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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/debullum 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies
you must tell me everything about your fault i  will conquer it and turn all those pure strain   humans into mutants they will give me the army  i need to bring peace to the entire wasteland fellas i am shocked shocked and appalled that  it has taken me this long to tackle a villain   from any of the fallout games and for that i  sincerely apologize because fallout has long been   a series that expertly studies the human condition  and experience post-nuclear disaster this is done   through humor horror but just generally really  really strong writing and characters but these   games have never ever shied away from all of  the potential evil and interesting shades of   it that would inevitably spring up from the  ashes of the old world i mean this setting   man has got to be a villain's paradise a  post-apocalyptic hellscape of desolation   and desperation just asking to be used  and or abused but for today's video   we need to turn back the clocks to 1997  with the first ever game in this series   because to this day and look me in the eyes when i  tell you this the original fallout bad guy the og   is quite frankly in a league of his own i would go  so far as to call him nearly perfect a horrifying   mass of flesh and machine a mutated amalgam of  consciousness that has created a cult of followers   an army of mutants and an impressive plan to see  his vision for the wasteland completed a menacing   intelligent and extremely prepared puppet master  that has philosophies that quite honestly make   some pretty good sense his goal is very simple to  unite all of humanity in this new radiated world   under one race mutants you heard me right in a  war-torn chaotic wasteland the master legitimately   wants unity and ultimately peace but what path  is he willing to take to achieve those things   that is another story entirely because he is  snarky he's scary he's nuanced he's kind of gross   he to me is the quintessential fallout villain  so then how does he hope to achieve his goal who   was he before he was this thing how can you  the vault dweller stop him and what is the   master even the master of well before we dive  into the backstory of this character i would   like to take this opportunity to thank all of my  beautiful patrons over on patreon who helped keep   this channel going i appreciate you all very  deeply i am ghost your host as always and if   you like video game lore character analysis game  reviews and other stuff like that you have found   yourself in the right place my friend so without  further ado let us begin at the very beginning   any villain in any creative medium worth their  salt has to have a convincing platform and that   platform is often built through a compelling  backstory you know the events that warped or   changed this character into a monster worthy of  our opposition so the master we see in game is   only ever this kind of horrifying contraption eyes  coming out of his neck and [ __ ] i mean what a   mess but his backstory begins far from any ideals  surrounding mutant supremacy because the master   began his life as a man named richard moreau born  before even the great wars and growing up inside   vault 8. richard very likely had a life better  than many who found themselves in crappier vaults   or those getting their ass straight beat out in  the wasteland and while his early life is shrouded   in a ton of mystery what we do know for certain  is that he at one point as a young man was exiled   from his vault being charged with murder well  was he guilty was he innocent who knows for sure   i certainly have no clue but he now had to make  a decision to find a new life or wither away in   the wasteland so with little to lose he headed  south and found himself eventually in the hub a   township and trading center that the survivors in  the wasteland relied on heavily for commerce and   community and it was there that moreau reinvented  himself he was now richard gray a quick-witted   doctor scientist and philosopher he spent his  days here studying and pondering the radiated   california wastes as you can probably imagine  this is a decent time in history to be a doctor   as the fallout from the nuclear wars of the past  had continued to alter and warp the very landscape   people and wildlife of california and beyond so  there was plenty for richard to study and treat   but here in this new life he was fitting in pretty  well people liked him and he made friends with   another awesome fallout character of the legend  known as harold harold is honestly kind of like   forrest gump you know he's been around forever  and seen tons of [ __ ] out in the wasteland   and at this point in time harold lived and  worked as a caravan master and traitor well   old harold had begun to notice a pretty serious  problem in the surrounding area of california a   constant stream of reports of seemingly mutated  and enraged wildlife attacking caravans traders   and settlements so he put together a little crew  of folks and decided to bring along our friend   richard gray to act as team doctor and also to  study and document the entire expedition hoping   to learn more about this mutation the issue with  the animals and bring the whole thing to an end   eventually this investigation led the group to  an old pre-war facility known as the mariposa   military base now let's pause the backstory  for one second and remember that fallout 1   takes place in the year 2161 and this backstory  a couple decades before that but way back before   all of this in 2077 before the nukes even dropped  this facility here served a very sinister purpose   you see the pre-war world in america was one  of ruthless innovation at all costs and here   at mariposa they had been developing a little  thing known as fev or forced evolutionary virus   now what began as a little tool to counteract  biological warfare had turned into a bit of   a darker experiment i'm talking animal subjects  being fed this nasty compound that caused extreme   cell growth and mutation to the point of having  extra limbs and becoming extremely aggressive   many of these animal subjects eventually killed  each other or just died of course though because   humans are terrible they turned around with this  result and immediately began testing the compound   on their fellow humans these tests also had mixed  results with many people dying and eventually the   base was sealed off when the bombs began to fall  so a pretty dark and odd past here at mariposa   and over the decades post-war that  base had begun to fall into disrepair   wildlife had found its way in become infected  with that fev stuff and were causing all these   issues for harold richard and other caravans so as  richard and his group got closer to the base the   amount of mutants surrounding this facility became  staggering fighting through the herd was costly   and eventually it was only harold and richard  that made it into the inner chambers of mariposa   where they were able to locate the source of the  mutations huge open vats of glowing green fev   and just when they were plotting how to seal or  destroy the stuff a robotic crane arm swoops down   and slaps our boy richard right into the goop  with harold being knocked out cold and badly   injured now when i think about this while making  the video it's almost like a golden age of comics   kind of backstory right a big radioactive glowing  barrel for like a meek little doctor to be pushed   into and turned into a super villain it's just so  classic and so predictable so what followed for   richard here was pure insanity in the game the  player can find like a little diary describing   the moments after falling in and the changes that  began to occur as a result of coming in contact   with the fev but the only immediate major issue  for richard was nearly drowning in this stuff   i mean it looks viscous right who knows what the  consistency really is but i imagine it's like   glowing green warm nutella really hard to move  through oh and it's rearranging your dna the   entire time so that can't be pleasant but it was  really in the hours that followed getting out that   richard now alone in this place with harold having  escaped began to experience excruciating pain   his skin was bubbling burning peeling cracking  nearly falling off of his bones his mind too began   to run in circles he lost track of time a sense  of self and became consumed by that physical pain   and hallucinations somehow he was able to  drag himself to the control room and waited   for what felt like an eternity for his  inevitable death the end of his suffering   no one can say how long he waited maybe it  was hours days or weeks but death never came   as the pain fluctuated and he shifted in and  out of consciousness he began to notice his body   changing morphing and becoming stronger again  slowly he retaught himself to walk but things   felt different and odd without any control over  his own actions he at one point watched a tendril   spring from his stomach and snatch up a nearby  rat passing by on the ground he instantly absorbed   this creature into his belly and felt the presence  of its rodent mind join with his i mean holy   smokes the lines between dream and reality were  completely blurred he was in an absolute daze but   as he mutated further his mind began to sharpen  he found himself pondering huge philosophical   questions about the meaning of life and what  the future of the wasteland would hold for him   and all of humanity all of a sudden he was coming  to obvious conclusions on these topics with ease   alright now let's pause for a minute here because  we have seen many villains in video games movies   books etc spiral into evil due to some sort of  process like this i mean i don't necessarily mean   radiation or mutation but just a disconnecting  from reality in some way you know a new realm of   thought being introduced to them that allows them  to see with maybe a false sense of clarity or hey   maybe a true clarity who am i to say and i just  really think it's a compelling type of character   and villain because their reality this new reality  becomes so much the truth to them that they see   themselves legitimately as a hero a visionary a  prophet the only one alive who has awoken to said   truth it's also a perfect setup for a character  becoming a cult leader of some sort which the   master eventually is but more on that later so  as richard continued to change he began to wonder   about that rat that he initially consumed what  if he was to dunk a similar rat into the fev   just as he had been could a simple little-minded  creature also expand his consciousness and reach   a higher plane of understanding than his kin it  was time to experiment and richard did all sorts   of experiments he threw animals in there of all  different types and at one point threw a dog and   a rat into the fev together the result of this  experiment blew richard's mind the two had fused   together but remained separate a peaceful union  that really inspired something within richard   perfection what if all of the wasteland  resembled this sort of unity if all could   be as he is now evolved ascended introspective  this right here is the seed of his eventual goal   so with expanded mental capacities a sense of  self-important delusion and a growing agenda   for the large-scale changes he had in mind for  the wasteland we have all the makings my friends   of a fantastic villain taking his first steps but  frustratingly richard was still ignorant of what   the fev really was who made it what is its full  capability and add to it that he was completely   by himself you know there were no visitors or  test subjects around besides the occasional rat   so what else to do then begin experimenting more  on himself he continually injected his body with   fev in intervals and began to monitor the changes  physically and mentally eventually this allowed   him to take another huge step in his personal  evolution as his biology and awareness had reached   levels that allowed his organic form to fuse with  that of the mainframe computer of the mariposa   military facility and at that moment his knowledge  expanded tenfold he instantly gained every piece   of information on the development of the fev the  history of the substance the base and all that   it was apparently capable of but he still longed  to test this newfound knowledge on other humans   and that was very very difficult for him to do  but after patiently patiently waiting several   explorers found themselves unfortunate enough  to wander into his base now with his kind of   omnipresent control over the facility now he  was able to trap and experiment on all of the   poor bastards who walked through his doors but  things never quite went the way that he planned   none of them transformed the way that he had  when dunked in the juice they often turned   into big hulking mutant idiots that were too dumb  to even walk or they just died and outright fell   into literal pieces however instead of letting  these failures walk away or serve him in any way   richard consumed them just like he had  consumed the rat to constantly be growing   his consciousness and this is something  that he continued to do into the future feed   so through further research richard figured  out that the common denominator with all of his   failures was humans with a high amount of existing  radiation damage but even more important than that   and this is the biggest key here is that he  discovered the presence of a radiated variant of   fev in the environment so it turns out that a bomb  had hit the original west tech facility where the   forced evolutionary virus was originally created  this sent particles of fev up into the atmosphere   to fall back down to a radiated earth so without  any of them even knowing it tons of people in   the wasteland had been infected with this radiated  fev which for whatever reason screwed up richard's   little plans to turn people into higher beings  like himself now remember that richard grew up   in a vault so he was completely pure in this  regard never exposed to that kind of radiation   or radiated fev so he decided he needed more pure  test subjects those who hadn't spent a life in the   wasteland this was the true test of his patience  but at some point after tons of waiting he had his   wish he successfully trapped a more pure human  and converted that person into the first ever   super mutant with a mind and consciousness  much closer to his own this is a humongous   breakthrough for richard so what did  he do with his prized super mutant got to keep growing that consciousness baby  but i think this is where we can officially say   richard gray became the master he is now part  computer part super mutant part richard part rat   part whatever else he has been eating i mean he  is an absolute pile of goop look at that thing   so what followed this big breakthrough was a 30  year period of slow and steady progress the master   was deciding to play the long game amassing more  perfect super mutants and hammering out the kinks   of his fev so that his creations could still  do things like reproduce but he struggled and   struggled to get it just right so we've mentioned  a few times now that the master wanted to bring   peace to the wasteland and as tough as  it is to believe that is certainly true   because he ultimately saw the diversity of life  you know ghouls normal humans the powerful the   powerless all of these disparities leading to  a species that would eternally be warring and   conflicting with each other creating a mutated  and unified race was always the vision also his   super mutants would legitimately be better i mean  immune to radiation disease illness a lot of aging   truly the next step in human evolution and during  those 30 years the master needed a sidekick so he   crafted a nearly perfect super mutant the best  work yet to be his right hand man to save the   world we will convert all the worthy individuals  simple efficient glorious this guy is known as   the lieutenant i mean he was smarter stronger and  faster than probably any human in existence and   the two together began devising various plans ways  of finding and capturing more normals or humans   primed for a little conversion but if you ask me  this plan is still sounding a little doo-doo right   it's a little scary i mean big muscle-headed  [ __ ] running around stealing people it's   not the best game plan if your organization is  called unity and you want to achieve peace i   mean the only humans that you're going to get  will be kicking and screaming and before long   you might have an entire army of people on your  doorstep that hey don't want to be super mutants   but the master pretty smart guy and he knew all  of this he had planned long ago to smooth out his   public image before making any big moves here but  first he needed a publicist and a damned good one   so enters another character named morpheus  we are the messengers of evolution my child   we follow the master in his endless quest to heal  the land and the people a human who was captured   by unity but was very interested in serving the  master in another capacity so it was morpheus   who would end up heading the cult known as  the children of the cathedral a religious   body infused with the master's teachings but one  that only ever presented human faces to the public   and it was successfully seen for years as a decent  group of weird-ass dudes who wanted to help people   you know establishing hospitals and bringing  supplies to those in need while also recruiting   people into their ranks mostly the downtrodden so  the doctrines of this cult are as follows number   one the nukes that destroyed the old world were  sacred known as the holy flame and they'd cleanse   the world of evil and decadence number two humans  suck ass and as long as there is a disparity   amongst them they will always fight and kill each  other and then three the final evolution of this   cleansing of the world via the holy flame must  come from accepting the dark god or the master   by following his light and guidance as we as a  species may be fully reborn together as one people join the children today so it sounds uh pretty  bad but we're pretty culty but the master i   think overall did a wonderful job of diversifying  his portfolio you know creating a nice little con   man front of a religion to make his crazy ass  scheme sound enticing and bring in those lower   end humans to serve him this step in the plan also  included relocating his gooey ass to the recently   discovered los angeles vault an old but still  operational facility where the church of his cult   would reside right above this is a good move all  operations safely taking place in one place in a   more central place but holy [ __ ] did the master  ever hit the jackpot in his new crib because he   found that he had acquired access to a map of all  the locations of vaults in the surrounding areas   and beyond i mean think about what this means  literally barrels of sweet ass humans that had   little to no radiation or exposures oh baby he and  the lieutenant probably salivated at the thought   i mean they could just end up sending groups of  huge scary mutants to raid these places bring   back people and quadruple their numbers overnight  god damn easy peasy baby meanwhile the lieutenant   was left back at mariposa to oversee the capture  and conversion of more humans to continuously add   to the ranks man i mean we gotta give full credit  to the master here this is a very very impressive   operation and the plan is fully in motion  puppeteering his way to california mutant   domination i just want to say that his backstory  overall is like perfect it isn't too dramatic or   overly emotional you know the motives here nor  are they the calculations of a non-caring kind   of computer-like villain but sort of a perfect  blend of both i mean in a game that takes place in   a barbaric post-apocalyptic far future it's just  incredible to me how well they crafted a villain   specifically for that setting another cool ass  thing about him that i forgot to mention is   how the fev gave him like crazy ass psionic and  charismatic skills when members of the cult came   to visit him they had to wear brain protectors so  they wouldn't have their minds melted by looking   at him and being in his presence i mean this guy  has successfully achieved a futuristic god-like   status it's really incredible so who are you the  player and what are you gonna do about it well   here in fallout the player character is simply  known as the vault dweller and you begin your   journey in the safety of your little vault 13 home  when all of a sudden your vault's water chip needs   replacing this is a pretty serious big deal and  you are the unlucky one chosen to go out brave the   wasteland in search of a new chip sounds pretty  simple so off you go on your adventure with 150   in-game days to complete this task but what begins  as a simple run to the hardware store becomes   something much much more you see there are serious  threats out in the wasteland that you discover   stuff that your family and friends back home are  simply not prepared for eventually while looking   for the water chip you will find a place known  as necropolis a town with a population made up   totally of ghouls extremely radiated and [ __ ]  up humans that look really cool this used to be   the city of bakersfield california and honestly  it seems like not that much has changed but deep   under necropolis lies vault 12. here you are  able to extract the water chip and bada bing   problem solved game's over who's the master  what's that i'm going home i'm done baby   are you sure about that you see you do get to  go home but while you were out on this quest you   noticed super mutants everywhere especially in  necropolis where they are essentially occupying   the entire city additionally if you are a  completionist type player you would have   poked around and heard even more rumblings about  something big occurring out here in the wasteland   and vault 13 ended up being very lucky they sent  you out here to deal with the water chip because   when you finally get home you of course report  back to your overseer about all the stuff that you   saw i am a little concerned however i i don't  like your reports what was in the reports that is   in fact they scared the heck out of me it's those  mutants and he finds this super mutant thing to be   very very disturbing news as he says this cannot  be natural all of these new hostile giant mutants   showing up there has to be something or someone  behind it and if it poses any sort of threat to   the vault your quest must continue so you are  tasked with finding the source of these mutants   to ensure that it is nothing serious and if it  is to deal with it and at this point like we have   said the master is fully in his seat of power the  cult is bringing in humans daily super mutants are   likely raiding other vaults and capturing subjects  as well so you have a very very tough task ahead   now one thing i would like to mention here is  that originally in the 1.0 build of fallout 1 the   main quest line here of taking down the master and  stopping unity had the very same time limit system   as the water chip thing 500 days that you would be  given to end the threat if you failed a cutscene   would be shown to the player that well you lost  the master won rated your vault and it's all over   for you now additionally with those original 150  days to get the water chip you have the option to   prolong that time frame by telling water traders  in the hub to go deliver some h2o back home   however if you do that the time limit to kill  the master would be shortened down to 400 days   because well you disclosed the location of your  vault to many people and information spreads fast   and i just think that this original design was  [ __ ] awesome it was changed with versions 1.1   and 1.2 of the game that were distributed to have  like years to defeat the master but this original   vision of it man being able to fail outright and  have the master win if you're too slow not only   is it really cool game design but it empowers the  villain narratively into an actual threat to your   completion of the game he's not just a static  i'll be waiting here when you want to get to the   end credits type of presence but like an actual  bad guy actively trying to win i think that is so   so cool man the player has two main objectives  here at the end of the game to find and destroy   the mariposa facility and source of the fev and  conversions as well as locate the master to topple   the brains of the operation and bring an end to  the threat of unity you have to do both of these   things but the order does not matter which i think  gives a nice amount of freedom here in the second   half of the game that is well earned well the only  thing we have to go on is to find the lab there   are several ways to find it via the brotherhood  of steel some computer logs or you can even ask   old dusty ass harold himself but that super mutant  lab is of course mariposa and there you find the   first bits of information about the master like  that diary we talked about in the beginning of the   video and slowly things begin to come a little  bit more into focus because here is where you   get to meet the lieutenant remember that really  smart right hand man of the master and he is kind   enough to tell us pretty much everything about  unity the fev the issues with it conversion and   many many other topics before the war the human  scientists made a drug called fev it was designed   to make the perfect human he has such a sharp wit  great voice acting and a pretentious air about him   he legitimately doesn't see telling you all this [  __ ] as a risk because he assumes he's gonna beat   your ass and you'll be a super mutant in a matter  of moments but of course you're the hero baby and   you kill his ass and now finally it is time to  destroy the lab and track down the big man himself the last thing on your checklist is to infiltrate  the cult and man it is a long long road getting   here working with various factions like the  followers of the apocalypse and the brotherhood   of steel fighting through dangerous areas full  of super mutants deathclaws looters and other   monstrosities i mean fallout 1 is a tough game  that really makes you work for it so it really   does feel amazing to finally reach the summit here  at the very end and defeat the ultimate enemy and   after donning a purple robe bed sheet thing you  can make your way through the cathedral past some   guards and at last into the los angeles vault so  we now have covered the backstory of this villain   the path the hero must take to confront him and  the overall plan of unity and the master but how   does this all really go down you know why does the  master ultimately fail fallout 1 is an rpg in the   truest sense depending on your build your skills  and preference there are several ways to proceed   here and end the game first off and most boring  is just to walk into the room and attack him   the moment you arrive without even saying anything  you will rob yourself of one of the most memorable   interactions in video game history and have a  rather tough fight ahead this is followed by   the master activating like a nuke fail-safe as a  last-ditch effort to leave his mark on california   the next option requires stealth skills you  can sabotage the master by activating said nuke   sneaking out bada bing problem solved although  also this is lame as hell man i don't recommend   the best and only way to deal with the master  is of course with the power of diplomacy and   speech and man getting able to finally talk  to this guy after all that you have seen   and heard is a haunting haunting experience  the unity will bring about the master race   master master one able to survive or even thrive  in the wasteland as long as there are differences   we will tear ourselves apart fighting each  other we need one race race one goal goal   one people to move forward to our destiny destiny  of course mutants are best equipped to deal with   the world today who else the ghouls please normals  they brought nuclear death to us all this will be   the age of mutants mutants all that resist  yes and all those that are required for them   as well the remainder will be allowed to live out  their days but under unity control and protection   he feels immensely powerful and influential he  has now fully integrated his organic matter with   the entire vault tendrils masses of flesh finding  their way into every nook and cranny of the whole   shebang i mean it's gross but very impressive also  his voice is just something else you can hear a   man woman computer and then slightly angrier  man all sharing the very same mind and mouth   it's uh yeah this guy's gotta go man but this  entire interaction is simply incredible again he   is somewhat convincing a true charismatic villain  i think should always be given a final say a   chance to convince us that what he or she is doing  is in fact best for the world and best for us   and this game is even generous enough to give you  one last chance to reconsider you can if you wish   join the master's cause right here and now if  you find what he's saying to be truly compelling   help go ahead become a super mutant and lose  the game that is absolutely you're right   but no no come on man he's wrong unity and peace  aren't good things okay come on so what then can   we possibly tell him an all-knowing supercomputer  genius mutant man if we want to win well well well   a large part of the master's plan from the  beginning relied on his new and improved fev2   allowing the super mutants to reproduce i mean a  new unified race wouldn't be much if they couldn't   make babies right no villain wants to rule  the world for like seven years and then retire   historically fev caused complete sterilization  but the master believed that through his extensive   experimentation and research he had fixed  this but earlier in the main quest when the   vault dweller is working with the brotherhood  of steel head scribed vree tells us that she   thinks all of these mutants are indeed infertile  all the mutants i've studied have been sterile   they can't breed with another creature if we could  clean up the mutation sources we should be able to   simply outlive the mutants she gives you like  a little hollow disc with this data and here at   the very end of the game we can simply say little  and hand it over to the master preposterous the   fev2 virus doesn't destroy the reproductive organs  of those it mutates do you have proof one moment   are you sure what about the other female  it cannot be i must digest this information   one moment i understand now this would mean that  all my work has been for nothing don't think that   i can continue continue to have done the things  i have done in the name of progress and healing   it was madness i can see that now madness  madness there is no hope leave now leave   while you still have hope god damn man i mean  this is kind of tragic instead of an epic final   boss fight here the master sees that his life's  work has been for nothing i mean it's kind of   depressing that he's so crestfallen he just says  can you leave and then shortly later kills himself   blowing up the entire cathedral and vault with  him so often in video games the bad guys are fun   to beat you know you look forward to kicking  their ass and celebrating their downfall but   with the master i feel nothing but pity and a bit  of sadness i mean he never asked to be pushed into   the fev and be given these insane mutations  that set him on the path of blood science   and domination richard gray in many ways can be  seen as one of the biggest victims in all of this   and as his plans fell apart in front of him  all of the evil the mutations the scheming   kind of fell away almost as if in those final  moments he was richard again for just a second   realizing all that he had done what he had  become and that there was only now one solution   ultimately the master is a villain that saw  himself nearly the entire time as the hero   of this story all of the pain he inflicted on  the wasteland was simply a means to his end   of unity and peace but in his delusions of power  he forgot to check all of his boxes this sterile   super mutant race that he was creating was doomed  to fail and his oversight and overconfidence   in his research and abilities is what sank his  aspirations i just love how this diplomacy ending   here doesn't even really have you defeating the  master but simply showing him that he failed you   are nothing but the bringer of bad news and that  is so goddamn cool and unique to me i adore it   it's also kind of insane that a villain so  smart so powerful and with so much muscle   at his disposal ended up dead because some old  busted water chip way out in vault 13 failed damn that sucks my man sure his presence in the  first fallout game here is amazing but his lasting   impact is even more impressive to me a villain who  really created an entire subrace of beings with   variations cropping up over the years all across  north america of course various characters in the   future games continue to talk about the master  and some of them even remember him fondly as the   human he once was richard gray and then there are  the nightkin and others that mentioned him as the   master but overall you feel his shadow looming  large over tons of the events in the series   and now looking back over all of the fallout  games i mean it's hard for me to find a main   villain that is downright bad or corny fallout  always leans heavily on the antagonists goading us   down the path of adventure or revenge whatever but  it's crazy to me that all of these years later the   master at least in my opinion is still the only  one that has fully lived up to the full potential   of what a fallout villain can be i mean he  combines radiation mutation technology religion   science human nature power manipulation  and whatever else all really well into one   character as i stated at the top he is damn  near perfect and i think fallout 1 overall is   a game that more people should try out today  i mean the gameplay yeah it's kind of dated   it can be tough to crack into but the writing  the characters the setting and the atmosphere   are so so good seeing the original foundation  of such an influential rpg series i think   is pretty important and at the center of  it all is the crown jewel of the experience   from exiled murderer to beloved doctor and  eventually mutated super villain there is no   denying that the master is one of the  great video game villains of all time thank you so much for watching and  listening to this video to the very end   as always i greatly greatly appreciate that  fallout is always one of those series that   i forget how much i enjoy until i'm  replaying one of the games and man   did i forget how incredible the  master was until making this video   so shout out to the many many of you who have been  requesting this video for over a year now and also   shout out again to all of my patrons please let  me know everyone other heroes villains and npcs   you would like to see videos on into the future  thank you all once again and until next time peace
Channel: Ghostcharm
Views: 1,649,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout, master, FEV, mutant, villain, villainpedia
Id: xgrkDnm5fUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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