vines rarer than me getting enough sleep

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you gave to me a shot relax it's just root beer there's the unicorn eating crayons in my room the outside frame in the trunk wow what a real big hi so cute what's his name his name is Gorgon some ascribe warn okay I did the type of guy that goes bum beyond I just want to date the type of guy that pays for parking on a Sunday that's the kind of stuff that really butters my aggro [Laughter] [Music] boy what a wee dad who got that loud pop [ __ ] grandpa forgot to take his pills I made you a CD for our friendship alright cool man I'll take a listen I want a suck yo dick homie the [ __ ] you could describe yourself in one word what would it be [ __ ] monster you are hired my dog's allergic to peanut butter really no Daniel you're on prank look there's a camera well so back in Nam with me my comrades shut up dad you're so old and gay ha ha ha dad there's a monster under my bed Tommy there's no such thing long dick style ok we're moving mom bro don't be lame just take one hit no but what if I die psych that [ __ ] over say my name You Know Who I am - ha hey guys it's Jacob I'm a gentleman at all m'lady what guys and girls should have to pay for their own stuff on dates yo look there's Kevin I already got expelled what up you [ __ ] scoped the new tat trying to go girl surprise her damn mother here is fire yeah that was me good honey how are you mom I made you an egg so can we smoke in class did you teach you let you do that yes well didn't I get you hold this gonna make you less cranky have you not been feeding her how people and I would shoot heyyo flake better get this dude I've been talking trash on the Slovak welcome to I hope sir can I would love some free pancakes uh huh uh anything to drink a free pancake for the poll these two [ __ ] ain't shoot mom I'm sick well that's what you get for trying other people's vaped at school that's why we got you your own babe all right Christopher yeah that's the bee's knees the cat's pajamas the chickens trousers the [ __ ] was that Janet guys took hey Steven you excited about Coachella bro more like coke smella a merry Christmas to all the kids that show up when you google search Keith so on Cinderella why do you want to go to the ball cuz stepmother ball is life [Music] the cow says Moo butterfly don't say nothing pig says you have the right to remain silent telling you boss that's a cat No run it through a system again it's still their boss's [ __ ] Jack what's a bow-bow bow-bow bow-bow bow-bow do you ever shut the [ __ ] up did she do [ __ ] gonna breathe she stay doing some annoying [ __ ] look little [ __ ] you bout to keep [ __ ] they did it up we're not gonna overdo you meet you outside all right let's go over your will it says here you wish to be mummified and fruit roll-ups uh-huh hairy Louie do whoa that's not how you play fifa that's not FIFA saying that I have Wi-Fi in my forehead so goodbye forever Shibuya roll call my name is class we have a new student come on up and introduce yourself I'm vegan I'm via I'm calling it the information pamphlet pretty catchy right ah yeah brochure whatever brochure I'm hooked on you like meth and I love you to death put you up below me Brett oh thank you I am now hot [Music] don't you eat any of my food shrek is love shrek is life ah did he just I wanna hang out you know go to a party oh son okay his name is John Stamos [Music] if you were stranded on an island and can only have one thing what would it be I would want to have a good time you got this Travis make them wait for it boom
Channel: liz
Views: 1,905,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rarevines
Id: aL1Sfrq4tRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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