to like manually look around and find stuff in any way let's level up let's do a little bit of vitality and little more strength oh I don't think I'm ever going to stick steroid or magic so you know it's very straightforward oh I find another place okay it's alt not tab no it's tab isn't it hold the [ __ ] my brain writing it on Gary I'm talking about how much I love this game and suddenly oh it is old [ __ ] really hi Here I am like talking about wow these games were they feel like I sure do love it and then like Joe was the most basic feature of this game you got wrong what the [ __ ] I was like I had I had I had had a history teacher in high school and he had a nes controller honest t-shirt and the a and B bonus were wrong and I pointed it out I'm like dude fake gamer it was like oh [ __ ] you're right fake gamer alright can I talk about Hell fire from moment the the expansion pack to this game that was not like released by a blizzard it was like just outsourced to some studio oh man that came this spicy it is a real [ __ ] spicy [Applause] it has it has a last boss it's a joke like I forget one of this but that's like a secret dialogue they added and he says like hello it's me the secret boss huh I forgot I activate it but yeah look it up Hellfire secret boss Diablo and he's he's just like [ __ ] around he's at some joke dialogue - oh man it's not in the main game I think you gotta activate it somehow but yeah I think most were they didn't play Hellfire it's like this game and that's it however I remember when Lord of the structure for the able to actually came out it was a big [ __ ] deal one of my best friends like he devoted his entire life Diablo just say and now he played the elbow tube with his dad all the time I did it nothing but just play Diablo 2 like it was [ __ ] was the earliest example of like pro gaming for me I'm like holy [ __ ] you play the habla - every day you know I'm like I did goddamn I play like Mario 64 but like holy [ __ ] alright let's see I gotta go down here and did I see the new Doctor Who I haven't seen Doctor Who's in like the guy who looks like crack the boy you know so no really too much baggage baggage that I probably won't need this right hang on last year - six - six durability is worse on this one tell it this club sucks so let's just a little inventory management here oh yeah gold is like takes up a space in this game it's kind of bizarre but it can encrypt the stuff yeah there we go and then we yeah saber it's actually change the fight no the apple of wall doesn't have that many like sprite alterations when you equip something which is something be able to did way more and what I mean with that it's like oh much blue [ __ ] which I'm gonna have to identify this but in the elbow too if you equipped a new item it would like change on the character sprite it doesn't do that in this game which is a bit of a shame but you know and let's get some blue [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it alright let's identify this on this sort of the Xterra t5 to this tomorrow an Indian I don't need that get fine whatever it's for 8 it's better than nothing I guess it's trash it's gold mine alright I got to go up here I think are the austerity now where have I not been on the map hmm somewhere around here it's gotta be the the entrance to level 2 but never trouble finding it it's it huh halt halt dexterity is good yeah but not for a warrior it's at north left maybe they detect the video game postmortem the dev Sunday this game was really interesting to watch I know I am NOT watch that the only thing I know about this game like now how Blizzard treats it they don't really like give out on facial stance on if this game is like a banner where like you can pirate and do whatever you want with it I mean I did buy this game back in the day like way back but you can't buy it anymore you can probably buy like used copies on eBay but like you know so not here huh [ __ ] our potion healing I missed this wait well again this game does not have the the eigen stopped on the for feature one thing here on this is illegal you know here's what I think Blizzard should do and if I master this game like I I mean don't change the graphics is put it in 69 cuz the service is still up for this game you can still play online with this you know wait a minute am i guys hey where's the level two entrance I kept confusing this with that I don't know why but Wow well at least I got all the the [ __ ] here I remember this part it's like Oh going deep now like Starcraft wonder master yeah cuz the game is a classic I mean it's like it's like one in a way burning dead there is we can't get in oh oh the door opened how about I don't open this door how about I [ __ ] with this guy instead I don't have magic enough I think in a way the whole reason why Blizzard is such a big company today it's cause of this game I mean that's really like debatable because like you know obviously Warcraft and stuff like that but you know I think this game was such popular so popular back in the day people played online Diablo 2 was the sequel to this the online of Diablo 2 was just [ __ ] nuts people still play it and then when they made one of Warcraft they said well we had a lot of success with the Apple Tucson line let's try this again boom so you know that's just that's just a theory though a game theory but y'all know I feel about what world Warcraft shadow byte however Bob mines my six years as a nine Oh what about that racing game for my stream a rock and roll racing and that is why Blizzard is so popular today ooh this rumor set yet that Blizzard is working on the Apple 2 remastered now here's the thing about or mastering games I know for a fact that if they do that people are gonna get mad because if it's not absolutely [ __ ] perfect then minigun you don't really need to remastered the Apple 2 anyway the only thing they need to do is they need to fix the widescreen in it there was a widescreen hack of the elbow too but then they like [ __ ] with it so you couldn't use it anymore the like Blizzard should add a widescreen support for Diablo 2 and whatever but that shouldn't really master it it's already perfect kind of kind of you know know a lot love it look at all the skeleton archers why they doing it here reading books my swords going down I got a pawn some of this stuff some of this stuff yeah there we go the Bisset being dead skeleton said yes I was just gonna say I need a town portal so this is one of the most important things in the game already says I need to sell [ __ ] it's important aid you get all this gold here too much baggage baggage alright let's see how much I can get here a charge all its baggage oh I can just move this and I can just yeah awesome alright let's level up first strength vitality yes alright let's zip through and over here I forget that was a thing in this game you gotta actually like get the tab portal summoned somewhere the apple tree just like I just open it you know there we go whoa I don't why but I always thought that the town port looks on a scary in Diablo - yeah Diablo 1 it looks less scary in Diablo 2 she's like oh it's a town portal here it looks like a [ __ ] space anus come inside it'll be funny no no alright let's repair us or by the way whoa what can I do for you do for you oh yeah the old system of like aw dude the [ __ ] selling and bartering [ __ ] in the other one is terrible thank God they fix this in the elbow - it's so bad in this one it's like instead of dragging your inventory it's it's like you read things ah yes I'll sell this short boat yes all right let's prepare my sword in 560 why I haven't enough one it's fine started thicker did your evening I don't like or evening this game is perfect already well that was Diablo 2 dude the other one is flawed Pepin I'm glad I caught up to you in time our wills have become brackish and stagnant and some of the townspeople have become ill drinking from them all reserves of fresh water are quickly running dry I believe that there is a passage that leads to the springs that serve our town please find what has caused this calamity or we will surely perish that little Sun still haunts but what is that thing is it a wolf to the bird what is that what my friend ghosts but it's that sounded it's an owl anyway you can buy potions here if you want but I'm gonna get enough that it's kazoo hello my friends and I made that sound of the Bielsa but adds a lot of improvements well I want to experience this game as vanilla as possible you know and I could play it but they beelzebub mode but again that game adds oh that mod adds things and I don't like that for for this I mean it's probably better to play it with it but you know get this [ __ ] get that crap uh-huh forget what the story about her is but she like set up a shop here just to like I forget if she's allied with the demas or whatever like she's just kind of like she's just like capitalizing on these people's misery they're like ah you know what you guys are dying but you know I'll I'll sell you some some potions and stuff like that I ever go poison water supply you [Music] [Music] well I've seen his handiwork in the drunkard fire his destruction will do much to ensure the safety of this village the did i want i'm double j sadistic creature man okay glorious voice acting from the 90s in fact this game on plates in one which again i don't apply that one but that game is in swedish that's right in in in the north ballistic said you know what those [ __ ] suites you know that this server break every once in a while so they they actually released a version in sweden which this entire games in swedish it's it's amazing the scroll of healing would you like a doom d all across over what now the tomb in diablo it's a little different well i i guess cuz in diablo 3 everything is just cartoony and like you know goofy bait big ol eyeballs and i guess i would fit into the new doom - sure yeah whatever is my stance on it yeah sure whatever i won't play it but kids like you can hear how much disdain i have for diablo 3 oh my god whatever [ __ ] you die that's not for me I know I never said I don't like the apple of three it's like this this atmosphere I love you know and Diablo 3 it's just I remember it remember when it came out everybody so mad at how many colors there is and then people like forgot about it I'm still mad I'm like damage Diablo you can't [ __ ] add saturation to it even though this game is clearly saturated with a green and red and all that but it's like the style was off you know keep it the same you know but I says this is my bad bad opinion they have no three more like the air bloopy I really hate colors and then it's like red Skelton's chasing me around blood skeletons and a blue demon I don't like change oh my god holy [ __ ] burning dead if everything's the same how do you improve our game by fixing what's not good like the Apple 2 in Diablo 2 which is Diablo 1 with running and like better management and more fun guys do I want to open this door loo this look at this there's like a hundred [ __ ] skeleton soon it's going oh it'll be fun close that close that door post that door no close close close close close almost at [ __ ] door okay well this actually works yeah okay close that door cause that goddamn door this actually worked is that they have to they have to individually wait for me every time a holy [ __ ] do i oh my god I'm about to die should I shut it oh I'm more like temple and stuff older [ __ ] I'm about to die blood fountain okay here here here's a theory now I I know this is very like theoretical theory but you know in role-playing games potions are like a drink right it's the a blows like potions blood because aa blood fountain guess what [Music] you tell me it's lifeforce no no it's it's like spicy blood its wine no man honestly I found the apathy fun but it's not at the elbow game well I never really applied the elbow three I mean I've seen plenty of gameplay footage of it but I never like sat down and played it and it's kind of funny because like Diablo 3 got released and people still play Diablo 2 it's like you know it was all right I suppose objectively but a lot of old-school Diablo fans probably have a lot of problem with it you know look at that let's get the tunnel [ __ ] health this time I'm doing with my damage anyway energy comes at the cost of wisdom oh thanks buddy you don't waste money on a Joel it's not worth it well how much is it I'm not played off stream to get out proper opinion on it there we go you need to Dex - why dexterity attacks like is it attacked range or whatever no no it's not even such a thing in this game it's not even a [ __ ] status table - idiot - idiot next area effects to hit percentage an AC well not in this game is it no no no I'm talking [ __ ] I'm talking [ __ ] that's in this game this is in this game you know you're right you're right - that probably don't need too much of it you know all right that what we should probably like to save the game that's Big Bend you're pretty far steamed into the church and I haven't saved once let's see here real quick yeah you see that see that [ __ ] NextEra t adds 62% chance so this is more important than you think oh hello what the [ __ ] did this when this happened warning store well now we're a bit of a vine you'll think here said well that's what I love about the elbow you got out you got to think about your stats and stuff like that now if I quip this it's a better weapon however it's for eight this could do more damage but it's also decreasing my dexterity which means that I'm gonna hit less with this thing and the minimum damage is one so just by percentage alone I think this is a better weapon because it's consistently hitting more and it does the minimum amount of damage when this more wild chance to do the Morningstar so I don't think I'm gonna use that actually a lot that's very nice are good against undead not so much with sorcerer I don't think that's a thing in the other one and I think that's one with the AB look too but I could be wrong the morning stars better overall I don't if you don't care what you hit for oh yes will ever play dead space - yeah maybe but I got a I got our luck wait a little bit for cuz that I don't know I was kind of soured a little bit but think about the amount of glitches I had in that game you know but I know that speed is the better game so maybe how does that scout them hide in a barrel look just waiting there all day oh boy I hope someone who breaks my barrel I'm trapped here for a hundred years and then he gets fries like I'm free and that he's like destroyed this within seconds no damn it what is the best spam email you have gotten relatives channel I probably I get 10 [ __ ] 49 offers every day serious about that too and I was so sick I was so sick of this [ __ ] spam emails that I actually started replying to and the other day I sent I sent one of these fortnight promotional guys on YouTube I sent them a response and it was just a picture of like a monkey in these little jammies with a text saying I'm not sleepy and then I got a reply saying back haha and nothing else and it would never even then the email stopped it ha ha you know series I really did this and what another time I there was another one was a business opportunity did this all they're all [ __ ] parasites they're all parasite trying to leech on you they're like hey we can improve your channel I'm like listen the truth of the matter is I don't need external help to grow my youtube channel if I was good at YouTube then I won't be able to have you guys like spamming fortnight to me but that's beside the point that the point of it is like I get these YouTube offers whatever and they're randomly generated because like you know my channel like I put a lot of content and video cept so they're like hmm this guy is X easily exploitable and we can like put fortnight stuff on it and obviously I don't because I'm like the intelligence of all that stuff really I mean I want to start my own like eco but like when would I ever do like sponsored fortnight content you not I mean but or she don't but anyway yeah these these these like business opportunity emails to get sent to me every day and I started getting so sick of it then I guess like I reply with like cat pictures and one of them I sent a long-winded email with really poor English about like sorry my religion does not allow the fortnight the Summoner will get my bones if I play the devil machine May or winter solstice be good and many patate be grown and I never applied one of these days I'm gonna I'm gonna show you that email like I love the fact cuz they are obligated to reply if you apply them and they don't say anything that's when you know you're like oh my god they're like okay let's not contact this guy anywhere cuz you can say no and they still say like duh dude please show us today okay at the end of the stream how about that if I showed you my actual in what should be like what the [ __ ] did you really get 100 emails per day yeah and this is not so good but it blew I have an idea let's go back to the shrine of blood the blood shrine played eater sorry about every name in the hablo it's like a metal banding burning dad playing eater skeleton oh my god this is bad potion please oh my god so [ __ ] butcher right there Darius holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay please for long can I get a scroll or something stop so stingy holy [ __ ] fresh meat scary skeletons first - oh well thank you so much anything else here I'm just looking for like a time portal it'd be fantastic ba-ba-ba-ba let's go again this is why I love to was like the better game cuz you can run away from problems it's not abuse like doing a lot of tippy-tap from danger oh oh god they're the skeletons gonna eat my brains what should I do okay [ __ ] ruin you're gonna [ __ ] die so this dragon pppppp well what's this axe is that a fire bolt can I use one of these fire boats but this axe I might be able to use this because it's like it's good okay what [ __ ] [ __ ] you why the [ __ ] would I not have the cape on idiot axe I need that all right a scroll of healing I forgot this was a thing in the game they able to removed all the the healing scrolls but okay so I need to go back somewhere I'm not gonna manually do it I don't wanna go back to town with like my feets Hey Joe why you're playing mobile oblivion shut up shut up shut up bookcase too much baggage hook of telekinesis what the [ __ ] is this I don't know I can't use this yeah I can't read I cannot read and I'm a big dum-dum stop talking I want to enjoy the game I wish it was I wish it was that was the original guy if you don't know the context plan that means there's a guy I was playing [ __ ] was it some game and I was a guy yeah he says like shut the [ __ ] up I'm trying to enjoy the game Oh awesome [ __ ] that's exactly what I needed it hadn't come under strain be like shut your goddamn it was the Shenmue I think what Shenmue yeah and it's like it was a guy who said like shut the [ __ ] up I'm drowning yo this [ __ ] stream or like game what's that guy trying to sleep he mad imagine like not is going to sleep mashanda the stream off no you're you're like it's too loud and you're too lazy to get up Phil on Kiki we're on stream oh that was it okay but before we do anything let's identify this and we can do it for free at Decker King done hey charges actually whatever acts of skill and nine to the Xterra T it's fine I'll do that for - [ __ ] yes it is two-handed though but you know I always play kind of like warrior so you know I want to be a barbarian so whatever turn off the [ __ ] [ __ ] audio I want to listen Joel now let's put the Google here and let's just sell everything we thought cuz I don't need it Wow premium items oh look at this yes they're all good [ __ ] - also also buckler bye bye tortured by another have all that stuff let's buy some like [ __ ] Scrolls so we can like go back turn the game off I'm trying to watch duel we got to buy some armor - like goddamn this cloak or this cape that sucks it is this runescape now what's interesting about runescape it's like I keep sometimes when you watch YouTube you get these ads for like dish wash dish dish soap and all this dumb stuff but lately I be getting a runescape ads and I'm like oh my god runescape runescape mobile Ola can you believe that they're making [ __ ] a runescape off phones now yo unrelated last night I introduced my dad to Angry Birds because he was he was legitimately asking me hey Joe I don't have any games on my phone yeah what's a good game I'm like oh boy here we go I rolled my ass I'm like Angry Birds it's like it's pretty fun so he got he started playing Angry Birds I don't have any games yeah bye bye bye bye bye bye [Music] have so many mana potions got damnit I don't want this here we got a tan portal town portal skip all this [ __ ] call identify yeah whatever so it's a rule this post is called rejuvenate yeah yeah yeah they are rejuvenation where they are limited what the [ __ ] but you don't have infinite potions or your staff a flash do you like it yeah because you know yeah you know mobile games I call them toilet games aka you want to do as little things as possible when you're playing a game quote-unquote so Angry Birds perfect you know it's just like you use your finger you know coilette games the cucit clicker is a polo game you know I mean anyway uh says that you've got all that now oh no no no no no [ __ ] the [ __ ] no this is this is rejuvenation potions this is like the crème de la crème this is both potion and mana but that's fine let's find out him in mind that that much what the [ __ ] do I still have this sword it's not chest in this game unfortunately so you know you can't really stash stuff I need to go to a Pepsi over here and get some real potions yellow not purple line I say I take one one little like hello it's which piece she bamboos will be again [Music] your Pepsi what's going on my friend Healy full healing uh here we go yes [Music] pissing away all my money Tigh what but they're over here now I started to look like the Apple to because my inventory well the able to buy inventory just like all these like scrolls or like these charms they're called yeah these charms all the way in the inventory and post and stuff like that like you know you know they look you know what I'm talking about you know and we need to sell this first go back repair but repair what I'm talking about let's see your uh don't do that don't do that okay we're good do for yay wait a minute hang on by basic items do you not have like an armor [ __ ] does not have an armor do you premium or maybe what the [ __ ] okay well have this I guess have enough money actually you know what let's just sell let's just sell our goddamn mana stuff as we will ever and we will never use mana ever and I can't sell mana oh god I got to go all the way to Adria whatever hey wait a minute you scared me on which piece no returns Finders Keepers brah what bill am I going for mouse one kills I'm not going for any bill but I'm not that proficient in the other one really is here we go let's go down come on I goes away 12 I mean 12 is still money so and whatever [Music] what's my new what's the opinion what's your opinion on the new Joe Joe intro that's pretty good pretty good yeah I you brought back Koda on it bloody stream I like that guy it's easy this is a little flat though like just the chorus fighting gold like it sounds six it a kind of weird fighting gold I thought I was gonna do like a big vibrato like gold no no finding gold that's fine yeah adds character to it sometimes weird moments in music make you more make them more memorable you know fight ain't gold speaking of gold here's my gold yes I dropped all of my gold well okay let's sell this cape go back we do all that blah blah blah blah I hope gangster's paradise takes over for the the ending after diello will show us up have hasn't been revealed yet but the the the ending is right now cuz gangster's paradise makes no [ __ ] sense for part 5 I see a lot of people talk about oh it has what is it what ending is it [Music] [Music] some porn song okay keep in mind I can't old tap out of the game whoa what can I do for you all right let's see here uh Oh am i doing no no no I cannot sell this guy my [ __ ] armor what the [ __ ] you okay now seriously what what [ __ ] ending is it it's a coolest [ __ ] yeah but what is it freaking you greetings good master welcome to the tavern of the Rising Sun the Rising Sun the ending is not cool okay so okay so people really want a gangster paradise and it's not that it's like a sexual jazz song okay that's fine whatever now gangster's paradise makes no sense I don't see a lot of people want that for part 5 but gangster's paradise my cool it was like a song about how like the gangster lifestyle is like bad and leads to death which is not what part 5 is about I like it kind of because all his friends died but you know Geo himself is like I want to be a gangster star and it does at the end but like he's he's not sitting there at an empire of like what was it all worth it you know [Music] spoilers I'm sorry I spoiled something that was like Jesus Christ thirty years old not twenty years old actually but still shut up I read the mango alright now we're back here time to kick some ass my boy if you if you if you guys that only watch the anime they're surprised by that man I can't imagine how the [ __ ] your guns gonna react when one stolen ocean is gonna be released what the [ __ ] nothing mattered what what nothing ever existed coochi you [ __ ] what level three see I do not feel confident dealing with the butcher but I'll tempt it anyway tell I hear we're gonna do we're gonna be I'm gonna put an IV drop into my [ __ ] arm as I'm trying to do this this is going to be some [ __ ] all my potions will be consumed for doing this let's see if I can actually get away with this okay my IV drop has been hooked up to my my intravenous link to my arm let's see if I can kick ass at the butcher here we [ __ ] go oh my [ __ ] god [Music] let's [ __ ] [ __ ] up ridiculous oh my god can I do it that one [ __ ] destroy buddy yeah no way dude no [ __ ] way okay so here's how you do this you gotta use a bow and arrow to do this like he attacks you too fast so it's really difficult so I gotta find some proper armor for this first of all fresh meat let me Zora level for this guy first so you could be with stun locks on man there we go you have to get lucky and stun lock him that's a lot of them but a Mach 2 I guess no man get all these arrows holy [ __ ] did king crimson is cool to realize this requiem would just be the world no are you talking about no no no King Crimson's requiem would be something like no he is like I don't know what he would be like a direct way I'm stands there it's like they're different you know then there are enhanced versions of things they just have new abilities but I'm you know to conclude the Joe Joe thing I would say this I'm really happy that you know part 5 is finally animated because part 5 is like my least favorite part and I'm glad I can be like well here's another attempt at trying to enjoy it you know so mama Oh explode please it's not dude in before we're gonna steel ball run animate well give it give it like four or five years to maybe and that [ __ ] cool that beyond awesome part six was shittier Joel well I thought I thought par six was more of an enjoyable experience because you know Theo was there and the Tara was there and you know wasn't part five really big in Japan yeah it's huge in Japan affected and I don't know why I'm what else gonna do here part 5 it's the biggest Japan now I'd say part 3 it's the biggest you know there we go I love the animations on the creatures when the daityas crawl up like that III honest to think that the steel ball run resetting like you what Georgia was about was really good because it got really [ __ ] messy at part6 like III jump around a lot with you know part six like it's nothing ever matter at the end but in a bittersweet way I'm like I'm happy because like this this [ __ ] got to [ __ ] messy like with do like in Poochie and like des terreaux and the [ __ ] stand disks and here's Deadeye golden skeleton mech your [ __ ] or well he sucked was this skullcap hell yeah small hey what's this for 12 okay hmm guess I'll try it then I know I have a scroll of identify here [ __ ] I guess I'll have the Cape anyway what if I could I keep on equipping it small X or the axe of skill alright let's see here you know what let's just [ __ ] let's go actually what I should have done was just put it into the Xterra T because then I would have been able to kill the butcher but telecom back to the butcher when I when I'm like little stronger just don't get all right I think I'm done with this level I could actually go down to level three he didn't buy the scroll oh oh that's right hey it was firing at Mia who's this Boehner no hey you quit that you quit that oh hell [ __ ] yes thank you so much I don't know where this robe comes along awesome now I'm walking around with a little like a Mongolian rider hat and then I'm walking around with a bathrobe on me okay what the [ __ ] oh man the authority that doTERRA had just a slightly more important role under the part four or five and Poochie ain't a real end value of God Valentine is a better villain in my opinion deals kind of character changes a little bit even though he's dead in part six it's odd that he's his attitude about things is kinda are a little different like in part six is more of a his his motivations like he wants to reach heaven and he and the the words I got from his mom through the lullaby he's never really explained how he got that knee I mean he did get it from that but what is that song from you know that's beside the point my point is in part six D is more of a like a chill guy in part three he's mark snide conquering [ __ ] and I love that but apart stick his board mellow you know he's like a philosopher part six he's just sitting there doing a banjo think oh my god I don't know okay well anyway let's go down here actually now what maybe be a good idea to my caucus I have a little more cash death melis a person I guess well I guess but yeah but then again it's the same deals from part four part three so you know but then again part three he did do a lot of philosophical things he'd like read a book it has a mine and he's just you know doing all that stuff but anyway how bizarre is that I'm sitting here talking about Jojo on Diablo acts of strength okay let's let's see here my damage unfortunately not well it's fine what hello I so that's what I did on industry and partly you could see him reading them do reading all the time along with the whole bang and Hogwarts thing that's a reason why yg was a thing I don't like the Oh sons though I wish do your son that's my whole problem with with with geo geo could have been a better character here I wish geo had a duality in him where he's he's got vampire traits and he's a bit of an [ __ ] but he's also like half vampire half human so it's like man I gotta fight my dad's bad side you know but it's not it's just like oh my deals my dad lol like that's that's the that's the end of that like there's not no real sort of it haha thing about it and that's why like I saw heaven a lot because they acknowledge geo and deal meeting each other and are like [ __ ] yeah is great you know so so you want a liqueur from Castlevania yeah - that'd be great what is a man all right well [ __ ] Oh do for you do for yay all right see here sell short swords sward my father's sword you took my father's sword clam I never paid to you before and if you do not listen then to hell with you yeah okay guys I have a really dumb dumb mind you'll think moment I had to say that all the time but it's funny where the [ __ ] do I buy armor it's been by here we go k-pop zest zesty blue or Mar the Jaguar what the [ __ ] resist lightning damn this is pretty good but I don't have enough money so be it that was zealous [ __ ] yeah it's repair or itis by the way that's a skill the robe yes yes and don't need that a lot of things full healing hell yes hello yeah there you go that's fine you know what I'm just got to throw you out here and be like you know what these things [ __ ] have them donate to charity or something uh no see I have two top portals it should be fine right [Music] [Applause] [Music] ever think of the Oh being nude and looking at Jonathan's dogus and thinking hmm I wonder now if I if I if I if I make a big big splurge in a lady now that woman will lay an egg so that's how childbirth works will it be me or will it be Jonathan because it's not my semen and then I rocky said Bukhari Muslim it okay tower let's it go down did you lay this egg hang on I haven't been up here yet how like no no no no no no I'm being stupid you're being real stupid you're gold it's gold sarcophagus ooh awesome all right Joel de River oh yeah I could do that quest but let me just go down to level three cleared up a little bit then go back because I think I need a little better [ __ ] to alright what's in to a dark passage oh what's this what's this again oh wait what am I talking about this this is it there's a [ __ ] poisoned water supply what here I'm talking about a I do this quest well I'll be back to do it later idiota he are the Smurfs I forget how the Smurfs talk but probably something like that you listen up Smurfs I'm gonna murder the [ __ ] out of ya no poison the water supply there's a snake in my boot whole shifts god damn the devil flesh clan what the [ __ ] alright good man if that was the applo commands the king was that simple oh we killed the devil this arise me a lot of the Apple to affect flesh clam all right there son Lamborghini car name did the hablo dude that was the car of my generation everybody was like in the 2000 that was a D car Lamborghini Diablo was the ultimate car and then it suddenly wasn't anymore but yeah I remember like when we talking about cars kids were like that's that's the car that's that car oh nice all right let's see you know what let's put some texture into this again you might never need it but this time me hitting more it would be really good this soundtrack I John Carmack had a Diablo really Carmack you karmak doesn't really strike me as someone who died off sportscar Carmack would have like a little like beetle beetle car beep beep I'm sorry - go ahead Todd Howard and Carmack they're like they are the same breed there are the same geek breed I guess in a way Carmack it's just like you know just ha ha tart tart it's the more more confident geek though taught us like he will buy the sports cart Carmack wouldn't karmic would just buy like a little Volvo car beep beep you know Todd Howard as the clown car 30p pbbb pbbb degenerates taught as the chat HQ both taught us the angry geek taught us a lot of anger inside of him because although the bullying had in like school laughs now ya can afford the car now you can't now hey somebody pissed in the river do a spin with that yay the dude has the dude that means that the water is clean now what Thank You skeleton now okay I need to all right now let me yeah let's get out of here karmak is a [ __ ] genius though like like even though I'm about him like the guy is like he is superhumanly smarten he he like he he is like single-handedly like he revolutionized everything like he when he did like a demo before Commander Keen like he tried to just he he is did stuff but he's like a [ __ ] wizard when it came to coding like in the nineties he was just like okay no no game on the PCs done like Windows scrolling properly so he's looking at Mario 3 going like how do I do this and it's just like in the afternoon is like oh I fixed it it's like how the [ __ ] did you do it I fixed it have you seen the video which are Mac char Mac Carmack chokes areevo char Mac the alternative version Carmack chokes to do that yeah I have it's funny char Mac chops welcome back charm at chokes a new youtube series right show cut dudes burning dead captain holy [ __ ] you know I could've just kept my bowl I got earlier so I could like snipe the the butcher but that's just teasing it there could you might have been married to thought our everyday you wake up hey it's me again hello wife hello wife it's time to make love Skyrim style oh no no goula shot for them ghouls they'll get you man imagine is chiller like many thoughts many thoughts at the playground just like advertisement that [ __ ] game to the other kids no no no no no no no stupid as hell and I see I'm dropping a lot of frames here but they don't know probably calling back I've been having this like weird issue with my PC I think it's nothing to do with my actual PC but it's more so like my inner providers being a little bit you know but that's fine I'm just gonna keep on streaming you guys on YouTube right now you guys on YouTube right now probably go are you talking about well on twitch right now it's [ __ ] ups but don't worry sounds like they're doing a lick anyway mini Todd Howard's all right can't go in here can i nope well I think I think it's fixed now I think it's fixed now him and we back we're back now oh itself dropping a lot ah whatever I'm gonna keep going whatever whatever the devil as a setup what I love look this now here's my fear about this game right well theory I don't know visual these you loaded the visual idea behind this in a way so I can actually do this I can refresh the chat real quick now what I like about the hablo one is it's very Christian gothic in a way oh we are back we are back oh sorry about that no I was just talking [ __ ] about Todd Howard I was saying on the playground could you imagine like Todd's kids is being like the game anyway [ __ ] talking taught offline yes that's that's my life in there anyway I was saying what I love about Diablo 1 is its Christian Gothic heart look at that look look at that cross in Diablo 2 doesn't like recognize this stuff but look it's like you know Jebus jeebus what once was open now it's closed you know praise Jesus okay no but in all seriousness though I do love that I think it's I think it's like you know it's a classic horror stuff like a vampire stuff like I can't go here oh the dose that was the solution is to go past the [ __ ] gate you know it's a crystal whoa you've innate I bought taunts of those but whatever well with that a mace Todd actually writes a dragon it not a car hey you're being too mean thought huh and I see them a lot in the YouTube comments and I you know that's a little too mean to many whatever what area says Gore Tonya I'll say this before but like you can you can take any name from Diablo and you can like make a metal band out of it which is funny as [ __ ] because I think in Diablo 2 there's a site Lord I'm serious like what the [ __ ] I thought that wasn't one I based it on but yeah and I still the funniest [ __ ] they're like oh god damn it Cortana boy we're Gore Doug I'm gonna get through it high school band competition what's so appealing about worse at being safe than Joel oh you know you can pass the favors for him stuff like that yo yo yo Dave Lee can you fix our cup of coffee okay so my soul but listen fresh coffee in the morning and Gore Congress consists the day brace [Music] what's this a staff step look at staff holy [ __ ] and I use it though I need 15 magic all [ __ ] if I had some sort of charm I could probably do but they it's Diablo 180 it - have I thrown away that moldy rice cooker' yeah like ages ago do dude did I tell you guys about my chronic rice rice cooker and how I exploded I think I did but I'll tell it again I was cooking like some food months ago and the power cable that's on my or was on the rice cooker I wasn't paying too much attention and it had like shifted towards the the hot plate above the stove stove and I'm like it's that plastic smell I don't worry about it cuz I have it connected above where my fan is above the stove stove Steve and suddenly bang like what the [ __ ] is that I'm like oh my god the actual power cable went above it they started cooking so yeah no more rice cooker from you about anyone I go through these a lot idiot above the stove yeah the worst look with rice cookers well the first one was my own damn fault not this one alright tawa let's do some vitality this time worth getting a rice cooker yeah I'd say so listen rice I said this on a tip on the stream but rice is really cheap and you can get a lot of rice for very little money and if you get a rice cooker the rice will be perfect every time this it's a worth worth the investment you know who the [ __ ] bongo can work out for that Bongo we common Bongo what the [ __ ] is Bongo is that one going no one lives forever [Applause] yo his donkey kong in there goes it's been a band names holy [ __ ] - he's trying he's trying his absolute best Bongo has passed too much baggage II can I organized this yes I can okay let's see your staff flash can't even I can't even do anything with this hey wait a minute I bow I can't get some arrows and boom I can take care of the butcher better again it's kind of cheating if I do that okay uh staff a flash uh let's see here 30 40 ml I think it's not for the next level yep hey wait a minute I have all these potions why don't [ __ ] put it in the my belt which there are no belts in this game it's just in there automatically level four oh my god now this is dungeon crawl I'll be getting my [ __ ] ass handed to me right now but luckily it's not are there any games coming up soon that you plan on streaming yeah doom eternal and that's it the dark one and the burning dead Michelle made dude eternal line stream H Skyrim oh well now we're evolving this meme huh I'm gonna stream the new Animal Crossing one concept I think I'm actually gonna stream the original oil has a ring look at that healing healing healing okay I got identify that but you can't clear out some stuff first I must stream the original on GameCube I think because I I think that the original is one of the best oh oh it's [ __ ] Overlord he tough dog tough not ask tough the big boy goddamn dude what the [ __ ] okay Jesus Christ it to guys oh my god isn't all of them ok he's had some bad luck with that guy no they're they're fine oh my god and the [ __ ] pile up on you that's done when it gets real bad all God did I need tiny to like a metal [ __ ] weapon already here and it's alright but like we need some magic enhance chip so just drop a ring or something has the real Todd ever noticed me I can't open this yeah of course you ever see those YouTube comments his gimmicks pretty cool but you know it'd be better uh here they come then Barney dead I'm hit points to can actually see the hip points something so satisfying with the habla to like then when the monsters are up here and you see the names of the monsters like you know for example when you're doing that doing a boss and you see his health going down and you're like oh come on here we go here it comes to death it comes to death y'all know what I'm talking about all right well I gotta go up here right I don't have a spell ready she sure talks a lot now in the original Diablo the ending again is a little bit bitter or sweet and I love it because it's it is pretty dark but what I like about it is you become Diablo really awful now spoilers but uh yeah you you jammed the the the corpse the remains of the hablo the soul stone which is the hablo is just the Apple is a demon he doesn't really have a physical form you know and well you you Jam there remains his essence into your head to contain him after the original Diablo is slain cuz you don't know how to destroy him really so I love that bittersweet and I think it's the warrior that actually becomes him which is the Dark Wanderer in the two I always loved that bad s what is P do I have why should I tell you because honestly like why wouldn't why what an American benefit because it's not Comcast or Verizon I thought that like that's not a neat I'm sorry but you're not I mean like oh okay it's that one I never heard about that one you know Steve for a moment that was bound for the Eastern Kingdoms pass through here some time ago it was supposedly carrying a piece of the heavens that had fallen to elf the caravan was ambushed by cloaked riders just north of here along the roadway acip's the wreckage for this sky rock but it was nowhere to be found if you did find it now believe it I can fashion something useful from it [Music] interest area do 48 okay no no but somebody pointed out why would he be an American oh there we go he's [ __ ] 3d shop I I humbly say I apologize FIF entrada nathaniell be a little less than you will ever bought me anything if a young boy who's and para llamar who's and avoid automobile season or am i a farmer hiya t aliekum homeless but business standard who eats American effort time they aren't involved one thing can be exempt rabbit or a Felix and I sorry about that IIIi wrong wrongfully for me to assume that everybody's an american watching the stream cuz it's not true at all in fact it's your time hour so probably most of you guys aren't from america that white let's do a little check cuz it's currently 1 p.m. in sweden that's like uh i don't know what that would be in america right now it depends someone would you look into orbit UK Norway Belgium Australia Texas baby but oh but Russia Germany it's scarlet blind probably some have a stream where you speak Swedish check up any April full stream on all my channel and you'll find you'll be satisfied Poland has a very mixed audience right now we have a lot of the you know Europeans and it's got some Americans you know anyway the magic Rock I'm still waiting for you to bring me that stone from the heavens know that I can make something powerful out of it the butcher I saw what forum calls the butcher there's a swathed a path through the bodies of my friends he's swung a cleaver as large as an axe small screeching demons and somehow found the stairway lead night I never saw that hideous beast again but his blood-stained village haunts me to this day it's funny about Scottish by the way this is more glad Glasgow Scottish but some some slang words are very similar to Swedish for example to cry is Greek which is the same in Swedish which is get whooped I don't know how that happened but yeah I get it it's the same and then like what you're feeling alright you're feeling draw that's the same in [ __ ] Swedish - you're greeting your greeting I don't know why the [ __ ] that is but interesting isn't it we both have some similarities in our languages some traces I guess so yeah get eaten the Wayne sorry get eaten Scottish people are secretly Swedish it's revealed da da da dun I'm Scottish and half of us don't understand each other that really depends where you're from in Scotland I guess ya get eaten anyway uh it's not the Morningstar let's get these ring [ __ ] identified already listen here we go ring of illness what the [ __ ] is this ring what the [ __ ] is it ring of illness - what the [ __ ] is this ring it's absolute terrible okay it's like it's a flooring activated here we go ah wait can I die in the town if I do this I can literally die from equipping this the cursed ring is it fantastic I love it ring of illness oh he doesn't even want it what the [ __ ] is the point of this that's fantastic absolutely love that that is so stupid talk a pennant for a good ring he's at the skip school dude okay guys guys okay Connor you stay at home okay power videogames ring off skip school that's that's [ __ ] funny you see the presence of the demons has caused the water to become tainted oh truly a great evil lurks beneath our town but your perseverance and courage gives us hope please take this ring perhaps it will aid you in the destruction of such vile creatures vile creatures ring of truth time okay this one is actually pretty good though oh yeah brother he'll heal me up please soon fight Johnson oh you know a thing about this magic rock they could see with that lock but I will say this sar falling from the sky be careful by the light I know this vile demon there were many that I know this I know this vile demon I know I know by the light I know this vile demon bias or abayas aura it's the Grand Champion one more time by the light I know this vile demon like an awesome voice acting by the light I know this vile demon whoa okay the blizzard bluster dat voice acting guys are sitting behind in the voice acting studio like alright I want you to overact the [ __ ] out of this okay go by the light I know this vile demon alright so some of the voice acting is okay there but that one guy over acts the [ __ ] out of it hit pause 10 1-1 now from enemies persist oh my god is it awesome alright we gotta sell this [ __ ] figure it's Paul aiding he does the people he does some people in the Fallout 3 for really but you know I recognize that guy no I recognize him yeah I hear him I hear him I hear I hear yeah okay [Music] interesting [Music] you're just saying you know any left search of a new son the nuke pray sir yeah I hear it BAM he is over acted the [ __ ] out of that line by the light I know is Riley demon these things that are stuck in my head in there holy [ __ ] okay guys we're gonna hear it one more time wait by the light so something's wrong with me man something's really [ __ ] wrong with my head by the light I know this vine demon is addicted to listen to it's only funny to me I said what the [ __ ] is wrong with me Pepsi Tommy Tommy please oh this vile demon my friend Tommy by the light I know this vile demon by the light I know this vile demon I think it's Diablo like infecting my brain or something like that like I'm something's really wrong with me man Viney demon ok let's just buy a ton of potions what Bo Africa use do this and I can alright you don't skip vile demon okay well fine I'll apply it one more time for even what ails you my friend by the light I know this vile demon like my laughing about that it's not funny okay illness you know you can have this [ __ ] [ __ ] ring on the floor anyone ever pick it up go ahead go right ahead I don't want it nobody wants it to by the light I know this vile demon okay we've heard the dialogue twenty times but never actually the whole thing by the light I know this vile dialogue an old lady picks it up and keels over but okay and I still can't kill the [ __ ] butcher what the [ __ ] Joe this is worse than your gambling addiction by the light I know this vile gambling addiction real level five holy [ __ ] already by the like I know this vile streamer or where you not live with life you kill me at least and give back magic o connor and find ugly you can you go could you imagine this a [ __ ] demon talking to you in diablo I don't remember this what's that I know this vile demon that was the vile demon right there get him a magic banner or whatever okay fine oh I didn't identify the helmet you got what are you talking about that's like my old helmet dude I mean a vile demon well speaking of crappy motes better twitch TV or Frank Phase II I have some the most common so but speaking of new remotes we're about to get like a new emotes lot and so you know that's that's a thing full germination okay let's let's do a line already goddamn and yeah let's do some strength let's put in some dexterity and some vitality yep there we go magic is not always what it seems to be okay it's going to be a buff variation I know what no no no you see you subscribe the symbol flips for that besides but is like mostly for simple flips anyway man I did that really good I'm impressing my buck by the light I know this vile but [Laughter] open the goddamn door well Cheston it's really funny the first time I ever ever heard of simple flips I was really hesitant because you don't know what people are comfortable with and something like so with the first time I was like I knew of simple flips through the stream I'm like okay simple this is a streamer and then I like said hi to him and you know when you meet someone for the first time in you don't know what it's okay and not that you don't know how filthy you can be whatever and I was like oh god I hope I'm like this guy isn't like really like he he doesn't like swearing and he's like really like you start like a very humble guy that's the wrong word but like so I was just going like um [ __ ] super flips on stream right the cool shot at the foot super flips [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and I'm like oh god I hope like when I actually meet the guy sent like well you swear a lot I don't like you you know but now he was like it was a super cool guy he's still like lava streams it's really really funny but yeah you know when you meet someone for the first time and you don't know what's like okay and you don't know if it can be awkward with them or not - so you're like really on your best behavior and you're like hello I like video games here I mean oh my god finally oh Jesus hello its complex roles have you ever been recognized on the street I'm sure that must feel a bit freaky no no I have not like I I live in in a [ __ ] city little town and everybody knows each other already like people know me already in the city it's just I happens that I stream to but you know I met I met people that like oh my god holy [ __ ] it's you Joel I'm like hey I am alright mmm Oh Chester why the [ __ ] can't they make the hablo for like phones I said this game is mostly played with one hand anyway you know I mean you you use use in mental wearing stuff like that but generally like you control with a mouse so like by not much baggage why can't I make like a slash or a can slash thing you know I got some of this too much baggage baggage because they B's failed it failed with microtransactions loot box pay2win and with a lot of grind people will trash it in seconds I have a great idea how about make a game make an app game that you actually put time and effort into it and don't [ __ ] and don't [ __ ] [ __ ] around with it you know I mean that make it good don't make it like a solace solace screaming face man icon game you're not I mean you know the you know the kind of games I'm talking about right it just got a picture of a dude screaming going oh don't make it that make it an actual game with story make it good don't do any of that micro transaction should just make a game that's good make a good it gets like put make it an actual game you know but that takes it for Joel but yeah but that's what I'm saying like make something but care don't just make a thing and just be like get on but you need to make money you've got to have more money I guess I'm really naive like I'm I have a really like childlike mentality when it comes to like the things just make something that's good stop [ __ ] around it yeah but your loop doesn't make money oh all right it's not very Cash Money of me to say that you trust corporations too much oh that that is the complete opposite of what I do I think sometimes on stream I come across is really like I can't carry any more preachy with how much I hate companies and like games do videos and stuff like that cuz it's always like I'm like make it good stop [ __ ] around I can see through your [ __ ] stop it [ __ ] nope I buy our game and keep buying the little coins in the game so if you ran a business would get bankrupt the força becomes official look mad I the dead that possibly would be a to not identified hunters book tell you what we should just buy some arrows to try to get the I know it's gonna be a little cheesy to get the butcher with with the bow and arrow but damn it you know there we go Joel hates capitalism more everday no I don't hate capitalism I hate greedy [ __ ] corporations to tell you hey this game is good and then they get caught red eye red red-handed saying like this game is bad and people and suckers are buying it and then when they get caught and then when they get caught you know what happens then they shift the blame and say well no that was a different guy who said that and you're like no it was you I need to go on vacation now by that's the [ __ ] I hate they're like what the [ __ ] are you doing I need to go bye right why do you move so much faster down left than any other direction because it this game operates under half life logic a you're moving in to two directions like left so it multiplies the speed you know [Music] all right here we go there we go what ails you my friend you know I have no stance on anything like that the only thing I think is like Friday should be it free Pete today that is my official stance vote for me damn it I'll fix things put me for president damn it I'll fix things free pizza and no more Norway okay that's my that's my stance on this that was the moment that everything changed okay let's see what transferred bought here we got to buy some friend Cochran on the floor while and listen uh hunters ball red bow of many many what a red bow of many resist fire I guess cap yes oh it never was identified you're right cap of light light radius oh this is no is it better actually like Raiders Oh [Music] I mean hang on let me let me get this right [Music] by the light I know this mile song [Music] gotta go to percussion thing too it needs more cowbell does anybody recognize this but I'm doing by the way anybody knows what I'm doing here kudos Wow what can I do for you it's strong bad and nobody gets it right the system is starting the home start techno song yep that there you go okay sell this don't need that small cap bye-bye bad bad give what what premia [ __ ] blue armor deadly hammer radiance steel bleed the sky it is the boss man sword of zest can I do that yet and you you're not selling any armor are you [ __ ] is wrong with you you're a blacksmith you do this [ __ ] for a living that's like going to McDonald's now we're out of burgers but yeah we're out but you make burgers for a living nope the [ __ ] [Music] okay cuz I'm gonna use that actual but a little bit hang on wait a minute don't you have arrows do you not have arrows hang on wait a minute arrows what the [ __ ] well one doesn't have arrows what oh my god you're right well hold a shake and cheese it already oh all right no let's just sell this and then we're gonna kick ass at the butcher mmm weapons with the sack guy yeah right second do it dammit do I sense a soul in search by the light okay now it's Kimmy time portals and boom that's kick-ass guys I still don't have a proper armor this is ridiculous ooh what the [ __ ] the hell all right he's a pacifist he's like shaking boats by the light anything I say new era an ottoman available in town you got to find stuff out yourself Farnum is responsible for all this how about the magic by Cochran keep sliding off big cleaver Oh foreign oh I have a newfound compassion music I thought the town drug he's drinking cuz his friends are dead oh you know i neva cheered up Pepsi I know this vile demon thank you no it's all better again o Farnum by the light I know this vile [ __ ] ring master I have a strange experience to be master I know that you have a great knowledge of those monstrosity that inhabit the lottery there's something that I cannot understand for the very life of me uh-huh so he was awakened during the night by a scraping sound just help site of nights heaven who when I looked out for my bedroom I saw the shapes of small demon like creatures in the inn yard he after a short time they ran off but not before stealing the sign to my Inn I doubt now why the demons woods were assigned but leave my family in peace to strange down test range now humston [Music] they stole it [Music] there go [ __ ] again alright now we're having a vignette tell you what to tell you what let's go up to level three again oh yeah I got ya I got a traverse all the [ __ ] way back oh boy what boy well I gotta go back go up in a boom boom bang mmm maybe go back where you kill them overlords my dude okay Wow gee willikers I sure wish this game out a run feature huh alright hey yeah by going down here no I have not the dock portal Hills no I lost my kills yeah those are my cool it's a high score a high score in this game how many have you killed I killed thirty corpse bolson his name's [ __ ] annoying his [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh brave [ __ ] you've came to save our village I know this vile [ __ ] the names not chained kid I'm getting hungry getting hungry damn it I can't I don't know if I can do a beer because the game will flip out if I do oh well tell em I'm gonna have five chips I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I had an extra chip sorry about that I had it cookin grab something kind of forgot to eat breakfast I'd had a munch down some chips man I live I live I recovered now to wash down this this this awful food with more unhealthy beverages I thought you died in sansa bar hey chocolate add some salt and vinegar chips by the way there's like this three chip flavor so who are like oh it's cruel of Inferno always the best for me it's either sour cream and onion barbecue salt the vinegar if because everything else they try every other chip flavor they try to do like you know the chip chip makers it's always like it never really clicks for me you know let me just get a reposition myself they're like mango and pineapple flavor it's like yeah you know that was the three class that go back to all-time cannot diminish the power of speed those sound like Kringle flavors great I open up a quarter I didn't need that what the [ __ ] well never I'll come back to what I suppose sour cream and onion is the best you know what you know what flavor I sometimes buy but I get really sick of it quickly chives dill and chives a buy like a bag and I'm like oh these are good and I'm like no this goes back in the cupboard what about musk flavored I love mustard flavor but they never make chips in that flavor here however they do Snyder's pretzels that have Snyder's pretzels with mustard and honey flavor [ __ ] they're good I love those but remember what remember when what I don't want hey let's me Jerry remember on Pringles that ketchup flavor chip diamond the chip demon came out oh [ __ ] [ __ ] me what the [ __ ] was that about nearly dying kringles ketchup flavored it they lasted a week in the stores and then like oh my god it's ketchup chips awful I know Canadians love that ketchup chips you almost Desa bust that that's a term we made up now okay you almost desert busted oh [ __ ] here we go the realms beyond master spoke to me of Secrets that few mortals know he told the organs of the high heavens and the pits of the burning hell's engage in an eternal war colonel why are you something these are they have brought this discord to the realms of man goddamn this court named the battle for this world and all who exist here thus in war the Sidon war like syntax in New York go through that again praises to Diablo all praises to Diablo all praises to the OP I know this vial all praises to Diablo so that's a Colonel Campbell it's also well see this guy voice act I forget his name [ __ ] um I know it's name uh but but ba ba ba ba ba ba it's what's his name he also voices a voice acts Luigi no no was his name again what was his boy [ __ ] Colonel Campbell but that's Paul wait Paul is the same as this vile demon that's the same guy give that guy says [ __ ] we're in that totally fool I thought vile demon man was like just some guy that was in fallout as well that's the same [ __ ] guy that blew my mind Paul 18 he's got some real [ __ ] range in his voice I know that's vile demon all praises to Diablo like what the [ __ ] what a brain that voice actor ass goddamn no wonder he gots a lot of jobs too much baggage was this large axe what's killing me I said that cell that's great too he was young when this was made well yeah he sounds he sounds way older than him hey after look what I'm playing look what I'm playing he praises to Diablo the lord of death upon this give us a pause screen sorry Diablo I gotta do my homework in the 90s pit okay Johnny you can play Diablo 10 more minutes okay got more diamond piece it's just me or your character voice looks like snakes voice my character voice oh this guy like you [ __ ] you mean like you I don't have a spill ready what now I wouldn't say so Colonel there's a snake I gotta work on my snake voice like one day I'll be good at it carnival oh God because David haters performance in Metal Gear Solid 1 if like he sounds like a human being but in Metal Gear 2 3 4 like he starts getting really rough Colonel Colonel like he starts sounded like [ __ ] ridiculous but we're so used to it that snake sounds like that but all right let's go back I need to go back anyway guys you want to do it one more time you gotta want to do it one more time one more time let's do it one final time tonight today sorry I'm so used to saying tonight well one more time so we went from like you know kernel into like this voice how the [ __ ] did did he did he pitch up his voice it sounds nothing like him hang on by the light I know this vile demon what are you the night I know this vile demon ok ok tawa let's listen to the whole thing and then we're done with this thing I know Joe shut the [ __ ] up I want to know about this vile demon I know this vile demon there were many that bore the scars of his wrath upon their bodies when the few survivors of the charge led by Lazarus crawled from the Cathedral but I don't know what he used to slice open his victims but it could not have been of this world it left wounds festering with disease and even I found them almost impossible to treat beware of you plan to battle this fiend filled by the light I know this vile demon while demon Colonel one of these days I'm gonna get really good at doing the snake voice because like I I'm a bit like a chameleon if I hear a thing I can emulate it eventually I'm a parent that's what I mean uh you know but anyway if I get really good at the snake voice I'm gonna start straining the MSX games and I'm gonna do all the voices I'm gonna do uh when you do all the voices in Metal Gear but I'm gonna do a MSX so I can do a David Hayter Solid Snake carnal and then I'm gonna do one make times under their ashes so a fully voice acted with snake and like you know sutherland big boss heidi enough throw in some skeletal - huh I gotta say like Paul like it I I have some really I gotta say I know yes talented but like he overacted I know this vile demon but then he does like legit stuff like he's got some range man like I like it anyway uh Tom portal I'm gonna do I have to let the scroll of healing do everything with but all that here scroll I can't use this garbage okay well okay what I'll go to Adrienne [ __ ] with her hey I still drank all the which piece you gave me you shucker to make my PC I sense a soul in search of answers how do you imagine what granddad voice would look like if someone yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] legend I love this do we need to sell these course I can't use by the way the mind of the D money oh they did they actually sell for good you are so II still entertained yeah I am I didn't locked me down or like a nuclear bunker I sit there and laugh at myself how are you mary's dying ha I hate that though I hate when people call me out on that like when I'm laughing at something isn't the divorce [ __ ] thing but people say having fun Joel Wow Joey you're so easily entertained like yeah I am unless you don't like you dry [ __ ] who can't [ __ ] laugh at anything well guess what I'm gonna be on my deathbed laughing you're gonna be [ __ ] crying ha ha then you're gonna be like ha ha ha I'll have the last [ __ ] laugh angry laughter haha that way I'm going to drop these I don't know why but have them around it I'm never gonna use mine anyway and I'm gonna visit town portal so let's just put it here and then where's the healing there's the healing I should have two of these okay good I feel I should get more health for the the butcher but hey you know I think I can do it anyway your top viewed clip on twitch is literally you're laughing at boobs Jules well yeah of course I am of course I would ha at that tire what they'll never feel bad about laughing at stupid [ __ ] because people that people that call you out and say like hey that's not don't laugh at that it's juvenile like woohoo I'm sorry comedy police you know all rights going on here so it's level 2 that asked the butcher I'm a little dumb right now think of all the [ __ ] way back to do this Oh God you know well the ghoul the Google of the church you're [ __ ] soundtrack on it's not awesome don't dawdle dog don't like the Terminator theme alright so I got to traverse all the way back take west south keep on moving east okay am I going to do a diablo 2 one off the problem if i stream diablo 2 i'm probably going to do it in one sitting maybe hey Anthony that you're here I was gonna say I was just talking I was talking [ __ ] about Diablo 3 earlier and I'm like I might play that off stream and you know well [ __ ] it if you're on board why don't we just like co-op that [ __ ] game on stream or whatever and I can hear two two idiots talk about metal for like five hours he did you know he played a dead woman did you know about alright here we go I'm gonna deal with the butcher uh fresh meat Amana the butcher and the the Shockmaster Metin they called me the butcher well they call me the Shockmaster her oh let's make a baby the Bushmaster I put your meat and I shocked the world okay the meat master or us the creeping meat okay here we go now the idea here is that we chase this with the arrow that's how I know we're gonna do this first let's see if I could theoretically kill him now [Applause] maybe you can take a selfie gonna get lucky with this Rock'em Sock'em robots I swear to go I gotta stand lock them hey I know what the [ __ ] you're nice is dead don't know avenged just look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] look a at the hablo 3 [ __ ] eat it look look this that this little like room of blood and impaled people this is what I love about the other one just horrific [ __ ] you know creepy [ __ ] and this is what I don't like about the Apple 3 it just felt too cartoony I want more of this I want more blood guys holy [ __ ] look at that look at the [ __ ] cleaver it's 9 Starcraft 2 was also cartoony Starcraft 1 was kind of cartoony medalist buck blood room all right all right let's go back to sha I have to go back to the room with the overlords to get the the thing or whatever [ __ ] I should I kept a scroll of identified and now I have to [ __ ] fine fine whatever cuz I'm gonna sell the bow anyway I don't need it anymore it's fine by the light I know this vide 48 so tell what repair this and I'm gonna sell my key ver this vine cleaver okay here we go this vibe he may listen wait hang on what the for a moment there I mistook that for something completely different I know I can and I know I can kill this guy so it's fine what of the food y'all have a sudden come on dude as this kind of easy actually did or no avenged sounds like the effects man oh what a shame a bomb right try that again [Music] by the light I know this vile [ __ ] up [Music] darn - oh wait I need I need to unequip it first [Music] Cass kill bye-bye bye-bye it's mine it's all mine hello my friend yes a a while and listen stay awhile [ __ ] look at this tent the strengths unusual item that [ __ ] yeah look at that unfortunately still looks like an axe but still awesome by the way no armor still oh yeah my gold starts multiplying I forgot about this like there's no stash in this eventually I might have to do this and just like this is gold on the floor I get the [ __ ] out of here alright I'll see her discuss here by this little more more more more moon okay good it's like tbo oh my god that people play TBI here oh my god I can I can tell you guys are Europeans cuz I don't think any American knows what TBI is I don't mind going so where's this magic rock thing by the way I've called this for always I talk to Gillian it good day how may I serve you sir of you our blacksmith is a point of pride to the people of Tristram not only is he a masterful McDonald was won many contests within his guild praises king leoric himself we saw rest in peace Griswold is also a great hero just ask King uh-huh well a caravan of some very important people did stop here but that was quite a while ago they have strange accents and we're starting on a long strange axles I don't see how you could hope to find anything that they would have been carrying tbh I was just basically a knockoff of Ultima Online yes yes it was people don't know that but it's true walk around town here a little bit to see what we can find it it's something interesting that the the church sometimes isn't in a different direction because this game is randomly generated but yeah I said this before my god damn I loved the apples ones aesthetic like this is Christian cross this is this ain't no fantasy [ __ ] it's an evil [ __ ] satanic Church you know they say this ain't some like made-up crap this is real this is a real gothic horror you know I love that about the other one evil evil and the other diablo ii you know this is also very dark and all that but it look I left this a little by itself and then when in its own kind of like world you know which is still what this is but you know I still like how everything here is just like medieval times you know Tom port will have okay let's go and just give me an armor now my god how am i this I'm level nine and I don't have an armor yet to just have the blacksmith sell view armor please good lord the [ __ ] is wrong man I mean I can buy a lookout like a robe from balloon in look like that's not what you want but but what do you keep doing with your arm I keep selling it I think cuz I it's like crap but I want like a chainmail you know like something I can kill dudes with well I mean not be killed if you can buy dudes with it I feel like I'm an entirely new it I only have like this little thing on my head i am i donäôt he's walking into this this church help me i need salvation and he paints you also keep forgetting to check work he might have some good solver still at sale oh yeah that's true but listen we need to what we got this banner whatever for porous snot spit or whatever his name is where he is not entirely sure but I'm not sure I've ever seen work tell anything good that's a big big big thing in the Apple to moo moo-moo-moo-moo we're the ring of illness give the banner to Ogden in town you will get a unique helmets award oh really well what happens it's not spitting isn't it gonna be pissed me like you'd not bring to me you know no I'm kind of like the more players more I forget about this game not because like I am forgetful but more so like the earlier the game the more resonates with me I'm like I remember this but now I'm like uh open the door oh my God look at this what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] macabre there was him that was him goddamn the gradient good gravy okay Knight kill a hundred dudes angel macabre they wrote they lost on Elementary good give me even more dexterity and little vitality and strength yes gosh you think I can finish this today nah nah no way right in a way oh I don't think so Diablo superstream man I mean I'm like what like 30% through the game at this point I don't think I can like do this that's fine let's just keep playing as long as I as I possibly can this goes here play gita devil Kim Oh Oh your [ __ ] dropping oh I couldn't eat the album eventually this becomes this like intravenous potion game it's like potion potion potion clicked potion potion potion click no squid skeleton boomerang the stream oh yeah yeah definitely definitely don't worry it's coming Rock carnage what a [ __ ] metal name raw garbage Tanya all these names in Diablo are super [ __ ] Medellin for broad car in his [ __ ] Warhammer what hello aim I want that scroll of inferno you know I should really bring some damn identification what the [ __ ] scrolls okay hmm it's this Desert Bus Saturday yeah no sorry you missed it but actually did miss it if you didn't see it it's one guy open the door have I ever seen Goblin Slayer I know what that is here we go religious shrine time cannot diminish the power of speed berserk is better I don't know what the [ __ ] that is this bootleg berserk okay I'm always a little bit hesitant like saying yes to things are like no because usually like when people say have you seen this and I say like no what's that should I check it out it's like no Joel it's porn look you guys yeah just this hardcore hentai oh okay it actually is uh-huh called mr. is borderline porn oh okay well it did I told you I told you Oh fine Oh what's this what's this what's like when I hear a skullcap I want like skullcap you're not I mean I want like [ __ ] skull but that's not what it means mmm all right so now we went all the way there did I get anything here well I don't staff of healing what's this what's this I can almost get this staff of healing I could maybe abuse that maybe there we go right blessed staff bless this holy stream alright let's see here hey you know what the funny thing about Diablo is I can stream this [ __ ] forever but the problem is like it's really funny funny about yeah it is but it's fun for me but I don't know how much you guys can stomach of the hablo like I can stream this [ __ ] [ __ ] for like days upon ended and then I never get sick of it I guess it's just a random aspect of this that's keeps it entertaining but you know I'm gonna keep fireball at least let salt show drop items work on the other one no no no no it only Diablo - mmm sure would love path of Exile also I've heard I've heard that that that game is basically what Diablo 3 should have been or whatever right right well from what you guys are telling me about this this goblin Slayer thing it sounds like an incredibly ant an edgy anime and I'm not really interested in watching it after what you guys are telling me what it's all about so yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna y'all seen that like world war two Russian thing with the guy being offered alcohol and goes me eight and it holds his hand up because like nyet that's me right now nope no thank you I'm sorry okay I think the most incredibly [ __ ] edgy anime I've ever seen and it's just if you're if you wanted to watch Evanescence the anime watch elf indeed but that that [ __ ] thing made me like it may be actually hate anime for a while I'm like this is the edgiest [ __ ] thing I've ever seen in my life there's a blood and decapitation and everything just was like an a mV Dokdo without love for don't you do the better hard you try I don't dislike Linkin Park but a lot of those anime and these used to Linkin Park in them isn't that just metal yeah but metal is an edgy it's awesome all right they're realms beyond here we go again that all praises to Diablo okay path of Exile takes the rune system for dabble to entice all abilities to it there's no class specific skillset for it oh really all right hmm guys I'm lost even though I have a map in front of me I'm still lost so where is mr. mr. guy oh hello hey Scout those what you look what's going on with you guys huh all right the unholy was this holy bolt [ __ ] I can never read um I'm [ __ ] the illiterate warrior I'm like a caveman shirted no read only smash she don't like Helsing well Helsing was an edgy it was like a horror thing it Helsing have vampires the but you can't have if you have if you have an anime about vampires it's gonna be blood in it I mean what the hell but elfin lead was just like drama with blood and that's what I'm saying was just like it really it was like you did smash okay so if I want to can I just like smash this guy's head in okay well I got a funny got Benny but drama does not equal edginess well now what I'm saying it's like elf and lead was like disguised asked like a cool adventure drama thingy and then it's just like incredibly bloody for the sake of being shocking you know that's my problem with it like like why was it so [ __ ] gory you liked it and it wasn't like funny gory either it's just like why is there heads and [ __ ] me like what the [ __ ] not I mean like like there's just to be this this guy he worked on he worked on a jet jeno cyber but I'd like an edgy 90s anime that was just like like really edgy [ __ ] for the sake of this being well we can do this like you had like like just and I'm not talking like Fist of the North Star bloody where it's just like you know play for comic comedy in a way like here just like disturbing for the sake of like what the [ __ ] are you doing you know the sign is right near where they where they except where the overlords are hona I can exit like here or talking about there and sorry I'm getting lost in this dunya don't Joel by that definition do miss EDG know cuz do miss like a like a horror game you know it's meant to be like oh but I'm saying like when things aren't horror and it's just excessively gory for the sake of you know well we can do this what what what that's when I'm like a doom I saw her at all while you tell that the people who play the back in 91 93 technically sorry okay so where the [ __ ] are they overlords that's not it metal is edgy fight me oh yeah do you want to put put on Iron Maiden I'm just like you you want to put on an old Black Sabbath record and I hear deal singing about neon night yeah murder yeah is it we're easy [ __ ] you hello boysson we're gonna bend though like strength is [ __ ] by heavenly faithful okay mmm this here a G equals dark stuff I don't like awesome stuff I like yes and then this sign right next to them no no it's somewhere but I can't find it so that goes here and there goes there but oh there's a mess it's a mess dammit now uh he'll walk to the animated series of Castlevania yeah enjoyed it no it's in the room next to the a chest and it couldn't open early since yet and accept the question so I need I need to go down here what what oh oh that's the [ __ ] Overlord idiot oh my god oh good lord man good gravy okay there we go ma I traversed all that way just for that little thing speaking out with that the elbow is getting its own Netflix series about that interesting but tell you what though I I don't even mind because blister does awesome cinematics like Blizzard is the [ __ ] talk dogs when it comes to CGI cutscenes and stuff like that like I wish that Warcraft movie is that I give a [ __ ] about Warcraft but I wish they did the whole thing in CGI like they do in the cutscenes you know what I mean like awesome [ __ ] blizzard always sounds like the best [ __ ] 3d cutscenes you know why can't they do that or whatever nobody I should have done that I should not have done that you know what need that helmet well now I know where it is it's [ __ ] like whatever it's fine I know excited we're not gonna piss away time I know where it is you idiot what's good about this is now I can get the helmet and used to go back to zone Warcraft me was the best movie ever made I remember I remember seeing a gif and it made me laugh it's about this one guy who gets like snapped his neck gets snapped on at work and it looks it looks like a YouTube movie he looks so bad like it looks borderline like oh my god dude so bad look in that hey wait a minute I need to go down and go down here so are you mother I do every human actor looked like a larper in that [ __ ] Velma larper magic missile magic missile sleep guys I'm getting a little hungry and I can't be sustained on ships alone so you know I might I might have to do an extended B or B here but again I can't all tell out of this game or else I'll crash because I'm doing a windowed mode favorite video game movie uh well it's a hard one probably Street Fighter the movie you killed and destroyed my village oh yes but for me was Sunday doom add doom is pretty fun but it's only really fun at the towards the end when it's the FPS segment that's the best part of that movie I thought was the house of that movie all that one is so good I love that movie it's so [ __ ] bad but it's so good Banta in the House of the Dead yes desert eagle good choice girl it's not a desert eagle what do we blow up to these days I should we go back to doing movies man do like fortnight the movie [ __ ] it then make a motion purple purple dudes we gotta get fortnight he's selling his stuff on ebay I wish I could buy some man Thanos movie we could I get that fortnight he retired because his movies bombed oh I thought they made profits I mean what did they do they all [ __ ] like it put him in debt say so in super debt is that way selling [ __ ] on eBay oh really oh that's oh that's that's really a fortune man [ __ ] no peas are doing okay I don't even dislike gooey ball like he he just makes trash and I love it you know it's like fun dumb movies now he shaded the Moriya movie Yahoo isn't intend of making a martyr movie anyway like they're doing a new CDI movie I actually trust intended with making a like a big movie if they can get Disney to like back it up and like you know super mario at the movie and it says like a real super mario artist the adventure the songs and fun and all awesome and it's gonna be the best they also doing a sonic movie don't don't don't don't don't start with me okay cuz I put up that picture again with like Keanu Reeves SS knuckles I remember that poster and it's got like a death egg that's the Death Star they already made that movie it's not going to be good Joe well yeah nothing is good and well do this hey buddy Oh boom back my sign but I suppose that it does save me the expense of having another one made let me see what could I give you as a fee for finding it hmm what have we here ah yes this cap was left in one of the rooms by a magician who stay here some time ago I got a partner may be of some value to you [Music] neato [Music] mr. OH Harlequin crystal well there it is somebody said that if you identify this it becomes worse what was that about - by the light I know this vile helmet a magneto so what the [ __ ] wait a minute - one there for enemies too - all attributes hit point seven okay so what uh so why I should have not had to fight what's going on here nanny nanny huh it gives -3 armor yeah but like you 7 tail points to it all attributes there's a little more damage but infinity helmet I mean only had -3 armor so it's good now right so what the [ __ ] save the game identify it if it comes worse than reloaded so the way the the attribute is random a retirement use armor but 3 big he also take one point also damage whatever you get it hmm huh huh interesting well it's skeleton boomerang still happening today oh yes oh yes but I was true from bought goddamn oh I mean I think it's good enough already if I were reroll this then uh though I'm gonna keep it [ __ ] to no do for you so what we have here sword of zest here we go give me some Armour give me some quilted armor exactly finally Jesus Christ yeah and then finally my God my God when I'm gonna play maplestory 2 Joel maplestory 2 oh yeah that came out yeah I forgot about that do you really want me plate in maplestory 2 like why why do I have left I have I have several okay no no please don't play it you look like an oven mitt hey take that back did I play the first one yeah I play the first one like [ __ ] 10 years ago it's not spill all spells dead I'm brought back to seem so online check that out I never played that I always thought I was a dumb concept to your since its kind of not you you play with your sims but you don't like control them so like the sims online it's like a really weird concept you know your since it's kind of like I am dying Phineas Lee and I you need to teach me how to like eat food because I will not figure out I do it myself then you do that with other people or like what it's just second life oh really I thought I was like a game man oh that's interesting have a hilarious story and I told the story before but me my friend we used to play The Sims a lot but we just like you know we killed them over and over again but there was just one sim who got like brain damage because he he was too sleepy he fell asleep and then his bladder emptied said pissed himself but then he woke up because like he didn't want to sleep on the floor and he complained about like one of what he was to his entertainment factor was too low so he woke up and start screaming but I have the mood abbadabba and it's like I want to watch TV I want to watch TV but then he was too tired so in the middle of him ranting about one ever watch TV he fell asleep woke up pissed himself blah blah doodlebop Jabba fell asleep again woke up I don't know watch TV pissed himself went back so he died he looped in like a TV pissed loop will have the Buddha Buddha [Laughter] a TV pissed loop my god I'm gonna do that turn on the phone just a little bit more I noticed that was a little too loud all right well anyway yeah but it's just like you're by the way I just figured out I can actually all time out of the game now and we need to level up how about we put everything in a little bit dexterity and vitality level 5 oh [ __ ] all middle of death surrounds me that are like feces ha okay so just filled with gunpowder Russ explode oh I can't a needle escape down if I wanted you know how many can I do and I can go even even further beyond well I gotta I gotta get the the man this is this is what I'm talking classic dungeon crawling literally we look at bats not these like demon dudes oh my [ __ ] lord look at this horror scout these is called horror oh my god holy [ __ ] goddamn I'm going up beforehand I'll be I'll be back Oh Oh Lord that's a tough leveled mana short bone well talk about this is Sally all this see what's on this level first all right not explode in my face police small chest get down to Vader stuff good unrelated stock refining alley on Monday left less clan bye looks like those oblivion guys this is Peter on where the player goes down like seven levels and ladders yeah yeah like the speed on this game is just like RNG manipulation to just like get to the exit as quick as possible or like the via no finally could you take for 4-6 hours well I'm were you here for that stream because I I just um I'm gonna go to the monolith at the end and then then the game's over so you know there's not too much left but who knows maybe I have a lot left time to [ __ ] do this what ails you my friend I don't know what it is they thought that oh no the butcher's gone we'll never oh my god where I'll never hear the vile demon by the light I know this vile demon oh no [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh whoa oh [ __ ] oh my favorite part dude and I will I cry every night too I think of that vile demon and a single tear goes down my cheek yo you know what I ate for dinner last night I actually made real food I made a zucchini and potato gratin [ __ ] yeah was good I don't usually do Keeney but yeah real food man Zook if you wanna know that greed is basically put up big old you know like you know casserole casserole bold you know one of those things you put in the oven right slice a lot of potatoes and a lot of zucchini parts and you kind of you stack them like potatoes zucchini potatoes zucchini on a big roll right and then you cover the entire thing in what is essentially a lot of cream some some chives a little bit of garlic black pepper and put a lot of cheese in recommend mozzarella and you Mesa Kaleem make it like an alfredo sauce right and you cover that thing and that sauce right add a little more chives on top of it and you cover that [ __ ] and a lot of cheese and there you go easy dinner boys do for yay you have nothing I want you all they finally eat something after years of chugging Pepsi finally some good [ __ ] food guys I have maybe elemental effect but I don't think your character sprites ever changes in this game only the weapon like your armor is going to be the same regardless of what you have which makes me sad it does it changes oak and then I'm being an idiot higher level armor changes prior to a gotcha play armor changes it to the cartoon mm armor leather chain and plate that's what you want some [ __ ] lots of [ __ ] all the Mona's going okay well I give me give me that wait hang on you give me Tom portal stuff wait no no no nobody town like sells identification scrolls I mean I know Decker caned like charges need to do it but like nobody sells them well I guess it kind of makes sense because other a Decker can be useless no but don't think it many does it - what's with the sound it sauce it sounds all distorted what hmm shitty audio [Music] all right and that sounds good Oh huh it's over Lord I just entered like a sweaty room full of these muscle dudes you'll stream the full game mode maybe this is meant to be up one off but you know you guys seem to really be enjoying Diablo so who knows on only the Apple today well I'm streaming something else after this and then my have lunch and I'm gonna wait until tonight and I'm gonna do a spooky saturday fov Friday crossover so uh and on Sunday Sunday Funday we have something epic coming I feel like killing a hundred thousand dudes in here holy [ __ ] oh good I was just gonna point out I want to level up just give me that and give me more thank you where the [ __ ] am I going what the [ __ ] oh hello too many stats blocking my screen but one Overlord is fine when it's like 100 these dudes then it's bad man man oh what the [ __ ] am i doing whoa no what's happening okay I see some more drop range so it's my damn internet providers having these outages I don't know if they're repairing something or whatever but oh mama oh my god okay just keep walking keep walking buddy blue open up open up open up now this game is real they're assembling the envelope aka get hit go back into town get potions come back back and forth staff of healing yeah this one I was talking about earlier and I sell this though I did hmm we're back yet by the way no we are not no we're not a nerd dick it out can I do for you the fact what you can do with this shut up I need to sell you my staff which I can't sell to you because you don't like staffs pin dealer my head soften okay well Farnum do you know I think new buddy yeah tell him I tell him that butcher's dead maybe sure sure he talks a good story I'm a real starett more funny rifle he knows more than me nosy note interesting goddamn come on how to calm down and come back Jesus Christ right well wait whoa more drops frame saw oh my god because Internet's just chill out for a second uh what was it leather armor well hang on armor 12 what do I have hard leather armor oh my god hang on let's see here what's happening hmm well it should be back eventually I hope so I'll stop the stream here and maybe come back oh we're back okay oh we're back okay good goody just a lot of internet problems today how fortunately I thought was gonna restream and like Oh restart the stream but no we're fine so yeah sorry about all the crap I don't know what's happening but anyway guys guys I found this loo this hard leather armor let's see I have nine wait hang on this is quilted armor blue check this out guys I'm about to get some some new looks I'll do the hard one oh yeah oh I still look the same dobut look at that I'm some Roman Roman gladiator guy what was the epic announcement on Sunday oh I'm just saying so let's check out Sunday that's stuff happening check it out you might like it lmao on my screen says see reviewers Joel lost quality only as their viewers now I'm pissing away a lot of money by doing it let me just do the regular healing potions you think that's enough Jesus is it bean dullest knife denying it maybe can I do food here you've inspired me to eat some corn dog shall share some corn dogs please I'm hungry as hell I ate I'm gonna get the staff if you wanted to all right mmm all right can you have negative viewers how would that work maybe maybe there's zombies there we go yeah you guys are going being a real negative viewers right now I think I think some twitch dudes like have so many viewers it just becomes into like negative numbers like ninja that guy has so many people watch him like I think the entire population on earth watches him right okay well maybe not me but you know he's got like like a hundred million nice and you know just and I don't get it I don't get it I gotta be honest I don't get it - you Smith oh yeah no not about you guys in me we don't wash them because like it's not the kind of stuff you like you know that's fine you know I don't understand it but the people that who do who do like that come on a fortnight stuff more power to them they can enjoy something I can't you know I got to be optimistic about it got a not be such a dick sometime soon but haini haini Oh I said this before when the internet went down but this is really starting to resemble the elbow tool in a lot of ways ie you get hit you UTP really quickly back to town you recharge a hundred million potions you come back and you get your [ __ ] smacked up and you repeat and you eventually slowly grind towards the ending you know I had a really weird dream last night by the way I dreamt like my family was living at an airport that was like on a skyscraper like the D actual like it was like a terminal in a skyscraper and my friend lived there too and I'd take care of his hamsters and but they were really small like they were they were like the size of my my my nails my fingernails that's how small they were and but I had no pants on side of like Solid Snake my way through the airport we're Grima it sounded like I had to like smuggle hamsters through the airport with no pants on the skyscraper terminal 1 oh my god wait these guys are fine but it's starting to resemble a law to be able to right now the sounds and this the everything was this mana shield ok well that sucks in some what you want to flesh clam get out of here you don't know nothing man oh my god there is blood skin dark boa that's what that's a manger okay oh my god oh my god get out of here yeah yeah yeah knew it oh nice I'm taking him down man man getting to it becoming a real slog here down in dungeons but sad like this is like I don't really remember too much of this part in the game right now I kind of do but not really if most of it is like blend together in a big old super a big old super what's the weirdest dream you ever had probably well I just this is it wasn't my dream my parents must have a dream that they both dreamed of the same thing and I was like what the [ __ ] let's he woke up one day at the breakfast table they're like I don't really weird dream last night they're like I want to it's like I dreamed about like this this guy who looked like Darth Maul and my Maul sigh quiet I dreamt about that same very thing I'm like I'm like what the much Ifrah dog from all now get yeah they just watch Star Wars no no no no it was out of nowhere me on Darth Maul invading dreams it's a scroll of intromission what the [ __ ] was that I can't use this I cannot read there's Lucas created Darth Maul after a nightmare funding long enough well yeah yeah he's real scary put him in the movie yeah my lord what's happening in here huh it sound like a real real hoot I wonder if I can actually go online right now cuz I you know I don't have a blizzard CD key for this game you know big surprise but the service will still up probably do it no key needed oh really piracy on Twitch well you know III don't have a kid fire see but when the game is not [ __ ] available to buy and Blizzard themselves aren't selling the game it's like what do you want me to do well you know is it multiplayer yes multiplayer but you know I didn't play this game multiplayer back in the day so I'll just give me more strength kill [ __ ] better this is illegal you know yar har fiddle I Dee being a pirate is art with me handsome man may go guided by faith okay guys have a really dumb confession I never knew what these trains did in the game I always assumed they were like buffs like temporary buffs but I don't really know what they mean you you should try Diablo the hell the hell the hell the hell what was that no one else is like Chinese fortune cookies one of these days one of these days I want to pull a prank in I want to sneak in and just make my own fortune cookies and dip them in the regular bowl or some random Chinese restaurant and he's just full of like bad advice like you will do a school skateboard trick today or how about next time you eat soup you'll get gonorrhea how about this one [ __ ] you horned demon who is this guy oh he sucks in or [ __ ] my face going down say book of blood and so locked beyond the gateway of blood and past the hall of fire valor awaits for the hero of light to awaken colonel hello most things with your hearing put us on a blood mm-hmm he died I do not remember this I know and so locked beyond the gateway of blood and past the Hall of fire mm-hmm and open up a room or Colonel Hall popcorn kernel now I want to do like what ten more minutes of this game and I'm gonna switch over to skeleton mover inkless like even though I love Diablo you know even if I return to this game one day this might be an excellent spot to continue it you know you need the red key where is it in the bloodstone okay I need something similar to that in audit but there it is I did something similar to this in barbecue quest I call it the poop stone all right to make sure you repair your autumn we're about it - I bought that [ __ ] I'm gonna show the email I'm gonna show the email don't worry don't worry it's coming you need the helix fossile okay let me just tell you something I really have fond memories of of of a twitchplayspokemon like that [ __ ] that [ __ ] it was at a summer summer of 2013 14 I remember being at school during that time and I remember like when I wasn't like slacking off on the PC I'm like my god twitch plays pokeo 14 okay I was four years ago but I I I had a great time watching it but I remember how how controversial it was with a democracy thing right it's still going what the [ __ ] it has to 127 the--we're sorting that Wow really interesting yeah and so okay we going the book blood they're doing right I need something else as well but what are the emails all right not now another room has open to the right oh okay okay I mean this one maybe what emails no police lab was talking about this earlier but um a lot of like corporations companies like they they email me and because they know that you know I have a little bit of a twitch following like some people do watch me on Twitch and some people do watch my stuff on YouTube they assume that I am I I want to [ __ ] up my content to anybody so they're like hello mr. vork skelter uncut full strings we would like to present to you the hottest new for tonight sponsored coca-cola guess what you start telling everybody and basically that right and yeah I get these emails probably 40 30 emails a day and it's just that and it's just like hello mister hello mister Vsauce Michael guess what fortnight fortnight company us cool deals with a Zedd trademark here we want to present you with a new thing to grow your livestream channel you know but yeah they just send me emails every [ __ ] day and it's it's irritating and it's making me kind of hate no it's really hate fortnight but it's making me like all God here we go it's making me have more disdain for it because it's so popular but anyway they they send me emails every day and I started replying really sarcastically to them because eventually you're saying no to them didn't work and they started just bombarding me every [ __ ] day so I started emailing them back with like pictures of monkeys in jammies and and sometimes I I just send them bizarre emails in poor English saying hello please I am lost in in a hypercube you need to get me out but he saved me a hundred rubies is this bizarre [ __ ] and they never apply back because like they don't know how to reply okay so saying no to them makes them respond but being a really weird guy makes them like not respond because they don't know how all right here we go so I got the bloodstone it's about Judas pretty song bloodstone don't don't alright the fact that the fact that surprised and proves that don't watch your streams anyway Joe well of course they don't it's just like mass reply emails because it's that L was addressed it's like hello mr. vork skelter uncut full streams we have an excellent business opportunity for him or her we are big fans of your Cooking Channel here we go awesome yeah they are boys I spilled on pretty Silla - you look very much like the album - Sena me like the Mammoth's and stuff like that it's an all spirit of our King protect me okay can I can I have this armor on or what is what we end for today [Music] [Music] bleh frobe night oh nice can i oh look at that now now we're cooking with gas look isn't this a quest item or whatever now we're talking ah let's put all of our [ __ ] here alright I think that's gonna conclude it for Diablo for today excellent game don't know if I'm going to resume streaming this but if I do return to this one day if I do then this is where we resume but yeah for now you know I was pleasantly surprised with the album one you know this many years ago and I played this but it still still holds up in my opinion I mean I mean it's just my opinion but I still had a lot of fun with this brings back memories and it's still fun to play dammit you know the amplitude did of course improve a lot on this you know it did add the you know running feature and all that but yeah man [ __ ] yeah we'll see Prezi okay thanks d2s better gameplay d1 is better atmosphere yeah but the Apple 2 also has excellent atmosphere like when you get when you get to look cool anymore whatever it's awesome and Rogan came in to is awesome but anyway that's gonna bid from Diablo thanks so much for watching sorry for all the [ __ ] well technical issues as you can see but all right you want to see this [ __ ] email you got it gonna be a little awkward showings because I want to show their emails well [ __ ] I don't have any respect for them anyway they spam me with [ __ ] emails every day so [ __ ] but uh so I can do this soup time all right tella I'll take a screenshot and I'll edit out their names spam the spammers well there are actual people behind the things and I want to like do any sort of like you know it's gonna be [ __ ] to him which is kind of ironic shows how much I respect I have for people when they don't show any respect for me but that's fine I had a little trouble access in my email right now it's buffering how do you know it's not a bot because they responded back once you know ok I'm currently waiting for this thing type let's do this in the meantime man now while we wait [Music] you [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] idiots I'm sorry I'm dropping frames by the way can access my content emails [Music] practice my emails [Music] please [Music] ah it's currently being logged in but it's like taking forever I don't know why but [Music] Bom Bom selmak login what the [ __ ] I'm gonna taking forever to do this all the crap what the [ __ ] a lot of great email service decision keep going keep going [ __ ] it let's keep doing it man can barely you might might my YouTube Bob my Internet's [ __ ] at the moment oh here we go here we go boys all right you guys want to see this faculty showed you all my inbox looks like they deluged Jesus Christ oh now my emails down again god damn it love the sound [Music] okay here we go hang on I'm trying to find I'm trying to find that that one specific email for you to read and I got a ton trust me I do a ton of [ __ ] here hang on it's not this one [Music] okay here we go here we go it's just an example it's an example of what this usually looks like just for you yeah if you're on idea this is the email title yet they spamming with and I responded with this okay and I got that response back from this guy hang on it I'll show you the response okay we go the guy then responds after my picture of the sleepy monkey with haha keep in mind keep in mind is a spam Network you know there's a span that spans my [ __ ] with just like pink campaign okay no no but I'll show you my feet one of my favorite ones I ever did that's a bot response yeah I don't know your honor okay I'll show one more maybe I'll do more of these here what's the title of this and I responded with this I said sorry I cannot my computer cannot form night sorry my bed England my computer not good to play pedo games and then III said this too I wish you the best and also tell your family not to send me more fortnight sponsor email says okay thank you but the mayo crops may give me boot at this phone and they never responded and I also sent them a picture of a hot wheels computer like this so yeah I'm pretty goddamn tired a spammy and most but yeah this you can find the original email like what they originally said to me okay just just I'm gonna show you an example this is the this is the this is what I get this was like every day every day it was this so fantastic don't stop emailing with [ __ ] nano bought email soon but that's what it is they called you Joel though true true true but why didn't you respond to to my thing here you know but I'll show you an example of what I mean with these emails that are so scummy did I love oh my god I realize I'm gee I sound a lot of cats to people what the [ __ ] you here's what I also sent I also sent this picture once in a is responded with this one time is it more like just crap hello vork skills are uncut full dual stream son Jesus Christ it goes on and [ __ ] on like I it never stops it never stops man it is a big warning message you to everybody who sends me an email don't send me an email I'll send a cat back or they repeat sender's are all different they're all kind of different but they all seem kind of generic because so I was like Hello Vogue scale for uncut like like this one cracks me up this one really cracks me up thank you for the great content Vogue scales aren't cut fold Yeah right like you ever watched one of my goddamn streams Yeah right get the [ __ ] out of here great content uh guess what now you are the great you are the great content mr. opportunity man but uh yeah there's a lot of this random [ __ ] I get every day but anyway uh I gave an example I'll give you an example like random stuff here that I like this is my favorite county else real quick all your story if my internet could cooperate wouldn't it be fantastic so that's people you send me stuff like this you will look at my cat [ __ ] love these females they are great too anyway the skeleton boomerang and it's gonna be good be right back sit tight more games coming right up
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 89,878
Rating: 4.8937268 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, diablo, fresh, meat, immortal, phone, pc, classic, diablo 1, by the light, butcher, boss, warrior, blizzard, dungeon, skeleton, rpg, hack and slash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 43sec (13183 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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