Vault Hunters 3 Modpack (08) Livestream 23/07/23

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hello everyone and welcome back to another live stream on the twitch daughter TV slash the assumer it would be wonderful if we could get uh bananas in chat oh we got them from Becca and avoid wolf letting me know that we're live um I feel like I've forgotten something during the setup gosh such a familiar feeling what is it that I've not done I know I've got something wrong let me know psych must have uh been broken somewhere cool gamer 101 YT thank you so much for six months ux has been a while since I caught a stream how are you I am good I am I'm exhausted in the sort of way where like you got energy that you've just had like such a different out of the normal day that like you just want your brain to turn to Mush you know I had one of these the other day and all I could do is just like put on a movie which I don't normally do right when I got time in the evening to get stuff done the black Ranger PL thank you ever so much for your 86 months that is summoning the old evilex into the chat [Music] yeah I just I just needed that like I had that sorry I needed it on that day I had that feeling today foreign I was just thinking about it like I'm glad I got a stream actually because it gives you something to focus on you know rather than just sit there and do nothing but yeah I'm in a very uh it kind of like just exhausted in a good way just had a wonderful weekend and your brain sort of needs to turn the gears back into your regular routine and sometimes when you've got a few hours you know it just doesn't happen that way here's something I did by the way um I set up the filters for this our living chest which I realized is like one of the least common ones oh we renamed that too red was ornate I need to rename this or ant or Nate my goal for today's stream by the way is to like try and just raid raid raid raid raid raid and get the system up and running and you know when I was making those plans I kind of forgot something important and that is the ah look at this look at this ooh we need to we need to get this list sorted right with all these items for our filter and it takes a minute to do so maybe while people tune in at the beginning of the stream here maybe that's what we'll work on uh first of all just sort of hanging out chatting while I set these things up some of these look super rare but I'll throw them in anyway if we've got room for them I've left out all the random rolls they'll just get filters somewhere else I guess you can eventually combine the pouches and get a bigger one says Luxy that is good to know that is awesome so the next step is to then open this come into here and I think we save eventually I'm not sure if you click anything first but then you want to do the drag and drop now you can't actually like can't actually drag from that side unfortunately and I want to keep them in the same order just for like organizational reasons I guess so that's what we're gonna do here put in the scraps next then we've got Vault dust and I'll search for that thing is that it Vault dust yep uh wild Focus just probably easier just to type in the name right one by one you should also make a scavenge pouch for scavenger items this chaos system I saw one of those tips on the comments by the way to the peeps out there on the second Channel commenting on the videos thank you I'm reading those comments I appreciate the tips my issue is like most of the time I just I read them at the wrong time I need to uh I need to like read them before I do a stream I'm still very much in this habit of like Marching for everything that I do and sometimes it's better just to like be relaxed do things slow and let like incidental things arise volt nugget where is it over here is it it's changing color so it's eluding me I genuinely don't feel like I'm seeing it so gold refined yeah these are that one is it changing color it is it is changing color very slowly it still managed to elude me I guess we've got more nuggets here uh ai3 is excited to finally be watching live cool good to have you good to have you chromatic and then chromatic Steel dramatic iron chromatic Steel then we've got some raw magnite this stuff is used to make magnets I think then we've got the steel plate is it the steel plate I think they're Vault plating kind of uh assumed the name there then you've got your ornate chest scroll and we've got a couple of focus is so if I just try to focus might work that way oh wow there's loads of different things here amplifying is the one nullifying is the other it's the one right next to it then a vault trinket I don't know what these are yet I had a had a video on my list explaining what they are to watch but I haven't got around to it yet and then more focuses actually oh yes I see them I see them so you got that one then this one then the other side then the swirly now the other thing is like what goes in these ones here apparently I deleted a nugget oh dear yeah I overwrit one uh that would be the chromatic steel I think Chuck it in there then why I'm sharp later okay but yeah what's the tip for setting these things up with this now you can have a vault gear go there true true yeah maybe just leave it alone for now uh let's remember to save wow okay and then we've got our last pouch which is for the brown one the brown one is is it wooden what are we always what's a really common item we pick up uh Driftwood right which can be used to make all sorts of stuff I've learned wooden chest right so next on our list let's go over here and uh just quickly remove all of that huh and I guess one of these wouldn't fit it feels to me like why why pick up these things let's let them fall into our inventory and throw them away uh crappy toast thank you so much for 21 months my dude is it Rabbit Hole time not today today it's going to be like volt Vault volt I just want to finish setting up my pouches and then we're gonna just keep running the volts at this point and picking up the loot uh more brick 77 thank you for 52 months appreciate it my dude appreciate it don't save all pouches in the same slot or it will override uh-oh oh my God please don't wait what does that mean because I've saved I've saved this one in slot one right but then this one saved in slot one oh oh okay let's say we go like slot two save I'm seeing it I'm seeing it happen so this one here that we just set up we'll save that as slot one then or maybe slot three yeah get it I get it um then we've got a backpack that's on us this one might need to be reconfigured then I think right like maybe abandon this one yeah I think we'll uh I think we'll abandon this one because it's our like General one I think that's the way we're supposed to set up so like there it is there it is no do that first yeah that looks like it okay cool so that's that's just our generalized one so the last one we're setting up today is this uh wooden one right and then uh I had it driftwoods yeah Driftwood that's the one okay so come into here so let's skip books and breads uh we do we do need to collect iron I guess skip the Torches and we still want Driftwood that's used like for a lot of stuff then we're going to stick skip the scaffolding and sticks although sticks can be used for fuel uh maybe we'll still collect those and then that is our last one to be configured so I guess the trick is when we save to just scroll to something different right how can I goof up your name like I do with Ben says Rush took that's the name I'm probably mess it up right just have a go at messing it up is that wrong basically if you somehow lose the pouch it allows you to replace the filters instantly yes yes that'll be if you lost the pouch right your pickup ability you'll pick up Priority is backpack and top left in inventory so don't leave an unfilled unfiltered pack on your back or it'll fill up okay um I see what you're saying the unfiltered one that I've currently got is the first priority so maybe we'll change the first priority to this since it seems to be the most common okay uh so like there's some vanilla stuff first with choker shell the iron nugget then we've got netherite scraps which we get in the other one we'll we're just going to have some that overlap like that I think until I learn more about it Vault dust that's another point maybe maybe what I could have done is just you know one slot for everything backpack by backpack but then some items you end up with more of as she as you do the railing and stuff but maybe you'll let that help you configure it organically like raw carbon I'm pretty sure we get a silly amount of so perhaps we treat one of our other ones like an overflow something like that it's all to be learned about Inventory management I that's not what I wanted to sign up for when I played Vault Hunters like I wanted to get my mind away from things like Inventory management yeah it seems to be in this game you just can't escape it there's those Vault diamonds then we've got knowledge essence got a noise in the air as well oh and by the way I've still got a bit of a tickly voice everstrew thank you so much for 24 months my dude it's been an excellent two years in this wonderful Community here's to many more thank you so much my dude appreciate your support oh you need to make a scavenger pouch if you want just make a filter with all the scavenger items yes okay yeah another one to get around to right we'll see we'll see how we go oh that's silk I know that one now and then Vault Essence maybe yep getting familiar with this stuff uh Vault plating yeah I was going to say because I've been I've been sick in the week not in a terrible way just a bit under the web of one day but then I knew it was going to be one of these things that lingered and I was kind of just like bunged up you know I was sort of over it but there was like Snot and phlegm and to the point where you know you could I know this is disgusting but come on like we're all human okay everyone poops get over it um just had like an insane amount of snot in my nose right like I wasn't sneezing crazy or anything but it was just building up there and you had to like blow it out and I feel like I'm over that now but I've still just got this like slight tickle in the throat it seems to crop up when I start talking a lot so or not even that actually like it's almost a little bit like a a chesty cough at times I don't know but you know I'm gonna be streaming for three hours which might aggravate it a little so I've got some water here so I also got a uh hot bevy which I really need to start sipping on especially as we're about to crash into a vault okay inscription piece then we go down to save and we scroll up to four and save there cool that's nice that you can just sort of scroll to the top and then be like okay that's a new one okay so when it comes to Priority now this is going to be our number one this one actually holds like extra Stacks so it's gonna be uh like picking up all the excess stuff but those two will go first cool right over here Chuck those things in and then we just gotta get ourselves set up and ready to go right I need to drink some of this hot Bevy you know you do sound better since you yelled envelope thank you you do you just sound a little clogged up yeah it's still there in the voice of course I had to do some recording the other day when I was all bunged up and as of those doing my best to like keep my enunciation good and all that stuff like that bunged up sound was still coming through and I was trying to just like put my finger on what is it like what is it about the voice that's different that lets you know someone's bunged up or not I I can't like I can't describe it right but it's there we all know what it sounds like it's just one of those things and maybe maybe someone could like oh did I do that right isn't it wait am I doing this the wrong way around I've I think I might have uh wait did you shift it in there take them out and then shift K right it was doing them like one stack at a time for a second but it still is I thought it was shift K right and it would do all of them but it's only doing oh man I don't I don't know what's changed or what I'm doing wrong or misremembering something slightly different there it's the last couple of streams for uni so glad I managed to catch up in time for some more Vault Hunters oh yeah awesome thanks for checking out the vods and catching up I know loads of you are watching it over there and following what's going on sounds nasally says baster a power assist you might be onto site there it does maybe make you a little more nasal yeah that might just be actually right what's the other thing that we take in with us oh um okay it's starting to come back to me that thing for sure we are taking this food instead of that food I think I might put those that way around now we did have golden golden apples down here but I've learned they aren't necessary so that's where the Vault Crystal was so now like there's going to be a slot free here I don't really know what to put there so I'll probably just do something like that once we're in the vault uh this one by the way isn't special we also don't know what we need for the next one yet but we're not going to find out just yet when I run these volts a little bit of the voice naturally comes through the nasal cavity and if it's inflamed it Alters how much it gets through then the usual is my guess that sounds that sounds even smarter right there taking it to the next level apples are also hella expensive to craft unless they change that while we can't use them in the vault so maybe that's what's changed the mucus in your nose and sinuses changes the way your voice resonates inside your skull so your voice sounds different another wonderful explanation I think right there that's that's the most logical one to me oh man that's a really nice decaf oh right am I ready I'm not sure that I'm ready peeps what are we doing what's the objective oh my God uh double check some things double check yeah we're going to level 24. that's one of the reasons we're running volts at the moment is just to get leveled up if we head back here let's see um Bounty ah right good thing oh I wouldn't mind doing a random mining that's like we haven't got a backpack for yet kill horde mobs if I click on it it tells me which ones The Horde are okay drowns and husks piglens that strikes me as being relatively straightforward we would probably encounter some the first one is utoid or laminar or entities I will I will see what chat thinks I mean like I like the idea of getting the bounties quickly so yeah if we get one of these we're just mining loads of that it's also the most generic one or like common okay some of you think that the uh larimar is going to be easy foreign getting all the or just to 20 right I will suggest a different pick for Vault Stones surrounding Vault or you cannot craft you cannot keep crafting good tools you'll hit the wall yeah I'm getting I'm getting a sense of that that um yeah you're gonna need multiple tools at some point for different activities so it's like picking axing wooden affinity and shoveling I really we want that to be have affinities I think I'll stick with it for now okay I'm gonna go with the Larimore and uh we'll stick with our pick for now but we'll we'll sit down and have a proper think about that maybe but we need to just keep getting loot because every time I like try to do something we seem to need more resources okay let's it's it's running the running the gauntlet time chat the best of your messages will hopefully be picked up by my mods if they're so willing thank you as always oh my God Seven monoliths right we gotta charge through here whew uh we are heading we've got to get back to West I believe when you do monoliths you've got to come back to the beginning right okay we're in our first room and uh no sign of a monolith at this level additional objective is of course the final Larimer and there is some sort of some of these structures actually look quite different from what I've seen before oh easy easy okay so uh right let's see how the loot gets handled now that'll just disappeared right there was a Ding-A-Ling I think they just went into the backpacks as they should do cool a part of me is like part of me's on the hunt I'm on the run right but also we want to figure out how this backpack stuff is doing so some of it's gone straight into there which is where it's supposed to go now this is what looks different is that an altar okay I will take that can hang on have I have I accepted because there are souls here oh oh they're getting close to me oh hello hey that was it then and look at that we're gonna get our larima all now cool cool I almost seen that little water particle effects here oh that's because there's water here right the uh shaders just make it look a bit different right that stuff should have all gone into my inventory I also have no idea it probably went into here right so click that two is all that I got dang right we need 20. what else is there to find down at this level oh my God is that treasure no it's just coin I thought I thought we found our first Treasury okay now this one I can't break oh that's a good point so I've set up this wait a minute uh isn't there a trick for this like you throw it out in front of you yep and then it doesn't go into inventory got it got it I've been listening I've been listening to y'all coins are not really important if we're trying to uh completely objective is there one like hidden under one of these blocks because there was only one chest here I think that's it I think that's it sadly I was about to say I feel like my fov has been messed with but I've realized it's because we've got speed I've got bigger fov now yeah here's the other thing collecting all this loot might not be the best objective for me I I say so much stuff right all the time I need to start sussing some of these things out like what's my objective so if I want to level up and get to 24 should I be more focused on finding the monoliths and less on looting what do y'all think about that question uh Alters do not have to be activated you just kill mobs around them cool got it I like right now unless I'm see right now unless I'm needing to get something from this loot which generally to progress we seem to need a lot of loot not sure if to get level 24 like we want I should maybe just be jumping through the rooms a little faster less looting everything gives you XP that's that's true Luton gives you XP too right but it does I do like you know getting the objectives done foreign over here oh easy I'm in trouble seeing where they're all at oh here we are I think I think I've got a little bit of like to Minecraft Vision at the moment you know when you like don't play the game for a while and you come back and then it all it just feels a little different I'm experiencing that right now I'm totally experiencing that okay let's get in here yep there's some of that only a little bit though only a little bit look in the book which book is that no point skipping looting for really hard objective but not sure what the rates for the monos are this update okay um yeah maybe maybe we oh god I've done that before haven't I okay that's not good and my ones went in there as well yish also we've got some sunflower which is actually a thing that I wanted for dye yeah I reckon we'll focus on looting and laminar then because we're probably not gonna get those monoliths right like I've spent the first five minutes in one room so if my goal was to complete everything I should have done that because the way to think about it this run so we are gonna loot this run will be a looting run we're probably not going to get our objective but we are trying to get laminar while we're here as well so hopefully these rooms will provide us with that gilded next um so this means sort and then do that right here's another thing about our current system for organization if I just shift those things back in that works oh hello hello again hello there oh oh dear right in the face okay oh what's that what is that one more oh maybe not okay that's one of those ones we can't go into hi you're a little stronger than the others oh you've reminded me of something rather important hey that's what we'd like to see that is what we like to see now how do I know when I've done my bounty that's how I know oh my God I was fishing it out of my inventory earlier and I could have just done that right I bet someone in chat told me didn't they yeah this thing is yeah not accessible hi y'all spawned in an awkward position it's time to go down in this second room I think what we'll do is we'll abandon our strategy of going uh Straight Ahead each time we go to the side because they're every time I've seen like an interesting room it's been off to the side it feels like ooh okay XP levels taken whoa whoa there hi what was my reward did I get it thanks dang they came in hot I think the guy the guy down there is gone that's just some coins isn't it boo Hi and you're all gone might as well get a little bit up such a good sword it really is whoa you made piggy squirrels our logic is like if these things have uh if you can get a few at a time with vein mining maybe it makes a lot more sense to pick him up Ah that's what they came down from before right um I think I want to head back up and out of this room so we'll go forward one more time and then we'll turn to the left then make our way back should be pretty sound but we're not getting that objective and the fact that two the first two rooms didn't have them I think uh is also a bit of a sign we're here for the laminar all right and we found a little bit of that already points are valuable though they are it's just uh there's so many like objectives and distractions and need to get my priorities in order I'm still learning I'm still like learning and trying to figure out what it is that I need to focus on and those four getting those four levels were certainly one of them which completing the objective of this dungeon would have helped towards so maybe it's like next time we uh we really focus on that okay that's just a regular one oh do you know I haven't been using I haven't been using my Dash feels like uh here might be a spot to do that hey right into the action whew and gentle with me I flew here okay and then mine all of that okay is that an all pile it's got It's got like a similar similar little layout to some of those all piles we've seen yeah this uh this layout here is a little unfriendly up the top area oh just saying oh man I so thought I had that so I thought I had it hey you came down with me oh and a new friend too yeesh come on let's go up let's go up oh yeah I haven't really oh gosh doing it all wrong I have not really been thinking about like digging my way up to these spaces I don't know why I think about the volts that way I think it's because maybe they were clogging up my inventory so it was like you know don't accidentally mind the environment but yeah like we can totally nip through these areas like so and uh what was here man what was here nothing okay oh and now we're going back down this way it seems taking all the full damage hey it's gilded over here do this technique again ah something came into my inventory interesting coins yeah wins right over here okay that is no that's not all or is it oh my God this layout here is just designed for me to fall over bad no ore sure I think I think we might get unlucky on Blue on that front too dude you frosted me but you dropped something epic so we're good we're on good terms again oh look at this fat feather here are they off the burgers man oh my God you're burping oh yeah dude that guy looks oh my God that guy looks rotten oh they're Javelin coming in ghostly one okay at inventories somehow still surviving gonna start putting the junk into here whoa whoa some of this stuff is uh things I was going to put back into chests right oh did they come from here to get me right God they're moving around I can hear them everywhere I gotta sneak up on me if I ain't careful Goods right so what I should be doing with that junk is like now I can put that stuff into there that's the way that's the way I leave it behind right Vic we want to head out of this place now hi friends but not oh you got me in a corner easy that sword is probably keeping me alive to be fair whoa whoa crazy guy great crazy guy oh I don't like this uh this is bad this is kind of bad don't want to activate anything else right now oh my gosh oh keep moving keep moving bro this guy bad this guy bad news drink the vial drink the vial whoa you're right there he right there okay oh my God I don't like this I tried to use my skills and it's not working oh keep you back crazy guy oh Javelin too yeah peeling I'm healing oh oh my words that better be worth it right we're heading out of here this way oh and then we're going left actually let's go left this room so West is the way back we're going left this room thank you for the well done oh someone said pillar up I wish I'd have seen that sooner yeah I had to really focus a little bit there you know that guy was gonna uh mess me up all right if I want this laminar stuff I think I might have to get it get a little bit fussy we want to find an interesting room we want to find something useful to us or double activation let's see if it's right I don't know what it was but uh I was thinking I'm about to kill some stuff okay I've got whatever that was I have freed you my friend reward me greatly should have been doing oh my God another one give him back give him back oh he's down he's down quicker quicker than the liquor hey we found one we were never gonna get that I was a little guy you're the worst fat little guy oh he's burping at me baby burps ow oh gosh did you just heal oh my words they're a bit of a menace 10 minutes remaining wait that's not how we deal with those that's how we deal with those yeah I'm I'm getting a little tired of finding nothing but wooden chests thanks for the ding-a-ling we uh we will not achieve our objectives if we keep focusing on those ah I'm helpless I can't stop looting right come on we need to find more ore while we're here oh gosh bad guy do the chaplain and I missed hi I can't jump over here right have we been here I think I think I've been there now we're going down here oh yeah this looks like the beginning of the room hi hi I'm gonna I'm gonna skip over looting here we need to find okay living chest will do because that's that's some loot we haven't really gotten too much of okay again if I leave some junk behind and then this one nope it's a trap cool cool cool cool right we want to find oars really what is that thing over there that looks so different oh and you've got oh this might be bad news but you're dead what why is that that's not that different actually is it it's just gilded with some uh antsy fancy Vault Hunters blocks that's what they are hello uh no that's not what I'm trying to do man not what I'm trying to do hey that made a noise Epic epic Jewel okay uh right here up was there much more to see apparently there was okay this is probably not worth it as we are 750 now we're alone time I think I have to head West to get back is that right chat Ellie jelly likes my running commentary glad you do glad you do I just say nonsense right because oh wait we did up here we did up here I just say nonsense man I never marked the entrance so I'm pretty sure West is the direction we're trying to go in now South someone says oh I cannot be turned around here I know the marks when I came into the room oh this is let's find out if I were wrong or right oh I have not been here I got turned around I got turned around okay so if it was South that I was supposed to head to man I really I really got that one wrong then North is the room that I've come from does this look like the room I was in before this is not the room I was in before Eva so that might mean we're supposed to head north oh my it looks like no one in chat no one in chat was keeping track uh so if I go wait a minute I said what oh if I go east right and that's that way and this is correct then I was actually going the right way that's how to verify no wait wait I went okay so North do I go north yeesh this is this is getting a little confusing wait did I head south last time or North okay I've been here so it was South um but I just want to get back I think so we'll play it safe West wait it was West because I went that way and oh it's going the right way I was going the right way oh there you go if I had to listen to chat that time I would have got I would have got caught out because I was going the right way dang uh we've been raining Joe Duggan thank you so much for the raid welcome all the Raiders as you'll see we're doing something new Satan you might have heard of Vault Hunters oh yes I've been pulled into the The Vault Hunters mod pack and having a good time so I'm not sure if this is the last room here yeah that's the portal I just saw it so we'll go to the side so we have to go south to get back yeah South right dang it we could have maybe come through two rooms instead of just one so we basically got this little bit of time here right now to do this room and then that's it and we didn't even get near level 22. what I really want to find is ore and we just found some it probably won't be enough it's not one of those epic or ones like we have found in the past that gets us up to eight yeah so really what we want is to find one with lots of ore in next uh is there more wow there is more now we're doing some underwater Scavenging ah do you know I haven't made a backpack for I'm pretty sure I didn't make one for uh this stuff right but it's it's going in there we'll have like the backpack review after this South was my way out right chat South was my way out just uh reminding myself three minutes hey 40 seconds that's treasure and we got whatever this is it's not what I want uh we'll rate this one little guy little guy in there yeah dead yeah down oh my God so many living so many living these ones are a little slower to pick up because we don't have that Infinity okay just gonna you know oh hey did you see what that was yeah that looked good that was one of those good things that we got one before I'm bottom bashing now it feels like what game is this right that goes in there uh three minutes we just want oars We're Not Gonna Get Enough are we so it's really just about hopefully finding a few more good things on the way out this is an area unlike I've seen before and it has these in them okay do the same thing again do the same thing over here oh lovely sounds lovely sounds Omega hey we got on a mega drop dang that was worth sticking around for them wasn't it right and I think maybe just I might as well just grab this I'm not sure we could go down maybe go down down down South is the way out remember hi just want to see what's down here uh that is another one of those crazy rooms actually like the one up top I was hoping it would be oars oh wow what is this if we found like a secret super awesome thing oh my gosh right this is gonna run the clock close isn't it gotta be careful here there doesn't seem to be any mob spawning I don't know why I hear noises noise is not good uh should I flip the lever oh my God they're coming oh they're coming for me okay I think I'm gonna think I'm gonna bounce I think I'm gonna bounce one minute 30 let's not right South is the way out that doesn't feel like the way we came into me South is home and then it'll be on my right hand side right yep okay we did it right we did it right with time to spare and you know what that was that was another a run where things have slowed down a little bit I'm now learning that we need to probably plan our runs a little bit better okay so um let's see I don't know modifier's lucky how did I get that not sure we did a lot of looting we unalived a crazy amount of mobs actually that feels like maybe one of our records cool um level 22 so we've got a skill point out of that that's progress if we can level up our next two runs I would say that makes that worthwhile that means we've done well I really want to open up this cave a little bit more doesn't feel very homely in here where once you open it up a little bit more it starts to feel like that yeah the problem is we're uh we're we're trying to use this system over here but then we figured out oh no this is the way we're supposed to use this system and uh yeah it's all a big mess it's all a big mess but we get to just push these things into here that's where they all goats now some of this stuff has to be put in manually some of this stuff gets opened uh-huh right now we didn't use any shulker boxes which is interesting I think that probably means that we no longer need these free in our inventory and maybe just have some generalized ones when things get a little cramped in there right uh now back over to here drop off some bits and Bobs again now one thing I want to do is press tab we we can still get that objective in the next run it doesn't reset each time that's cool do do my boots have feather falling I believe they do I believe they do right now the next thing is to get the rest of our stuff sorted but this time it's going to be different because now the things are in the backpacks so when I go to here I've got to shift all of that out to sort it away and look it's got these things in which I thought I'd set up a filter for oh that's interesting why are those three things there those were the things I said I thought I set up a filter for when they pick up block is it because oh it's because I put wood in here right that makes sense so like we still get a stack of each of these each time and they're part of the filters those aren't though I decided that uh we would get those okay so that that makes sense that's a little tweak adjustment for the next round and I was about to put that in the wrong place we should check the thing over here by the way we never do this level zero is that like a special thing length seal unknown item should we do a little poll again like what do you all want me to go for or just Spam it in chat let's do a spamming chat you can tell me which one of these you want me to go for okay next up uh I think I think what we'll do is we'll start by taking out yeah this stuff needs to be filled take out the things and those do too oh maybe I have to set up like don't pick up ones in each of these to make it work unknown item get the middle I know night and middle middle so most of you are saying middle it's interesting the things I want to joink out of here are the things that you need to like open and not sort away uh maybe focuses to get like manually sorted into here so now the pouch has oh this is my general one this is all the stuff that got left over so that's something to be opened it's gems and jewels XP bottles right uh that thing I'm gonna go plant down so I kind of thought I'd be fishing out a few more things that we open and interact with but no that's fine it's starting to feel a lot faster so chat clearly wants number two this one right here oh wait I click that got it and it is a flawed Jewel level 22 we're picking and copiously 80 free is that good is it bad chat I'll let you be the judge I'll let you be the judge our other Jewels include a living affinity and a living affinity I could have swore we got more Jewels than free on our run right oh that's because we did and they are in here which makes so much sense yeah not bad not good just whatever okay um right let's let's do our rolls okay first of all these things like we never get anything and we never well we get these quite common but now they're going to the backpack right so I don't know what we got I didn't empty it first I don't know doesn't matter probably just some emeralds and diamonds okay so one of these is an Amiga right which one's Amiga rare Scrappy comment I swear one of those was an Amiga didn't we get an Amiga drop somewhere or maybe the chest was Amiga and that doesn't mean these are Omega X chat is trolling you says that Christopher I'm not sure that they are they look bad to me too you got it from an Amiga chest okay so it doesn't make it Amiga let's find out what we got right uh we have to do the comparison thing now more armor more health increased ability power but less on the healing efficiency and item Rarity uh that one that one might be slightly better okay this is The Shield compared to the wand probably just gonna hold on to the wand for now chilling Cloud when hit might actually be pretty powerful though there's also some resistance added okay epic good some of you are saying we'll put that onto the site yeah maybe I'll give it a go see how we fare with the shield instead okay so this sword is Pence although it has a really high uh Soul chance drop and then we've got another sword that isn't comparing why did the last one compare it's 13 and a half slightly better attack speed it's that chaining isn't it just it doesn't really matter it's the chaining that's the issue slap that down there well let's uh let's give that one a try I don't want to put oh my God look at me I look like a Christmas present I literally look like a what is this this gal what is this I feel like this Shield has scaled wrong also look at how much space it takes up on my screen oh my word uh we need to do that don't we oh no we need to do that oh pumpkins I I think I actually got a bunch of those at some point that's cool I remember oh but just one shy we now need a pumpkin farm oh dear pumpkin farm time this is what I was talking about like uh setting up the vanilla Farms is always just like yeah we have to where's the modded stuff for this is that my is that my hammering Hammer of Hammerly hamilly goodness you're showing any more space oh that thing is faster than I remember let's do the ceiling here a little bit as well gosh that thing goes doesn't it yeah let's get a little bit of extra space back here and then what is what is the most optimal way right it's having like four for one and then doing although you need you need space for water and four for one again [Applause] a little bit of water there do I have an infinite water source down here I think I've even made that yet that's like our one bucket of water it seems to recall going on a stupid little adventure to make one at some point X you can learn farmer ability and then grow plants without bone milk oh is that even worth it though right is that even worth it in this case like you kind of just grow the pumpkin seed up and then that's that which can actually be done right now and then we just play the waiting game I do not have a water bucket but I do have some iron unless you farm all the time says all touristy uh yeah as I've been saying I'm kind of like I want to get to the bit where the mods still the automation for you no it's not good anymore yeah yeah I remember running like all the way out here at some point just to grab some water oh you missed that shot too fast Tommy too fast good if you're doing Sky volts say what say what sky volts explain chat explain there are vaults in the sky that is like the most vanilla thing you can do is to like make that that's like the most how many days we've been playing in this world for and we're doing that that's what we're doing I'm gonna sip a little bit of water I'm really tempted to take that Sky volts is good for potato computers like mine says sewing nerd is it is it one of those ones that I can make um the seal we've got blank seals I believe there's an unofficial raid going on right now unofficial why look at this do I use this to make a sky Vault also oh what you know I remember looking at this and I thought oh I want to try one of these like seal of the architect we've done that we've done the cake wow you have to invest you have to invest to give some of these a go Sage to me sounds like a a big thing escal forgot to send you no problem no problem welcome everyone who's uh popping in over here anyway we're just we're just doing like rate runs today like just one after the other is sort of the goal a vault Meat Block right I wouldn't that so that one sounds basic hunt of the Guardians that we can do right should that be an objective of us hey there we go this girl coming in with a raid I bet your Twitch was just being Twitchy chat the amount of times recently I've tried to raid and like stuffed it's like you already read in this channel I'm like nope or it's like they're not live and I'm like yeah they are that's why I'm trying to rate him uh welcome all the peeps Cosmo volley thank you so much for 17 months with the Amazon Prime appreciate you using that on me my dude thank you so much we're gonna try and use this Shield instead of that oh yeah that reminds me then um emeralds so we're at a point now where I was about to start doing a bit of Base building and then I kind of realized I still I still really need to be running these vaults more that's the wrong spot isn't it I need to be did it again I need to be running these volts more to like build up my gear and my uh sorry not my gear my loot like stuff that we need to unlock stuff so uh we're kind of we're kind of pivoting back to doing that uh we need some pumpkins we need one pumpkin one coal yeah let's get the rest of this stuff in so the Deep slate I do not have silk touch that makes it a quest to get some silk touch interesting I could actually put that on this thing and then I'm not yeah no that's going to affect us when we mine our oars when we're trying to get those things you know we want a pick that does that so maybe I'll just go and put silk touch on this Hammer since we use that for base work here that'll make things easier uh hi silk touch welcome to the family okay oh we've still got Luke to put away we're we're juggling a few things getting ready for our next round basically the the rotted flesh and the coal no the not the rooted flesh the rotted flesh also some coldplays good stuff good stuff all right Chuck those onto here okay oh uh gosh I am waffling about so many things oh Sky Vault sequel Skyblock plus VH oh is it a mob pack it's a Vault Hunters mod pack in Sky Block World ah that'll make a lot more sense as to why that makes sense I really like the sound of that I really like the sound of that um now that I've played a bit of this like you focus so much on the runs and stuff I could see how a Sky Block edition of this could be really interesting I'm gonna look into that I'm gonna see how that plays out in the beginning that sounds cool uh we added it over here yeah what I need can we get a poll maybe um like a like a easy medium hard how difficult is this see what chat thinks it is and based on their response I may or may not run it also I have all sorts of stuff over here that needs to be removed now like everything uh back to where where are we yeah a few more still I want to overdo it back to those never scraps aha don't do that at your level very hard at low level okay several people saying it's hard then maybe that's because it's easy to craft it's hard I'd like to do I'd like to do like more of those custom seals I guess then all right maybe not maybe not uh okay we need that pumpkin we need the Deep slate yeah the Deep slate right so down to a little staircase I can't remember if I opened it up so you can walk yeah you can walk through just over to here so we've got to go down to that deep slate level just uh grab some of that seal of sage starts Elixir Vault Elixir Vault sounds cool yep just uh silk touching a bit of that stuff could get a little bit of stone while I'm here too hi what you got uh did that contain a sack the urn contained a sack a little bit of uh Inception stuff going on there get a little bit of stone here too right what am I doing what do we need a backup the sack is bigger than the urn oh cool both forms of deep snake work for the hour was it flicking back and forth between the textures because every time I look at it it was the other one right that's just unfortunate if that's the way hey if ever we ran out of rotted flesh like that thing is there to be taken advantage of uh-huh it is no is it yep it was shimmying and I didn't even realize also if I sound bunged up man right now like I can really feel some stuff moving around at the back of my uh back on my voice it's like Ugh well I'll just give it some of that since the other stuff is somewhere else oh man really feeling banged up still ain't growing over there unfortunately we need one more right while we wait and think across our fingers uh we've still got to do all of this oh my word um yeah what was the state of momentary just before I did that I like I like to keep it like in rows so you can just shift stuff in so these two slots here they they were filling up with those now they're fill up with something different so we made that alteration then when it comes to this one's the extra junk that you get sort of goes into these ones I feel like it's kind of working really it's kind of honestly like did we even need to set up filters because you just start to fill up the space right like if I make one more of these pouches they'll just start to fill up the next pouch so here's the one that was unorganized and it makes sense that this one had like you know stacks for the vault Cobblestone or whatnot like if they pick up in a priority once one like one naturally becomes a filter for every type of item then the next one then the next one and then we just unload it all okay the poll results we have uh nine percent easy 22 medium 70 say hard so nine percent of chatter trolls possibly okay we'll skip it uh Ellie jelly says X you can stop non-filtered stuff going into your backpacks by changing it to match backpack contents just click where the x is on the pickup filter click to make it match the backpack contents okay uh like that block match contents ah got it got it yeah it's it's now just occurring to me that like the pouches are like automatic shulker boxes right like maybe the filters were never really that necessary because stuff just gets loaded into them so if an item doesn't have a space in the first one it will move on to the next one right like that seems very obvious to me now does that seem so to everyone else like maybe the only reason not to do that is because you'll have a lot of pouches or something it's nice for when you do scavenger vaults you can have one pouch just for scam drives yes so that's what the filtering is good for when you need to put them into that one pouch interesting so actually yeah it does seem like maybe this wasn't the way to do it the way it was to set up one for all the other types oh we never finished emptying it apparently interesting that uh might might swap to that there's no harm in swapping around and learning does that sound right to you all though bills are necessary you will get lots of different blocks okay yeah maybe maybe rules we progress but I'll I'll stick with that for now then but you know it seems to me like uh where did that go okay that pouch but it didn't did it end up in here where did it go it just disappeared when I clicked in the system I don't think it did I didn't really like click I mean I think I sort of clicked I don't know there's no pouch in here oh someone says you named it living oh wow it did go in okay okay did it retain all its data it did that's good and there's still something in there cheese oh yeah we can get XP by creating Burgers right and now we can make one with cheese I think there's a recipe for this like if we uh you for uses lettuce I don't actually see I don't think I've seen these other things but surely you can make a standard cheeseburger looks like oh look at that double cheeseburger 20 oh interesting so like what's what's that actually worth so if you make that you get nine so adding a slice of cheese makes a lot of sense adding that as well would give you four wow hey Burger tomato can I just search burger and see all the ingredients maybe not probably because we've taken them out so yeah unless we have like a here's how you do it here's how you do it my brain just my brain just clicked okay so the difference is nine I think so like 21 that's plus four and nine so that's sort of worth four and a half it actually oh the it's baked into the item interesting so maybe it doesn't really matter but then if you make these all the time you might have like more buns uh maybe it's just a method to like level out if you have like more more patties than you do buns anyway we're gonna eat some cheeseburgers together chat Oogie Boogie 12. thank you so much for the Prime subscription also snow dog98 thank you for the prime four months ago uh sorry no I mean for four months thank you so much and then Rosa wolf has subscribed as well nine minutes ago so sorry Ben sucked into all the item management and stuff Let's uh let's eat the burgers I need to I need to drink some water my throat is drying up big time cell value is not XP value oh okay it kind of It kind of seemed to add up the same way right oh wow okay let's uh let's eat these uh cheeseburgers okay I'm getting XP I'm also getting a belly okay uh we'll Chuck those back in and then we'll grab yeah oh that stuff I'll eat a little bit of this before we go in cheeseburgers 400 XP the burgers twit 200. oh I'm literally just looking at all the wrong stuff is what you're saying uh maybe I should have added like that to the side Soul value I've just been looking at the wrong thing oh well I don't know where you find out those wait what happened to my pouch uh but it's back it's back it disappeared it's come back weird let's give ready to rumble yo ready to rumble I'm ready to rumble oh no wait I'm not because I ain't got a pumpkin I need one pumpkin to rumble come on man grow did you drop your yellow pouch into storage as well my yellow pouch I haven't got a yellow pouch right I don't have any other pouch you forgot your scavenger pouch I don't have a scavenger pouch go get a pumpkin that seems like what I need to do doesn't it don't pumpkins need light yeah they might do they might oh dang it where'd that go in here might be that oh there's another reason for like the backpack management stuff is that sometimes it does all go in the wrong place I want to make this place feel a little more homely just the layout is so rotten right now because this should really be out of sight and this is like our home room and I kind of want more space behind it right but uh I love a little think maybe maybe that'll be the theme of the next one we were going to do that and then immediately got sucked back into the Vault hunting stuff um yeah we gotta go get a uh a pumpkin basically just hope we get lucky and fly straight into sink is there one in here no can I fly up this I'll tell you what getting up here is quick Now isn't it look at that oh we never spent our skill point by the way what's our skill point gonna be Mega Jump I feel like just putting it on passive stuff each and every time not back resistance doesn't feel too necessary and getting another level of speed is going to be mad plus four though ain't got time for this I don't mind having one unspent Dash Dash is great yeah maybe Hill as well a light truck oh my God I didn't bring my elytra what is wrong with me man savings for Speed is nice yeah I might do that Javelin upgrade I've been struggling to use the javelin to be fair did I go past it oh no it's where the steps start yeah I haven't really been using it because I don't know I keep like I kind of struggle to hit it on my keyboard a little bit so maybe move the keybinders one thing but it's also like really not very powerful hey little fox thanks for tuning in have a great rest of your day glad you enjoyed the Stream how did you get the slime chunks on your mini Maps as goldfish oh that was a uh wait why did I put that there dang that was a in the settings thing it's just in the settings of the mod is it night time thank goodness that it's not right I believe we just want to head this way for some pumpkins uh jungle is this way isn't it oh Dash not working well there it goes you can get pumpkins actually no it's melons you get in the jungle what am I thinking the way X plays I think putting points into Hunter interesting interesting I'm a Hunter am I okay uh yeah it's like we have to get all the way over to this spot and then we find like pumpkin patches or possibly uh in a village dang it I really wanted to spend my time down there hang on a second I got a test site when I do this we're still flying right yeah we're still flying makes the noises and everything I wanted to spend my time in the vaults today not flying around the Overworld looking for stuff but that just seems to be uh the way of it yeah I I can see how this would be like really fun paired up with Skye Sky Block because I don't know like it feels like the core of the game is Just rooted in going through those those vaults right and so your role in the Overworld is like a little bit of exploration and Scavenging and I guess if you like Scavenging then it's a good match but if it doesn't if it feels like I don't know not the most exciting thing perhaps I don't think we've been to this one before and I don't think it's got pumpkins yeah if it's not the most exciting thing in the world I like the idea of like building that Tech tree out from your Sky Block that feels like a real good match with like the crystals asking you for things so you know then you've got to work towards the next Farm get a few of that and then you're good that's a really nice progression pumpkins no I'll take the diamond thanks and the obsidian and the emeralds yeah we're probably in the wrong spot here we could get a few workstations probably best to keep exploring Hunter definitely suits your play style but when I last played it I needed a good few points for it to really help let's check it out so the Hunter which one is that is that a mastery oh life leech interesting okay I'm in the wrong one Hunter let's check it out oh interesting yielded that makes sense I don't know observeries but like living or Nate coins yeah you can focus on on what you want to get after I guess going to a room run the spell and I can see how that that would suit how I play right now man I just need me some uh uh some pumpkins oh dang it oh why is the dash so lame sometimes I think it I think it's maybe the way I take off got to suss that one out let's try again different strategy this time pumpkin's a visible on map yeah they probably are aren't they I mean is that pumpkins probably not wait is it paused when I do that okay what are we looking at when we're up here right we can just about see the trees above our Shield right you'll be lucky to pick him out on a map yeah yeah that did not change so it actually pauses even though the sound of you flying continues to play I bet you when we get back one the one pumpkin would have grown oh that's Viking this feels like the sort of terrain where you'd find a pumpkin patch someone saw them top left oh so wait now that we know it pauses we can actually just do that see it sounds like I'm still flying top left I don't know top left of wherever I was a minute ago those look like they might be pumpkin patches super cheesy pumpkin patch time is ours gotcha hey more for the future I think there's a Jack-o-Lantern among them yeah so if the minimap is like a pause button maybe I could use it to get out of a bad situation right that'll be super shitty so maybe down this area I know that's probably in that area oh gosh the nasally uh bunged upness dang really feeling it cool and then up here nope I'm gonna set them free get out of here my lovelies set you free from your oppressors you're oppressing yourself right let's go like that hey got a few here all right then I think uh I think we'll hop oh that was not a hop oh come on oh come on I totally activated the wings dang I have to wait and try again you should get stone forts a passive skill that negates full damage it would make you go much faster instead of the water bucket yeah that was for knockback resistance as it's oh you gotta be kidding me a totally wimpy one that's for knockback resistance as it was described right stonefall not Stone skin that's the one that you activate and I remember looking at it and being like I am so not going to activate a spell in time before I fall maybe maybe when you think I'm gonna fall and then activate it right but not definitely not for reaction but maybe for like oh I'm gonna jump down into this hole it could be useful now we've got to get all the way back with more points that last longer yeah again like the the bit that it doesn't make sense to me oh my God why I'm having so much what is going on today with this Dash ability of mine it's um it's like as a skill that I have to use to react not good for me not good to use it in advance sure plan ahead you know hey I'm going to jump down here activate it so like how long it lasts for not really a big deal because it's uh is it you're either planning or reacting right it sounds familiar oh my God here we go again and they're right on my butt immediately in this mod pack they're more vicious than vanilla looks like you got a new Shield how many volts have I missed one I wanted to do like back to back runs today and I've only done one so I've spent an hour or so Dilly dallying like how did that happen man how did that happen as almost 900 of y'all here today by the way it is the first of three days in a row playing Vault Hunters at this time our current objective is to uh get to level 24 and then after that maybe start to work on a base area a little bit not sure just still kind of like running the volts and uh getting to grips of everything so anyway yeah hit the follow button check out the schedule Monday and Tuesday are going to stream at the same times maybe Wednesday as well like four days in a row I just don't know I don't really have much on at the moment um gonna start working on my next episode of hermitcraft before long wait where are we going up here that's the one and I gotta finish up a video that y'all are gonna see on the channel soon um but as some of you know I'm kind of like deliberately taking it easy at the moment like trying to disconnect myself from my usual routine to some extent or at least when it comes to making content and it's been really enlightening I've just I've had I've felt my brain detach at times from the content creator mindset and just like enjoy stuff more it's been really interesting to just take that pressure off yourself and do new things or look in the mirror or just think about your time differently and I'm not sure what I'm going to conclude from it yet like I don't know where it's all leading to but um it's definitely giving me stuff to think about right um one of the big ones being content brain just getting away from like thinking about stuff as content all the time it just feels uh quite healthy to do that right so all the stuff that we got went into well I thought it went into there no it went into here and then maybe some of it also went into the next backpack wow so like for regular activities it's uh yeah builds all of that up I guess nothing in that one though that's fine and luckily for us this job is nice and easy because it's just throwing stuff back into there oh it didn't grow up I would have thought it would have wait I still need one more or did that not go to it didn't go to it look it's here got it press the button and jelly quizzes says it looks like you're really enjoying Vault Hunters nothing wrong with playing for fun yeah you know I am I am playing for fun I'm I'm not really referring to volunters like this is me just uh streaming streaming doesn't really like overlap with content brain that feels like something that just became really obvious to me like I don't think about YouTube and twitch the same way twitch is more like this like as long as you're like consistent and you do it regularly and you turn up people watch and you have fun and you pick out stuff you want to do twitch is usually a bit more of like an antidote to all of that it's like a portion of time where you just get to like chill out and uh like it's it's weird because it's like it's almost like the flip side you don't really have to be creative and uh like it's it's just a different vibe you're not you're not trying to create like some big video you're just here live and it just makes it so easy because it's like turn up and do so twitch is like really quite different like it isn't content brain it's more like just a reminder to yourself to like turn up and be consistent foreign work for you this in some way like because it's what I do for a living right because I I love streaming but it's also my job if if I if it weren't my job you know I would probably be doing it spontaneously like all of this becoming a YouTuber and content creator like it requires structure and planning to your life and your routine right so like that means you have to sort of Channel your interests into allotments of time so like I love doing this but sometimes like I won't be in the mood or it wouldn't be the first thing that popped into my head that's one of the things that I've been experiencing a little bit lately is a bit more spontaneity and like following following some interests without having this like other pressure and it just kind of like takes me back to my youth and reminds me of like when I didn't really ever have like an agenda for anything I'm doing and you're just sort of like spend your free time doing whatever and it's kind of it's kind of nice you know right uh anyway uh we got our we got our thing and it probably went into here yeah and now we've got to go do our run and we know what we're trying to do is just get XP we're looking for oars at the moment I like the idea of picking up this bounty also like is there a way for me to take a closer look at my XP level it's just occurred to me that I don't really have like a gauge on this there it is ah wow wow so like 8400 experience to the next level so that's that's a fair contribution that's like a quarter a little less than maybe a fifth I guess it's a fifth of the way there let's say fascinating okay so that really is you know worth focusing on I think filled buckets thank you for gifting a sub I believe that's our first gifted sub of the day to afunka whose name I may have butchered but I had fun saying it chat is reminding me of my water bucket thank you chat uh that would be where this no this one that's what I've left here there's one extra thing there nice one chat nice one yeah okay so I guess I guess our priority is getting those getting XP and getting you know the objective done for experience so like can anyone tell me what a completed volts additional experiences this one we completed twelve four seven did I complete that one now that one what did I do special on that one because I got crazy XP there and then we started getting less so where did the extra XP come from like 58 looted chests 160 mobs unalived compared to the next round that was a bit Naf uh 40 chests 168 so like maybe it's more down to luck also a great source of XP oh right if I hover over we get a better breakdown mind all right so if I go back to the ones with high mind blocks we've got a thousand from that treasure rooms 6400. Mine Blocks uh treasury so why did I get so much on the treasure rooms then that one we got crazy or with no treasure room Mine Blocks 5000 maybe that was the one where we absolutely like rammed out loads of all completion I don't know it seems like some of you saying it's oars and some of you are saying it's completing it but uh treasure rooms are rare okay you have to point out what a treasury is to me is that nine or eight that's eight it's one more than last time wow okay we are heading north is the direction let's get to this intersection which is literally like what this is that is not good it's what just happened okay that was weird right uh do all right didn't we have okay distractions did we have to get dirt right for one room once just thinking do I want to grab that okay I need to sort of like suss out what's in this room kill stuff yeah I don't fancy going for all of those there's nothing there all of those monoliths really right can we go up this is a jump that looks durable I had a panic moment I thought I might have left my lighter on that jump was doable we're only just oh my God you hit me you hit me so hard this is not really what I want to do again just grabbing Luke but let's try and get around a little bit more let's find different stuff in these vaults [Music] yep come over here would it be worth opening them just to find out if like some of them have better loot probably not if they're lumped together grab them and it made a nice noise good for the nice noise I mean if all activities are just giving you XP just do a lot of everything that is what I was looking for yay hey hey strange noises how do we get out of here how do we get out of here bam like that okay now I need to now I need to head back down I've turned myself around and then North North was our direction that we came from so North oh my God the one we were heading in I should probably stick my head down below okay okay that thing on the left looks interesting oh I can't use my Javelin to save my life oh my God stop ah did I get all of that loot I think it came to me through the magnet yeah what's this thing on the left hip oh my God you're a hideous man oh well something hits hard down there we need that chaining to do some damage to it oh my word did it just die I think it just died okay uh what the heck man I pressed the wrong button oh good God this is wasting time precious time oh my word okay yeah oh I feel just slow and sluggish today [Applause] okay uh ornate or Nate yes sort and uh and dispense rare ornate chess common ornate chest anymore that was it continue onwards we've been in here for four minutes and I've Dilly dallied plenty isn't that right Lads of Dilly dallied is there uh is there like a modifier system for like getting more XP from killing the mobs because the one common thing I seem to do is just kill mobs right okay North was the uh yeah direction we came from so we head south much Dilly dallying has occurred yes I'm new forgive me I also I need to heal because we're not gonna go for these monoliths that's going to be brutal well saying that I just found one oh hi and your friends okay I'll take that one oh my God I love that block that's my block well these blocks are cool I'm taking them I think I think I need a building stream man like I want to build a base you know oh my God there's so many cool things that we could do for Base building in here like I keep seeing some really interesting blocks oh this looks different we have to oh my god look out for the lava X epic but we got a common plus roll right learning these differences one day you might come to me and I might be your Vault Hunter Champion telling you all the tips but I'm a long way off from that man I just gotta learn by doing okay I'm gonna skip that one over there uh oh God that was super bad oh my god do it again I don't know what I'm doing man there's gonna be mobs everywhere in a minute I need to heal faster here they come they're coming for me man they're coming to take me away ha ha oh and your friend and God there's so many of you right oh I think I just activated more let me oh my God I need to heal I need to raise can't keep up oh I'm just a lost cause in these in these uh vaults nice thanks we probably want to work on those tools for our affinity get that raiding situation faster I wonder if I can instamine these things like how far am I away from doing that I've seen iska like running going crazy insta mining blocks oh my God I did it again absolute numpty absolute numpty at least I knew where it was going to be me and pressing the wrong blocks I tell you I'll tell you the site wrong with me oh hey young man all the baddies are here we're looking for oars remember we're looking for oars press the right button don't press the wrong button hey that made a good sound right um set back up let's head back up and move to the next room so we did we did the top we did with the bottom and we need to go south and I did not Mark the entrance huh amazing jumping skills I should really do that okay there we go and again and one of those a little bit of a heel slowly getting there peeps we're slowly getting there I comment so many things don't I so many things when I wait North well I'm very confused we were heading south weren't we must have been must have been so I just added a little extra something here it didn't need to be there let me just get rid of that in case I get confused later then cool foreign I'm gonna I'm gonna be nice on myself today because like I said at the beginning of extreme I'm a bit exhausted like if I'm getting these directional things wrong I pointed out earlier I'm like I was like I was ready for like turn off the brain but I had a stream plan so that's my that's my really good excuse it's like hey I told you I was gonna be bad I just didn't know it now this is what I'm looking for I think unless you're telling me you've got all the other cool stuff but not the one that we want the regular oh my God there's no regular here all the odds cool oh that's it I can't seem to move in there right because there are blocks in my way it seems to be allergic to breaking them hi and your friends gone then gone then that made a noise oh oh again oh man another noise we're in a row not today not today hey Mana take it also our Hill and pylon nice ah missed all Vault walls are good I guess they all get me experienced right it's just that we have our little object oh yeah this room didn't seem to have like an upstairs that I could spot ah maybe what's up here is super good maybe this makes me look like a grand old Vault Hunter Oh wrong bomb oh hi ah they're all around me they're surrounding me let's click on that thing okay take my hearts great decision great decision I'm thinking what if it's a mob thing like kill those guys now I'll click that first because I'm brain smarts over here nope takes my heart makes it work did I did I do one of those earlier and not grab the loop seem to have a feeling something like that occurred y'all have probably been backseat gaming losing your minds X why aren't you reading the chat it's not like you're running around against the clock doing some intense looting or anything no there's nothing like that going on here you should be paying full attention to every word we write oh chat you know everything okay that made a Ding-A-Ling I think that's because they've got to focus in I am I'm still trying to like suss out oh these loot tables somewhat I think think like oh hello is this we're in the room where I struggle to find the upstairs bit right and uh now look oh my word hi Andy friends whoa easy hey some of my favorite blocks this is why I want to make that base because of these blocks yeah we need as I was trying to say earlier we need like a a relaxing base build stream cool grab all the stuff oh yeah that one would do this way hey more noises Fantastical noises in the eardrum oh that one would do like this and then the one left oh another amazing Amiga I don't know what item in there was Amiga but cool hi hi what's up in your face right I think yeah next room next room now which is north if I remember correct oh my God your face is terrible uh that was me pillaring up did I not did I not make a thing at the entrance again I was literally talking about how how I'm just exhausted today I'm just exhausted leave me alone that being said I probably want to I think I'm gonna head back already actually so wait South is home oh yeah so North North was the Right Way South is home good let's go let's go one way this and then left so uh oh no wait that's North oh my God I'm very turned around yes that was the that was the entrance pillar oh my God I really I was looking at the mini map and just not adding stuff up so let's actually go this way right and then we go south to get home check the map I can't use the mini map in here yes okay right so we turn left again so I'll mark this so if I get turned around because South is the New Direction I go back to that and I go left I'm saying this all that loud in order to try and remind myself which is not a great strategy because guess what I do all day stream or stream even I talk to myself all stream long so it's not like this is a very memorable moment is it oh God I'm dying over here literally ah it's ambushing me all these meanings with their ambushes oh so it's a joker is there something behind the lava like that'd be a great spot to hide something just behind that lava all right that looked like an all room I thought of first but it's not actually that's something real different looking oh my God you are brutal hi uh is that no that's just that's not anything special right it's just looking like a dragon okay I thought it might be like a rare resource of some sort for a second but no it not hi you made a special sound Amiga see there didn't seem to be anything too amiga about all that loot to me oh mean absolute mean it was just a trap oh two traps what were the odds hi oh stand back literally stay okay fall down that's also an option on the list we're looking for oars over here oh my word oh my word they're coming for me uh what is this oh my God double sword guy that's just a living one um no no Wars no Wars ah gotcha right if I want to just scoop up some stuff that does it nicely look at me slick with the Looting occasionally missing an item what's what's the special one there take it cheers okay uh on we go on we go hi coin pile honestly I need to skip that I think yeah we need to go down now and then find out what's down the bottom here oh I really need to find some more all right I'm aware your friends are coming for me but my sword is like a trap because it hits more than one of you at a time oh my God this trap might backfire on me oh my God so many right time nine minutes taking all the thing another mob egg okay those those might not be as crazy rare as I thought swords in hand healed up going around the corner I'm just gonna say what I'm doing now that's the rest of the stream killing mobs dancing in a water fountain crazy good looking crystals just appears to be a coin pile right ah oh gosh you scared me I was this one gilded we like gilded because it looks better it's fancy okay and it gives me prizes there's a rare uh there's always one hidden yeah maybe not actually that that valuable right now actually that's a good point like some of that loot in the Gilded one is not crazy valuable I don't think I missed anything I needed to come back for down there like I did run around it pretty quick so now we want to head up or maybe actually go back a room okay so I need to find yeah I need to start right and then head left right South that's that feels very right to me South was the way right keeps the same going to the door I don't think we have time I gotta get back right oh dang it dang it I guess I could just like pretty much jump through those rooms without exploring them where was it oh my God I'm gonna waste my time now I can't remember where it was was it up or down oh that was such a bad decision oh it's definitely we were definitely here in there what way did it come out chat do not do not tell me where to go oh there is no way you are going to give me any instructions that I'm gonna understand right now it's just not oh there it is okay cool this is not gonna work can't oh my God extreme this is just gonna kill me isn't it hi um oh get out of here I can tell I could tell this is bad news Barry Oh my God how much xp oh I'm doing the off I'm doing the off I've had enough those are gonna melt me uh then again do they all have swords does that work whoa whoa one more one more oh hi in your face man oh I'm the brain smarts guy that's right that's right all right maybe this is how I get some good XP oh jeez okay I think I can go down like one and then stand back a little more that's better that's better occasional javelin in the crowd look use your path finding a little bit better young man okay you might be Undead nice we killed them I use my brain we got six minutes right here's what we do no risks right no risks oh oh this is but make it all worthwhile oh my God there's so much loot I gotta loot it also quick and get back okay oh my word these things are like filled up these are rammed they are rammed um the other side hi grab it all grab it all like a rabbit hey nice noises in my eardrum uh this one I think we've got to go after this yeah but look at this I never actually sealed it properly did I oh oh sneaky little raid one more how much time I got five minutes actually do you know what I think I can uh I can get back in five minutes Connor just don't set off any more traps here take all this this was this was this was our prize that was Omega oh my God keep taking the loop iscal you've created a monster you've created a monster I'm a I'm addicted to the loot I want all the loot oh my God so many chip Jewels right that's us done no more riskiness there greed is good in this case it would seem so right that was amazing that was really good fun I made that run have some character South we're going south one room then we'll go to the side uh maybe a tiny bit of looting so if we're to loot in this room it's really about if we see an all pile I think oh my God I can't get up quick enough there it is oh my word ornate or Nate maybe just uh I can't be bothered unless there's like a meager or some sort of role in it oh they're poison great cheers um oh keep pressing the wrong key nope can't get up there all right all right South is the way out uh oh no wait I'm turned around I have to turn oh my God no no I don't know where to go I don't know where to go to the exit I actually don't know I think I can go south again and then I have to turn left or right I think it's left I think I have to go west y'all really got to help me on this one chat it's West right I got three minutes I I guess I just have to I thought I'd been here before West someone does say East ER get back on the line okay so if this is wrong then I have to go all the way okay no no someone was trying to troll me that's the way out that should be the way out of the Vault three minutes left it is it is so oh that we've already raided this first room maybe we should skip the first room so whenever you come back you if you've got like three minutes to spare then you've got something to do right like that's that's some good logic I think what we got in this one I mean there's a monolith do I get experience just for getting the monolith oh and then there's the sign oh no that's not actually that different looking two minutes oh you got a shield is that is that gonna cause me an issue nope I guess this is the last of my looting no war room for me I got a Ding-A-Ling though I got a Ding-A-Ling in the eardrum that's the way out don't lose track of it is that a thing it appears to be a thing now you're all suckers it's just one chest um go on then that I could probably be in this room for about another minute it would seem so I think I actually see gilded up here come on we're going for it oh terrible idea terrible idea oh now now I gotta get some XP this way and what's down oh my word that's not ours okay get out of here I'm being a scam I'm gonna just make trouble for myself uh quite literally quite literally making trouble for myself right now uh oh see get out of here x don't be a goose fill up take the easy way out definitely add a bit more time there but I love the idea of skipping the first room so when you come back you've got something to raid and just be near the exit I think that's a cool Strat right now our goal is to get to level uh 24 and we're at level 22. so that was a pretty good run compared to last time we had a lucky modifier again [Music] we didn't really Advance too much in any direction 23 okay I'm happy with that if we can that means our next run gets us to level four and we get to complete like a proper objective right also I've been noticing that um this stuff like gets passed over my Hotbar and it goes into the backpack so that's the thing uh okay sort out the inventory let's try and do this like super quick yeah that's something we're going to open we ended up with two shulker boxes of junk from that run so that's all stuff to go straight back in uh as is that and then the jewels we have to do manually yep I should probably do this although I plan on sort of jumping straight back in if I can get all of that sorted this loot in here oh that's extract that's the one I need some space put in some chip Jewels lovely okay clean that bit out oh yeah and this stuff gets ignored down the bottom here is another thing to point out so now when I do this is what I've got to use extract huh [Music] uh yeah that's the point where did that why did they just disappear when I clicked on them they got in here oh my God I wasn't even holding down a shift or anything what was the other one called ornate so grab that we'll figure it out eventually peeps we'll figure it out eventually put that there okay so now what I'm using insert oh except I don't exist for this one but that's fine because we're doing that good stuff uh what am I turning around for this thing oh now we start to get some of the interesting stuff here okay and then all of that wow look at how many of those things we've picked up in that run that's the thing to be opened so stays in there yeah by the way like all this waffling that I'm doing I'm just trying to like explain the thought process of uh how we're speeding up the tidying of all this thing each and every time right because we're working on it we'll work on it now that stuff got into there interesting like we we don't want that going into here really trying to ignore that so then it's uh all of this that thing has a home in this block and if we open them up again we have those things left over to open and then wait a minute didn't I also have I had some books over here that's another thing I don't really want to be picking up okay then I put those in there with the pouch oh my God this thing is filled up I really need the Torches right that is uh some more organization stuff done as we do I'm going to switch to standing then we're gonna roll all this stuff okay check if you can upgrade simple storage networks as hajimo uh what two would be the question what's the upgrade what Vault difficulty are you playing on I'm doing casual I'm here to like learn the pack have fun have a good time uh not get not get too roped into the gameplay uh what would you call that challenge like I'm I'm the kind of player that's more creative oriented with games and it's funny because I was playing some tower defense game from back in the day today uh and that's that doesn't really check any of these boxes but it's just this lovely game with like a cute atmosphere and a really nice vibe to it and Tower Defense is kind of interesting or at least it was when it was fresh I like games to give you like a a bit of an Express Yourself creativity Vibe I'm not really into like grinding out difficulty curves and stuff like that so uh yeah I'm here to play casual corgis says you need a power mod before you get your next level of storage probably probably yeah I don't know gotta figure out my way out for it don't you have an equipped pouch uh did I skip over that one no no we uh we did that one okay let's go let's go Tesco all right check them all out Scrappy versus rare ah I can't even be bothered to look Scrappy versus Scrappy so better armor little less Health Soul bound nah okay uh Scrappy versus red brief look doesn't really look like the right deal okay so this magnet compares to the magnet all the way on the left it's a fair bit bigger so less range less velocity and no copiously so nope okay Scrappy versus Scrappy more armor less Health uh what's this sword versus that sword 11 and 1.64 no oh yeah with the swords it's always the channeling thing I could be wrong I don't know what I'm doing I'm not going to claim to be an expert I didn't think any of those look good to me uh I want another chest I'll go on then let's make it wooden so then I need I think you just surround it with sticks right wasn't it or was it Driftwood I think it was Driftwood actually let's grab some of our driftwood which has now disappeared thank you very much this mod draft wood Daft that's me I'm Daft right so no good rolls there backpack slot X backpack slot scrap old armor someone says that being that bit uh no I'm gonna keep that I'm gonna Chuck this in here for now all right we're ready for another go at it the sword is better I don't think so this sword is epic it's uh doing good right I just saw a big box on the screen what was that box oh there it went again because I rarely get and another one I rarely get a Ding-A-Ling with these I rarely get a ding-a-ling So What on earth is this stuff Relic have I have I gone near this yet Relic fragments Relic pedestal this this is site we haven't gone near yet right like we haven't learned about this I feel like I would have sussed out what was going on there I don't know if they get messed with by the system you've got some of it Relic Flags yeah I got some already apparently hey that was quite a lot of diamonds hey and that laminar stuff which actually we need to mine The Ore cool uh I wonder if there was like any that flowed over into here yeah look a few extra diamonds as that is our next one we can do another run if we can make one of these again spice rack is it oh snowballs okay we're definitely doing some traveling now copper Cod all right oh my God this is all the traveling I don't have Dara I don't have Cod I don't have snowballs looks like we're Scavenging again keep forgetting it goes into there uh Cole Strava thank you for the raid appreciate it welcome the Raiders all right can we maybe quartz yeah so we went to the Never Last Time right so if it's only eight uh looks like we're gonna cheese it with some Cobble that's a good one that's a good one quickly do that or do you get like two for one here you get two so just in case I happen to need those things at any point okay then we need five cods which I may have picked up but probably not nope never got any cods so cotton snow that's just straight up Overworld exploration time I gotta say like now that I understand what's Skye vault is it sounds like those two things pair together like I really like the idea of doing that over this like scavenger hunt but hey you never know we're having fun that's what counts um so we go fly I mean usually I take a few things with me right like food for example gosh uh the main thing is like the cat is me out is bedtime right so if we can change that that's good there's a sleeping bag that's kind of all I need I think this has got shoveling so we can definitely get some snow with it you can search your diet with a Nature's Compass we've done that already yeah is your helmet Enchanted for cod fishing it's actually not and now that we've got like loads of emeralds in here but lots might as well go for that oh wait chest plate wrong thing foreign ER in this game it gets worn down a bit and you can only make so many repairs right it's starting to make sense that that side of the progression stuff to me okay remind us no and Cod let's go for it let's go for it I'm down oh yeah we can go this way later you cannot lock the waypoints mod and then teleport between places I'll certainly make life easier wouldn't it yeah I just get a little hung up on the gameplay Loops where like the stuff you don't know about and then you maybe later on wish you'd done it all differently or something like that that pairing of Sky Block and Vault and the vaults just just sounds epic to me that sounds like a real good match uh also where are we going have we even seen a snowy biome on here this concerns me because the world is like kind of massive oh this is where you just use the Nature's Compass right but we've got that and then cod we're just gonna find in the ocean so we'll head over to D and uh skip across to there and then probably come out this way and through the ocean so going in the right direction it's a long journey what we're going to chat about what's typically happening in the world peeps should we have a bit of a waffle I don't know can you make snowballs with a snow golem for later after the trip yeah absolutely it's a great idea that is a great idea totally doable what's my ideal meal deal or like a Tesco meal deal I don't have to eat today and yesterday oh my god I've just can't even remember what I've eaten I like talking about food but uh these days are I don't know I went through a whole thing of being a bit food obsessed for a while and I just I just don't like care as much anymore I just get on with my usual thing make the meals I like eat out when we can it's just maybe maybe it's just because like it feels like time is going by fast though as you get older it's just like it just never ends the the one thing every day seems to have in common is like what's the next meal so you know you're just eating before you know it over and over again it feels like have you seen Barbie or Oppenheimer I was debating about seeing Oppenheimer tomorrow but I think I'm going to go later in the week on Friday possibly um very excited to see that one keeping an eye on what people are saying about it kind of sounds like you know might be one of Christopher Nolan's top five or ten or something like I never was one to really follow directors too much and then I don't know recent years I just kind of realized how many absolute bangers Christopher Nolan oh cheers that's helpful then oh and then it went somewhere else didn't it no oh that's not what I'm trying to do man should I get my backpack oh my god let's just go here and hope it works there we go there we go yeah so uh been super stoked for that movie did I get my sleeping bag back I think I did and I think it automatically went somewhere else oh yeah we're here for snow so thanks and then we can make snowballs and we can make dang it I'm not trying to get the other stuff as well yeah we get all we need with that uh-huh probably messing up my pouches again should I should have moved them around a bit still getting used to this it's really just the first one that needs like a little extra on the filter I guess okay so there's that then there's the other thing uh which was Cod right so mini map head north uh probably try that area there I really want to see up on Irma but I have to wait until it's on Netflix as riffraff yeah I'll tell you one thing one thing um by the way is it going on Netflix you never know there's there's um like the June movie I really want to watch but it hasn't come to any free streaming platform yet and it's still like it's like two years now since it's been out it's still like 12 pounds to watch online last time I looked kind of waiting for the price there to drop um I don't mind doing that but every now and then I like to you know go to the cinema and enjoy a movie like I'm aware of Oppenheimer one let's go for that one you know that's a good one that's a good one to enjoy the thing I was thinking though is it's three hours long and if you know me I don't like sitting like I'm standing right now um I I just yeah three hours without being able to pause the movie I kind of feel like I'd probably enjoy it better at home if I could pause the movie or whatever June is on HBO Max isn't it oh my uh I canceled my access to HBO Max yeah I might have missed out on that one then I um yeah I was just like tidying things up going through like bills and things and I was like you know I haven't used this this service and I don't know what I'm gonna watch on it I could have actually I think I've got until the end of the month oh let me make a note let's pause with that I'm gonna make a note I might be able to watch Dune then if it's on there I'll I'll make note of that maybe maybe I'll skip Oppenheimer then and just watch and then watch June and that'll be my big movie to enjoy or something I never never really liked the original June much what are those like Captain picards in it like there's a reason for me to go watch they really liked it that much uh I don't know why it just I didn't really pull me in or whatever but the way people were talking about the new reboot it sounds like uh pretty decent so we'll be down to watch that oh going for salmon am I the whole time yeah okay okay it's just testing your chat just making sure you're paying attention uh so is it Cod is cod in the cold oceans then or something oh I don't want to go back down I want to keep flying yeah I'll need some salmon later on there's no no bother is it there should be a five minute movie break where people stand and stretch and Fitters oh I'd love that I always I always get my seats at the back of the theater and just like um if I'm not like directly behind the projector like sometimes just stand for a bit it's just one of those things like that's not excuse me I'm okay just uh my voice like back that area back there where I've been all bunged up it like it gets dry and then it makes you like cough I'll have I'll have another limb slip later today hopefully I'll be over it tomorrow long movies do have breaks around here I've never known it and ha I've never known it around here and I don't know if you can find that information out if there's like a break in the middle I'd love that though that'd be good the other thing is when when I watch a movie at home it's like you have you know nip to the loop pause the movie all that stuff's really great right and especially having like snacks and food go to the cinema everything's like not as in your control so uh that you might miss a bit of the movie if you need a toilet I I'm really torn now actually the more I talk about the cinema experience like another reason I go to the cinema is just to be with other people right so that's always a good reason um but like if I want to nerd out and really enjoy this Oppenheimer movie could I just be patient and I'll probably have a better time just watching it at home I don't know it's also it's not that long until it comes out right these days like you used to have to wait a year or like something that was in the cinema to come out on VHS and then with DVDs it started to get a little bit shorter and like these days sometimes it's a month and you can just watch it on a streaming platform it's like ridiculous in fact they've been experimenting we're doing like both at the same time right like you can it goes out in both places snacks are so expensive on Cinemas sister it's uh it's part of how they make their money really like um it's popcorn is fascinating because it's like an incredibly cheap to make treat right like it is Sugar's Dirt Cheap salts Dirt Cheap popcorns dirt cheap and the way that they Market it to you as well is it's like you pay a lot for a small bag but then it's like 50p more for a medium another 50p for a large like it makes you feel like you're getting more value for your money if you buy more popcorn um but like really really you're not it's just the way they mark it up it's all it's all uh like psychology driven you know like you're gonna you're gonna be likely to go in there and think well I better get the large then and on some level it makes sense like especially if there's like a grouping you you want to share everyone can have a decent amount so you know get a large but like in if you're going in there individually and really all you need is like a regular just get a regular like save that 50p unless you need the food unless you unless you're gonna like save half the bag and eat it later in the week or something right but uh yeah the way the way they do stuff like that is just interests me the psychology of it I guess right we're probably because I've been waffling we've probably got all we needed we should double check of course was it we did need quite a bit I got 66 so that's probably good for this one on the next one hey I like I like that we just get to come out here and just do some stupid activity like kill fish and then just waffle so that's cool live performances don't even have to be expensive you can go online and probably find a theater or musical group in your area yeah I'm talking about Cinema though right like um I get this entertainment like that there's lots of choices for entertainment and obviously there's different values there uh but for me I love my movies you know I really do The Venture movies brother just came out I don't know what that is I've been trying to do that even since the up cost is low I'll be full and I'll feel guilty I'm not finishing anything that I brought says Suzuki yeah Embrace embrace the not buying the large thing um I I embrace that psychology like quite a while ago like years ago because I always used to be someone where they'd offer you large and I'd just go yeah go on then it always seemed like a good deal but like you've got to think like portion oh my God what just elevated me there oh no way no way wait that totally elevated me right can I like kind of works man that's crazy that's crazy that's the game but that's cool X have you looked at any mods options to invest your knowledge into next uh kagarium or botany pots uh I haven't looked at all I keep meaning to do research in between streams but I'm always on a treadmill with stuff I'm never like as engrossed in an activity as I'd like to be it's one of the things I'm trying to change by taking a bit of a break I'm hoping uh that I can structure like my time on YouTube in a bit more of a uh a bit more of a portioned off way to give myself that free time to like investigate and experience just stuff a bit more like you did when you were younger you know that the kind of carefreeness I've experienced so much of it lately because I've been doing music again and like Progressive music is slow I kind of have this like a little bit of a mentality of like you know like you're gonna Bang Out songs or you're gonna like be productive and come up all this stuff stuff but like every time I do the music thing it's just about how you feel when you're when you're like in that space I just don't really care about like you know maybe I'm jamming on the keyboard for like an hour or something and I just don't care like what the end result is I just I'm just feeling the music and sometimes it leads you somewhere it reminds me of like I've got this body of work of stuff that I've created but it actually got created over like a quite a long period of time like it was years so it might seem like I've got like a lot of songs but then if you break it down by year and you think back over it I can kind of see like how so much of it was just like hanging out with mates and like ambling around on the guitar and every now and then you get like a whiff of something and start following it and turn it into a song slowly and and now my new mindset is kind of like right sit down figure something out Bam put it into you know your music soft editing software and think your way through it and get to the end and it's like getting back into the music just totally highlights how different those types of thinking are and I just love to like maybe find that kind of feeling with uh creating content again which is kind of probably what it was like in the beginning to some extent hey I'm off man glad you like my music thank you glad you like it uh 24. done five oh we already I thought we needed a lot of those we need five oh look at that exactly five left over how about that alrighty alrighty give us a crystal we're gonna do one more run today we're gonna get that we're gonna get that level 24 we're gonna get that sense of achievement you know like hey we had an objective and we just got there I wonder also I could probably craft some like double stack stuff I I reckon I need a I need a little list for this game now I need to start um putting things on our list to keep my thoughts about it organized like we can make these right hey we could really make those I think I've got it over here like laminar okay the upgrade base so like Silk essence let's do that after let's let's do one more raid with the current setup since it's still working and then double double the stack size after uh we've got the vial we got our vault stake I didn't forget to do anything right after our last like it wasn't like a bounty thing to claim I don't think I forgot to do anything after our last run remind me if I did chat before we go back in give me those reminders that looks uh correct to me that that hot bar I think we're good right oh the Let It Go the crystal that's the thing I'm missing I knew I'm missing saying wait where did it go it didn't go into there did I like just how did I put the crystal hanging sign to-do list the zip frame that's a cool idea put it in the game went into that one interesting is there a thing here hang inside to-do list or do you just mean put them on signs like create a sign and make it a hanging sign I like the idea of just like banging them onto signs and putting them in the base if you shift over backpack you can see contents oh yeah huh thanks all right next run let's go let's go get this thing started let's get the show on the road that's what they say isn't it there's a road there's a show one needs to be on the other uh pouches in hot bar it makes sense as it clears the room for you I think I think they act the same there or here at the moment so don't worry about it right okay we just need XP we want to get some laminar that would be nice um skip the first room how many monoliths will it be nine a little bit of scavenge okay I I will happily participate in attempting to do that however my current setup might make it awkward so it's kind of like a let's keep track of it but like let's not make it an objective okay so we skipped the first room uh by the way direction is South South is away from The Vault North will be the way back I'm getting that right I'm just uh I can kind of see on the mini map that there's something immediately around to the side oh yeah I need to keep that slot on the Hotbar full as well yeah this shows up on that minimap so I will be uh doing some raiding of the chests I guess but I don't know maybe skip over a few if I if I start skipping and exploring then I could be potentially be seeking out the scavenger stuff but no it's really just a case of I think have fun and try and find these patches right here we'll probably get the XP that we need as long as we just keep doing stuff so I think it's I think this one is just called don't overthink it ah what one or man I used to get loads of that laminar stuff but now now I'm getting pants ah so much PVE oh my God Mr Frost man did he drop me something epic I'm not sure [Applause] take the loot uh making noises hi I came in from the sky to say hello [Applause] uh-huh oh that made a nasty sound hey another bad guy hi and oh my God there's wait what's up going on with my sword here Oh weird feeling a little bit of uh latency there between like clicking and the responsiveness that was odd guess we're looting these oh you made my loading unsuccessful okay then [Music] one over here I would like to find some more interesting Luke oh little guys oh pressing the wrong buttons am I there it is I was trying to press the javelin button hey three together you take it either like steershammy 63 mobs thank you so much the tremendous support oh my God it's it's difficult to focus on that right now I I imagine you'll understand thank you for your amazing support I hope you enjoying the Stream if you're enjoying the Vault Hunters the new adventure I am uh I'm just gonna crack on try and find the better stuff right yes no oh I'm just gonna say that that was like uh am I gonna have trouble collecting this stuff is this going to Slow Me Down might not actually be that bad right one more of those come on a couple more in here we've got so many early on now we seem to get none that brings us up to 13. that's all we got man 13 right done that little bit what is that thing to the left of me I I immediately know what it is it's the uh stuff to put your scavenge gear into right let's continue heading is it North we're heading south north is the way back I don't think I fully explored that room but that's fine I really need to uh split these up a bit okay another one big open room easy to scout Maybe up we go okay anything special get two together and then that thing living up there hi okay that's probably going to be a risky jump let's go down on this one ha clever okay I'm looting this one because there's all together I got a really itchy nose did I mention that oh my God my nose is so itchy right now ripped Paige we've got two ripped page that's actually not part of the scavenger hunt yeah got to set up a scavenger pouch another one for the to-do list right I can see the utility of that now have it on your hot bar as well um oh this is good this is good I'll take this wait where'd my Javelin go there is always struggling to hit that key you're dead right uh best way to do this is probably the pillar up a little bit how do we do these ones like that yeah there's some of that extra scavenger loot um I'm getting the grips of it all I'm getting the grips of it all come on hey I made a noise there we go okay they're coming they're coming from all different sides oh do you know what I miss I miss those gummy bear mobs whatever happened to those oh disappear are we ow e your friend was so mean right continue continue oh got him go on then oh there's a guy coming I know going away oh my God that those guys are so amazingly creepy amazingly creepy oh by the way this thing I really want to do is make a thumbnail at some point the thumbnails for the second Channel I always just want to make them just look a little interesting each time right when you're inside a vault it's the last thing you think of but for some reason I thought of it today there's a gilded chest inside the wall oh there was that thing hanging down I did not notice it thank you chat thank you thank you thank you oh there is lies were not sold bang look at that oops no no press the right buttons oh my God why is that is the wrong okay I don't know why that's all going into momentary that's not right is it I thought that was going to go somewhere else I don't understand huh actually wait gilded is yellow we don't have a yellow backpack maybe it's one of the ones we didn't get around to filtering okay maybe that is correct well I can't even press the right button on my keyboard let's take that I think I'm just gonna go into the next area I can't really quite remember how much of this one we explored keep moving hope you found something interesting so North this will be sorry South this will be our North is getting back South will be our uh our way back yeah okay I'm gonna put a couple extra blocks here all one [Music] you don't need any scavenger items from wooden I'm I'm really not going for the scavenger stuff like I'm a little um basically I'm rather unfocused because I just need to get to level 24 and I still haven't really got my head around like what to prioritize like what do I need to progress so we're just we're just focusing on leveling up and I'll take some wooden chests if I feel like it kind of thing oh my God I think that drop something big but the key thing is just finding some ore would be one thing and then you know I'll pick up some loot if I feel like it fauna stand here for a second or there's a bunch of them together but yeah there's like a little lack of objective it feels like until we get to that level 24. and hey this is like what I'm looking for oh no wait what is this that is not one I've seen before that is a Mustachio looking block oh my word that block was so mustachio okay this is exactly what we're here for and I think we've got all yours let's check it see 15 now 15 to 20. okay oh come on come on let me out we'll go that way then hi came here to destroy and loot I think it came from that way hey quite in the action right in the action literally into it okay so these ones are different we do that and then we go oh my God it's gotten dark and we do all of this right now here you can see an opportunity to put some junk into this space right that'll do for now I think some of these scavenger items are creating a lot of junk my favorite blocks yeah that'll do uh oh and one more cool ah whatever right let's head down I am oh tough guy oh no cactus this guy's messing me up dude die already I already hate ornate free to loot apparently foreign right and that's that one done some of that stuff oh watch out for the little guy oh yeah that thumbnail dang it I had a thumbnail priority a minute ago forgotten it again four at once excellent like here right all right there we go we made we made a thumbnail of a room oh my God it might be the death of it it might literally be the death of me oh my word it might actually be Oh wrong key okay I gotta get Gotta Get Away gotta get away man Gotta Get Away use that Health file dang whoo risky all for a thumbnail I risked it that makes that thumbnail valuable now it means it was worthwhile oh my God where did you come from because I literally almost died for that moment so now you ain't being click baited Suma two viewers you ain't been clickbaited at all that was some action-packed moments to look forward to right let's do the rating this is gonna yeah let's mess up my inventory okay uh probably just want to do that then 11 minutes left we're gonna we're gonna turn back ish now um how much of this area did I actually like get to okay there's still clearly more stuff down here and a living chest is a good chest or have we been here before no grab all that loot satisfying man satisfying hey look what I found right let's get up and out so sometimes we find rooms oh you're a bad dude sometimes we find rooms with like cool little extras in it and those really make a loot run a lot of fun a vault run even should I say I I feel like and I could just be imagining this I feel like it's when when you go off to the rooms at the side that you find those now 10 minutes remaining that's the way back North is the way back we're gonna go we're gonna go east but we're gonna skip this room and then go north just so I'm not turned around as we go through the next one or two rooms and it gives us a little bit of an opportunity to maybe spot something epic in here if we're lucky right like what's down here when we come back out oh dang that's what I'm talking about man just gotta remember the way out of here that's a bit of luck just shoot on into a room hey this looks like it's got enough for us that's going to be our objective and that makes this run excellent brilliant okay the rest of the run is ours to do what we want we have achieved an objective probably got a lot of XP and that's all good isn't it right remember the way out was just up there and it's in the right direction so why not have a look-see Lou um what's this more oh go on then go on then it's been our lucky day for all that probably means this is an actual like ore room yeah so if I want to just say hey actually while we're here let's do this I can now whoops getting some of the wrong blocks there let's check our imagery wow absolutely disgusting just gonna throw it's the scavenger hunt that's really messing it up isn't it I think we're uh full up a couple of times over because of that is that the that's the end of that little area so nine minutes remaining oh someone's saying it try to remember the layout of this room since it's one of four or rooms do you get four all rooms per Volt or something hey I need to Mark the exit big time so we'll just remember this free on either side if we're gonna hang around up here ah that was like one block off Yep this is an all room so we can make this our objective and just snag all this stuff I guess all right is that all of it oh and then you you get to live there are only four possible layouts for all room not necessarily in the vault okay it's just the layout oh sorry dude maybe not so sorry there might be one hidden under there I'm just gonna move on still in the top area so should be good to find some other stuff right hang on a minute that's led us to this space and then it's all kind of dead ends wow interesting [Music] is there actually more to see in this room then it kind of actually it kind of feels like it maybe I've managed to press two keys at once then on to the next one I looted it all yeah it seems so doesn't it what wow this is really open I'm not quite seen as big and open room is this and I've gone straight to a lame chest uh let's go up oh let's go down then I gotta remember North is the West is the way back sorry West is the way back right uh what am I doing what am I doing we're looking for stuff it's gonna be good and Epic I'm not oh my God these guys are boosted okay I don't like you let's just go to the Next Room we've got six minutes uh am I going the right way West right oh my God I can't remember because I'm an idiot dude this okay that's it go away how did I come into this room again does that feel like it that doesn't feel like it heading north from here thank you chat you are legends North is that way did we come in yeah that that feels like it as well okay not sure yeah it looks like it's just a regular wooden one okay right so the next one we're gonna go left I don't know if it's the one before the portal or not but that'll be the move here uh I might just take some lame loot to finish it off lame loot lame Loop now they're coming after me they can do that what's up here like some lame loot I don't know why I keep calling it lame loot it's probably not fair I don't know this mob back enough to know uh that stuff becomes like invaluable or not but that's what I'm calling it man it's just called lame loot to me I think we activated these ones from uh below five minutes left yeah those guys got activated already oh this doesn't actually lead up does it God we're heading down got all together now thanks for full damage make my life easier oh my God I think they just came from the other side all right this might be tricky oh oh my word that is not a good time to press the wrong key man oh just faced Dive Right In There Go this is not going well okay stuff is getting activated everywhere at the moment I can hear it all going off come in didn't ya give me all that X give me all that XP this better be worth it I heard a ding things are good right okay that's good I guess we're taking all the lame Loop ah noises oh gosh I can't press the right key ever oh my God do you remember what I was telling you earlier about being knackered so true so true clearly oh my God this Lozier oh chicken chicken there hi I really got turned around down here but North is our way out however I did not want to turn to the left I gotta work on this I don't know if it's because it's late or not uh so North is that way I think we go north one more three minutes yeah we want to find the Portal room and loot that room now so we go left here if I'm not allowed to I need to go back a room all right we're good so we're good like East did I turn or maybe let's check it since we're halfway here oh my God how am I how am I pressing that key instantly nope someone in chat was just trying to troll me just trying to troll me so uh did I markets I don't think I marketed it it's special did I we just put it down so that's the portal so we have three minutes in this room let's head down and just uh see what's down the bottom here oh the first room was in all room for real that's funny that's funny hey pistachio do you think Mumbo should uh like create his own ice cream brand and call it Mustachio I think that would be genius and I hereby collect 20 royalties as you do and I hereby collect 20 royalties he said that's so cheeky it was a good business idea the joke the joke being uh why do I have to explain the joke man should I explain the joke should I tell you why it's funny I don't think I should I I've got this deep instinct to explain the joke which will just make it not funny you know then you'll because some of you won't even know what it is and then you'll be like Oh I thought that was funny but now it's really just lame just lame now that you explained to X I used to like you but now I think you're pretty weird the chat is literally saying don't explain why no silk touch um because we want fortune to get more Loot and stuff right okay uh I am really yeah I'm being a goose let's just get out of here like maybe 30 seconds of looting it's probably got a good idea how long it takes to run back like it really is about five seconds but uh hey that was do I want to take anything from this room probably not that was that and that was a good one that was a good X do you like Vault Hunters until now what do you like the most uh I I you know Vault Hunters have never played it oh but I didn't feel didn't remember seeing chunky mobs in that one I I never not liked it I just I just kind of like I knew this guy was doing his thing and it was just never the right time for me to jump in and do something bodied but then I was looking for an experience and I thought I'd give both Hunters a go and I think the reason why I didn't jump in sooner was probably because I knew it wasn't going to be a traditional let's say type of experience but then that's exactly what I moan about as well I'm like oh these mob packs let's do the same thing over and over again man we can make some really cool decorative stuff with some of those uh Pieces by the way like we put like skeleton bones up around our base and stuff it's going to be super cool um let's actually uh let's think right we struggle with all of this uh loot organization so let's keep our hot Bar Clear down the bottom let's keep it like this is what I'm saying so we've got a shoveling with a small size that actually looks pretty decent so I press B first of all all we got to do is extract right can't use the insert feature but that's fine so anything here that I need to keep nope oh by the way we've got our Bounty box uh we'll do that in a second then we've got to go over here and I've got to put these in my hot bar for that bit okay makes sense uh I think actually what I'll do then is that okay uh joink all of that stuff extract uh throw that if I throw it on the floor go back into my backpack it goes into here everything else there oh no no we got a thing we've got a thing I need a place to put the things one of those insert or drag it all in yeah rotted old book is it now Let's uh extract all of that I don't think we've got everything out of here okay are they these things like mystery eggs I've got a few of those now ah look more of these again I keep asking chat and I'm just in the middle of doing everything so uh I gotta work on that I really gotta work on that it's extract didn't we raid a few or notes I seem to remember getting some ornates in there maybe not right then it's the shulker boxes and look at that we've got some stuff to open there let's go back again what an inventory not Hotbar if you hover pouch you can press B to open selected pouch yes yes I gotta learn that one I gotta learn that one so it's so much learning for me to do right but look at how much stuff I have picked up I know I know it might seem like a bit of a goose I've definitely picked up like a bunch of stuff I've been learning I've been getting there slowly you know right that is nice and clean so that's all all backpack and pouches done except for apparently two items uh then yeah just gotta take those then we gotta grab the one from here uh put these back into these slots put away this oops all right let's roll those uh let's just double check what they are rare plus and common plus so good chances other axes though the idle looks super cool okay uh over here we want to claim our Bounty nice we gotta pick another one we won't do that today although the way things are going that's probably a pretty good pick we also made it to level 24 which means we get to advance in the quest book stuff okay what did that give me it all went into here and then probably some of it if any more went into there because there were yeah four things in total cool open up this stuff I heard a noise we got a fire element right the axes I'm told are pretty enough so we tend to skip over them so that thing common verses are rare a donor Affinity I don't even know what that is yet I think I think the Idol goes in here can't wait to put those up somewhere in the base getting quite excited for the base now aren't I like seeing all these items and textures we've got to find a way to throw them all together uh don't we scrap these things yep help Chuck that into here nice and look at how many items oh my God we've got so many items of fancy textures look at hey there's some of that stuff in there so many cool things girls are doom thank you for gifting a sub to shinny appreciate that thank you for supporting our community with the gifted sub let's take a let's take a couple of minutes here to uh answer some questions especially about like all the stuff I keep waffling on about question how useful is it for you if we send chat messages here during vaults because most of the time it feels like screaming into the void uh well I don't know I feel like I've um I feel like I've been looking at it like I don't here's something that I've noticed sometimes you share messages from people who are talking authoritatively in chat but then it turns out like you know what they say isn't true or whatever so sometimes I look over and it's just like I don't know like uh there's some messages that got shared for going in the wrong direction so like you know I'm paying attention it's just and it definitely does help right it really does help but like I don't answer everything what is the thing that you called that you're putting stuff into says Griff it's the storage inventory it's written at the top of the screen it's not easy to respond to every message on stream and in the vault it's even harder yeah but I've got like I've got a separate chat with my mods over here try to go to the things that multiple people say I can try to be more attentive about Direction but yeah uh I'll keep doing it then I suppose yeah don't don't stress yourself out about it dude like uh you know like you're dealing with a bunch of chaos that comes from chat two maybe maybe just like I guess I don't know it's hard to describe like what's the more pertinent thing to put through really because I don't know what information is like gonna make sense right but it's just some stuff comes through and it's like of course and then you can proceed another stuff comes through and it's like I don't know like it's maybe like hey you should have gone in that direction and I'm like oh no no that's that can't be right because of XYZ the best thing to do is probably to uh I don't know I don't know just just don't worry about it too much nothing has to be perfect uh let's let's read some more chat Ali jelly says just play like no one's watching unless there's things you want answers to do too much backseat gaming just ruins the fun sometimes I think yeah and I I feed into that by asking questions too much it's kind of like my way of like filling the space I guess as I constantly let you know what I'm thinking about I got all these little questions I need to answer for but like the whole dynamic like makes it really bad because I'm always moving on to the next thing and doing the next thing and if I weren't streaming I might like pause the game and go look it up or or like make a note and and so I'm just a constant stream of questions and then they get to the end here and I I tell you what I can't remember half the stuff I was talking about in the vault so obviously I'm learning though like we're putting together some knowledge and uh making some progress and starting to understand the Vault Hunter stuff I think what I really want to do I'm starting to get that base building itch at the moment like it's starting to come together a bit but next stream we are actually going to be focusing on the questline book thing so we're going to be doing wow I love that that's so zippy we're going to be doing uh like the level 24 stuff and then proceeding from there you know what I uh I was kind of annoyed that this was in the wrong place right but maybe what I should have done is thought why don't we go move this I'm not even sure if much of what I've her ends up in here that certainly has a lot of stuff I don't know if it prioritizes like these spaces over here this might just be the stuff that I put here first but I think it might be easier to just clear out a big space and then come here and like build build this again but in a space that we can start from like maybe we just flip this around so it's facing the other way and then all of this space in this Direction gets to be our base you know that seems like a really good idea actually and I think I might be able to flip it like literally in the same spot if I wanted to where all those torches I used to have torches in there here they are gotta keep the area lit uh flower crown princey thank you for the raids welcome all the Raiders reshed it you can make a quantity key to see the number of items of each drawer I yeah so I've played with this model a lot um you can also see it just by looking at it I'm just trying to remember that kind of feels like maybe those are the items I put in like for example the chains if I put in a stack of chains because we wanted it to be here but we've picked out loads of chains so clearly this thing isn't prioritizing it it might also just prioritize whatever's closest uh that that's that's an interesting idea so if we type in chain yeah so like it's obviously stored lots of chains elsewhere right now in theory it gets from over here so there should now be no chains here which there isn't and I think you're allowed to just do this it could be the route that it's close to as well I'm going to move both right which may be a terrible idea I don't know oh yeah I forgot about that again didn't I and I just need to do this once When someone tells me and it'll help me remember if I press B there you go like it opens it up see that's one of those things in in the vault I'm like gotta remember that and it's like this time I did okay so now let's go put these chains in as well as this other stuff did it end up over here it didn't so it picked this stuff over here first I don't know why it does that but uh there you go that's what it does I think you have to click on the link cable connecting to the drawer controller and change the number yeah that stuff's been taken out of the pack that's not a thing anymore uh remember to set your pouches to pick up contents only and press save this time right pouch to pick up contents only oh wait not that one this one that one yes uh even though we've got three slots pickup content only and Save wait is it here match backpack contents then those don't get filled up right I think I'm gonna rearrange this a little bit now so do that and go to this one nope there do that so yeah they're matched they're matched this uh yeah that way in that one's not but it doesn't pick up these so they will be junk items appearing in my inventory now that I need to shuffle away yeah because we put living first you see now now it strikes me as if we're doing that that this should be arranged like so right and that one should be there so when I press B we're looking at the one that does pick up stuff that's the way to do it it also picks up double Stacks that makes a lot of sense to me check your curio slot did you equip a pouch yes we just changed it right now that's literally what we just did it wasn't useful it destroys your world if they could would remove the whole mod wait what's this my world hasn't been destroyed you were going to craft a stack upgrade after the Vault yeah I don't have time to do it now um there's like a lot of things I think I need to start developing a little to-do list so maybe the next stream we go into an attitude with like uh let's let's like let's pull together and do stuff around this area smarten things up craft useful things and obviously investigate our level 24 book we are now level 24 we've got free unspent skill points and we can probably grind out yet another level in the next one and uh maybe get speed free or whatever but I think that's where I'm gonna wrap up today's stream so people if you enjoyed it be sure to hit the follow button if you want to catch more Vault Hunters I'm streaming at the same time tomorrow and the following day as well so Monday and Tuesday uh right now I'm gonna pick a channel for us to raid and I'm gonna pick a random Minecraft Channel today I think I'll do the little search and see if anyone else is playing Vault Hunters right other than meet yeah no what come on what are you doing jeez right Windows be doing Windows things okay yeah I got one for you I got one for you someone's playing it let's see if we can do this nope try again there we go that works right uh that's it thank you so much and take care I'll see you again tomorrow
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 7,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vault Hunters 3 livestream, Vault Hunters 3 modpack, Vault Hunters 3 classic, Vault Hunters 3 classic modpack, minecraft Vault Hunters 3, xisuma, xisumavoid, classic modpack, Vault Hunters 3 episode 8, Vault Hunters 3 mod, minecraft modded Vault Hunters 3, Vault Hunters 3 modded minecraft, modded minecraft series, Vault Hunters 3rd edition, Vault Hunters 3rd edition modpack, curseforge, Vault Hunters curseforge, xisuma vault hunters, vh3, vault hunters modpack
Id: LWZ3eW3rb3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 50sec (10850 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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