Why NO ONE plays Venti

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is our dearest ventti still worth pulling for that's what I'll be telling you today let's get into it vent's best capability is without a doubt his insane crowd control his burst being a very effective grouper for smaller enemies he's able to offer this to you without much resource investment either simply level him to 90 to increase his swirl damage and grouping strength slap some Er on him and you'd be good to go however actually pouring some time and effort into his build and talents can result in venty dealing some considerable sub DPS uh don't Crown his normals unless you're a fellow dedicated s that capability of his allows him to completely sweep crowds of smaller enemies he's able to provide this insane crowd control for you with very little field time being able to just shoot off his burst and then swap off field for your other teammates to do their thing not only this but his burst also has very little downtime it has a tidy cost of only 60 if his A4 restoring 15 energy to himself after his burst ends he also ascends of energy recharge making him comfy to build having a base of 132% er at level 90 that's 32% ER just off of his ascensions with all this combined you can honestly just throw a favonius or elegy on venti and call it a day you'll have his burst up for years ventti is also the master of convenience when he works seriously you can completely clean off enemy if that void creating burst anywhere for you casual players out there ventti is absolutely an ideal unit for Overworld and will make exploration a breeze this convenience also count to be understated in Abyss floors 9 and 10 it'll make your life so much easier so because of his near constant up time and the strength of his suck ventti is absolutely the AOE king take a shot every time I say suck this video you'll end up more wasted than Mr bartabas over here he's ALS also the king of my brain 24/7 just look at that little also people often say venty is completely worthless and single Target this isn't entirely true sure you can't abuse his immense crowd control but venti's personal damage is pretty much just as good as Kazu has you're just trading the damage percent buff for vent's energy refund and his elegy buff plus vent's good when he works right people can really underestimate how often venty does work pretty much every Abyss features a venty half and there never has been never will be an abyss with three boss Chambers in recent abysses ventti has shined quite brightly and his value is pretty much never zero so now I'm sure you're wondering how does venty stack up against the other meta animos for starters he's the cutest animal in general so that's a plus against the big bad kazua and sros honestly it just boils down to what content you're facing kazua in general is a highly multifaceted unit with insane meta value and is arguably one of the best characters if not the best character right now so it's understandable why some would believe ventti isn't worth it if you already have maple syrup man the main area where ventti completely trumps kazua is once again in those scenarios where you're facing a ton of small groupable enemies with kazua while his grouping is nothing short of incredible as well his skill can take up quite a bit of field time compared to ventti who's just press q and then go to the toilet as much as I adore my wind waifu I won't under sell Kazu if you don't have kazua pull for him first you won't regret it if you already have kazua on the other hand in my opinion ventti is still extremely valuable to have for those annoying situations where he works extremely well which once again is quite often you'll find that he beats kazua when it comes to these scenarios then for sucros thing is sucros is great but she's mostly great on paper she's difficult and clunky to execute and while people may like to point to her C6 as a point of value she brings to the table it's very dysfunctional and hardly ever absorbs an element in this case the main reason you'd use sucros is for her incredible em sharing capabilities she's also quite a nice driver in some comps in general I would say that ventti is still worth pulling for even if you're an avid sucr enjoyer since while the wind Fox is highly valuable you'll find she can't take advantage of her full kit sometimes once again ventti wins by a huge margin whenever his grouping is effective plus why only enjoy one wind waiu why not too there is a little note with ventti compared to other animals if you didn't know you need to be on field for four piece vescent venor to prop with venti since his field time is so short it's possible to cast his burst and swap off so fast but you don't swirl when vent's on field this is mostly a problem specific to venty but it's very uncommon and you won't find it being an issue most of the time but it's just something to note with venty don't swap off of him too fast plus with ventti like all other animal don't underestimate positioning with him if you position yourself properly on field you can group all enemies at once and sweep as opposed to randomly tossing out your burst and not sucking in all enemies just because he's drunk doesn't mean you have to play Drunk another thing with ventti is that he has one special quality over other animals while kazua has his damage bonus and sucrose has her em share venti is excellent battery and capabilities his A4 restores 15 flat energy to all party members of the element his burst absorbed for example if your playing a freeze team of ganu Mona venti and Shena and his burst absorbs cryo ganu and Shena will both restore 15 energy so you're able to build less ER on your units when you're playing them with venty by the way if you're enjoying the video why not consider liking and subscribing maybe even leaving a cool comment down below if you don't you'll turn into a cute fan booy don't say I didn't warn you moving on when debating whether a unit is still worth pulling for it's good to take a look at how they actually Faire in modern content so how does ventti do better than you'd expect quite a lot of the enemies ventti couldn't suck before have been nerfed and can now be picked up by his burst kagis and specters are good examples to name especially specters he can also pull some enemies you wouldn't expect to be grippable such as the desert Doritos and the husks plus most sumaru enemies that aren't ginormous ruin machines can be sucked up by him so in recent times his burst has actually been pretty solid in Abyss there's more clearable enemies than you'd expect vent's burst is pretty much only ineffective against large robotic enemies and bosses granted there are a lot of those two then we have to consider his synergies his most ideal slot ends is within freeze teams and he can be a best in slot support for Scaro teams for freeze teams ganu in particular stands out thanks to Venti and ganu both having excellent quadratic scaling bursts but there's honestly plenty of AOE teams nowadays and Morana has long since fallen out of the meta as a top team aak fre can also use venti quite effectively and since our sweet archon can provide energy he helps out with aa's ER requirements quite nicely I also want to draw some attention to scar mush in particular venty has the perfect off field crowd control to seriously improve Scar's AOE as he has no issues hitting enemies within venti's burst plus his normals and charged attacks have a large enough radius to hit anything inside of it you can swap ventti in as a slot for scaramouch in pretty much any content where he works and you quickly realize that in this case venty is his best ins slau teammate yes this is a situation where venty is better than kazua all three of those units can also hit within venti's burst which is another thing to factor in not every ability can reach the height of vent's burst even his emo Roblox boyfriend Shia can't plunge enemies since they're lifted too high within vent's burst changling impact burst is also too low to reach enemies lifted that high to name some examples so who can hit inv vent's burst aside from the free scals and the guy with motherly issues nolet C's charge attack Ryan's charge attack yes her initial slash does hit within his burst kook's normal attacks yiko yolan tigari and Linny will all hit with inv venti's burst as for all the other units mentioned if you play them then you can certainly consider venty as well ven is my f favorite character I triple crown him and have his little figure for Pete's sake but can I wholeheartedly recommend him final verdict is he's a fantastic flexible addition to your account with great potential when he works ventti is unfathomably broken and is quite solid and flexible in every other scenario he's a specialized unit and you should know what you're getting yourself into when pulling for him a damn cutie seriously cutest archon cutest character if you love being happy then pull for him hopefully this video was able to help you decide whether you'll be pulling for the sweetest archon and all of to that this has been just signing out and I wish you all the day as relaxing as a gentle breeze
Channel: Juice
Views: 52,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, juice genshin, venti good, venti bad, venti pros and cons, venti xiao, venti xiangling, venti
Id: wdHCXu1Qnvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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