Vatore family house || The Sims 4 Speed build

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[Music] hi everybody it's me monika and welcome to another speed build so today we are going to be doing a vatora family house on 30 by 20 lot in the forgotten hollow and originally the vator family was on 30 by 30 lot in the forgotten halo but i decided to give them a new home rather than the renovation because i just didn't like their house so basically the vittoria family is the family that we've got with the sims 4 vampire game pack and there are brother and sister called lilith and caleb i don't know much about them but the thing that i know is that they don't get along with vlad and that they are actually almost like a vampire vegetarians so they don't drink plasma without other sims con consent and they're good vampires lilith is very outgoing and active creative sim who likes people and caleb is more like materialistic ambitious type of person um but both of them they have like an alternative style into them i would say it like that uh caleb almost looks gothic slash emo to me a little bit and also lilith it looks more like a rocker type of vampire so i tried to incorporate all of the elements that i know about them into this house basically so maybe you can notice but this is not a victorian house this is the house that i found on pinterest and if i'm not mistaking it's like a french type of belt but um it was an art so i'm not sure if this house really exists or not but i really wanted to make it different than other houses that i make in forgotten hollow and all of the other builds here in my forgotten hollow are super dark gray very gothic like and this one i wanted to make it a little bit lighter and a little bit i don't know how would i even call it more alternative a bit different it's even a little bit uh modern uh stylish and i'm really hoping that you are going to like it because i don't know much about vatora family i don't think that they have a long long history in the sims 4 like i don't know the god family for example but i still kind of wanted to bring their character into this house if if that makes sense and also i was changing it quite a lot now is much lighter than it's going to be afterwards afterwards i change it in a little bit of a darker swatch uh because i remember that i'm still in the forgotten hollow and it's not okay to go too light with the vampire house but also this windows that you can see in here those are the berlin windows from felix andre and i love them to death they look amazing on this build but i had a little bit of a problem with those windows well i noticed that they're all white from the inside of the house so for from the outside they're in all kinds of swatches like all shades of browns and lighter colors and everything but from the inside they're white so i changed them in completely black swatch because that one was the only one that didn't have white in the inside i really didn't want to change the windows because i really like them so so much in here and also you can see that i added a little basement as well in here um i think that a lot of people likes uh likes to have a basement in the vampire house um i don't know i just got a lot of comments in on my youtube like why didn't you incorporate the base basement and things like that in a vlad house for example and this time i decided to incorporate a little basement i think that lilitz and caleb's house originally don't have [Music] any basement or any coffins in the basement they have only beds but i decided to give them coffins as well just in case and also i just used some little things here and there to make that basement look a little bit more used and interesting um not just like a place where the coffins are you know what i mean so as you can see we don't have a huge garden in here um i didn't put much i didn't put any outdoor activities or anything like that because they're vampires they're active during the night so i don't think that they're actually you know chilling outside on the sun and making food and things like that so i just basically put this little table over here and just a bench and also this fountain that you can see over here and just little things here and there and also i really liked this flowers and they're actually base game i would probably say that they're from the debug section i'm not entirely sure but i never used them before and for this build they looked so awesome just like that pinkish reddish color and how that color goes uh with this beautiful red brick i don't know i just really really liked it usually in the vampire houses i just go fully on green maybe some whites but this time i really liked how that turned out so i really wanted to use some of those flowers in there so here we are in the interior of this house finally and i decided to start with the kitchen because i really prefer to start with the kitchen um i don't know why that's just my my thing i think there is not um really a super important reason why is that so and i also changed this kitchen quite a bit uh i changed the position of these cabinets and yeah i was wandering around a lot basically but i combined new octave kitchen from harry and i combined it with this paris kitchen from felix andre and i really like the combination i think it's not something that typical other people would combine maybe i wouldn't as well but i just wanted to do something interesting and different with this vampire kitchen because um sometimes i have a feeling that i don't have much to do with the vampire kitchen if you know what i mean like they don't really use kitchens maybe a fridge to uh put their plasma there or something but i think that they don't use a kitchen much even though it says that caleb is foodie so i don't really understand what what that means um so guys if you know more about their story than me please tell me i really want to know more i just couldn't find more information that i just told you um here in this video um so yes i basically combine a lot of different uh elements that i could find also uh first i use these beautiful tiles from fiery sims winter garden um but i used it so much i use those styles so much that i've really just got a little bit tired of them and i wanted to change them up uh so at the end i'm going to put black and white tiles from the game and i think that i didn't show it off in here actually i think that i changed them when i started to do um around the house tour um but basically i use the tiles that you are going to see in the bathroom uh later on uh basically what we have in this house is two bedrooms of course one for caleb one for lilith we have one bathroom only but we have one activity room when we have where we have organ and chess table as well because i noticed that in their original house that they have organ and chess so i really wanted to incorporate that as well into this house after the activity room we have library of course my favorite of course kitchen plus dining room we have living room and basement you were able to see that before and also i made a very very small yoga room in the tower because lilith is an active sim and she likes to exercise so i thought okay maybe gym for vampires that really doesn't have any sense i think that they're super strong naturally and they don't need you know the gym but i thought that yoga is um probably a good creativity for anybody including vampires maybe if she wants to chill out to relax you know stretch a little bit yoga would be perfect perfect activity for that so i decided to include that into this house as well so here we are in the dining room is not super big dining room and it's actually a sun room but as you can see since this uh is a vampire house i decided to put a lot of black curtains on this open windows that i included in here um because i think it wouldn't be very realistic for the vampires to have a lot of light inside of their home so most of the windows are um hided or just partly hide it but they definitely have black curtains everywhere so i'm hoping that makes sense basically um this is like a little entrance to the house i didn't do much i basically just hanged some clothes here and i put this um i combined these two tables in here in the middle of this awkward looking room but i definitely didn't do any justice in here there is no activity there is not enough space so it's basically just uh some decorations here and there that actually they have sense and here we are in the bathroom um as i said we have only one bathroom and this is the one uh of course i needed to include the bathtub because the empire is in the bathtub i just cannot see vampires having a shower i don't know is that just me but it is what it is and also i used this fountain from the romantic garden as always i literally use that fountain in every single vampire house that i made because it just fits so well in here and it's adorable and i really really really need more fountains like that i actually said to the king falcon that i need more fountains like that how much that's that's how much i need them so i'm really hoping for more in the future because we really have quite a lot fountains like regular fountains so i need something different something different and we are here in this dark little library it's not huge but it has a lot of books uh for caleb so he can study and be ambitious about his vampire life life um so i definitely wanted to include the library into this house and also i put a lot of books and bookshelves as well in caleb's room because i just see him as that type of sim who has um a lot of things to do and he really likes to read and learned a lot so that was just his vibe in my head i would say it like that and this is that little activity room that i was telling you about uh it doesn't have a lot of space or anything but i included the chess table as i said and organ because they have those two things originally in their home so i really didn't want to take that away from them i already take took one extra room that they have in their original house and i took them some space because this lot is smaller than the lot they had in for their original house but i just thought that their original house has too much space it wasn't clutter at all and everything you know how ea houses usually look like so i really wanted to change that basically and i wanted to give them less space but better used space and i think that i totally achieved that so that's good and we are here in the lilith's room it's a very dreamy room it's a very like sensual female room i would say like that it's not very girly it's pretty dark it's quite a alternative and it's also quite historical so that was basically the style that i was going for with lilith's room also i did this little trick with this mirrors so maybe you can do something like that on your vanity tables um i think it looks super adorable and i think that i'm going to use that trick again i remember that i used a similar thing with the bella godz vanity table but it was a different it was different mirrors in the combination so it didn't look exactly the same uh but this one looks even more beautiful to me if you ask me so yeah and this is my [Music] guys this is my third renovation actually and all of all of the three no no i i almost thought that the god family was also here in the forgotten hallow but no but we had the god family we had vlad's renovation and now we had valtteri family um renovation or yeah it's not a renovation technically but you know what i mean uh so definitely tell me in the comments what is the next family that you would like to see here on my channel um i don't know much about families in the sims unfortunately i just know a few of them but i would definitely love to learn more so definitely gave me some ideas for some families so i can check them out and figure out how they style should look like also when i finish this house i learned that lilith actually doesn't like paintings and i didn't even think about it because she's a creative sim and it didn't have any sense to me at all but i didn't include the paintings in the lilith's room but if you play with her and she really dislikes all the art that i included into this house um definitely erase it change it with something i don't know what to say i cannot see myself building none i mean houses with no art work in them so i decided to incorporate some artwork anyways so as i said if you're playing lilith and she's very annoyed with all of those paintings just remove them or something and here we are in our little yoga tower i called it like that um as you can see there is not much to it but it still looks super cozy super cute and with all this candle lights and everything i think it's a perfect place to practice yoga and here we are in the last room of this house and that's actually a basement and as you can see i used a lot of realm of magic things over here because i thought they look just so cute in this vibe and all these little bottles and books and just those type of little things i can definitely imagine in the empire's basement so that's what i incorporated as i said and also i put these two coffin beds here so they can fall asleep till the end of the eternity so that's it okay guys that was all uh from me for today i just wanted to say thank you once again for all of your kind comments and for all of you who are new in here please subscribe to my channel if you like what i'm doing and i'm sending you a lot a lot of kisses and i cannot wait to see you again very very soon bye bye you guys [Music] you
Channel: Simsphony
Views: 35,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #sims4vampirehouse, #sims4build, #sims4speedbuild, #sims4darkacademia, #sims4victorianhouse, #vatorehouserenovation, #vatorefamilyhouse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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