Aether and Lumine Are Lucifer [Genshin Impact Theory]

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a fascinating thing about the genji impact story is its smart use of religious texts to connect tevat with the real world and today i want to draw parallels to why gentian impact's main characters have several connections to lucifer the morning star welcome to why aether and lemine are lucifer where today i will be exploring the demonic counterparts of tabath's shooting stars disclaimer this is all just a theory and a personal speculation motivated by kenshin's amazing use of religious texts additionally this is in no way shape or form me promoting worshiping the actual devil but rather a literary look into the narratives that might connect him with the twins and i don't really know everything there is to know about lucifer or satan just the overhead knowledge so i might have some faulty information since searching for source material is quite dodgy so with that let's begin genjin impact's god and goddesses have been motivated by a lot of religious texts in the past for example the arkhan names as well as other gods that are known to have partaken in the arkhan war are from a demonic book known as the la megaton clavicula solomones or the lesser key of solomon or better known as the arthur the arsgoesha is a book that talks about the 72 demon legions in hell and such names that are included but are not limited to are barbados nebarius baal morax and paimon additionally the arkhan war is known in other languages as the war of the demon gods meaning that lucifer being integrated into the story isn't all that uncommon lucifer is a staple in christian and jewish mythology known as the fallen angel and prince of hell he is a figure associated with the planet venus and is known as the morning star or the shining one as a disclaimer i will be under the assumption that both lucifer and satan are seen as the same entity though theologians will argue that they are not the same this is all for the purpose of simplicity and just allegorical use rather than anything completely factual so let's begin with several themes that he shares with the twins for this video i'll be using lumine as my abyss sibling and aether as the traveler aether lumine and lucifer all follow the theme of the shining one and light the name aether and lameen have connections to celestial bodies in the sky and the concept of light ether is the primordial sky in which the greek gods came from and the main may be derived from the word luminosity additionally lumine and aether as names could be derived from the theory of the luminiferous ether or the light-bearing aether lucifer's story is popular as a tale of fall from grace lucifer was one of the greatest entities of heaven who went against the divine creator aether and lamene's opening cutscene show a lot of this motif aether and lamine are depicted as shooting stars and it was confirmed by them that they were one celestial bodies and that they have relations to the cosmos this mirrors lucifer's connections to venus as the morning star lucifer was also debated to either be a seraphim or a cherubim which are kinds of angels i believe that the twins mirrored the seraphim version of lucifer because of the number of wings they have seraphims have six wings while cherubims have four but now let's dive into the more symbolic aspect of their dissension lucifer was cast out of heaven for his pride against the highest heavenly order according to the jewish encyclopedia he was led by his pride to strive for the highest seat amongst the gods but was hurled down by the supreme ruler of the babylonian olympus there are many alterations to the story depending on what version of the text you're reading but we'll be focusing on the main motif of fall from grace the word pride as being the cause of the divine downfall mirrors why the unknown god stopped the twins in the first place the arrogation of mankind and the destruction of conriyah the pride of humanity how you fallen from heaven morning star you have been cast down to the earth you who once laid low the nations you said in your heart i will ascend to the heavens i will raise my throne above the star of gods i will sit enthroned on the mountain of assembly on the utmost heights of mount zafon i will ascend above the top of the clouds i will make myself like the most high but you are brought down to the realm of the dead those who see you stare at you [Music] but this is when the story diverges because i believe the twins represent two aspects of lucifer's tale separately the traveler's story represents his glory as a figure of enlightenment while the abyss sibling's tale represents his reign as the prince of hell against the rule of god both of these stories much like the twins do connect in the end to fulfill one true goal retribution against the divine so let's begin with the traveler's story ether traveling through taibat with this power sealed plays into the fallen angel motif but it goes deeper than that first is the theme of ascension this is something we know from the very beginning from venti's quote about the vision wielders ascending to celestia to the character ascension materials to the traveler themselves potentially ascending after unlocking all the elements we know that all throughout the game we see aether as a rebellious character aether while polite and refined has shown several signs of being prideful and somewhat sarcastic we do know that aether was a wanted man for three nations and that he isn't afraid to speak out against authority if he deems them irrational but this personality actually has another implication about aether's role in the story the traveler also becomes the enabler of helping other characters reach enlightenment aether helps people with their problems in the side quests and event quests this might relate to an interesting concept of lucifer's religious history luciferianism is a known belief system that revolves around lucifer this tradition was influenced by narcissism and pains lucifer in a much more philosophical light rather than the usual entity we are aware of it sees lucifer as a liberator guardian or a guiding spirit this is most likely where the christian interpretation of a fallen angel comes from lucifer much like aether is seen as a symbol of enlightenment independence and human progression ether is a symbol of truth and freedom of will seeing that his journey throughout our conquests involves saving humanity from a divine entity this being the case for monstat needing saving from the volun leo was saving from the harbingers and assail and inazuma from beelzebub next is his connection with the archons aether's connections with the demon gods may be tied in with lucifer's own connections with the arsegoesha the artisakoesha are fallen angels and demons who command lucifer's other forces within hell lucifer trusts the powers of the arts goesha and deems them as close allies which mirrors aether refending all of the archons throughout the quest following this paiman a demon from the arskowisha is an entity that is known to be most loyal to lucifer which further supports this theory but aether's journey is incomplete let's go into le min's connections with lucifer the motif of a princess of the abyss is in contrast with the prince of hell both are rulers of a people that disobeyed a heavenly order and hence was left to die in the pits of darkness her role in the story can be allegory to john milton's paradise lost in which the devil plotted against mankind after his downfall as a means of revenge to heaven the abyss order after the destruction of kanriya had always been set in destroying tevat as an act of retribution and even lamene stated that after her journey she saw the truth of the world in a book known as the libre luciferius or the book of lucifer by ben shakur there are several lines that are reminiscent of the abyss traveler fun fact this book was written allegedly with human blood upon parchment of human skin this book came from the 4th century of pagan rome anyway this could reference her war with destiny think not i am come to send peace on earth i came not to send peace but a sword another is for her conquest of destruction for nations shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places for everyone shall be assaulted with fire and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt on a side note conray's destruction seeming so close to what hell is often depicted as is really fascinating to me but that's just a personal take not grounded whatsoever by fact now we move on to the more present actions of lamine and her plans for the abyss order in 1.4 we are aware that the abyss is trying to resurrect asylum through a mechanization they will also be using the defiled statue as a base this operation is known as the loom of fate this is actually strangely reminiscent of a creature in the book of revelations that spoke of a beast there are two beasts that are mentioned in the book but the one i will be referring to is the one that came out from the sea the dragon stood on the shore of the sea and i saw a beast coming out of the sea it had ten horns and seven heads with ten crowns on its horns and on each had a blasphemous name the dragon gave the beast his power in his throne and great authority it was given the power to lead war against god's holy people and to conquer them this isn't the full passage but i don't actually think it's a one-to-one connection the beast in the bible had the face of a leopard so it's more of a symbolic sense in addition this means that asyl isn't the only one lumine might try to resurrect because the book of revelations also state another beast that comes from the earth since lumen is trying to corrupt divine entities like divalen and andreas it's possible that she will look for other creatures that are sailed elsewhere like asylum maybe she'll go after durin who is now manifested through subject 2 or the ashdaha who was only sealed away my bigger bet is ashlaga in all honesty the beast in the bible is seen as having two horns like a lamp emerging from the earth and it spoke like a dragon it's also fair to note that the second beast would mark its people similar to how ashdah would mark its victims but the most fascinating connection that i can find with the abyss and lucifer is the conspiracy theory known as the new world order allegedly and this is me going off on wikipedia because i'm genuinely too afraid to research further the new world order was a plan by lucifer that enabled the bringing of peace the new world order was established to remove predestination by god's decree prayer destination in christian theology refers to a doctrine that all events in a person's life has been wield by god according to the demonic paradise wiki which should be taken with a grain of salt humans were flawed and murderous creatures even if they are under god's light lucifer sought to remove human dependence on other divine entities and make humanity free and responsible agents determining their own developments through acts of the will in terms of gension this would be akin to the constellations and how fate is dictated already as assumed by mona lumene having a war with fate and destiny would go well with this as in the sword of dissensions the twins were eventually faded to war with destiny whatever that means it's also important to note that the tree of knowledge was crucial to giving humanity free will in genshin the airmen soul trees or the ones you find in the domains are trees that contain knowledge of the past their roots transcend deeper into the abyss and they are connected to delay lines if my theory is correct lumine might also be trying to connect the earmensal trees to celestia as a final act of retribution similar to how lucifer gave humanity the fruit of the tree of wisdom the domains themselves have a history with the fallen civilizations and conriyah and that's where the trees are located but that's all just a personal speculation in the end however the twins path will coincide when aether finally learns the truth of the world around them much like lucifer who rebelled against god the theme of retribution is clear in genji's story with inazuma increasing the stakes of the motif ether will also learn more about celestia through the fatoui zhong li venti and a additionally aether also shows somewhat of a hostility towards the gods in celestia but not the archons which is understandable because the unknown god trapped him in tavat ether has made passes multiple times so the nature of the divine isn't so benevolent as one might think this was seen when he spoke to dane in 1.3 and albedo in 1.2 the seeds of doubt have always been there since the very beginning so it's possible that aether and lemine will reunite in the end after all aether just wants to find his sister and leave not necessarily to stop the abyss or to save the world for the fourth time will the twins finally ascend to engulf the thrones in the sky or will they fall to the depths and wither away like the morning star and that concludes this video this video was supposed to be a little bit shorter but i got carried away with all the information i really just wanted to talk about this because it's honestly really fascinating to see literary parallels do i think all of this is real no i just think that the motifs are allegorical on a more important update i'll be free next week to make more videos as my christmas break kicks in though no promises because all my deadlines are during that time but nevertheless thank you so much for watching my name is oster and thank you for chatting with me
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 73,253
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact lore, genshin lore, kazuha, visions, what are visions, genshin impact theory, genshin theory, genshin new artifacts, genshin new lore, genshin new characters, opera gx, gaming, new genshin region, sorry tags, :(, abuse the algo, aether, lumine, celestia, what is celestia, is celestia evil, genshin impact celestia, anemo supremacy, geo, aratakki itto, arrataki itto, kamisato ayato, yunjin, shenhe, ayato, genshin celestia, Genshin, genshin impact gameplay
Id: Yx7oraFLHKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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