VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 50

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so this isn't some random dude this is pretending to be ryan reynolds as the super buff guy they're like here's what we filmed and then we deleted it did you guys stop watching the foreground characters and just start looking at the background [Music] thanks to bessie for sponsoring this video stick around so you can see how you can get 25 off your order today hey everybody welcome back to another episode of visual effects artists react i'm joined by ren and sam and we got some great clips to look at today we got space jam we have darby o'gilly and the little people what that darby jesse wait also loki is finally completely released on disney plus so we are finally gonna be diving into that you know it's a really exciting time for movies because in the last two weeks i've seen two movies in theaters and it's awesome i saw black widow and i saw old just for the fun of it does anybody get old they get old old half all right let's watch the clips you picked up the tesseract breaking reality i want you to help us fix it i haven't seen loki yet loki is great honestly i think it's my favorite marvel show they've made yet i'm a sucker for time loops and time messing stuff so low-key was a lot of fun but there's a cg character in the show that is inspired by very old-timey cartoon effects and it was really interesting what they had to do to bring this character to life and that would lead to the destruction of the timeline and the collapse of reality as we know it there's lighting yeah there's interactive lighting oh is the desk completely cg watch it where's your manners oh hey quit it so one of the challenges they found for this was trying to marry the real world photography in camera with the digital version of miss minutes because she's transparent they actually had this really cool little led light system that they had that they would actually move around to get the interactive lighting on the set but then they would have to paint out that light and what people don't realize is it's not just simply a matter of painting out a light yeah like they're filming in a dim office like you're setting yourself up for a challenge they went through a lot of effort just to recreate the background so that it looks normal and then they would re-light it after the fact so i don't actually know how useful this light ended up being at the end of the day look at the actual color quality on the ground on the light around it and then look at the final thing that's just a new shot it's all cg it's basically a new shot yeah exactly hold on i don't know i don't know what they're saying but what i'm seeing is they're like here's what we filmed and then we deleted it no that's exactly it it was purely for reference you can see her reflection on the tea kettle and then when they show the actual light that they built it's a completely different reflection so they end up having to recreate so much of what you see you know that's the thing we're always talking about the best looking images are when you combine practical and digital the problem is that it usually doesn't work as seamlessly or as well as you might imagine it should at the very least you get the lighting on tom hiddleston that is true one last thing from loki that i want to touch on is this idea of blue screening anything it looks like a tough blue screen right there granted this is probably taken on a less high quality camera than the one they're filming with the sensor is probably going whoa that's a lot of blue and making it look like way crazier than it does in the footage that's a good point that might actually be the case if i was sent the shot to key out the blue but i gotta keep the ground i gotta keep the people what do you do you cut it out by hand cut it out by hand that's the answer when it comes to keying something it's usually a whole bunch of talented roto artists yeah they're going in and they're making very accurate and detailed track mats the same way that we've done for a hundred years if they tried to swap that out with the green screen yeah it'd be easier to key out but now you're introducing trouble with a green spill so by keeping it blue yes it's gonna require a little bit more manual work but the end result is gonna look better i think there's over 500 shots just in episode five every shot is basically movie level caliber they're all pretty impressive i mean disney probably went you have ten thousand dollars per second and they're simply looking at every second of footage but like ten thousand dollars you want to make this one second better they do that for every second of the episodes wait how much money is that that's a lot of money i think that might be a little more money than you can handle let's find out actually 50 times 60 times 60 times 10 000 1.8 billion little high let's knock that a down dollars per second the most expensive movie ever made i i do find it pretty fascinating though that the entire budget for loki was around 150 million dollars and that's the budget of a pretty big blockbuster movie 150 million in production costs they actually might have been more expensive a thousand dollars per second for 55 minutes siri one hundred and four hundred four thousand dollars episodes six seven eight thousand five i already did that no no no no no no no no each episode 50 minutes so it's 500 000 so then divided by 60 833 i know it was eight thousand it's almost ten thousand dollars a second i call it you just did the math wrong you just did the math wrong i didn't i got the same i got the exact same number you did no no i know but before when you got the one billion number your thumb slipped or something yeah when i got guessed it was ten thousand dollars a second i actually was not that okay so anyways full circle niko's right we are so beyond the effects artist react right now look this vfx always have to deal with money this is totally vfx honest reaction i can be honest there's a part of me that hates how expensive this stuff is yeah you're just jealous i'm me too happening space jam a new legacy i have not seen this movie yet i used to like the original space jam and then i actually rewatched it and was disappointed by how it didn't hold up this means war so i am noticing that the furry cartoon characters have a nice little layer of fur but all the skin characters doesn't quite look like properly skin shaded like maybe slightly lacking a little bit i know how gross and weird would it look like if the cartoon characters had this like fleshy translucent skin they have to have that toy feel i feel like listen braun braun this is basketball but with a spin to it does seeing all the cg characters does it feel like that kind of takes it away from the cartoon aspect of things well in the original space jam there's a bit of a technological marvel with it whereas michael jordan who is a human being in a cartoon world for most of it and eventually cartoons joining him on the court which is a bit of roger rabbit kind of thing yeah totally a pretty big deal like from a visual effects standpoint at this point not that big of a deal when lebron james goes to toon world he becomes a cartoon also there is no photoreal lebron james with cartoon characters they just skipped that entirely he's got honey straight cartoon rabbit season all right yeah now say i'm hot and white oh there's your chungus dude they actually put big chunkis in the movie did we just catch this one glimpse of him being a chungus there you go that's a reference and you know what else is brilliant this ball movement the visual effects are great but there's so much happening that it makes it really hard to find a focus to the scene because i i'm trying to watch the characters and they look awesome it's just like holy crap there is so much happening it's like almost a visual overload did you guys stop watching the foreground characters and just start looking at the background oh my god there are so many characters in the background is this basically just ready player one but with basketball ready player basketball and with only warner brothers franchise yeah there's the wicked witch there's a clown from it oh hey it's them the family even came space jam has decent visual effects in it but there's my opinion a miscalculation here so movie crowds generally for the most part the job with crowds is you just want an anonymous mass of people in the background but what if you go hey what if i pick as many popular characters as i can and just sprinkle them throughout the crowd so the audience is just playing where's waldo with the crowd the whole time what that does is it makes you immediately go well i'm gonna stop watching the foreground i'm gonna start watching the background and all the little tricks that you can do for a crowd suddenly break down for example in the background watch eye lines and watch hype levels come here buddy so penguin he's not looking at any of the action well maybe he's noticing other characters he recognizes on the other side everybody is hyped a hundred percent the entire time it just doesn't stop everyone's always cheering even when people are quiet on the sidelines people are screaming and clapping you're right it's funny because i'm trying to like look at the characters but i'm more interested in the people they're featuring yeah like there's that monkey in the background dancing that's who i'm looking at yeah the other thing is that you have to populate hundreds if not thousands of 3d models of people for all of those extras in the background just so that you can then blur them all out of focus yeah this is a whole third of the movie basically i spent the entire scene just looking at the background i forgot entirely what happened in the actual foreground of the camera here i didn't see any value that's replay value yeah but like i wonder though isn't that the fun part of this movie is noticing all those i mean i like trying to spot these characters i do too i do too it's just it's an odd choice so you might be able to tell which aliens are fake in space jam but can you tell which aliens are fake in the pentagon ufo videos that were recently released sam and i sat down to apply our visual effects art aside to see if we could debunk and explain the ufo videos this video is coming out tomorrow on this channel tune back and then or subscribe so you don't miss it so here we have darby o'gill and the little people this is a movie about a man who i think catches a leprechaun and gets like wishes and all kind of stuff and here he is in their kingdom and he's going to play them in some music and they're going to have a good old time wait you're telling me his wish was to rule the kingdom of leprechauns i don't know you have to watch movie to find out where we go one two three four look at that cutie [Laughter] oh oh oh oh that's crazy what wait what no green screens oh oh oh oh it's getting crazier dude he's fiddling so hard it's like i brought you a magical instrument from the human realm and they're all like my bodies we can't control them what are you doing to us i won't stop playing until you give me your gold i mean are we seeing a bunch of like forced perspective stuff let's talk about force perspective real quick so in order to make something look big and something else looks small back in the day before you can just cut people out and move them around your screen with your computer you basically need to have your at one actor be close to the camera and the other actors be far away because at the end of the day the camera is just giving you a two-dimensional image you can't look at the image and tell what's close and far outside of just the cues of what you're looking at on screen so you can fake it so that's how they had to approach this because you know you don't have green screens you don't have computers they can do matting where they can cut something out and stick in the frame but that doesn't really let you move around you can force perspective this one where you have him really close to the camera and then a large set in the background but watch as he walks off this shot's amazing if you're going to do forced perspective with this there's going to be a seam in your set there would be a cutoff there of a platform that's raised up and closer to us and then like a larger floor that's in the background so what they did is they actually designed their set to have these streaks painted on it and they matched the paint lines from the little platform close to the camera to the platform behind the camera same thing with this pause right there oh i see it yep that's really well lined up they're using the curvature of the rock to motivate the seam a little bit there you can really see the edges once you start looking for it but i love this it's so cool okay but what about that shot i think this is just a matte that's got to be a matted shot because that'd be a matted shot you can't do that you can't do that you can't do it you can't do that but the thing is for this we have a matted shot it means that he didn't just go stand there on the set because that part of the set is like that's like a 50 foot high scene wait a minute what if he's on a platform that's hanging in the center of a room he could be because you think how tall would that ceiling have to be and how much work we have to put into that ceiling to build that i think that's not a real ceiling i think that's a matte painting if that's a matte painting that means that he could be standing on scaffolding and the matte painting's just covered in the entire scaffolding oh is this the behind the scenes for a vet yep that's totally a freaking platform the doll's in the foreground they're just rotating them sticks oh show us how it was done please please hold on all right let's repeat this i forgot about mirrors that's all dolls and mirrors wow it was a mirror it's not just a mirror it's a mirror where they cut a hole through the mirror there's no mats at all this is all 100 in camera this is insane and there's a matte painting too the ceiling and the stalactites and stuff i also painted on glass in front of the mirror right off the front of the camera it makes total sense now we got to keep that in our back pocket each time we see those old things we're like it could be a mirror now yeah i forgot about mirrors i completely forgot about mirrors as a legit trick so ryan reynolds has a new movie out called free guy and what i like about what ryan reynolds does with the marketing is that he takes an untraditional approach instead of doing a classic trailer you know he does this thing where it's like it starts out as a trailer and then turns into an interview with a monstrosity and nico i wanted to get your opinion on this shot okay yeah i don't have time for that i've been at this one week wow so this isn't some random dude this is pretending to be ryan reynolds as the super buff guy is that just prosthetic or is that a deep fake because it kind of looks like a deep fake every once in a while here's the first thing we can look at let's watch his adam's apple and i gotta tell you it's coming in nicely it's just staying building it's not moving oh it's not moving anymore ryan say some words this is me pretending to be ryan reynolds because we look exactly the same and i am talking now and you can see my adam's apple for this to be a deep fake the muscular dude needs to be doing the performance because a deep fake is just a mask it isn't actually somebody else's performance pasted on your face it's your performance you just are wearing a mask and therefore you would see evidence like in this adam's apple of it moving as these lines are coming up in this shot we see it in that shot we see it in the first shot we don't but it's it's not quite lined up that is the reason why i think it's not a deep fake because that would mean the actor whoever this buff dude is is having to not only deliver the same lines that ryan reynolds is gonna have to say he's gonna have to say at the exact same timing and the exact same inflection and now that means ryan reynolds famous charisma is now locked into whatever this bodybuilder is doing with his face but what's the facial performance it's not that crazy i feel like you could totally just go hey we need a buff dude who can like do a couple jokes i i feel like that's totally possible because the motion on the face it's like yeah it could be like a 2d semi-3d track but it looks like a deep fake it looks like the facial motion you see in a deep fake it does look like a deep fake i'm going to guess that it's not a deep fake my reason for that is i think what they did here is they just filmed ryan reynolds locked off directly facing camera very low perspective changes and he just does all his performance and they pace the face onto this guy and deal with a little bit of morphing and stretching to make like the jawline move and stuff like that still really well done and the fact that we're even discussing it like this is you know especially for a quick little promo piece commercial it's like yeah real quick though there's another video that they did for the marketing for free guy that i feel is particularly relevant to this show well hello there and what's up reaction faction it's deadpool i'll be reacting to a trailer for a movie which i honestly thought came out like a year ago wow i would like to think that this is like a shout out to us but there's plenty of other reactions yeah there's lots of react formats out there we are not original in any regard however it is kind of cool to see a similar format being used in marketing for this i do feel like there's only one reaction out there where it just has a straight up couch in the middle of the shot maybe they're joking about us maybe they're having a laugh ryan i know you're watching this right now we're talking about your movie i know you're seeing this if you want to talk about this more hit us up and you can sit on this couch with us and maybe we can look at the green lantern and you can clarify what you've been wanting to clarify for a long time yeah exactly you can come on our show you can sit in this seat right here wren [Music] he'll go to the room we can make room hey guys remember me about a week ago i'm back again to tell you about our sponsor bessie bessie is a shoe that can go anywhere and do anything i personally use messing every day to work out it doesn't matter if i'm outside and it's raining or i'm inside it doesn't matter if i'm outside hiking and it's dry and dirty and dusty because i can just hose them off in the backyard besties are 100 waterproof not water resistant so they're super easy to clean just throw them in the wash or maybe hose them down in the backyard and just let them dry to prove that they're waterproof there's nothing there there's nothing there there's nothing there one of my favorite things about bessie's is they're sustainably made they use less material less water and no animal byproduct that means they're vegan vessies are made with dymatex a dual climate knit which keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter i can just slip my shoes on and off like socks i barely feel them on my feet they're super lightweight and breathable sometimes i forget they're even on it doesn't matter where you go besties has you covered oh so do we click the link in the description below so you can get 25 for each pair of besties you buy you can get one for every member of the family anyways enjoy the rest of this video and i'll probably see you next week because i'm coming for jake's job so we actually got the suggestion for looking at free guy from the comments of these videos so if you are ryan reynolds leave a comment down below or come on to the show and we'll you know choose something from that and if you're not ryan reynolds and you just have a cool shot you want to react to go ahead leave a comment down below too also old vfx i want more of them there's some great suggestions before bed knobs and broomsticks that's one of my favorites that's my like my ace in my pocket bed knobs and broomsticks yeah see these guys don't know what it is yet they have not seen nazis fighting reanimated knights and armor okay i'm intrigued now there you go all right thank you so much for watching this was a really fun one to do dude those tiny people blew my mind tiny people big results yeah anyways we'll see you guys in the next vfx rs react
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,421,520
Rating: 4.959475 out of 5
Keywords: vfx, vfx artists react, react, cgi, visual effects, movies, hollywood, shot breakdown, behind the scenes, explained, loki, marvel, DC, ryan reynolds, free guy, space jam, lebron james
Id: Ja54Fggs2U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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