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[Applause] [Music] [Music] Jefferey like wake up or do i'd like do something he's like what the [ __ ] is going on so is it any wonder people are afraid of technology technology would you like to suck my balls man today is great Jim and Pam's relationship doesn't exist in real life damn okay Joe and I know Penn don't I got no pen down on it and slow hi again oh hello Sarah hi Tiffany does she look familiar Metro no Jessi Oh it's Britney [ __ ] is there anything better than [ __ ] yes a really good book [Music] Oh baby it's cold outside I can secure it you know the indigenous species in Canada can be real aggressive a so it's important to take all necessary precautions when approaching Oh get [ __ ] I was running 36 with my [Music] is your we're not sure yesterday yeah and a lot um I'm too lazy to do my laundry that's why I got one question for you water though yeah we broke up I broke up with him after that yeah I'd like to purchase one small popcorn yeah that'll be $1,000,000 you do love working here just we all have a lot of laps [ __ ] off Janet I'm not going your [ __ ] baby shower it's like of a gun into this mirror [ __ ] look at me [Music] Oh God so many great so to be sick my great sheet four thousand what yeah I just googled what slimy what go ahead I do not kill people I promise I do not lie do anything wrong you guys are all a summertime no practice Santeria ain't got no crystal ball as the first one to fly across as Amelia busy on the Pacific oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah strong man Clark way to go USA cockslut lady one my mom thinks is hot not allowed to play Kathy Bates mom's leaving the basement we have too much [ __ ] we're getting rid of this it was such a good dancer I need this gets more o'clock in the morning why are you making chocolate pudding because I've lost control of my life wait an hour here for my coffee I haven't gone in or ordered it yet the thing about the Twitter that it for me anyway that's so weird is that a lot of them are asking me to be their mother [Music] holy moly [Music] good what are they saying oh yeah those are pretzels that cereal and they were rude my god they were roommates honey that's a fire for long service ah please tell me you returned the library books it's been six years just give me a restart listening to see if I can hear myself asking for your opinion I can't not hear did you hang out with Beth last night you know yeah I did oh I love that you hate dad oh [ __ ] honey Brian Oh Oh is somebody listening to lil yachty [Music] is that a dog in a car a hey are ya where'd you learn to drive what you should get the orange soda it's amazing okay I'll have the strawberry soda don't you [ __ ] hate it when your car won't start it makes me so yeah party to the river duh Jordan's mom just died ah a small kickback a beautiful I get to running clothes didn't have to buy me a drink dee dee dee dee with re of doing in my laboratory Tom Brady that's right bud I'm here to butter your balls oh please put on my balls well if it isn't Captain America but it is me no it's an expression your Nazi tricks will work on me I want to see my little boy here we go I want to see my little boy sure I have codes the access codes sure hi welcome to Chili's dude the reason he isn't paying rent is because he's a Lampe he's a full-on lab dude 100% you he's lamb and now that ain't your fight we're mark do you know what a vine is yeah things are kind of falling apart I don't know it's all about a positive outlook shut the [ __ ] up looks so good without makeup you don't even need it I know I don't need a sweetheart my kids look great without a shirt I'm still [ __ ] wearing a shirt one two are you sweating hey yo Blake better get this to have been talking trash on us for a while get on bro [Music] guys take [ __ ] honestly I don't remember I was probably [ __ ] up I was crazy back then I know sure mom whatever you say I'll take out the trash but my followers will be hearing about this and you know make it to the bus stop first yeah if you go down this street I love you you take off your headphones I'm you but he's my friend so was i if Trump becomes praised any egg bills this wall make it short enough so I can get the hell out it I got 16 that person a you know what that means I can't sleep because of that video hello everybody it's your auntie Mildred give me the soda [ __ ] no putting you on the news I've got the lot for the [ __ ] key I don't care I'm good you're gonna like no you get a life oh I just want to date the type of guy that goes above and beyond I just want to date the type of guy that pays for parking on a Sunday that's the kind of stuff that really butters my egg roll I heard even processed food increases your risk of cancer so I just got some talk about welcome to my keychain we have banana knees and our Takei hey aren't you the same it I spelled lipstick in your Valentino bag oh yes yeah let's stick in my Valentino what when my wife doesn't think doesn't think I'm sporty enough so what's up I'm Gregory but don't call me that cheap money on center don't [ __ ] with me oh my god oh my gosh hey Samson is in Brittany if I see ya babe I just woke up it's like a 3 Mondays I'm about to go chill at Applebee's whatever the [ __ ] - get on your flowers - I just want to think of this meal tonight a men and women you [ __ ] kidding me reminder it's almost Valentine's Day and I'd just like to remind everyone not to have sex and Walker in this year I hate boys even it was it like nice and all but I hate boys alright guys hope you enjoyed the reading last night how about any thoughts on Bush Tom sexy I guess I love to smoke I'm telling the truth good night my little piggies happy Easter Sunday to everybody and if you're atheist just happy Sunday Bush did 9/11 let's just meet you flame then I can show you incredible things none I know he's seen standing here sorry [Music] hey when it snows a lot oh my gosh I hope he'll [ __ ] yeah I think I know more about America yeah then you to University American goes then this is how I enter my house what's up [ __ ] [Music] ma'am can you please put the meat back where it belongs act that word belongs you mean in the wilderness get out of my house screw you hey okay I mean for female Ghostbusters the feminists are taking over I'm an ad all Persian y'all for coming to my Easter dinner I just wanted to say ass and titties [Music] what's your name y'all Mama's been good she cooked that color green past acne corn been too busy to visit corn cobs watch a a are draught our next one to be the champion you want to be baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I am with the illustrious FA a queen I don't thank you thank you I was running 36 with my walk I just really fell in love with her so can we get it please you guys must have 4,000 addiction oh hell yeah [ __ ] yeah baby [ __ ] get gas boy thinks she's a star Robert thinks she's a star um I guess the maybe the colors today are gonna wake you up they're gonna be like wake up guys joke's on you the Jonas Brothers can't break up their bra
Channel: Sammi L
Views: 3,104,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vine, vine compilation
Id: QibtmCB_qlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2016
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