🥀 THE GOTH'S MANSION // The Classic Version // Sims 4 Speed Build // NoCC

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hey guys roxy sims here and welcome to speed build saturday today i am taking on the huge task of rebuilding the goth mansion but before we get too far into the build i just want to thank and talk about the sponsor for today's video star stable star stable is a totally unique online multiplayer game that you can download and play immediately it's full of horses friendship and adventure discover the magical and beautiful island of jorvik where a captivating storyline will gradually unfold all while creating an incredible bond with your four-legged pals you can invite your friends to play with you or you can start a new friendship right here with people from all over the world just look at all these potential friends together you will complete races challenges and quests but let's not forget about the horses they'll need to be taken care of and trained throughout to establish the bond and improve their skills the game is free to download and install on your computer and it's super easy 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importantly make sure your horse is stable is in tip-top shape this is called stars stable after all and you gotta make sure your horses are well fed clean and loved don't forget to download this game on your pc using the link in the description and start playing now thanks again to star stable for sponsoring today's video let's get back to this build shall we so yes i am i'm finally doing it i am taking on the gargantuan task of building the goth mansion it's not like the absolute biggest place i've ever built but it was a lot of work definitely a lot of work went into it i looked into goth lore and everything i put a lot of work into this a lot of thought so i hope that you like it i am rebuilding it in the very iconic classic goth way so this is going to be you know victorian to match the neighborhood and of course have lots of gothic themes involved as well it was pretty funny actually though because uh whenever i started okay i have been thinking about rebuilding this mansion for years but when i started seriously thinking about it i started to become a little torn i thought you know this is the goth mansion i have to make it fit the goths it's gotta be mostly black and purple and red and that's what it's got to look like it's got to have victorian elements it has to have goth elements that's what it has to be but then i started thinking about it more and i was like you know we've seen that done a lot so maybe doing something different would be cool as well you know and so i really just i was having a hard time deciding what i wanted to do so i decided to go to you guys and i went to my community tab i put a poll out on there and i said should i keep it the classic goth vibes or should i do something completely different and if so what should i do so get this guys 50 to keep it classic and 50 said change it so very helpful very helpful um no but really i just i had to laugh like yes see that's exactly how i'm feeling too both would be really cool and i think both should happen and because i got 50 50 i am i'm going to i'm going to do that so i am building the classic version right now but eventually i will build the newer version too you know because i couldn't go in with a 50 50 vote and then just choose one you know so i'm gonna do both and i think i'll name this like maybe i'll have a part one or something like that in there i'm not sure how i'll do all that but yeah i'll eventually do both when i rebuild it the second time i think i'm going to do like ultra modern i think i think that's what i'll do i i will keep the exterior the same though like pretty much the same maybe some like furnishings um things would be different but i want to keep the actual base house the same on the exterior because that goes along with goth lore and everything you know they're like passing down these epic manners you know through the family so it makes sense that they inherited this old victorian gothic house but you know maybe bella moves in and she's like you know changing everything and you know still keep the gothic elements though i'll i'll modernize everything but i'll still keep lots of dark colors maybe little spooky stuff in there somewhere you have to keep all those elements involved because they're still the goths and even if bella moved in and decided to update everything well she's still gonna have it very goth-like because even though she started out as a bachelor and that was her you know her maiden name even though she started out not a goth she was born to be a goth you know she was gothic even when she was a little kid she had like skulls in her bedroom and everything so did i keep that same vibe just modernize it so that's what i was thinking and keeping it the same exterior it kind of goes along with um oh i was thinking of like wayne manor you know bruce wayne it's he's not going to move out of that that's wayne manor so that's the same kind of vibes this is this is goth manor and goths always have to live here so yeah exterior the same interior completely modernized tell me what you think about that i had to put a little throwback into this build though um to to take us back to the previous goth manners goth mansions that we had in other games so the other ones they had like little family graveyards um on the lot and i thought well this one needs that too it can't be different from all the other goth manners so i put in a little one in the backyard if you don't like that kind of thing i totally won't mind you just completely deleting it and putting i don't know a gardening area leaving it just lawn whatever but you know i'm trying to make this appropriate for a goth house you know and that's appropriate they're in the other ones so i had to add just a little one in here i've been playing the sims since the very first one and i gotta say i have always been fascinated by the goth family and i'll be the first to admit i don't pay a lot of attention to you know the real townies that we all know and love i i honestly haven't got that into it but the goths are an exception i have always loved them and i've always kind of hate liked the the land grabs you just know about them right so you know and they're super rich and all that so i've always known about them but the goths now i've always loved them they're just so mysterious and you're wondering like what's going on you know you know they have secrets and you want to know about them and they come from old money and there's there's just a lot of history back there you know like you can tell the god family has a lot of history and that's really interesting to me and yeah i tried like i tried looking into that i watched um plumbella's goth family history so that was really cool and informative and i watched some videos about bella's history and the whole sims 2 thing where she was missing yeah i got really into looking into all of that because i started wondering just what they're all about and they definitely have this adam's family vibe going on which i love i mean most people really like the addams family but when adam's family values when i watched that movie i was obsessed like i could watch it over and over and over and i did you know that's the one where they go to camp the summer camp which is hilarious i just i adore those movies they're so good and i like the new ones too i'm just overall really big adams family fan they're awesome my husband really likes them too so sometimes we'll talk like gomez and morticia and me and more you know and they're just so good they're perfect gomez and morticia adams i mean name a more iconic couple right they're the perfect couple i mean i don't know if mortimer and bella quite live up to their perfection but they are iconic nonetheless with the addams family in mind i wanted to kind of go for that same vibe in their house but i didn't want to do completely adam's family because i think adam's family's house it's just a little more run down and and stuff like that and i wanted the goth house to be a lot more fancy you know and and not run down at all no cobwebs nothing like that i wanted to be in in tip-top shape because these people are very rich and have like always been so i wanted that vibe more than anything i wanted sophisticated classy all those things too not just creepy i wanted just a little sprinkle of dark academia you know i think they're very well educated people too so had to have that kind of feeling in here this was actually one of the hardest things i have ever had to build in the sims 4. no joke i don't know what it was about this i think it's because it's you know it i wanted it to be beautiful but it had to be all in this in the classic gothic style and it had to be a little bit over the top because i i didn't want to i wanted it to be very much like the other goth house which you can actually see like i kept i moved it over to the slightly bigger lot in this neighborhood so the original goth house you could see if you look over there but i wanted to take those elements and just make it better i guess you know and and so that style is pretty out there and there's some bold color choices the purple and the red together those are all things that i i don't normally do so it was a challenge especially because there's not a lot of things that are purple and red together because you can't just put like a solid purple thing and a solid red thing together and just expect it to to look right you kind of have to mix some things that have purple and red together so that it looks cohesive so um like that rug that was in the uh mortimer and bella's bedroom i fought myself with that rug i didn't know whether i should keep it but it's purple and it's red together and it is very bella to me so i went with it if you don't like that rug by all means i don't blame you you can get rid of it i had to go with it though you know i couldn't i couldn't decide to play it safe in this house do you get what i'm saying i had to be bold and make some very bold decisions and it is kind of outside of my norm and i think that's why it took me so long and it was so difficult but i am very very happy with the result i i hope you are too i totally agree that that purple that purple rug with red roses is ugly but i am happy that i went with it and happy that it was brave enough to put it in here it's kind of a good ugly well anyways this is cassandra's room i went with the purple and black vibes and i have a violin in here because she has a violin skill and i just looked at her and thought kind of magical a little bit so i but still academic you know and every i just tried to mix all those into her room and and now we're working on a little alexander's room i really like how this turned out this is a another see these posters here i figured these all are all his favorite movies or video games or whatever and i got this idea to put things that are totally not age appropriate in his room from the addams family you know how pugsley and wednesday are always into things that are not age appropriate for them at all and i always found that hilarious i i loved that part of it and so i wanted to put that in here too so he's got these like vampire movies horror movie posters on there and you know the the goths don't need society's permission they do what they want right so i i thought that was funny oh and here's like a little in that little tower part of the house it's kind of like a little paranormal type room a lot of stuff from paranormal uh packing here for sure bella has been into paranormal stuff for quite a while so i had to put a little room like that in there maybe it's it was a room that they don't even really know about it was hidden you know it's hidden behind this uh bookcase and maybe it's just inherited who knows and there's no television in the living room so i have like a a tv movie room up here and i figured this used to be the attic and then they've just like renovated some parts of it so it is a bit newer still got a like a an older style to it but definitely more modern than downstairs and then we have a little art room because a few of them are creative and like painting well guys that's pretty much it i just want to thank you so so much for watching it really means the world to me as always this build will be uploaded to the gallery so you can download it from there or if you need the tray files you can get those from my patreon page which i will have linked down below if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already and i will talk to you all again next saturday bye everybody [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do so [Music] thanks again to star stable for sponsoring today's video and don't forget to use the link in the description to download bye guys
Channel: Roxxy Sims
Views: 21,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sims 4, Speed Build, the sims 4, thesims4, sims4, the sims, sims, thesims, sims speed build, sims speedbuild, speedbuild, roxxysims, roxxy sims, roxysims, roxy sims, sims build, STARSTABLE, goth mansion, mansion, sims 4 mansion, the goths, the sims 4 goths, sims 4 goth house, sims 4 goth, sims 4 goth manor, goth manor, sims 4 the goth's mansion, the sims 4 the goths mansion, sims 4 the goth house, goth house, sims 4 gothic, sims 4 renovation, goth house renovation, victorian
Id: 7rq7vW4i8xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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