Vault Hunters 3 Modpack (16) Livestream 06/08/23

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foreign and welcome back to another live stream here on twitch.the TV slash the assumer playing The Vault Hunters once again this is what we did in the last stream oh yeah we built this little area to walk up to and use these blocks today I think we're gonna we're gonna make a proper furnace array over here at least that's my uh plan so we gotta jump into building mode oh yeah and we must not forget to get some repairs done very important very important okay I've got a feeling I didn't unload everything from our last run as well we failed our last run hey we got some bananas in chat from Lucario hero blender Ye Olde envelope luxy86 thank you so much Leah frat says oh my God assumer WTH what the heck I'm assuming that means assuma what the heck is that that sounds really weird okay let's uh put these things away some are a little more organized than others [Music] and think about what we're doing next yes so as I said aha we've got all this stuff from The Vault and I never put it away some things can be opened and then I'm assuming nothing went into the next one yeah [Music] cool there's also an update coming out later today wait a minute Soul shards interesting I seem to recall setting that up and not having an issue of it last time I wonder if any Soul shards have made their way into here no oh yeah and no surprise to see lots of this stuff that's one of the reasons I want to build smeltery today so this thing just it doesn't work like that or you can do that six thousand wow so many I am going to take that because yeah [Music] I've assuming it's good is it one of those it's not one of those oh interesting uses oh are we doing this today what is that looter's dream what have I found people treasure chests oh is that Epic apply oh look at this apply to a crystal in an anvil to add Lotus dream Lucas dream completely negates all trap chess chances from ever occurring even when on a crystal with the trapped modifier do I want to use that like you get random negatives when you use the Catalyst do I perhaps want to use that in Junction with something else those are my thoughts those are my thoughts tired Crow seven months of support I'm really living up to my name I haven't slept in exactly 20 hours dang man gotta get your sleep sleeps uh sleeps huge you know if the uh for your physical well-being and your mental well-being gotta get those Z's in thank you so much for your support my dude I had a really good uh night of sleep last night I've been trying to just get the timing right do the right things to get some good sleep because I just been feeling a little less energetic as of late don't know what's up with that it's slow in the mornings and whatnot but uh yeah good night's sleep is a good thing right and uh wrong thing wrong wrong way again that'll be the last of it then we want to turn those off because we're gonna do some building oh yes some building today now and know what blocks I want to use but I want to introduce some new stuff too we've also got some blocks that we made last time and then forgot about okay plating maybe use a little bit of this okay uh so some of the metal blocks that we kind of like ripped out of the levels is what I'm thinking about oh yeah and I I kind of want to automate this with some Hoppers and stuff I I know that there's probably going to be modded stuff that makes making a furnace array better later on but it's all locked behind the progression stuff so why don't we do something like simple and vanilla I was thinking it might cost me a lot of iron yeah I don't have a crazy amount but I do have the nuggets okay so if I do that okay yeah that that crafted it that I need some chests more than that so I'm gonna need jungle logs also I kind of got distracted from the thing I was looking for there are a bunch of like iron-like blocks that we picked up in the vault at one point that might make that might make for a nice flaw where we're going and I want to remember to use blocks like that maybe some pipes might be a good idea to get some animation like campfires and things in the era um oh there it is sheet metal thought I have more of that I guess maybe only picked up a few things there's another bit Rusty here we go I only picked up a handful of them it would seem legally thank you ever so much for your 29 months of support hello friendos hello hello and welcome welcome yeah that kind of looks like it on that front I like the cartograph of the table that's nice texture how many Tech points have you saved up technology points Tech points zooming for unlocking mods in which case we have none at the moment but I might have the potential to make a bunch that's a good point what is in here like there might be something like actually cheap that makes like pipes oh that actually sounds like what I want to do right now I've just not used it before I've used xnet and found it really tricky oh interesting maybe we should that one costs four though pipes might be really useful for not only that but for other things too uh that looks like it item pipe fluid pipe energy pipe if this is like an essential thing you're going to want later on anyway it might be worth doing totally doable then you've got like a pipe wrench I could give it a shot it might be better than making a whole bunch of Hoppers right let's let's do that today let's just jump into it and be like okay let's try something a little different so maybe I won't go with the Hoppers method and we'll make this stuff so the first thing we need is one of those which is the uh the essence stuff the benetite me and my pronunciations I tell you actually uh running sort of low on this stuff a little bit I guess still haven't wrapped my head around the whole balancing you know we just we just pick up Luke and use what we can but uh I'll get it with time what are your favorite mods you found so far in the game I mean let's rule out all the all the Vault mods I really like the uh sophisticated backpacks pretty cool like that one was it that surrounded with that there's your knowledge core and then you need some of that knowledge essence actually if I recall correctly doesn't it make seven yeah so I didn't need all of that heart we've got a knowledge star consumption and then open this thing up and we'll go for pipes bam research done just like that pulled the trigger how much do they cost now I noticed there's a plus five so that went from four to nine whoa pricey gotta make your choices gotta make wise choices these are worth looking over again now they apply so much more to our uh situation power quality of life Vault Compass is one a lot of you want me to make I think I should make that as well right go on then we are really we're really slimming our supply of that stuff now so I'm gonna need the Vault diamonds again and then the essence and do can do oh do that first oh yeah and the last bit is that yeah a lot of people asked me to make this last stream and I kept saying like nah that'll be all right and then and then I totally wasn't all right and it kind of hit me yeah like you're good until you're not I have a way of moving around the vaults where I'm good but if I just get turned around in one moment that's it that's the end of it I generally like struggle to uh get back on top of where I am because the Vault rooms they look so similar there's not much of like a bearing Point unless you make one yourself okay is that the Vault compass that should really that should really have a fancy texture oh that's that's pretty good that's reasonable so I didn't even check that first like that could have been but oh dang it I could have been behind a pricier wall there so what was it we wanted iron with the red stone [Music] and I think it was the diamonds and the netherite ingots yes okay [Music] thank you uh just click that like this we have a vault Compass guess where it's going straight in the backpack something useful to use at a certain point in time it is not allowed in the backpack apparently what is this I mean maybe there's a really good reason why not [Music] but I can't think of what it is I'm kind of in this pattern now of grabbing stuff out the backpack so I need to remember to grab that before I go does anyone know why that's that way around I'm level 53 and I haven't unlocked the compass mod I mean you don't need it it's not necessary to progress like if you're really good at navigating then it works right X first stream back after a couple of years what have I missed says Huey after a couple of years what has happened in the last couple of years Goodness Me 20 2023 has been a wild year for me I guess the big thing I'm going to tell you the only thing I should be telling you I think it's on my be right back screen right is that I uh I finally recorded that record that I that I wrote years and years ago over you know 12 years ago some hot decaf yeah um so the one big thing I'll point you at is the fact that I've made that record and you can listen to it for free [Music] oh God that's some really good hot decaf yeah and if you want to find links to anything I've made a all the things I do in one place website very simple just you know hey you want to watch clips of funny moments bam here's the playlist do you want to watch The Myth busting series you know you want to hear my music click on this link you want to find out and listen to my talkie Channel there you go there's a link maybe put that compass on a shelf or an item frame next to the portal to make sure you don't forget it that is a really great tip really good tip I think I'll do it with an item frame we'll go a little vanilla on that one yep that will hopefully remind me to take it it doesn't do its spinny thing when it's on there that's a really good idea you can shift right click the Vault Compass to set it to a new location like a lodestone oh interesting interesting uh we got curls of Doom here for 26 months say many months many changes here's a quote for this month the route to calm isn't to imagine that the worst won't come to pass is to teach ourselves that the worst can be endured hmm very interesting I was recently just listening to a podcast with uh Sam Harris and there are a few moments in there that really really like solidified in my mind and like engaged me and um it was one bit was about longevity [Music] about living to your like 100 as if you know living living for a long time is is sort of mitigating the suffering of death right but it kind of made this point where it's like maybe maybe much of the suffering we associate with death and the pain is actually what happens in our lives because when you're if you live to be 120 you know you've probably outlived all of your friends right and you've probably outlived all of your youth from the things that you could do like able-bodied wise and so like none of us can actually avoid any of these things that will happen to us even if we're trying to like live forever so to speak [Music] and so learning learning to like accept and deal with those things is huge because none of us can like get away from those things in life Anonymous thank you for gifting a sub to 47 m4d very kind to you to do that and uh you know keep the Poetry coming my dude I love it jersey'd one two three says heyx the only reason you didn't upgrade your second backpack was a missing POG you picked up a Pog on your last run mate yes yes we did um but we can't make backpacks yet right so until like my thinking was essentially this until I start to really use the double pouch there's not much me need but I'll um I'll double check that because we might need the POG for other stuff I I yeah it requires backpacks so we're not really There Yet now let's get back on track we're doing a little bit of building uh gonna make dropper so that's Redstone and Cobble [Music] how many of these do I want to make probably not nine Lots but you know we'll see that stuff and this stuff next [Music] I mean the loot belt when talking about the pog [Music] yeah I don't know what you mean then okay um oh where'd the dropper go [Music] let's make a stack to begin with probably probably will end up using a bunch more also like what are the other ingredients there oh some mechanism stuff I guess gas is probably from the mechanism mod all of that makes sense uh that's wait free what I put four there we go uh-huh um I think we need to start with a little bit of building just a little little bit some of these into place [Music] your armor has seen better days yes yes it has yield envelope the plan is to uh to upgrade eventually I need to get rid of ah some of this leftover stoniness I guess you might say where I'm building very nice oh was that it that was it I I just took what was there didn't like look at the count where's my stone cutter does that work on this I mean technically it's not Stone right there we go that's the one block I wanted to place the one block okay so then I feel like um like actually let's go one block higher and maybe I should have done this from here first there we go [Music] oh now there's two things I like to do when I stream I'm guilty of not doing one is finishing my drink while it's hot that's always satisfying the other is reading more of chat how about we combine these things together so the idea is for that to then lead in this direction but I do feel like you're gonna need like Center guard rails and stuff not sure quite where they come about right anyone know the command for keeping inventory off the vaults uh it's not keep inventory true like the vanilla one there is a a special one for it right [Music] a modded game rule that addresses it but I can't remember what it was Queen tail says oh sorry Queen tally says gonna listen to your music now X go for it [Music] yeah on the POG thing just uh I think I think whoever's sending you those messages didn't understand what I was saying basically you cry patch day yes today is patch day but uh it's not out yet so we're we'll be upgrading later in the day TBN asked us I wonder how many times x will fall off the stairs while reading chat hopefully not too many hopefully not too many oh man I'm really I'm really enjoying this uh bevy oh let's talk food for a second do you know what I did yesterday I cooked my chili barbecue beef and go got the refine the recipe slightly more garlic no tomato different barbecue sauce oh it really hit the spot like it it captured that amazing as the Pizza flavor that I like but I cooked it in a pie right with pastry now the pastry was sweet pastry and it really it really did like interfere with the experience it was like that that flavor shouldn't that sweetness shouldn't be there but it confirmed to me that pastry is probably gonna fit really well so now this this little recipe of mine this little my own little thing that I've put together based on something else I liked it's now like I think I found like one of its forms which will be a pie oh it was it was so so good so good I got half of it to eat uh today and then some leftover chili for the next couple of days too I'm just really stoked that I've made my own little recipe and I like it you know it's an assumer I got a picture of it I might post that on my channel when I remember to do that so I'll be sharing a picture of it at some point uh we need a light source up here just realized like it's a little bit gloomy in this area I I want to use some of those sconces that I saw [Music] was it called a sconce or maybe I only had one and I put it on the wall foreign [Music] sconce leather it's like a redstone one that's really like straightforward recipe [Music] I will make a stack of them excuse me I've got some burps now I've slurped all that coffee chili beef pie it's it's barbecue chili beef laughs homemade barbecue sauces Heavens as Castle Becky yeah it is I I never knew that orange was in barbecue sauce though like that's that's where it gets some of its kick from uh assumers listening to some Doom OST last night and I found this gem roses are red demons are nocturnal hello be thy infinite but Doom is eternal what do you think ah those lyrics are great I like it TB in allwoods is how am I doing today terrific um I had a nice long walk then did it went for another run on the treadmill knees are feeling great um trying to work on getting my resting heart rate down so I went I went um did I did a interval thing you know jostling between seven and ten miles an hour and uh and then stayed in in that fast Zone at the end for like two minutes straight I haven't done running like that in quite some time so it feels good to be progressing again these things should probably be in my backpack there we go that was a simple what's the other one lemon now that we've actually got that it gives me the option when I'm in the vault to do that okay so I feel like we need the Flint blocks next we are unfortunately getting a little low on them the tiles are nice I think I have to put those in there and turn them into that or I could use a pipe anyway so this might obscure the entrance to this room but like we want to embrace some of that from time to time foreign Ted by the sconce I think that one pillar actually that looks really sturdy to me like I like that it doesn't feel like it needs anything extra and then little gaps like this they need filling in but we just don't quite know where that's going yet so I do on the floor in this area to be different material oh and that reminds me we have this stuff right I like those why why is one of those 48 and the others are all 64. can I can I shim sham them up into here yes yes I can okay Alex says Exit space is starting to look super nice Meanwhile my VH base is just four Birch planks balls of Windows a glass door no roof build that roof man build that roof it's just one step you identified the problem now we've got to address it gotta take action right if I go to lanterns I think yeah I think I really like these ones here I would like to use them again okay then when I come over here look we've got all of these blocks not really sure if it's actually right for the spot we're about to build though I just I don't I don't want this to be too domineering having the um sort of dark texture over and over again maybe we say like this is the last room we do with that and then everything else has to be different and I'll give myself some time to think about uh what else we can do as well which is important can we use pipes like on this side I don't actually know how to that's not it is it I actually know what the recipe for this is plating oh wow okay this entire time dang it sorry whoops this entire time those have been kind of like easy access and I've not realized it foreign right now it's going to be about that wide get all of that back ah and now we've got a full inventory oh look yeah some of it didn't get cooked that makes sense so yeah we need a bit of a floor pattern up here but I think I'll I'll put these blocks in for now and then change it up a little bit later I so desire and then I think somewhere I kind of want to have change and I like the look of these or maybe it could be like a step down type thing I've got an idea now thank you yeah I see how this is coming together I've got an idea all right let's rip out some more of this oh uh oh looks like we're going to a cave back here I also brought like a lantern thing with me and I've got no idea where to put it that being said you know there are times when this automatic uh backpack stuff is like really useful in fact I'm not using those so anything I'm not using can just go up here for the moment huh um so this one here [Music] I don't know quite what it's going to connect through down below [Music] I like that like that a lot actually [Music] and then do that again maybe here [Music] I think it makes sense if like you had one of those walls that match the texture or is at least darker because there is too much of a contrast so if we go grab I just noticed oh wait it popped them off because they were reliant on the Block below it railing I thought it was called wall for some reason so there's probably like uh you know blackstone's pretty close then there's also deep slate I think I'll go with the Deep slate [Music] so I grab me some of that and put it into here [Music] let's have a look deep slate was it deep slate railing [Music] railing Blackstone oh so you do it like that and that's silk touched interesting so deep slate bricks and iron I thought we made them in here before [Music] gosh right that's gonna go in there wow my voice my word right sorry if all of that was disgusting or that throat noisiness sometimes it's just uh how it is [Music] um yeah and then over here right we can also make yeah this is what I was thinking so [Music] probably actually need quite a few of those and then I want them as slabs and there's no one there's not one here that particularly mixes in that well with it if you ask me might be a good idea to turn to site like a stone [Music] do we have a similar texture no no extra texture has been added for that one or that one huh whatever grayish blocks do we have like tough might have one foreign [Music] there it is there it is that's what we're after uh so let's go build this thing out right so we did hello we've got a visitor and have a light source here and a light source here maybe and maybe just one over here too I'm gonna make this one a little higher I like that um we'll need we need more of those as we progress so then for this bit have it come down half a block and then the floor and be like so huh then we need to kind of like build up the uh the look of the Furnace here so these walls can be something different eventually I think we're just gonna we're gonna have like a forward-facing furnace here at the end and then put all the other stuff into it all the trickery and the magic with the automation okay I'm gonna hang that here and there so the area is lit for now maybe not going to do this all in one go right we're probably done then with our lighting sources and the blast furnaces are good but they don't smell everything right so we probably just want some regular furnaces to begin with [Music] oh yeah I want to use those sconces somewhere and in this stuff oops I put it in there by mistake this stuff I want to use okay there we go looking much healthier now much much healthier [Music] all right so how does this thing work I don't know but I want to use it in Junction with either barrels or chests I think for now we'll go with some chests um yeah now it's just real experimentation time I guess let's grab a fuel source and something that we want to smelt as well so let's make some assumptions about oh we're going the wrong way what we're doing here ginger cat Productions cool name I like it thank you ever so much for your Prime subscription hope you're enjoying the stream having a good time you know what I reckon probably want that there have a little Courtyard thing might as well finish this off then and then your your smeltery setup is right here there are different furnaces like deep slate oh a deep slate furnace now do they act the same way or just have a different texture I would guess it's just a texture thing in which case like we should leverage that to make the place look more interesting let's go ahead and grab Blackstone and deep slate foreign [Music] vanilla it actually works for both doesn't it yeah they made those changes they're good changes Quint says they are different textures okay right so let's start with the experiment which is okay we've made this thing like this is classic like you wanna you wanna put something in the middle right but you want it to be a double chest let's let's do our experiment without getting worried about those semantics so maybe maybe we end up doing something like this where we put a chest one side here chest over there I don't know like just just do it a little a little different than you might initially expect uh we also need like a fuel chest there is going to be like multiple chests there I also don't want to make the assumption that they the items need to go up to down because of the pipes right so let's go ahead and maybe actually we need a little bit more space here try that one there and say you're going to put the fuel in no I I might need to get that tool related to this mod because we're probably going to need to configure stuff I'm making a ton of assumptions here so a stick and Flint we have exactly two flint good stuff and once again they're at the imagery a little bit uh that stuff too we're done with the floor good so okay I was kind of expecting ah transfer four items every 20 ticks is that the same rate as a hopper okay and in here right so it's like I think that makes it one way now that works for me that's that's great don't know how it works with multiple uh inputs maybe it goes until one's full and then moves the other that's also fine it didn't actually do that ha you'd think after it finds something's full it'll move on to the net oh wait that might be the reason why okay so that works pretty well oh I like the textures next thing we're going to do and we're probably gonna find now that this is yeah we've we've done the test of uh down to up sort of so now we're probably gonna find this can go in there ah now then I have to configure this as an exit so it needs to go like that as it will do for each of these and then we should see that when it's melted so yeah pretty basic pretty straightforward that's really nice that's a sort of intuitive kind of easy to use mod I'd say I'd say if these textures were a little nicer that like they don't really fit into the Minecraft game I've noticed that like sometimes when you do technical stuff like the technical mods they just don't really give you like like the create mod really gives you textures that fit in this is just very like sort of bland and bit like an eyesore I would like to be able to like work this in so what we're going to build here and I think I can see how we could it just might not look good we'll try and use additional blocks to help us here so I didn't expect that to rip all of them out but it did here's what we're going to do we're gonna place our furnaces at this height here [Music] and we're going to go with a sort of deliberately you know whatever that is layout however many that is just so not everything's always symmetrical right even though I'm giving this a nice even layout then we're actually going to embrace the fact that we can see this right here I need our wrench next the real rickety wrench after this project by the way we're going to do a run I think I'm gonna stay on on this beat forever now the location of the chest is fine I do think the chest probably doesn't suit the aesthetic but uh that can be that can be worked on let's just move this out of the way for now maybe maybe actually I will finish the Aesthetics of this today I was kind of thinking like give it a break give it some time to to sort of breathe and come back to it but actually I'm kind of like quite in the mood I really wanted to use these blocks as well in the area and just wondering if these walls over here could be made with this stuff how do you make it as well [Music] actually that's okay we can make more of that that's interesting I'll let slight different uh texture variations going on [Music] I think that works probably needs like a block to kind of cap it off same thing over on this side then really um except it's going to be sort of left floating that was a real mouth squishy noise wasn't it see then it looks a little awkward down at this level but uh who knows did anyone tell me is there a texture or sorry a block shape that is uh how can I describe it I've used it before in modded it's like a panel and a panel and then a line between them could kind of give you a little like diagonal diagonal prop like imagine uh imagine it being on like a roof and a wall there's a name for that thing there we go plenty of that stuff to finish off the job also like how did you you have to do oh stone cutting it's right here oh we haven't used many uh trapdoors in here have we and speaking of that I've got this here as well okay giving ourselves some options Palisades says kaplex that is not a name that resonates for me as being the thing that I'm looking for it is also not according to this like a frame block no no it's like a shape right like a imagine a square panel in the middle Square panel in the middle and site between them like a diagonal um not a slope like Not Another Not Like a half block across like a panel on panel not taking up the full block and a line between them like a support it's like a support basically is that called a brace a brace or a support yeah see that's not quite it but that's a bracket there you go that's what I'm thinking of decorative blocks ah got it right and do we have one for like dreamwood um Driftwood is probably a good match [Music] let's go and build this so Driftwood planks then we've got a bunch of those now I don't know if these are the ones that I played around with but I seem to recall there being some where you could like tweak them by right clicking on them that's the wrong texture that's that's the one was thinking of and every it really looks like the thing where you can we did it on the create mod didn't we had the ability to then sort of change I think it was a create thing I think it was something you can create because we played with that Modpack recently and that's where I learned about this special block that you could place and like tweak and change as you went along but I don't see it here right click with ax says couple X now I need an ax now I need an act wait can I use this Love It Well Done complex well done that is what I want here and then just leave one odd like that that's good that's that's really helping with that I think this might get ripped out and turn into a different material at some point in time oh that's the support block right um sheet metal they all sort of can I rotate them much what I think you can so yeah that's that's kind of the direction we're going in yeah like I said it needs something on top of it can that thing be rotated as well [Music] you can you can change that but I kind of want it to come from the the bottom if I were to use it here right so then the ceiling actually I feel like the ceiling could just be sheet metal too and then those supports would look really good to hold it up [Music] uh let's though let's not get too carried away and just finish finish up some important let's say fundamentals so I kind of pictured that and then using trap doors in front of them it's my idea but we encountered oh you're telling me you can't open and close that's a bummer that's a bummer unless it's done with redstone it's probably done with redstone so now we're down to these Twisted ones which kind of fit in just about anything is going to be a little bit limited on Choice here we also need a terminal somewhere huh [Music] I think it's gonna have to go there [Music] this is called inventory I keep calling it a terminal Russell would thank you ever so much my dude for your 26 months of support greatly appreciated thank you for continuing to support the channel and using that Amazon Prime subscription thank you thank you thank you yeah peeps if you've got an Amazon Prime you want to support me or anyone else you're on Twitch you can use it to get a free twitch subscription so we're going to put it there and then it's obviously going to go across and it just needs to go around the back to that bit so this will this will probably get changed at some point in time just due to its currently uh awkward position let's say [Music] this is where I need my little detached cam just uh see around the corner and stuff so how many blocks back am I going like we're gonna be there we're gonna go one two three probably means I'm in the right spot it's good oops I broke one I miscounted then hey look some lapis take that okay so this thing will go overheads then it will come down and we've connected another terminal very good I need to put some things away because we keep accumulating junk there we are and a little bit of dirt pretty close to being done with this build project now I'd say uh trapdoor is what I wanted to look for we do have a bunch that one probably won't actually fit in let's find out what the mod offers or the mod pack so I don't think I've got these yeah you need oh just any wood goes through and becomes well that's easy then let's take some jungle I didn't realize it was oh what happened there didn't realize it was that simple I thought it needed a particular wood type I was looking it up before you see and it was like oh I can't do that because I don't have the right wind time oh yeah uh gotta disable the magnet for a second and then we go through and get it back the perfect dessert is affogato apparently someone in chat decided to declare I mean is it perfect in every situation is there a playlist of x's stream music not a playlist but uh you can go to my website and I think you can I think it's linked on the link tree it's on the link tree as well um you can you know go to a page that tells you all the artists and stuff like that zukio's music is on on Spotify and stuff though so you probably you'll probably have some luck heading over there looking for it it's pretty sure it's on there right um is that enough probably yeah I might change this up with some other textures because it doesn't it doesn't fit that well right now but it's like a work in progress I guess actually that oh there's a good idea can those be made into a chest again I have to come all the way back here just to use a crafting bench I should really get more of those spread out a little bit we can indeed right that's going to be our chest in the room peeps I'm absolutely bursting to go to the Loo so um you know I will be right back basically [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] needed a reminder to hydrate we just got one hmm good good [Music] all right I was just thinking while I was tinkling uh you never really get like good Alternatives in mob packs to crafting bench textures you've always got that same texture that's why I haven't like plopped it down everywhere is because it just looks out of place a lot of the time you know anyway uh so what we're going to do is rip that out and then we'll have one of these and one of those I feel like actually maybe making it that way around and then we'll have to go around the back the next one yeah just about also another thing is just you always see the gaps right dang it oh do you know what might go might go a little bit better than those trapdoors in this area oh okay there is there is apparently there is a mod that uh you know adds different crafting bench textures not surprised I just never seem to notice it or see it is that better than what we just had Rusty trapdoor is the wrong one isn't it [Music] or maybe just a mix just do like a mess around with it again just because I think those are I think those are actually really quite a nice little details to have when you do all this stuff it's just quirkiness basically it's like we'll have two there again and then we'll do the other type there they are it's one problem with the dark UI is when you use dark textures they uh can stand out as much do they 'll notice though there is some sort of pattern to that some deliberate distribution [Music] okay so around the back here we've correctly done all of that it does connect to that chest even though it's a bit tricky to see the next thing is fuel I haven't actually considered where fuel would come from but I immediately know where it will it's gonna come from over here and it'll be a barrel because the barrel takes up a whole block so we put our sticks into there and then they go around the back I wonder if there's like an auto Crafter there is from some mod or whatever there always is like a basic Auto crafter because it could compress our sticks for us but I don't see it and it doesn't matter anyway so somewhere around the back here there it is so we also got to bring uh this thing along okay uh use that yeah it's taking those out which is what we want and then it'll put them into all of these cool and as we come around here I need to fill in this stuff so we haven't done the top bit yet so that covers all of that up at this level that is also one way we want it to extract and insert all the way across to there don't go too far and then the gaps I think I can now that I've said it I've got to change it now that I've said it I've got to change it actually maybe it'd be cool to put like a light block up there or a partially lit block What's a like one of these again just thinking what's a sort of light emitting block we've encountered that doesn't put out like a full blast this pipe mod has round robbing settings oh how do you get to those then I don't mind I actually for distribution of the items to be smelted round robin is important as for fuel we'll probably just keep it filled up magma blocks what a suggestion what a suggestion ah they're easy to go get from the never though right oh and it gives it like a little heat you know the heat of the Furnace that kind of feeling okay so uh if we're gonna do that we have this whole set up for a reason and I would probably be wise once again to ditch some of these materials we're getting we're getting really close to being done with most of this stuff yeah I can come back and fish the fuel and stuff out I don't think we're gonna throw down a smithing table in there and we're done with our furnaces so there we go we never used any sconces though I want to use these okay these are going to be like part of the base I'm gonna leave them around to remind me of that Banger background music says Iron Man's glad you like it is this the uh is this the newest izukio record there was a new one if I recall correctly I didn't write about it on my blog I've stopped writing about his music as much decided like did that for a long time and I still enjoy it here and there but I think I want to put my time into other things now hard to let go of something like that when you've done this for so long oh must have come for a different portal or something I really need to eat so the best place to get magma is actually probably not where I'm heading yeah it's it's into the netherways so you get these like little deposits of it that's probably better and you don't have to worry about the little pockets of lava as much around here or the magnet helps do some of the work and there you go we just collected a whole bunch okay it's a bit hairy [Music] quick little trip wasn't it [Music] very quick finally I caught your streams as mad Henry oh mad Henry always up to Mad things never able to catch a stream I see how it is welcome to stream my dude um yeah let's let's get let's get this thing finished we're so close so like these can all go here and replace what was before it I do want to try and maintain the integrity the cave structure to some extent right that's why I'm leaving those bits like that I feel like that roof could probably probably be improved a fair bit anyway right I am itching to do a vault I'm sure many of you are we're getting there we're getting there peeps now we're not because I'm dang it let me over there we go uh all right let's see so we want to oh yes this is why we went and got Magnum blocks we want to potentially am I yep right at the end yeah gonna do that all the way across okay that's good to be filled in then we just need this cable here finished that's the back of the thing done definitely missing some blocks here that probably need to be filled in background to the front all looks good right I think that works right then we need oh do you know what the magma looks really good up there looks like it belongs it might have actually looked better at the bottom but the Bottom's got the rusty plate so then we want to grab these and our magma blocks are not actually really emitting light you have to put another light source with it I think aha very good needs more odds and sods little little things that just you know add at those odd details like why is that there doesn't matter don't think about it especially at the top here I feel like oh yeah we got this for a reason right like ha and then one there that's definitely doing us some good I'd say really loving that actually that's turned out great but in pipe upgrades okay so at pipe the round robin is the one improved Advanced ultimate Infinity basic so I don't know where and how they go and I don't know which one does round robin built a destination tool click on a block to set a destination that sounds like it would be really powerful at some point [Music] those UFO lights are amazing says Tim Tam yeah I wouldn't have called them that but now that you've said it I I totally see it Advanced and up so is it just automatically round robin yeah I'm not gonna make that because I don't have a lot of opal so now we are actually done with placing blocks let's put all of that away we get to shimmy some things into our backpack uh we're getting ready for a run here [Music] I feel like if I distribute items a little clearer like leave spaces around them it's easier to notice something and grab it so I'm gonna put those two there like they're gonna be uh super helpful Vault Compass The Vault Compass is on the entrance at the moment right so let's actually make use of this thing okay so here's how we're gonna make use of it in fact I'm going to take that stick stack and I'm going to do this until I can automatically craft it I'm just going to use sticks because all I've got to do is just drink it out of here like that a little bit of full inventory issue there no problem do some manually for now [Music] which should actually help a lot because we want to see this thing fully set up yet are they all are they all there now I think they're like all there then that means yeah that's as full as it can get so that's all working as expected and then the thing that really needs the round robin effect is the next bit that I'm going to do so we want to grab all of that and have it smelted now we'll get done with time but until we have ah I know I'd solved that problem let's go trapdoor I didn't think about that when I was making it I want to take that Rusty trap door okay so that one's fine that's the output it's just this one here put that there now the issue is it's only the first furnace until it has a stack then the second one and then the one after that etc etc and we should then see that this yet starts to get used so all working as intended just that round robin would make it you know really more efficient but that's fine [Music] Dragon Cry game says halfway through episode 10 of the vods can't keep up thanks for reigniting my interest in the back oh that's cool to hear that's cool to hear well you know I just had a thought like uh in the world of slabs are there sheet metal slabs that's an easy way to do this with a stone color I should probably put a few more of those lying around as well if I just grab these no there's no slab types right okay that saves us doing another thing we need to get prepared for the vault to get prepared okay yeah I had another thing I wanted to query which was just sticks oh we actually are collecting sticks we're not avoiding them that's good it's good while I remember do this in the crafting bench and it makes your life a lot easier okay press it again there we are plenty of stacks of that okay um repair calls is the next thing we need a little concerned about that I think what I might do is switch over some armor rather than repair it just because it was so was it costly I think it was costly I did hold on to some stuff that was sort of similar like the increased tack damage and the cooldown reduction isn't bad but like we've been suffering a little bit with the Mana so I want to hold on to that I guess yeah that doesn't seem to scale well but was that our old one I think that was our old one I've just held on to for some reason again like 30 plus Mana there are some really strong stats we are holding on to there what do I actually need to repair like boots might be the easier one to get swapped over there is an empty suffix I think could possibly go with swapping the boots or what about the helmet which doesn't actually need replacing hmm [Music] decision making I'm bad at it okay maybe maybe we'll try and make more repair calls let's find out oh it's actually over here what was it that was um was it that I don't think it was actually now I look at it I don't think anything was really holding what's holding me back I thought something was holding me back from making this stuff I didn't look too expensive what did it want scraps uh the pay night stuff look we've got loads of it essence and then scrap okay so first of all we're gonna need like 6 12 18 of that oh we can make it and let's go one two three four five six we'll have one in reserve [Music] uh and then I guess and let's let's just drop that stuff back down to what it's usually stored as that it I think that's it for making these things dang what did I think that was so expensive there you go easy then okay I guess the annoying thing is if you get a drop that replaces your armor again soon after you just like spent a a pack or on it but you know also my sword is getting close so we have four I might just work out where did I leave my anvil over here [Music] there it is that's the second time we've done that I guess we really do have to replace that then at some point and give up some of that damage all right and for the backpack repair core next to an anvil would be a good idea I think we're ready for a run you know now uh we want to use that thing that we got earlier the eye of avarice so this is going to unmodifiable looter's dream so no no trap chest so we'll be doing a chest run which actually runs contrary to our current to our current objectives so do we do a run where we just try and complete our bounties first what do you think chat I think we do the Bounty run first and then do the other one after it'd be nice if we had a bounty that's synergized with our next objective okay gonna take that with me now I'm gonna get all of this prepared so we've got the things that we want on the hot bar one slot spare do I need to trinket if I'm going to do a run for chests with the this thing then I guess it makes sense to use a trinket so we won't use a trinket on this run because we're gonna go for oars and hopefully find a room where we can kill the advanced ones so I think I think we're probably going to avoid avoid the main objective and explore a lot more in this one more runs Bounty for sure and elixir seal and what's the Elixir seal Elixir seal Elixir Rush oh that does that turn it into yeah you make the type ah I've forgotten about that so if I if I have an objective to complete a run there we go that okay that makes so much sense we'll use the Elixir seal on the next one that being said there's actually stack like once you use this on your Crystal can you then put the other one on top of it it's a great idea let's go and add it now that I understand what that is also if I make one of those other seals can I make it one where I'm more likely to get these um the The Vault the tier 2 mobs so like Hunter the Guardians sounds that no this is the objective isn't it it's about manipulating the objective Kate can't yeah okay I think basically we're ready to go in right should we go in oh and by the way 20 was this did I read no I did read that one out I just noticed the noises in there okay let's go to standing mode I've been sat for too long Catalyst oh my God I haven't actually made one yet yeah right let's do this all right I'm standing up [Music] okay um we have to grab go up here grab one of those you could use an augment at some point just just for the sake of like finding out what it looks like leaves Netherrack oh here's the thing [Music] all right I'm gonna have to go get some pork chops [Music] not sure if I've got enough leaves probably short by one six lapis and then Netherrack and then we go get some pork choppies all right uh what do I need there's more good for going into the Vault and then I forgot oh yeah I need a crystal man a little Crystal uh I need some iron for some shears actually got some shears already again something that could just be left in there the backpack um put my wings on good [Music] okay potatoes I got them biggie have fun and now I need your pork chops oh there's a point what goes in there now so like how many do I need nine on that I forgot to count how many we needed [Music] shouldn't be an issue after that right uh let's go ahead and put those back and then we need to go up to the surface to get some leaves it should be easy all right [Music] right who's excited for a run did you consider Way Stone yeah I'm gonna need to get the waist stones at some point right keep having to come back up here probably probably really should have done that before the beginning because my mentality is like I don't actually want to come up here and do this I've said it like a bunch of times I feel like my focus is on the vaults and I'm quite disconnected from the world I'm in so I don't really like I don't really actually want to come up here and do like minecrafty stuff it just I don't know it just feels like that's sort of not what I'm playing the pack for so this part of like the progression for unlocking a vault it's just a bit I don't know it's just a bit off to me I don't know I don't know what other way you would balance it like I said if you had a Sky Block experience you could you could really like make it so that that Tech tree that you slowly unlock is relevant in a way where like you want to do more volts you've got to keep progressing along that Tech Tree but at the moment it's like they'll just come out to the world and scavenge a bunch of stuff basically like I've just decided I'm going to scavenge all of this what is that a black lotus I'll just take it anyway just take a bunch of stuff while I'm here I have absolutely no idea why I'm doing this although that might be useful at some point yeah not really raided this thing before have I wow the Aquatic shaders look cool oh my God it goes all the way here I think we've been to that bit of the village and just not realized it's all connected anyway this is not what we're here for I'm just uh pointlessly distracting myself basically there is a sky volts version says Sunshine yeah it doesn't it doesn't work how I thought it would like when I heard that there was Sky vaults I immediately like pictured the SkyBlock experience sort of remeding [Music] remeding the thing that I just described right so now I know that it's not a thing I'm sort of thinking if I were to make my own take on on vault Hunters it would to be to do the Sky Block integration in the way I just described starting to Skyblock worlds you know you build your basic Farms it gives you access to the Vault maybe maybe just like simple early on like combining Cobblestone with something else gives you the Vault Stone and and then from there like you can go into your first fault but then when you come out it's like now you've got to build the next Farm and that's the way I would probably do it this is looking kind of cool like I said it's missing things that are higher up like when we decorate this bit I think we need like a balcony window up there just you need to sort out the height with the build it's all a bit flat but uh we'll get there yeah I'm not sure if that was enough actually [Music] 28 it was good it was good oh yeah I gotta empty my backpack stuff anyway oh yeah and we needed some bushes six okay not accidentally putting anything that we need in there [Music] right so this run is let me just remind myself because we've been distracted run one of two today or maybe more is about finishing our current objectives so we're going to potentially not complete the objective we're going to explore for those mob rooms and and try and find all rooms so it's really about sussing out what room is do we get mobs do we get oars let's take that on let's wrap up those bounties that's going to be our objective today all right oh let's oh yeah where did it go here we go peeps wish me luck Vault time it is yes here we go it's monoliths and it's only six and given the nature of how we're going to explore it actually probably ties in pretty well so when we explore I think it makes sense to just also peek for a monolith right we're literally here to peek through the rooms have not once seen that ever work but we did get to test it last time oh that was not good okay thank you nah it's not ready yet hey I'll take some living chests I'll take some of those because the wooden ones are so common right plus we can pick up a few of those again hi I knew you were coming right don't see a sign of a monolith or an oil room but I want to go over there oh easy there what's through here anything nope nothing going pile yeah I'd say pretty much no monolith up top right oh easy there always you like being the trouble what's the way home cell phone didn't write that in did I what's going on down here oh easy fight down into the bottom area this I mean no sign at all or rooms we'll probably take this living take this living okay and then heal and grab our favorite blocks and then pick up this is that that's not a dead end all right then there's all of this here I don't think there is a monolith to be found basically not in this room so we head out to the next one I gotta do something a little different today um which will probably mess me up I know but now that we've got the Vault Compass I feel a little more comfortable with trying things differently let's just go round the first room to begin with like in a circle so I'll go right again well that works out well for that objective doesn't it right now as for alls and rooms on the side you do really need to explore the Vault to find the rooms on the side that's my only concern oh okay now I'm down here I know you were there somewhere that is that is all isn't it but just hardly any yep hardly any ore one one block there wasn't even the ore okay you are you're a troublemaker yeah I'm gonna head out of here then head out of this room just about just about okay so then I said I would go right again I believe we're going around the the main room this almost looked like a different type of room for a second I don't know something about the way the shading worked in the opening bit oh no sign of that okay I'm gonna go down first on this one keep your eyes out you can help me chat keep your eyes out for those potential uh potential doors that are easy to miss on the sides also look at the minimap for me as well if you want to help because sometimes the mini map reveals things that are not so obvious like you'll see the layout so um yeah you know oh dang it you can help me too and all of that is appreciated of course yeah oh no wrong button that one's a pricey one as well I'm ghost walking look you don't even notice me it works oh hang on a second this is tricky oh my words okay I don't think there's anything down here so I'm gonna head out of here [Music] let's go up next [Music] how do we get up there this way oh right into the crowd boom pile [Music] these are those blocks we were using earlier I just realized dungeons some of you say dungeon in the bottom floor thank you chat oh wait I thought there were three together all right there's a dungeon in the bottom floor and I don't think there's much more for us up here use the water to get down oh there's water there typical right there's a dungeon in the bottom floor where could it be is there water again there is I don't see it on my map uh maybe I have to head down to this level a little bit where is it chat lower level oh well spotted and it doesn't even appear on the minimap right this is Extreme I remember almost getting caught out last time so extra caution [Music] okay all right I can do this I could do this not sure if you can hit me I don't think you can one of the crossbones these are exactly what we wanted oh oh oh oh oh my God I got so lucky came in from behind and I survived dang is that like an Avoca one as well I don't know well I just dodged death one more and that brings us up to 19 wow [Music] okay um [Music] very cautious oh no I've gone the wrong way how lucky was that oh my goodness me [Music] oh yes we did it we got a bounty done that's great oh my words oh my word I should have been death for me I like those blocks I'm gonna drink the vial there we go yeah totally got turned around and uh didn't get that right at all did I okay don't panic this time [Music] oh I can still hit you there and your friends you actually need to do this anymore do I yeah laters latest lads okay um and then I think I want to take what's in this room and let's get out that goes upwards though yeah I think I think I'll push him a luck we got what we needed for we've got other objectives in this stream so uh anything here to grab what's that one that'll do us that was that was sweet we came here we found this with good reason you know we had an objective and uh it works out yeah that'll do me I'll do me don't need to activate that nice very good uh now I don't know what way we're going next like um talk about getting turned around so I know the way that we came in we were doing right hand turns right so I think I go this way next ah but we're alongside the Vault now so that makes sense we now go this way one more cool we got one objective done one of three 15 minutes left I'm not hoping on the well there's that so now we check to see if there's ores and stuff I'll take the gold though I feel a lot or easy to deal with the little guys you've got to watch out for okay any signs of oars I'm gonna head upwards grab the globe oh I wish I'd have done that yeah too late okay lots of husks in this room that's fine I don't think there was too much else to see up there what about down at this level that could that's not all that's chess gilded oh wow yeah I need to deal with two of you as well who are you first which is all right oh my God little guy okay just about dealt with all of that didn't I just about all right that's all of that I'm gonna take this since there's three together cool um no war room right I didn't see any oars okay so now we take that right hand turn up here and now we should be behind the Vault so the next right hand turn would be where the vault is so we can keep an eye out for that yep there it is so we know where we are oh no that was that was okay for a second now it's not foreign [Music] box changes doesn't it that living I think we've got living here good things good things you know one of the things about finding the monolith it never feels like they're really tucked away in a corner I do wonder if just scouting the area is good enough it never feels like find it nestled under something you know anyway I'm doubtful with 12 minutes left we're gonna get another Bunch but who knows we're looking for where's the weight down in this room okay this might be it oh look there you go [Music] how much get out of this place oh I'm in a dead ends just gotta hit the little guy the little guys the terror okay let's go this is not what we're here for I don't think we're gonna find oars and stuff uh which way do we come from up there okay free to go you know what maybe we can do this maybe we can I need to pick up the pace a little bit I believe we came in that side that's where the vault is so now we're going this way emergency oh I'm preparing buddy oh this is nice and open feel like you might not really need to explore this one too much to see where you're going the next area there it is oh my God it was to my left wow I didn't see any ore and I think at this point like we'll take them on a lift since we're pretty good we're doing pretty good even right into the next area so now the the room is on our right two more to go nice big open area again [Music] right so this should be blocked off yep that's correct we know where we are kind of Handy that method going around the Vault because you're close to it if you need to get out quickly and you can get those confirmations of how close you are to it as you go right no sign of all up here or uh or the monolith so now we head down living chests I might come back for I do too many at once there thank you oh my what okay right [Music] I can come back here and take these oh that is not what I needed right now to be poisoned oh yikes I'm gonna drink another one don't like they're being that low yeah I think we're done I think we're done in this area let's get out of here foreign so we were right alongside it which means we need to go in a straight line now and then the next right hand turn will actually take us back into the very first room okay I need to mark it again oh man I really want I really want to get this monolith challenge now just two to go gilded oh oh I killed it I killed it with a punch not with my swords wow so one more [Music] is that it just that chest oh there you go here it sounds like a very unpleasant death nearby I was having a bad day what's going on over here hanging out on the cactus are we three together I'll take it and then heal yeah not feel I don't think it's up here so let's head down I tried to land in the water not the cactus hey let's get out of here so was this the one where the right hand turn is now going back onto a room we've already done I think it was okay so we came from that side that's the way home we want one more [Music] ow so we're now like out by one essentially so we need to take the right hand turn to go back on ourselves [Music] oh my God this looks this looks challenging you nice have actually hit them and deal can deal with the big guy it's the little guy so I wanted to get the little guy on the chaining there we go [Music] all right that was worth it potentially got a new sword oh that's going to bring in more mobs Now isn't it that's another thing that helps you get around quicker is not opening chests and getting these guys after you I guess is this a orb no no there's chess what I'm about okay oh ornate first time oh and a room we don't have a key for that though do we six minutes I'm pretty confident we're gonna do this now just one to go right yeah that's one that's an a scallion room we're done eating we just need to heal okay okay where are we at we've not fully explored this room and I don't think we explored anything down below I actually kind of Forgotten already overnight where we're at with this room let's try down below this feels different Point pile is that it is there any more ah nothing here this room feels like a dud so I think I said at the beginning we need to take the next right hand turn because we're one out from the beginning room yeah this this is not going anywhere is it hey I want to get out of here oh that's not a way out okay but I could make it into one right so I need to take the right hand turn up here okay now the right hand turn will go back towards the very first room that we came into so I may or may not need to do that just depends what happens in this room foreign we found so little oars it's crazy whoa whoa going wild living stuff is there another one there's another one um right was that the no that wasn't the monolith that was just this okay unless it's up there I think we'll we'll give it a pass and head down three minutes three minutes remain oh the guy with a bow concerns me okay there's there's some strong mobs behind us now I think I'm just gonna head out here I don't think it's in this room oh hell okay let's try something different for once emergency exit some Falling Sand may just save me big time okay um so I said right hand turn to go back to the room we've already been into think so now we're going to go forward and then we need to take a right hand turn into the room we haven't been into and then another right hand turn three minutes it's now it's now not looking so good is it it's a pilot up there no particle effects I don't know whether to trust that or not it's I've we've not had a single successful hit with using that ability like never has it worked for me I've got to admit it makes me feel like um it's not what I think it is or something hey hey [Music] before they got it I've already been here I am a room closer than I thought I was that's interesting okay so now we've got to try this room back here wow I really have to like hit this and then run like it's got to be here a big open room can't do much better than that right or a monolith oh dude come on so close two minutes remain ah oh ghost walk actually kind of totally forgot how helpful that can be which way did I come from did I even mark it oh my God don't tell me I didn't mark it because I was in such a rush probably didn't mark it did I oh man we're so close just need one more I don't think we're gonna get it in this room uh what on Earth let's use the compass I'm gonna go that way I was already on the right side ah it's a bit of a bummer to come we got up quite quite quickly as well right like we got up to that fifth one and then no luck no I've got to go that way and then left so this was the first room that we came into right yeah there it is oh well oh well we did one of the objectives we set out to do sometimes you get them sometimes you don't just got a little turned around somewhere towards the end there which is understandable still got some XP level 39 and we'll get more XP from over here cool um and then we have the benetite so now they're both just mining so like do I want to do a mining run well thing is we uh we have that gem to get to do a different objective basically uh where did all that stuff go I guess it went into here so in terms of things that we want to put away manually and stuff let's grab all of that out of here and then do the rest automatically uh putting those away didn't get a crazy amount of stuff really I thought we got I thought we got like a sword roll at one point that might be in the backpack here yeah there you go and another Jewel okay um let's roll the swords considering our sword is on its last leg so we could do a saint good oops [Music] oh yeah did that update Soul flame is that good I don't know I feel like I should take one of those I think I would take the top and the bottom what do you think chat let's check out our swords eleven hang on 17. yeah I'd say both of those are duds basically [Music] take the soul Flame let's do it right to be scrapped to be opens and then the backpack also needs the water bucket and then these things go down here and that thing goes in there right so now [Music] Jules food needs to be on the hot bar and then we just unload and load everything into here uh where are we at this one wow we got a lot of coins on that run a lot of coins and some kiwi things let's just start we get we're getting quite a lot of those removes 10 Max Health you could probably chug a few of those at once Soul flame saves your gear if you die in a vault not useful for a casual playthrough oh well we wasted that then we wasted that I I seem to recall using it in a a recipe a crafting recipe though so maybe it comes in good for something like that at some point okay you go these things all right now you're never going to believe this but uh I need the toilet again so I'm gonna be right back [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the reason I wash my hands is because uh uh soap aggravates me like I have you know eczema a very very well managed eczema might add like it's not a big deal but things like soap really aggravate my hands in fact when I was younger my um my hands got in a right State one day like they all cracked up and lost all their moisture and bled and it was like horrible um anyway I use hand sanitizer because it doesn't aggravate my skin all right now let's uh let's get back on track we're literally gonna jump in and do a second run Venom's rage thank you so much for your Prime subscription 16 minutes ago while I was in the vault hopefully you can forgive me for not acknowledging you then but we were deep in it is this sword Gonna Last another run it's got to do a run where I'm focusing on attacking mobs because we're gonna be raiding lots of uh tests on this next run is the idea it's a bit of a loop run also there is there is this other objective we're always building towards which is this we get these from living chests don't we [Music] I think you get I think you get the keys from living chess let's go look at it again because it is our current objective also like I've got tons of stuff over here again don't necessarily need like a chromatic iron Cleaver not sure how that got over there uh I thought I would have seen it on one of those two pages okay let's try yeah there it is okay okay so black opal I could actually buy a black opal then you need that and enough key pieces [Music] right and then you need a cluster interesting let's see where we're at with those materials select clusters we've only found that's probably not actually I probably don't know ah wait so you get to create the cluster through other gems and this seems to Pivot around the black opal again there's our opal and then we need that so we are actually sure although I could get I could get some of the Soul bag right uh which is in my backpack yeah I want to keep chipping away at this all right let's grab that quickly while it's on offer like that uh don't appear to have any left over from any previous time right to keys for the other thing like six so probably not much point in making one now but we're getting close anyway I'll Chuck those things in there we're getting close so we won't bother with that and now we just need a little bit more um snow dirt coal lever and we get the lever out I think that might be our last bit of lever getting close one two three probably gonna have to start building some farms and stuff now that we've got more of a base here and we've got the pipes thing as well I think that's gonna be all right now yeah this is this is going to be awkward did you carve it and then share it no use the shears on it [Music] um [Music] cheers yeah I'm just thinking this for a little bit I left myself enough to make this I just hope we're in the right biome centrally [Music] the hot biome I got a feeling this thing's gonna die straight away because it's a hot biome [Music] I guess we'll find out I think I'm going to just build this down here in this area as well [Music] select unludge this guy into the corner or something [Music] um I really do have a bit more space here didn't we obviously this is temporary [Music] those banners need to get put somewhere as well like permanent oh that reminds me uh I had an idea I had an idea and got totally distracted so we've got this thing right we've also got this [Music] if I go down here right whenever we build up this platform this is going to be like the little Central spot let's put that on it awesome a little centerpiece for that area [Music] can I think you can fit it inside of that if you push it around enough or you might need a piston let's also make sure this thing can't escape be a good idea I need to press the right button grab that okay you didn't die thank goodness no I think you can get it into this spot with pistons but maybe not without just just get in there a little bit my buddy you know my pal oh there you go you can do it without Pistons nice so now ha and that'll wear down your picking notes if I'm at all Panic moment and I was like oh yeah they go in here now they're going here now there you go there you go problem solved problem solved little farm built you know no biggie oh do I need more than I got four no foreign all right next Crystal are we putting an augment or a seal on this chat is that what we're doing we're putting on the Seal of the sage should we make sure it's a lick to the rush and then we focus on getting chests as a result of that I think that's our plan I need to repair my sword there's the repair core Oh wait we're in the right spot there we go these things not sure where to put them I don't think they suit this area at all maybe they do that'll do [Music] might move them around a little bit with time do we want to do any uh Catalyst infusion as well probably not probably don't want to mix and match that Sage seal and gilded chest a gilded chest why gilded how do I do gilded chest do you mean from the Catalyst because we have no more catalysts at the moment gilded chess anyway Essence Vault Diamond blank seal Eternal Soul disappeared it's like about a soul I think was the last one Eternal Soul right no crafting bench here right [Music] crafting bench oh uh that could actually be a different texture I have an idea oh this won't work will it all the locks are in the wrong place [Music] not a not a stone color right so it's not a stone is what I'm thinking oh and there's that oh that means it's not the same color as I wanted huh uh what about just searching stairs and seeing just about I think that one will work [Music] okay and now we we just need to hide more grafting Adventures here and there ah torture me all right grab that and now I don't remember what it was I was trying to make brilliant it was this okay so we don't want to get this wrong but I think we put that on first then this is that correct gilded chest involt says Cypher what do you mean by that gilded chest and Vault you gotta provide me the full context [Music] would a frame block work for that never use them don't know correct gilded for kill key pieces [Music] did he roll two swords I did roll the two swords [Music] right let's get let's get confirmation do I do it this way around yielded chests provide key pieces got ya got ya so we make it in Elixir rush and then we put that on after or do we do it before see then it says unmodifiable which I believe means it wouldn't work that way around but if this puts a seal on it then we can't use that either [Music] let's try it let's just try it yeah it works remember going on a looting run anyway right so uh -huh Elixir Rush with Lucas dreams so it's all about the Looting on this run so we're going to be fighting a lot of mobs that's for sure do I want item Rarity or item quantity I think I'm going to put item Rarity on it we'll go for that one so we are just chest chest chests and the objective should solve itself so when it comes to navigating the vaults um just all about getting around quickly I think that's kind of it I think we don't have to think about it too much more right chat nothing else to worry about [Music] I need to make a note before we go in here [Music] okay there we go good luck people saying all right good luck it is we're doing it we're doing a run wish me luck well pick welcome to the stream you're joining us just as we get a run going uh West home what's this home we have Lotus dream no trap chests I see a pilot immediately or is that a lodestone it's a lodestone uh Anna Pilon hi uh that's not a good that's not a good start hey right get him get him we are coming out of here with stupid amounts of Luke that is the objective today [Music] come on there we go [Music] down to this spot or Nate I like to double an eight that's gotta be lucky are you feeling lucky punk wait where'd my sword go what the heck [Music] oh my words oh gosh oh my words that was stuffing all right you know I want some of these blocks too right for the base building thing that'll do for now focus on what we're here for getting that XP or Elixir should I say cool I'll do all right keep at it that's that's a whole little circle around the bottom now we go up top oh just like that is that all Nate's no it's wooden and then I see slight yellowy up there it's another pylon two in one room eh two in one room what perk did that give me I made a piggy sound hey pause which is not what actually this this contributes to getting some XP so you know we'll do it is it that big of a room it does seem to be now [Music] right time to get out hey just about which way did we come from that way I believe oh hello ah too late for you probably gilded I like yes this will work this will work come with me my lovelies to another place where we will get your souls [Applause] right does it count I think that counts now we're in range clearly we're in range it's got it it made the beacon sound I just realized uh that one yeah look there's a guy stuck up here you can stay up there dude I love that thanks all right over here two lots to be raided hey what a thing not a thing I don't know it made a nice sound oh do I hear the little guy left over [Applause] oh you're just back there sweet stay there actually do you know what you are you're uh you're Alexa fun I think five minutes in one room and I don't think it'll feel like we've got a lot of Elixir for it that was the entrance um so we're gonna do the thing where we Circle again so we're gonna go to the right so now we're like one room out from the vault what is this game assuming is playing in Minecraft that is Vault Hunters my dude Vault Hunters oh and and load Stones if we get enough but honestly I don't feel like oh I don't feel like we've got enough elixir so far like we've spent a fifth of our time here and that thing is not filled up enough I don't think oh wow wrong button and then I press ghost walk gosh there we go all right this is the top area mostly covered then it's this bit here hey or Nate and goals all right let's scram down into the second bit into the into the bottom area should I say oh it's down here living it's a guy in here with a bow and I don't like it okay they're all dead do the coin piles give us Elixir I'm not sure what they do of course okay good stuff all right oh come on [Music] all right I got a message coming through okay Elixir vaults have a specific item that give a lot of XP and it's different in each fault well if you happen to spot what one is in this one let me know so we we went to the first room we took a right so we've got to take a right again oh wait look what's this over here oh come on disgusting right it's usually random coin piles and wooden chests can give zero Elixir okay right so the Vault room should be on our right hand side it is not quite [Music] I'll do uh these ones do give Elixir but I think it's the items inside of them that are giving the Elixir right and just paying more and more attention to what's going on now mister all the stuff so killing mobs obviously drops Elixir but then some but it was because of the item inside it that one didn't yeah that makes sense [Music] okay and then I think I'm gonna go up there so now we head down thank you hmm just the way down I think we got it hi [Music] so in this one apparently wooden chests and coins are bad so we'll probably avoid coin piles it kind of feels good to pick up Luke and that was sort of the objective to some extent all right those guys drop a fair bit oh come on die already your abomination oh my word hitbox is the worst gotcha all right eventually [Music] those made some nice noises didn't they oops wrong bun [Music] okay more over here [Music] set up and out I think up and out um where were we what room were we in I've honestly I think this is the room where yep that one there so we go straight on over did I go up there no I think I did yeah I did sort of caught my eye you know what we're probably not going to do this let's be frank we need to find some sort of Epic room that gives us load oh speaking of which does this give me elixir no ha ha uh so we might just skip this one and turn right again [Music] I'll try and get a little bit while we're here if this stuff drops like the XP that would be uh potentially good The Elixir should I say yeah but anyway we're out of here [Music] no skip what are we saying so now we're behind the original room that should be blocked off it is yeah that looks good that looks like gildeds we'll uh we'll use this to get up our words and they're gonna drop on my head are they about as typical as you can get or they can drop down and I'll take this cool cool that was risky foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] is the ones we really want ah that made a loud noise play that thing too and want to go up here look I made a staircase for you to come and kill me oh didn't work did it didn't work see you later okay although that is mine yeah there's some feathers down here which of course there is ah my word I can't seem to hit them oh that guy helped out let's go down let's go down let's go down the load Stone down here there you go dude that's what we want oh hello oh you lost spawns I say ish right ow Road oh another one Hey where's where's the third one there's always a third maybe it was wooden this time almost halfway there oh what's this one wooden oh easy it's a guy from behind and a goon ghost oh my God they're dropping on my head what's through here probably nothing almost halfway there of 11 minutes to go we'll keep at it killing mobs is part of the game too there is a thing that oh it's gone away it's my Javelin that's what it was are these ghosts like literally the ghost of another mob which is why they have their sounds maybe they have their like attack properties and stuff too right I think we explored up top on this oh look another gilded hello oh we've already activated this nice so we now need to go to the other room this is this is the one where we're parallel yep that's the Vault and we came in from the left and we leave on the right okay I can handle this another lodestone in the middle [Music] you think you're smart but I am smarter Ozil Nate or Nate mate double and eight maybe our local turner oh my God those ones are the worst it never hit him I know oh they are following me which I shouldn't be you should leave me alone that was good [Music] I don't know what you're wearing in your head but get out of here basically [Music] okay [Music] no one's following me that's good got him should we go around that side I've got to backtrack a little bit as it goes oh this thing just goes all the way around [Music] so we left some spots behind us I think [Music] good good good again it feels like uh we're getting more oh easy it doesn't mean like we're starting to get some more of this stuff going our way well I'm still not confident about actually uh getting enough Elixir though right now for the bottom area I believe oh ghost of a dog I think that was [Music] that's water that's a lot of mobs [Music] God I can hear you're approaching not you are worth a lot [Music] laughs okey dokey next Bunch or Nate we like that right that one's slow in it it's empty [Music] here we go that guy hey oh I think that's most of the bottom area isn't it so good good right where did we come in from it was well that way I've sort of I think we've got to turn right again I think yeah done right so now we're on alongside the Vault again is the idea go this way come on hit me some good chests I'll do let's do next I think we'll leave that because it's just chest that was a poor decision uh let's go down let's just go down foreign hit him already okay into the middle area that guy hit hard thank you all right that's the biggest problem out of the way there okay I'm back in on this side get our gilded seems a bit it's like back here I think he'll spawning [Applause] how much five minutes I don't think we're gonna get it we gotta get Super Lucky Super Lucky but we've had fun and we collected tons of Luke which was oh speaking of getting Super Lucky what if they're worth a lot oh man this might be it let's get let's get ready this might be our Saving Grace impossible does that mean there's like another catch oh God I don't like the look of this one two three oh this might actually be our Saving Grace wait can I get those from here oh my God hang on let's get rid of that then [Music] uh some nice building blocks here cut deep slight okay I I want to be cautious oh this might be the trick I need to be cautious you know okay it's tense these are lovely textures down there you lot better drop just a crazy amount of XP that's what I need from you right now right crazy XP [Music] or should I say elixir one of them's got six left [Music] there we go is that all of it though okay let's raid what we got here this is really nice nicely built room I haven't seen one like this before okay um is that all of them I think that's all of them I kind of want to take some of these blocks they're super nice okay maybe I go down here [Music] maybe we how much time we got left two two minute 40. I don't think I don't think we're getting any more uh Elixir to complete this so why not hello I'll select the right thing right blocks that didn't work that's what I'm talking about we make our own way in [Music] okay where are they gonna come from oh immediate run away oh my God that hit hard that hit way too hard I'm done I'm done I think I think I'm Gonna Get Wrecked if I stay in there wow okay we've not been to one like that before I do need to find the way out of here good run though we've got loads of gear and stuff just uh incomplete The Vault objective right so the vault is that way so there's one room here we haven't gone to and then and then we go to our right anyway uh shall I get something that's probably not even worth I'm just gonna let's just go back one minute 20 left maybe maybe could have I if I were able to block off that last room in time we could have stayed there for a minute and got um a little extra right I don't mind that that was good flee with extra flea yeah that was us today all right stream we uh sort of made the most of it maybe I don't know [Music] all right let's dump in these things that we picked out of that one chest and then scooch these things up to the top but that back over here and oh yeah oh let's see what's in the table still just that and I got myself a sack as well apparently [Music] right didn't complete no bounty available let's see what this one is find seven dream Stone in the vault dreamstone is one of the mining ones right that that strikes me as something that would take a long time to do and the the rewards don't look so great whereas the rolls here might be better I guess it's tubby um no dreamstone's got oh wait a minute dream Stone is quite common isn't it so that seems like a smart one to take if it's just seven I'll take that well there you go objective for a future run all right let's get out all the stuff that we uh right hey we've got loads of catalyst fragments that time [Music] look we've got 15 in that run so just doing a regular run should get us enough [Music] okay then the next one has quite a few Jewels shoveling pulverizing wooden Affinity reach chips durability yada yada heyn11 that's pretty good that's very good actually and then anything else there we're going to open no [Music] so let's go ahead and do our rolls [Music] and then open these [Music] let's check it out uh so we've got a common also a common it's not comparing itself though 11.5 17.5 10 armor slightly better an empty prefix critical hit resistance this if the empty prefix was increased attack damage it would could potentially replace this but then the other things don't seem to be worth it to me might be worth re-rolling then we've got magnets 3.1 copiously good but doesn't quite compare I think I might I think I might just hold on to that one in case the other one runs out there was one more armor to roll apparently what did I miss yes there was well spoiled [Music] some leggings [Music] increased attack damage you know I like that although we would lose some armor and then we'd have item Rarity whereas I think the manage regen is pretty strong some I think are worth holding on to just in case like my armor breaks and I don't I can't make a repair call as I said though I think that's worth re-rolling maybe I mean you're gonna replace it with something that's already got the max increased attack damage it's only got one at prefix actually now I think I'm just gonna scrap them just scrap them and got the cooldown reduction there [Music] so we've been putting those in this one over here so when we see an item where we're like ah we've got slank here we want to uh work with like chaining we now have that and attack damage so we can put those on [Music] it's good coin affinity [Music] what an epic armor weapons be better than common by default well it depends what level they are and depends what roles they have on them it's about balancing those things really the issue the issue for me is that you know you get like really strong like increased attach damage and then you kind of get attached to it when slowly like armor and stuff starts overtaking it by the way we're now level 40 do we unlock anything at level 40 okay uh wrong way around that way but lots of fuel in there at some point surely we're going to start running out of storage space I know it added a lot but noise craft some of this stuff up that's why I think a little automated crafting system could be good soon because you just want to like drink a bunch of stuff out and have it automatically crafted up Oh wrong one and what have we got a few things left over [Music] there it is [Music] there it is all organized and such and Vault diamonds we've got a lot of stuff in there haven't we a lot of stuff compacting drawers is the key yeah maybe maybe I'm talking about doing this area next like maybe when we do that we start to dismantle this and replace it with the drawer system might be a smart move also they're not growing probably because they lack the light level just over here it worked the same way you can use that and then they'll just end up in here again won't they cool mod boxes need opening I think they're going to change in the next patch so uh I'm gonna hold off from doing that let's see if this thing did its job oh yeah these can get moved back gotta be a bit careful with this because it can be fussy about those slots I know that kind of works um yeah so they would end it up over here that's good that's a nice solid Supply here's the thing we can now smell everything raw right not just that raw tin I don't know if I'll smelt the stuff that is from modded either way this can all get done up oh that's yeah that's sticks we go up here that's right so that means we need more sticks again we've got loads of them very good lots of love from Germany enjoy your content says spectacular pie thank you my dude thank you appreciate you saying that are the new Vault Hunters update has dropped okay I'll uh make a note I'll do that after the stream I'll update the pack ratio so uh what's next in the base I if I do some research for the storage stuff there's that I mentioned wanting to put things like above and give this thing a bit more height I think that's going to take a little bit of thought maybe maybe something I need to do off camera because I gotta think it's going to be a little tricky um I kind of like the idea of prepping the next staircase to go in that direction I think it makes sense to maybe make a three by three and then have the stairs go down into this spot we did pick up some of that plating stuff didn't we on our last run we always get some so yeah just get a feel for what it's going to look like when we do that foreign [Music] oh wait that's not my free cam button could potentially go one block out further but I think I want to kind of keep it sort of tight um yeah so then we'll go like this and we'll have to go down below to do the next bit it's dark around here isn't it and then at that level well actually maybe just two yeah let's just go to and then that really needs to be the end of using these blocks for now I think we've done a lot of that and we need to shift gears on the next bit I want to get some more of my Flint pillars together also feels like we need like a light source just somewhere here what did I say I wanted to use those sconces [Music] type in Lantern and then I need the Flint pillar I need that one as well [Music] here's a Sumo living in a cave does it look like I'm living in a cave I think I am it may be just here oops I have a little something like that although does it look right from here and it probably needs to be a full block right something on top of it these have walls they have Nubs oh they do apples let's do it like that oh where'd the thing go did it break you got that to light up this little spot feels like it's going to need something like that again just around here and then we transition into something different now the Flint blocks that I picked up were for the next pillar I think I might fill some of this space in down the bottom here as well the way it opens up isn't particularly useful to us if I get it right am I in the middle I am [Music] let's grab some Stone and some metal bars oh I need to make more of them then and I'm back says Alex welcome back Alex quick question when will you release the next hermitcraft so if you answer that before this is Coco uh Monday just gotta make the thumbnail and do the Deets today yeah aiming for Monday well I say Amy it's already done and uploaded just gotta do everything else ah yes nice and easy to make that just need a crafting bench need to get a few more of those here and there right so we'll go hang on a second so that looks good foreign and then I haven't put in the stairs that go underneath and not that we need a lot of them over here a little bit there we go nice this is good music yes it is was this song dedicated to a Sumer yes it's in the song name right it's a cool song [Music] yeah definitely want to fill this in all we ever do is fall down into that space and it's not really a part of what we're trying to do here so [Music] fill it up [Music] uh-huh [Music] oh hello coming in for a look are we a nosy neighbor [Music] there you go right filled in all of that might as well fill in this bit here too cool no falling down into holes again I hope that's good we're getting more of this kind of shaped up it's feeling all right so the next thing it's like what material are we going to have here how's this bit all going to look right should we investigate our building options a little bit [Music] I think this block might be a candidate four skill points maybe upgrade that Hunter so it becomes more useful this is the thing this is the thing with that upgrade is that not once has it actually been useful but you can't upgrade it anymore right oh you can what does it affect radius 48 oh it does have a radius but then upgrading it doesn't change the radius I would I would probably get an all the regret on that like this has never once been useful [Music] not once um kind of block that I think you probably don't want to be the key feature you want to mix it with some other stuff but I reckon it will work pretty well as a transition between what's going on there and in here now we used a little bit of bronze over there a little bit of bronze hair I don't think we want to like make the base too multi-colored in fact I think I remember saying I wanted to make I think I want to make this middle bit here skeletal right so this is going to become like this bit here centrally hmm maybe I should expand oops tried to press the zoom key maybe I should expand that a little bit more first so I get an idea of where that's going this was all calcite by the way oh we don't have calcite hmm maybe I need to gather some materials too then because like yeah this staircase wasn't made with the block I'm currently holding was it that it can fit in there that's for sure yeah so this is all going to be like skeletal blocks I think is the idea [Music] maybe we can try and use the ones I'm currently holding a little more and then what's below us down there will be I don't know whatever yeah I don't feel it right now though I think you just you sometimes you need to let your mind rest we've got this little bit here done and then move on to the next thing so goals for next stream I think if I have the time to research it we may end up changing our storage system over but then we need to get our hands on calcite which we can get in the Overworld I guess so we can start to really build up this skeletal bit and potentially build something down there that's going to be for creating trinkets that area somewhere we need like a spot for all of our gear and maybe it makes sense to put it down here where we're going to have the skill alter and stuff so we can then have like a wardrobe type area and yeah and then that means like this staircase is useful because it actually like links to a bunch of stuff oh we were going to put the furnace array over here weren't we that's where my furnaces went but that that plan changed pretty quick I guess oh there you go changed um one last thing we have more of that in here for one but don't you also make it out of Vault meat [Music] cooked folk steak raw Vault steak okay so you can make it that way that's good but since I got a full stack there why do we not have it automatically fill up from here oh we do maybe I just ran out Peeps are going to wrap up the stream right here the next one will most likely be Tuesday evening uh maybe probably not Wednesday Wednesday might be a snapshot so Tuesday and Friday I think are gonna be my next streams maybe Thursday as well I need to double check some stuff I'm going to make a note to update my schedule so I'll be announcing that soon on Twitter or whatever um so yeah keep using the schedule page to find out when I'm live but as of right now I'm gonna have to go I'm pretty sure is gal was streaming earlier and he always streams longer than me so I'll send you over to iscal yeah there you go more Vault hunters for you stick around if you want to uh enjoy that big thanks to everyone who subscribed re-subscribed donated and cheered appreciate your support thanks to the mods the patrons and the people gifting subs and I'll be seeing you soon with another one take care bye-bye
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 3,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vault Hunters 3 livestream, Vault Hunters 3 modpack, Vault Hunters 3 classic, Vault Hunters 3 classic modpack, minecraft Vault Hunters 3, xisuma, xisumavoid, classic modpack, Vault Hunters 3 episode 1, Vault Hunters 3 mod, minecraft modded Vault Hunters 3, Vault Hunters 3 modded minecraft, modded minecraft series, Vault Hunters 3rd edition, Vault Hunters 3rd edition modpack, curseforge, Vault Hunters curseforge, xisuma vault hunters, vh3, vault hunters modpack
Id: cb17gVxxfaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 59sec (10079 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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