The Mother Locked Her Children Inside-Hidden In The Mountains Abandoned Time Capsule EVERYTHING LEFT

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I find this the most bizarre story yet the house that the woman and the couple had two children but they left the children's room exactly how they left it when they never return back after their mother passed why deep in the countryside of Ireland lies this little house that looks sweet on the outside but it has a Sinister feel on the inside so she was so religious but after her husband's death she believed the house was cursed she used to lock her children away right up into their teens full story at the end of the video got to say it is that time again what time is it Country Roads Take me home that'd be funny you singing that on the song so you love when you arrive at a set of gate dude it locked get in he ain't got a key got the key that's a bungee right out so that I've managed to grab the two guy they're doing abandoned exploring today I know you nor we do Andrew what we got you at abandoned exploring today I know I'm not normally up at this time so this place calling the thing had uh I don't know if it was this had like a PO activity here again straight in the back door of this little property and yeah according to uh anyone we spoke to on this place it had some kind of polar VI and it's not even going a whole paranormal thing but she was that adamant that there was something here they got prested in there they she put crosses around the house and stuff so hopefully we're going to see that but already you can see the decay in this place and I'm joined today with proven demons and exploring my Firs I'm going to say it down you already know but and here they are do I already know no I come in I said I'm join with proving demons and exploring with fires and I said you already know look at this look how nice is all carved hand carved I wouldn't touch it though cuz I think that's that is about to fall over it is look at it all the way it's all leaning dude you realize this is not even a fire this is just so off the arer that's what I thought yeah yeah I've been in one like this before that's just the amount of s in here oh what's that on top of there oh no so familiar like a cow something it just proves how much carbon oxide this woman or was breathing in there yeah t Club card look at that it's just s oh that's good saving money there well you never know you might be able to use it now might be like Bank you might interest on the points points here I can't believe this is just Su from that the B that is actually really bad dude it's probably a mixture of so and heavy smoking and in my van I got two little carbon oxide breeding and might living in here I worry about my little fan it does go check for yourself go he's just like whoa tell me what you think of in that room get ready for it we'll come back to you explore in seconds oh the dog I thought it was a real dog in here for a second it made me jump was it can't jump my for seriously it looks real as hell doesn't it for a quick look I see I just went in there I thought there was a dog just chilling in there and you imagine if she would sat there and I was still yeah so I shut the light on yeah look at this unit wow I want know like that literally is one piece of wood C to make that shape there got the whole draw FR I is a BMW yeah oh little X5 I just sold one of them I mean this is a least of the worry yeah stop worrying about the leak a real time capsule now I've definitely lived the Nokia 51 life I don't know 51 is it that is interchangeable aerial i d said it is a 5110 well it looks like a 5110 so that's what I said I thought it was a 5110 I this is the first phone I ever had take the battery off AC have a look what it is but it is if it's not it's the one Andrew see if you can pull that apart but I I have I had one of these no what it's a Nokia type nse3 andx model 6110 okay so it's a one up it's a one up from 51 but it's same shape though isn't it very on mine I changed my area I bought an for for a flashing One Market you remember the thing with that where it was on the news where people were changing the area saying that it admits more radioactive but I I remember oh oh oh got a visitor there's a cat holy crap the cat's like no one's been there for 10 years yeah do you remember um it used to flash for about 2 or 3 seconds before you got a call look at all this young people these days all the struggles we had even getting ringtones having to you remember in the magazine at the back it' be like three pound a t m c just to get the Miss Impossible theme tune as your R see when's the last time you've seen one of these a a phone uh number book Diary yeah phone diary so long I don't not recognize this guy Hollywood Paul Newman Irish blessings you see everything still there that if ever I'm a moneyed man I mean please God to cast my golden anchor in the place where youthful years were pass though heads that bow are black and brown must meanwhile gather gray new faces Rise by every heur and old ones drop away this is definitely like an old person's house you know us to cut bits of card up just to keep for uh stuff W look at all the old knitting little thing it's just one room they were really really religious these people yeah I've seen crosses everywhere as well yeah very religious I'm going to double check on this but I'm sure this is the place they said that she was so frightened like with some with some activity that used to be here well so you believe this place is H or it was haunted imagine coming home like now we got to stick the coal in get ready for cooking hold on guys I found something weird so it's James bom no it's not that's the thing this is a mock on the golden eye cover but it's Mickey eye party the Christmas Mickey eye so it's it's a it's an invitation to a golden ey7 themed party that's kind of cool that's probably why the Flames look the ceiling in it they've had it in here oh no behind it there's another that actually is it's got Pierce BR just pictures of pierce Brin on it that's weird what is that a bhe headed monk dud there there your teeth there Andrew oh yeah they fell out earli regular ones wait a minute that's a bone is it yeah that's a bone I don't know what animal that is why would you keep your bone on the dresser it's a vertebrate of some kind why' you have that in the house stuff everywhere look at these old suitcases what's this Miss oh Bine or something wow look at those this is hug this place this is what Andrew jumped for the dog and uh yeah I actually totally forgot to mention as well so today we're filming this on St Patrick's Day um so yeah happy St Patrick's Day anyone on Ireland that sees this video but yeah look at the decay in this room the literally wallpaper is falling off the ceiling the dress is flung open and it's like lettuce there's like lettuce still on the side here so I'm seeing old family photos here probably the couple that grew up here obviously lived their life or their daughter and son on maybe grandkids a look at these old F fact it's actually called a Data Fax is 2004 it gives us yeah I mean 2005 2006 07 so 2007 is the last time this was written trying to have a little read or something the handwriting is so small it's really hard to read I'm not I'm actually struggling to read this look at this Old Clock here how old that is I think it should be on display there picture of a couple of kids there little Bambi my what this hubc cap is this it's an actual old little marble game or something oh the floor's all Bo in it's bad isn't it standing at the front door this Bungalow what an incredible place it's around about 17 years abandoned and it's not just that it's the whole vibe of this place so there was the couple that live there um by looks of it he died first and she believed the house was possessed or something was going on here and uh there's a lot of religious stuff around everywhere look at this old 7s kind of front door here now you right that's oh that give something an art take you're walking out of there oh look at this room dude here got the rose there's crosses everywhere it's a really nice one there this is definitely a very very religious house look at the little duck the little chicken RAB the little duckling and rabbit and here this is a really thick even the glasses here so I'm going to have a look at her name on it it's a it's a Miss C you can see just I mean you see I haven't opened them up but literally the cupboards are full of everything Left Behind it's a really old um it's an old braid radio there Here Andrew yeah you got your next radio here for your uh radio it doesn't turn on though does it no manual I was just reading catching up on a the issued of Intimate Secrets what's the date on that uh it's a good question I just love these titles daddy there August August at some point Daddy and Auntie were taking a nap together what the hell how well do you know a man's body I thought these were religious people s all the clothes that little bead PS sitting on their little jacket I just can't get over how how why this has been left for so long why is nothing done with done nothing with it see a little jacket hanging on the door look at this so sad when you see all the memories left just people's life rotting away cuz this place is literally decaying so bad that's a thing you don't want to walk over everyone's stuff either you kind of just working your way around if these magazines this is July 1991 I was 10 year old no wasn't correction I was born in 83 so I was actually seveny old yeah got to think again sunglasses Franky Lane just want to climb over there stuff you can imagine how cold these places would have been as well having a little fire in each room look at the welding glasses it's just literally everything in here there's another another toy car here and how cool is that it's made by Tonka oh that is actually really cool she really like that really good another old book there what's this one Robinson cruso shut up even like a Parcels that look like they've never been sent off guys look how old this book is the Blue Fairy book I'm just putting my Intimate Secrets back over here oh yeah you finished finished with it oh that is nice this in the wallpaper in here very uh oh I meant the BR very religious I like that wallpaper little duck and rubbit into the dining room well I'm going to say this is like a dining room see the white there of the mold on the wallpapers oh you can seal the flooring as well the whole flooring is behind me just through the door there as literally you can see it's collapsing through there some like puffet there falling down I mean look at the wardrobes they're literally leaning over so many memories just left behind this is the picture I see in the other room as well without trying to open the drawers you can see everything is still here i' like to try and shut them up really oh I remember these like the heat from the candles make them [Applause] rotate wow guys look at all this it's a shame if someone has been in there I've opened everything up and just chucked it everywhere but this place really is a true Time Capsule and I've got this thing about Teddy Bears I hate seeing them get chucked away or just sitting there rotting away Dan yeah do you remember these oh yeah I do remember yeah do you remember you used to get the small ones in in cereal did you use to CL trolls cuz I did I had loads of them yeah well you remember the pencil Toppers you get yeah yeah actually bought a bag of um of mixed cereal toys only last month at home yeah cuz it came from the '90s Yeah Yeah from the '90s right so you remember some of these so there was some Goosebumps uh pogs that came with him there was um you know remember the movie The Man yeah pencil Toppers of the Mask you manag to with them I do remember it was like the green head with a tongue yeah that's the one yeah yeah I got that one and dog also there was uh Star Wars um the phantom menace like these little plastic things holographic sticker on them what Jedi it was what was the rber like monster things like they in the seral all I can't remember these wrestlers these small wrestlers I can't they were called as well um you I wouldn't have been an auction for like9 for like a plastic bag full of them oh that was worth it yeah I just went through them all I sat there for like two hours looking him on my bed me and my brother used to fight over him not fight but we'd be like oh he had it last time yeah me and James used to do the same it was and it got to the point where we were allowed to pour pour on cereal my dad had to pour it and we both sat there like looking at the cereal to see who got the the prize and I saw that weird know I think maybe he was like a the owner that lived here like a priest I thought it's either the owner or is it quite a common thing to have a photo of Lo priest in your house yeah true oh that is the original picture dude oh you've been in there a't you yeah but yeah love seeing you look at the old wedding photos and there yeah is the same couple so these two here were the two that grew up here and this I would say this pitch is around about the six early 60s I would say look how beautiful that is so again she is the lady there getting married so yeah we're kind of putting the puzzle together we should put the Hat on today for St Patrick's Day I never just it's probably why she's got oops it's probably why she's got the green hat in there and sometimes I get comments guys and like it does get to me when they say you go in people's hours as you pull drawers open as you can see stuff's open I've closed them back up and sometimes you have to kind of look into something to kind of build the life of the family you're trying to explore and again look it's another picture there and you can see how cluttered it feels in here like the way everything's been pushed together there's a wardrobe in the D room there's a Cod over there chair look at these These Old heaters and I believe a lot of these were banned or they discontinued him because over were chucking off carbon monoxide but looking in the room in the other room I don't think that was a problem how black that was what is all this yeah I found something quite interesting it's like a book all tied up in a bag here we go I just thought you might want this in video yeah I thought I thought it was kind of neat what I found all right so old school remedies right you got you got an ailment you got PMS TFE guess what we'll treat that um I can't read her handwriting on that one I struggle with a hand water something but if you have um an upset stomach a banana peel apparently banana peel settle an upset stomach and uh can cure morning sickness but how do you how do you insert a banana peel is it by now yeah but what do you do with a banana peel would you chop it out cook it it or youat yeah take a banana peel up stach right what else um apparently they have the cure for clogged arteries mono soda fat some kind of animal fat and that's unclogs arteries lung cancer Cur for lung cancer right here okay wow a good preventative is let what the can you read this I can't read a word this is saying it's literally a cure for lung cancer and I can't understand a word lenal Lal something yeah I need to a picture of that two vitamin A day I I don't know that's the thing what is the point of having the cure to everything in the world H that's why we not cancer yet damn it because we can't read the [ __ ] instructions Cold clean clean up the stuffy head that's garlic Okay C garlic garlic okay so these are like proper like Southern Irish like so these are very old like old wash or whatever call it the old uh old remedies honey apparently sorts insomnia might it that's okay so crazy though it is like stepping back in time through the life of someone everything they've built up created collected everything they loved hold on to treasured one day gets left behind and it's so sad crazy electric where's where's that list of the remedies I want to have a look at it oh here it hey look at that a book I just found when my father was born 1963 and it's the AAA or the AA I don't know if they call it AAA or aa oh it is AA membership this is so cool and a lot of these old badges used to be on the front of old cars or they do put them on there this is so cool look at this a cough a substance cough syrup is found in a hot it's really hard and red hot peppers a good lentil yeah I can't even read this too I know you literally are holding for long cancer in your hand I'm holding everything yeah I'm now a doctor so if you literally came to my uh practice I'd just say yeah you go have some red peppers and your practice I would ask for a female nurse not you I seen eat a burger another time um I was actually having a job interview eating a Burgery was the manager of an off office at one point are you actually on pornland bro yes oh my God sh that door right um so no I think you guys actually show me once I just was extra yeah that's the worst thing you he never got he never got anything out of it other than a McDonald's right guys I don't know if Dave's going to keep this in there but he should come on but let's just say that josh called me up one time right pants around his ankles he's like you tell me this is not [ __ ] Dave I was like go send it me sent me a link and a Tim stamp and I'm like wait a minute does look like Dave oh wait a minute Nintendo tattoos that is Dave what the hell is Dave doing on the hob eating a burger right so so so then we only just done a road trip with Dave we don't just recently met him so then Dave Josh accidentally sends the link to Dave and he's like [ __ ] I said it to Dave so he blocks Dave on Facebook thinking he won't receive the link but I'm like no now he's going to receive the link yeah he's going to see that you sent a link see that you blocked him and think you're really upset cuz he's having a burger on the hug how much should they pay for the really read under my Mas um right so the actual story okay I got asked to uh participate in a office extra and um yeah my friend never told me exactly what it was and I went out there and she went oh it is a porn shoot and I went been a porn Sho you don't have to do nothing I walked in a room to get changed everyone was naked in there everyone was naked and I to see a burger and then my role was I had to put the girl off so she didn't want to that was the best thing he wasn't just eating a burger he was stuffing it down his face and his girls looking him more disgusting yeah so put her off to eat it so I looked like an animal so she' give me this rough look disgusted so she could go off with someone else that was my role you you got turn oh bro you're I hope you keep this in cuz it was brilliant yeah keep that in there that's too funny this so yeah this will be in the video there you go yeah who gets turned down in a poem film me oh dudee you can repeat it look at this so on a serious note back into the house look at that spider he's even molded but yeah back into here back into the story of this place sorry about that guys don't judge me pass is still here look at the way the dominoes have been laid out do you know what the best thing is is seeing the photos of this family and again just in the little hle back here religious I love the way they've done the brick wallpaper as well to kind of make it I don't know maybe feel like a and into one of the bedrooms look at this room the rot the decay in here it's so bad every ceiling looks like it's going to fall down little key there probably the bedroom key probably just yeah I was going to say every room as well it's got a lock on every room literally you lock that door lock this door I mean was it unsafe in this time or were they locking himself away from something I don't know again just over there you can see religious stuff everywhere and on the side there and again it's just women's clothes everywhere look at the drink in that bottle I love the game up there look blockade dentist and you know what I love look at that the old boxes I kind of want to get them down but I don't really want to mess about too much look all the belts I mean look at these oh look at that everything's been strapped together again I don't want anything to fall on me can't even work out of magic marketing just going to leave that there as it I'm not going to put it straight back look at the old belt and string right around the old games just like I don't know something like my grand would have done my great grand so I know was like a lose something I lost my grand Grandma my nan sorry 2013 February um yeah and I miss her every day so coming to places like this um yeah it must be hard especially you I've got some you lose some you know you have to come and clear your loved On's house look at it all just notice every door's got a lock on it even here is a bolt and a lock strange he let in the kitchen so coming back around this way yeah so another thing the Son and the daughters obviously we've been told never came back to this place why didn't they come back to clear their mother's things what happened you know why and such a religious family and here I am the greatest it's like some little vampire doll in a religious house it's so bizarre look you got a little kitchen sink in this little room here going into there you got the ARA and the cooker this side which was just here actually I just want to pin this around here actually and look a gas bottle there the LPG tank collected them magnets as they gone around they've been a Holland been a Belgium definitely two places I've been not been a New York and I definitely need to go to America the Shirley Temple stamp magnet there football and you see this a lot I see this a lot in Old like an older person's house where they never throw nothing away their cup is literally that stained of tea stains over the years just you feel how greasy this floor is even after these years just going to head back through to this bit now I'm shocked the size of this place yeah I think this is some old Irish currency in the is there yeah new dude look how deay that is yeah know do you do you remember what it's called the old Irish currency Seline Seline so Ling's room so this probably the daughter's room do you remember what the Irish currency was oh no and jul did tell me as well it's in there want show a light real quick so there's these pieces so there is there's there's 20 P's in there but is an old pound coin is there yeah it is yeah that's an old pound coin I miss I miss them us the the old block I know I miss the old pound you know when you f your grandad or your n come over and say go this shop and you remember that like they give you that pound and that was the gold one yeah did you ever call it the gold one no I call the tree ones and if my grand had offered me A5 note or that I'd always take the gold one until you got older you realized that that's Irish all right 1993 yes it was the early 2000s itang so if anyone in the comments knows what old Irish uh money was called yeah let us know he think it's weird that every room is lock got a door lock every door it's got a bolt or a lock in the side the house feels a little bit more weird definitely is VI everywhere Jesus there yeah feel that horrible that that's like one of those pin dolls rings and everything on here and that one of them dolls that you pin this costume jewelry but yeah was this Uncle even asked to cut right onto the bed Uncle Larry Club it's do you don't you not think like the old ladies left the room exactly how our daughter left it sock still on the radiator a teddy bear stickers everything's left according to this calendar was last in 1998 1998 I did find a diary up 2006 oh was an old 50b 2007 sorry at that the old 50b what it was like that when I found it oh no it's not a 50p it's old Irish curreny oh it's 50p but it's a summit food unless it was an early Northern Island 50p no it's doubling it says dou it says doubling yeah yeah it is I never seen that no 1,000 doublin 1988 that's nice man lot the old harp on the back as well yeah oh that's what the Irish money was called I think that what was it is it ero or I don't know see look the old calendar next to the bed jewelry everywhere in this room and as we move around to the dresser you can see here just little jewelry box necklaces look at the old phone Panasonic and guys if anyone says this hasn't been abandoned long enough look at this cobwebs I'm touching everything with my hands I know going get in trouble but I do have a mask on you can see here look not going through their stuff doors already open little necklaces everywhere try I can't even shut that up look at this guys I did not break that it's that decayed it's R it's literally SE solid no I'm going to leave it alone don't touch it all this strap not the change left there some Irish money and some uh English money in there I see there we got like a it's that little hot water bowl oh wow guys check this out now I absolutely love this that is so cool you see a l pictures here old cards and stuff good luck again a lot of religious stuff and the cat calendar on the wall this is maybe the last time the daughter was living here and that was in 1998 right next to the bed here and all there's another another little thing here I think oops what is that not even sure there's not even no markings on it or anything I don't think it's silver or nothing but it's got a lot of weight to it I don't want to open I don't even know if it opens but no I can't see any kind of marking on there at all look at that is that a chicken oh it's a frog yeah it's all like costume jewelry but really really pretty as well like these were on the bed I'm probably going to get M up put them in here but let's put it all in there all back in the uh pops and here the little necklace I put that back there you can see loads of old letters in there as well I'm going to try and have a little read actually no this is a Sharon card [Applause] there happy birthday to Sharon from Seline have a good time behave yourself best wishes let's put that back in there look at L guys it is so dusty in this place so out of cing room into the bathroom look at the cobwebs here they've even labeled each room as well you can see no one's walked over to that toilet in a long time so into Patrick's bedroom so the Sun and again this is exactly what I said in the other part of the video that she has left her son's room exactly how he left it pictures of him when he was a child look at the old casset player set there the slippers there folding in half there a pile of washing not even put back in the cupboard Thursday the 2nd of March and the moths have been at the curtains I can't even get into there I'm not going to force it open you see his uh leather jacket and still hanging up there in the old looks the old 80s definitely their jumpers this looks very short this bed or is it just me guys you know I love places like this proper little time capsules the DOR milk bag and again instead of ever having the leak fixed just buckets left everywhere pangles of glass painted just feels so tight you imagine being in this room you can hear like there's no roof it's literally water dripping on me I'm standing here coming through all the time if this place isn't safe soon it's just going to fall down the rub cubes it's like a old toy of an old Sky uh I can't F what that called the original it's CBE so climbing out of yeah do [ __ ] it's a whole whole separate building what's a mid ass oh check this out oh wow loving this look at this the old radio and stuff Riding High love the mo the poster there the plane literally hanging in the sky hanging up we' got an old lamp here it's all business and finance are definitely definely the area she would have worked probably run a little business in here this is really cool though cu the radio two in one oil definitely look at the old toys wind up TOS wow proper Workshop you see the ceiling Bowing in here so much and this takes me back as being a child so much cuz every time I went to my n and Grands I always asking after keys to the shed and it was like used to rap through my granda's stuff of car bits car books everything I used to love playing with the old toys getting the old battleships out so this is basically cuz a bungalow there's no attic so it looks like they've stored all the like the childhood memories you can see that little Wellies stuff they've collected look at the old bike love these I think they're like the old tea chest or something and here this would have been like your bathtub in the garden years ago oh look at the old wheel barer Kitty's little barrier barer there so a Christmas present there not even fully unwrapped it's just crazy just don't get over why the family never came back or you know why they left this [Applause] place there so much ground so you can see another shed here another out of building but look under here again two old bikes sorry Mark if you see this video it's definitely not a chopper bike here look at the ground on this this is all to this Bungalow it's probably like a little Old Farm years ago you see this one's just in better days unfortunately guys and girls this is how the house is going to be in probably later on it's just going to collapse I see an old battery there old chrome bumpers and just looking back now you can see the old house sitting there so I think we're going to head out managed to cover everything over here prickles this shed here I don't know why it's been barricaded in let's have a look in there it's probably some booby trap guys this is the thing as well when you're exploring you never know what you're going to walk into or who could literally turn up any moment look at that old box here there's so much stuff left in this place excites me old claw Hammer love this so they've even bought everywhere in this place is religion even in the out of buildings Jesus is still protecting over them but yeah what a cool find what a cool find so Julie lck LZ herex if you see this thank you so much sweet um but anyway let's get back film the last bit of the Bungalow and that's it guys outside's another art building the ceiling collapsed in so much here so much Decay this place is so bad so ladies and gents welcome back and uh as you probably realized there was no intro to the video apart from what I'm doing now I've got the sun in my eyes thanks for that um but I wanted to find out a little bit more on this place and what the hell was going on it was the locked doors there was a lot of things that bothered me about the place and half the house felt completely Sinister where the other side felt more homely and that's what I kind of didn't get that the kids' rooms were completely Stood Still from the late '90s so why why did she keep Seline and Patrick's room under touched well the more we investigated into this place was the fact that she fall after her husband died that the house was possessed that she was speaking to stuff that wasn't there having conversations dinner with her husband that was no longer around sorry about my cat you don't want to be seeing that end anyway cats you can see this end um yes so she was having dinner with someone that's not there anymore and there was a lot more question to ask so she pulled the kids from school she homed them very very religious woman but the kids became like prisoners in her own house and apparently when they were in their late teens they both left and never returned back to their family home and after the mother was found dead in the house the house still sits like a complete Time Capsule and we're talking 2008 so what we talking 16 years on the place still sits as if she was still there crazy but hopefully you enjoyed the video guys and girls absolutely love all the respect and the love that you've all shown me all ask 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Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 78,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I8vCKHlF978
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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