Best Vegan Egg Alternative + How to Use Chickpea (Garbanzo) Flour + Bodega Style Breakfast Sandwich

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[Music] hello and welcome to months it made this my name is Michael I cook vegan food so if you're interested in that go ahead and click the subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up while you are down there today I want to do something a little bit different than I've done in the past today I just want to focus on a specific ingredient talk about all the cool things that you can do with it and then show you a really quick and easy recipe that utilizes that and the first ingredient which is probably one of my favorite ingredients in the kitchen is chickpea flour or garbanzo bean flour or gram flour this is really easy to find you can find it at Whole Foods you can even find it in the Bob's Red Mill section of a regular supermarket if you have access to an Indian grocery store it's called gram flour there and it's probably a lot less expensive there as well chickpea flour is pretty much just ground-up dry chickpeas and if you do have a flour grinder like a Vitamix flour grinder you can actually grind your own chickpeas into this chickpea flour but this stuff is amazing it's probably one of my favorite ingredients in the whole kitchen because of the possibilities that this stuff has you can use it as I have in past videos as an egg-like binder in my vegan airfryer 101 video I use it as the egg that I use to stick the breadcrumbs to the tofu and cauliflower before I air fry them it's also really great as an egg replacer in baked goods if you were making brownies or something the call for just a couple of eggs just by mixing chickpea flour and water you can replace that egg another video on my channel which is very popular as my enchiladas so easy bake and it's gluten free because instead of using tortillas I use a kind of a thin pancake or a crepe made from chickpea flour in there and it's amazing delicious flavor great texture and it's just an all-around amazing ingredient so you need to go ahead and get yourself some and just experiment with it and see how you can use it in your own kitchen now one thing that I'm kind of obsessed with using it for right now is making an egg sandwich so I'm gonna be showing you here in just a second how I make this bodegas style egg sandwich you can obviously use whatever type of bread or other cheese's or vegan cheese's or vegan meats that you want with it you can take it as healthy as in plant-based as you want or as indulgent and fake process media as you want as well so let's start adding ingredients to this bowl I'm actually going to be cooking it in a microwave so that makes it even quicker and easier so I'm gonna start adding things to this bowl and I'll tell you a little bit more about it along the way for me the perfect water to chickpea flour ratio for something like this breakfast sandwich is going to be 1 to 1 so I have a quarter cup of chickpea flour and a quarter cup of water to that I'm going to add just a little bit of olive oil if you don't want to add this don't do it it just adds a little bit of fat egg yolk has fat so we need a little bit here to give it a little bit of lift a little just bit of fluffiness I'm gonna add a pinch of baking powder excuse me yeah baking powder and then to season it I have some nutritional yeast which is probably something else that I should do a video about but that just adds a nice kind of cheesy flavor some black pepper and then a pinch of salt I'm just gonna use this little whisk here to combine all these ingredients if it seems a bit too thick you can always add a little bit more water if it's to thin out a little bit more chickpea flour but when we stir this together we definitely want it to be the texture of beaten egg now one thing about chickpea flour that I must warn you about is that it is not very delicious before it is cooked so if you were to taste this right now it would taste kind of bitter and off and you would not be happy and you'd probably want to stop the recipe right there but just fight the urge to taste your raw egg mixture and just trust that once it is cooked that it will be delicious and if you haven't seasoned it enough now you can definitely season it on the other side so that's it it's all mixed together as you can see it's just got a nice kind of beaten egg texture and we're going to actually cook our egg for our breakfast sandwich directly into this bowl so the way that it's going to go is it going to go into the microwave for thirty seconds I'm going to mix it up a little bit go in for thirty more seconds start to form it and I'll talk you through it basically it's gonna be about three minutes worth of cooking broken up into 30-second intervals so let's get this in the oven the microwave oven for the first 30 seconds after the first 30 seconds it'll look kind of like it's come together but we want to just mix it up to make sure that if there's any kind of still raw batter stuff that we get that mixed in and then at this point I'm also gonna just start to kind of form it definitely not the most appetizing looking thing right now but we just kind of want to get it into a little bit of a circle we're gonna be putting this on a hamburger bun Bodega style so I want it to be about that shape so this is gonna go in for 30 more seconds and I'm gonna try to flip it after that point as soon as I can flip it I will flip it if I can't it goes in for 30 more seconds until I can so 30 more seconds second 30 seconds is up just continue to make sure that it's coming into shape and I can already feel that it's still pretty stuck to the bottom of the bowl so I'm going to go in for another 30 seconds before I try to flip it again you could if you really wanted to do this on the stovetop and I'll talk about that in just a moment as well so we're in a minute and a half total now and looks kind of like an egg I'm gonna put a spatula under this to see if I can flip it at this point all microwaves are different that's where I think doing it just like in thirty-second increments like this is the best way to go all right we got under it gonna go in for 30 more seconds and then after that we're gonna add some vegan cheese to the top and just melt that and then it's done and we have to get with the bun and all the other stuff yeah it is done cooking I just want to add my vegan cheese I'm using some violife shreds today you can use whatever your favorite vegan cheese is or if you didn't want to add any cheese some avocado would be delicious on this as well so this is going to go back in 20 more seconds and then I'll just leave it in there while I work on the bun and we're gonna be adding some vegan bologna to it today I just pulled this bun out of the freezer I'm going to add a bit of vegan mayo on here if you wanted to just use weak and margarine you could this just gives it a nice grill if you've ever made a grilled cheese sandwich I'm sure you've made a grilled cheese sandwich but using mayo on the outside of the grilled cheese sandwich instead of vegan butter is amazing so I'm just gonna put this on the grill to get it nice and brown if you didn't want to go through this step then definitely just pop that in the microwave as well the meat today I'm using is this Yves veggie Bologna and I'm just throwing this on my grill to give it a little bit of color I also mentioned that if you didn't want to microwave it you could use a mold like this and just pour in that egg mixture put it into that and it'll cook up just the same just keeping it not mold helps to give it the right shape on it I like the bowl the microwave that works really easy for me but a lot of people don't want to use the microwave if you have anything against the microwave just keep it out of the comments for today but it works really great for this sandwich and I'm just waiting for this to brown up and we'll be ready to assemble so I'm taking my chickpea flour egg out of the microwave cheese is pretty melted go ahead and grab my toasted bun beautiful and let's go ahead and add our chickpea flour egg on top at our vegan Bologna and just because I like it I'm gonna add just a tad bit of this vegan Mayo on top and there we have a chickpea flour egg bodegas style breakfast sandwich it looks good enough to eat you could obviously again make this on the stovetop you could also batch make these I don't know kind of get an assembly going with a few different bowls make a bunch save them in the fridge and then just heat them up when you're ready to eat them make a you know five for the week or however many people you have so that's all I have to say about it let me go ahead and give this a taste for you I'm gonna go ahead and just cut this in half smells incredible a lot of people like black salt look at that come on a lot of people like black salt which gives it a kind of like a sulphur II more eggy flavor I'm not a fan of black salt they'll bring it anywhere near me but if you're really committed to your vegan egg product smelling more like real egg you can definitely find that as well it's delicious three minutes the microwave a little bit of stovetop but it is perfect it tastes just like an incredible breakfast sandwich and it just makes me think about all the other things that I could do with this kind of like egg patty again like some Ezekiel English muffins and some tempeh and some avocado if I wanted to go like a real healthy route or again just like this on a bun I've made this with a vegan salami before it was incredible as well whatever your favorite vegan cheese's or not vegan cheese you definitely need to give this a try so go to your store you can pick yourself up a bag of chickpea flour or garbanzo bean flour or gram flour it's all the same thing and go ahead and experiment with it I'll also have a link below all the videos that I have on my channel that utilize chickpea flour so you can get some other ideas definitely the enchilada suiza bake is next level but you can use those tortilla crepes that I make in that recipe for anything else you can serve tacos in them I mean it's just a really great high protein delicious flour alternative so thank you for watching if you want more recipe videos like this where I talk about a specific ingredient show you other videos that I have that utilize them and also a brand new way to use them please comment below let me know if you want that I'm gonna finish eating this if you want to watch me eat the rest of this go ahead and go to the link below to my patreon to watch months and 8th this just a donation there or a subscription there allows you to watch all of my months and eight this videos I think I have about 25 of them at this point so thank you to those of you there already subscribed over there and I would really appreciate it if more of you subscribed there as well so thank you for watching I'll be back next time with another recipe video have a great week [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Monson Made This
Views: 72,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monson made this, monsonmadethis, vegan recipes, easy vegan recipes, tasty vegan recipes, vegan, veganism, how to go vegan, how to cook vegan food, vegan diet, vegan food, fast vegan recipe, best vegan recipes, hot for food, hotforfood, healthy vegan recipes, vegan recipes for beginners, vegan recipe blog, vegan recipes pinterest, simple vegan recipes, WFPB, chickpea flour, garbanzo bean flour, gram flour
Id: hjTHj5rhLXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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