Vampire Family Home | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel and welcome back to another sims 4 speed building video or welcome to channel if you are new here so in today's video i'm going to build in the world of forgotten hollow which is the world that we got from the game pack the sims 4 vampires and i'm going to be building a big vampire family home so i know i actually spoke about this last week in my video about the week before but somehow and honestly i don't even know how but i managed to catch another cold again so if you notice a difference in my voice that's what it is i try to like dose myself up before starting this voice over with taking throat spray and silvers just trying to make my voice sound the best it possibly can right now but apologies in advance if you can hear a slight difference in my voice that's what it is and unfortunately i can't really do too much about it but i really want you to share this field with you guys because this build is probably one of my favorite builds that i've ever done and that's science because i've done my fair share of builds in the sims 4. i just love this build so much and i've just been so excited to share it all with you guys so this house has five bedrooms and three bathrooms and it can sleep seven sims in total well i mean i say that but there's actually beds for more sims and seven sims but the world is on the rooms is to be for seven sims but i'll talk about that in just a second but the way that i actually design the bedrooms is to be for a set of parents then there is two teenagers rooms a room for a toddler and then there is also a kids room as well which has two bunk beds in which i was thinking would be for two children now there is also a basement in this house but i say a basement there's actually two basements in this house so the way i designed it was you actually walk through the basement door which is in like the main hallway of the house you go downstairs and there's like the first initial basement now when i was building it i was thinking that maybe if your sims invite their mates around or something and they know that they've got a basement that's the only basement that they see you know down there there's a power generator there's like some survival kit stuff maybe if there's like a power cut or something you know this house is sorted but there is actually some double doors in that basement which lead then down to a second basement which is where the really interesting stuff starts to happen so when you go down into the second level with the basement you're first greeted with a prison section so it's basically like a gel section in the downstairs portion of this house there are two jail cells and basically if you wanted to you can actually capture some sims like some townies roaming around all the different worlds and caption them and keep them as prisoners in the basement which is actually quite fun for gameplay and i know a lot of people actually do quite a similar thing but for vampires i feel like it's so necessary you know with vampires they can't just walk to the fridge and make themselves as like a spaghetti carbonara or whatever they actually have to go out and either eat from plasma fruits or their fruit bag things that your sims can order or if they wanted to they could actually just you know eat from actual sims that sounds really gross and really weird but you know what i mean your sims actually will eat other sims if they're vampires and to have a prison section in a house at four vampires i just felt like it was kind of necessary so there is two prison cells downstairs in the basement and then you actually go through some more double doors and then you're actually greeted with this massive area which is basically like a vampire like master area master suite kind of thing going on so down there we've got some statues of all like different vampirey things we've also got some vampire urns which i imagine were like past generations of this family then there is also the pipe organ and there is also six coffins as well in the basement so if you wanted to you could have a really big family living in this house just have some of them sleep in the basement and have some of them sleep in their bedrooms you can honestly do whatever you want but i just love the fact that this house has got a prison section in it because like i said i feel like it's kind of necessary if you have vampires and that's the kind of thing that i like to do if i ever do play with vampires in my gameplay although it does sound quite morbid but it's easy for game play and it's also a really good storyline to go with as well now you might notice that i said that this house sleeps seven sims but there's actually only six coffins downstairs in the basement which is something that i want to touch on in a minute when i actually talk about the storyline for this household that are going to be living in this house my save file because this house is going to be for my save but i don't want to talk about what i'm actually doing right now so as you can see the main structure of the house came together quite quickly and i do want to mention that i was actually looking at a picture that i found on pinterest when i was building this i saw this picture and i instantly fell in love with it and there was no doubt that i wasn't going to recreate it in the game so i'll find the picture and i'll pop it up on the screen now so you can have a little look the original picture had quite a lot of red brick on the exterior for the wallpaper which i liked but i didn't want to do the exact same thing in the picture as in the game so i decided to actually mix in some of the wallpapers and i tried to make it so there's several different wallpapers going on so i actually initially placed down three base game wallpapers which was the white paneling the grey brick and then the same brick as the gray brick but in like a darker shade but then i actually switched out to be a darker one which is from cottage living you would have seen me just do it a minute ago but currently i'm just going around the exterior of the build i'm actually creating a fence using loads of different live edit menu pieces that we actually have in the game now we do actually have a fence that came with a vampire's game pack but i decided not to use it just of the fact that i actually found this archway in the live edit menu you can see i've placed it at the very front of the house it comes from cats and dogs and i just needed to use in this build because it actually comes from a graveyard in the game now you might be familiar with the world of brynton bay and you might be familiar where the island is where the museum is in that neighborhood at the very back is actually a graveyard for cats and dogs and it uses the archway that i've used at the front of the build and i just saw the perfect opportunity to use it in this build because you know it comes from a graveyard it's a bit old bit mouldy looking and i just thought it would fit him in his house so perfectly i also wanted the house to be a bit scary from the outside i didn't want it to feel like a really nice happy suburban family home from the outside i wanted it to feel quite spooky and so i decided to use loads of different pieces from a live edit menu to create this fence so the actual iron fencing that i've actually merged into the ball that is from base game as well as them kind of like stone pillars that i've placed in some of the different sections in the fence that is also from base game but then all the rest of it is from cats and dogs so you know like the bottom part of the brick fence then the like the archway at the front and then also some square posts that i've used at the very front of the build and like on the corners they're also from cats and dogs basically the whole fence is from the live edit menu and i just thought it'd be really interesting to use it instead of actually using one that's in the game i also put an actual fence like one of the fences that we actually have in the build and buy menu in between the actual fence i've created just because sometimes when you use the live edit menu items sometimes sims and like the game won't recognize them to be actual items and they'll just kind of like walk through them and realistically you're not going to be able to walk through an iron fence and so i made sure to actually place down a fence underneath like the brick wall i merged in you can't see it but don't worry there is a fence there so your sims won't be walking through any iron fencing i know they're vampires but they're not that skilled so i just want to mention that also i decided to actually do like a little pond area in the background as well which i felt fit in so perfectly with the world of forgotten hollow because not on this side of the world but on the opposite side where the vampire brother and sister live can't remember their names but there is actually a massive kind of like lake at the bottom and i wanted to actually bring some of the stuff that's in the world into this build as well and so i actually decided to create like a little pond at the back of the house and then we've actually created the live edit fence i was able to actually make it look like the fence had like been broken down and maybe over time the pond has kind of expanded and maybe swallowed some of the fencing pieces and it's just kind of it's just kind of deteriorated and i really liked it but anyway moving on from that and actually talking about what i'm doing right now so as you can see i'm just going around and i'm doing some landscaping now i do want to mention that i didn't actually have to cut out the landscaping for the majority of the back garden just because i had so much footage for this house so in total it took me seven and a half hours to build this house and then when i actually came in and i sped the footage up and you know i edited it through the first time it was a 35 minute video without any screenshots so with screenshots it was going to be a bit of a long video and so i decided to cut out the majority of the background landscaping but it's pretty much the exact same as the front garden anyway i just didn't want the video to be really long and i also decided to cut out all the hallways in the house which i was really gutted about because i i'm normally never like one to love hallways i really love the hallways in this house but again i didn't want to make the video really long but there will be some pictures of them in the screenshots if you are curious of what the hallways look like but moving on from that and actually talking about the fan it's going to be living in this house for my save file so like i mentioned there are seven sims in total in this family there's actually only six coffins downstairs in the basement now that is because there's only six vampire sims in this household and there's one sim that is not a vampire and is completely oblivious to the fact that their whole family are vampires now the reasoning for this and i'll get into it because you might be like how does that make sense you know bloodline and whatnot but basically what i was imagining is once upon a time there was a set of parents i was personally imagining a husband and a wife it goes about saying you can have whatever types of sims that you imagine this is just what i was personally thinking when i was building this house but i was imagining that the husband actually came from a really strong bloodline of vampires you know their family have been bopping around for years they've got a really good representation towards their name you know they're just a really well valued family in the vampire business now i imagine that the wife wasn't actually originally a vampire and you know met her husband fed enough got turned into a vampire and then you know years later they got married and had some children and whatnot all happy families but originally she wasn't going to be a vampire originally when she was born she was actually just a normal sim now i imagine that something happened to one of her siblings i was personally thinking something a little bit tragic maybe like a death in the family or something happened but she actually had to take care of her niece or nephew or whatever and you know take authority and become their legal guardian now this is the wife's side of the family the wife side of the family are not vampires and they're also completely unaware that this whole entire side of the family are vampires because i imagine you know the wife got turned into one and then just decided not to bring it up at winterfest know that now i actually don't eat normal food for a live and i actually eat something else i just don't feel like she would have said anything to her family and so you know something happened to one of her siblings and then tragically she then you know got authority of her niece or nephew and they've now moved into this house and now there is this kid who i imagine to be a child now living in this house full of vampires which could be a really good interesting storyline for gameplay because at the end of the day to vampires they probably look like a bag of doritos on it because you know that's that's kind of what they they feed off and so i really like this storyline and it actually makes me really excited to actually do some vampire gameplay because i haven't done any in a little while but it kind of inspired me to actually sit down and actually play with vampires because they've actually got some really good fun gameplay it's one of my favorite occults that we actually have in the sims 4 so far in terms of the parents careers i was actually personally thinking that the husband was going to be a stay-at-home parent and wasn't actually going to have a job to go to every single day i was thinking as his family you know this the husband's side of the family anyway has been around for generations they've probably accumulated quite a lot of money and you know i feel like the husband has probably never had to work a day in their life and so they just kind of have all this money laying around they was able to buy this big grand house i imagine them to be just quite wealthy sims but i do actually imagine the wife to have a career not because they need the money just for the fact that they've kind of got this special gift and it's something that they really enjoy doing now i actually imagine the wife to be a paranormal investigator and i've actually had a room in the house like built around this whole entire career and there's like a i think it's how you pronounce it seance table in there so your sims can come you know like get readings and contact the dead and someone bone hilda if you want to i just thought that was a really good storyline for the wife maybe that's how the husband and the wife met maybe something happened to the husband's side the family you know i can't even remember how vampires actually die in like fiction it's been a while since i watched vampire diaries but you know something happened to the vampire side of the family and maybe they had to go and see the wife to communicate with someone and they fell in love maybe that's how they met i don't know but i just imagine that the wife just really likes doing like paranormal investigating and just contacting the dead as kind of like a hobby more so than actually to make a living because i imagine them to have quite a lot of money now in terms of the rest of the family in this household like i mentioned there is going to be another two teenagers two children and then one toddler i don't really have a storyline in debt for the children and the toddler because quite hard to give storylines for i just imagine one of the kids to not be directly blood related or in a sense directly but related to the family you know it's kind of like their aunt and uncle more so than their parents and so i don't really have an in-depth storyline for them apart from they had quite a tragic start to their life because unfortunately their parents passed away and they had to move in with their extended family but i do actually have a little bit of an in-depth story line up for the two teenagers now i imagine the teenagers to be twins but they're completely opposites of each other i was kind of thinking of a good vampire bad vampire kind of scenario so i was imagining the good vampire to be really into reading and i don't know why but for some reason i put two different bookcases in their bedroom i imagine them to be a really sweet sim maybe one day they want to age up and actually not become a vampire anymore maybe their lifelong dream is actually to get a vampire cure so they can actually become you know like a normal human sim but then i imagine that their twin completely opposite and they actually want to age up one day to become a grand master vampire which i believe is the highest rank of vampire that we actually have in the sims 4. i imagine that not probably the nicest sims to be around they're probably the kind of sim that will do whatever it takes to get to where they want to be maybe they're a little bit mean maybe a little bit evil but that was just kind of what i was thinking it for the storyline for this family but anyway moving on from actually talking about what i'm doing right now so as you can see i've now moved on into the inside of this house and i've started off by furnishing the lounge room see in the lounge room i decided to do the paranormal stuff wallpaper the majority of the wallpapers in this house are either from the paranormal stuff pack base game vampires and then i used one room with magic wallpaper as well i think i used it in the dining room and then in the toddler's room but that's where the majority of the wallpapers are from in here i i had so much fun decorating this whole entire house but especially in the lounge room i got to use the cottage living at sofas it's kind of like these chesterfield sofas which i imagine to be leather i use them in this kind of like thread swatch and it really matched the painting that's on the wall on top of the fireplace i also got to use these strangeville bookcases which i love them bookcases but quite hard to place it in your regular houses because they're actually on a medium wall height and normally i only ever seem to build on the shortest wall height but because this house was actually built on a medium wall height i was able to use them but in that room as well there was also a chest table in the corner and i just had a lot of fun at decorating that room i had a lot of fun decorating this whole entire house and i've got to use loads of different objects that i don't normally tend to use and yeah anyway moving from that as you can see i've actually now moved on into the dining room realistically are the sims gonna use it no but i was thinking if they have some friends around and maybe their friends aren't aware that they're vampires their friends are gonna be like why don't you have a kitchen why don't you have a dining room so i decided to build him in this house even though your sims are probably not going to use him if they are actually vampires but then saying that remember there is actually a child in this household that is completely unaware that everyone else doesn't actually eat normal human food but in the kitchen i actually really like the way the kitchen came together it's probably one of my favorite kitchens i've actually done in a really long time in the middle i created this like kitchen island and then either side of it i actually place down these columns which are from the vampires game pack and then in a second i'm actually going to add a spandel in between the columns and then i'm not even sure what it's called but you see the thing that's floating on the ceiling with all the different like pots and pans and whatnot it actually looks like that is being supported by the spandrel and then i actually use some i think you discover university bar stools as like you know a seating area for your sims to actually sit down and eat in this kitchen even though i don't think that they will actually be sitting down and eating in this kitchen but you know it's kind of all for show you know there is someone in this household that thinks everyone eats in this house you know normal sim food but in fact that they don't but also in this kitchen there is a microwave and a coffee machine i'm pretty sure vampires can drink coffee i'm pretty sure of it but i wanted to add a microwave because there is a toddler in this house and with toddlers a microwave there's actually a lot more things that sims can actually make for them when they're at the high chair which by the way i did forget to put a high chair in the dining room but when i actually came in and i took the screenshots i realized so i did actually add it in so don't worry there is actually a higher chair in this house makes me think about it though do toddler vampires eat normal sim food and then once they age up do they then not eat normal food anymore i don't know i haven't played with toddler vampires in a really long time but also in this room there is kind of like a window sofa thing the one that i've actually used is from cats and dogs but now i have actually moved on into the utility room now i know they're vampires but they still got to do their laundry and so in here i use the same counters i use in the kitchen the one from the vampire pack and then i just use a washing machine and a tumble dryer which is from the laundry day stuff pack i feel like laundry rooms or like utility rooms are quite similar to bathrooms in the fact of it's basically the same thing in every single laundry room that i seem to decorate you know there's a washing machine there's a tumble dryer there's normally probably a sink in the corner maybe there's a broom and maybe there's a hoover or a vacuum whatever you want to call it but i feel like it's quite hard to decorate laundry rooms to be different from one another unless you've got like a woodworking table in there or something like that and it's like park garage but anyway moving on from there as you can see i've now moved on into the next room which is the paranormal investigators room so i imagine this room would be a room that clients would come to this house and they would you know sit in this room and maybe get to contact their family members or their friends and whatnot who have previously passed away it's safe to say that i use a lot of the stuff from the paranormal stuff pack in this room so the table in the middle which is a seance table i really hope that i'm pronouncing that right but that is from the paranormal stuff pack as well as the chairs as well as this little kind of like unit that i've placed in the corner the gray thing as well as the paintings on the walls and the shelving unit and then as well as the like side table coffee table kind of thing it's mostly all from the paranormal stuff pack but then i did decorate it with things from other perks as you can see i just kind of like faded it into once i cluttered things all onto the floor because i find like if i actually keep in the footage of me scrolling through the debug menu and the live edit menu and just trying to get general cluster and decorations for a room it can be a really long video and so i normally try to like do a transition where there's nothing on the floor and then all of a sudden there is just everything from the floor so i had so much fun going through the debug menu and the live edit menu searching for things to clutter up this room with and i use so many objects in this room that i've never even had a chance to use before a lot of the clutter is from the debug menu so for example all these little kind of like balls which are like purple and pink and white and black they're from the debug menu they're from room of magic the dolls that i've actually placed on this shelving unit are from the paranormal stuff pack and then there's just other little bits and bobs one of my favorite things in this room which i've never used before and i was actually really excited to use in this room was actually the skull on the wall which is actually from journey to two which if you're familiar with my channel you've been watching me for a while you know that that pack is not my absolute favorite pack in the whole entire world i'm not massively fond of the pack or the idea i actually recently played through the gameplay of the pack and let me tell you as someone who has absolutely no idea about star wars i didn't have a clue what was going on but there is actually some really nice debug menu items and live edit menu items in the build and buy but as well in this room i just i just tried to go around and just make it look as cluttered as possible you know imagine that this family have been around for a really long time and in that time you know they've accumulated a lot of stuff they're not going to be exactly living a simple life with next to no decorations over probably like the hundreds of years that maybe like the husband's been around they're going to have a lot of things and a lot of cluster and i imagine that a lot of them has actually been placed into this room one thing that i did actually want to mention is you see the shelfing unit that i've actually placed next to the little armchair now that is actually a shelf that is from i believe it's base game we got it in the i think it was the day of the dead update like years and years ago it's actually a shelfing unit which i actually sized up but i actually had to merge it into the floor now the reason for that is because whereas a shelfing unit is meant to sit on a wall and then when you actually put the walls down in gameplay it will disappear but i didn't want it to disappear because where i cluttered it up with loads of different items when you actually put the wall down all them items would still be there but the actual shelfing unit itself would disappear because the game thinks it's on the wall so i actually had to merge it down into the basement just a little bit so when we actually move down into the basement you'll see it coming through just a tiny little bit but it doesn't bother me so hopefully it doesn't bother you but anyway moving on from that as you can see i've now moved on to the upstairs portion of this house i just quickly did one of the bathrooms and now i'm actually moving on and doing the toddler's room it's quite difficult to decorate both toddler rooms and children rooms to be quite dark and spooky and vampirey vampires it was definitely a bit of a challenge but i got to use this vampire teddy bear which i always see and i always want to place down into houses but i feel like with sims that aren't vampires it might be a bit strange unless they're quite gothic i feel like that teddy bear might be a bit strange replacing two like a normal sims bedroom but as this family of vampires i actually got to use it twice once in this room and then the other time in the child's room but in this room i decided to go for a base game toddler bed and then at the parenthood chester drawers and then the little dollhouse thing in the corner is also from base game and then to make it look a little bit more interesting i actually put some shelving units above the chester drawers and then just cluster them up loads of different things i feel like you would have in a toddler's room so you know some diapers some teddy bears some dolls and just some child like items but now i've actually moved on into the next bedroom which is actually one of the teenagers bedrooms now i do want to mention by the way i have playtested this whole entire house and everything works absolutely fine the only one problem that i actually ran into when i was playing this in this house was remember at the front of the house when i actually placed down like the archway from cats and dogs i actually merged in the post box into the wall now because i merged in and it was actually leaning up against an actual wall it didn't work but i managed to when i actually came around to play testing it just kind of figure it out and so it is actually now usable that was the only one problem i ran into but i thought i'd mention it now because in this bedroom when i actually came around to furnishing it as you can see i've used this bookcase it's kind of got something like iv falling off it i actually place it down not expecting it to work i kind of wanted it to look like the desk was actually built into the bookcase but surprisingly when i came around to play testing it it actually worked so i was actually really pleasantly surprised about that in this bedroom there is actually a total of two bookcases which means both the teenagers actually have two bookcases because you see the little tv unit that i've placed on the wall that also doubles up as a bookcase where sims can actually pull books from it as well which you know i thought was quite interesting i didn't intend for this sim to have two bookcases in the room but you know it's just the way it worked out i imagine this room to be the room for the teenager that's the bad vampire so the one that's quite evil you know gets up to quite bad things maybe rebels a little bit i also imagine they're really into music and like heavy metal so i actually placed down the guitar which from base game which is actually an unlockable item so it's grim's guitar and the way that you actually get that is if you actually just sign up for the sims 4 newsletter and there's just a free thing that you can have in your game and then it also place down the i think it's an amplifier we got it from the mosquito pack and it i've never used the item before and i've always wanted to use it and it was like the perfect opportunity to use it in this house but anyway moving on from that as you can see i've now moved on to the next room which is the good vampires room so in here i've got to use the seasons bed in this red swatch and then this sim actually has a corner like window sofa thing i actually use the one which have cats and dogs but it's kind of a little bit more casual to the one that i've used downstairs in the kitchen this one looks like it's going to be more so in a teenager's room than the one that i've used downstairs just because it's got all these like comfy looking pillows it looks a little bit more casual but in here i wanted it to be a really cozy bedroom i can just imagine the sim every single evening you know when the sun is sitting it's sitting at their like windows sofa seat thing sitting there in their pajamas with like a cup of tea or something maybe reading a book maybe doing some bullet journaling i imagine this sim to be a symmetry bullet journal and i don't know why but i've never really imagined a sim to do bullet journaling like this sim i don't know why it's just kind of like the idea that i get from this sim and their personality i imagine them to be a bookworm and possibly have the good trait as well you know their lifelong dream is to one day have the vampire cure so they can actually become a normal sim and maybe like grow older family and you know grow old with someone that they love but in this room there is two bookcases like i mentioned there is one which is from discover university and then this one which i'm actually just cluttering up is from the get together expansion pack and then i'm actually just using some books which are from the tiny living stuff pack to kind of fill in that empty shelf that was at the top of it and then i'm just going to go around and finish this room off by adding in a little digital sketch pack on a sketch pack sketch pad onto the sofa but now as you can see i've now moved on into the next room which is the children's room this room was so difficult to furnish because i wanted it to be partially vampirey but then partially not vampirey because the sim that is not actually going to be a vampire in this household is going to be living in this room with their i think it's their cousin yeah i think it's their cousin and so i didn't want it to be too vampirey but i wanted it to be a vampire enough for the actual sim that is a vampire hopefully that makes sense either way in this room i decided to settle on this base game wallpaper now the reason why i'm mentioning it is because i spent a solid 20 minutes or something just deciding on the wallpaper in this room originally it was actually going to be a base game wallpaper which was completely solid black but then i felt like it was too dark for the sim that wasn't going to be a vampire so i felt like the wallpaper that i used was a nice mix between vampire and not vampire but in this room i cluttered it up with you know the normal children items we have a little science table we have the doll's house we have the void cropping machine in the middle we also have a little like plushie thing the same one that i use in the toddler's room but just in a different swatch there is also a bookcase in this room a toy box the wardrobe there is just a load of different kid like items in this room there isn't a computer because i feel like the parents in this household would say to them you can't have a computer until you're a bit older and so you know play with your toys you can get a laptop maybe when you age up onto a teenager that was just kind of what i was thinking but anyway now you can see i've actually now moved on into the next bedroom which is the parent's bedroom this room was so fun to furnish because i normally don't find parents bedrooms as fun and interesting to furnish as i would for like children's rooms or teenagers rooms or whatever because i feel like parents bedrooms normally have to be quite not simple but quite standard because i the way that i think whenever i do furnished parents bedrooms is there's two different sims and they probably have completely different personalities maybe they've got some styles a bit different from one another and so i'd normally try to go for quite a neutral bedroom quite a lot in parents rooms but this room because they're vampires i got to use a bunch of stuff from the vampire game pack and i just had so much fun doing it so as you can see the majority of the furniture is actually grey now the wardrobe the mirror the bed and then the pictures that i've just put above the chester drawers are all from the vampire game pack and then the chest of drawers is actually from room of magic even though vampires in room with magic are two different packs the swatches are almost perfect which i was really happy about as well as actually you can see the little dressing table that i've actually placed in front of the windows that is from vintage glamour stuff again i felt like the swatch of that was quite similar to the rest of the swatches in this room i just i just felt like it all went together really nicely and i just love this room so much and i normally don't say that about parents bedrooms but anyway moving on from that as you can see i've now moved on downstairs into the basement so originally when i actually came in and i did the floor plan of this house i actually did the basement so it was all going to be on one level but then once i actually came to the near end of the build and you know i was kind of finishing up getting ready to do the basement i decided to change my mind and that's when i decided to make it so it's kind of got like the initial basement which most people think would be the only basement but then you've got some doors which lead then down into the second basement where all the kind of interesting and vampirey things start to happen i mean if we're being honest here realistically if your sims friends were going to go downstairs into the basement for any reason they're going to see that there's actually some double doors that lead to somewhere else but let's just pretend that maybe the family think that there's going to be like a wine cellar down there and maybe that's what they tell people maybe like i was not interested in it's just where we keep some storage or whatever and you know people don't come down here but the only people that do actually come down here are actually prisoners to the family so as you can see i just actually did the floor planning kind of like the structure for the two prison cells now i use actual walls on the outside of it but then in between natural prison cells itself i like kind of at the front of it i usually get to work fencing and they get to work gate we actually got the police career we get to work and with that we actually got a load of different prison looking like furniture and like beds and toilets and stuff like that so it works perfectly for this build i actually only furnished one of prison cell and then went around and did loads different like cracks in the walls and spider webs and whatnot and then i literally just copied and pasted the room to next door because it was going to be the exact same i don't feel like their prisoners are going to be living the life of luxury and have their own individual decorations i don't feel like their prisoners would actually want to be there they just kind of you know they got captured they got hallucinated or whatever it is to come downstairs into the basement they lock the door and you know they're stuck in there now however long that you want to keep them stuck in there for anyway as you can see now i've actually moved on into the next section which is kind of like the midway section in between the prison cells and then the actual like vampire master suite so i didn't want the doors to go straight into the vampire master suite because i wanted it to be quite grand so you seem to walk through this door and it's got a statue of vlad which is from the live edit menu it's actually in the world of forgotten hollow and there is also a pipe organ as well and then you go through one more set of doors and then you're finally into the main vampire thing kind of like the main show of the basement for the vampires because i didn't want it to be like just really easily like accessible for the family i wanted this basement and the vampire layer if you want to call it that quite deep into the basement and i feel like i did that quite well because you definitely have to walk some steps to get down here but as you can see initially i actually placed down two coffins one of like the kind of like basic one and i sized one down and actually moved objects up then ones i don't believe are usable i didn't play test them just purely for the fact of i placed them down for decoration but then i tried to section it so there is the different kind of coffins in their own sections so i did a section which has two coffins in which i imagine would be for one of the children and then the toddler when they age up there is also a different section which has another two in which i imagine would be for both of the teenagers and then there is another section at the end which has somewhat grander kind of coffins a little bit more expensive looking ones which i imagine are going to be for the parents and i actually put them on a platform because i wanted to show kind of like the level of authority but then as you can see i'm just going to go around this build now and finish it up add some vampire urns and that is basically it so anyway guys i am actually going to end this voice over here so as always you can download this build via the gallery my original id is jessica yt or you could just search for the hashtag or just the hashtag jessica pie as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully i will see you in my next sims 4 speedboarding video bye guys 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Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 150,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, speed build, sims 4 speed build, sims 4, the sims, sims 4 vampire house, sims 4 vampire family home, sims 4 vampire house build, sims 4 halloween build, sims 4 vampire mansion, vampire, sims 4 vladislaus straud, sims 4 vampire, sims 4 vampire build, sims 4 graveyard, sims 4 mansion build, sims 4 manor, sims 4 big family house, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, sims 4 save file, sims 4 vlad, halloween, ts4, horror, gothic home, sims 4 victorian house, sims 4 victorian mansion
Id: WsjbuiLb-Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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