Free Video Conferencing - The OBS Ninja Website App Is INCREDIBLE

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shh this obs studio application is so epic that by telling you about it may draw too much attention because currently it's free i want to keep it that way so do me a favor and keep this video on the download [Music] yes we will be exploring an online application that is not an obs script or a plugin but an online application developed by a god level programmer by the name of steven seguin out of canada this application can do many many exciting tasks but we'll be talking about its free video conferencing capability the application is called obs ninja let's get some big thanks to angel and dj vibe for reaching out to me and letting me know about this fantastic application i want to thank everybody for chiming in and let me know about all these cool software plugins the scripts and all these cool applications it's a big help to the channel and if there's anything that strikes your interest and you want to know more about it be sure to look me up in comments and let me know i'll look into it and if it's cool i'll definitely make a video about it so what is the deal with this with this website this obs dot ninja let's take a real quick look at it here it is here obs ninja what a great tld you go to this website and you like and you look at it and you go i don't get it and then you bolt i did see the site a long time ago looked at it and i just didn't understand what it was all about and i left and i imagine that most people do the same thing because it simply doesn't make a lot of sense what does this website do why are people talking about it and why is it so cool i'll tell you why the reason why is because it uses peer-to-peer technology it goes into a switching server not it has no storage or anything it goes into this computer and it does this cool finagling switching capability and it will take your video feed and your mic feed and make a website with it and show it on that web page you can then take that web page and import it into obs and bob's your uncle you've got someone from california from across the pond maybe in you know in europe somewhere anywhere on the planet earth you can see them talking on a web page and you can import it into obs this is amazing this program is absolutely mind-boggling big big shout out to steve for seguin i think i hashed his name earlier on so i believe it's seguin i believe it's french anyway steve i want to thank you so much for putting your heart and soul into this software this is unbelievable i'm not kidding this is really cool i want to give you a fast summary as to why the software is so amazing check it out if you go and click add your camera to obs okay click it it opens up it asks you what the what your video source is in this case it's going to be my c922 then i'm going to select my default microphone okay and i'm gonna hit start now watch what happens bam it creates a page and it tells me that the browser source for this feed that you see right now is this link here if i click it it automatically puts it into cache thanks again steve that makes it so much easier and if i go into obs and create a new source for my scene select browser hit ok highlight the url field and paste in the url that i just copied hit ok it imports that feed that i just created the sound that you're hearing the reason why it's echoing right now is because you're hearing the sound from the web page and my microphone right here now so let me turn this off so it is very important to have headphones on okay and not your speakers on your on your computer on because you'll get an echo now let's dig into some more features that this thing has it's even more cool in regards to grouping people together in a room okay let's do that now there are two basic roles when setting up a video conference there is the person in charge of setting up the video conference room and then there are the people who are invited to come in so it is my goal to explain to you or show you how to create the room from the administrator's perspective and then what it's like to sign into the room okay so if i get those two things squared away then you'll have a global perspective and then you can tear into this thing and play with it and enjoy it and use it alright so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to obs dot ninja and we're going to click the box on the left add group to chat to obs no sign up no cash no nonsense click the button and you're in now i'm going to name this room october and i'm going to create a password called dog i recommend that you do this just for security purposes and then you hit enter the rooms control center and it gives you this interface this page provides information on links and what those links can do for both the invitee and for you as the admin you may have noticed the two squares that showed up on the left i invited myself as a speaker into the group i also created a screen grab from another browser showing jenna marbles and i did this so i can explain how to bring this into obs i will be explaining how to do this in just a minute and all you have to do to copy these links they're all different colors is just put your cursor on it and click on it and it will copy it into cache for you automatically you don't have to do control v or paste or anything like that it just stores it in cache when you click on it the first two are designed for the invitee the person you're inviting into the group and you have a choice the blue one when submitted to the invitee allows them to see both you who have already signed up to the group right you're already in there and to see themselves and that's what i would recommend that you send to an invitee they're going to want to see both you talking and themselves talking on their computer while you do the video conference naturally the red one only allows them to to see themselves i don't really know why you would want to just allow them to see the see themselves talking and not you talking during the conversation right that would be kind of strange for them the green buttons are what you use to import the conference call or the video conference into obs and you have choices uh the first one i wouldn't recommend because this uh i just don't understand honestly i don't even understand why you would want to copy that one and use it in obs the one below it brings in both video feeds in one source okay which i wouldn't recommend because if you want to put two videos in frames side by side you have to create the source twice and it's kind of confusing and it's not the way i would recommend doing it what i recommend you do to bring these things into obs is to copy the solo link for each person so if i put my cursor on the dark screen link here it copies it into cache i go into obs right i've got a transparent ping here that shows a frame if i hit the plus button go into browser hit ok and paste that link that i just copied right into the the url here and hit ok boom it brings the feed right in now i've got the volume turned down so that we don't get any looping or anything like that as you can see it's above the image here so i'll just hit the down arrow and put myself underneath of it and then hold my alt key and drag the image so that the aspect is sort of similar to the available area in the frame here and make myself a little bit bigger there we go and sort of clean this up as best i can very good very nice so there i am in the frame perfect right and now if i want to bring jenna marbles in i go back into the url the website here with the interface click that link right pretty cut and dry do the same thing hit the plus sign go to browser hit ok paste the url hit ok and jenna marbles comes in boop there she is and let's get that cleaned up so alt key bring that in like that there we go you get the picture let's put her down a little bit below the frame there we go i'll hit the play button there there we go and there she is it's really not that difficult now you would have to do if you had like say 10 people in the room you would have to do this 10 times with frames and naming everything but so it's a real good idea to have the frame set up in advance right in obs and the names have it all teed up so that when you get this thing set up and ready to go live you're ready to rock and roll so it's really important to have your t's crossed and your your eyes dotted before you get this thing all set up if this is the first time you've been to my channel i just wanted to let you know that i provide creator success by sort of taking all the complexity out of all this tech and software that that you need to get involved with to win here at the youtube venue and if you subscribe and click the bell you'll get notification usually every tuesday to let you know that new videos from my channel are out and sometimes i try to get stuff out on thursday i'm not doing this full-time i only work on this during the weekends and if i could actually do this full time if i could justify doing this full time my god i would make some videos that would blow you out of the water alright let's get back into obs ninja okay let me show you what this is like from the perspective of the person being invited into the group let's pretend i'm an admin and i click the blue link the at the top it goes into cash that's the one i recommend that you use when inviting people and you now have to communicate to that person what that link is this can be sometimes a pain in the butt especially if you want to text it to them or type it into your phone and email it so an easier way to do that to convey the link is to go into a create a note here real quick i'll call it link you can name it anything you want put your cursor in the main field and paste the link in there as you can see it is a complex link hit save and it will create a page with the link in it that has a sim a more simple link that's an a that's sort of an uh an alternative to the complex link i wish maybe if steve watches this video i wish there was a way to make the links more tiny because it is kind of a pain to convey what the link is to people sometimes so anyway upon you receiving the link you open up a new tab in your browser so let's say i'm you know a thousand miles away in california the admin who created the room is in pa you paste your link in there hit the button and it asks you for the password that was created in this case it was dog capital d-o-g whoops here we go hit okay and then you have a choice you can either use show your computer screen which you probably wouldn't want to use right away or join with your camera it opens up the camera join interface you select your streaming camera there i am and you define your microphone in this case it's the atr usb mic and click the test button just to make sure the sound is coming out of your computer it is working fine hit the start button and as you can see let me turn off the microphone here as you can see it shows both the admin your screen and everybody else who's in the room so that you can monitor everyone during the live stream it's really cool you have these options at the bottom where you can turn your mic on and off you can send messages to people which is really cool it's just a neat interface really special really neat and simple really when you think about it and live streams or conference calls is not the only thing that you can do with this think about it you could bring your friend in on a game and play a game together online with obs you could troubleshoot someone's computer with obs you could troubleshoot somebody's computer without obs i mean getting it set up is so easy and there's actually a full list of all the benefits that this thing could do for you in the wiki so if you're interested in seeing where that is just simply go to obs ninja obs dot ninja i should say and when there's a link in here it's kind of hidden a little bit let's see where is it here it is wiki for advanced info click this link and it gives you all kinds of great information how to's all kinds of neat stuff in here uh that gives you more in-depth information on the program and in regards to support steve is very good at uh responding to comments at his channel uh you can find it very easily just google obs ninja you'll see it pop up at number one he also has a discord as well so if we go back real quick um he's got a subreddit believe it or not which is really cool to have here's all the information in the subreddit if you want to troubleshoot any issue that you may have and he does have a discord where is that discord oh here it is here it's hard to see the links because there's no lines underneath of them it kind of makes it difficult to find the stuff there it is there just click it and you can get invited in the discord and find out what's going on there and of course he leaves his email i mean you the developer is making himself absolutely accessible for help it's an unbelievable thing the internet is a great place if you want to see some more cool videos just hang out and i've got a link to some really great ones i hope you enjoyed it catch on the flip side stay strong keep fighting scott victor
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 45,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Rhtr9E3owE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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