Peperomia Argyreia care and extreme Propagation (with updates)

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hi guys my name is sean from indonesia in today's video i'm going to be talking about the peperomia algeria or watermelon peperomia care and propagation and today we're going to be doing an extreme propagation where i'll show you all the ways that you can propagate this plant so all these guys that you see here came from one plant that i got about a year and maybe two months ago and they have been propagated and they're doing really well i actually did a video in my channel earlier on it was actually my first few videos so if you want to see what i look like a year ago do check out that video so today's video i'm going to be cutting up this plan in so many ways i'm going to propagate it every week imaginable and then give you guys an update in a few months time so that you can take better care of it so you can multiply it more efficiently depending on your conditions first thing first peperomia algeria they like to be in bright indirect light they can't take medium light or bright shade and if you give them a little bit of direct sunlight in this case the leaf center curl and that is actually my theory this one actually is living in partial direct sunlight and the leaves are curling into like a bowl shape i figured that it's doing that because it's trying to shield itself from the sunlight it's trying to minimize the surface area in which the sun is exposing the leaf surface however this plant grew really really fast in that condition so i don't really mind the curved leaves but of course i do prefer the leaves to be a little bit more flat and bigger like in this case this is actually one of the propagates and number two they like to be dried out kind of a lot between watering you need to treat them like a succulent they're very very prone to over watering and rock however a lot of these specimens that i propagated i actually watered them every day but that's because they've been used to the condition of everyday watering since they were propagates and also i put them in terracotta pot and fast draining general purpose potting mix this explains why they don't rot so easily if you have them grown in a heavier peat based potting mix or clay based potting mix you may have to repot it or water it a lot less and what i actually recommend for you to do when you bring one home from a nursery is take a few leaves to cut and propagate because these guys also don't do very well to a change of environment so the new leaf that you propagated in your home will be adapted to your home really well they're highly adaptable in that sense but they don't respond well to being brought to your home in a completely different environment so just keep that in mind that you may experience some die back when you bring this home and it fertilizes the same way i do with my other house plants lightly and frequently i don't have any pest issues with these guys before so very very easy for me to grow and i know that a lot of you guys are struggling with this plan but this is truly beautiful and it's one of my favorite plants so i hope that you guys will give it a try in case you fail and you fail to grow this plant i hope that you guys will try again because this is truly a beautiful specimen it's so cute and i want many of these which is why today i'm going to be propagating in so many ways i really love them in the small pot and in fact i have shown in my previous video uh their root basically and their roots are so fine and so little that they don't really need a big pot pot size if you put them in a pot size that's too big you're very very prone to over watering them that's why you should keep them in tight pots where possible and they are so happy in the tight little pots this one is particularly very cute i found this pot i can't remember was in bali it's a round pot but it looks really good with these round leaves too so yeah i'm trying to grow many of these but i like them to be small this one's actually grown so big so wild and starting to flop over which is what today i'm going to be propagating it and i'm going to be doing it in a very extreme fashion so yeah let's get started now to propagate it there's so many ways you can take of course a few leaves off and do it but in today's video because we're gonna make it very exciting for you i'm gonna do an extreme propagation where i literally cut it off cut it cut it cut it cut it off yeah there and that and that okay there you go so they can actually be propagated with a main stem like this i guess i struggle with it a lot of them are stuck stuck okay my dad is yelling at someone on the phone again he's been yelling at people every every day since covet uh so here is the main stem you can take off a few leaves and let me take it off now actually and just leave a few leaves on the top there's so many branches here actually very cute this is doing really really well well this is oh my god they're so intertwined so this is one where you get like a main stem this is the main theme this is the period and this is the leaf so uh this one also is for me quite a few main steps actually i can stick this straight into a potting mix and it will root but if you have too many leaves that can be a problem as well because the leaves need water and nutrients should sustain life but there's not enough roots to sustain so many leaves so sometimes it's better to do it with fewer leaves so yeah i can totally divide this into so many plants i'm very excited i want to dive into like a whole ocean of this like imagine that let them catch me so there's that this is a pretty good size uh also you can probably get them by leaf cutting and i'm gonna show you different ways to prop you can probably get them by half leaf as well so yeah pretty wild so the easiest way to propagate them the safest way would be to do water propagation and when you have a cutting like this this is a very healthy leaf this which is great but when you have a long patio like this i find that they root for a very long time it's better to have shorter patio kind of like this and then because i think when you have a long patio it takes a lot of effort for the plant to drop nutrients and moisture into the leaves and for leaves to transfer energy back down into the roots to push out new roots so when you root this tiny tiny roots will start appearing here below and you want to just put it in a very small vessel do not put your cuttings in a big vessel this is actually even too big i'll put a few cuttings in here if you want to know why please do check out my water propagation video i share with you the tips on propagating cuttings successfully i'll do it probably even one more here okay there you go nice and i want to put this in a very very bright and direct light location then you do need the sunlight to push up the roots and i find that i don't know if it's just me but i put this in my air conditioned bedroom and they push our roots pretty fast and i heard that peperomia is a winter grower so it is possible that my high success rate of propagation is due to the fact that it's in my air conditioner but i may be wrong so these guys they don't really need a lot of humidity to be happy to live i find so i've moistened some general purpose potting mix i'm just going to put this main stem right into it you don't wet this potting mix for in the first place it's going to be a little bit hard to get it to stand there you go and i really have to monitor this i have to keep an eye out for this never to let it get soggy wet but never let it dry out completely either because it needs some moisture in there to push out the roots so that's one and you can also propagate just by sorry by a leaf here now here's the trick when you put the leaf in the potting mix if you're putting it too deep the new babies are which is going to grow from the base it's going to be too buried in here and over time this potting mix may get a little bit compacted so the baby would just suffocate and die it will not make it to the surface so what i do is i just push it very very gently like very gently in and that's it so i just want to keep only the tip maybe like half a centimeters of the patio in the potting mix and just let it leave it in there so that the babies can come out when it's time but it does take a long time by the way it takes about i don't know maybe three months to see anything and in this case the shorter the patio the better so i kind of lay the leaf on the edge of the pot yeah there you go so they're kind of okay in there they're not really falling off but yeah just keep it a little bit damp and not too deep the next way you can do it let's say you have a leaf that fell off completely with no patio no problem you can propagate it this way let me cut it hang on something got my neck i think there was a spider okay so i'm gonna just cut it like this and this you can't really use it because it doesn't have the patio but this cutting actually has a lot of veins here and each of these veins has the potential to put out a pop isn't that insane this is so wild this method takes a really long time takes up to like i don't know five to six months maybe so what i do in this setup is that i would actually just have a squeeze bottle with a little sharp point at the end so just water like right around the front and the back of the leaves every one to two days i don't want to keep the whole potting mix too wet because it might get too soggy it may just die off so yeah this is one way to do it i'm gonna find another leaf to do that with this is a pretty big leaf it's not perfect but it's fine it'll do i'm gonna just cut it cut it cut it now with uh the bottom half you can propagate this absolutely i'm gonna take this and i'm gonna stick it here with the rest of the gang keep it there and back to the top portion here and you want to make sure that these two are facing the same direction because you want this pot to be facing the sun and you don't want to bury these too deep either again because the pups do need to break free from the potting mix they need to come up so i don't bury too deep at all i'm very nervous in front of the camera sorry hang on it's not deep enough give me some time be patient with me don't go anywhere okay that's done yeah very cute so i'm actually going to try a lot of these also in plastic pop because i'm running out of terracotta pots so plastic pots that i'm going to try forest floor potting mix mix because i have a feeling that they will also like the forest floor potting mix and they also do quite well in the aerodroid potting but they're actually very versatile in nature they're a little bit of an amplified actually they're supposed to be able to take arid potting mix quite well the ones with the main stem like this one i assume that it will probably root better and faster [Music] here is another one that i'm gonna do yeah so there's about two cuttings usually in the pot that's actually too much i do like them to be a bit sparse i like them to be in tight pots but sparse if you know what i mean one has too many leaves and take off a few leaves yeah i think this is a pretty good amount stick it in yeah so in my previous video i show you the water propagation method a lot so do check it out i show you the roots as well but in today's video i'm going to be a little bit more experimental okay so i've prepared 10 parts of the forest for potting mix and in this case i think i can stick the cuttings a little bit deeper in there because the pups can find its way out very easily because it's very airy so yeah cut it short again the petioles so i'm going to keep maybe three cuttings per pot i'm assuming maybe two of them will live maybe one of them may not that's one this is so tangled up into each other oh my god so basically these are two separate branches and they just kind of grew into each other weaving themselves permanently into each other that is so wild i love it break this off and then let me see so many things are trying to grow out of this this is one look at the baby leaves on top here very very cute okay i think i'm gonna only keep the baby leaves like this one very cute stick it in here how cute i'm gonna keep this alone all by itself it just looks so happy by itself let me break off a few more of these i'm having a lot of fun by the way i really love working with this guy of course i hope i don't kill all of them you know i'm going to take one more off there look at that how cute is that oh my god i'm having a blast having such a good time probably getting my watermelon pepperoni pepperoni algeria keep all my patio short so i'm going to try the half leaf method actually with this one as well so i'm going to do okay so maybe the camera is a little bit high is it i don't know let me lower this a bit yeah no sorry you've been missing on so much good stuff uh yeah i'm gonna cut this actually i've tried this with the general purpose potting mix and it works but i've never tried it with the forest floor potting mix so let's see and then i'm going to take this top when you have half a leaf like this it's going to propagate a lot slower by the way and some people actually do this in spectrum moss as well and that's fine some of them put them in like a enclosed container where the ceiling the humidity that's also great but i literally live in a humidity dome because i'm in southeast asia i'll cut this in half i have a feeling the general purpose might work better with this one because this four floor potting mix is a little bit too airy maybe for this kind of so or maybe i'm not burying it sorry i'm going to be burying this deeper it's just an instinct that i have my paternal instinct okay so i'm going to take these two halves i'm going to stick them in a different pot i guess see i'm just i don't have a system here i'm just going randomly i'm just stabbing cuttings into potting mixes and i'm gonna give you an update on all of these so it'll be fun for you to watch okay this is theirs in fluorescent by the way cute that's totally unnecessary for what for our purposes let me just put this in the potting mix please root well please root quickly and healthy yeah so again if you have any uh if you just brought this home and you're not sure if it's gonna survive take a few cuttings because they're gonna probably do better in your home done i feel like doing more of those happily because i really love seeing those tiny baby leaves come out of the of the veins here really love it basically for these ones in forceful parting mix i have to water them every day i'm just going to hose it down gently of course because i don't want to knock any of these leaves off and also i don't want to over water it but they do need a fair amount of moisture dampness and once in a general purpose potting mix i need to be careful i need to be on top of these guys i can't over water them i need to let them dry out a bit more so i'm doing most of these in this forest for potting mix even though i've never done it before but something tells me they do uh they're easier to maintain this way i can water this every day without trying to keep track of the moisture in the potting mix so this is a lot of notes here actually so if this leaf can help push out some roots this will be a very good cutting so let me show you everybody all right tada let me do a count a head count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 and one in water propagation 22 plus one plus the parent plan i'm going to be very interested to see what happens with this i'm not going to be watering this as much because it doesn't have a lot of leaves i don't want to rot it but i'm gonna see if it's gonna branch out it's gonna be so cool right so these guys are gonna be living here they're gonna get medium in direct light all day long and hopefully they'll be happy and this is actually facing my studio here so i can keep an eye out for them i guess or maybe i'll forget to i'm not sure but the ones that i put in general purpose potting mix i'm going to leave it in my bedroom because i cannot have it rained on so the ones in general purpose potting mix i grow them right here this is just a regular fluorescent light that is led so it saves energy and it's getting air conditioned because i do sleep in this bedroom yeah so i just kind of water them lightly every few days or so when the top soil feels really really dry and here's another different species of pepperoni look at the baby leaf and it's a bit of a spoiler i really love this uh pepperoni it looks like a watermelon pepperoni but it trails instead it's quite beautiful this is a little bit more for advanced it's actually even harder to care for than the pepperoni algeria so i'll be doing a video on these next time and i'm going to show you the full plant but back to this i guess i will see you guys in a few months hopefully i get to keep most of them alive welcome to a six week what happened to these but the other i i'm actually sorry because this is fluorescent so it shows up as flickering light on camera so this is grown using a little bit of wax-facing window in a very bright shelf and also of course supplemented by artificial light this is just regular household led i don't know if i mentioned that in my previous clips but it's six weeks later so i guess i can't remember what i said about the lights so this is doing really well look at the new leaf it's so pretty and it's sprouting new leaves and new leaves i really enjoy looking at this look at that baby leaf over there it makes my day i love watering and checking in on these guys every day i can do this for the rest of my life i think that's more leafs that has turned to sprout so everybody's growing growing this is growing as well look at the light green baby leaves this one the one with the half leaves are actually alive and as i showed you before they do take a long time but the tiny growth will appear somewhere along here it sometimes put out more than one pup like each vein here has the potential to give you a plant or a plant lid rather this one i have a feeling it probably just dried out too much so i'm going to quickly show you how i water these guys i have this bottle right here and every single day i would just like that's it i just lightly water it every day i when i feel the pot it's actually pretty light meaning it's not saturated with water too much they don't want to be sitting in too much water you guys so do let them dry out between watering i water these slightly every day i or alternately i can also water them heavily every three to four days instead of doing light watering every day but that is the option that i went with and they're obviously happy with that arrangement oh and since we did a head count before this is actually six pots here and i'm gonna show you the ones that i grew outdoors let's quickly check out the water propagated ones these three were propagated in one vessel as you can see the roots look pretty healthy from here be sure to give your cutting a small vessel not too much water nice josie just running around and gives them very bright light look at this this is getting a nice view of the sky and then let's check out there yeah the roots look really good actually i'm going to pot these up because i don't want them to be in water for too long so six weeks it's actually a good amount of time for them to be in water look at that it's so beautiful i want to also show you something else this cutting actually i put it alone i wanted to show you guys the difference when you group cuttings and when you have them alone this one is barely rooted look at that cuttings do better when you group them for more information on this do check out my water propagation video i'm going to link that up above so you can know how to maximize the success rate of your cuttings but definitely do propagate them in groups like so yeah i'm gonna pop these up after this so these are the ones that were grown outdoors i cut a 16 pots that's amazing that means that we only had one dice one deaths i mean from all of these that's pulling water so all of these are obviously alive if they're dead they would have rotten by now i don't see any new growth yet that one i believe is was grown by patio only actually this one broke and it rooted but it's broken so let me put it back in there gently gently yeah it's very hard to do it with one hand okay there and then these ones are putting out baby leaves baby leaves baby leaf i think the one that was grown indoors is actually a little bit faster because my theory is that peperomias are winter growers so they do like a little bit of that cold this is actually doing really well but also that those plants that we saw before they were given excellent light they were given very very good light conditions and these ones were a little bit in medium shade medium indirect light so they may be growing a little bit slower but everybody's alive and i'm very happy to see that that's putting out babies as well amazing imagine from one pot now i have 21 pots of these this is amazing i love these guys so much and i love propagating them every leaf looks different look at this particularly if it's so pretty hello and they can be propagated so many ways i remember that these guys were all propagated with part of the main stem which means that they can take over faster than these guys that are propagated with just one patio we have more of them over here i want a whole forest full of them but those were actually propagated a long time ago those guys so that's not good that's actually fungus that the white strands that southern light it will kill the plant very quickly and actually to spray this down with fungicide really after this video i hope this leaf is so big look at that nice anyways i digress this is the parent plant that we cut from that one leaf is damaged i don't know what happened to it but everybody's growing as you can see here all the growth there's a little look at the little buds over there back there very cute everybody's growing in i believe each of this main stem is going to put out a few branches so it's going to be even bushier than before look at that over here so if you're hesitant about cutting your plants up don't be because they're going to be so happy they're gonna grow back in with vigor so [Music] this is eight weeks into the propagation and two weeks since our last clip i forgot to show you this plant actually this is the cutting because i showed you the ones that were water propagated and these were half leaves and as you can see the leaves are actually very tired i see some webbing so they may be spider mites do you see the webbings there in case you're wondering why i'm filming at night it's because i was editing this video and i realized i didn't film this update yeah look at that that's spider mites wow i never thought i'd catch them on camera it's been a while since i've seen them but there we are i'm gonna have to wash this up with my insecticidal bar soap soon after this video but let me show you what's underneath ta-da so they have rooted and they've given babies do you see those babies that is so adorable i need to make sure not to touch any other plants now that i've touched this plant because the spider mice do spread that way so this is exciting i'm gonna have to put this into soil and keep in mind you don't want to bury this too deep in the soil because it will bury the pups and they will die and suffocate so don't bury them too deep so this is successful but again the if you have full leaf and not the ones that are cut like this let's just drop that they will root better and faster so but sometimes we just have to have leaves we we inserted the other half in potting mix which you will see right after this right so the last thing that we're gonna see in this video thank you for your patience is this guy the leaf look very very tired look at that it's so stressed out but it's done its job by putting out all these babies as you can see here each of these veins they put out new puffs i see three pups from this one leaf and let me see yeah there's one more in the back so this one half leaf gave me five plantlets and this other one let me take some of these out of the way hang on let me see there are a few plantlets and there is two so this second leaf brought me three plantlets so there's total of eight plants in this so this method actually propagates a lot slower but they gave you they gave me more leaves thank you so much for watching this video i hope that this has helped you better care for your peperomia algerias and to propagate them a lot of pepperonis propagate the same way as well they're so fun to have around and they're really good to share so be sure to share it with your friends and family so if you have one of these i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding plant care and propagation i'll try my best to get back to you meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 42,156
Rating: 4.9598999 out of 5
Id: QvYY5inJcjM
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Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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