vines rarer than someone having a crush on me

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welcome to asthma jams the music show for kids with asthma do you even know what's in that kid Willie I want you to take one good look at my fat ass and tell me if you think I give a [ __ ] what you're not coming to my tea party Bethany I've made this [ __ ] you think you're unattractive does look into the mirror and now you know you're unattractive education you're so [ __ ] stupid sticks and stones may break my bones but a crowbar would do it so much quicker like this one if you ever get that one feeling that you want to die in it you feel like it's Monday hey I always get the vibe that you like hate me or something what me hate you you're right don't [ __ ] call my mom gay again Kermit what are you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm 11 years old and my dick is bigger than Kevin Durant's dick can you pass my drink please sure honey here you go mom drink it [ __ ] all right Jones free last meal you can have whatever you want I love a cheeseburger and a coke oh it's Pepsi okay look guys just remember that if you ever having problems with your BMS that we're in this together do we want we why do we want it we already said that what do we want we don't confuse that moment when you're on Omega let's try to find a 13 year old boy [Laughter] [Music] what do you want from me please I just can't walk that fast I just can't I'd slap you but that would be animal abuse I'm the supreme bleep how are you hey Kyle look over there your family is getting murdered what just kidding you're on frames you're [ __ ] killing the Real Housewives of space I'm a change his car from red to black did it work no [ __ ] it I ain't running I'm a fat arse holy jumpin Jesus on a breadstick what the [ __ ] are you stay off roadways unless absolutely positively necessary could I use the computer yeah sure one thing you're not gonna be able to throw in all that cocaine in 20 seconds forget about it man That awkward moment when you're scrolling through someone's old Instagram photos and you accidentally comment the entire Declaration of Independence poem I wrote roses are red violets are blue burea [ __ ] thank you WTF Gavin I need you over here tomorrow to make a vine my heart bleeds black blood for you and it's like a lock that will never be on chain this chicken is almost as you see as my ass I always expect my new who's your daddy [Music] [Music] nobody can [ __ ] with me also bad eyes no [ __ ] of me oh I hate myself you got the stuff yeah be cool here alright cool thanks thanks thanks to the weed what the [ __ ] next week on anxiety factor putting this on the news he's standing on the Box to make himself look taller I'm putting it on the news hey you own arts veteran - I can't I haven't seen the first one hmm yo could you put some sunscreen on my neck in my back and my [ __ ] in my crack why did I say that why don't I do that what are you going to the grocery store yeah what's up grab a gallon of milk you may now sleep you fellas shut up we do it's ready I'm the good Shrek that fights for everything that's good I'm the bad Shrek this he'll keep staring at us I'm not to say something oh my god don't take a pic t-rex you know that I miss you I wanna get with you I was Carl but you could just call me bad this now this relationships going really good Steve may I hold your hand no how am I supposed to find another Jason and Barry okay now say blueberry blueberry you're in a no flex zone hey I'll take this torch what are you gonna do weld some stuff I'm a weld some weed to my brain [ __ ] what [Music] [Music] that's sweet iPod accessories in the back of my truck would you like to come see him everyone stop and admire my outfit if I may say yeah I'm never gonna ever date someone who's not a Christian [Music] I am from every continent in Africa to tomatoes walk into a bar one steps on his sunny guys I just turned my son into ketchup my boy my son Brian yeah do you want to go to the dance with me no joke's on you the Jonas Brothers can't break up their bra professor you wanted to see me I did do you like what you see yeah you even know what's in that Kimberly I want you to take one good walk and my fat ass and tell me if you think I give a [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] palm tree knickers back Oh big dope Slurpee strong liquor if I see a girl with blue eyes I might say wow your your eyes are like blueberries what the [ __ ] is a penny right dear [ __ ] ninety percent of time I have no idea what the [ __ ] I'm talking about Naomi oh [ __ ] man out that she was the Tammy and I just got some great news and let's just say she's gonna be vaping for two from now on it's a beautiful day hey shadow Felton you guys chucky cheese in the lid babies you [ __ ] all you little [ __ ] slap your dumb ass get over here okay I'm coming I thought I was done hey guys hit that like button if you're kinda gay but like not gay enough
Channel: liz danger
Views: 6,474,821
Rating: 4.9389853 out of 5
Id: wahKtdMGWA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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