How To Make An Animated Overlay With Layer Masks! For OBS FREE!

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what's up my youtube friends today i want to show you how to use masks in obs i feel like this is a super low used feature that has so much potential i'm going to show you how to create shapes for your cameras and media files then i'm going to show you how to use these shapes to create awesome animated camera overlays and full live stream overlays that are completely animated really cool stuff the best part is everything i'm going to show you today is totally free so let's get to it [Music] my analytics say that 91 of the folks that watch my content are not subscribed and if you like my content and it helps you out please do me a favor and help me out by subscribing to the channel and click that bell so you don't miss any new content to create these masks we're going to use a free image manipulation tool called pixlr and don't worry it is really easy to do there's a link in the description so you can go to pixlr create your own masks and follow along i mean that's the easiest way to learn so let's jump into pixlr the first thing i want to do is create a simple mask to show you how this works let's start with a circle here we are in pixlr and i'm going to go to create new you can see i'm using pixlr e here and my live stream is in full hd so that's good i'm just going to put a name up here i'm going to call this mask one i want the background turned off and then i can create right here so here we are if i hit that mouse button scroll i can zoom out a little bit and the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to create a shape here so i'm going to go to shapes and i'm going to select the circle shape and i'm going to change the fill to black and then all i need to do is draw that circle onto my canvas now you're going to want to try to make this circle as large as you can because you can resize everything in obs but you want to get as much of your screen in as you can i kind of didn't do it right here and had to go back and redo it but now i'm going to go up to file and save and i want to save this as a png because we want that background to be transparent and i'm going to click download and this is going to download it to wherever your machine downloads files and this is usually set in your browser so just keep that in mind here you can see i've switched over into obs and now we're going to add our mask so the first thing we need to do is i'm going to add my camera that's what i'm going to use the mask on and i'm going to go in and select my device and it's going to be my cam link and set the custom and then resolution i'm going to go down and choose my custom audio device i want this to be my microphone that's on the camera and once i have that set up i'm going to click ok check my microphone everything's working good now i'm going to right click on that and go into filters i'm going to click the plus under filters and i'm going to select the image mask blend you can name this if you want then i'm going to browse to the path where we created that mask that circle mask and it's mask one and then i'm going to drop down type and i'm going to select alpha channel and there we go you can see our circle is created and it just has our camera in that little circle how awesome is that now we can resize this and put it anywhere we want on the screen so this is a neat easy way if you don't have a green screen or something like that to create an isolated kind of interesting look to your actual camera so i can put a video up in the background or it could be a game or anything any media source in the background and i can move this around now just so you know you can use this mask not just on your camera but on any media source i'm guessing at this point you can see how powerful this can be already but you know me i want to take it to the next level i'm going to show you how to create a camera overlay with animations as well so here we are back in pixlr e i'm just going to change the name to mask 2 and click create and i'm going to select shape and we're going to try a box this time and i'm going to make sure that the fill is black again i'm just going to draw the box in here and then i'm going to click this arrow up in the top to arrange it i'm going to move it to where i want in my image now i don't want just a standard box shape so i'm going to draw something on here what i'm going to do is i'm going to go and select this lasso select tool and then i'm going to choose the polygon lasso select right here and i'm going to draw a little shape on here like this i mean you just click at the corners and it's going to create that shape perfect now i'm going to go back and i'm going to select my arrow tool again and i'm going to rasterize this then i can go up to edit and i can clear and it's going to clear that little section for me so now i'm going to go back to the lasso tool i'm going to select polygon again i'm going to create the same kind of edge over here on the right hand side and since it's already rasterized we don't need to rasterize it again all we have to do is go up to edit and clear and there we go now we have kind of a polygon shape for our mask and i'm just gonna click the arrange and i'm gonna reshape this a little bit i can move these around to make this a little different of a shape i'm gonna square it up in the center and there we go and then i'm going to go ahead and save this out so file and then save make sure you have png selected we do want the transparency and i'm going to download this so that's going to download to a location on our hard drive that is already set up in our browser now i want to create some lines here and i'm going to create lines that are black and there we go and i just want to adjust the size of these lines so i'm going to come up here and adjust this and just get the right thickness to the line that i want to use and then i'm going to delete this one because it's not actually straight so i just go over here and i right click on that layer and i send it to the dust bin right there and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to draw another line and you can draw straight lines by holding down the shift key and dragging it and then dropping it and there we go now we have a straight line now i'm going to click the arrange button and i'm going to just kind of align this to the very top of our shape and i can resize it up using these little dots on the corners and i just want to move this in so it's totally flush with the top of our box and there we go so now i'm going to click on that and i'm going to right click on that shape and i'm going to duplicate it and then i'm going to drag this down to the bottom and once again i'm going to try to line this up and i'm going to go ahead and duplicate it again and we're going to drag this next one up here and we'll kind of place it in here and i'm going to duplicate it again and this time i can just use the arrow keys to move it so i'm going to move it up into place using the up arrow you can adjust anything in pixlr just by using the arrow keys for fine adjustments i'm going to duplicate it again now i'm going to move this one up with the arrow keys and there we go and once again i'm going to duplicate this one and move it with the arrow keys and now i think i have enough lines in here now it's just a matter of squaring this up to make it look the way i want it to look to give me the effect that i'm looking for so i'm going to move this over and at this point i'm just going to kind of rearrange all the lines to make sure that i have the look that i want and some of these may need to be resized a little bit now i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to select the main box i'm going to make this a little bit smaller i think i like the idea that the edges on both sides are going to poke out so i'm going to make it like that and then i'm just going to readjust the sizes again try to line everything up then i'm going to save this out and we're going to call this one mask fringe and click download and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and make all of the fringe unvisible by clicking these little check marks next to those layers i'm going to save this again and we're going to call this one mask unfringe or no fringe that's better and we're going to click download and you'll see why i'm doing two downloads for this in a moment so now we're going to load up this fringe and just click filters since we already have this circle mask on here and i'm going to click browse under that mask we're going to select no fringe and you can see that gives us that cool shape that we had without any fringe on it pretty cool stuff i'm going to just hide this background layer here so it makes it easier to see and i'm gonna make this a little larger and then i'm gonna right click and go to filters again and let's change this to the fringe one so you can kind of get a look at what that looks like and that looks pretty cool so you could just go with it like that if you wanted to and it looks actually really neat and we'll turn on our media background right there for some reason got moved so we're going to move it back into the center and obviously we can move this camera with the mask anywhere we want but what if we wanted to animate that fringe instead of having it you know static well that's why we created two separate ones well let's just shrink it up first let's shrink our media background to right there a little bigger than our actual camera background box and then i'm going to go into properties and i'm going to change the actual video i think this one will create some cool animation so i'm going to just go ahead and open that and there we go so that is a cool little background video now i'm going to go into my main camera and i'm going to change this back to the background with no fringe so it'll just be that stretched out box and there we go alright so now we have our camera right there now what i want to do is i'm going to right click on our video source our media source i'm going to go to filters and i'm going to click plus here and we're going to go back into our image mask and this one we're going to use that fringe image mask on and we're gonna switch it to the alpha channel so we can see the video and there we go so now we have kind of a cool frame or animated video right around our camera now that is pretty cool so i can select both of these at the same time and move them around i could probably just group them and then move them easily what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and add another media source and we'll just add this into our video as well and then i'm going to move that video source to the bottom and there you go now you can see that we have our cool frame with an animated background and you can use any video for this you can find cool animated style videos to use you can change the sizes of each of them this is a really easy way to add some animation to your camera outlines and that sort of stuff that was pretty epic and you can use any shape you want the only limit is your own creativity let me show you one more thing i'm going to create a full live stream animated overlay right now so we're going to go ahead and create a new image we're going to close that one out it's going to be full hd again we're going to call this one overlay once again we don't want a background and we're going to click create and we'll zoom out a little bit and i'm going to go ahead and select our shape tool again we're going to go with box and this time instead of design we want to click on draw and we want to go ahead and uncheck fill and we just want to make sure our outline is the proper thickness you can adjust that with this slider right here and we're going to draw the box very strange to have the foreground color be the outline but that's the way pixlr works and we're going to draw this box again and there we go so that's the outline for our overlay i'm going to go over here to the right and i'm going to click this plus and i'm going to create an empty layer make sure that empty layer is selected and then i'm going to go back into my shape tool and i'm going to draw some lines again now if i hold the shift key it will create an absolutely straight line and there we go and i just want to click the plus create another empty layer and we're going to add another line and you can see how difficult it is to actually make these lines exactly the same what i'm going to do is click the arrow to try to adjust it and see if i can get it the same but i think it's easier just to right click on one of these and go ahead and duplicate the layer and then i can just use the arrow keys to put it wherever i want you probably get a much more consistent look if you do it that way and i'm gonna duplicate it again and use the arrow keys to move it where i want the nice thing about doing it this way is it automatically creates another layer for us and i'm gonna go ahead and just move these around a little bit that one still seems to be kind of a different size for some reason so i'm going to right click on that one and i'm going to delete it i'm just going to take this layer and duplicate it again and move it into place and that's kind of a cool look that's kind of what i'm going for now i'm going to create another layer this is going to be an empty layer i'm going to go back to my draw tool i'm going to select the rectangle and i want to make sure there's a fill on this rectangle this time and i'm going to turn my outline off i'm going to go ahead and switch my colors so we get that black box and there we go now i'm going to select some of these and i'm just going to kind of use the arrow keys to move them out a little bit give this a little more of an interesting shape there we go that's kind of the look i'm going for i'm going to go back into my shape tool again and i want draw selected and i'm going to select another empty layer and i'm going to make this with rounded edges so i can adjust the radius on the edge i'm going to turn off fill switch it up so that our outline is the one that's selected i'm going to go ahead and create my outline and we're going to adjust this radius a little higher and now we're going to draw our box and there we go and after drawing this box i didn't really like it so i want to go ahead and add a fill to it we want the fill to be black as well so now i'm just going to make sure it creates a fill and we're going to draw that box again in a more solid color and there we go and i'm going to create one more layer and we're going to draw another box right here and i'm going to use the arrange tool to move this around a little bit and resize it and move it around and there we go i think that's a pretty reasonably decent start to an overlay so i'm just going to go up to file and i'm going to save and we want to make sure we save this as a png because we want the alpha and we're going to call this one mask overlay and click download and once again this downloads to the location that you have set in your browser so i'm going to select the fringe one that we already have created i'm going to right click and go to filters i'm going to select that mask and i'm just going to change this mask to mask overlay and click open and there we go now we have our mask overlay i can just line it up to the top of the screen and click transform reset it and since it's 1920x1080 it automatically resets and you can see now we have a really cool animated overlay let's add some text to it so i'm going to click the text tool to add it i'm going to select a font that i want to use and click ok and i think i'll just put my name in here there we go now i'm just going to resize the text and just drag the corners and resize it up pretty cool stuff now i don't really like how fast this background is moving i think that would be really distracting so i'm going to go into there into properties and adjust the speed i have it set to about three percent and if you look here now it's really not moving at all that's too slow so i'm going to right click again and go into properties i'm gonna just speed it up a little bit more there we go we want to make sure it has some movement and it's not too distracting and that's not too bad that might work next i want to make use of this bottom box so i'm going to add another text layer here and i'm going to call this one scroll and click ok i'm going to type some text in here that we want in our scroll and we can make it all uppercase by clicking on there and we're going to go ahead and change the font and i'm going to make this smaller because right now it's mega huge but you can see when i do that and then when i scale it up it gets kind of blurry i don't like that so the better thing to do is to go ahead and scale it way up and then just make it smaller so once i do that now we just have to adjust the size there we go and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to hold the other end and i'm going to hold down the alt key and i'm just going to drag this so it crops out the edge here there we go you can see that green line means that's cropped now i'm going to go into filters on our scroll text i'm going to click the plus and i'm going to go to scroll and here i can set the speed that i want my text to scroll at and there we go so now we can set up scrolling text down here in the bottom and i'm thinking that looks pretty good go back into properties put some more space at the end so it can have a little bit of a differentiation there and make sure that it's properly spelled that's always nice and there we go now we have some good-looking scrolling text going along the bottom we have our name at the top and what i think i'm going to do is kind of move this around a little bit we have to adjust it again on the right hand side and you do this by holding the alt key again so you can resize that box because we're really cropping it we're not resizing the text and i think i'm going to go into properties on my name text and we can go ahead and change the color here and i think we'll go with a yellow color there we go that looks nice and we can actually add a background if we want to and you can turn on your background opacity we'll turn that down a little bit and i'm gonna add an outline to our text and let's select color for that we'll make that black and we'll just adjust up our outline size so we can see it a little better there we go and let's move this up to its proper location now you can see that little light background that we left on there doesn't look all that great i don't like that so we're going to right click and we're going to go back into properties and i'm just going to turn the background color opacity all the way down to zero to remove that background and there we go now this box i have created on the right hand side is where you might put a browser source in looking something like i would probably put like the chat in there or something like that and now you can see you have a really cool easy to create animated overlay for your obs live streams i'm pretty sure you can see how amazingly powerful the mask tool can be and with a little bit of creativity the sky's the limit is this the first time you've seen layer masks in obs are you gonna start using them let me know in the comments and if you want to see another free way to create live stream overlays you should check this video out and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better youtuber subscribe to the channel my name is michael fire jr thank you so much for watching have a great day and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 208,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make an animated overlay for obs, how to make an animated overlay for twitch, how to make an animated overlay, how to make an animated overlay on pc, how to make an animated facecam overlay, how to make an animated gaming overlay, how to make an animated stream overlay, how to make an animated stream overlay for free, how to make an animated webcam overlay, animated overlay for obs, create animated overlay for obs, free animated overlay for obs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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