Veterans Eat Military Meals (MREs) With Civilians | People Vs. Food

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- I surprisingly really like it. (chuckles) It's like a Chipotle bowl. - How does it smell so good but taste so regular? - Oh! (screams) Oh my god! This is so scary! ♪ (8-bit intro) ♪ - (FBE) First of all, I wanna thank the members of the military for coming in today and shooting this episode with us. - Thanks for having me. - My first base was Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan. It truly was a positive experience. - I served doing two deployments as part of Operation Inherent Resolve with the Barack Obama administration. - I was in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. It's its own unique experience just being in the military. It's another one above and beyond that when you're deployed to a combat zone. - (FBE) Today, we're gonna be trying some MREs. - I knew it. They told me I might be eating something I don't want. I was like, "It sounds like an MRE to me." - It's a meal ready to eat. So, it's basically these astronaut food that comes in a little sack, and it's food that lasts forever apparently. - People even [censored] in the bag once they're done with it, you know? - What?! - 'Cause it's a pretty big bag. - I'm not gonna think it's gonna be some Michelin star eats here, but I am quite hungry. So, bring it on. - I got the chili with beans. - I have the hash brown potatoes with bacon, peppers, and onions. Sounds good to me. - I got beef taco. - His sounds better. All the veggie ones are garbage. Straight up. This is the bag that I've seen people [censored] in. - (laughs) - It's very sturdy. - It literally smells like canned chicken. It is canned chicken, right? - Ugh. God. I hate spinach. - It tastes like canned chicken. - Full disclosure, I was in the Air Force, and we were pampered. (laughs) Look at the spinach. It's just jiggling. All right. - Look at mine! It's dead [censored] chicken chunk. - Okay. - Oh! That bite was so much worse. - [Censored] is so nasty, man. (laughs) Ugh! - Veggie ones are gross. - Yo, the beef taco with no shell, though. - It's all right. - Okay, I'ma try it. It tastes like... a Del Taco taco. I actually like this. - It's just like mush, spicy mush basically. I mean, obviously, it'll keep you full if you're hungry, but... probably be one of my last choices. - I've actually had this one before, chili with beans. If you've got your own bag of chips, if you've got those crackers that come with it, whatever that comes with, you use that to dip, you can enjoy yourself for five or seven minutes. And it's just like, all right, this was a totally different place before you get back to reality. - Pretty good. It's-- yeah, actually. I really like it. - The chili with the beans is actually-- like I said, it's not the worst one out there. Trip down memory lane. It's like commissary right here. This is all good for me. - I've never had the chicken burrito bowl. I was eating these mostly in 2005. Hopefully, they've changed up the menu somewhat. This a good-sized one. I think this is a hooked up one. You gotta see what you got in there. - I used to love getting the cappuccinos. Sometimes, they'll give you a cappuccino. But this is like the lemon lime Gatorade. - Coconut macaron cookie? All right. Here's the other good thing about treats: When you're with your team or whatever, this is a good bargaining tool, all right? This is a good motivational tool, morale booster, all that good stuff. - (FBE) Okay. Time to start cooking. - Oh, this is good eating. - Wait, so this is self-heating? - Mm-hmm. - He goin' right to it! I'm so confused. - How much water should I pour in? - I don't know. Just enough to get the little heater thing wet at the bottom there. - Oh, okay, okay, okay. - I mean, you don't wanna fill the bag all the way up. Just about that much. - Should I fold it? - Yeah, you'll see some steam coming up eventually. Yeah, you could feel it getting hot. Yeah. Oh yeah, it's working. Holy [censored]. - Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! - Yeah, go easy. - Yo! That is so cool! - This is where I always mess it up, because it's like, for me, it's not heating up fast enough. And then, I start playing with it, and then it heats up too fast. (laughs) And then I'm just-- ah! There we go. You see what I mean? What'd I tell you? Then it heats up too fast. That's why it's important not to go past that water line they have, because if you go past that waterline, a millimeter, this thing is just about to start putting out hot water everywhere. - Now I'm really trying not to mess up. - (FBE) Yeah, 'cause King has now put the fear of God in you. He's told you all these horrible stories. - Oh yeah. But good luck. You'll be fine. Fold it over. Make sure that heat stays in there. - Ooh, it's steaming! Okay. - It's not hot. - Oh, it'll heat up. I wouldn't keep your hand there too long. - Oh my god! Ahh! Oh-- (screams) Oh my god! This is so scary! - I told-- (chuckles) Yeah, it's gonna burn you. - (laughs) Ah! I literally can't get the meal pouch in. (gasps) Science! This reminds me of the hand heaters I used in Japan and Korea. - (FBE) Okay. Let's give these a few minutes to cook and try something else while we wait. - Okay. - Cool. - (FBE) All right. Time for your next food. - All right. We got a vacuum sealed-- I don't even know what this is. - (FBE) Apparently, these are emergency rations that the Coast Guard uses. - Oh, yeah. I was never in the Coast Guard, so I never got any of these. - (FBE) These are kind of like granola bars. And apparently, they don't expire till 2035, so they're indestructible. (laughs) - Oh, wow! - Damn. Sounds appetizing. - If you didn't wanna eat this, this could also double as a weapon, where you could just kind of ninja star it at somebody's forehead. - (FBE laughs) - This is... (loud thunks) - Smells good. Yeah, I could smell it through the wrapper. - Feels like a bar of soap. - I would never think it's a granola bar. It seems more of an object rather than food. - Tastes like that stuff you take for fiber for old people. - Yeah, it's really dry, but I think it's all right. - All right. - Oh, it's so powdery. - (laughs) - I need some water with that. She needs some milk. - My mouth! It's so dry. Yo! That killed me. If I would've inhaled, I would've coughed over everything. - This is not good. - Ugh! - Let's do a little taste now, a little tasty-taste. Mm! Mm-mm-mm. It's like a dry cracker. How does it smell so good but taste so regular? - Mm. It's really dry. It doesn't really taste like anything. - (FBE) All right. Now that your burrito bowls are fully cooked, it is time to try them. - Yo, this is hot. Bro! - Yeah. Oh yeah. Go easy. The steam gets real. - This smells really good. Mm, that tastes good. - This is good. If you got this, you're not trading it. - This is Chipotle. - I think that might be a shot at Chipotle. - Oh, it's similar to the beef taco that I just ate. Probably just switched out the beef for chicken. It smells like beans, spicy beans. (laughs) - This one's better. There's meat in it. Automatically, it's better. Not everybody likes MREs, so usually, you'd get what you wanted 'cause somebody would just be like, "No, thanks. I don't want mine." - I surprisingly really like it. It's like a Chipotle bowl. - It's a little bit spicier than I remember. I remember them being mild, but it's good, you know? I don't mind a little extra flavor. - Chicken burrito bowl? Listen, stop complaining out there, people. - It looks pretty good to me, honestly. - it's not terrible. People complain. I get it, but it's not terrible. Oh! - I agree, though. It's really not terrible. - It tastes like, I don't know, one of the cheaper Mexican places you can go to to get some chicken, rice, and bean bowl, right? If McDonald's served it, this is what it would taste like. But it'll keep you alive, and it may or may not allow you to use the bathroom, so we'll see. - (chuckles) - (FBE) Lastly, out of all the meals you tried today, which one was your favorite? - I'm gonna with the the one I just ate, the chicken taco or whatever it was. - The chicken burrito bowl was pretty solid. A lot of flavor, the meat was good. - This is the last place I ever expected to be eating an MRE in Hollywood, California. - Yeah. (laughs) - You know, you could've told me that 15 years ago when I was in Iraq, you know, in 2005. I'd be like, no [censored] way. - Thanks for watching us try some MREs on Replay. - Don't forget to subscribe. We have new shows every week. - Bye. And once again, thank you to all the veterans out there. - Hey, guys. Nick here. 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Channel: REPLAY
Views: 549,371
Rating: 4.9422245 out of 5
Keywords: reaction, review, mre review, civilian, military diet, people vs food, vs food, react, fbe, react channel, try not to eat, try not to, try not to laugh, laugh challenge, fine bros, Military, Veteran, taste test, for the first time, military food, mre, mre taste test, meal ready to eat, army, food, cooking, army food, reaction video, reaction channel, try mres, civilians try mre, taste testing, Veterans Eat Military Meals (MREs) With Civilians | People Vs. Food, what's the best mre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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