Vines I will teach to my future children religiously until we can quote them together as a family

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John I want a divorce divorce it's not funny John and you know what's good coming from why do you always laugh when I'm upset I'm absolutely serious I'm serious stop laughing drew Maya another peep out of you and you're out of the class okay fine okay good so the way to find the ring hi my name is Chelsea what's your favorite dinner food I'm gonna go first I hate Graham Graham why all these freaking cookies on the floor can you help me so I invited my mom to my birthday party and she shows up but only to take a [ __ ] and leave what's up with that Isis hey bro hey so I've you go [ __ ] it never goes from his family man yeah I'll take two if you're ever feeling down sometimes I live I just came back from the clinic and I found out I was pregnant no I'm sorry hello what somebody's being a jerk for no reason I'm just like let me make this friggin clear I hope I look just like you no don't got diagnosed with coolguy Syndrome yesterday so now I take adderall mother shut up Jeremy there's no macaroni and cheese no more you've eaten all of it what's up ladies my name's Brad I'm a really good singer [Music] I miss Kurt Cobain so much why'd you put your phone number on this application because it says phone number here can't be flirting this is a job I'm quitting because somebody commented on a post saying that I have Wi-Fi on my forehead so goodbye forever [Music] Josh could put those corn dogs back 10 [ __ ] up listen this part is did you do your homework what's your mouth did you do your I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing but she didn't you can't sit with us actually Megan I can't sit anywhere [Music] hurry up we're gonna be late for school bruh chill I don't know why you in a big time rush I'm going to kill myself and it's your fault what is going on here breakfast [Music] you didn't notice her at first but I saw her the moment she did sorry you're such a furball oh I'm over 72 great oh my god that is so mean that's an egg tank yourself [ __ ] to me hashtag me sure you may be verified on Twitter Bernie verified in the eyes of bop Justin Bieber's dead oh my god how about that poster for nothing I'm making holy water how is that making holy water and boiling the hell out of it be quiet ginger something Gregory but I'll call me dead g-money [Applause] meet you I can show you incredible things son it appears that your cancer just oh I have cancer whoa I interrupt people only things fake about me is this lies water in case someone keeps asking you for food you can just be like that number you Randy the roach [Laughter] [Music] on your shirt failure so chin shoulder and Pat double dream hands I've been thinking a lot recently about parenting and being a dad um I don't think you're ready yet oh now you're ready
Channel: jenna shrum
Views: 3,750,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m1-ghx96S7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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