I built a vampire MANSION in The Sims 4 πŸ¦‡ (Sims 4 Speed Build)

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[Music] hey guys it is Miss Sim Reno if you are returning to the channel welcome back and if you're brand new I am so excited that you decided to join me here today for another Speed Build and I am genuinely amped to show you guys this build I am so excited because it took me a long time to conceptualize and to finish plus it is going to be included not only in my save file which I'm continuously working on like literally always since the first release in like what January I think I don't remember maybe there will be an update next January who the heck knows we'll see what I can do anyway this is also part of a little collab between myself Rachel and Reese my very dear friends um I will link Rachel's YouTube channel down below because we all decided that we were going to rebuild the world of Forgotten Hollow for spooky season and I'm so looking forward to it Rachel's build she already posted it on her Channel I want to say I want to say over the weekend I'm going to be posting this on I believe Monday for you all I think and I think Rachel put hers up on Sunday and I it's amazing I think it's just called haunted house if I can I will put a card up on the top right hand side of the screen but if not definitely check out her channel uh Down Below in either the description or a pinned comment and watch that video because she freaking nailed it and Reese's build I I just I have very talented friends okay and I have no shame in saying that like they're literally amazing but we wanted to put our brains together and kind of redo this world for spooky season so I hope you all enjoy it if you do have most of the packs because it is not pack restricted uh definitely just kind of keep an eye on that if you're looking to either like download the save file or if you just want to download the builds from the gallery and piece it together yourself you can totally do that as well um but yeah just keep an eye on that because I didn't go pack restricted I definitely know Rachel didn't and I don't believe that Rhys did either so just be mindful but we thought it would be kind of cool to do a bunch of cool like Victorian looking builds in this world and I had an absolute blast with this house it ended up being giant for me this is huge this is what I would consider a mansion all right I've seen bigger mansions in The Sims 4. no doubt but this was pretty big for me and I specifically wanted it to be for Vlad in my save file because I have yet to build him a home in my save file the original one is still are in the current version I'm not pleased I don't like it I think I rebuilt I think I rebuilt everything else in that world except for his house so now forgotten Hollow is complete which is really exciting to me because his house and really just trying to build something for his character was a challenge for me I really had to think about what I wanted his backstory to be and so I thought about it a little bit you guys will see um a room that has not been touched in a very long time and it kind of I don't know alludes to kind of a sad backstory for Vlad but we'll get there when um we're on to the interior because right now we're checking out uh terrain manipulation which I am starting to get a lot more comfortable with in different ways it's really challenging uh to kind of work with terrain manipulation especially with stairs you guys saw me kind of toying with the stairs at the bottom there and also trying to make the terrain manipulation look flush with the rest of the lot in the world around it here I really did struggle with that because I didn't want the hill to just like drop off at the back of the house but I kind of didn't have a choice so that's pretty much what it does but I think that the surrounding area is a little bit more flush and what I do is kind of around the edges of this hill is I use the tool mod to like sink in a bunch of like flowers and grass and rocks and things to kind of shape it out a little bit more hopefully that makes sense hopefully it looks okay I really liked how it looked I also really struggled with the roofing for this build because I had I had a whole Vision I just really didn't know if I was going to be able to roof it the way that I wanted to and not have it look awkward but I think I found a way I also was originally hoping to get like a porch on the back but again trying to deal with the terrain manipulation and making sure I had enough space for that number one and then number two not really needing it because it just fakes faces a bunch of rocks I can't even talk just faces a bunch of rocks behind the build itself so I didn't think it was really that necessary and I thought that the front porch would be enough there's literally nothing on the front porches because well Vlad is a vampire and I suppose I could have put some activities for him to take part in at night maybe a telescope darn it that would have been a really good idea actually just like a little telescope so he can observe the skies that would be kind of fun anyway I was thinking he's a vampire and he spends a lot of time inside anyway and therefore putting activities on the porch didn't really seem fitting however you could of course would add whatever you'd like like an outsourced outside dining table I genuinely cannot talk today I need to like just slow down I think I'm talking really fast because I'm excited I'm just so excited I worked on this build for about four days I want to say actually building it but before that it was about two days of conceptualizing it in a way that would make sense and in a way that made me happy so it probably took me maybe about a week to actually get through this build and on top of that I was working on other builds to get out earlier on the channel so I was just I was really immersed in this project and I really took my time with this build and I love how it came out but you can see that we're starting to do some of the Landscaping we added some Ivy onto the side of the house and again I was using the tool mod a lot because when you're working with terrain manipulation as you all probably know if you've tried it um yeah it's really difficult because all the plants that you place will just like clip and and Float on one of the higher terrain points and it makes it look really really awkward when they're just floating in the air and they don't look like they're actually like growing out of the ground that's when you know that you're looking at a game do you know what I mean I don't really like that so it was it was a challenge but I did really enjoy it I think the Landscaping took I want to say more time than the actual exterior of the build itself like coming up with the structure I think the Landscaping took more time because I had to move each individual plant with the tool mod and that was a lot that was a lot to try to do so I did skip a lot of it like putting in the rocks and stuff like that I think I kept in these parts with a little grass Pieces Just to kind of show a little bit of that work but yeah it was a challenge it really was I really liked the Rocks kind of framing the outside of the Hill I think it made it look I don't know if I'd say more natural but that's the only word that's coming to mind so I I guess I'll stick with it it made it look a little bit more natural to kind of have these rocks surrounding at the bottom and of course this build is play tested so your Sims can actually access all of the stairs leading up to the build itself and uh the incline the manipulation itself hasn't impacted anything because that's something I learned doing I want to say we built it on stream over like a month or something we did a barn wedding venue and I tried with the terrain manipulation and if it's too steep your Sims literally can't do it like they cannot climb something or walk down something I had no freaking idea it was impossible so I had to make adjustments and just wanted to put that out there it works perfectly fine here but you can see that we're kind of adding a bunch of shrubs we're adding some little bits of grass some low-lying kind of like Ivy type things as well and I believe I was building in Fall it doesn't really matter because I wanted everything to look kind of sort of dead plant-wise but I believe her build building in Fall I think that's what we're doing so it just it just has the spooky Vibes you guys and I'm just so thrilled with it I'm so happy with it and now for Vlad himself my thought here okay because he's like he's like the vampire right he is one of the oldest if not the oldest at least in forgotten Hollow I believe from the lore and reading about his bio and stuff like that so he I don't think he's necessarily a good vampire number one but the way that I picture Vlad is he's not necessarily A Bad vampire either like he's not out there trying to do evil things per se though actually you know what I say that I think one of his traits might be evil I think I think he actually is evil oh hold on I'm gonna google this and then come back in my voice over okay I'm back and you know what's so embarrassing is his one of his traits is evil okay so Vlad is a music lover he's evil and he's a quick learner all right so he is actually evil um and I'm not gonna change his traits for my save file but I'm thinking that he wasn't always like this and this is why I came up with the backstory that I did so I pictured his home not as like this dark dingy creepy like vampire Lair I was thinking that he had this big family mansion that had been passed down generation to generation in his family and that he actually lived here with a former uh spouse of some kind and they had a child and unfortunately maybe in some kind of like vampire battle or like cleansing or something like the medieval times he lost his family and he has never changed the house hasn't changed the house since not not a single thing now he uses a majority of the house it's not covered in cobwebs or cracks he takes good care of his home but there's one particular room that he just does not go into at all and it's starting to collect some dust and there are a few scratch marks and things on the door because he was really letting out some emotions based on what happened and I'll tell you more when we get to that room but we are finally working on the interior and this is going to be the main sitting room now there is no television in this build because I wanted it to be true too an older vampire home I guess I don't know you can add a TV if you'd like but I didn't put a TV in this build but I loved the color scheme I went with like really dark woods in this one I have another build that's coming I want to say Thursday or Friday later this week at some point there's gonna be another build which two builds in a week who is she don't know her but there's gonna be another one coming and I went with a much lighter color scheme on the interior so this one was really nice I just love Dark Woods I think you guys know this at this point I love love dark woods and darker Interiors like this are just my jam not so much the color of black but I like dark Browns a lot I really do especially like the wood tones and things so that is going to be the sitting room it's going to be the same color scheme mostly throughout the entire build and I just wanted to make sure that there were a bunch of like Trinkets and weird Collectibles around this entire build because thinking about vampires being Immortal they probably collect a lot of things over the decades or centuries that they're alive and they might be nostalgic for like different time periods so maybe they could just collect different pieces and things but I really I just loved this room so much and that fireplace from the vampire game pack I always forget about how beautiful it is now unfortunately there are a lot of swatches that are just not um not my cup of tea there's like a blue one that's really I'm really not a fan of and there's like a very yellowy gold one too that I just I really don't like that much but this one's perfect it's very neutral and I actually have like a weird like love-hate relationship with the red and pink one that we have as well that swatch I used it in another build that's all I'm gonna say and I surprised myself like literally shook it that I ended up using it but you can see that I just cluttered up on top of the fireplace I also added these candles from the Paranormal stuff pack which every time I say stuff pack I just get sad I really do I just get sad and I hope I'm not alone because essentially at this point it seems like stuff packs are dead and that makes me really sad because we haven't had a new stuff pack in well over a year almost two we're gonna be coming up on two years in January 2023 the last stuff back was the Paranormal stuff pack and it was so freaking good like it is still one of the best off packs to date and I just I hope stuff packs Aren't Dead I really like stuff packs I do I would take more stuff packs over more kits personally though I like a lot of the kids anyway we are now trying to lay out the rest of the build here I was going to use this tile and have two separate bathrooms but it was just it was just too too much I really didn't like it that much so I do end up changing it and I did make a separate little office space here for Vlad because I think that he deserves a study that was that was the other thing I feel like his family was a very aristocratic family so I again I didn't go super creepy dark dingy vampire layer in this home I wanted it to kind of look very fancy very aristocratic and that deserved an office so he does have this office he's got a nice little typewriter computer thing that we got with cottage living and I think I added a few bookcases there's like a globe or something too I can't really remember but there are a few like Trinkets and and different things in this office that I personally really really enjoyed it's not a very big office but I love the opportunity to use these bookcases from strangerville I did use them in the living room as well and I didn't call attention to them but I was so excited to use them because I'm working on this build it has a medium Wall height which I almost never do either it makes me really uncomfortable just like the tall Wall height like why the tall Wall height even exists is beyond me I say that and I used it for my Moroccan Family Home and it was actually perfect but I feel like it's really rare to use the tall Wall height in a way that doesn't look absolutely unnecessary is that the right word I I don't know that's just my opinion but I really loved his office I've got like this we'll call like a recipe or spell book or something I don't really know it did come with the vampire's game pack so I don't really know what it's meant to be I should have read the description but then there's also the cabinet with a bunch of other like Trinkets and ingredients and things and what took up the most space in this freaking house was the staircase doesn't look like a lot of space but upstairs it really ruined the floor plan so I figured I should try to lay out parts of it before I worked on the rest of the home and that rounded roof piece upstairs you probably saw it like flash a few times no matter what I did no matter if I closed off the room like 10 times it didn't matter if I redrew the room nothing it wouldn't work and I know what originally caused it is because I made the open staircase but once that that roof is then enclosed in another room it should go away it should disappear and it would not so I apologize in advance hopefully it's it's not that way for you but it likely will be and I am so sorry um but that's just a bathroom so hopefully it's not that big of a deal and now we're working on the entryway there are a fair amount of hallways I think in this build too which are so difficult for me to decorate I didn't really know what to do here aside from having like a like a console table and a painting and maybe like a couple of candles and stuff but I wasn't able to hang the artwork exactly where I wanted to kind of at the base of the stairs and since the stairs weren't centered it it just made it a little bit more difficult to decorate but I think I found a way to do it so there's an office there's also going to be an organ room and that's all I'm gonna be able to call it because it's kind of like an additional study but without a computer or any bookcases I think so like it's not really maybe we can call it the lounge yeah we'll call it the lounge maybe that's it it was gonna be this room right here actually it is going to be this room right here this is the hallway but the room to the right of that with the tile I was going to make that a second bathroom on the first floor and it just it was a really big bathroom so I end up shrinking this hallway down ever so slightly and then making that now tiled room into the little Lounge area which I thought was a lot nicer I really liked it compared to the additional bathroom I think the bathroom placement in this build was actually really challenging because I thought I was going to be able to get more bathrooms in here as well as more bedrooms to be fair I thought I was going to be able to have three or four bedrooms now maybe I was thinking four and we ended up with three I'll call it three with like little air quotes like there's kind of sort of three bedrooms one of them has a coffin so technically yeah it's a bedroom because your vampires can go and like sleep there so I guess I guess it is a three bedroom but you can of course turn that room into anything else that you want you can do whatever you want to my builds but you can see here that we did try to decorate it as a bathroom I just really wasn't enjoying the color scheme that I came up with I think it was matching the rest of the house but it just made me feel super unsettled I just really didn't like it that much so I ended up ditching it because it was just so big and so awkward and trying to make it maintain the look of being like this Victorian bathroom I feel like I didn't have enough decorations so I ditched that idea and here we are expanding it to kind of make the hallway a little bit more slender and then turning it into like the organ sitting room which I never ever place the organs in any builds literally ever but I went ahead and did that here because Vlad has one when you load up the game anyway in his original home and I feel like he really enjoys it I also sectioned off that little piece there and raised a platform inside of it because it was just an off-centered spot for a fireplace and I wanted the fireplace to be centered because I feel like it is a centerpiece of the room so that's kind of a fun little trick I don't remember where I picked that up I had to have been watching someone else's video somewhere I was not the one to come up with that but you can see that we are decorating this little space here it's a smaller room than I anticipated especially with having the organ in there but I loved it because I think vlat I think he has a certain amount of skill in the pipe organ when you load him up as well I want to say that he does yeah I think he does so you know what he needed an organ to play and kind of get out his angst though every time that I see an organ like that I think of um Davey Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest like I always always picture Davey Jones when I see a pipe organ like that so fun fact about me anyway this room is pretty much almost decorated at this point I just add a little side table here with another lamp because I couldn't think of anything else to put in that space and then I remembered those little decorations from the werewolf game pack and I was thrilled like the little like custom stamp and the letters and envelopes and things because they all look so antique I thought they were so perfect and I do use them I want to say a couple of times throughout the build as well as as decoration but they just they fit perfectly and I also added the little radiators for heat and I want to say I maintained it in every single room because again I think that would be something that you would expect in an older home like this so I love that we got that decoration with the vampires game pack though you know what I do wish I wish that if you had Seasons that it would function like a thermostat I know there's a mod that allows you to to do that because I have said mod in my game for my own personal gameplay but I think that would be such a cool addition with like cross pack functionality maybe someday that could be a reality I kind of doubt it but maybe someday anyway we are now working on the combined dining and kitchen this was the most challenging space in the house and the reason is because it is an awkward shape the kitchen part of this room was so freaking big there was no way to separate it where it wasn't going to feel awkward in my opinion like I could not split up these rooms in any way that made sense to me without the kitchen being super super small or there not being enough space for a bigger grander dining table and therefore we just decided to utilize the giant room as best we could I think I added um I think I tried to add an island here with the countertops but it it looked too big for the space like it took up too much space and I was so displeased because I always try to make Islands in my builds and I never feel like I have enough space to do it and this was again another time where I probably could have done it you might all be thinking like it looks fine you know what are you talking about why don't you just keep it in and I just thought it looked way too odd and awkward and I thought it took up way too much space so I ended up ditching it but I do use I think I combined like two console tables to kind of make a faux island-ish area and I think it looks okay too and also adding uh this here this little this one Yep this one again and I size it up a little bit uh the little cabinet from the vampire game pack as well I think adding that helped fill a lot of space as well because I think the again the medium wall Heights really made it challenging and it made me feel the need to cover all of the walls as well or have cabinets or or bookshelves and things just be higher up on the wall because the Gap from the top of you know a bookshelf or something to the ceiling just seemed so so big and I couldn't stand it I also didn't want to use like newer appliances again trying to keep this build as I guess we'll say as authentic as possible like an authentic Victorian home I don't really know if authentic is the appropriate word but that's the word I'm gonna use and in the kitchen we did go a little bit darker than the rest of the house as well we did use black cabinets and like this black fridge from cottage living which I think was okay because it blended with the countertops now I was just talking to Rhys and Rach and I was saying how I am still baffled that we did not get matching cabinets to these realm of magic countertops like still absolutely baffled like I cannot believe that we didn't get matching things now we did uh temporarily jump back over to this hallway because when I loaded in to the game after a little break between like building and recording some things some of the decorations just completely disappeared I was very confused I tried to check the rest of the build as well to make sure we didn't lose a bunch of stuff but um yeah we lost some stuff on the front there and then we returned back to the kitchen and you can see that I did have the island here now looking at it with fresh eyes it probably would have been fine like honestly it would have been okay with some bar stools and things I think it would have been fine but I just at the time I just really didn't like it but now I want to add it back I don't know why maybe because after I added you could see me that I pulled out a fireplace there and I think after I added the fireplace near the dining table it felt too cramped with the island maybe that's why I did it I really can't remember now with this fireplace as well the chair did originally block it now when I play tested it I was able to light the fireplace however I went and play tested it again before I uploaded it or saved it to my my library I should say and it didn't work so I tore it around with it for a very long time and I couldn't get it to work so that's the disclaimer I don't think the fireplace there is going to work but I really really wanted there to be one in the kitchen and or dining space so I thought it would be so nice I also used this little uh artwork slash mirror trick so you take like two of the I think I'll call them like the borderless or frameless mirrors and you can overlap them and they fit inside that frame which is so freaking cool again no idea where I first saw that definitely picked it up from someone else who was far more creative than I am but I'm just adding some pieces of artwork adding this little like trash bin over here and then of course adding the radiators and all the spaces that I completely forgot since they're just decorative I typically forget to put them in every room when I decide to use them in a build but as you can see I did have that little island and I just ditched it I did I just used two of these console tables I put them together to kind of sort of look like a a smaller dining table almost but I was thinking that it was a faux Island for The Sims to prepare their meals on or whatever the case may be I also just realized that I did put a microwave in this build and yet I was talking about how I wanted it to be more of like a Victorian home like a like a traditional one so the microwave would probably have to go the micro I was about to say like oh I didn't put a dishwasher in here but I did put a microwave so it's a little bit more modern um I don't know why it's not like Vlad eats food but we're just gonna go with it we're just gonna go with it because you don't necessarily have to have a vampire in this home if you download it it can be for whomever you would like it to be for now I am just adding some more decorations and shuffling things around in that hallway before I finish cluttering up the kitchen area which I do really like the kitchen despite really having struggled with it um it was a lot of fun to kind of come up with I really just enjoyed over cluttering it to the point that it wasn't not that it wasn't usable or anything like that but I really like cluttering up like spooky kind of occult kitchens if that makes sense like I love using those little debug potions and stuff from realm of magic and the Spooky things in jars and the old scales and all that kind of cool stuff that I just I think is so so neat and fun to play around with it adds so much character to a build but we are just kind of laying out a lot of this cutter to make it look really lived in because again I think that Vlad has been here for centuries upon centuries at this point and he's going to have acquired a bunch of trinkets but at the same time maybe he hasn't collected something new since he lost his family that wouldn't make much sense because there are some like newer things in here I don't know I'm just trying to think of more of a backstory for Vlad because he is definitely a like a what am I trying to say a Sims Community favorite but I I've never really looked into him that much or thought much of him so building a home for him was was kind of new anyway we are now working on the Second Story and there are three bedrooms and I want to say one additional bathroom which is off of the primary bedroom yeah it's off of the primary bedroom so it's not accessible to oh theoretically everyone else in the home you can of course make adjustments if you wanted to add an additional bathroom upstairs but yeah it was kind of It kind of stunk because I had three bedrooms and two bathrooms which I think is okay but I try to put an even number of bedrooms and bathrooms as often as I can recently though I say that and recently I've had more bathrooms than bedrooms I think also I just hiccuped in the middle of that please ignore that I'm not gonna cut it out let me just tell you my I have like throat gargle noises I happen all the freaking time and the amount of times that I have stopped and started this voiceover again I think I'm already up to 10. and this is like a over a half hour voiceover so now it's taken me close to I don't know 45 minutes to do this it adds a lot of time all right so I'm not gonna cut it out if you can hear my hiccup just just ignore it but now we're working on the primary bedroom which is huge I wanted there to be a lot of space I wanted it to be very Grand very aristocratic looking and we have that beautiful stand-up dresser we also have a vanity in the corner that maybe Vlad uses it every now and then but I think it was for his his spouse who passed away and he just hasn't touched any of their things since they since he lost them um but then there I was going to put that little love seat I guess we'll call it it's kind of more like a bench-ish love seat I don't really know I was gonna use that but I ended up putting another fireplace in here which I didn't think about as I was shuffling around decorations here as you can see but I thought it was a perfect opportunity and maybe in these older homes you know they might have the radiators later on but before that it was using fireplaces to heat the whole place so it makes sense to me but the bedroom like I mentioned is just so big so it was really challenging to find furniture to fill this in a way that was meaningful yeah in a way that was meaningful in a way that made sense that had some level of functionality I was going to use these suitcases again from the werewolves game pack because we got a lot of fantastic items with that pack not to mention it's it is a lot of fun to play with if that's like your kind of gameplay I had I don't even think I can technically say this because it was maybe two episodes I was going to do a little mini LP to highlight werewolves and I just abandoned it so fast just wasn't my kind of gameplay sorry but now we are working on one of the other bedrooms and this is where the sadness settles in because I think that Vlad and his former spouse lost a very very young child in all of this like maybe Vlad was kind of heading up this this Rebellion against those who were hunting on the vampires and while he was gone or because he was such an important part of that movement if you will his family was targeted and they ended up being taken from him in a way that was just like absolutely horrible so he can't face it and he just decided you know what I'm not even gonna touch the room if I don't change the room if I don't get rid of the stuff they can it still feels like they're here I think that's what he was thinking very sad I know but you know what when you've lived centuries and centuries you're probably going to have experienced many a tragedy because you're also outliving like everyone you've ever met like theoretically right I think of even Twilight right like they they've gone to high school how many how many times they've watched their classmates well not that they got close to anybody really but they've watched so many people just like roll old and pass away and they just never age a day like that has to mess with your head it has to be weird but that is pretty much on the little Nursery which I do add I want to say off camera I add a bunch of like cobwebs and things like that I I just didn't really know the direction I wanted to go when I first made it so I did that off camera but then this is going to be the oh there is there's three bathrooms I lied to all of you I lied to you there's three bathrooms three bedrooms it's perfect never mind there's also I think a bathroom off of the master or the primary bedroom so um there's plenty of bathrooms if you have multiple Sims in this house if you don't just use it for Vlad or if you do play with Vlad and you give them a partner or if he has a roommate or if he has children I don't know it's whatever you want but I did just basically copy over a bunch of stuff from the bathroom uh downstairs because I typically have my bathrooms pretty much look the same and then this bedroom over here to the right is going to be the last one and there is just a fireplace and actually a coffin so if there's a night where Vlad is like you know what I'm gonna be a traditional vampire tonight he can go stay in the coffin if you would like or if he has like a vampire friend that he's known for centuries from another country or something visiting maybe they're a little bit more traditional and they want to stay in a coffin who knows I don't know make up whatever story you'd like but that is pretty much it for the build I hope you all enjoyed this one I cannot wait to hear your thoughts and I will catch you next time I post a video and I'll talk to you soon bye [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MissSimReno
Views: 10,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MissSimReno, TheSims, TheSims4, Sims, Sims4, SimsSpeedBuild, Sims4SpeedBuild, TS4, TS4SpeedBuild, SpeedBuild, sims 4 house, sims 4 house building, sims 4 build, speed build, sims 4 speed build, mansion, halloween, spooky, spooky season, haunted house
Id: uflUOeiFTW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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