Abandoned House With Antiques, Fire Engines & Classic Cars! Insane Exploration!

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so we're on the way to the first house look at this the brand new trainers are for look at them at this point I've just given up trying to keep me feet dry walk through the puddles there I'm a trainer again yeah bastard not a quick M but there it is there is the building me trainers are identifying as well as an old JCB sh got to be quiet now wow look at that mental old Citron is a button to higher and lower the suspension the boat that'll be good for Stafford Beamer look at that that's crazy in it lovely interior don't know what BMW it is check if it's taxed an mat I doubt it tell they weigh a ton they do so we've got to look out for the cameras as well yeah no idea what that is is that a radio that old record player but not talk some Boys to Men played on it must have been like a music place cuz it's cheap music here as well look I think moart used to live here get that sinking feeling I'm a bit tired couldn't see oh suck it [Music] settles that take you down to the kitchen why is there always sardines in these places 2020 out of date sardines who's going first what we going to do someck the right thr the tner beans 2024 March these are just in dat these are Jesus Christ this place is mental W that's a scary radio that's a freaky pictures everywhere told sanitary pads if you need them dark in here for my lighting and old typewriter my L would love that wow it's old like the music didn't they tool box that's worth a bit that old radio radios everywhere radios with these lovely woodwork here another radio wow dare I go in here Jesus Christ Antique Boat looks like they have their own book store in here another boat piano W that's incredible is it wow it just keep going watch the floor though looks like the floor's caving in a bit there so have to be careful antique piano just rooms full of shed and books these old films an old Christmas card Auto cars it these the old floppies probably got porn on them 1940s porn we've got cattle breeding board here with some substances on it I I don't want to know what that's been used for I'm not going to touch it cash register I just can't believe all this stuff has been left we're still on the first w at that old exercise bag just absolutely insane all the stuff that's been left here just a r look at that old bicycle old Lance Armstrongs that is old videotapes these are look a bit small to be videotapes maybe you know what they are CDs got some clothes there might R new wardrobe nice whole cassette tape probably got Spice Girls on two big on one got these beautiful stairs then the Resident Evil sty these stairs feel like they're about to cave in nice silk undergarments glad I'm up here now it's a bit lighter up here down there it was dark and creepy you couldn't see anything this side of the house feels like it's subsiding the floors feel a bit dodgy so I might go through them what we got here we got an old shopping list chair 799 quid jeez very sad looking dog an old photo could up of the owner who knows yeah our jacket's all neatly ready for me I just got to be careful my tread mental where that Rosier as well hold in there ceiling off looks happy don't he could be the owner as well 90 years old well I've never seen anything like this it is insane does look like got to check carefully because there's acros holding the ceiling up which is never a good sign is it if I go through the floor makes some good Conta now would it let venture over here in this jungle ion Mike Tyson he's fighting soon there's got to be rats living in here aren't they getting out of this room I don't feel safe feel like I'm just going to drop through look more books another photo Polaroid that for an old suitcase it looks like Mr Beans and then enter another room filled with books yeah look books books and more books definitely like reading didn't he Vietnam weapons handbook hey up a I think that's a a Mexican hat it's got L of these big like suitcase things I think that they were show people to be honest because that's the sort of suitcase that they I put all the clothes in and there's hell of a load of clothes here to travel to the next venue look lovely nice jumpers and then I come out the door to that heartbeating yeah definitely show people look there's a white powder there as well looks a bit like cocaine Let's test out the theory yeah definitely Coke Twix there's just doors everything everywhere know train why there you someone's been having a good time in here and hopefully not with this mannequin I've just been kissing key and more bucks hey give us some alone time no D I wonder what that's made out of That's Heavy that is old ice skates Tov andine used to live in here boss man hey there's a TV I found a remote ah there's a TV see if it works just expecting jamanji to come on now room after room after room take hours to explore this another old television good old snow boots or something they are need them for to walk back out of here look we've got a bra they only look small anyway handful fried eggs woo little blast that must have been the old lady that lived here it's a shame isn't it then you've got all photos everywhere Polaroids bags of photos so they like the memories don't they old style radio some very very cool stuff in here look at that old fax machine hello drone hop speaking another bra size 34b marks and Sparks old wallet have your driving license pound notes just like my wallet this is empty we've got a radio a torch that's pretty cool is it I just can't believe it it's all been left is it hot in here or is it me that's actually quite good that's worth you know a good few hundred quid Shay's long on the Shay's long on the Shay long all day long on the Shay long wa so we got a paper here that dates back to 1985 so this paper is 2 years older than me wow that is insane leasing of a sucker cow all you needed to do to find one of them was go to Hanley on a Saturday night back in the day definitely want leas one we got a driving license here there's a security guard Bank book account paying slips just write myself a check see if it works another old record player the other half would like that it's a crystal clock that is got no fishing rod you seen the cocaine over there white powder on the on the Dressing Table Six did they say six in golf or is it four is it four Tiger Wood used to L it Pablo Escobar as well there hundred to, are worth stuff in is there you Ty R to my lab would love it e expecting rain antique umbrella I've got a sore arm wow 1926 why pay rent total out rings from about 25p per week for a house what there you go some headlines from 1926 it cost one penny today's weather cloudy local showers exactly like it is today that's weird anti Kai chairs don't know what that is the warmer or something big for me the size down she's a tall tall girl a she I see dance dog why your NE in dog so old beads that's me whole computer running dial up facts she my lab would love that he's got all dark brighters yeah he collects them there you go Tyler you love that Imperial and another one see if sant's up the chimney not that's one for me that is I think I'm allergic to morning Snoopy Zimmer frame I'll be needing one of them in couple of years I be for uncut video tape exptic scenes 18 plus you know what's going on on that old school porn is it you could spend days here could you and still not see everything the kitchen needs a good all clean these creepy heads everywhere good place to keep your plates in it keep them nice and cold keep them in the fridge looks like a fancy spoon look AF for old cookie I don't want them standing on here rats and everything looks like a dungeon down there it's in this fridge hey picture of me AO T right it we are traing through the rainforest [Music] here hey we got to walk the flank here yeah old Rob K old Orion Ford Orion old escort not sure he's not a feat let me know if you know no Beamer look the graveyard is it for cars got another beam it let's another a look in this one there you go seats have gone all Volkswagen this whole row is Beamers sucks seats are gone out of here as well automatic the seats are still in this one automatic Honda that Land Rover or range rver RP bar choc a beamer Ryan Lynch socks Willie another automatic Beamer on that many miles that for an old car don't know what that is nice though old smashed up on day out is nice that is exploring with Mike what car is that let me know whatever that is it's like the old Essex Boys Land Rover in it Range Rover sorry a proper old school Riders love it this is absolutely insane can't believe the amount of cars that are just left here to rot in Old Bedford mitubishi shun have a look in the bed have a look wow feel like getting trollied it's like a little TR talk in it ah fire engine there's a kidnappers van wonder how many kids have been kidnapped in now insane is it insane he's there firing Sam yeah look I told you this is a kidnapper van it's got kids coloring crayons and everything there to lure them in it's had a dark history this this van house that's a big shaft you've got there is totally insane in it fan Sam's headquarters just abandoned left to [Music] right they're at the top of the fire engine you got a big O here big kids man I'm on top of the world here we go the upper off's going to think I'm well sexy now shooting me big cannon living the dream on the way to the fire driving from Ponty Bandy oh we're in whales aren't we fman Sam was well s f and Sam needed agree to drive one of these look Beacon horns wash it Runway search fog I'm guessing that's water lamp wow Small Engine was a 2 lit the big one was I think a 3 and 1 half liter yeah it's like an airplane cockpit yeah it's nice it everybody just writes a name on here don't they yeah I know secret stash for drug dealers ite think to check them days take a step into my officeus Christ that's a big S is it ass someone's been playing scabble a big be behave you sound like a broken record got to go through Shrek swamp [Music] again right then that's it guys let us know what you thought about that
Channel: Skint Sarcastic Dad
Views: 3,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: olq64WQItSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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