Video Background Remover Plugin For OBS - Tips You May Have Missed

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yep it's obvious i need to change the color harmony of my background for this video i want it to be similar to the redness of my inner shirt so let me do that now real quick yeah that's way better okay so the reason why i'm doing this is because i want to put software to the test three applications and they all automatically remove the background color so that you don't have to use green screen the programs that i'm going to be discussing are the background removal plugin for obs studio then we'll take a look at the chromacam software and then we'll get into xsplit vcam this will be a series of three videos we're going to cover the background removal plug-in first we'll go over the cpu usage whether or not the interface is easy to use whether or not your hands can get cropped out properly and how well that line looks around your head and shoulders when you're done watching these three videos you will know without a doubt which one is best for your live stream i can't wait let's get some [Music] electrify your online presence with live streaming a while ago i made this video they just quickly reviewed different applications online that you can download and automatically remove your background and i got a comment from adam ginn he says hey scott why don't you do a practical for us if possible on these applications and this is why this video exists and i just want to let you know that i do read all my comments sometimes the comments are questions that ask me things like this hey scott i've got a test smart ultra hd and i split the audio into a behringer euphoria um c183 via usb and from there it goes into my windows version 29.23204 i just did an update can you tell me why i don't get my audio just let me know in comments and those are the kind of things where i'm just like i just can't answer them i don't know how to answer a question like that so please i i do read them all but sometimes i can't answer the ones that are like hardware based questions you know there's just no easy answer so i do my best but anyway keep on cranking with the comments and ask what you want i do have an email as well it's youtube at so if you want to talk to me and you know personally and send me a question i'll be happy to talk with you so there's a new plugin that was released in april of 2021 by a developer named roy and it's a plug-in at obs link in the description and it's exciting because it's brand new he's already updated it seven times and he legitimately wants to know from you what you think and how it could improve the software in the future so after installing this thing on your computer and testing it let him know in comments i think it would be great to make him feel good and just give him some feedback on what he's done i will definitely be doing that okay let's go in and download it the buttons in the upper right hand corner it says go to download we'll click that and oh yeah look at this it goes into github which is great i'll scroll down and there is a virgin a virgin yeah there's a virgin there's a version version for windows and mac which is awesome awesome awesome thank you roy for making two versions there i'm gonna download the zip file for for windows here it is it's a zip file i'll hit save and i'll go into the downloads folder here and i'm going to expand it with the 7-zip real quick hit ok ok it makes a folder i'll double click it and we have a data and then obs plugins folder so i'm going to highlight these i want to make sure that obs is shut down i'll hit ctrl c which copies it i'm going to go into my c drive go into program files go into my obs studio and i'm going to paste in those files the question of the day is when you paste in the data and the obs plugin folder is it going to overwrite or append the information and the answer is it appends it it does not overwrite i used to be like thinking that it was an overwrite because in any other directory it would overwrite but not in the program files folder okay so you can just hit control v for paste and it just copies over the data but it doesn't remove what's there thank god i wanted to quickly chime in and let you know that i'm super concerned about you finding the right information quickly and so what i've done is taken all three videos created chapters and provided links that go to the specific point to a piece of information within those videos that will get you to the information that you need quick so if you check out the description you will see all those links laid out with headers explaining where you'll go and what you'll get so that you will be absolutely satisfied with the information you need okay there's also some link to some other things like getting the right colored green paint from walmart how to get it also how to paint a piece of four by eight twenty dollar foam that you can use it's always wrinkle free and a great solution to get great chroma key if you to do it yourself okay we're in obs studio i used a looping video of some clouds just so that we can test the background removal plug-in okay let's hit the plus sign and select video capture device which is my camera i'll hit ok and just by luck the default device that is selected here in this pull down is the camera that i want if you don't see yours you can click this thing and it'll give you a drop down and give you a bunch of selections you should see your camera in here as a choice okay i'll hit ok to this and you may notice that when i move my head real fast you see these horizontal lines appearing that's called interlacing and you can remove it by going into the source right click select d interlacing and then select retro and now it's gone yes all right okay let's right click it again hit filters and at the top here audio video filters click the plus sign and select background removal if you don't see this restart obs because it probably didn't grab the changes that you uploaded when you install the plugin hit ok and based on my research the first four settings should be the following middle middle smooth silhouette should go all the way to the right and the feather blend silhouette slider should be at the far left which is zero very important the second that you start to slide this to the right it crashes obs and roy the programmer if you're hearing this video brother if you can figure out how to get this to work it would be absolutely epic because it really does help make that edge less noticeable so man if you could figure that out it would be super epic for the plugin okay next part is to select your color i highly recommend that you select green hit ok if you have a semi powerful graphics card in your pc check off use gpu for inference it just makes that line a little bit better and now we get to test the segmentation model and these are the different ways that the line is calculated and there's a bunch of different ways one is called scinet so if we click that you can test it move your head around as you can see there's a little bit of funkiness going on with a line there's a little bit of color coming in my head's kind of weird so that one's not super great the next one is mod net if i move around again uh this one's blinking i don't know it's kind of funky i'm gonna say no to that one next one is media pipe okay this one's not too shabby no blinking color's not going into my hair area so that's not too bad and finally we've got selfie segmentation and again this one's not oh there that's not good right there there's a reason why i had the background set as orange and red because i really want to test the power of these plugins so this one's a little funky so i would recommend media pipe as the selection because the line seems to hold up beautifully you do see some color in here right but it's okay so i'm going to hit close and now that i have a camera source here with a green background i'm going to go into filters one more time and select plus sign under effect filters select chroma key hit ok and because green was selected that is the default color to be removed so you don't have to really play with any of these settings hit close and you're good all right now i've tried all the segmentation modes none of them did very well with my hands so if you're going to use this plug-in you can pretty much forget about doing all kinds of gestures it's okay i guess now i'm gonna do one more thing and that is i'm gonna hang a white sheet behind me and let's see if we can get rid of the curvy line around where my neck meets my shoulders we'll see what happens okay i just hung a sheet behind me let's see if we can get rid of this color right around my neck here let's turn it back on go into filters again go back into the background removal and let's turn the eyeball on on the left here and boop hit close and lo and behold it does seem to remove the color a little bit better the line still makes that funky wavy effect but i have to admit the line does seem to go away around the you know where my chin meets my shoulders so that's that's a positive now i'll have you know when i turn this thing on i can hear the fan on my computer ramp up because there's more heat being generated inside my computer if i go to view and go into stats it'll bring up this window and show me how much energy or processing energy is being used currently i'm at 32 frames missed due to rendering lag is 3746 4.3 percent the bottom line is this is using some horsepower to power this effect hey mope how you doing okay let's give this software a performance grade the ease of use is a 5 out of 5 stars fantastic it is a plug-in and it works beautifully the quality of the line that is the line that separates the color from my head and shoulders i'm going to give that a four and the reason why is that the uh feathered line parameter if you adjust it to the right and turn it on in any way it crashes the obs program you know i can't give it a five out of five i wish i could i wish i could see that parameter work and function beautifully but it just doesn't work at all so we're gonna give to give it four stars cpu usage is a four i'm almost thinking it should be a three but we're going to give that a four because the usage is at thirty percent maybe after we compare it to the other programs maybe it's not that bad and of course the hand crop i'm going to give it two stars because none of the uh various algorithms that are used to calculate the line allow for hand cropping so gestures are out for this plug-in if you're interested in looking at the other reviews of the other two programs you can see them right here i will catch you over there best wishes stay strong and keep fighting [Music]
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 9,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video background remover, video background remover app, obs video background remover, video background, how to remove video background without green screen, obs video background, obs video background without green screen, remove video background, remove video background no green screen, remove video background without green screen, replace video background, how to remove background from video, how to remove background without green screen, remove background from video
Id: zqAPeRCZ08Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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