We Don't Deserve Bloodborne

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the year is 2014. dark souls 2 has just released  amidst a ton of hype and anticipation the souls   franchise overall is just now getting out of  the dude have you heard of this game territory   and into the mainstream because across the  internet dark souls is everywhere epic pvp   montages lore videos challenge runs you name  it it is a wonderful time to be a fan when all   of a sudden an unexpected visitor appears on  the horizon what could that be is that a leak   so soon after dark souls 2 gonna  have to have a little lucky here guns wolfman top hats and the name project beast  now at the time people had no clue what to make   of this leak all we really knew from software to  be working on generally was the highly successful   souls series so people instantly assumed this  had to be demon souls 2 which seemed unlikely   dark souls 3 little too soon or something  altogether new many people self-titled it   beast souls but what these leaked blurry images  grew into what truly became a project beast   surpassed all expectations and hopes  it was at e3 the very same year where   it would be revealed to all of us mouth  breathers what this mystery really was now i think it's important to remember the lead up  here to bloodborne's release the baseless theory   crafting the hype the stupidity because it's  kind of an essential part of the from software   experience and bloodborne coming in as just a  new game from the company no s word stapled on   there anywhere was kind of a big deal i personally  bought a playstation 4 solely to play this game   and i remember going to the midnight release at a  really shitty gamestop with one of my best friends   then rushing home to get real stinky with it and  just play for several days straight bloodborne   consumed me and i absolutely fell in love with  it just like all of the soul's titles prior   and what do you know almost seven years later  after many many playthroughs i can look you   in the eye and say with confidence bloodborne  is one of the greatest video games ever made   rich atmospheres spectacular level design grueling  challenge and rewarding game systems help to   deliver one of the more flawless experiences you  can have sitting on a couch so welcome to the   review everyone this is the third full game review  here on my channel and you guys seem to really   enjoy them so hey i appreciate the support i am  ghost your host and if you enjoy this video please   do consider subscribing if you want to see more  just like it i also have to say obviously there   are light spoilers ahead for bloodborne so proceed  with caution if you must then let's get started   so first i'd like to talk game premise i mean  what are we doing here what is bloodborne why do   i even exist well i can't help you with that last  question but bloodborne is a third-person action   rpg set in the crumbling gothic city of yharnam  and beyond much like the souls games your purpose   and goal at the beginning of the game are cryptic  but as you conquer areas defeat bosses and uncover   secrets your place in the world and story become  a bit more clear now while this is considered   to be a single player game i guess multiplayer  functionality as always with fromsoft games is a   huge part of that experience helping other players  getting help murdering other players getting   murdered interacting with community messages  left on the ground this is really what it's   all about and even right now today i bet you can  hop on ps4 and there's a healthy amount of people   still online so yes this is a playstation 4  exclusive actually also playable on ps5 so sadly   if you don't own or have access to one of those  consoles you're gonna have to wait in line with   the rest of them for the pc port hey it might come  out in the next like 30 years you never know but   i'll bet that if you've only heard one thing about  bloodborne it's probably that it is extremely hard and it certainly is difficulty resulting in  death is a huge part of the design philosophy   of bloodborne and you should be prepared to get  absolutely spanked as you learn the flow of combat   where to look for threats before they get the jump  on you etc it's a classic exercise of trial and   error but you will most likely find yourself in  the error column to start through character builds   weapons armor sets fashion there are tons of ways  to personalize your character and your playthrough   and the more comfortable you get the more you can  experiment and really unlock all there is to be   enjoyed here in bloodborne but hold on because  before all of that the number crunching the pvp   and so on it begins real slow here in yharnam  one of the most obvious strengths of bloodborne   to me upon starting is the setting while the souls  games are excellent in their own right bloodborne   takes a more specific and sort of period approach  yharnam is a victorian-esque city a place that   oozes with history architecture art and tragedy  as expected we arrive long after the city's   golden age yharnam is in ruin beast men roam the  streets corpses line the walkways and plague has   ravaged the land this paints a pretty grim picture  a world of death and antiquity now a jungle of the   infected and insane but any game worth its salt is  going to take you on a journey and throughout your   playthrough bloodborne will take you much further  from yharnam than you can really even imagine at   the start the game's setting masterfully shifts  along with the plot from victorian gothic to old   god cosmic nightmare escapes old forests ancient  castles and more you see bloodborne transforms   into a game about much much more than hunting  beasts lovecraftian horror eventually takes center   stage which sounds potentially jarring but the  way that the game opens on these themes slowly and   introduces them to the player over time is nothing  short of masterful i just find the sense of scale   and history in this game is kind of overwhelming  in a really good way and equally overwhelming   can be the plot i think trying to fish reason out  of the game's events the first time around can be   uh confusing let's just say a bit like putting  together a puzzle in a candlelit room where you   can make out shapes but you can't truly see [ __  ] some people really don't like this aspect of the   game i mean there's a healthy amount of people out  there that want to boot up their video games play   the story finish it and move on to the next one  hey i feel it your time is valuable and more power   to you but if you want to find us thinking gamers  we'll be over here in the corner reading the item   description of a baby squid and contemplating our  place in the universe and fabric of time but all   jokes aside plot of bloodborne is incredible if  you can figure it out and that's going to take   a little bit of work reading item descriptions  paying close attention to in-game dialogue using   your imagination and of course binging a bunch of  vadi video lore videos i mean i think it's kind   of difficult for me to say that you know this is  the story because it's a thing of interpretation   discovery and mystery so i guess i'll just share  my short interpretation of what's going on here   at the beginning just the setup so long ago a race  of humanoid dudes called the thumerians discovered   something under what is now yharnam something  old and in my opinion terrifying the great ones   beings of immense power that could really only  be described as godlike through this discovery   they uncovered what is known as the eldritch truth  and their society was forever changed they became   guardians of these old ones and even took part  in inter-species marriage and sexual relations   hoo-hoo baby but eventually the great ones desired  to return to the cosmos and leave the thumerians   plane of existence only a few of them ended up  being left behind like ebridis one of the bosses   in the game over time the absence of the great  ones caused the thumerian society to crumble   attempts to use the great one's blood or as  it is called in game the old blood to ascend   along with their masters ended in disaster and a  plague of beasthood now fast forward quite a bit   to the more modern humans in the story building a  city and calling it yharnam in honor of an ancient   thumerian queen and eventually scholars from the  school at birgenworth discovered this very same   ancient blood and what do you know this god-like  blood has extremely powerful healing qualities   it would be a shame if someone like established a  church and kind of overused and abused that power   of the healing blood humans like their ancient  counterparts attempt to use it for good with   different opinions and practices arising regarding  the blood but instead begin spreading this very   same beast hood plague all over their awesome  city and it's a complete mess so you are here   now as a hunter the game begins on the night of  the hunt where the beasts that roam the streets   are to be cleaned up so that sounds somewhat  straightforward right not at all you see the   storytelling in this game is kind of based  purely on concepts even on the official wiki   the lore section is broken up into literally  main story concepts think of it like a series   of threads to pick up as you explore and just add  to your knowledge base on each of these things but   the story gets into some seriously incredible and  abstract areas with the moon presence the hunter's   dream slash nightmare the school of mensis and  a fair share of twists and turns i mean this is   stuff that should be experienced and explored  firsthand i really don't want to spoil too much   and even if you have played it already play it  again let's all keep learning about this story   because there's so much here i definitely plan  on making some character studies in my hero and   villain pedia series at some point to explore the  plot of bloodborne even more another huge thematic   tool in this game is the moon it acts as a visual  marker that indicates when you have made some step   of significance in your journey a way to show the  passing of time and your progress being noted you   can think of these world states as representative  of how your character the hunter is being   perceived by the world and its inhabitants at the  beginning of the game it seems to be just getting   dark the hunt is about to begin this is called  the evening phase yharnam citizens can all kind   of be talked to and everything is about as normal  as it will ever be again after defeating father   gascoigne you will have your first transition  of time to sunset and things just start to get a   little more odd progressing further will bring you  to the vikar amelia boss fight a tough landmark   boss for the early game and the fight that will  officially bring you to nightfall certain enemies   now sleep the path to the forest is opened yharnam  citizens begin to succumb to the plague or go a   little cuckoo and patches begins to appear the  final phase is known as the blood moon activated   after defeating rom the spider this is where the  wheels fall off the wagon citizens are toast you   hear crying babies big ol alien dudes and npcs who  need help or saving are out of luck the jig is up   baby you have reached the end game needless to say  i [ __ ] love the moon phases and how they're used   i mean the first time i played it just kind of  blew me away i remember killing rom approaching   some bloody lady and all of a sudden it's like oh  god what have i done any game that makes you feel   your impact on the world gets a big old chunky  thumbs up from me and bloodborne does a wonderful   job of putting your hunter in the driver's seat  it totally feels like you are the force putting   all these things in motion but one of your main  avenues of making sense of things like the souls   games are the npcs speckled throughout the world  to interact with bloodborne is home to some of the   coolest characters that this company has ever  made and the game straight up would not be the   same without them now maybe this is just me but i  find bloodborne to be a depressing as [ __ ] game   in a good way i mean the feeling of melancholy  and dread that hang over the entire game world   is kind of one of the most unique things about it  so when you unexpectedly run into another living   breathing not insane person it's like a sip of  cold blue gatorade on a hot summer's day early   on however you will mostly be interacting with  folks holed up in their homes waiting for the hunt   to be over there are these little lamps on the  ground that indicate you can knock on a door or   call to a window and talk to whoever may be inside  this is where writing and voice acting performance   just do an incredible job to humanize these  citizens i don't reckon you're from around here   well stuck outside on a night of the hunt um i mean some of these interactions become little  story lines that are extremely memorable one of   my favorites in the entire game being probably  the first person you'll interact with gilbert   and central yharnam he helps you out gives  you directions and even a weapon from behind   his barred window but is fighting off some  kind of sickness coughing and whatnot and   as you progress so too does his plague it's a  heartbreaking little storyline well i don't think   i could stand if i wanted to but i'm willing  to help if there's anything that can be done another great one is the little girl who's been  left alone and waiting for her dad to return from   the hunt but oopsie her dad is one of the early  bosses father gascoigne oh thank you my mum was   a red chilled brooch it's so big and beautiful you  won't miss it oh i mustn't forget if you find my   mum you've had this music box but if you can kind  of connect these dots and figure this might be   her father you can play the music box during the  fight and it'll kind of freak him out and stun him   then later she tries to escape so you better kill  the big pig or she gets eaten then you can meet   her sister and try to help them both to safety all  of this without ever seeing their faces i think   this is pretty brilliant writing and interactive  storytelling and it adds a ton to the world   building and makes this feel like a place that not  so long ago was normal but it is quickly declining   other memorable npcs are eileen the crow vaulter  with his incredible helmet alfred willem who put   eyeballs on the inside of his skull and of  course patches who takes on the appearance   of a spider here in bloodborne but if you want  to learn more about him as a character and an   overarching presence throughout all the from  software games check out my villain pedia entry   on him but the point here is so much of the heavy  lifting is done beautifully by the characters   it's always so refreshing to encounter someone  who doesn't want to rip your head off that even   the characters who are dicks are nice to see but  now i want to get right into a meaty part of this   review and talk about combat this is after all  what you're going to be doing most of the time   during gameplay well bloodborne combat is largely  based around three main mechanics dashing rallying   and parrying dashing is the first thing that will  stand out to anyone coming from the souls series   bloodborne is a fast-paced game and i mean very  fast paced where dark souls overall encourages   you to smartly use a shield position yourself  and kind of heft your big ass into battle   bloodborne says hey hit the nitrous let's speed  this dang thing up and you are practically   flying around the game dashing like naruto no  shield necessary baby quite frankly i love the   dash mechanic it feels extremely responsive and  satisfying to like sidestep a big enemy attack and   then hop in their face and give them the business  but i think for me it's really enjoyable to play   this way within a game formula that i already know  and love it feels like from software was willing   to experiment to show their range of understanding  what good gameplay is this was later further   expanded with sekiro and it looks like elden  ring is going to introduce some new stuff too   the rally mechanic though is where things get  really interesting when you take damage here   in bloodborne your health bar will temporarily  show that lost health as orange not yet actually   missing this is an indicator to you that you can  haul your ass back into the fight hit the enemy   in return and regain that missing health now  adding that to the dash mechanic and the speed   of the game overall leads to well maybe the most  badass feeling combat ever you're encouraged to   play with bloodlust reckless abandon riding the  line of risk and reward like the edge of a knife   as many enemy attacks especially early on are  likely to take a huge chunk of your life away   this just adds a level of adrenaline to even the  most basic backtracky gameplay the game has to   offer it feels like there is nowhere to hide and  i love it the final of the three main mechanics   is parrying but unlike dark souls you don't need a  well-timed shield deflection to stagger your enemy   instead how about a nicely timed bullet or reign  a buckshot this is largely the role that firearms   ended up playing in the game and staggering  an enemy at the right time opens them up for   a visceral attack a free window to just deal a [  __ ] ton of damage now who doesn't like that okay   so in short the combat is very good but what is  combat without some tools baby some weaponry and   bloodborne does things a little bit differently in  this regard i would say from software took a bit   of a leap of faith and brought the overall number  of weapons players can use way down from the dark   souls titles dark souls 2 that released just the  year prior or so ended up with 221 total weapon   options in the game i may be off by a few but that  is a huge part of build variety for us the players   right i mean when you've used a ton of the better  or more popular options it's so fun to make some   funky builds explore some of the more awkward and  unique weapons out there i mean that's why they   put him in the game well when bloodborne launched  15 weapons were out there to be obtained 15.   add in the left-handed weapons most of which are  just guns used to stagger your enemies and you are   at the grand total of 23. this was one of the few  disappointments i had back then and i still have   right now today of course the dlc later added on  a healthy amount more bringing the total number   of right-handed weapons to 26 but still a far cry  from the amount of variety i think a lot of people   expected but one key aspect to these weapons that  you have to take into account is that they are all   multifaceted devices not just like a sword they  are trick weapons and each have multiple forms   of use with different move sets attack speeds  damage and so on depending on the form you are in   take for example the threaded cane which doubles  as grandpa's beat stick and a slick whip to attack   enemies from a distance or the kirk hammer which  doubles as a short sword that kind of slams into   the handle of this big hammer now that's quite  a bit of versatility in one weapon so while   the overall number of weapons is indeed low the  creativity in design and fun to be explored is a   very exciting part of the game if you're going in  blind the problem for me just arises when i have   played over like a thousand hours of the game and  feel like i've pretty much used everything i mean   this whole area of the hunter's workshop where  you improve these contraptions what if you could   like break weapons down and combine them take the  whipped function of the threaded cane and kind of   bolt it onto the end of the kerk hammer what if  there was just more customization like that it   would be pretty damn cool and add a lot more build  variety but i would be playing myself and you if   i didn't at least admit that the weapons that are  in the game are [ __ ] awesome i mean the burial   blade the whirly gig saw legarius's wheel the  church pick there's so much creativity and fun man   you really can't go wrong when you reach for any  of these weapons all of them are further improved   and augmented using blood gems socketed items  that you equip on your weapons based on shape and   this adds enough of a progression system to keep  you busy and satisfied through your playthroughs   but who gives a sheesh about that i mean what's  your gosh darn build dude how's your character   gonna be yours character builds as you've probably  gathered by this point are a huge aspect of the   game and your choices will make you more effective  with certain weapons and less so with others   the attributes or stats here are how you hammer  out your choices and you can't even wield certain   items without reaching certain thresholds  the starting class you pick will set you on a   potential path but it doesn't really matter that  much unless you're seriously crunching numbers   the most basic of builds can be focused on  the following stats strength which is rather   self-explanatory big man big weapons then you got  skill which is kind of like dexterity a measure   of elegance and critical damage third is blood  tinge now blood tinge is interesting and mostly   scales with the damage you deal with firearms  but also certain blood damage based weapons   like the chicago and the bloodletter lastly you  have arcane which is like the intelligent stat   i guess you could say more magic ish a stat that  empowers arcane damage and boosts item discovery   but with all those possible pure builds you of  course will combine them i mean strength in arcane   is a ton of fun for me as is skill and blood tinge  and once you're discovering some of those weapons   we've discussed you will almost certainly be  like damn it i want to change my entire build   for this man and of course that's one of the best  things about games like this the sheer amount of   possibilities when you're thinking purely about  a play through and a build i mean i can guarantee   you're gonna want to try everything out there at  some point but once you get comfortable if you're   really trying to min max for pvp or challenge  runs or whatever you can always look into some   of the many online resources for specific builds  because each stat in the game has like soft caps   so you can get really picky and just craft your  perfect character but another thing i like about   this system is that it's pretty hard to straight  up ruin a build your first time through say for   the first 15 levels you're thinking you want to  be a pure 100 strength chad but you have a change   of heart when you find the rifle spear i mean  you want to change your build go ahead man oh   baby maybe you won't be maximizing your damage  but the game is absolutely beatable with a bit   of a bunk build it almost feels like that glorious  depth and experimentation of character building is   totally optional which i think is just fine though  it is worth noting and this is a biggie that this   game features no way to respect your character  some people just hate this they get so angry and   i kind of get it but listen i'm a nut job i enjoy  starting new characters for the sole purpose of   trying out a whole new build on a new adventure  and that character being emblematic of that build   but that's just me one other kind of side stat i  wanted to mention here though is insight insight   is really really cool and plays a huge role in the  game but this isn't a stat you have to invest in   as far as a character build everyone gets insight  think of it as like your lovecraftian horror woco   meter how much you have represents the amount of  inhumane knowledge you have acquired by exploring   the game and revealing some of the cosmic truths  to be found insight can be gained in several ways   killing bosses uncovering certain areas  helping other players kill bosses consuming   madman's knowledge killing another player and just  around the world there are even some horrifying   enemies in this game that steal insight from you  permanently having more insight is kind of like   a ladder of weirdness once you get your first the  doll in the hunter's dream home base area comes to   life and helps you level up as well as a few other  minor things at 15 insight certain enemies in the   world become a bit stronger at 40 amygdala big  cosmic dudes are now visible in the cathedral ward   area and a new song will play in the hunter's  dream eventually at 60 insight you can hear the   faint crying of a baby this is yet another aspect  of bloodborne that perfectly marries functionality   and flavor because insight is also the currency  you spend to summon other players to your world   if you need help just the way the game blends  so many concepts with the game world is really   impressive to me so okay you got your build you  got your weapons but who you gonna use all these   fancy tricks on i mean who's gonna catch these  hunter hands worry not my friend for bloodborne   is home to a bunch of humongous [ __ ] enemies  and frustrating but incredibly designed bosses   the variation in enemies though is something that  really impressed me on my first playthrough the   game hood winked the hell out of me thinking okay  got a big wolf man it'll probably progress to an   even bigger wolf man maybe some wolf women maybe  some wolf kids maybe even a bear i don't know but   before you know it you're fighting the big pale  church guys then the snakehead staggery guys then   the little blue homies and these horrible things  and it's like okay you got me i have no idea what   to expect at all and that is a great feeling  some of the even more basic enemies are really   tough to get a handle on too i mean i bet that  bigger black wolf creature in the first part of   yharnam has the highest kill count of players of  anything in the game the speed i mentioned earlier   has to be matched exceeded or thrown off by your  enemies to keep the difficulty and pacing correct   so some of these encounters end up having your  head spinning a few times before you can conquer   them it's great then there are the bosses  oh yeah baby the main attraction every fight   is incredibly unique appropriate for the area and  for the most part very hard some are difficult and   fair fights that make you work for it and once you  kill the boss you almost want to bow and respect   others are hot dog water dooky poop crap like  rom the spider and they're only tough because   you have to kill a [ __ ] ton of spiders then  you get the ones where you want to squat on   their grave the moment the fight concludes so  obnoxious and rabid in their difficulty that   victory when finally achieved helps you attain a  state of euphoria even fedora man has not reached   then you have the actual scumbags dick [ __ ]  bastards that deserve to stub their toe every time   they get up to do anything at home but these are  the most incredible fights the game has to offer   the orphan and lawrence mostly come to mind  for me here i mean holy smokes boys these   fights made me grow a beard and turned it gray  all at the same time but something that you   probably already know is that you can never  predict what bosses you're going to struggle   with in these games i mean going into it a buddy  of mine was ahead of me and he warned me about   martyr lagarius up at cainhurst castle so by  the time i get there i'm shaking in my boots   i expected serious punishment and a steep learning  curve but i walked right in and kicked his ass   this very same friend of mine destroyed ludwig  first try and i think i lost like three days of   my life trying to beat him i think that's the  beauty of bloodborne the combat and weapons   and toolkit given to the player is so dynamic it  allows each person playing to really be themselves   and adapt as corny as that sounds it doesn't force  you to play a certain way or force you to use a   certain weapon or strategy so naturally everyone  plays the game and struggles in their own way   but the most underrated aspect of the bosses to  me is the emotional resonance and narrative impact   they can have on you i mean once you're piecing  things together plot wise coming in contact with   ludwig maria and many others gives you that  oh [ __ ] moment and it feels really easy to   connect with the narrative through the bosses it's  a really powerful thing to me as someone who loves   story but this is also done really well  through two other important avenues for   any masterpiece art style and music bloodborne  overall i would say is a dark game visually i mean   most places you look black brown gray blood red  these are the palettes you're spending several   dozen hours surrounded by so it's really up to  detail and style of the game world enemies armor   sets environments and so on to stand out and give  you a cohesive piece of fantasy world that's still   enjoyable to explore i think a huge strength  here is that the developers seemed to lean into   the fact that this would be a terrifying place  to actually visit i mean many locations border   on horror game levels of dramatic lighting set  pieces and design from the darkest of interiors   to blood moon lit exteriors the art direction of  the game is utterly incredible to me a high water   mark for from software for sure then when the  game starts popping off into eldritch horrors and   cosmic entities the execution of artistic ideas is  spectacular i mean the contrast of themes visually   and narratively are just done so well it's crazy  and it makes me that much more excited for maybe   someday a potential bloodborne too because quite  frankly i cannot get enough of this right here   meanwhile the music creates one hell of  a haunting tone and adds to that sort of   melancholy depressing feeling i mentioned earlier  there's also of course the hyperactive boss themes   to really make you feel like your house is on  fire the entire time and keep you on the edge   of your seat there's just really good stuff  here audio and visuals overall are incredible   then little details like getting covered in blood  as you fight through enemies and the ghastly glow   of the little lamps i mean ah it's just so good  and like halloweeny and i like it so now i want   to talk about some of the like extra stuff you  could say and let's start with chalice dungeons   if there is one aspect of bloodborne that  i guess you could say is polarizing it's   definitely chalice dungeons now remember earlier  when talking about the plot we learned about the   thumerians and the city under yharnam well here  my good man is your chance to go spelunking but   this isn't just a normal game area that you kind  of discover and make your way through like normal   no siree these are sort of a separate game mode  altogether naturally you will come across chalices   out in the world and combining them along with  special materials will grant you access to one   of these tombs it's almost like a dungeon crawler  with enemies bosses and items set out in a linear   mini level full of traps and dangers for you to  traverse with a boss waiting for you at the end   but it's also a lot more than that because once  you beat that boss you go to the next layer or   floor kind of it always reminded me a lot of  binding of isaac and other roguelike games   there are a total of 35 named chalice dungeons  to enter i believe maybe even more with different   themes areas enemy types and bosses the base  dungeons are set but the root dungeons are   randomly generated and it's really cool that they  did that because that random factor will make you   see some weird [ __ ] like bosses walking around  like normal enemies it's a ton of fun now there is   a load of information on these around the wiki and  on youtube so i'm going to save my breath here but   they are obviously something that from software  was really passionate about being a part of the   bloodborne experience this is a great way to get  good loot farm blood echoes do some pvp level up   and just generally play more bloodborne so overall  i do really like them they add a ton of just free   replayability to the game where if you're someone  who likes the combat the gameplay loop and also   enjoys kind of grinding and dungeon crawling i  mean this is like cocaine you will love it however   i understand the negative feelings towards  them first off they are a little confusing   at first and it seems like this really important  thing to do the way it's presented and how often   you come across relevant materials and whatnot  but it's actually for the most part completely and   totally optional i mean you can play through the  entire main game and never even bother it's also   well a little samey at times and especially at the  beginning i mean the nature of it being kind of   randomly generated you see the same tile sets and  the same enemies for long stretches of progress   and i know personally a couple friends who just  never felt inclined because of that initial wall   just dark dungeon repeating the [ __ ] casuals  so perhaps the system could do with a little   more explaining and clarity but hey this is  from software man they hardly tell you how to   use the controller player versus player action  is something that you also should always expect   going into a game like this invasions are some  of the most fun i have ever had in any game back   with dark souls 1 and 2 and i fully expected  to have that same itch scratched by bloodborne   now some of this critique i'm about to share might  not stand the test of time and i am okay with that   i spent the bulk of my time with the game when it  launched and shortly after the dlc what i mean to   say is when the population was probably peaking so  things may very well have changed by now or if the   game is re-released in the future things could  be different but back in the good old days it   was extremely easy and common to hop in and get  invaded or invade someone else i mean i think i   have probably experienced a couple hundred hours  of just pure pvp and i had a ton of fun kind of   now if there was one good way to describe it i  would call the flow of an average fight here in   bloodborne sloppy that fast-paced combat i raved  about for so long is of course still present here   in pvp but when you have two players that can run  around wildly like naruto it can begin to border   on goof also the other mechanic i love so much  rally can lead to a [ __ ] ton of just straight up   spamming and pvp to keep your hp up over your  enemies then dash away blood vial dash back   in try to get your range and it's like an anime  straight up that's the other issue the blood vials   healing in bloodborne is quick you aren't stopping  to take a sip of juice and getting stuck in an   animation you're just kind of injecting your leg  and you can do this even while moving so it's yet   another thing to spam when you're in trouble in  a fight i think you see what i mean here the lack   of deliberate movement in the average encounter  makes it feel less like a duel and more like a   race or a mario party mini game where you just  mash one button over and over again however if   by some chance you find an honorable opponent  some other galaxy brain gamer like yourself who   appreciates the subtlety of combat the strategy  the honor and grace you can potentially have some   of the most incredible nail-biting cinematic and  fun one-on-one fights in any video game like ever   from my experience this got better as the player  base got smaller and more dedicated i mean hell i   bet if you went online today you would find some  people who just love the game and want to duel   at least at a higher rate than back when the game  first came out although caveat as those guys are   probably so good you're gonna get your ass beat  but hey that's life another small gripe here with   all player interaction is that they've actually  done away with summoning signs for bloodborne   instead you just kind of have to ring a bell and  pray the lack of convenience is definitely felt   when compared to even 2009's demon souls so that's  just kind of a head scratcher to me i don't know   why they did that so overall i might feel slightly  let down by the pvp scene looking back on all of   my hours of experiences but with all these new  systems it was probably silly of me to expect   the thing that i had already done in other games  and i can absolutely appreciate what bloodborne   has to offer here i guess i just wish i had more  good memories as opposed to annoying ones and i   sadly have one more gripe with this near perfect  game but it has nothing to do with design or   gameplay or anything like that it is the god damn  performance holy smokes boys this game runs like   hot swamp booty entering certain areas will just  tank your fps for a couple seconds and i have even   had issues with in certain boss fights i mean this  is a game where every frame of movement every inch   matters so it's really frustrating to me that  issues like this made it into the final launch   but wait aha the game is now playable on ps5  the beefiest beefcake console i have ever owned   so surely we can finally play at 60fps 4k all  the good stuff ah well at least thank god the   stuttering issues are completely gone here however  even on ps5 it is locked to a stinky 30 frames per   second now maybe i'm a snob but how can you blame  me so many console games and pc games alike are   expected to run at 60fps these days even at the  time bloodborne felt a bit jarring to get used   to i mean going from the demon souls remake  back to bloodborne feels something like this okay i'm probably being a little dramatic sure  but hey it's my right to be dramatic okay i'm   a man on the internet with a youtube channel you  can't stop me all of these technical issues were   well documented even at the time but just kind of  put an unnecessary grainy filter over an absolute   masterpiece finding negatives in bloodborne is  kind of like pointing out the faults in your best   best friend you know they have them but you love  the dude so much you honestly forget i mean it's   a tired cliche but no game is perfect right except  for kotor but every single game even the ones that   really fulfill and satisfy us have a few things  about them we wish we could change right i mean   it's the nature of the medium and person to person  opinion will vary on most of these issues anyway   outside of the performance stuff i think  bloodborne is a game so large in scale effort   and accomplishment it can be difficult to talk  about in general terms there's just so much here   i mean the lore alone is something i really want  to dig into it has entire corners of this website   dedicated to it all the bosses characters  areas the enemies obviously i could go on   and i probably will in other videos but the title  of this video is we don't deserve bloodborne and   i think that's my overall feel about the game we  were already given demon souls dark souls 1 dark   souls 2 and then later 3 and bloodborne just kind  of sitting there in the middle quietly possibly   the best game out of all of them but each has its  strengths i know i just don't know what we the   people did to deserve this one-off project this  weird dark experiment this cinematic horrifying   thought-provoking rage-inducing experience it  almost feels too good to be true and yet here   the damn thing is now this might sound weird but  i almost don't want a sequel or any more than   what we already have except a 60fps patch maybe i  think bloodborne is a testament to the incredible   games that companies we love can provide when  they are able to disconnect from the established   series and try something new not held back in  any way by expectation or stroking the fandom   i mean later on sekiro did something very similar  it went where no souls game had gone before and   that is also an incredible game we can only  hope that elden ring is the best one yet   and i guess now that dark souls has  kind of concluded with dark souls 3   everything from software gives us from here on out  could be a bloodborne now that makes me excited   so as we do in these reviews my friends we  have to plug it into the old opinion-o-matic   and come to some sort of verdict this is easy  for me bloodborne is granted the score by the   powers invested in me of a 94. minor  issues i have with weapon selection pvp   performance and so on just honestly can't weigh  down the game that much i walk away forgetting   about all of those things i don't like with my  head spinning and my jaw practically on the floor   i know we all see those crappy lists that go  around the internet like top 10 games you must   play before you die and so on and i always  see dark souls included rightfully so but i   with confidence and gusto consider bloodborne  also a top 10 must play video game for anyone   who is even remotely interested i can promise  you personally you will not be disappointed so that wraps up the first review of 2022 pretty  fun man to look back on some of these games that   i love and i have many more in the pipeline  that i would love to make but as always drop   a comment below what do you think of bloodborne  what other games would you like to see reviewed   what do you order when you get a deli sandwich  i also think i want to try to make some reviews   that are more critical i mean i've made  three reviews about games that i [ __ ] love   so how about some stinkers comment down  below what you think i should look at   thanks everyone so much for  watching and listening to the end   as always it means a ton and i will see  you all very soon until next time peace
Channel: Ghostcharm
Views: 598,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, review
Id: lWa-cHAmiDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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