Vault Hunters 3 Modpack (09) Livestream 24/07/23

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hello everyone and welcome back to Vault Hunters day 10 I think it might be nine I forgotten welcome every uh welcome back everyone we've got bananas in chat from Lucario Rusty Stone chewy Peppa Spokey dokey and avoid wolf Becca fiddles Luxy thank you for letting me know that we're live in the chat beeps I've got a bit of a plan I had time to prep today picked out this glow like him because we might be using it later on we are going to build a few more pouches before we run another one of these vaults as I have uh wrapped my head around off camera which I think was a good idea I think it makes a fair bit of sense actually to do some off-camera prep time before I stream as I can get some of my thoughts and ideas in order and uh here's what we're gonna do today we're going to be making a double pouch which is going to act as like mass storage we're gonna make a gilded pouch to complement these a void and scavenger pouch so with those things I believe that we will be able to organize ourselves far better ha uh I need this for a couple of things bam a few of those one of these where did those things go not into my didn't I just take it off there so when I press B just open the first one interesting if it's the first one because of our new filter system it wouldn't have gone into any of those it would have gone into that one huh so actually went into the one that I thought it was going into but I took it off did that make any sense probably not so scavenge is going to be lime um yellow is going to be gilded and purple is going to be void although black might make more sense for purple sorry void I don't know I don't know a purple I don't know why I think of the Void but I do summon sus thank you so much for your 37 months of support my dude over three years right there absolutely magical saying 23 months still evilex I hope you have a wonderful day do you know now we've got the evil X100 Club I need to make a 100 sub badge I totally forgot I think I know what it's going to be but I've got to work on it a little bit just made a note you know I'll get to that Minecraft's envoid is purple maybe that's why so this guy fight out the the void in the end isn't purple it's uh it's like black but not perfect black it's like speckly black I know this because I've made many a thumbnail and edited them and like you can sort of see the static in the noise when you try to do cutouts so um we need like a bunch of silk lamina Vault essence you know we're going to be doing some crafting we need upgrades for these things as well we've got plenty of that stuff so silk essence these things yeah you know it's looking like we've got most of what we need we might struggle a little bit with the upgrades um which by the way I'm basing my idea on having a void backpack because I read or I read a comment someone said you should make a void backpack it's just kind of occurred to me how does that work because you've got the pickup you can block match contents allow so how do the items get voided I might have missed a step there maybe we'll skip making that one then because it just sort of occurs I think what they said was like make a void upgrade but I don't see a void upgrade here that being said uh what is this thing called sophisticated backpacks ah look there's more filter feeding void requires research backpacks we have to craft a knowledge star made from knowledge essence and better tight because it does say knowledge Essence what I feel like it was something else oh yes that's because it's not Vault Essence knowledge Essence and phenotype so I think we can actually make a fair bunch of that stuff um let's perhaps apparently these are later game let's then check it out so oh double pouches requires belts so I have to go one two three right can I do that I did want to make a double patch today no it requires belts those that that's belts yeah one two three so can I make oh someone points out there in order junk management though what's that grants transmog unlock junk controller and junk identifier interesting oh there you go four so three three four I would need ten just do the void upgrade right you read a comment to avoid upgrading it's like yeah but can I I need 10 of them like am I am I going a bit over the top now do you think just to get the void one apparently it's worse than that right it's starting to strike me as if this might might be a little more involved than I thought so perhaps we'll scale back our plans so if we go into here and uh we look at that thing again maybe I just get double pouches for oh it's free isn't it [Music] it is plus two for me each unlock if you update it is much cheaper what's this about it being cheaper is there a new version of the mod pack out or something uh jcm thank you so much for four months but what about making double Pockets double Pockets do you mean double pouches I planned on making one actually oh dang a good update new update gives free pouch in quest is that the only change what is there a change to the research cost apparently it came out a few hours ago oh wow okay and it puts the void upgrade in the first research oh so if I updated I would have access to the void straight well I think we'll do that um let's let's quit this shouldn't let's you know let's do this on let's just find out if this will work or not right after entertain y'all with something else now don't I because this shouldn't this shouldn't take too long I did it the other day and it was like pretty quick Let's uh so if I do this aha and then continue it's doing a backup then it's downloading the files which is now done then it's doing you know 143 things 143 and now it's it's update oh that no no there's one step that slows this down oh my God like it's literally ready to go but there's one step that'll slow everything down uh I have to click yeah and then I have to click there I know you can't see what I'm doing I'm just checking oh I forgot about that I knew it'd be quick oh no lucky us lucky us it uses the same version of Forge so I'm already launching the mob pack now that has been updated fascinating fascinating that was very quick and I'm streaming you know all that bandwidth right the game's loading I think you should see the thing there it goes let me know if you see it do you use small EMC says reptile Fountain I don't I use the vanilla launcher I just I don't know I feel like they've been a launcher just kind of works if you know how to use it and a lot of the added functionality that the other things off right I tend to not really need so you all see it oh the music skipped like a Beat but anyway we have to wait for it to load rad juices prism is much easier just one clicks update I uh I actually have prism and it like it's not really one click is it it's multiple clicks same same for the way I just updated just now right um yeah prism I've I've done the updating thing with prism and it's not one click it's like quite a few clicks and a bunch of confirmation screens and stuff because I use it to update certain mods hey your voice sounds better today says Road studying thanks man um yeah thanks for pointing that out because I really feel like the bunged upness is going away I've still been a bit snotty here and there but like nowhere near as much as uh the previous couple of days so kind of slowly getting over it it's just crazy so um according to this update if I come in here right I can actually just make that right now which is oh wait a minute it's expensive okay Echo gem it wanted one of those uh which one are we making here like I'm gonna need those Vault diamonds in my inventory that's for sure uh we might not be doing the knowledge thing now so Chuck that back in I think that was part of the knowledge stuff we're also we're not really going to need these shulker boxes once we get all this stuff sussed let's check out the upgrade prices there was some chatter that this might change it appears to be exactly as it was before um so we might we might make three of those to get the double pouch so make our void pouch so we are going to need a void upgrade so if we're avoiding we don't really need anything else in there right so we currently need oh we'd need the pickups we'd need one okay I'm gonna have to put all these in my Hotbar now on for the wooden wait are they both called wooden no so one for the wooden two and three we want three templates then for our double weird one another two so five templates and then for the void we'd want one template no two so that's seven seven base templates okay the chromatic iron and the silk block it you know we might be running it a little tight but this time I know what to expect because last time it was like oh my God this stuff is uh all of a sudden just so expensive I really should be putting these things over on this side at this point Chris those uh shorter little jumps to get to it what did I say seven one two three four five six seven and I think we need some more of those blocks again at some point so there you go seven upgrade bases and then we want the pickup for avoid yeah we're also making we're also making a another one here I might have not counted that one in I think I actually nine of those it kind of looks to me like maybe maybe I don't have all the resources to do all of these straight away I'd carefully select what loot you want to avoid it's going to be things like chains and sticks maybe not sticks actually uh yeah right so then we need tons of this [Music] that's right the raw carbon and the chromatic stuff so yeah absolutely tons of that that's not an issue the issue is probably this stuff so I'll make one block let's just go with that much two blocks uh that's kind of it right yep there you go so avoid upgrade then we need a pickup upgrade redstone block sticky piston huh so I'm very low on Redstone to the point where I have to go and mine some I forgot about that yeah uh we gotta go Branch running I guess just for a little bit go down into the caves grab some of that redstone assume if you get a double pouch then you get more upgrade slots like that you can keep doing other upgrades cool cool good to know [Music] I don't have that thing on the top of my screen is that it it's not it wait it's wait did I click on cancel sometimes you just click on a button there we go as I'm dropping down here I'm like I'm expecting to see something on the screen it's not there I'm kind of not surprised that um immediately were like derailed a little bit from the plan that just seems to be how it goes I remember we picked up a particular type of ore early on like in this area somewhere to to get progressing was that the stuff that makes the chromatic ingots I think it was because if I happen to see some of that might as well snag it here you go that's what I'm talking about right and it went into one of my backpacks this one probably yeah what do you want you know enough to do what we want to do right now but let's get some more water out here and maybe keep an eye out for that um chromatic ore as well X are you on our place what is our place uh Road steering says chromatic iron that's the one isn't it chromatic iron are you going to spend your skill points are you saving up for Speed you know I might go for Speed yeah at the moment I'm just not in a hurry to spend them because we're doing all right I came down here about like any blocks for getting around so like I'll at least have some of those right that if I want more of them I've actually got a shift them out of here our slash places a giant pixel canvas in Reddit you can change the color of a single Pixel every few minutes sounds exciting that sounds exciting Dolphins assume if you get double pouch then you get more upgrade I read that one didn't I our place is a Reddit event I guess you're not low otherwise you would know I guess so yeah yeah I've very rarely go to Reddit not really fond of that site I like the hermitcraft spot on there but uh I quit using Reddit like quite a long time ago I just kind of realized that a lot of the content on there just felt rather shallow and time wasting at least at least like you know browsing the front page or whatever the algorithm was recommending to me it just just ended up feeling like I wasn't really getting much of value out of it other than wasting my time or distracting myself so I gave up on that one Speaking of social media right Twitter renamed to X so was I Xing earlier I don't know I sent out an X to let you know about this stream I think the name Twitter will probably stick people will probably just continue to call it tweeting and stuff probably continue to call it Twitter for a while but once again um going on to unless no no that would be silk touch or shears you need for that going like catching a few hot takes on it like not many because I try not to spend too much time looking at this sort of stuff online immediately the same old thing the thing that I'm sick of with the Internet is just like people are just saying stuff about the renaming of Twitter and it's all just emotional looking based on if you're like Elon or not right like it's either genius or it's not and then there's all these reasons why it's genius or it's not based on whoever's you know whoever's talking about it and they're they you know if they dislike musk or not so just always feels like thoughtful opinions are a little harder to find online you know why I'm fighting the mob so it's just like you know I fancy a bit of ruckus in my life bring the Ruckus homie yes I saw a few of those takes that was like this is the dumbest thing ever or you know Elon Musk what a genius and I'm just thinking like it's it's been renamed it's you know have their have things been renamed before in the past yes have those things been a bad idea to rename yeah some of them have also been good ideas right like there's been some successful renaming I'm more interested perhaps in hearing from someone who has gone out and done some research into what things are better renamed than others or you know what what are some successful rebrandings in the past and you know that sort of mortar more thoughtful level rather than that kind of like emotional knee-jerk reaction of oh look Elon Musk did something and now I'm gonna tell you why it's so terrible why it's so brilliant like that's how I feel I'm just I'm I I just get sick of seeing it over and over again and hearing about it in that kind of context and there are some thoughtful places I know I can go to to uh get more interesting takes and uh when those places start to talk about them I'll be listening but as what I saw today was just like oh God give it a rest you know the internet goes to war over these things I thought I had my wings on okay A bit of a bit of something up there too okay and then over here and that'll do us I think why not homie there you go oh maybe we'll get just a little bit more since it's there there's actually some over there too I'll get that so that was that was like my uh my couple of minutes online was just seeing that and I'm just like this is why I get off places like Reddit and Twitter Riff Raff says I can't think of anything any successful rebranding I'm sure there must be some but uh none come to mind you'll probably find that they don't come to mind because they're successful you forget what the previous thing is and uh you know I have trouble thinking of some but I've also had trouble thinking of ones that have like failed like for example The Meta rebranding I think is an interesting one because like you know like it hasn't killed the platforms right they haven't gone away so maybe you could talk about that being a success or something but like slowly I I have been like when it comes up and people say meta like it does it does set in that you're talking about the company that owns Facebook and other platforms so in the long run it will probably be called it'll probably be seen as successful I imagine it also depends on like what's the objective by the way I've got a hot cup of tea but I've been waffling for 20 minutes so it's not that hot there you go Kai's gaming says Federal Express to FedEx yeah FedEx is very iconic and it's just a shortening of the old name but a Rebrand you know twitch was called Justin TV don't forget that yeah you know these things have a history of having different names uh check your quest book oh is it related to the new update ah so there were a couple of old things added complete a bounty right I feel like I feel like wasn't that one that we did wow we got some reading to do later today you know we will do a vault run and maybe two if we're lucky but I have other plans for today including starting to rearrange the base a little bit I got my got my thoughts in order and figured out what I want to do too often do I waffle on in these streams about like half figured out ideas so having having this kind of focus of like right we're here to do this and then we'll move on to something else that's what I need to bring to these streams we've also got some slimes which will be good for some Pistons we need some regular iron apparently I now take it out of chests we need some Cobble and we need some planks of some variety uh yeah I think actually we'll get some more jungle stuff oops that didn't like that did it there we go okay and uh piston I really do miss that that recipe book that shows you stuff you can currently make we need some of that and then for now how many pickups are we gonna make like we need we don't need any for these we need one for the void and one for the other so we need like two pickups so two of those pick up upgrade can I just do that yeah look there you go got it they don't stack they don't stack that shim sham a few things into here now cool hey it's Fabi 1809 here for two months thank you so much uh killblade 999 is also here with the prime I have just been waffling and not paying attention I need a remote for that right we need a video remote for waffling and not paying enough attention uh saladed fruits with the prime the cheese eater for 10 months saying glad to see someone is enjoying life must be nice not being ignored by anyone isn't that right my friend of mine wow uh let me just write down that idea quickly I need a waffle ignored mate um you know I'm enjoying life sure and it is nice to not be ignored I guess you know I have a weird place where people will give me their attention so I've always got like a little bit of an outlet it's actually helped me find a lot of balance in life like uh I noticed like lots of these expectations you'll have inside of yourself like you want other people to do something but you're not articulating that to them and you're not even articulating it to yourself and then you get disappointed with people when things don't turn out the way you thought they were in your head um it's let it's let me like not only look at that but like really let go of it as well because I also have like the space to come to and waffle and just like actually let off a bunch of thoughts which is very nice um but I don't know are you suggesting you've got a friend out there who's ignoring you maybe you're sending across a subtle message like you know you've got to talk to each other if you're friends like if you have disagreements or falling out like a lot of the time those things tend to be over silly little details and things that don't mean as much in the grand picture of things there's this idea that I've been ruminating on a little bit lately because I lost my nan recently and uh I've been feeling that sadness you know just every now and then something reminds me of her and I get a bit teary um it's it's like this concept that time is finite and that you have an amount of it and if you think about like how often do you see someone who means a lot to you in your life but because of the way life is maybe you only get to see each other a couple of times a year if you do a little bit of math of like how long can you expect to live like you might only have a certain amount of times left to see that person like the next time you see them might be the last or or it might be one of ten and like what does that mean do you want to see that person 10 more times in your life or do you want to see them more you'll probably find the most you know you always want to see people more but uh yeah like when you think about things in terms like that it's like like why were we arguing over this silly little idea like why was that meaningful in that moment you know like a computer game why are we why are we arguing over computer game ah look I made the stack upgrade I was kind of uh idling a little bit mentally it's not really doing much yeah we need one more stack upgrade I think I still feel like I've got the right amount of uh upgrade bases here one more stack upgrade oh yeah so that means a couple more of those uh Darth Klein 12. thank you so much for your Prime subscription too appreciate it my dude appreciate it so yeah uh stack upgrades pick up grades we need another pouch I think I think next and I was gonna make a double pouch out of this thing but I think we'll skip on that because it requires research for it so look at that shulker shells oh no we need to make two of these I need to make two of these which means two of them this is where I think we're gonna fall a little bit short with the magic silk um yeah and then four of those just might as well make oh I did the fight wait where did they go oh wait they just they just sort of moved down here they moved out of my uh where I was looking I guess one and two so one of these is to be yellow oh I was also gonna make a scavenger one I really did just like lose track of all the different ideas scavenger back no I did the yellow dye wrong oh no oh no whatever shall I do please claim the Trinket in the quest book uh do I need to do it right now is it really that important X do the thing chat wants you to or play the game obtuse is kill blade you know what's the reason to I I've just noticed people asking but like what's the reason that's what I want now I think that thing might also then have like a little yellow tint on its on its side still but I don't know it doesn't really matter it's just for our visual use but it does seem like you can dye these things twice oh no what what is that is that a mix I think that's a mix of the two colors huh oh wow okay that maybe it works like leather then anyway um so what if you put it above that's on the side or below I don't know claim it no till it then you can decide if you want to use okay that's some broken English right there based on chat it may explode okay so it may give me bonuses are those bonuses related to what I'm doing right now though if they are if they're related to what I'm doing right now then okay actually don't you have an animation where you're catching butterflies oh I guess that would work wouldn't it I I was thinking of something more specific but yeah I do have that remote so that's kind of perfect so the next time I'm distracted chat then we get to use that amazing remote that one has a beautiful backstory as well that I'll tell you about okay um so where are we at regular pouch wooden living this one needs to be called gilded apparently I need to talk like that now yielded and then void my favorite one okay so in goes pick up upgrade and void upgrade in this one we have pick up upgrade and right I need another stack upgrade right so it feels a bit off there no maybe not so one more stack upgrade and then I just forgot to do the Gilded but it kind of looks like we're running it a little close so sorry gilded uh scavenger so stack upgrade you can do that goes into here so then I've got to set up the Gilded one and the void one is going to be the easiest to set up I think so void settings interesting only works with other upgrades slash automation void any void overflow oh I like the idea of that allows a single slot to be filled with the item and voice anything overflows because then you get to like you know give a bit more so we want to only allow certain blocks in and I kind of like the idea of maybe just using the filter to be on the safe side right so we're going to avoid scaffoldings uh not sticks torches bread books Okay so uh where are we going to set this thing up yeah I think I'm going to use this system here just because I'm a little more comfortable with that so like bread plus it means we get to keep a little bit of a stockpile yeah here we go uh scaff olding chains I don't know if we can really get too much other junk out of that thing torches would be one volt Cobblestone yeah yeah okay since we've got the stack Overflow I'm gonna dedicate the rest to them maybe what actually is book I forgot book I knew there was one more thing so like book quickly uh chat helped me with other stuff algae blend slash bricks are they actually like not worth anything since I've set them up in another chest I'll probably skip that for now um cold and charcoal are alter items Vault Stone if you have silk I don't but we might end up with that unobtainium yeah I can see why you might skip the unobtainium the thing is because they're just part of the going in and out of the inventory system we've built I don't really see them slowing us down that much it is a good point though unobtainium might be a good shout to go there and I would keep you know keep a certain amount okay yeah we'll go with that oops amethyst shards nuggets now we definitely want the up nuggets Sun metal again I don't know yeah there's a few things y'all are pointing out that are like crafting stuff later on but I'll I'll hang on to them for now for now since I've already set them up with other filters right so let's go back to our vault Cobble I don't have silk touch yet we might come back to this later um so we'll do that so now we're gonna keep you know a stack of all of those things there's there's a fair little Supply to have okay five sounds right to me um so that's that set up and we keep you know a stack maybe if this thing were bigger you could put like a double stack in there and have you know two stacks who knows that is going to be what goes on here oh no wait I did the wrong thing so the first things to go in are those that get voided then then it will be our individual wooden living etc etc I seem to have one extra pouch that's the one that I was going to double up right that's the that's the last one to pick up our items so these three go up here and then we need to set up the filter for the next one we're kind of done here with the pouch thing I think for now so we get to throw these things all back into the system and just set up gilded next and then we're kind of good so do I remember oh yeah there you go like if I click that it comes out oh wow look at those shiny things fantastic thank you ever so much for your seven months of support my dude hope Vault Hunter has been a nice change of pace for you yeah that's exactly what it's been a nice change of pace I've been catching up on hermitcraft and loving the rift crossover I'll call you watching from like the beginning of the year um I you know I got another episode of hermitcraft in the works I was figuring some stuff out for it earlier today I got a little disappointed with one thing I found a little hook uh a hookup a snag with my idea unfortunately but um yeah still still putting it together but I've got something cool to do on there just uh yeah kind of letting things just flow naturally at the moment but working on some other jobs and things in between but I have another episode of hermitcraft coming eventually scavenger pouch yeah that's the thing we we didn't set up because I started to run out of materials remember chat so I was like oh wait a minute we want to make one more the scavenger pouch but then oh no we uh we haven't done that anyway everything could go into this pouch now so as we scavenge they'll end up in here because they can't go anywhere else so that's kind of cool now I do actually need to remind myself of how we set this up so the pickup settings are match backpack contents yes that's correct then drag all of these things in and save it and that's kind of it so go over to here I'm learning this stuff I'm learning this stuff now we've got to do all of these things it started with the copper ingot um so that one will go in first then we've got the gemstone [Music] followed by the gold nugget it's a little bit tedious but you know it's got to get done now is this thing called yeah bottle of experience I think in I think in but let me chanting and one of my resource packs like something renames it and when I search for it I always have to end up typing something different Vault Diamond yes ah relics and Mysteries nice is that the Hostile crafting egg it is oh look there's a gold ingot and then you get a jewel that's like a blank Jewel interesting that's not I guess we can't filter it anyway so then we've got on obtainium which is in the other one but I'll leave it in here as it's part of the list of things silver scrap uh amafest shard followed by emeralds and then silk which is increasingly valuable as we keep using that stuff essence red red Vault essence oh that reminds me so I kept I kept thinking about that that Sky Vault idea so as as y'all told me in yesterday's stream there's a basically I figured out it's a map called Sky Vault and it combines Skyblock with Vault Hunters however it seems rather rudimentarily implemented like it's a pretty basic looking thing and like I just been thinking on the idea and I think it would be amazing to have habits so that the Sky Block beginning you got that tree and then you've got a few modifications so you get string from the leaves and then you can make a cobble gem like when you make your Vault alter and you go into your first Vault like you make the volt light or volt altar out of the basics that you get in the early part of the SkyBlock tree and then it asks for items that are also an early part of the Sky Block so it might ask you for wooden planks some some Cobble from your cobble generator some string from your trees right like very easy to do straight away you go and run your first Vault and all you've got is this little wimpy thing on the other side but you can make some chests and put your loot into it and that kind of stuff and then when you come back after running your first Vault like the requirements to make your next Crystal are a little bit more so maybe then it starts to ask for some plants or something that you're able to grow by making seeds so like as you progress Through the Sky Block tech tree you then progress through the vaults and maybe you can also have have it so that you find things in the vaults at particular levels that like is you know maybe the objective is like find the monolith and get this Prize or like find this chest with this item that you need and then maybe it's like a pig egg and then you like go back and you can make your pig farm and then the Vault Auto will ask you for pork chops right so you can make this really nice sort of progression tree and I really love that because I felt rather detached from the world that we're in like this is just a little hobble and then we run off into the world and mine something and then come back again we're not really like living in the world we're living in the vaults and so I just love this idea of that everything that you do in the Sky Block is building towards your vaults as well so um everything there it contributes to your progression it's uh yeah I reckon it can be amazing Sky Vault has raw vaults for resources it's very different than traditional Sky volts all right okay I'm just picturing how Skyblock would work with the current Vault setup like I wouldn't I wouldn't have thought to make uh to make volts that have particular resources in to me it'd be more about progressing through the SkyBlock system and then you know going into a vault uh has two kinds of crystals one for item collection and one for Vault runs you can set up a dual gear pouch they just don't stack yeah the issue there though is um how do I get it into the filter right it's not like that there's no tree you go into level zero votes yeah okay yeah that makes sense when I think back on what I saw of the map for me it'd be like an actual Skyblock with a tree that'll be the first thing you'd see and then like after you made a cobblestone generator you know maybe there's like another material that drops you know you just you just Factor something in ah loafer says you can use any gear to filters does that mean put put a jewel in my thing and then put it into here or something make sure you don't match the MBT and I'm going to do it for now because I think I need a pouch that has every slot maybe or maybe what we do is we double these up and then add in slots and things like that but we're doing this all like one step at a time and so now what we've created is the means for us to avoid things we don't want fill up these chests in those orders and then last of all we have this pouch which is the uh everything else right so all of that stuff will end up in there now the next thing that we could do but I think we might be a little scant on resources for this is make multiple uh things for different chests in fact I could I could literally make a couple of just basic ones for for the sake of trying it out so like chromatic ironing that's that's cheap right that is cheap it doesn't have to be one of these the thing is or maybe I'm making a pick right the thing is we just need the affinities right that's not good now affinity's hat oh my God affinities have color right so correct me if I'm wrong but we need a living affinity 86 is pretty pants should I scrap something like that if I think I there's no chance I'm going to use that would that be a good time to scrap things chat do hashtag affinity interesting there we go killed it right so I could perhaps is it me or the frames just dropped right now living affinity and soulbound uh yep says lady out of time as always peeps try and add that little bit of context with the replies what did I ask for is it worth scrapping I think the yep is a reply to scrapping like yes it's worth scrapping because man I'm always I'm always on to the next thing I am the cleric thank you so much for your Prime subscription my dude appreciate it okay yeah it's the SSN mod that's lagging correct if it's very high you can scrap it for better resources you can cut it but it will likely break along the way that's true so if you scrap you get things for other resources if you if you cut you know like you're rolling the dice a little bit now that's also living oh is that changing color between oh that's so cool I love learning these little details actually this is really cool so we want coin Affinity we've got a 33 I might be saving like our absolute best wow 23. like 90 is junk um 28 like I might actually save some of these but later wow I am getting into this now I'm understanding what we're doing so if I come over here uh like these are relatively low but I'll probably get rid of that one at 90. and I get some silver scrap and 67 you know a bit much bit much see you later now if I come over here to our Jewel cutting station I does oh wait silver is the thing that you use there like maybe that one at 44 will roll the dice on it so let's grab some bronze okay I just thought of the work worst joke ever which was LeBron James I don't know why I don't know why my brain thought of that one more than brain 39 is a bit more palatable you see roll it one more time 36. okay maybe we'll actually make use of that with some of these other ones right okay so going back to hashtag Affinity we currently have we have wooden Affinity that's it we this thing only does the wooden chest these are all wooden so we don't need to sort for it so we want one ornate 19 that's pretty cool that one's got double for some reason it's got two on it and then we've got gilded Affinity so like what's our we're like a 42 so we could have a tool that does Affinity but that seems really good we'll probably get one more at some point double is just a visual bug yeah but it's like okay it doesn't fit with that to begin with do I have less than 42. I I could roll the dice on making this one a bit cheaper really let's grab some of that ah ooh wait rutai gem isn't that pretty good it was pretty good so that didn't wait did I roll oh I wrote the wrong one I rolled my good one ah oh what a goose ah rolled both of them full absolute full it's all fun and game sweeps smelting that one is oh okay that's got similar color I cut the 19 what oh chat go oh the pain oh that compute those numbers on that computer game he got them wrong dang it that is kind of annoying though I need to get an ornate Jewel then um so like gilded Affinity 49 so I can mix I could basically mix this and one of these like we'll put those on one and then maybe like living Affinity 51 and hope to get something better with the others so that's that bit cut that 28 coin one why cut the 28 cut 50 what y'all are giving me some new cut instructions after we've done all our cutting right uh so now we need picks right well again I need your help uh do I just need a pick and that's it just put the Affinity on it or is it should it be an ax with the Affinity pick with infinity or ax do I need anything else this thing is picking and axing sickle oh I should get that and then it will cut chests sicko is good about mine but I need this for getting the different chests right only chests right a sickle only Cuts chests interesting and I'm not going to get one at that level so bronze Driftwood and chromatic uh bronze and driftwood I feel like we should be smelting some of that I'm sure they'll actually smell everything these ones that's what the sticks are for hey oh that one doesn't have sticks what if the stick the stick stack smelts I knew I knew I was gonna say that I was like this will be tricky that's spelling Mississippi hey we've got one got two now how do we combine the jewels onto them [Music] I've totally forgotten what this thing does uh Jewel okay probably the jewel applicator so we're gonna put living Affinity on one uh-huh I think there's anything else I need to do here it's also got reaping on it oh so low do you saying Anvil and then some of you are saying Jewel applicators come on now come on now and then that's the other one all right I kind of need I kind of really need a way to uh better understand what these are for so living and then coin gilded that's the best I can think of living foreign had I not been a complete Goose we would have had that on eight one done and it would have been on there all ready to go I will need to uh apply a color room to each oh wow okay color runes color runes let's check it out ew oh these are cork things have I found a rune yes quite a few apparently okay so then color uh yellow dye even what we got we'll put yellow on that one and green on or lime on this one oh this is interesting yellow dye green dye and then where do I apply them oh rainbow the rainbow roon oh no you have to enchant it worked Enchanted thirst for it to work if Oracle correctly says I'm Andrew JJ my dude GG coming in with the pro info there's a sharp mind everyone's house like oh dude let's do that we are chat we repeat what the other one just said do I want fortune on them for chests that doesn't that isn't a thing is it that's the other bit of detail I need now ugh ugh we are chat says Andy brilliant brilliant so perfect impression no chess can't be Fortune good cool right uh then over to Ye Olde Anvil for Ye Olde lime rune oh that's cool that's cool I like that ooh I want to chill wield these things hello uh press that oh God that's the wrong button because of the mod oh wait I'm not your wielding ah oh Satsuma sad sumo #sad sooner in chat no no dual wielding okay right this is this is fascinating we are we are leveling up okay I'm starting to look like a proper Vault Hunter over here who has some sort of clue about what they're doing as opposed to uh and knows nothing okay you gotta make some more of those let's make some more of those for the next round that'll do that'll do uh is that everything we usually keep mining speed X what's this now you can claim your trinket uh mining speed Jewel sure wielding Ah that's my favorite drill wielding you don't have to have it selected what is it what is it always messages with more context really help me stuff you might have forgot by now settle pouches to match content oh I thought we did that okay one last check on our pouches I guess I know we don't need to do that for the void one funny enough Okay match I have done all these things here's another Point um this one operates slightly different now because yeah we don't we don't want that to go in there and we don't want those things in either but they won't they shouldn't reach that so I'm going to turn that off but that one is still necessary I think because of our soul pouch which I did not put in here yeah maybe I'll bring a shulker box for like just in case you know but I don't think we're going to run into any issues with increased capacity and stuff also I kind of I kind of wasn't sure if I liked that shield on the last run so I think I might swap back to this thing and see how we do with that for this run but correct me if I'm wrong but that's everything we need for our vault uh that being said don't actually have a vault Crystal oh oh right oh I get what you're saying about dual building now I wasn't holding both I thought it was oh my God ghosts absolute ghosts again stop ghosting X okay I think I think I'll take my little screenshot before we go into the next vault let's go let's go do this and find out what we need oh that is concrete powder I think we've got everything we need here kelp yinga uh we need some form of meat some raw some real rickety raw is what we need is that mutton I think that was mutton wasn't it real rickety raw mutton and then yeah that concrete powder so like sand Ye Old gravel oh really now and then yield die Ye Old die I'll make some green I'll make it green for some for some sort of reason [Music] I have yellow concrete apparently do I now oh yeah you know I might you observant rememberable person with with that memory of yours remembering that time that we got some of that yeah you're absolutely right if I really want to clear this thing out right now which apparently I do we just got a shim sham like so and give it a go living and then coin gilded you know it almost pops out down the bottom there this uh this Hearts thing is in the way a little bit exclaim the Trinket in your quest book I can help involve you're gonna help me in my Vault okay gosh chat is so they're sitting there they're itching they're scratching oh oh excessive blame that trinket I'm gonna type it again in the chat x x get the get the trinket man another big chance after level 20 is the ability to find trinkets these are powerful items that can be equipped in your Babel slots they come in two different colors blue and red you may equip one of each color at any given time for a total of two trinkets blue trinkets give you a feature that cannot be acquired Elsewhere for example the triple jump or climb walls red trinkets in chance stats such as Mana regeneration or health trinkets don't have durability instead they have uses or charges they can be permanently used outside volts about any cost but they will use up one charge with every time you enter a vault with one equipped again also not be unequipped inside a vault there is an expertise called trinketa which will allow you to a random chance to not use a trinket charge when entering a vault once you have found a trinket it will be permanently discovered and can be forged in The Volt Forge a crafted trinket will always have 12 uses charges while I looted trinket randomly rolls 20 to 30 uses charges your first drink it is a reward of reading this Quest hopefully you get something you will like if you don't trinkets can be scrapped in the vault recycler which Shields the main ingredient shrink it snatch scraps the chance to get a trinket scrap is determined by how many users let's charge it the trinket have left when being scrapped a fully charged trinket will always yield the scrap while a completely depleted one will never yield the scrap oh a vault trinket okay we also need to set up a bounty and technically we can do this already right I might do that before we go uh where did my thing go oh yeah it doesn't work like that anymore oh actually you know what this backpack would like if it were on here when I'm working around it would get the items before the other ones oh where did it go then why did my did I did I press the buttons correctly at the end there no no I didn't oh I did that but I didn't click this right that makes sense Hey Ho Let's Go oh oh what will I get it's rolling it's rolling look at all those fancy items tennis necklace 25 item quality how do I activate a charge for that that's crazy there's two types of drink it isn't there interesting there's only one slot apparently that's pretty good someone says ornate's pouch chat you know everything it went in the all day pouch oh that would make sense because there's actually a thing in the field okay I'll give you that one shot I'll give you that one's pretty smart very good at Max role uses yeah that's right we did get that so like trinkets um have we had any trinket scraps or maybe like hashtag drink it I'm sure we've had something related to the trinkets so now over here uh that one I have learned yes so I can do that if I want to the trinket charges automatically get used when you're getting a vault ah so that makes sense so it's for my entire run I get that and I get to do that 30 times interesting so I might want to like hold off depending on what run I'm gonna do so like you could have different trinkets for different runs that's pretty interesting that's pretty interesting I will take that with us on the next one but maybe yeah maybe we'll like save that for later or something interesting okay um right so that was one of the things in the book since we're having a look at it we might as well do this there are many ways of enchant enhancing and customizing your Vault Crystal at level 24 you'll start finding Catalyst fragments inside wooden chests we now have fragments you can create a catalyst and using the Catalyst infusion table or mystical Essence lets you empower the Chris Catalyst giving it a positive modifier and most likely a random negative modifier the infused Catalyst can be then applied to your Vault crystal in an anvil to modify your Vault right so that's actually something we're starting to do now so with this we just want to complete a bounty I feel like we actually probably did do that one so we might just get a little bit of bonus resource because of I don't know a change uh we didn't have anything active I seem to I seem to remember us yet that one was what we were gonna do uh these ones require uh yield much less XP and although that sounds interesting I don't recall getting a lot of Vault meat although there are multiple types I don't know just gonna just gonna go with this one I can get a wooden affinity oh that's a that's a point like sometimes the jewel that you get might be that'd be pretty uh pretty good anyway I like that we're gonna go with that one because we want the XP we want to keep progressing I think I don't know I don't know we're still getting our head around this game but today we did some smart decision making what did I put my uh My Ding-A-Ling that's what it's called now it's called a dinga thing here's my ding-a-ling what is that from Ding-A-Ling that's from like that's like a a reference to a Minecraft sound I'm sure I remember saying that in some sort of series or something did he add mining speeds his FTV Maniac I don't know I don't know did I put I put Fortune efficiency even on them is that it this will be so good with the affinities and pouches I believe yeah I think you might be right we might have really upgraded our experience here I might have really upgraded it okay uh and then I wanted to do the old thumbnail time I might use this right here dual wielding craziness oh my God he's got two of them now I've got to click on the thumbnail oh that sweet sweet click bait [Music] oh who knows all right are we ready to go in what's our goal to get fragments we actually want to raid more wooden ones on this run [Music] the pouches that you organize would be a nice upgrade for use is Andy it will right chat as you know this is the part of the stream where I tend to ignore you and ask you tons of questions at the same time [Music] okay it's Sandstone it's monoliths possibly got a chance of getting all six but we are here to raid wooden chests funny enough um we are heading south and as we did last time we dang I missed whoa I missed time to jump but I have a great excuse and it's one that I don't like which is that the game is horribly yep yep the game is horribly lagging right now um yikes basically oh wow big lag big lag don't like this big lag hello nothing's happening okay did the game just catch up with itself I see the Mana thing there gonna tap it again okay I think we're I think we're good right let's yeah this is a great oh my God it's lagging again this is a great idea let's just do that jump again and fall down below yeesh that cost us a little bit of time oh okay uh I've had a reminder my sub goal okay let's let's read that one later uh so South is the way out north is the way back um so anyone who's taking notes feel free to write that down North is the way back south is the way out we are looking for the wooden the wooden chests yeah this is pretty Barren looking you know what's behind here a little secret no easy easy you know I'm Keen to know if we got any of that new item that I don't know because you know because uh that didn't work there we go there we go of their writing a little bit of taking those items that made a Ding-A-Ling oh dang it I missed I missed uh I kind of kind of want to go back up there not too smart having a bit of a an odd run so far that's it we're back up and that was worthwhile because look at this easier to vein mine [Applause] I'm gonna accidentally uh mine some sand or something then yeah this this top spot's like really Barren actually isn't it okay I'm just gonna fall down and heal so hopefully there's more in the area down below oh y'all are getting too close dang I'm taking some damage here you are stronger I think actually maybe that Shield was making a bigger difference than the the wand was oh we get to take these pretty things oh my God I just walked into the cactus right uh I don't have one for an eight do I I don't have one for an eight that'll do that'll do oh yeah break that one anything oh something extra and hidden Don't Mind If I Do Don't Mind If I Do okay let's keep healing okay something got set off I boom whoa you can be bad news oh dear Yep this is this this Vault feels a lot stronger the baddies in here are tough okay oh cool that'll do Batman's dingling that may poison right I think uh I think we might be done with this area was there a little bit more down here yeah not a lot of stuff going on in here right but we just literally came for wooden oh my God why do you have TNT on you dude that looks brutal I hear skeleton bones rattling up we go uh North was the way home South was the way out we are not doing this run for monoliths if I need to complete a vault I could run around one without looting stuff but we are actually here for wooden chess believe it or not okay I'm gonna activate all of them apparently that's a good strategy oh easy oh lag oh my God that was not nice that was not nice oh that was a good shot that lag was uh punishing then okay ah I was fooled whoa easy easy easy okay there's more coming for me oh okay getting a little better with that Javelin getting a little better with that javelin okay oh the noises the ding-a-lings so not quite too sure about what's uh epic about that chest that site I need to observe these ones though we don't get to because we're just going to straight up break them well I could open it first right that's just a common just to learn right a reminder to heal this looks different over here but it's possibly just decorative stuff oh husks hi you'll be husking around the place eh oh so many chests Okay so oh thanks what I was thinking was rare but like what's rare about it is it because it's got a vault diamond in it or is it is it just the XP that you get for uh like raiding it maybe that's how it works it's the item quantity okay the quantity so like plenty of ones on their own there well let's try and pay attention to that then I've been here no whoa you jumped out of there pretty enthusiastically common rare okay so it doesn't look to me like there's that many more things there hmm wow that's just tearing away some of my health did we go down on this floor I can't remember I don't think we did well that helped that water was good wouldn't it and that's the way down no we had not been down here that looks like so oh wow what's this easy this looks like a bunch of Vault Stone down here might as well collect it some XP that way all right I'll take it then wow this is cool yeah yeah that's what I was waiting for where are you oh you're there hi dang it I missed whoa whoa gosh they're hitting quick oh my words oh my word I might I think I might be either backing up into blocks or sometimes the timing just feels unlucky right so rare yeah a little more of some items maybe I don't I'm not sure if it's item quantity Epic the silk in there it doesn't feel like it's item quantity Farm cacti someone says okay wow I'm just gonna I'm just gonna rip all these out is there all the things I wanted that that's a lot of chests and then there's something here I could have done with a challenge room right is it is it I need to keep doing that chat is it quantity rare equals not cooked early is barely noticeable okay yeah maybe it's not noticeable yet what's happened to your face you're like a husky skeleton guy gildeds which I can break with that just wanted to check what's inside that was different and weird is that normal that's really weird oh my God I feel like that thing was made for doing that also these books are in oh are they just regular books that you place down interesting that was that was like some weird but satisfying chest tops bouncy complete yay yay bounty another another sign of a good run it's completely in a bounty and objective you can vein mine with your sickles too ah nice thanks for that one hey you take that extra hearts for me right that's the bottom area now we're going up to the top wait I feel like I missed something down here wasn't there wasn't there like a big thing uh further back what way do ow no this was it no no I'm okay yeah I tricked myself a bit because they're a bunch of like dark blocks there wait a minute none of this is Vault stone is it oh look I missed one because we had the Vault Stone before I was kind of thinking this is uh this is Vault Stone too and then then I got this thing in my head of like there's another Vault Stone you need to go get but no actually we've done that we've taken out right we've done the top of this area we are heading is North the way out no South South is North is the way back south is the way that we're raiding so with 13 minutes left I think we're going to go to the left and make our way back right back to full health bit of a rarity for me this looks tricky yeah okay that was silly um there is a monolith go on then I'll take that hello yes it's like hidden right looks like the way up is uh better served over here this little pile of chests over there on the right I was wondering if Auto jump would be any good playing this game come on Get Wrecked I'm not making those mistakes I was making earlier hey ding-a-ling cool stuff in the middle stuff over here easy mean guy coins don't we have a thing for this we have a thing for ah so satisfying come to me my lovelies well some of you just fell down below didn't you well I've seen that there are faster ways to read these chests oh dang it that was so close digging javelins yeah I'm trying to get used to using it I gotta admit though like though I haven't given it the best key maybe we could have picked a better one high there's a lot of you oh now there's not a lot here right so this time oh wait ornate is one of the ones we can't rate never mind so we've got look at our inventory it's not all super goosed up cool that'll do that'll do all right that's a dead end that's a dead end right now down below with the bucket oh oh wow that was a thing you look scary are you a boss oh my God oh my God oh noises hi oh little guy little guy oh yeesh there's still oh my God you're hidden behind the wall what is this secret okay I think we found a secret there's so much stuff here oh oh does that is that and that are they gonna activate oh oh little guy watch out oh my oh my words oh first Creeper explosion inside a vault craziness oh ding-a-lings in my ear drums oh bad noises yeah like what about this oh gosh the sound of their footsteps is terrifying me okay Harvest good not good actually not good just gonna hang out down there now are we oh well that's the end here and your friend and your other friend hi homie how's it hanging uh let's get all this dang it I pressed the wrong button again what's the very last thing in there that's interesting right I got some noises in the air I can see here I'll get to those in just a second thank you for your support telling you that now oh okay I like this room this is full of stuff this room has been full of stuff and that one and then the secret one foreign but I feel like we missed something that's probably because we did we've got eight minutes by the way oh we found a jackpot oh I am satisfied oh my gosh so many things oh it's like a absolute trip there's something up there or it looks like there is oh maybe there's not okay oh my god let's get to the raiding and the ornate and all the chat are must open all the chests this would have been amazing this room had I got my other stuff figured out already right look at that my inventory is starting to get a little bit on the cluttered side what's chat saying dungeon first time is that is that what this is called a little dungeon I've actually found some rooms like this with lots of ornate before but never this many ornate yeah that'll do that'll do kind of think oh no no no this there's more it's like hard to tell man there's so many there's more I'll do yeah no there isn't slight extra up there but cool we found that that is a rare POI is used to be a dungeon dungeons are now behind a door you open like this extreme difficulty I am up for the challenge which may be my last words okay that that might have been a bit preemptive oh gosh this is terrifying me I see the spawner back there can I like raid some stuff now man cool but I feel like this is gonna ah the noises what I thought is going to backfire oh my God this is literally a door here I don't know where it goes oh man okay where's the Trap oh there's the Trap run okay why aren't you coming any closer are y'all goofing around with that door oh wait a minute I've got a thing for this ha you know what classic Minecraft block cheesing game is always going to suffer with this even the modded ones ha because you're dumb that's fine because you're dumb take that Minecraft pathfinding that guy's having a crazy day oh my God huh 100 hit points crazy [Music] nice uh gonna do that oh my God I really wish I found this sooner this is so cool oh it's delightful oh I'm keeping that I'm actually this is this is awesome I want to stay here forever and ever oh my God my inventory is starting to uh pick up some stuff oh my God the loot is epic the loot is epic jeez I'm losing my mind this is so exciting okay Oh I wanna I wanna take more things the the blocks in this room are so cool but I like I have to uh I have to move on where's the Trap that's the other against the other door okay I don't think it's a trap don't miss anything oh like that four minutes okay we're gonna we're gonna rush back out of here but I ain't done yet I ain't done yet I Wanna Know cheese it oh see you later we have to cheese it these fight guys better give some uh XP do we go back in we've got three minutes to get out I think we're going back in taking the biscuit oh my God this is so cool yep that'll do that'll do that's safe right right gotta be a bit but that's a cool light source I want that I want the trophy my trophy now um maybe a little bit more in here three minutes three minutes old dang by the way uh thumbnail is blatantly better here isn't it like what is this I want to get those unobtaining blocks out of here right took a thumbnail better thumbnail right and I'm taking them I want all that did not say run I don't care about that last oh get out of here I don't care about the last chest I've had enough oh that was so cool let's try and get out of here that was awesome I love that uh South is the way home right or South no I think North oh wait did I I think I forgot to mark my way in I remember seeing that there pretty sure North was the way back that was so much fun that's uh that those are the moments that really make running vaults come to I mean when you start out like everything is interesting then Things become familiar I like stuff like that then becomes the Highlight I uh I've really enjoyed that that was awesome now I think we've got one more room to go through let's see because we'd still have two minutes and I skipped over the first room was the idea yeah so this in theory is the last yeah we know it is because of this drop right remember that yeah I remember that so that's the exit we have a little bit of time to uh do some more Vault hunting stuff you know a breaking chests so here's the thought what if you're more likely to get a room like that once you've gone in by like three or four rooms it always feels like it takes a while to find those so like maybe on the next run we deliberately skip the first four rooms oh my God there's an army of crazy people called husks who are not people they're actually Undead oh my God oh my God one minute 20 and there's gilded here okay this is the last of our rating this is where it ends cool this is where it ends oh thanks for the poison man yay time to get out of here that was an amazing run I had so much fun with that one uh we'll have time to do another run today as well so there's that to look forward to there's the way out with 48 seconds to spare taking no risks do I want to grab some sand I've had sand pop up a couple of times for things right so just gonna nap a bit of that and then get out of here oh we love it we love it that was a cool Vault yeah it was uh look at that didn't quite level up to 25 did we interesting I felt like we killed a lot of a lot of baddies so no modifiers 149. look at that crazy looking husk oh boy oh boy this stuff is cool okay um a survived I did actually I didn't know we're off the stream your sub goal hasn't been updated for two streams ago yeah I can I can do that now I don't know what I'm gonna set it to I'll make a note thank you for that by the way thanks for pointing that out so we had a noise in the air now we've got another one uh right while I was raiding while I was busy Mr junior golf at 37 months legendary three years plus hope you're taking care of yourself I am thank you for your uh your support my dude kinetink 75 has subscribed with the Prime thank you so much for using the Amazon Prime subscription on me my dude appreciative so much we have a suggestion from Lucario to use burgers for the last bits of XP um lead Lantern yeah there was I you know I want to set some of this stuff aside like these are like trophies to me now these little statues oh I've actually already got that like I've seen that they they looked different didn't they can you give them items or something like a block ah oh that's so cool yes they look different inside of the Vault oh I'm gonna have so much fun with these things okay like a goblet was something you could place down yeah okay uh so that these these banners here I'll actually put them up on the wall like they're they're a little trophies that we're keeping you know like I've got these ones up here we're gonna decorate the base for things we get from the vaults that's kind of the idea um right so the jewels we have to put in manually I actually want a certain type of affinity let's see if we got it copiously that's not it um ornate there it is or 87. wouldn't it just be wouldn't it just be right uh anyway let's let's just load all of that out into you know is one of these gonna be relative are we are we really filling all this up now has it gone that far it looks like we might actually be reaching our capacity here for raisy to put more chests in the system okay uh then these sorts of things can go in that way okay so now we need to think about the like unloading method and all that so when we come back over here we want to slice that stuff out nice and easy into there this thing pops in there too uh we've got this down maybe I'll put that in there for now so if I press B yeah look at that so I think this means that when it keeps a stack it doesn't know about these other ones I think it keeps one stack and voids everything else that's an interesting observation right there there's no way we got exactly a stack of all of that so anything else that needs voiding will eventually um be automated now next thing we do is come down to these open them up one by one huh uh with sticks no sticks weren't to be avoided were they anyway do that come over here right I'm pretty sure we're gonna see this thing break how is there any more space in those chests I don't know extract Chuck it all in so none of that stuff will be things that we need to move elsewhere actually I guess those focuses were we didn't get any living we did get these so uh extract now some of this stuff is for opening so we'll put it into there cool we've got dream stones of Phoenix that's one Earth on Earth is all this fanciness is it me or did we have three stacks of that does does that mean these slots are say like used by these because we had three stacks of that and we should only be out of two because it matches the backpack contents if you got sunk in there it goes into the extra slot that's pretty cool that could also allow us to maybe take like another backpack where we like put the things like these two into a separate one and then leave those slots for other stuff that's really cool okay you'll learn by doing sometimes right so yeah look that never got over here therefore we might as well unequip that one really which I might be able to do now I don't know unfortunately what setting this is at the moment but can I yeah I can do that oh wait I think I just made a giant boo-boo I think I just made a massive boo-boo so that's okay that's actually slot one okay so like that so slot one is that do that save that's all I need to do okay uh let's extract [Music] all this stuff goes into here I can't believe this stuff is still getting stored there you go I was about to say like surely at some point we're gonna hit a limit I think I've got a visitor in the base [Music] keep feeling the chess monster that's how you solve storage problems so do these need to be like reattached ugly so do that and then back in oh they only attached to one at a time sense I guess after work one way right okay then so I could put one here yep I can put one there uh-huh put one here and I can put one here it's awful I I have to also reconnect them don't I Coolio now they've got a new home which one were we up to gilded or Nate then all of this nonsense Let's uh let's pick out the things that we are look at that we've got some Catalyst fragments cool we'll put those to one side right that's everything that we need to interact with into there then we extract and put it all that is so quick that is so quick that was really good I like it let's roll some stuff dingalings noises rolls it'll it all looks a bit Scrappy doesn't it we had an absolute epic uh oh epic magnet it's bringing up too many things that is that copiously we've got three percent copiously now it doesn't have a star next to it right like the other one says legendary 11 to 15. does the star like multiply it anyway it adds mining speed it's got way more velocity a bit lower range it kind of looks like it's better unless that copiously thing is not what I think it's at worst because of the range I can deal with the range I think I can live with the range the star means it's Legendary Legendary roll some star next to them right but does it like should I be looking at the legendary 11 to 15. because it says 2.8 copiously and the other one says free which one is better the free or the 2.8 because what does the legendary mean like it gives me a percentage I'm looking at that like as if how can I say it right so y'all are saying the three is better so then can you tell me what it means by having legendary as opposed to the other one so one's got one to ten percent and the other's got a 15 to sorry 11 to 15. the legendary was better than the max range for that particular level okay okay because it's like you've got you've got extra numbers so on this on the left side you've got six velocity five to ten three one to three on the right you've got eight velocity five to ten so like what is what are those extra numbers after mean like frit is it is it the range in which it can appear or something okay fiddle says legendary role for the level you got it at but since you're a higher level now you get the same role easily that makes the sense that makes sense right so I'll probably use that new magnet um then oh wait yeah this one here with the copiously okay uh that means we need to enchant it I guess I'll just scrap the other one huh okay then these things so I do I do need to focus more so on the actual numbers not the stuff after it that's just the rolling uh it doesn't really look better to me armor a little bit more slightly more health I would just say ignore that oh plus eight armor so we got like pretty legendary there so if I took this one I would be sacrificing health for a lot of armor and then healing efficiency and item Rarity for faster Mana regen which honestly I don't need the Mana regen so chat what do you think like you're literally going for seven extra points of armor and sacrificing for health looks like a few of you think it's worth it all right thanks for your input yeah okay you think it's worth it now if we hope open up uh this screen and do that swap them out a little bit so like health goes down by four points the fence goes up by six percent essentially we'll give it a try I think we'll give that a try uh so I need to I'm going to put these away for now I'll scrap those wait did I check all of these things I think I did we were on the last one right so now we need to do some enchanting apparently I haven't put my emeralds up there okay Gonna Keep that old magnet just in here somewhere right now that means we're ready for another Vault run oh no wait we didn't finish doing stuff um oh and we didn't collect the bounty yes hey and I leveled up and I get to go in here and do this and be like yeah I did it man thanks all right what did this thing want by the way apply an infused Catalyst to a vault Crystal and an anvil that's I guess our next objective didn't it say you needed like a whole bunch of them or was it just one I can't remember NADA not a thing right now where did those end up because I'm not sure if all of them would go into here and there might be enough some of the rewards might have ended up in these oh wait yeah you can do that so no yeah there you go some some ended up there I can hear I can hear slimes by the way wait why would I hear a slime we're not in a slime chunk oh wait you know what we might be but the mini map changed I think the mini map setting disappeared maybe they turned it off maybe they were like oh we saw X did on his stream let's stop that that's cheating that could be exactly what happened peeps you never know nine cadders and a mystical Essence in a cattle table oh yeah there was that thing about making a catalyst table right so let's go find out oh that looks cool one of those that's good hey there were lecterns in the vault Nether writinga and chromatic steel ingot I should have picked one up that's the other five uh one of those and then a lectern which we might have because we raided some Villages earlier we we visited them sorry raided we visited them and humbly took some of their things for research purposes of course yes what right let's grab that throw it down in this chaos of noise we call a bass and then let's look at this thing like how what do we do what did that Quest book say what are these things oh this looks like uh this looks like the shape of a thing we just looked at nine of those is what someone told me right and when someone tells you something in chat it's probably true so we'll do that I get this feeling when I see the pixel art in this game that like iskal had like a lot of input into it I don't know if any of you know how much shite control we had over the textures and stuff but like I just things like that I don't know why but I just see like a uh a bit of like a Mumbo Tash Vibe going on there and obviously there's mondomian or whatever it's called in this game okay by the way I put sign on this list because I'm gonna put signs in in the base for things we need to do but now I've got the note list mystical Essence as well thank you thank you uh Vibe Cisco helping out Mr Cool Mr questions that looks like it oh wow dreamstone okay things uh Panda love says a lot LOL he is Fault Hunters yeah I mean you might be you might be making it obvious or you might be assuming like there's a there's a lot that goes into making this stuff I know this scales obviously like the game designer but I don't know what is like when you make a game you might just Outsource the uh the whole texturing element to someone else you know I don't know it might be like you just hire someone who does some cool stuff and tell them hey I want dreamstones make a cool texture like I don't know how much um input he has at that level I guess obviously the game design and the concept and all that stuff is uh is clearly clearly his his baby as they might say did you watch The vaultcast X I have not watched uh much Vault Hunters stuff at all I know it's amazing I know what he's done is great like you know you can just tell by how people talk about it and stuff but I've never I you know I just wasn't in a place for really I guess watching a much Minecraft content over the last few years oh wow it's going for it hey infused all right that was like the next one on the list right ads modifier or Nate 25 on HS so we're doing an ornate Run next that's cool I I was kind of expecting something different to happen then but yeah oh Peeps are saying that's a crazy good modifier okay nice now ornate was the one thing that I couldn't just instantly raid and I don't think ornate Affinity oh we did get one but it was pants look at that should I get an extra I don't think I want to get an extra tool I could I'd have the space on my Hotbar for it apparently I got lucky because there was no negative roles it seems I have a like a lot of luck when I play the amount of times people have said wow like you know that's crazy that thing you just got it's like oh okay combine a vault Crystal do I combine it in crafting or do I do something special for the next step right hopefully hopefully that special thing I need to do isn't after what I've just done because I kind of jumped the gun Anvil okay cool Anvil for it you have an incredible amount of luck thanks it's uh it's all me you know definitely all me cut the large ornate gem yeah but how many times can I cut it right like not enough to fit it on one of my picks I imagine check the black market someone says oh cake cut we've done that resilient Focus can be used to modify what's the resilient one do hey magnet why do I feel like a chat's going to be screaming oh my god get that Focus oh my God bargain you can cut it all the way down to 10 or Until It Breaks now what you mean is I can if I get if I roll if I flip a coin heads 10 times in a row or something right which is probably not going to happen met on the focus honestly okay I got that one wrong re-roll repair slots I feel like I feel like I'm missing something now I feel like there's another element to this there's another element to what's going on here right the block that got banned from the game okay that we got through quartz right uh need to need to take a trip to the nether man never go back to the never X it's terrible out there what do I have on that pick do I have fortune on it I feel like this should be fortune on I think I no there you go silk touch yeah I think I made up my mind to do something slightly different um I don't have any bread left in here I can't use that in the Never nothing will go wrong nothing will go wrong I mean I don't have any blocks on my hot bar nothing will go wrong let's come back to that Jewel cutting thing in a second y'all are trying to tell me something I'll let you live I'll let you live okay I got more wings foreign you know what probably a little unnecessary anyway you know if I hit some lava right now that'll be pretty rough but I didn't so okay lesson learned not come at me homie I'm strong ER than you'll ever know right there's this quartz up there on the roof this place is very red maybe uh maybe down here hey there we go oh my God death and Terror where are my building blocks they're in here oh I might have kind of got a little bit lucky there I think that uh nothing didn't follow me around and ruined my experience I think one thing this doesn't do is it doesn't doesn't let you like refill the blocks on your hot bath first does it that well that was yeah my magnet doesn't have the same range it once did eh there's more of it down there by so awkward to get this stuff there we go oh that could have been terrible but it wasn't I think they'll do me for now um there's a little bit more over there kind of need to go back up oh I've got an unspent expertise point and four unspent skill points also could get the extra speed uh being Reckless apparently yeah pretty much am because I'm so strong they need to worry about so much stuff out here in the Overworld right I think I hope right oh my God and a ghost hold up oh why am I flying all of a sudden yish that thing ain't got the range ain't got the range um slight problem can't quite remember where that little non-entrance I had was and of course August is hounding me right now oh wouldn't it be wouldn't it be it's like it was like here on the border somewhere below me yeah that's it get wrecked Get Wrecked I mean I think it was here on the border big hole above it as well oh my God that's right I got some some cheers and Bitties so I'm gonna read in a second I just kind of want to find the way back first that's it all right okay hella got lucky there because that was very poorly marked out let's get back through here uh tactics thank you so much for the cheers and the biddies hey X been watching your vods you were talking about how you don't love the scavenger hunt of making crystals we would rather run more volts there is a game world called Infinity Vault crystals where the crystal will not require item submittals in order to run vaults they will pop off the altar ready to be used just a thought you know what now that I've started with it I don't want to switch but that's good to know uh thanks for sharing that that's cool if you weren't here early I was talking about this idea that I had based on this uh other mod pack and how I would have implemented like Skyblock mixed with this I I that would be amazing if I ever do like a the second series on this game or something I would be so gunning to play it uh Skyblock way where like building Farms is still a part of the game but you do it through this so like you start off with like the Cobblestone saplings planks right all that early Skyblock stuff and each time each time you level up right you now have to build the next part of the SkyBlock Tech Tree you know to get to the next bit I love the idea of playing like that it sounds so much fun and then there's that dirty door right eh you know that Michael Jackson song Dirty Dancing I could never hit that note um like a little jingle of dirty door right like that Maybe not maybe not uh right we also got this right so now I need y'all's help with the Affinity I think I've I think I chucked my last few of these in straight into the thing didn't I which I'm not supposed to do so we got a ornate there it is at 87 and I think from what chat was telling me I could make use of this now let's go check our tool because we would have to get this one down to 49 but it is flawed so flawed means we can cut it at least once right so what is it y'all trying to tell me about cutting these things down to 10. yeah don't cut says Aaron Lynn oh well I don't know then go on chat I'm listening now I'm all ears try it the expertise helps oh the expertise right I know what you're on about now 49 is tough 10 is the lowest 49 is enough to even yeah when you cut it it removes one to ten capacity so that means at best like I need four successful rolls in a row like getting 10 each time yeah so some of you are saying like you're not really going to use it at that size so you might as well try the thing is though I could make one more tool just temporary that has it on it until I get like one for that it wasn't exactly expensive so we'd have like a third one for an eight here's the thing our next run is going to be with ornate so it feels like it makes a lot of sense to have a tool I think I'll just make a one tool and put that on it right so chromatic chromatic iron volt bronze I feel like I should start to leave some of these things like in there uh Driftwood being one of them just uh leave them in in the place right also over here I think there's a bunch of that stuff to be grabbed some people suggest re-rolling the suffix on your new armor apparently my new armor is that one because the Mana regen is pointless ah now to re-roll that do I go here reforge all prefix and suffix random modifier reforge all right so let's go into here and type in focus I don't think I have any new types also how many how many is like the max oh it just keeps going that's cool so like that I think that's a gamble isn't it don't do it people are saying waning is level 65 okay don't need to call people idiots man go on they're just trying to help really wow at whilst being unhelpful in the process yeah we need like the red dye up in here actually we should probably use uh bowmill cool I got that or have I because it's in here [Music] yeah that's the one thing about the void upgrade that ain't quite working I'm doing this gamer Switcheroo a lot it's possible that the void backpack could be in here and that you have a pouch that's bypassing those items so they go to the void one but you know right um so this thing needs to be enchanted is another dealio so efficiency braking and then we want to call it ornate all day mate Chuck that on it nice uh and then I forgot to actually put the the jewel in here and there you go so now we can mine ornate on our next run we are all set up for a successful run I like it hover over pouches and press B and inventory I've actually been doing that I'm aware of that one cork takes out one random blocked lava in the Never dig to your heart's content oh okay let's remove that what's your step for drops all right you can also try to craft drills and if you get lucky you get all net Infinity can you craft jewels is it here that you do that that like no there's no Jewel role where did we learn about that yet like let's have a look Jewel app like no no we've done both of those in the tool station aha oh right there yeah silver scrap would I gem gemstone we've got quite a few of those it's worth experimenting with then gemstone uh something scrap silver scrap this this mod like the Vault Hunter stuff it's got like these nice little like levels of polish that I noticed where like it knows to look here or there I've just played like mods in the past oh I get to choose anyway sing yeah you can roll that if you really need it interesting um yeah I've played mods in the past where there's just like annoying inventory quirkiness that you constantly have to deal with and stuff and it's like ah if only it were a little slicker right uh that is ready for our next run which we're not going to do just yet uh I do actually want to let me check my list so today we did the void pouch excellent we didn't make a scavenger pouch we did do the Gilded and we didn't do the double um I also did some tools which is good so I'm just I'm just like lowering the list of things to do that's good if we go into here and look for silk if we actually got quite a lot of silk on our last run I think we had like 190 at the beginning of the stream so I should be able to make a scavenger pouch yeah think I could set that up I'll probably set that up in between streams or something select shulker or laminar or larimar as they say or larimar as it's called oh and Vault diamonds hey what happened I was typing oh please inventory come on come on stop doing that stop doing that nope don't want me to have him doesn't want him in that slot this one's cursed there's no way uh yeah so we can make another pouch or the scavenger hunt does a scavenger need to be double check the quest book someone says oh yeah you know what I did actually do that oh no no I have not done okay so yes yes hey I was about to do something you distracted me man there's a good distraction we actually really need to do that and not forget about it so also leaving this thing on the hot bar probably go up in there okay leaving this thing on the hot bar would be desirable but right now we're um we're actually using three tools instead of two I guess when I play in this area we just put that on the Hotbar yeah anyway in the Anvil we do this and this and oh my God instability five percent don't know what that means we have completed a quest and I got a rewards which was one of those things the soul diffuser breaks down Vault items into Soul dust which can then be turned into Soul shards to be used as a currency for the black market this gives you the choice of deciding what you deem valuable and what you deem whether you're diffusing oh I get it I get it quiet a vault Soul diffuser a guests are I guess our plans have been put on hold maybe or maybe not that looks mental what is that as well the Vault recycler so I've already made one of those right dramatic steel bucket of lava I think I got a spare yep ah we're running a little low on the old chromatic steel so uh we need some of that okay um then the chromatic stuff uh-huh got some more of that to smell up I think we get that inside the Vault right like that's how we keep getting more yeah Essence netherite ingots hey we got a noise in the air it's CarMax 9248 here for 16 months thank you so much appreciate your 16 months of support it's that type of essence isn't it okay that looks cool but then Eternal soul soul Flame Black chromatic steel oh oh my word so pricey very perfect black opal actually that might be too pricey oh my okay now let's go back a step I need four of those therefore four of that and therefore probably a lot of the black opal peeps I don't think no I think we're a bit stonewalled there so our vault recycler don't we already have one of those somewhere yes that'll just be saved for a rainy day when we come back to that project let's continue opal mining time okay how do I do opal mining like isn't that just getting lucky with the rooms or is there a way to focus on it instability means how many catalysts you can apply at once the percentage goes up the more Catalyst you apply giving you a higher chance of getting a curse or making your Crystal unmodifiable so right now it's it's if I apply another one that it will become more unstable interesting so what if we Infuse it with it like an Essence thing it was that wasn't it mystical Essence let's make another one of those I feel like that's going to go on the list over here now dreamstone elletites let's grab those is it one I've forgotten already it was one and then that's infused over here if I call correctly no no uh that thing yep yep yep okay so let's do another one and then right so Random negative and wooden so if I applied that to this there would be a five percent chance of getting an extra negative on it I think is the idea oh man so you could you could like make loads of these like maybe batch make them and oh my I like Focus what you're doing and stuff this is getting this is getting interesting the progression of this this uh this game is curious to me because what Oh wrong button one of the things is tricky to do with games sometimes is like keep that progression curve interesting and I'm pleasantly surprised I've got no idea like how close to the end or anything like that I am but so far like pretty pretty interesting um so ah now I know what this is all that I guess it depends on how how much you value infusing oh okay this makes such sense shrinkets now we only made one we haven't unlocked any others yet have we ah oh it's all making sense it's all making sense you should take Bounty says fiddles lucky also marketer is that for the black market yeah okay that makes sense right so the Jeweler is the cutting yeah I see that I like that one but yeah this other stuff hmm sorry what was the one about Bounty like where's the Bounty Hunter here or is that in a different tab talents abilities research um is it this one Bounty Hunter let's go let's just go back to this one here Bounty Hunter oh wait I've already got it have two active bounties oh yeah we were gonna do that that makes sense to do for now yeah okay okay that's y'all remembering that's what it is thank you chat um so therefore I could have that one and this one and since they're the only two available I could actually re-roll one I feel like Vault meat is something that you don't really get a lot of I could be mistaken oh okay so in our whole time that's the most we've got you get those from living and I feel like that's a good one for me to take ah we just got the next one come through complete a vault that means completing the objectives and right now not too good at that so I think what I'm gonna do is re-roll that one and then I would have two that basically rely on me finding all rooms and my next one is about doing ornate so like right now these bounties aren't great but I think I'm going to take the mining ones so after we've done our run with the ornate chests that we're going to focus on we do a mining run okay I'm making a note that we're doing a mining run soon right cool right now the other points we have left to spend let's have a look um so I could get haste and strength we've we've been getting a little battered I would like something that's like more resistance oriented at the moment or I have saved up for Speed as well right I'm a little worried about that fov let's let's do it now let's just do it done right and now the fov just changed again so oh there it is I think I think I want normal now yeah that's that's probably going to be good and that's some fast movement tip all rooms have no water oh it's an interesting observation I'll reduce the fov effects so I could keep right so I could keep my 75 and then I could use the accessibility settings and turn that off actually I kind of prefer these to be kind of low as well maybe like oh each time I do it I think it's lagging because it's redoing some settings anyway well that feels that feels wrong now that feels wrong to me like uh I've gotten used to having a little bit more maybe maybe we'll set it to like 80. and see how we get on with that that feels a little nice that's like a compromise um yeah right all these distractions yeah we were making a noob did I make the pouch let's add that to the nope that didn't work okay did I actually make the pouch yes yes I remember that recipe so sophisticated backpacks this pouch needs pick up and stack I think it probably doesn't actually need stack because it's for the scavenger hunt but we'll put it in there anyway so I need two of those missing the magic silk block hey it's evilection the his house gstav 89 months 89 months thank you so much for your continued support also fluidi 91 they give it two months with the Amazon Prime I feel like I missed that one sorry sometimes I get a little caught up in all these things that we're doing please forgive me yeah pick up upgrade I'm pretty sure uh we got piston and slime that's easy peasy redstone block done and the other one is just the let's see uh this one here so what about upgrading that to the next level though because that's something we can do for our pouches in the future doesn't seem too expensive to do actually but you need the double pouches upgrades so I can see I can see how that's going to come in useful real soon what are we missing it's the Larimer the larimar man let's make those gems let's craft that thing and then put everything else away so this is our scavenger one I think I wanted to give it a lime Maybe lime would be its color although living is green yeah that's what I wanted to do so we'll do that and then we'll put these things inside of it and then we will call it the scavenger I just scavenge well these all in caps nope it's a scavenger now how do I how do I get this thing to tell me a scavenger hunt list of items #maybe hashtag put your Vault crystal in the you put your Vault crystal in the SSN ah thanks for pointing that out yeah I just shimmied all the stuff in there didn't I there it is we don't want to lose that uh how's this thing work again match backpack contents and then we need to set up a filter and then we need hashtags are these These are them aren't they are these all the scavenger items is that every single one of them chat all of those items says Vibe Cisco thank you my dude you've uh left some helpful comments here and there appreciate it man let's uh let's Dragon this is way more convenient than it's been last time we did this very good very good so these scavenge items do they have any other uses because they have soul value and we just learned about the soul diffuser which is kind of our next objective right if we're going to continue progressing and following like an objective so to speak it would actually be look at that just enough to do the whole thing that's cool recycle between runs if not used in the scavenge so you recycle them yeah [Music] the scavenger items rot once out of the Vault so you can recycle them yeah that's interesting because we definitely had look we got a bunch of scavenge how do they rot if they're like if they're oh they become rotten ah and then you can't bring them back in the vault and use them right that can probably get scrapped but out here out here like in our base we just they don't have a use right that's what I'm getting at they're just they're just useless and we should you know do something else for them the emerald cats 15. thank you so much for your Prime subscription it is greatly appreciated and I hope you're enjoying the stream by the way we need to do one more thing here which is to go back into that and save slot six now we're not doing a scavenger hunt right but I'll actually continue to use that system otherwise I think it might clock clog up my inventory so we've got the living the coin the Gilded the ornates that one will be first oh this one never got I guess we probably didn't use it in the last run so it didn't get any durability yeah okay we've got the meat which we're running low on and that's it and then that thing up here um unobtainium unobtainium I'm gonna bring an extra stack behind that one and this stuff Vault stake yeah I need to keep that stuff loaded up cool we're kind of ready for the next run right Pro tip always make sure you empty your scavenger bags so you don't take them in on accident yes that's a good tip all right you can craft more of that Vault meat all right wasn't aware at a recipe wait what is the recipe ah from that stuff right okay got it good to know uh right so my other plan for today's stream was to start work on moving this stuff and building a base I think all I'm going to do is like use this big open space here and just uh take out this pillar in the middle take out some of these platforms put in a new floor and just use the big open space of the natural cave shape like be nice to have a bit more of that going on maybe we'll explore the area a little bit more oh wow shouldn't be getting this uh dry throat oh okay well that's a bit reminiscent of yesterday still not quite over it um great messaging chat from riffraff to use the shield so yeah I did have a little bit more planned for activities today but I'm really happy with what we've done because we actually learned quite a lot and made some cool tools and really like stepped up our uh game a little bit which is what I want to do tomorrow's stream I want to come in with a plan really know what we're doing um so before we do our final Vault for the Stream uh I shall nip to the lou as they say and I'm going to switch to standing as well oh so uh hit the follow button man you're not going anywhere are you you're not going to miss the last vote but you might as well hit that follow button anyway I mean that would be a good idea wouldn't it jeez it's not like you're gonna just hit it and bounce gosh that'd be so rude I'm here streaming for you man what are you playing at andalenu thank you so much for 10 months for support my dude greatly appreciated hope you're sticking around for the uh well the thing that we're about to do right anyway I'll be right back won't be long and then we'll do the vault all right my friends I'm back [Music] in case you get a scav vault your scab out should be in front of the unfiltered one ah good point good point well uh just do that now just swap those around that one doesn't have a name by the way I feel like uh oh hi renaming that would be smart but it is called pouch what I call it just a general Maybe or like empty I don't know actually I'm Gonna Leave it just get our head in this vote let's do this man I'm ready I feel like victories right around the corner now we have an objective a bounty to get the loot the uh what's it called the the those things there you go see but that's not going to be our focus our focus is the ornate and someone also reminded me about my Trinket 25 item quantity I think we'll just hold on to that because we're gonna go raid ornate stuff now we're also going to skip the first three rooms we're gonna go deep into the vault in the hopes of finding cool stuff uh let's do it I think there's nothing else right man I feel like I feel like I might have forgotten something Gerald pouch salute yeah oh oh I like that tin get gather Elixir oh we might complete that objective we kept getting scavenger hunts all the time oh wow do you feel the lag oh wow this is beautiful um we are heading east east is the Beast uh never marked oh dang I really should just because it's How We Roll yeah we do this right there you go always make the mark that'll be the rule okay heading east skip to room one on to room two this is a this is room two also looks super interesting the build themes are amazing right room number three what will it be we don't know we're skipping oh I'm in the honey I'm in the honey hey there's a oh that's a get out of the level thing okay that's that's interesting that that's there because I guess if we complete that objective we can get out of that room right room number four look at this big old honey like Dangs oh look at the ornate we're gonna go down first I have decided uh wow you're different and there's a slime right uh ornate so oh my God it's so easy now also wait do I really need the Anvil I don't know I kind of noticed that we broke our Anvil right it is raiding time I guess I'm picking up anything and everything really [Applause] but uh we'll get more and eight oh no no I think I should maybe focus on on eight a bit more for this run as uh we want to take advantage of that really don't we and we do want to kill stuff and complete our objective yeah and I think I'll run around a bit more and really take advantage of that on Nate right does that have to raid everything all the time yeah that was kind of the bottom area that was a bit wimpy oh up we go hi whoa easy there javelin in your face for you oh my God that guy hit me so much and then poison and then there was poison oh man this magnet's range is lower it is lower yeah there's that thing in this room East is my direction isn't it just uh reminding myself yeah there's ornate up here I had a feeling that might happen oh oh no no sharing no sharing oh easy oh I don't like the sound of that there's another one fell down oh that would have been so genius but I rolled the dice and it didn't work no that's not what I'm trying to do okay got that uh maybe just get rid of some of that yeah yeah look there's a few of them that is some crazy rating right there the items are just going everywhere it's fire down here yeah this might not been too smart might not have been my best run all right get that stuff yeah my magnet is uh really not as good is it it's not as good because of that range I thought I thought it would be too much of a hassle it's like I just got to keep in mind uh oh wait no no we already went down here oh what's this there's something above me didn't I just fall into this hole oh I see I'm over by one block all right so I haven't gone up in this area that's what we need to do we need to go no actually I think I have been up there let's go east again let's go east another room we can come back to this one if need be okay all right Mark the entrance now I like this big and open see what's going on let's follow this spiral around that is the way out all those things spawn actually it's kind of kind of awkward like where we'll go from here not really doing a great job of navigating am I we've got a message by the way room two is in all room keep some time for Quest okay I I really I really think I'm focusing on ornate and and the quest at the moment aren't I right that's that's where I want to go close oh wait a minute this might get ugly yep hi gotta get some loot in here you know right down into this bit come on let's find something good what's on here oh look it's oars uh that was all of that gone then not a priority but might as well where do those gems go I think they go into that empty pouch don't they right so that was most of the Upper Floor I don't really skimp on anything there I don't think feels a bit slow this run oh then let's find out what's going on here all right you a lot of fizzled out gosh oh I'm doing this wrong oh dude strong ah gotcha any friend go on site get down the bottom what is this little basement area all about oh you split into smaller ones oh it's the slimes that are laying down the poison all the time isn't it yeah I'm really not finding the ornate I'm just Gathering Elixir it feels like that'll do come on we headed deep into this thing I was hoping we're gonna find some epic stuff but no what's this over here it's not ornate that's for sure oh little guy little guy oh okay right I think we've got to go East to get into the Next Room uh East oh wait that was the right way yep it was the right way how do you think the uh the the run is going chat like I don't know it just feels like hey we've got this ornate thing and we found what like one ornate room we're doing am I doing this right uh there's something interesting up there okay wooden uh this doesn't lead anywhere wooden again ah wooden oh I don't like chest next to the wooden okay noises okay I can hear some squishiness around the back here don't lead anywhere right back to the entrance and how do we head up can we get up oh it looks a little bit High uh this looks like a way hey there we go yeah this looks like something ornate but it's not it's not man also part of me feels like I need to get the Gilded stuff that's so satisfying hi don't poison me uh what we got over there chest that's not ornate that's not ornate oh boy I might be moving on again I just throw myself into the chaos good move pile uh bucket of water let's go east again people keep asking if your magnet is on or if it's just a range could you check real quick it is on and it is the range that 3.2 it does feel like it's a bit less than that but uh the key thing is it's like it was a couple of levels less than the last one that we had button something else what is this let's go find out okay probably should deal with these ones first wow lag Spike man I've had a few lag spikes since updating right oh those spiders are brutal you're dead Oh I thought I'd that were y'all apparently not [Applause] okay uh let's go a little closer in here oh these these really are just slowing me down huh yeah look at that that's just gonna Slow Me Down come on where's the ordinate oh my right in my face I feel like this might be uh like not a great run for XP and score because even though we've got this ornate Focus we're really not doesn't feel like we're taking advantage of it oh hello hi wow you're all over the place and you're camouflaged right what is what is this thing it is oh it's just a living isn't it oh please don't hurt me oh someone burped did you hear that that totally wasn't me I totally heard a burp or Nate a lot oh my God fat guy oh he's burping that's what I heard yeesh do this oh and then there's more and that one mine's slow for some oh wait is it the wrong type no why is it doing that slow I don't understand but I'll do that which is not the correct way to do it that one's slow for some reason uh the way to do it is to throw the items out like that then they'll actually go to the correct spot right eat some foods that's not ornate oh my God those are so brutal okay this might have been a really bad idea to run through like that uh not ornate not ornate oh my word that's what I'm talking about some gilded I'm down where's where's the baddies they're not here oh leave me alone man oh okay oh the noises yeah let's also yeah go get that stuff out of the way cool yeah that's starting to fill up the inventory a bit cool 11 minutes I've totally been paying attention to that the whole time so there's my way out so I'm pretty heavily incentivized just to take a trip East right because you can just oh be careful yeah hopefully though those won't be too much of a bobber yeah we got it we got an exit behind us at East so we're just continuing this direction this isn't a super special room or something amazing fancy like we found last time right by the way oh look oh look it's all closed off interesting I was gonna mention we haven't done like it doesn't look like there's a way up here let's go down then we haven't done we haven't done something that I wanted to do which is to like go off to the sides but when I did go off to the sides early on we found some crazy different rooms I'm wondering if going to the sides should be a strategy in one of our runs well this one's got a load Stone on it oh [Music] hi there's the thing what is it Hearts oh you've gone then cool thanks oh I guess I'm taking this what else is down here so yeah this side of the load stuff oh my God the slimes are just awkward to deal with you got a favor what's a favor what's a favor I don't know I don't understand chat what's a favor what's the favor please tell me I don't think there's an upstairs here I'm gonna head back then and then go off to the side nine minutes remaining I it's still time for something epic right also just noticed there's a little ornate chest in the bottom right of the screen that's cool oh the poison again and a fat guy all the bad things oh it needs a jump man should I walk through it oh just walk for it bam okay so now we go north so we want to return South uh you if you complete a favor boost your next Vault ah okay okay well we're gonna complete this one I reckon just need to remember the way back is South now okay go up come on jump jump jump jump ah the blocks the blocks the slabs I now don't like slimes anymore because all that poison silly silly poison I think it only poisoned you for a short amount of time though while you're in it I'm still poisoned oh that one's blocked off interested as is that come on something good please there's a door the door to Magic I hope daughter amazing good times oh it's poison that's all it is just poison everywhere those would I ordered we've got one oh please I don't know if there's more but we're getting out if we can what's going on come on there we go right nope can't be opened wooden wooden ah right we're gonna go west which means the lodestone is sort of diagonal it's two rooms away it's left and left again oh now that is the kind of thing I was hoping to find the only problem is isn't this like crazy difficult or something dick down what right is it going to kill me or not is the first thing dig down I don't know it's 50 50. I don't know what to expect like should I should I go in from like over here a bit more oh that's Bedrock okay bedrock's here let's see I see uh is that by Design I get a water in the center helps if I put it here we can drop down and what does that mean what am I seeing I'm seeing other types of bedrock don't know what this means kind of feels like there's nothing here now wait 10 seconds for real oh [Music] oh cool hey this is like a treasure room thing isn't it oh nice is there anything right tell me if I'm missing anything I should be picking up here chat this I think this made it all worth it didn't it made it all worth it because when I say treasure room okay I need to articulate myself so much better there's like a treasure block a treasure sand is that going to appear in this room is what I'm wondering oh my God this is so this is the reward we were waiting for this is the whole the whole ilio man the whole time this was our reward waiting for us and we got it an ornate a mega crazy cool room of cougars and pag or whatever iscal says items rewards good stuff oh that sounds epic I'll definitely picking up some good stuff oh man thank you thank you for the dingalings jeez uh did we miss anything is that it is that anything else to do okay the the sand the treasure sand is in Treasure rooms behind the door you saw I don't know why that is not mining behind the door I saw I don't know which door we're referring to unidentified are these are these spawning because I've been here too long are they like get out of here now man you've had your fun you've had your pickings time to leave cool this is awesome um I don't think I missed anything right get our water bucket and get out now that was cool that was good fun oh hi so the way out is south and then East right I came in from that side so I've got to go left and left again with three minutes uh the slow mining chest is apparently because you by changing your y level where mining oh right oh interesting like a little bug okay the treasure sand is locked behind treasure doors that you need a key for ah I know what you mean now I know what you mean by The Doors yeah okay got it got it there's our lodestone let's run south so then we have to go North to get out just gonna see what's over here really oh what's this do I mine these because like do I need a lot of diamonds in this game I'm not sure oh I jumped over him what's with the tree is the tree special what's for this room do I just take the diamonds like I don't really need a lot of diamonds do I or is that the point of the room you only have three men there's nothing with diamonds in this room right well I guess that's what I'm mining now a diamond room not really worth it someone says yeah I guess another thing to know exist yeah the tree was where the mob spawned like what happens if I mine that then is there anything else special here huh just a room of diamonds used for crafting gear yeah like we don't really need to get a load of these do we and like what gear do you craft of it we're talking the early Game Gear I'll pick up a few more while I hear but I don't think it's a significant as some of the other stuff it does go down below one minute 30 left South is my way out right I'm gonna head back just because I've got a weird feeling I've gotten turned around no North North was my way back not South that's the way out that's the way out pretty sure it came from this way one minute yep there it is okay yeah I remember this room it doesn't have much else for us to do here might as well grab these things since we didn't get them earlier I see you down there 30 seconds cool I've had my fix whoa easy cool completed the Vault ha that was that was sweet that was a really good run if I the only thing was the Bounty if I had to pick that Bounty you know uh blue Lily thank you so much for your Prime subscription while we were in the middle of the Vault if you're still there thanks for sticking around hope you enjoyed it that was good fun that one I think I think the fact that we found that room full of ornate at the end just really really made that work otherwise it could have been a bit of a lame run uh now we're level 26 check me out ah the cup fans Spawn from chapter trap chest I love that you call them Cub fans because I called them that in uh in one of the streams like they just look like God band of me right so we got no uh no thing to pick up no Bounty that's the one oh yeah we swapped out the ones where my shulker box go wait did I didn't have a shulker box here but their shulker box go I put some stuff in a shulker box and I can't see it you put your shock box into the SSN that makes sense thank you okay uh so that one is empty though whoops holding the floor so yeah then I can do this just using that so I should really probably just get a separate chest for this now all of that stuff separated um over here take out the things yep put in those ones dang it wait where did it go is it there is it still there where is it it's not called pouches it's called living no wooden wasn't even holding shift it's like yeah I don't know oh there you go right so you don't have to hold shift for it to go in interesting in which case I'm gonna back out right so no scavenger hunt means there'll be nothing in there okay um so yoink out this this is my overflow pouch right one down here one in there everything else yeah it's sorted away oh it's so satisfying yeah that's empty uh extract wow a lot of stuff a lot of ornate stuff right gilded not so much living nothing wooden plenty always plenty right but some of these things are for opening the rest is for putting away it's a process but we're gonna get better at it nicely done cool uh yeah so now we're left to with opening things quite a lot quite a lot I think those are the yields of our ornate room this means stupid amounts of item comparing next ornate affinity that one is I don't know right let's put them in a chest put them in a chest put these back over here too right um oh yeah then they go back into the course they do of course they do they go oh got about this uh they're going to this one too right because I know I think maybe it's gilded yeah there you go it's when the slots match they occasionally go into the other ones I don't really need to know what they are and empty them though right it's not like you get something super useful although okay that's a relic fragment and we learned what relics are today if I search Relic yeah we all look we got some of those oh it makes sense what those are now those are what give you these things right oh I remember getting that one so do I get to use these crafter Relic pedestal to assemble this fragment into a relic did we get that far along A Relic pedestal we didn't get that far along did we no we haven't been instructed to do that yet that looks super easy here I am getting distracted again yeah um what was it Stone oops so I put that in there to get some oh my God vertical slabs what is it what is it you need five of the same Relic type to create a pedestal I think I think you mean to create the Relic right so if I go over here and go to The Relic I got two of those they have a oh oh it takes one interesting interesting don't know why that's colored differently that one well there you go ah you need five individual parts right and I saw a couple at the ends that looked sort of familiar like I think that was one of them interesting okay what we might do maybe is make like seven of these stands and then filter in the items in if you can do that like you could just put these in automatically and then when you open one up you can see if you're able to craft it or not I didn't get any more time for the rolls right uh do you know it's getting pretty late I think I might just do these in the beginning of tomorrow's stream right keep you keep you waiting oh we just got a bunch more stuff we just got a bunch more stuff jeez yeah we'll do that at uh the beginning of tomorrow's role all of these got a rare and then what we got anything size 16 interesting that's a good one isn't it let's go and put all this stuff away yeah I'm pretty uh pretty peaked on the bot Hunters today that was a really good run and uh set up spice racks for The Relic types oh that's the way to do it that makes sense if you can't feed them automatically in great idea one that we should just like create a reminder through putting something in the world so that thing that I said earlier was put that pouch there on my hot bar when I'm back in this space and then grab a relic fragment peeps big thanks to everyone for coming by today be sure to hit the uh follow button if you enjoyed the Stream hey thanks for everyone who subscribed re-subscribe to Native and cheered oh that you can't even see my face trying to Alton tap here uh thanks to all the mods the patrons the people gifting Subs y'all are appreciated and I'll see you again tomorrow with the third of three I'm gonna stream on Wednesday as well I reckon but probably earlier in the day and then the last thing I need to do is find someone a rage so uh anyone we know Let's uh let's just double check twitches and be in Twitchy here okay all right I'm going to send you over to Tango today there we go anyway that's it for me thank you everyone take care enjoy the stream bye-bye I mean enjoy it
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 6,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vault Hunters 3 livestream, Vault Hunters 3 modpack, Vault Hunters 3 classic, Vault Hunters 3 classic modpack, minecraft Vault Hunters 3, xisuma, xisumavoid, classic modpack, Vault Hunters 3 episode 9, Vault Hunters 3 mod, minecraft modded Vault Hunters 3, Vault Hunters 3 modded minecraft, modded minecraft series, Vault Hunters 3rd edition, Vault Hunters 3rd edition modpack, curseforge, Vault Hunters curseforge, xisuma plays vault hunters, xisuma vault, xisuma modded, vh3
Id: jC3vFXDT2pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 43sec (10723 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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