Vampires haunted home - The Sims 4 Speed build

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I love the little ghost at the front door in the intro... Amazing build

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DawathaB 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love this ! Anyway you could share the .tray files by any chance ?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Psychological-Week93 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's an amazing build, good job!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AllOutOfFucks2Give 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys it's me monica welcome to another steam build so today we are here in the forgotten hollow because i decided to make a vampire hunt at home it sounds so funny and it was a lot a lot of fun and special thanks goes to felix andre's custom content because i use it so much in this build it's mostly his custom content and harry's custom content you're going to see this is like a typical old victorian house that you think about when you think about haunted houses and things like that so it's very creepy you are going to see i think it came perfectly the only problem is that this footage is so long that i'm a little bit afraid that you will get tired of it i'm so sorry but the house is so full of details that i just couldn't make it shorter in this video shorter so i'm hoping that you are going to like it and that you are going to stay with me i will try to talk about it as much as i can but probably after some time i will give up and then i will just leave you to it so you can enjoy it in peace so as you can see i put all of the walls over here already and i actually find the reference picture for this house on pinterest i took the shape out of it i would say but i use totally different decoration decorations outside columns and things like that i bring much more details to it let's say it wasn't so detailed uh i was really struggling at first because i didn't know in which way to go i changed the windows quite a lot a lot of time uh you will not be able to see that because i deleted it from my footage in order to make this film shorter so you can uh you don't need to enjoy it for like hours or so i think that i had like uh eight nine hours i would say a footage on this uh so that's kind of a lot i tried to make this uh as shorter that i possibly could but it's still quite quite long so i'm hoping that you have time uh i i promise you uh will know how to appreciate this build and you will be happy as i was when i was building it so uh i really don't know what to say about this interior as you can see i made this box out of it and you will see me doing like a lot a lot of details on these walls for like 15 minutes i guess but i really i'm really satisfied how everything went and as i said i used quite a lot of cc in this one because when this haunted i mean our normal stuff pack came out i wanted to use this custom content like i really really really much so now i have the chance since i did uh one build for the youtube already and i i think i made two so you can find also my victorian haunted house in my gallery without any cc uh it's definitely different it's not the same shape or anything it's different than this one it's special on its own way but i think it came out very cute so if you don't want to put any custom content on your computer you're free to download that one i think you are going to like it uh at least i'm hoping for that and i'm putting like tons of columns in here and wall decorations like a lot a lot of them i wanted this house to be fully victorian and i think that i achieved that and i wanted to use this kind of ashy color of uh for the walls like it's it's almost gray it's something between brown and gray but it looks very grayish so that reminds me on vampires very much and that's the reason why i wanted to use that color i think it just fits very well with the theme and you will also see me doing the gardening quite a lot in here and that was also quite complicated to achieve because i didn't want that garden to be like super beautiful and polished but on the other hand i wanted it to be beautiful and polished uh almost like everybody can see that once that was a beautiful garden and now nobody's taking care of it uh i ha i think that that adds that dose of creepiness into the whole vibe so you can see me doing some for floor plans in here uh for floor plan for planning here and oh as well putting some doors and windows and all the details like that at first i thought that this house is going to have two floors but at the end i add the basement in there because i don't know i just wanted to place with coffins i know that's creepy but i wanted a place with coffins and a lot of candles and just things like that i suppose that vampire would have something like that in their own home and you will be seeing some like altar and creepy lights in there and demons and things like such as and as you can also see gargoyles all around the house you will going to see that better in my screenshots so yeah i will probably not talking like all 30 minutes today because i'm already struggling with this foreign language so um yeah i i i can't i'm sorry you guys again like for 30 minutes i would probably go nuts and repeat the same sentence all over and over again so yeah well i will stay just for a while because to be quite honest it's very interesting to see my videos like this while i'm not struggling and i'm just you know watching and being proud of myself and what did i create and things like that that's that's very very relaxing and it looks so easy like i made it you know so so easily i didn't had any issues or anything it's just i did it perfectly i'm such talented girl i'm obviously joking but yeah it's it's very relaxing to see this uh coming up to life because i really had this amazing idea of victorian house and i had such a big expectations about this one i usually don't have such big expectations and if i don't like the build i will just leave it you know in my folder and not upload it to the gallery or put it on the youtube because i just i just don't don't believe in it you know it's uh it's not something that shows off my work uh as i as i wanted let's just say so i really had high hopes for this one because it was it was just special to me um i'm really afraid of horror movies i don't watch them a lot but i really like horror movies with vampires and ghosts those are practical practically the only ones that i'm looking so i think that vampires and haunted houses and everything are awesome and uh that's super super scary to me if i would have thought that some house is hunted i would probably never go in there but it i don't know it just sounds so cool to me and i wanted to represent that vibe as best as i can let's say and you will see me doing also that outdoor creepy filling with the candles and things like that i put quite a lot of statues this is not super big garden but as i already said i wanted it to be like worn out that it looks old like it's not used for a long long time but it's still kind of i would say romantic and classy you can see that that was once like probably the most beautiful garden so i add a lot of details to go with it with that kind of idea that i had in my head and i think it came up pretty well um at first i didn't think that i would put any color into the garden because i don't know i just wanted it to be you know creepy and worn out and the idea of having like beautiful flowers uh was just weird to me and i tried this white flowers i think we've got them from vampires or it's just like a mod for it i'm not sure but those are my favorite flowers i'm i'm using them everywhere and i thought they fit perfectly actually uh it gave that a kind of romantic vibe to the garden which i really like and that's what i wanted to achieve and i was pretty pleased with that in just those white white flowers gave that that little bit of a color to this build and i think it was amazing like i was very very happy with it i'm sorry my throat is just it's so dry lately i'm trying to drink as much water as i can but i always kind of forget about that it's uh it's my all-time problem let's say one of my favorite ones i don't drink enough water okay but who cares we are still here in the garden and i'm just putting some textures in here some terrain uh you know just something that everything is not so green though i really like this like dark moody green uh grass in forgotten hollow uh i think that's very good and it really goes with that then by five so i really like that i didn't change the rain too much i just add some dirt here and there and just like simple things i didn't do much it looked very nice by itself and you can see me putting like a tons tons of candles everywhere and that looked so good at the end like i put these black candles from a living room stuff back that's the last felix andres and get hairy bag and as well these like um other ones those are from harry's actually from her one of her bags i'm not really sure which one is that but it's harry's and i really like that candles they're better than any candles in the game so i'm satisfied with that we are here in the house finally it uh it's just past like 16 and a half minutes i can't even believe that i'm still talking but here i am fighting fighting for myself and fighting for you so guys cheer me up i'm gonna die in here so i'm doing here the first bathroom so you can kind of see that i put this black marble or all over i wanted everything to be so classy it in that old kind of victorian style but so classy like glamorous and expensive i really wanted that vibe and as you can see i put like tons of candles everywhere but i really loved it and i as well put chandeliers everything with this glass chandeliers from felix andre i just adore them i think they came with his uh baroque uh stuff back i'm not sure i think that's that's the one and there is just like so many so many good things uh he is such a talented little genius i can't i i just can't think thank him enough when i first finally found when i first found his custom content like totally randomly i don't even remember uh i think that i saw build of some girl that uh posts like stories of theirs her sims on the instagram it's like she's making some little stories out of them and using poses and things and yeah sometimes i like to look at some of things like that i don't know somebody sometimes it just catch my eye so i think i saw that she made like a french villa or provision apartment like a gigantic provision apartment with his custom content and i just immediately fell in love i i wanted to give my money to that man he was first custom content creator that i actually paid and that feeling was amazing when i unpacked all of the things that i've got from from him he makes he made my life so much better in this game so much better that the words just can't explain it is descri oh my god it it just it just went away the words cannot describe okay thank you bravo me so yeah he made my game so much better and i'm very thankful for that and that's the reason why i really can't stop uh using custom content for good because he just his custom content and as well uh custom content from some other people are just gets me inspired i think i can do so much you know so much more with the things they they've done so yeah that's that's what makes my game better let's say uh okay i'm thought talking and talking and talking about my game and i just realized that i did most of the down floor uh as you can see i'm just checking out if everything works this is a dining area and i put this little candles in here and candles and things like that i don't even know this is going to be the kitchen i use the counters from harry from her uh i think it's country collection that's that's the new one she made and i think it looks quite beautiful i also customize these styles as you can see so just i wanted to add just a little bit more of a luxury feeling to this kitchen i don't know everything else was so luxurious i think you saw and i didn't want the kitchen to be blah you know i want the kitchen to be amazing as everything else and as you can see it's quite a big kitchen but i didn't use so many counters um i wanted to leave it open and elegant i wanted you to see these beautiful marble tiles i didn't want to just you know delete everything or hide away everything i wanted it to be special and i'm already adding some candles in here which is very good i really like that candles all all around the place uh i think they really did that then vampiric magic or empire magic or whatever in this house and i really enjoyed it and i'm very proud that i did this so that's good uh we are on the upper upper floor right now and i definitely decided to add a piano um i think they cannot go with the piano piano is so sexy i would say vampires are sexy and the piano is sexy oh my god but that's true that's true um the i always had that vision of them having you know long fingers playing the piano being sexy and so on so that's what i wanted to achieve here as well and this is just i don't know how would i even say that it's a spare room it's a room between the rooms or whatever i really don't know how to say that so uh but at the end it came out very cute actually i was very pleased with that i really like this wallpapers um this red with gold at first i thought it's a bit much to be quite honest with you but in the end i just end up loving loving it loving them they groaned on me to be quite honest they've really grown on me and i really like them and i also put this cute floor decorations from get famous i think we've got it from get famous i literally never used them and i was very happy to incorporate them in this elegant build so we are here in the master bedroom and as you can as you can see uh everything is quite dark like the rest of the house i wanted to go with that one very kind of aesthetic probably every every single room is black except this one with the piano and a child room yes guys i actually did a child room i know that i like always always do only one bedroom but this time i thought that maybe these vampires could have a daughter yeah sometimes i really feel bad because i like to do only one bedroom because i assume that people who like gameplay they don't really they don't really play with only one since maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm wrong but if i would play the sims i would probably play the whole with the whole family just to be you know more interesting uh so yeah i in this big house i really wanted to give you guys one more room uh if you don't want it you can always delete it and put something else in it i don't know maybe a library that could also be very cute i actually forget to put a library because uh i had a vision that i will going to have a library since that looks just perfect for this type of house but eventually i forgot so i don't have a library in this build unfortunately but i have two bathrooms as you can see i have one bathroom downstairs and this one upstairs this one is even more elegant i would say with this statues and this big mirror um i was very excited by this one i can say that i think that i'm making amazing bathrooms that would be a lie i always kind of avoid them i want them to make i want them to be as small smallest as possible so i can finish them pretty quickly so i'm not very a big enthusiast in terms of bathrooms but this one i really liked and it has this romantic darkness into into this design of this bathroom so yeah i really kind of enjoyed it i think it it was very cool and at this point you can see me making a base base base room basement i'm sorry like my throat is so dry right now guys you don't even know you don't even know thank god you don't need to be on my spot right now because i'm talking way way too much even though i'm trying to speak as slowly as i can to just you know have i don't know a peaceful moment or something like that so we are here in the base basement and now i'm going to make that room that i just told you about um yeah it's a creepy room it's a creepy room and what is also here uh although i removed him from this wall and put on the another you're going to see that pretty soon and i'm trying to figure it out what should i put in here as a wall decorations and at the end i put these rounded faces in the frames as you can see and i was thinking that oh that that's so creepy and it has sense like i don't know their family is in there you never know they're sleeping their eternal dream in here oh my god i'm crazy i know i'm just adding some last details here uh into this basement there this is not a big basement as you can see i just want to make this this special room for vampires and that's basically it this is just something little extra that i'm doing right now i also had this room but i deleted it i just end up deleting it because i didn't know what to put in such a small room so the last thing i'm doing for this interior is this kid's room and i make her to be a girl so of course you can change that but i put like a red room because i i think it was quite nice for a child empire to have a red room it was logical it was just logical to me so i'm using some tiny travelers things in here as this castle and this bed and also this closet those are the things from felix andres and harry staff pack tiny tablers that's only a kid's bag i mean there is also some things that you can use like for grown-ups of course but it's mainly for children let's say so i'm putting some toys and things like that because i know the kid is a vampire but i think that kids are always playing because they're so small and they need to play so and at this point i just forgot that i have a cat already uh as well not already as well so i put some things uh around the house for our cat because she needed it and i'm just putting some things here in the paris i will put a magic ball at the end i will change that you will not see that in the video but you will be able to see see that if you download this build so thank you guys so much for watching i'm hoping that you like this build please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already uh click like and tell me what you think about this build thank you guys so much and see you on the next one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simsphony
Views: 64,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simsphony, The Sims 4, Gaming, The Sims speed build, Speed build, Interior design, The Sims gamer
Id: gjlDq9quNK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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