Can You Play Morrowind With Dagoth Ur Everywhere?

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[Music] now where did i put [Music] [Applause] so i was looking through all the new morrowind mods like i usually do you should all be downloading morrowind mods by the way they're very good i implore you like john meyerson and this one particular mod stood out to me no it's actually next to the minecraft creeper that's been advertised on the nexus there he is big arthur so the mod is called everything dig author and get this it spawns they got her all over marwyn's wilderness like he's everywhere multiple copies he's all over the land you're not going to be safe anywhere no matter where you go i hope that's reassuring except indoor interiors because morrow and npcs haven't learned how to go through doors like oblivion and skyrim and pcs so i believe this mod was made as a joke but i'm not going to throw away a good opportunity here we're going to try and travel the entire map of morrowind with this mod installed and with no fast travel which means i can't use silt striders bows mages guild teleporters and all that we're going to be traveling the whole map i say we as if you're going to be the ones doing it it's me who's doing the challenge you're just going to be sitting there doing [ __ ] off but yeah we're going to try and run the whole map but they got ears chasing after us if this is anything like my other challenges it's gonna go extremely well with nothing going wrong so we're gonna get right into the mud i like the morrowind main menu it's very calming and serene before we get into absolute chaos i don't know how this is gonna go but we're gonna try oh i've no plan so don't expect good gameplay you should know that already by now but look [Music] oh that's loud i'm gonna turn that down that's loud they got her noises is that you saying that fairy god i'm up to your tricks fairy god sir okay so we just heard from glorious day guys here so we know the mod works we're going to briefly go over my character i don't want to spend too long and say it in because i'm kind of sick of starting in this down i've made a red guard he looks like cyrus from the hit game redguard that's why he based him off anyway but i picked redguard again just for adrenaline rush because it's extremely good but i didn't pick it just for the health i picked it for speed and speed is gonna be invaluable in this challenge so we're starting and say the neem we're gonna go all the way up to cool which i think is around here i'm not gonna look up where cool is exactly but i think it's around here somewhere we're just gonna have to find ourselves we're gonna seek refuge in salt slime and hopefully there's no dick others there otherwise otherwise yeah i'm sorry but anyway we need to do some preparation we're not going to do too much preparation i just want to get started and get running i've really specced out in speed i took speed as an attribute bonus i also took the steed ability which gives us 25 speed we're all speed i need speed to outrun they got her i don't want to be carrying too much stuff at the beginning but once we get to balmora i'll be getting the brunt of my gear at least the good stuff i do the basic stuff from the introduction do you sell any potions my good man any healing any healing someone's skeletal minion that's nice i don't watch those villains you've restored hell to i don't have enough money for any of them okay so i have 110 do i have enough for one i've not for one scroll of vitality great keep the change you have filthy high elf that sounds racist i was making a home alone reference nevermind let's see can we see any of the they got errors now i think that's one fair in the distance i think that's one right there my goal for the moment is just running to balmora if we can what i do have actually heart heal i do have hair heal i'm not very good at healing and we're going to be running a lot so my fatigue is going to be drained so we're not going to be a very good spell caster but we have healing just in case this is going to be tough all right are there daycasters around here there is like a quest you could do to like seek out the dead tax collector so you can get help potions as a reward for that quest but there's dagos errors in the wilderness as you can see over there so i'm not gonna be able to to that quest efficiently okay we're just gonna get started i'm gonna book it to belmore once we get to balmora i'll hopefully be able to get a good set of armor because i have a plan hopefully my plan works if it doesn't i'm kinda screwed but i wanna get a good armor set so we have some bit of defense against the daygodz even though it's not going to be a lot because he's an endgame enemy i'm a god who's saying that how can you kill a girl there's one there what a grand an intoxicating innocence oh god there is no escape he's only an ace fella oh god david very long aggro rage i need all your stuff terrell i need your shitty book that's worth a lot of money for some reason is it because of research oh it's doing this again there's only one after me is there more oh god oh god where's the other day god oh there's one down there okay i'm gonna get a big group of them just for the sake of fairness i'm actually gonna lead a big group of them to chase me oh this is a horrible idea oh god look at them all i didn't think there was this many oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead they get up oh god there's like four of them after me now why did the combat music turn up did they de-aggro me or they stuck oh no they're after me again come on buddies okay they're getting angry they're getting angry okay there's a quarmer filler two after me buddy i have enough problems as is okay there's okay there's a good amount after me what i'm going to do is i'm going to lead these day gutters into balmoral and hopefully get him to fight the guards they're casting spell to me i'm 70 i'm sipping t don't attack me okay there's laws they're casting spells at me i don't like that oh there's so many trying to chase me now okay be careful be [ __ ] careful i know there's more spawning i know your god leave me alone oh jesus there's more this is freaky this is gay i was like there's so many of them around i know i don't need to i'm hearing voices in my head now help me script help me bush oh jesus the second fella is just lagging behind all right we're gonna be coming into balmoral along the river i'm gonna lead these guys into town and see if they can take out the guards oh it's crashing the game it's spawning in more don't drown don't drown don't drown please cast oh i cast the healing i was actually surprised i cast that healing i had less than 50 chance to do that i think i'm actually running a bit fast for the day got her so to make this challenge a bit more difficult i am going to get the heavy armor or the medium armor i think that's the halal armor right it's like bone mold it's medium that would slow us down okay i lost them for now but there's going to be more there's more around god this is scary oh he's talking through me look at that like a proper god i love that detail about marvin the gods whenever they're talking will speak through your character it's very clever okay there's they got hers on the way into balmoral off for god's sake oh yeah i forgot to mention i called my character sonic the bandicoot because we can run really fast i forgot to mention i think that's a good name from orders two on the pass into the road okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave these ones oh this is dangerous dangerous don't cast a spell on castle spell his spell will kill me straight up his spell is going to kill me i'm going to bring him into town oh that just missed help me hool help me hull who'll help me help me here go there dargonies that are left walk free are useless where's the ordinators oh there's three of them undead [ __ ] all right sonic the bandicoot okay we're going to get the armor to weigh us down a bit because we run too fast otherwise okay there's two there where's the third fella coming from he just popped out of nowhere anyway nice day first yeah boy now there there's my buzzy how you doing hello guard please help me please work there's two of them how can you kill a god kill the god oh now they're going for him the girls aren't going to win uh spoilers they're both going for this for the oh jesus okay this phil is dead uh did the the supposed corpse take his stuff okay i'm going to try and get this filled stuff out this is skater all over balmoral oh no be careful i expected that to happen okay just have to avoid your attacks don't hit me don't hit me okay suppose corpse i said dispose of corpse you didn't pick up his stuff i want to sell his armor i need money for help potions okay die die hello gerd i am dead we're running into our first obstacle of the challenge what i could do is wait for him to kill the guard and then though there's two of them okay i can just lead them around maybe oh that guy's an issue with his spells going up these stairs is gonna be awkward oh no i'm in a bad place oh i just want to go up the stairs oh you hit me again this is tough i knew this was going to be tough but all right what i could do is just go down to the armor cellar person or the palm broker either one's fine honestly i'm going to loop around all the civilians just going about their day yeah it's not like there's five living gods about to kill us all okay you uh i'm gonna get my fatigue up i'm actually gonna take a bit of rest here and make a save do you want some bone mold i need i just need money i need money i'm like dutch for morgan dude oh you don't want the expensive pants the card was just wearing one pair of expensive pants i'll equip those nudge i also have the scrolls for carrying flight they're very good archer we need money dude do very good red dead impressions you can hire me for birthday parties but it won't be any good now your armor i'm actually going to wear for some defense now the thing about this armor is that number one it's going to slow us down a bit which i think we need because we're too quick the other thing is that this defense isn't for degasser and his attacks those attacks are going to kill me in one hit either way it's actually going to help when we're traveling through vernonville and if we encounter like cliff racers or anything like that cool he hit me straight away okay be careful be careful uh loot him loot him whatever you do okay i have some money for health potions too i'm gonna need fatigue as well maybe magicka okay i'm gonna need magika as well we're still running at a decent speed and we have an armor reigning at 20. i'm just gonna need some defense traveling across all of erenville with all the cliff racers and everything all right let's do this i'm gonna go to the palm broker real quick anything in here anything good some small amount of stuff there's like five they got hers in this town uh pick up the gold i was worried this challenge won't be that trillion but it's actually very scary this challenge is intense oh god he's right behind me do you want these you can have three scrolls actually the scrolls of aquarium flight could be very useful i'm gonna keep them we're gonna jump to salt stein because why not oh you can have personality you can have this fellas journal you can have my common shoes and pants and robe and shoes and stuff that i took off a dead body sorry about that sparxor sword clothing for house you can have all that there's here i was worried this challenge would be kind of boring but it's actually pretty intense in its execution oh let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go thanks david you're just standing looking at the trees i wish i could be as carefree as you about i really wish i could just standing in the middle of a morrow went down that's your only purpose that's a great life he knows how to live better than the rest of us he doesn't need any cheap eyes he just looks at the trees and he feels immersed you know what more could you want in life these potions are very expensive this thing 300 gold for one you're a fair so i'm gonna go to the ark instead she's too expensive now i could do the whole go to caldera and creeper and actually i could do that on the way when we stop off in caldera i could quickly visit the orcs over here over here uh major scale mages guild mages guild oh the fighters guild chest actually join the fighters guild this is going to be a big journey i forget morrowind's a big game join sign me up great i'd be really appreciative if you took out the fella outside he's a bit weak you can handle them don't worry uh you're not going to distract them so i can make my escape at all repair hammers i'll take those cheap restore health i mean i have fatigues and restore health they should be okay i think we should be all right to make the rest of the journey someday love will find you break those chains that point you me and they got here are going our separate ways that's pretty funny because i said journey do you get to joke all right all right right it's the late afternoon now we're going to get to caldera probably in the night and i can rest up for a bit maybe get some more money from creeper by selling like the orcish stuff that's there and get more for our journey i tested out this mod and it seems like there's day gutters around the entire province but i don't know if there's day gutters around soul slime so that we're gonna have to check what's that thought up there what is this is that a mod i have no idea what that is okay there's the doors after me shut up i can't turn that down in effect i'm gonna turn it down in post what is this it must have been a previous mod i had installed a great big editor is gonna kill me and i didn't update my view distance and my game crashed straight back into the game go away i don't need you following me oh god i can't actually fight any enemies oh okay be careful be careful avoid him avoid him avoid him we're running a bit slower but i have some defense against the common mormon enemies which this is sort of avoided avoid it orders oh god there's so many there's so many around okay just avoid them just avoid them just avoid them go around go around go around go around go around go round one two three four five six it's lagging my game that voiceline is going to get very annoying i'm dead i'm just going to quit load whenever i get hit because that's going to kill me i guess the ultimate answer to this question can you play morrowind with a gutter everywhere the answer is i mean you can but like not very effectively no look there's so many god oh god there's so many oh there's so many help me gears oh there's going to be a big fight here oh they're helping go on fellas go on oh i think it's crashing you're actually going to distract me for me okay shut up there's nothing i could do to turn that down there's gonna be moments where the game is very quiet and that's because i'm just turning down the audio because that's very loud so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna steal the armor and this fella doesn't care if you've seen my videos i've done this a billion times but you can steal the armor here and sell for good money hello my friend it's nice to talk with you again because of visions of lee creeping have you ever heard the disturbed cover of that song it's very good the sound of silence it's a very good cover 2800 gold we have a ton of money but there's not much i'm just staring at this guy's ass in the same menu there's not much in the way of preparation in caldera i could go to the mages guild and see what potions they have there's also no fast travel in this challenge what a fool you are which includes traveling to salz times where we're going to use the scrolls of the carrion flight to jump over yes i'm making up rules as i go along it's more fun come quality restore fatigue we store health i'll take all of these my good man even though oh you don't restock well i guess i'm only buying two what if i wait a day nope you don't restock great maybe i should have invested in alchemy i think he's the only alchemy seller too and there's something to say too i'm not good enough here faction members only great and even if i was a faction member he'd probably tell me oh higher rank nerd i could get the boots of blinding speed but that makes me too fast and it's not fun oh go go on go on guys you can do it the guys might win you can do this you can do it you can do it i know i've reached my save lives i don't care i'm not deleting saves go on garrett go on should i help him all right oh we're doing damage to them okay okay never mind never mind well good luck with that bye now oh it's starting to rain i was supposed to wait in the wilderness so i could go during the daytime whatever i'm just gonna run during the night this is spooky this is an alternate version of morrowind where they got our winds oh go away with that sound i hate that sound i want to go north to cool we're actually making decent distance right now we're almost halfway up the map it's a big game but if you're just going in a straight line you're going to get true or kind of weak you have to account for all the different directions too versailles and stuff that's what i told my ex anyway and i haven't heard back yet i'll let you know when i do [Music] nowhere safe not the hills or the valleys i'm in wales there's the valleys they're full of dickholes shut hope i'm not a fool stop calling me a fool oh there's so many it's probably a bit dark but when i get to the next town i'll rest up until day hi guys they're just relaxing in the rain i like choirs i was hit now the guerrillas are going to eat me fantastic he looks ready to eat me and everyone run run run run run run run run run just run run run away from the author he keeps hitting me there okay i got through them there's so many dare this is tough maybe the armor is a bad idea i might just drop it don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck i'm dead i'll go wrong go run around i'll see about the armor maybe i can drop some stuff if you don't know in morrowind your carry weight also affects your speed believe it or not so if you're carrying more stuff you move slower oblivion and skyrim doesn't do this but morrowind does i could drop to repair hammers they wait too much buy your repair hammers oh no i quick save well i quick save while i was being attacked i'm gonna wait until daytime so we can see i'm gonna wait until five am okay i'll cut when we're ahead or it's still gonna keep raining these rollerskating network oh thanks for those all right just book a drop to repair hammers uh i'll drop the shield i'll drop the helmet actually i like the helmet i'm going to keep this let's throw the he's going for me just stay on the path stay on the path and keep going north it's a rainy day but it's not pitch deck at least this is a lot tougher than i thought it was going to be it's actually pretty tough it's pretty rough that's the case again it's in so could you be so naive no recaller or intervention can work in this place come lay down your weapons it is not too late for my mercy put out some [ __ ] clothes there's children here there's no children tomorrow but if there was they'd be they'd be traumatized put on some clothes or skyrim players watching this channel oh there's so many in the hills they got through the hills uh be careful be careful i'm like running to the coast i don't think this is a good idea i don't think this is a good idea at all but we're gonna see what happens running to the coast is actually taking away from my time or running north okay i'm gonna go through the swamps the spooky swamps it's a great spider tree level it's a great song too oh it's a nice all morning in the swamp at 5 am all the rain stopped that's nice we can see now that's where shrek live oh there's god many around here everywhere there's gonna be decaturs and salts time too wasn't there oh there's no escape even if we go to oblivion there's gonna be day gutters if we go to skyrim there's gonna be takeoffers there's gonna be takeouters everywhere he's just standing there doing his pose he's so up his own ass he won't even chase me he has to get through his dialogue i think i'm actually losing also and though we're just going to come across more eventually oh one of them hit me great i think i'm actually losing him one of them hits me in the back little bastard shot me in the ass all right super highway we're on the super highway coast to coast we're by the coast that's a living in america by james brown if you've never heard that song it's been stuck in my head all day because of rocky isn't that the song apollo creed plays when it comes into the ring living in america it's great song super howie coast coast look i need something to focus my mind on when i'm doing this challenge and it's going to be james brown okay i hope that's alright we should live in america i'm not even american i'd be a shite american i hate freedom i don't know what that was even supposed to mean uh do i want to stay by the swamp still i'm going to cut back into the mainland or at least inward towards the land we're not on the mainland we're in vernonfield i can think i they got her i'm surprised to see you here he's just glowing to himself in the rain don't hit me okay we got around him and he hit me never mind are you still straighter uh yeah i'm living in america there's the sun breaking out towards all the rain i like rain like this when the sun kind of breaks out and it's like light drizzle it's nice it's a nice weather what's you call that rain i suppose oh i can see him through the wilderness don't tell me i'm starting to see characters through the world okay that glitch stopped thankfully i don't have to restart my game again okay we should be coming towards old ruins soonish yeah we're coming up to like the ashlandy kind of regions oh go awake awake away oh he just struck me straight away i'm so sick of hearing that take out her voice line i hope i never hear it again i hope i do hear it again it's very good voiceline but i'm just a bit sick of it today i must say i need to get up here i need to get here i need to get up here i know there's loads of people saying why didn't you just use levitate or just use the scrolls of a carrion flight right now but that's not fun it's a lot more fun to outrun them in the wilderness i know it's not like the best plan ever but i like it this way there's like strategy to it i also could have gotten really overpowered and could probably take down most of the day-gotters if i got like good weapons and stuff i just want to get over this ridge but uh i just don't think it's very fun to like jump across the map and that's a challenge over okay can get over this ridge [Music] thursday gutters around every corner oh oh i thought i was gonna trap myself oh this looks fun this is like a dark souls area are you for real oh there's more spawning i am living in america oh well i'm dead now come on come on come on come on go around there's too many there's too many look at all of them in the back there's like 20 of them after me okay i'm not good at judging crowds but i say there's about 20 million they got hers after me right now that's a ted joke i'm very funny i just take jokes from other people but at least i admit it you know i have integrity oh god i'm completely stuck here what am i doing oh i'm screwing myself i'm just glad more when characters can't follow you through doors like an oblivion and skyrim enemies can follow you oh look at this go around every now and then i get a little bit lonely i'm only lying i'm lonely all the time oh that was scary oh there's so many it's five billion they got hers where the thick what i thought i was at the top of the map oh where am i going stay around the edge oh no there's more ah one of them hit me fantastic fan brilliant okay we're actually well past all rune at this stage can we get the cool and then get to soul stein cool is like a fishing village which you can use to get a boat to solstice it's a terrible place if you ever want to go there's a boat to cool there's mock they guys are hanging around the mock plants we like the mock plans here we're a mock plant positive channel i need a piece of muck to give me the strength to keep going if we get the salsa what i might do is i might travel all the way up the map because that sounds really painful give me muck thank you i have one mock plant that will help us on our journey it's a good luck chair actually not going to swim because slaughter fish are the most annoying second thing in this game slaughterfish are more annoying in this game than the cliff racers i'm just gonna load because i screwed myself up there so i need to get around you bought sorry don't hit me you're gonna have me can i go around him even i've taken the most awkward path here i just need to go around this fella i just need to avoid his spells as best as i can [Music] oh he did it okay okay okay i actually got around them i know i'm a fool leave me alone there's so many point me there's just loads there's so many boy leave me alone oh for [ __ ] off seriously i'm just avoiding spells i'm good at dodging spells when i was born in the hospital the doctor was like he's gonna be very good at dodging spends don't you worry don't you worry mr and mrs and they were like [ __ ] sake he's gonna be a less player anti the doctor was like yeah sorry about that listen i have some bad news it's about your son he's gonna grow up to be a let's player can we give him back you can't give him back sir put him back in you can't do that either try it no we did once it didn't go in ah marwyn's all nice and serene the combat music and everything playing they're walking in the line they're doing the kanga it's fun to stay at ymca they're all going to sink tequila there's so many do do do do do do i've learned so many trolls just in one straight line oh go go go go go around i'm surprised the game isn't crashing more often great i should have saved i didn't say it recently enough the only ones there are in danger really are the ones in front of me because they can stop and hit me with spells the ones chasing after me aren't going to hit me with spells until they get close to me i need to go around you get your signs here i said there's signs here i want to read them how many do i have now um there are a raise on my tail i keep thinking my game's going to crash it probably is soon cool cool cool that's cool okay at least i know i'm going the right way my ears are going to be destroyed after this there's no way to turn that down not in the options not in voices i tried all that it doesn't work there's so many okay they're getting the chance to stop and cast your spells which isn't good hope you like solstein boys i'm gonna need fatigue to jump fair because fatigue affects your jump height i'm gonna need that when we're jumping to soulstein i am living in them it's like the lion king on top of the rock however that song goes okay there's like the daedric shrine place up ahead we're getting close to cool i believe it's up around here this place is very awkward to traverse when there's 50 they got hurt chasing after you at once is the troll trying to cross the bridge we're getting stuck did they get even across the bridge oh that's so funny oh well that one hit me great that's what i get for laughing i can't even grasp the [ __ ] bridge gods gods and they can't even cross out somebody's i think across the bridge fair play lads keep trying us you'll get there one day okay we're close to cool we're getting there there's no escape i've never seen this like forest this kind of place before like up this path i've just never gone up this way i suppose it's cool i like it even though all the trees are dead because there's morrowind in ashland and all that there's lush forest life around the edges see there's obviously there's some forest coming true i've lost most of them oh no they're there there's kagodi after me as well great is that a dead silstrider oh no i think that they got or killed them you bastard okay we're getting kind of close to cool i think it's up around here somewhere there's signs here i think is that science there's no signs i need signs in the road i need signs in the road where's cool if i just keep following the path we should be okay but i just can't get lost here i know cool is up around here north right nieces is like to the left i know it's not too late for fakeoff go away oh wait oh wait are we here we might be here this might be cool there's no like guards and cool i don't believe that can help us actually take out these fellas is this like a sill strider part it is what town is this cool we're here oh there's so many take out there's i need to jump to soulstein i'm stupid we have to go around cool if we're jumping i can't take the boat there's no fast travel okay we need to go along the coast again great why plans always go well shut up i'm stuck great jump around here if you can i need to get to this point that's closest to soulstown and i need to jump over i need to jump over from there i'm dumb i've i forgot we need to go to the northern point great that guy's gonna keep hitting me aren't you i am living in america they're going to keep hitting me when i try to go up this mountain not freeform go away i have to go up this way i suppose [Music] oh they're too good at their shots if they got her was witch and a bear he'd be very good at his shots holding him down over a hundred thousand people are subscribed to me i don't know why just get up this mountain just get up this mountain and go around get up this mountain oh god know your god go away they're all around the shrine they're all around the world stop singing songs no one cares stop hitting me i just want to get to soul stein you're probably all over soul sign too aren't you if he's not in soul stein then we can seek refuge if he isn't soul slam we'll have to run all the way up to the top and escape through the waters how many are behind me this place is so difficult and it can't get through here at all but there's so many ah this is infuriating i might be stuck here i could use one scroll now [ __ ] it i have three of them screw it oh okay if i can get over to that rock i should be okay [Music] okay i think i'm escaping most of them i don't think they should be spawning on these rocks so we should be all right i know i need to get there tell you what i need to do i need to go back to the mainland a bit go up towards that bridge go to the northernmost point well the closest point to solstice not the northernmost point the closest point to seoul's diamond jump over oh they're under the water to see him they're under the water oh for [ __ ] sake now there's slaughter fish nipping at my heels they actually do just spawn everywhere uh i'm not like a modder but i'm assuming that most of the gutters has just taken up most of the spots where you would get like normal enemies they've just taken most of their spawns that's what i'm assuming is happening here i used to make it tomorrow with house mods and stuff and the construction set when i was really young those files aren't around anymore it was before the internet and all those times when my pc died those mods died with it making morrow into like house mods and stuff was really fun if you play marwan and he never used the construction set i highly recommend it it's really fun it's really chill i used to make like say the lean shacks and balmoral shacks it's really fun the construction set is free to download from uesp i think it's on the uesp if i remember to do it i'll link it in the description if i forget tell me but it's compatible with morrowind there's great tutorials online to learn the construction set there's one by danny plays it's very good i'm getting hit by all the day gutters i just want to get two salt slime i dodged that one i actually dodged one all around living in america i still suck on my head it's great song that song so i if i can avoid you okay it should be all right oh i shouldn't have said [ __ ] anything okay just run just poke it just book it just booker t it they can get across this bridge fine probably because it's so white they're actually in a straight line a fair play as well fair play as well okay go around they're going to be in seoul's time too aren't there a quarter forger go away or little fella the little fella killed me okay just get to the northernmost point the northernmost point that's what we need jump jump okay got around oh there's more there's so much there's too much well-made landscape says to make your games worse well i don't have to say that there's too much landscape stop making your game so pretty around here we're getting close we're getting close to solstein i can't wait till they got hers not breaking my ears anymore oh that was a good shot fair play day glasser they're a good shot they might not be able to follow me in the water this place is going to be annoying to navigate actually okay if i can go around shut up i'm swimming kind of fast go up go up jump jump jump there's something blocking me okay we're fine they're all under the water hopefully they can't actually follow me yeah they gother doesn't have a swimming animation who are you all right i'll fly g i need some fatigue i can actually use the fatigue i picked up we actually should be okay now on the way to soulstein because they got her cans win because they didn't expect people to spawn them in around water i suppose do you have anything useful slaughter fish i don't care about the slaughter fish you have a spear and you've a short sword that's fantastic spears are more when they're very underrated they're a great weapon class it's sad to see newer elder scrolls games don't have that many weapon types which brings me down i like my halberds i like my spears i don't know if this rock is the most northern one and maybe i think it might be so i've lost to they got hers i've actually made a video jumping to solstein before it was like one of my first morrowind videos and apparently i was failing it a bunch of times and you need good fatigue if you're going to be jumping so i'm going to keep my fatigue oh look at this oh that's stunning there's two guys in the water okay i'm gonna wait until daytime actually so i can see i don't want the rain i want to see soul stone when i'm jumping uh tanks game come on hold on [ __ ] off of course i'm not going to mourn hold not today the sewers stink well the air savers arrested i just want the clear day there we [ __ ] go a journal update i don't care i'm too cool i'm too cool for dlc okay it should work i might need to drop my body armor and stuff shut up take off her you're ruining my jump i'm not gonna make it oh we're gonna make it fine shut up and there we go there's too many of them shut up i'm gonna hear this in my sleep that was too much i guess because i jumped at spawn so many shut up i can't escape him i don't think he's actually spawning in salt line i think we're safe i think we did it oh no no no no i thought we were safe i shouldn't have said anything okay we have to run to the north it is not too late for my mercy i'm back in blood moon here's seoul's time for the blood moon fans sorry for not like finishing blood moon i intended to do it but i just got ill and it felt weird to pick it up after so many months and stuff like that i did want to finish it and i still do i'll probably go back to it at some point but for now it's not primarily my focus so apologies for that the game's lagging so much there's so many wolves and bears around the wolves and bears could be a big issue and the gutters are hitting me what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go north and we're gonna have to swim to safety we're gonna swim to skyrim and that's how skyrim starts that's the lore i was trying to cross the border a hunter's wolves and they gots after me here's uncle sweetshear we're going to stop and visit uncle's feature and listen to all of his dialogue they got her interrupting him i'm so sorry uncle sweetshirt we can't even listen to your inane ramblings i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait anyway continue uncle's feature sorry for him interrupting you don't worry i'm gonna deal with him at the end of the main quest oh he's not gonna see anything more are you please uncle sweetie come on do it for me do it for mickey you know me i've been here loads of times by now they got sir you ruined everything you're ruined uncle sweet shirt there's so many dick otters okay it's hard to see through the snow but we're just gonna have to deal with us i didn't really need the armor and it's only slowing me down but whatever i'm gonna keep it i'm an absolute human being i'm setting my waist i'm not going to drop the armor now i've gotten this fair [ __ ] off oh look at all them on the black wolves too the black holes aren't actually that bad it's the brown wolves you want to be careful of because they actually have diseases and it's very annoying the trees should help me from their spells a bit if i just zig zag just in one load calm we're almost to the top of the map we're almost to freeze them we're gonna swim away from the day gods and we'll be free hopefully i hope he doesn't spawn and skyrim i'm surprised he's not going to get frostbus in all that water wolf no wolf don't do this to me now don't do this to me now but actually go through the water they go through a cat swim they can probably walk through it though and the wolf can't swim either oh no they can walk through the water they're learning are not ripplings ricklings are more annoying than the day gutters ricklings are super strong in skyrim soulstone kind of scales your level it's difficult in some areas but it's generally not too bad in morrowind soul stem is very tough dlc you need to be a very high level when you're going in to do this and the game doesn't have much level scaling it has it a bit but not as much as later games like especially not as much as oblivion almost did a tap we're almost there we're almost there we're almost there we're almost here oh stop hitting me i'm the nerve ring actually not the nerve ringing i'm the dragonborn so we're escaping the skyrim now i'm just gonna swim should be okay swimming can i get up this ridge please tell me i can i feel so bad for my character he has no insulation i imagine bone mold armor doesn't give you much insulation so make sure all the cold water keep it near the top oh no nachi dave good arrows everyone's trying to kill me where's the water here's the water we're gonna do it and here we are we reached the top of the map i don't care just swim swim to safety oh there's ricklings after me coy if you enjoyed this video be sure to let me know stay under skully's after me will you go away i can't do much damage i'm just going to swim i'm just going to have to you know take off all your air it's going to be very cold in the water i'm sorry but if you enjoyed this challenge let me know if you have any other challenge ideas let me know too i'll steal them i'm only messing but i'll talk to you in the next video we're gonna swim to skyrim and have a lovely old time i hope he enjoyed he's not gonna die i swear you
Channel: Micky D
Views: 183,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, dagoth ur, dagoth ur morrowind, can you play morrowind with dagoth ur everywhere, morrowind challenge, morrowind pc, morrowind mod, morrowind modding, elder scrolls, elder scrolls morrowind, elder scrolls modding, micky d, micky d morrowind, mods morrowind, elder scrolls challenge, morrowind intro, morrowind gameplay, morrowind steam, morrowind dagoth ur, dagoth ur fight, dagoth ur mod
Id: _i-F9a0Pfic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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