How To Make Egg Replacer Four ways

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[Music] hi guys and welcome to veggie mama today I'm going to be showing you four ways to make egg replacer first I'm going to be using the flaxseed you know the flaxseed right here in Jamaica recall is linseed over here they call it flaxseed so this is one foot cup of flax seed with one cup of water I'm going to put it in the pot let it boil and then you're going to see the consists of the gel this would be egg number one and then I'm after finish with this one that will show you the other three okay so I'm going to do is going to put this here it's one cup of water with one foot cup of flax seed gel as linseed I'm going to let it boil some medium setting and you want to keep an eye on it's going to cover it just a little bit and just keep an eye on it because it's you know it water rapidly and you got to keep an eye on it okay so the Flex is finished boiling as you can see white then I'm going to strain it straight in here I'm going to let it cool and this could stay in the fridge I say up to a week I make sure trying to get all the gel and you could use this arm you could use this here for maybe like um you can use it like three times the Flex is itself and tell us till the water just just to look jealous just what is that gel anymore you could just use it fill then but I always save money use it two more times and also this this is half a cup of armed flaxseed gel and this is for armed two eggs so um just one way and this flaxseed also you could use the Flex you could grind up the flaxseed as a meal for the egg replacer or you can arm do it wrong what I think when I'm doing it well I soak half a cup flax seed with a one and a half cup of water in a mason jar overnight let me show it to you in a message or something like this overnight and then the next days it's just like this only thing it's wrong so if you're out there looking for a great place this is excellent also to make this this is one way another way that I do is no I use apple cider vinegar and milk because not everyone have access to flexi so if you don't have access with flex you could also use this this is very simple very easy to do this is half a cup of milk with arm 2 TSP or 1 tsp whip I'm going to making a cake and I'm going to use 2 teaspoons will 1/2 a cup the rule is 1/2 a cup of arm milk with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar lettuce I'm going to do - I'm going to put it in here and just mix it around and you'll be surprised this works well I put this in my pancake in my cornbread you know because I all the time I have my flax seed gel so you know I go back and forth so this is another way very simple very easy if you want to use two eggs use 2 TSP with half a cup of our milk and depends on what you're making same set making um and making cake and baking a cake in a cup of two eggs and I want it to be liquid I'm liquid at the arm the batter so I just used 1/2 a cup of milk with 2 TSP of the apple cider vinegar that would be my two eggs right there so that's another one another one is that I'm chia seed Cheers did all you have to do is just take 2 tbsp of this arm and just have the spoon in there that would have a Spooner comes this is a table spoon to scoop of this with half a cup of water let's soak for overnight and then that's the egg replacer right there it's another way do your your egg replacer and the last but not least certainly not least is my bean juice this is my chickpeas juice right there after I cook the beans I strain it off and I put this to keep this in the fridge it's very useful this could be um if you if your recipe called forearm egg white you could use this right here free egg white just whip it up I'm going to show you they have something called aqua fiber that uses the beans of the chickpeas to make it so like I say you could do this right here for your egg replacer so there's four simple way ways to replace your eggs very simple and easy to do very easy to do hope you guys you have any question leave a comment below okay guys try this recipe try it out and I'll see what worked what doesn't work so I'll try them out like this video share and subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Listen To Your Body
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Id: X8tKSdr8Xs8
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Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2016
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