just some great vines (RIP vine) pt. 2

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Down the Road by C2C ?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/notnede 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
so lucky jeez my teeth [Music] Emily wake up five more minutes you've been in a coma for two years okay two more minutes I'm just kidding Louie stealing he's stealing hey how to cause the scene in awakes mom no Bibles how you dance remember I lick your balls over a min Gabby No so how do you feel about that hole in your head hey Otis mega Theriault at paw paw oh they all [Music] great you want to get a healthy snack Rebecca I want you polite how does it feel to be worst cop ever huh shut up your mother buys you mega bloks instead of Legos you [ __ ] take that back ladies and gentlemen welcome to justit to talk so he broke up with me huh why are you looking at need to cry but my foundation was $48 Nathan if you worship louder and from the other kids I'll give you money hey hard to be sane can I buy a train do 40 bucks oh my god hahaha girls a big aggregate would love these five years ribbon I do she said neck mom and a wife but so much and you want some pizza only the topic is the flesh ripped off your bone I'll have a slice you're gonna tell me everything right now no please no please no please no please no and just remember no one will ever be able to hate you more than you already hate you are you Milan oh no well paper picture [Music] now you say how about you say that's what I pay for all right no crap people say I can't do what I love without college I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger this coffee is bitter like my soul needs something black like my soul [ __ ] cold like my soul nope there's no queue you lose you already chained me you can still add something I added a belt for earrings and an extra arm you lose some do you do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around because that's what it's all about my name is Steve I'm an alcoholic how should California deal with its drought they need to carry Madame Zeroni of a mountain death from a movie babe do you love me not in the slightest for real oh my god I wish I knew be file I'll just run those by Dave okay what was that what do you rather kill Jen yes tell her I didn't say the other I don't need to hear it I'm feeling a little unsafe you ever played that game when your siblings are sunburnt you put some spoons in the freezer take them out and then you hit him with it so it rips your skin off Karen can I get a sip of that um no why because I'm breastfeeding do I look like a locket people say it so much Michelle wants us all to eat healthy but she left Obama her [ __ ] but how many calories is your [ __ ] Michelle the people [Music] all over the world people are dying of starvation Africa Asia the [ __ ] m25 laughing my [ __ ] ass off not on my watch not on my watch I just wanted to use the restroom but now so could you mio won't talk dirty to me like a good neighbor all set is there you got a bob bicycle you know go home you don't [Music] already mr. snuffles says I can stay up as long as I want and you need to die what the heck mr. sir hey mom thanks what lasagna whoo yeah drummer Chris all fixed up we tried our best but we lost her okay well will harder find her please she's possible sucks oh yeah we'll see about that do whatever why you mad cuz my [ __ ] pops severely and yours oh [ __ ] I got this long hair this big sexy beard I love myself cuz it's unique no son can I get a dick taco cry a few needs never have I ever been in Asian named Emily I kind of feel like that's targeting me a little bit this kid definitely on crack right now [Music] oh he is just so [ __ ] blood are you own a girlfriend oh no because you fat you ugly and don't know why I like you huh Clark it's time to wake up money you don't know why I say it Sleeping Beauty Oh get that Rachel drop visit every type of bra hell yeah hey give me five oh so you're from the future the year 2016 so the world's not going to end in 2012 so well you're go with it they got [ __ ] in the living room getting it on and they ain't leaving till 6:00 in the morning Gaby feel like girls I'm not gonna judge you I can't swim I'm over this dumbass girl with all these fake-ass people okay [ __ ] [ __ ] you saw crack cocaine here I just lapped you but that would be animal abuse so specifically first you've got a book your hair stick your hand out bounce City flip the head your head out that's it Michael get up and get ready for school no I don't wanna go no please not a song man go on sing the show cut it for you all the time I turn around brothers gather round also the net made up and down to the Nemus yes I issues I can't turn our shoes but I can [ __ ] your [ __ ] you [ __ ] put the end on me imma [ __ ] rip your face off [ __ ] what did he do anybody country Nick what who's there nobody wait months be like skinny we got car parks everywhere McDonald's supermarkets stadiums the [ __ ] m25 he's got dancing feet with that lower body it's unbelievable buddy look at that bubble butt is crazy is that Bobby twisty yeah ah baby look at you looking just like your mama that's how much I use about this be I remember me you don't know me know me hey I think you're really cool I like you a lot maybe we can hang out or something
Channel: xThemreaperx
Views: 17,884,213
Rating: 4.9098277 out of 5
Id: nEhOEfSb5zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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