Video Production Company - Episode 1 Season 1 - Freelancers

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It was fine, but JK studios in my opinion lost a lot of the charm and comedy Studio C had.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/John_Phantomhive 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hesitate to call anything by Studio C "comedy," but I guess I'll have to try.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Ua_Tsaug 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just realized I've been subscribed to them, but have only watched the loving lyfe 2 announcement. I'll have to try go through their videos at some point. Not feeling the Freelancers so far. I do love me some studio C though. Got my nevermo spouse into them.(not that you have to be mormon to like it...) Their favorite is probably the Grocery Bag Challenge.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/weeooweeoowee 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really like this first episode!

I have watched a lot of studio C (as a Mormon and post-Mormon) and enjoyed them (I think my expectation is about like for SNL which is that maybe 1 in 4 skits will be funny and the rest will be meh).

But this was good (very silly, but still good). Feels a bit like Napoleon Dynamite or Nacho Libre but in its own universe.

I mean, I'm not saying they are the best or that their comedy is the best, but I find it funny and I felt like this was as good as anything they did with Studio C but in some ways more interesting since it was a longer form sketch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bwv549 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'll check it out

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mr_Wicket 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is this a crummy commercial?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mahershalahashbrowns 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hi, I'm Arizona Goodwin, producer, dreamer, confident woman. If you're watching this, then you must need a video for your business company or for your personal affairs. Well let me ask you this. Would you rather have a video made by some old so-and-so's or by the video production company of the future? (futuristic music) (explosion) Okay, you do realize you're at Tesla, right? Yes, ma'am, and I can assure you we are ready for the big time. How did you get this meeting? We came in with your UberEats. Clam chowder. It's very cold. Ah, and out of curiosity, what exactly did I just watch? Our pitch video. That video didn't even have the name of your company. Yeah it did. It's Video Production Company. Video Production Company. Your video production company is called Video Production Company? I don't like your tone. What do you call that? It's just a stapler. It doesn't need a fancy name. This is a computer mouse. Aren't you an editor? This is about the theme, isn't it? We shouldn't have done Owen's stupid futuristic theme. Yeah, I wanted to do pandas. Pandas isn't a theme, Ryan. I'm not sure a theme of any kind was the best idea. Hmm, point taken. Classless swine! Owen! Wow. Shush! So, what's it going to be? Would you like to hire us for your next ad or not? No, I thought that would have been clear. (clears throat) Well, joke's on you. Very few things are clear to us. (hands slapping) No, do not high five. Do not high five! Please, all cards on the table, Video Production Company is not necessarily flourishing. That tracks. We could really use Tesla's business. Why don't we help each other out? Tesla very much does not need your help. Please don't touch me. Everyone needs help sometimes. (hand hitting desk) Here, let me play you the video again. Security! (cheery music) Devin, you ready? (feet shuffling) I'm awake, I'm awake. Just need to grab some breakfast. Are you wearing that to the shoot? You like? The top and bottom match. You look like fat Scott Calvin from The Santa Clause. That's what I was going for! (bag rustling) Full balanced breakfast. Devin. (shaking) Let's move, sugarcube. (door opening) Hello, Arizona. Who's this suit? It's okay, Devin. It's just Joan from my days at Krispy Kreme. We wanted to know if you've considered our offer. Did you see the gift basket we left you? I was too busy setting it on fire. So you did see it? I closed my eyes. You were handling fire with your eyes closed? What do you want, Joan? We want you back. You were Krispy Kreme's best sign dancer. I told you when I left. My sign twirling days are over. But you have a gift, Zona. Something about the way you move makes people want doughnuts. Well, too bad. I'm running a video production company now. Oh, that's right. Didn't you make a commercial for that janitor school? A commercial that sucked? I am pursuing my dreams with my friends, Joan, a word Krispy Kreme doesn't have on the menu. (tongue clicking) Zona, you're so blueberry old fashioned. Why have friends when you can have doughnuts filled with cash? I'm listening. (slapping) You're wasting your time, Joan. Come on, Devin, we have a dream to catch. I'll be around, Zona. Keep your eyes glazed. That doesn't make sense! She's wrong. Our company's gonna change the world. Yeah. (tense music) Because here at Sales Solutions, we take office safety very seriously. Remember, there are dangers lurking around every corner. Oh pandas, you've done it again. A pen? It's essentially an un-sharp knife that writes. Wet milk bread? We cannot guarantee I'm good. More for me. Even a piece of paper can cut you. Oh, those can be very pointy indeed. Wow, he is very paranoid. This is honestly the most boring job we've ever done, including that office safety demonstration we filmed. That's what we're doing right now. We're still doing it? Stab, cut. I'm just surprised Micah hasn't wandered off yet. He hates being bored more than he hates pigeons. (loud beep) (pigeon cooing) I mean, your car was in the shop, but not as much as Morbelli. (screaming) (loud beep) Yeah. My recommended office pace is this. (chair creaking) (papers shuffling) (stapling) (hard breathing) Wait, Micah's asleep. If you feel like you're in danger, you are. If you feel like you're not in danger, you are. If you feel like someone else is in danger, you soon will be. Never open a drawer too quickly. (clapping) There may be dust in that drawer. (crashing) (screaming) Ahhh! What? Who de we call? Office safety is so important. (groovy music) (moaning in pain) I maimed a man. Why were you asleep? Ask Ryan. I woke up at four am and couldn't fall back to sleep. Yeah, so he decided to do all the loudest stuff known to man. (loud beep) Well, these rock hard plantains (bag rustling) aren't going to eat themselves. (crunching) Time to fold this old tissue paper. (crinkling) Now that they're folded, time to unfold them. (muffled screaming) Oh man, is there a hole in my maraca blanket? (maracas rattling) (screaming) Stop, stop! (loud beep) Was the verbal commentary necessary? This is so bad. Don't worry, Zona. Things always go wrong for us, then somehow people keep paying us. Not enough. I don't have enough money for my heart medication, but I do have hope, except when I'm afraid, which is always, so I never have hope. Why would I? Things are bad. It is a hopeless netherscape out there, and we but weary travelers, and here's the thing. It's okay, because we all die one day. Was that a pep talk? You have a heart condition? I wouldn't know. I haven't been to a doctor in years. Okay, we should definitely talk about that, but Owen and I need to go in there and smooth this over. All right. (slapping back) Sir, we are so sorry. I would prefer to be left alone to mourn the chunk of my flesh that is now gone forever. We just wanted to say sorry. You're the producer? Yes. And you're the director? Yes, but mean. Clearly, we expect you to deliver the office safety video by the end of the week free of charge. Of course. Good, then you can give your insurance information to the secretary on your way out. Uh, insurance? Um, Mr., Really? I'm so sorry, Mr., 'Butes.' Butts, Frank Butts. Frank. I prefer Mr. Butts. (laughter) (tense music) Mr. Butts, we are an independent video production company. We don't exactly have insurance. Wait. Ryan, doesn't your mom sell insurance? It's my grandma, and she does not. Dangit. Then I guess you'll be paying the medical bill out of your own pockets. $4,000. Four large? Whatever sized bills you want adding up to $4,000. But, but. It's Butts! I'll expect a check from your company by the end of this workday, or I'll sue you. A lot! (tense music) Uhhh. (upbeat music) How are we gonna find $4,000 in six hours? We're broke poor. You don't have to say both. They mean the same thing. We have to peddle our wares. Who has wares? Owen, you know we don't have wares. We live in a ramshackle shanty house. Shanty house slash office. If you're in need of funds, why not check the couch cushions? Mr. Gandolfini, what did we tell you about lurking? How did you know there were $400 in here? (laughter) No no no, don't just laugh, get-- Uggh, why can't you guys have normal neighbors? Hey, he's actually pretty harmless. He just wants to be our friend to an extremely uncomfortable degree. Are we not friends? Get out of here, you old crow! Uggh! All right, we've got $400 out of $4,000. ♪ Oh, we're halfway there ♪ ♪ Ohh, math is not my strong suit ♪ Here's another $500. What the actual how? That's me. Sometimes I keep my money in the couch cushions 'cause it's the safest place. It's literally not. I don't trust the banker man, Owen. Okay, we just need $3,100 more. Everyone meet at Sales Solutions with all the money you can scavenge. (multiple different cheers) (intense music) Look for anything we can sell for money. Things seem to be going well for you, Arizona. Joan, I should have known I'd see you here. Because you're trash. (hand slapping) (bag rustling) I spoke with Krispy Corporate. They're willing to sweeten the deal. (paper grinding) We'll give you $50,000 a year. What? Fine, $60,000. What? 70? Keep saying what. And I can give you the Krispy Gold card. Unlimited doughnuts and liposuction for life. No consequences. I doughnut recommend you turn it down. Don't you miss the crowds chanting your name? I was great. I played stadiums. And now, you're digging through a dumpster for food. Hey, our food dumpster's three blocks down, lady! Get your dumpsters straight! We're digging in this one for money, because we stabbed a guy, heh heh. Think about it, Zona. You have until the end of the day. (clapping) (wheels rolling) Enjoy the dumpster! Going back. Then go that way then. That is fine. What does she know? You see what she's wearing? Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah. (intense music) Okay, I found $200 more in my pillowcase. A pretty girl paid me to be in a medical study. What did she have you do? Check it out! Ohhh, I can feel the heat from over here. I'm very allergic to whatever she did to me. Where's Ryan? Oh, he said he had an idea and ran to his grandma's retirement home. (loud beep) Okay ladies, who wants a foot rub? (loud beep) I made $300! Good glory! Ryan, your hands! They're cool, right? I rubbed the fingerprints off. Ohh, now you're a man of mystery! (high five) (screams) What's our total? $1,600. Hmmm, strange that number doesn't sound anything like $4,000. How 'bout another $400? What? How? Devin and I donated plasma. Eight times each. Really, you'd do that? We were in disguise. (loud beep) (funky music) (loud beep) I don't care how sweaty you are, it's still not enough. Where's Devin? Devin's not here? Maybe she never was. You made her up, Zona. Yeah, you did. She should sit down. Ugh, we still need $2,000. I don't think we're gonna make it. I've come to save the day. Devin! Zona, I sold our apartment lease and all of our furniture to a man in a van. What? Where we gonna live? Van man traded me for this. Please tell me there's a two bedroom house in that bag. Better, it's an old tent with a dark past. Take that, Butts! Wait, van man traded you for it? So you didn't get any money at all? Oh wow, plasma's a lot more important to brain function than I realized. Uggh! Devin! Oh, this is over. You enjoy your little company before I sue it to smithereens! Smithereens! I mean, you better chill out with that. He spit on me. Good. No, Butts, we've got 37 minutes left in the workday. We're gonna get that money! Who wants to buy my pants? They're 12 years old, minimal holes. $2,000. (snapping) No one wanted to buy my pants. I'll buy your pants, except not, but I will buy you. I'm not for sale. Who are you? How much money? Sold! I was talking to Arizona. Joan, how do you always know where I am? Your tweets are extremely specific. Zona, you know her? Come back, Arizona. Dance for Krispy. Umma, who and what now? Yeah, I'm lost too. Your girl Zona here was a world-class sign dancer, you doughnut holes. Stop it Joan. I've made my choice. Have you, because it seems like you're in need of some cash. You sign this contract right now, I will give you $2,000. That's four times the amount we need. No math, Ryan. Okay. Zona, are you leaving Video Production Company? Of course. Krispy Kreme is going to take all of her time. 24/7, Monday through Fried-dough. These are just getting painful, Joan. I'm contractually obligated to slip doughnuts into my vernacular maple bar. We can't do anything without Zona. Yeah, last week I got my belt loop hooked on a coat rack and she got me down. She's our producer. Yeah, my visionary directing would be nothing without her grunt moose work. Do it, Arizona. You can either be mediocre with all of your friends or achieve true greatness. (audience cheering) Give it up for Arizona and the Farside Kids who are here for the Queen of England! Good show, Arizona. I'm very proud of you. Oh yeah! Okay, I'll do it. No! Sorry, guys, it's the only way. No, Zona, you've lost all your fluids. Don't do this. You're not thinking straight. I don't need fluids to make life-altering decisions! That's my doughnut-shaped star. (giggling) I'll have the company rainbow sprinkle-mobile pick you up in an hour. (sad music) Here's four grand, Butts. Grand Butts. Your payment in full. Man, I was looking forward to suing you guys. Pity. You spit on me! I apologize. Get out! Why are you worried about spit right now? We just lost Zona. Our company is dead, man. Guys, I. Enjoy fame, Zona. When you meet Daniel Radcliffe, tell him that we're all attracted to him. We don't understand it. Not so fast! Zona, you son of a bearclaw! You didn't use your real name! You signed it MacGuffin Lamp Kennedy. That's right, because I won't turn my back on my friends, especially for a corporation with a giant hole in the middle where the soul's supposed to be! Yeah! Video Production Company lives! Ha ha. All of us saw you sign this. I can still argue that it's legally binding. Oh really? (paper crumpling) No! (sighing) Why was that delicious? We deep fry our stationery. Oh my. It's over Joan. Goodbye. No, nobody messes with Krispy Corporate. I'll make you pay. I'll make you pay! You're five dollars short. Yaah! (ominous music) (screaming) You owe me $4,000 or I'll sue you. You wouldn't dare take on Krispy Kreme. We have so many lawyers, you wouldn't even get it. Did you mean to sign the wrong name? No, I think I have brain damage. Yeah, I think I dark tip. You can't do that to people! Yes, I can! We'll eat you up No you can't! Like a strawberry creme-filled! I hate strawberry creme! If you hate 'em you have to eat 'em. I'm gonna make you eat 'em. (hip hop music) Thanks for letting us live in your yard, you guys. Of course. Are you gonna help Zona move in? I will. I'm just sittin' now, so I'll help once I'm done with that. I do not understand it, but it does make me want doughnuts. I've eaten 12 of these. ♪ I'm gonna fill this up, oooh ♪ (cans rattling) That cooler is full of soda. How? (cans rattling) She's a witch. ♪ So live it up in the summertime ♪ ♪ So live it up in the world ♪ ♪ So live it up in the summertime ♪ Thank you so much for watching this episode of Freelancers, brought to us by ClickFunnels. What! And before us we have a real life freelancer. Julie, tell 'em what it's about. Hey guys, I'm Julie. I'm a mom of four and a freelancer, and I built a six-figure freelance business, and if you'd like to learn how I did it, I want you to come to my free web class. It's at, just click the link below. Exactly, where Julie promises you six figures if you just click the link below. No, no. Even just once. No I don't. She'll pay you herself. No I don't guarantee anything. She pays you before she pays herself. Just show up. Or even feeds her kids. She'll make it rain on you. On your children. Yes, yes. Julie! Julie! Julie! Julie! Trust me, she's good for it guys. Just click.
Channel: JK! Studios
Views: 1,596,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JK Studios, Studio C, Freelancers
Id: NmCbs1Zrogg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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