Eating ONLY Military Food for 24 HOURS!! **shocking**

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yo what's going on guys faze rug here and today i am going to be eating military food for 24 hours first and foremost i just want to say thanks to those who serve for our country we really do appreciate it but i just want to take myself through what a military person might eat on a daily basis for those who don't know in the military they eat what is called an mre which stands for meal ready to eat and basically what that is is dry food in a bag and all you have to do is add hot water and it turns it into a full meal we're outside of the store right now i'm really excited to see what they have but all i know is that they have a large variety of different meals to choose from but before we get into it i just want to say thank you all so much for all the recent support on my channel i noticed all your guys's comments all the support you guys have been crushing it and it truly means a lot to me it's super motivating especially the start of 2021 we're off to a great start hope you guys do enjoy the video and let's get into it before we head into the store just remember for 20 mil subs i'm giving away 20 ps5s 20 iphone 12s 1 000 to 10 people you already know the deal hit that subscribe button hi look at all the clothing they have for the military this is dope man all the flags too we gotta find the meals you guys are gonna be very interested in the type of meals that military people eat if i could find it guys this store is so dope like look they have canteens bro you could like hide under these they got the helmets and stuff oh here it is mres guys that's it if you guys don't know what military food looks like this is literally what they eat this is crazy tuna chunk light water pack lemon pepper that actually sounds good dude that low key does sound good and it also says like warfighter recommended war fighter tested and warfighter approved oh this is sick pizza slice pepperoni i'm getting this i don't care asian style beef strips with vegetables so this is really what everyone in the military eats oh yeah these are the real deal yeah these are military issues bacon's pepper and onions yeah that's a winner that's a good breakfast we'll get both of these what's your personal favorite one there's uh several of them that really are good chicken stew that's a winner i think we got a lot today you're you're fine thank you so much sure guys so they just said that the pizza one we got is very rare to find and they sell for like higher than what you sold it right they sell for like 30 or 40 bucks online on ebay thank you guys so much for watching thank you if you need a beer with the pizza we don't have to thank you they're so nice in there we got a lot more than we needed to but they had so many cool meals that sounded really good that i just got a ton maybe i might eat more than just breakfast lunch and dinner we will see you guys at home for breakfast all right so we got all the mres laid out right here and it's time to choose what to have for breakfast i think i'm gonna go with the pork sausage patty maple flavored i think that's gonna taste pretty good what do you want i mean it is breakfast time so would you want hash browns that sounds good oh hashbrown potatoes with bacon pepper and onion that's what i want that's what i want ooh okay we're gonna show you guys how to make these i actually don't know how so wait there's no instructions on here we'll figure out how to make it i think we have to pour hot water in it or something but let's figure it out oh it comes in a bag okay whoa whoa whoa okay so these are the crackers jalapeno cashews peanut butter whoa i didn't know it comes with a lot more than just what it says on the packaging wait fruit punch comes with a drink go away it says carbohydrate electrolyte beverage powder look it comes with gum no way after you're done what the heck this is cool so i think we finally figured out how to make this we got this bag you're gonna open it as you can see at the bottom it says do not overfill we're gonna put water in between these two lines you guys can't really see it that well but it's in between these two lines now you're gonna get the main meal out of this bag which is a patty okay okay i'm gonna take it out i'm gonna place it in here ready all right and now we fold it whoa it's hot no way dude feel it it's actually getting hot and then you're gonna want to put it in between here okay and then you're gonna lean it up against this and how long i think three to five minutes we'll check back on it in three to five minutes and it should be ready all right so it's been about three to five minutes and we're gonna take this out and see how it looks oh it's cooked all right and then we're gonna grab the muffin top bro this is sick take this put it on here are you guys ready let's do it three two one it literally tastes like i make muffins no way dude this tastes good it has a lot of flavor the inside i'll give this one a nine out of ten really dang it's actually good i'm gonna open up the jalapeno cashews those look like cashews yup wait no these are actually good good source of protein all right we got the crackers tastes like saltine crackers overall meal rating nine out of ten oh let's go good breakfast all right what do you got for us here i got some hash browns you know i got some crackers like you did right here and i don't know what this is but a chocolate chip cookie it looks like a pop-tart i'm pretty hyped i'm gonna put cheese on the cracker just to start it off oh that cheese let's start with the hash brown open it up for you guys hash browns cheers i think this has bacon and potato in it what what this is fire are you serious i swear i'm gonna legitly give that an eight out of ten hell yeah crackers i'm just going to say it's a 10 out of 10 because who doesn't like crackers you can't go wrong 10 out of 10. and i'm sure like these have a lot of protein in them too no they definitely do because people in the military need that protein exactly they need to stay big this was french toast right yes french toast you have to try this okay i want to try no you have to drink oh my god it looks like a pancake too tell me i'm not tripping bro for real what is in here it's like caramel i don't know can you see that like dude that looks insane i like it so this is what the fruit punch looks like smells like fruit punch take it like the media brian come on you're so good at this stop stop dude no oh there's a few chunks in there but i mean it's fruit punch it's not gonna be bad dude it tastes like strawberry lemonade not fruit punch really low key here you go it tastes like pink lemonade or strawberry lemonade but nonetheless this is good i like it overall meal i would give it a nine out of ten noah i'll give it an eight eight out of ten okay for the next meal we're gonna go to a special guest house to eat lunch and just stick around to see what we got in store for the next meal i'm here with my boy sherman sherman the big eater i already know what i'm choosing for lunch guys the pizza slice pepperoni he told me that this was rare and it's from italy should i go with something italian too then i personally don't like pizza but i love pasta what is it spaghetti i am excited to see the pizza okay so this i'm assuming is the sauce for the pizza cherry blueberry cobbler so lucky hell yeah what i love about these is that you get a surprise in each one it doesn't say everything yeah that's on the bag but you get surprises italian breadsticks i'm excited i'm excited let's get to making it guys i'm gonna prepare this meal all right i think we made a mistake on how we made our breakfast supposedly you're not supposed to take the meal out before putting it in here so you have to put the whole bag yeah are you sure yeah yeah i watch videos like these all the time guys i love food guys while we wait for that to cook we're going to show you how everything looks when it's ready all right we got our meals ready to eat hopefully we did this right anthony i still don't think your way is right but we're gonna see what this pizza looks like whoa wait this doesn't look like pepperoni or like sausage it's not supposed to look like a regular pizza from domino's obviously because it's meant to last a long time okay so this is my pizza and then this is the cobbler so this is what i'm excited about oh my gosh bro it's like grape jelly let me show you guys my full-on meal we got a cookie we got breadsticks we got the pizza and we got the cobbler anthony this is mine right here this is spaghetti whoa yours looks good we smell it you can see the beef in there too and i'm sure when you're in the military you like scoop out every little bit in there so that's your main course what do you have on the side a pop-tart whoa bread dude look at this jam oh and we have a fruit drink let me take a bite out of my pizza it tastes like pizza it can't be that good it's actually pretty good i think i'm gonna go more for like a six or seven i feel like the first meal had more flavoring i think we heated it up wrong like it was a little bit on the colder side so that's on me i'm sure we heated it up more it would have tasted a little bit better but it was good though anthony you got to try the spaghetti now that actually looks fire look at what we get right here salt how do you get salt here we go cheers fire i promise i'm gonna eat this whole thing no just literally just be honest like we're trying to be honest with the reviews this is so good the meat doesn't taste weird at all tastes like meat how long do you think the food is stored in there it's years no way six or seven years guys if we don't have any of the facts right correct us but in a nice way please because like we don't we don't know if kept in cooler conditions they can last well over 10 years and still be safe to eat here we have the italian breadstick and i'm gonna put some cheese spread with jalapenos guys brian actually loves bread like when i go to his house sometimes he's just eating bread by itself just bread i like it fire i like it dude this is good oh yeah it smells like italian oh yeah it's actually good i want to try the cobbler baby like this yep oh it's actually good it tastes like grape soda but in a dessert it does this is actually fire guys this is a dessert be honest just try it just look at it let's try it try this raspberry type three drink oh it's good okay this is that that's so good anthony try your sides oh is this a pop tart yeah pop tart that tastes exactly like the pop-tart try the cookie [Music] a bit crunchy but guys blackberry jam dude that's fire guys i got raisins i don't like raisins but i'll erase i actually love raisins i don't like raisins the good news is they don't taste different than a regular raisin i'm actually full right now guys it comes with so much that you get full before finishing it at least for me probably not for someone in the military dude look how much you got you got a cookie definitely high in protein too overall review of my meal seven out of ten sharing you finished yours you cleaned i'm sorry to say this 10 out of 10. why are you sorry like i'm sorry to beat your rating no i'm sorry that yours wasn't a 10 but dude the spaghetti like i don't know if it's just because i love food but it was so good no it's good it was so good toaster pastry was fire this was a good meal dude i like it guys now i gotta wait a few more hours for dinner [Music] all right guys it is dinner time here in san diego and i'm here with thanks for having me dude of course wait what's my name well i mean brandon's b what's the next letter r all right guys so we already picked out our meals here you already know how it works but pretty much what i'm gonna be making is some mexican style chicken stew i had some italian for lunch let's go mexican for dinner what do you got got some chili with beans keeping it basic hey i'm a little scared i feel like that's good you haven't had any of this right no i've never had an emerald we've already had two meals today and i could say that it's actually pretty good we're gonna make this and you already know how it works so we're just gonna snap our fingers we're gonna snap our fingers and it's gonna be right in front of us three two one whoa like magic [Music] here's my mexican style chicken stew and the sides that i got were some cheese pretzels a chocolate protein bar and some mixed fruit so i think this is a perfect dinner junior what do you got all right i got chili with beans okay it honestly doesn't look bad and then for the sides i got cheddar cheese pretzel bites a vegetable cracker and corn bread this is about to be fire i'm gonna take a bite out of my chicken stew first i never actually have had regular stew here we go hey no this tastes good whoa this is fire junior try your chili okay let's get a good bean in there okay it's seasoned good he's like hold up another bite with a vegetable cracker actually oh no oh yeah spice it up i'm actually good can we cheers a cheese cracker oh yeah what is it called cheese pretzel there like cheddar cheese in the middle oh look you can actually see the cheese in there can you see it cheers mate oh those are good imagine i'm like not saying it it's just a pretzel no this is good junior try your cornbread because i think that's gonna be really good oh i love cornbread man this is good try it's actually good okay i want you to guess how long this food could be packaged for three years good guys five to ten years so i'm just curious i'm curious how long this food that we got is packaged for i mean either way it tastes good i'm gonna try my protein bar i'm not a huge fan of chocolate to be honest because i break out easily but it's a happy bite it is a protein bar look how weak these bones are honestly it's not bad i just don't like chocolate in general and i think it's dark chocolate i'm gonna try the fruit i think that's apricot is it called apricot or apricot or is it personal preference tomato all right cool i mean it's fruit you can't go wrong with fruit no this is good i'm gonna go in for more of these things chili all right now that we've taken a bite of everything what's your overall rating of your meal oh when he puts the hands together the hands together under the chin junior is a food critic so let's see what he gives this rating i would give it a solid eight oh eight is good okay that is good vegetable crackers could have a little more flavor jelly with beans it was spicy could have been more spicy so minus two points eight out of ten overall that's good i would eat that again i like that for my meal the stew was really really good the pretzels were good i just personally wasn't a fan of the chocolate bar and the fruit is fruit so i think i'ma go with the same rating as eight cause the chocolate bar took away two points i'm saying there's a solid eight junior would you eat this again i definitely would actually let's go baby guys these mres are actually really good thank you so much for making it to the end of my video if you actually watched it from start to finish comment the word toast and confuse all the people that just like skipped through the video i want to see how many people actually watch my videos through this was a really fun day respect to all the people in the military that serve for our country we really really do respect and appreciate that but other than that it has been rug and i'm out peace [Music] cause i know
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 8,777,145
Rating: 4.9288483 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, military, military food, mre, eating mre, eating only military food, eating only military food for 24 hours, meal ready to eat, eating mre for 24 hours
Id: 36jw2t_pNWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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