"The Stone That Killed My Goliath" - Vani Marshall

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everybody shout with me the stone hold it up say the stone that killed my Goliath saying again the stone that killed my Goliath everybody's got a Goliath I know sounds like bad news but it's life everyone's got Giants in our life things that we want to conquer could be a habit could be a lack of a good habit it could be something like just no sleep at night that's a Goliath I mean sleep is important I think that's one of my guides for Samuel 17 34 37 thank you pastor and sister woodwork but first of all being our friends sister Beverly you're amazing you got a great pastor y'all I don't know whether he's watching it but we got to give pastor and sister Woodward a hand I know he's in Denver Colorado I know he's speaking tonight and he'll be back but they are wonderful friends have taken great care of us and I honor them pastor and sister Jack Lehman pastor and sister Cathy you're a wonderful they're good people thank you Jesus for great leaders pastor Matt thank you for being a friend all the good things you do the multicultural team we need to give the multicultural outreach team a great big hand they've done a great job every one of them everyone and I thank God for them for Samuel 17 34 to 37 can you imagine as of right now 14 people have got the Holy Ghost and several of them Muslims come on now there is a breakthrough among multicultural internationals in Fredericton there is a breakthrough remember the last time we were here we talked about that open window that window is still open that light is still shining through and you need to take the opportunity of an open window and go stand right and walked through that open window walked through those open doors because open means it can also shut and I don't want to wait for it to shut I want it to be open I want it to be remain open and oval Fredericton over CCC till Jesus comes back and David said unto Saul die servant kept his father's sheep and they came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock and I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him killed him died servants lieu both the lion and the PC David is telling Saul let me tell you something I'm not sure what I can do but I know what my God has already done so I can at least go by what he's done to expect what he's going to do because he God said he is the same yesterday today and forever so yesterday he heals someone today he can heal again if yesterday he restored a relationship today he can restore again that's that's what David was was trying to say I'm gonna let you sit down a minute my servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine that's really an insulting thing for the Hebrew children to say that means they're not even part of God uncircumcised you're not part of the Covenant you're an outsider you don't bear the mark that makes you one of us that's why baptism in jesus name is important the circumcision of the heart this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one of them seeing he hath defied the armies of the Living God David said moreover the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion he was actually waiting God's resume I like it God's resume God has a CV God has a/c he was saying hey you want to see what God has done the same God that has delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine I want to jump to verse 49 and David put his hand I mean he talked a few more things and then he said David David put his hand in his bag everybody hold it up he took thence my stomach keep keep your stone in your hand even when you're seated he took a stone and he put it in that slingshot and he slang it one stone he had five I still don't know exactly why he picked five but he was a calculated risk taker and he smoked the Philistine in his forehead and the stone sank into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth then David went took the Philistine two Goliath's sword and cut his head off David just wanted to make sure Goliath never rose up again you may be seated with your stone Satan vies for your bedside position hoping to be the first voice you hear he covets your waking thoughts you understand what that means Satan anybody here at the moment you wake up there's some negative thought that comes you didn't even think negative you went to bed probably reasonably happy reasonably contented just extremely tired but you wake up and there are sometimes just negative thoughts that come to you even before your day has started anybody except other than me thank you for being honest Satan wise for your bedside position he covets your thoughts he awakes you with words of worry and stirs you with thoughts of stress if you dread the day even before you begin your day mark it down your giant has been by your bed and he's just getting warmed up he breeds down your neck as you eat your breakfast whispers in your ear as you walk out the door shadows your step sticks to your hip and he lies everybody say he lies everybody say devil you're a liar I'm gonna say a few things and you're gonna shout back devil you're a liar to me is that okay all right okay your children are lost he lied your marriage is dead Satan's you're not gonna be able to save this relationship the devil is safe you can't reach this city you're right I wish it came to last night service probably was there right at the back thinking how he can do anything couldn't do anything you know you can't reach this city devil you are a liar we baptize 14 and most of them was internationals from this city from different countries around the world you're a liar he says your kids are not coming home nobody cares people are not interested in God in 2017 that is so 1947 no it's not it's actually November 2017 if you try to live a holy life you are not gonna fit in with your friends you're gonna look different don't try to practice separation it doesn't work anymore in today's society devil you're a liar there are people that want this that are hungry for the real deal they don't want games they don't want Church to play games they want the real deal if you're going to be an ordinary Christian that comes in clocks in and clocks out you will repulse them but if you are on fire and you will give it your all they will follow you home it will come to you they will talk to you they will desire your counsel but be real Jesus is real you know if he lives in you we ought to be real no masks no agenda just real if you love people sincerely and completely it is a magnet to those that are hungry and thirsty for God goliaths wrong this world debt disaster danger deceit depression supersize challenges still swagger and strut they built for your sleep and embezzle your peace and joy but they cannot dominate you shout that they cannot dominate me you know how to deal with them because you know you've learned especially here see see see I know you pray you had Wednesday night prayer here and Wednesday night somewhere else we were having a time of it and somebody received the Holy Ghost someone received the Holy Ghost because you were praying here someone received the Holy Ghost in our apartment why because you know how to deal with your Giants you face giants by facing God first you have learned to face God first before going out in the field bare hand plug into the Holy Ghost my friends we're at war we are at war I know that it's been great that 14 I've got the Holy Ghost well maybe few more tonight but and next Sunday and next Sunday but it's not just that you are at war you're doing spiritual warfare even there was a wonderful beautiful Muslim lady this morning when I was having a Bible study with her in the office she turned around and looked at me and said will you baptize me I mean I'm talking about there is an open door with a particular culture here that I have never seen she said I I want this I'm tired of religion I don't want religion I want a relationship she said I said well you've come to the right place then and she said will you baptize me I said absolutism is not religion by the way it's a beginning of entering into a covenant a real relationship with every relationship has terms and conditions if you're thinking our relationship is free-for-all I can do what I like and the person other person in the relationship will do what he likes or whatever that's not a relationship I don't know what that's a mess it's a mess it's a chaotic mess and the relationship won't last every relationship has terms and conditions a marriage relationship you sign papers you you agree even before God what you're responsible at every relationship has responsibilities to give and take to respect and to love God's relationship is no different there are responsibilities and so baptism is a one of the terms of their relationship and she looked at me and and she said to me she said you know I want to do this it was so powerful Satan is not letting up my friends we need to fight for our cities our families and our own Souls God showed up this past week that your community outreach is going to explode and multiply the kind of warfare I'm talking about is not screaming at the enemy or to even debate him you do not have to use your volume of your voice to intimidate the devil the name alone is sufficient the blood that is applied on you through baptism is a fish the spirit of God that has filled you is sufficient do you agree with me then you can shout and clap because you have the what weapons of your warfare this kind of warfare talking about like I said it's not don't don't be wasting time debating debating you're saved you've got God and you've got his light you don't have to argue and debate your viewpoint with others you just love people and let God do the rest you don't have to enter into a debate Jesus is not asking for lawyers he's asking for witnesses witnesses you don't have to be judge jury and executioner you just have to be a witness and to resist Satan is this very easy while actually doing it is not really very easy but I'm gonna say it this is it's it's a simple formula if you like this is how you resist the enemy you stand firm in your belief that Jesus is greater than Satan that's it if you will stand firm in your belief that Jesus is greater than Satan and that your relationship is with Jesus the one that's greater if you would stand firm in your belief that Jesus is greater than the devil and that you are in relationship with Jesus you are resisting the enemy every time there's a challenge a temptation you can stand firm you can resist the devil and he will flee love the Lord obey Him live an obedient life to God resist the devil and he will flee the statement be strong in the Lord and the power of his might is not a statement it's not a admonition it's a command it's a commandment be strong that's a come there's no option there and in the power of his might God does not command us to do things we cannot do God is not a mean God telling us to do things that is so hard we cannot do it he he doesn't I'm not saying that he gives us a free pass to do whatever we want but he asks us to stand in his strength we can resist there is nothing more powerful than a praying child of God Jesus is raising up a remnant that is not afraid to call on God are you afraid to call on God I think not that's why we've had so many Holy Ghost when brother Robinette was here there was eight that received it on a Sunday there are people that I would have never thought would accept the Lord or would give their life to Jesus would even want to discuss Jesus I want Jesus right now want to be baptized what the Holy Ghost are you afraid to call on the Lord well call on the Lord lift up your hands call him the Lord right now what your what is your need just call on the Lord say god this is my need I want you to do this for me I need you I want you to meet me I want you to meet my need call on the Lord hallelujah Jesus he's raising up a remnant that's not afraid to call on him he's raising up a people that's not afraid to call on him to intercede for a lost and dying world that would push away from food and from to consecrate significant amounts of time to seek Him focus on your Giants and you will stumble you focus on God your Giants will tumble you know that what David knew and you do what David did tonight I challenge you one more time pick up the stone pick up the stone and make a decision right now I'm going to ask you to call this the stone of Prayer can you shout that out with me stone of Prayer you know what I did I took a stone one time and I took a sharpie well this is a dark stone if you got a dark stone you got to use a silver or a gold sharpie I used the black sharpie my stone was kind of white and I wrote prayer on one side shouted out the stone of prayer I'm talking to the body tonight I feel to talk to the body tonight I feel to talk to see see see where the marshal and I God willing where we will be coming back I think in May or some point in spring we're coming back to Fredericton I feel it's such a long time away but we're coming back when the weather is more evangelizing friendly outreach friendly weather you know peace the Bible says peace is promised to the one who fixes his thoughts and desires on God am i right that's Bible everybody say it's Bible don't let don't let down in your stone don't put your stone away hold it in your hand I dare not face my giant without first doing the same without first fixing my thoughts and desires on God prayer spawned David's successes when Saul's soldiers tried to capture him David turned towards God how do you survive a fugitive life in a cave I don't think any of us who live in modern-day today can can survive a fugitive life that means a life kind of fugitive meaning somebody's coming after you to kill you or to arrest you or take you away that's a fugitive you're running from the law you're running from your enemies and David ran and he hid in a cave for a long long time people he loved and and mentored and and and trust that were after him to take his life how do you live a fugitive live in a cave because it was prayer that spawned it prayer undergirded him David turned toward God David cried out to God in prayer you have been my defense he says in Psalms 59 you have been my refuge in the day of trouble and when David cried out to God and cried look at his Psalms when you look at his fugitive day songs it's always desperate cries for rescue he had a stone now when he was a young boy he slang that stone and he threw that stone that killed Goliath a Philistine soldier double his size triple his size and strength but now David was in the fugitive cave he had another Goliath he was facing in the cave fear I'm sure he did I'm sure he faced depression when your loved ones turn against you think you're not gonna be depressed anxious fearful angry desolate betrayed abandoned rejected you're going to face all of that those are your Goliath that's when you take the stone of prayer and you cry out to God you are my refuge you have been my defense in the time of trouble come on let's do that you have been my defense in the if you are feeling desolate alone depressed anxious fearful about anything anything worried about your future worried about money worried about family God you are my refuge in the day of my trouble when David soaked his mind in God he stood when he didn't he flopped somehow I don't think David spent a lot of time praying the night he seduced Bathsheba do you know he did not somehow he missed prayer meeting at church that night he probably missed several prayer meetings because you don't just get up one day and decide to seduce somebody else's wife let me just get Frank here I just love Canadians I can just say what I like in their tough bring it on you don't have to thrill it or frou-frou it for us we're tough why did him come back I need some of your toughness no he was not spending time praying the evening he decided to take somebody else's wife probably several prayer meetings had gone past he didn't have a prayer life I'm sure not just that day but days for him to make that decision you think that David was writing a song he decided to murder Uriah no David hadn't may probably not been connected with God when he made a instant decision to take the life of a man that was innocent it doesn't happen overnight sin never does if we're gonna reach this city we're going to have to go back and take the stone of prayer and slang it and throw it against some goliaths we have habits good habits of prayer bad habits of a prayerless life kill our goliaths that are trying to hinder us and distract us from doing what God wants us to do if you agree with me why don't you clap and shout to God I'm talking to you today about the stone that kills your Goliath the most urgent need of the church today's to know Jesus through a deep life-changing relationship with relay everybody say relationship everybody say relationship intentional prayer the pursuit of his presence is the foundational step in the dynamic empowering intimacy with Jesus Christ there is no way that my husband and I would even dare cross over the border and come to a land where there are wonderful things going on in great communities in a solid church like CCC but there are communities and strongholds and satanic stuff going on as well over there across the border and over here do you think that we would dare come to somewhere that's not really familiar and do some Bible study and prayer and services without prayer we would be foolish to do so and I realized this time that it was slightly different from the last time we were talking about it with pastor Jack and I was talking about a sister Beverly as well and it was different meaning that the last time there were baptisms from the get-go this time it was all converging last time there was different groups of people this time it was different groups he was just a a difference not bad not good just different and God just impressed on me that the next time we come the church as a whole we need to be on a prayer and fasting chain for about a week - I don't care your pastor will let you know a week two weeks 30 days how many year you join us that we would take turns we don't have to pray fast all 30 days but we could take turns everybody do a day 30 people 30 days and pull down strongholds then as a church we would go out there and do Bible studies and win souls and get into communities that have never heard of the name Amen I am thirsty for more people are you thirsty for more I need regular swallows from God's Reservoir in countless situations stressful family issues demanding trips character testing decisions many times a day I have to step into the underground spring of God and receive a new he's worked for my sins I have to receive a new the power of his spirit I have to receive a new his lordship and his love and must take whatever steps necessary I must take whatever steps necessary to keep the living voice of Christ speaking with me through cultivating intimacy with the sovereign God it is a spiritually intentional act of relating to God I don't care if it takes 15 minutes to crucify your flesh or two hours some people it might take two hours I probably need two hours to crucify me with all the issues I have I need at least two hours to crucify my flesh you might only need 15 it doesn't matter everybody's flesh acts in different ways everybody's challenges in your flesh are different if it takes 15 minutes or two hours do it but do it because you love him amen do it because you want this relationship with him take that stone come on take it up say the stone of Prayer say it out loud the stone of Prayer say I'm going to take whatever steps necessary to keep his voice in my life I'm gonna cultivate prayer say it I'm gonna take my Goliath down private prayer small group prayer congregational prayer extraordinary times of Prayer adoring prayer intercessory prayer requesting prayer prevailing prayer warfare prayer the Bible says all prayer this is the soil in which intimacy with God is established that we will know him and like my husband said this morning not just know about him but know him and no amount of money no amount of genius or culture can move things for God I don't care how genius we are how rich we are how clever we are how gifted or talented we are my talent my gifts my money or whatever that's left of it cannot move things for God my gifts and talents cannot but if I cry out in desperation and get a hold of prayer I can move God time and time again in the pages of the Bible prayer has moved God not gifts talents money and good looks and charm prayer has moved God this is the soil this is the soil in which intimacy with God is established the whole man and woman and young people aflame with desire for more of God more faith more prayer more zeal more consecration and as believers we must be the incarnation of this God inflamed devotedness God will always have his church he will always have a church but we need to be set apart of set apart as people that know him that pray you cannot know him without praying I'm sorry you can't you can't read about him in a book I don't care who wrote it you can read about him in a book and they could describe him to a tee they could have pictures of God not really take a try they could describe him to you and they could have all of those fancy words and theology coming out to try to prove to you who he is and where he is and where he's seated and what he can do and all that is great but if you don't pray you will never know him you will always have someone else's opinion of him and that's not enough someone else's of my opinion of God will never be driving you it cannot motivate you in the long run someone else's opinion of God will not motivate you in the long run when you're testing kind time comes your personal relationship with Christ is what will keep you amen you don't have to live with a dryness deep within your soul prayers where I can drink deeply and often you know that's why John in fourth even Jesus said everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty but whoever drinks the water that I will give him yes of course he was talking about the Holy Ghost he was referring to the Holy Ghost water signifies many times in the Bible water is a symbol of his spirit but we cannot be full of the Holy Ghost if we're not communicating with him if we're just in a1 times as somebody who told me back back home they said well I serve him you know I'm a volunteer I do this I do that I serve him I run around I'm exhausted for Jesus why am i exhausted and tired and not motivated to really feel him I don't feel him in church services I don't feel him in worship but I am tired out by just serving him I said because you like me like Martha you are coming about with the works of God you're trying to serve him you are trying to please God I'm not telling you not to serve God but if you don't spend time drinking from the well spring of the water of life if you do not pray that none of that service is going to satisfy you you are going to be one exhausted dissatisfied frustrated Christian you can't just serve serve serve and not have a relationship sometimes I work I serve God and and I'm traveling a lot I thank God my husband supports that ministry and supports me in my travels either he just wants me out of the house it's not true but he supports my the ministry in the ladies conference and I travel so much and sometimes I'm away one week four days here you know twice a month I travel and sometimes it's so exhausting when I'm walking with my hand luggage from terminal a to terminal D right in the middle one time I just stopped and I said you know can you just remind me one more time why am I doing this he said you know what your problem is your problem is that you're telling everybody about me I want you to sit with me you need to shut yourself away from those that demand your strength your time and your energy and counsel and you need to shut yourself away with me so I can strengthen you so I went and I said I didn't sit in the normal gate area I went to where it was more quiet and kind of a you know just just a quiet area in the airport which is almost impossible to find but I did find one and I just sat there and I listened to worship music and I began to just seek God quietly you know I just put earphones and just let God to rain on me Holy Spirit rain down rain down I'm tired I'm in the middle of two gates there are times when I wake up and I don't know which hotel I am you know which city I'm in I'm like I'm pretty sure I'm in you know Columbus and then I'm actually not I've already left Columbus last week I'm in a new city that that kind of exhaustion is does not glorify God that kind of mind-numbing tiredness does not glorify God doesn't make God happy for me to serve him and serve Him and not feel and not have him there's a difference if you if you believe that take that stone close your eyes and ask him ask him to fill you right now everyone here take the stone lift up your hands and ask him God fill my heart with your presence can you just pray that just softly God fill my heart with your presence tell him honestly you're tired don't pretend sometimes I want to pretend that everything is okay I do I'm being honest with you sometimes I want to just pretend oh I'm fine I'm strong no I'm not I know when I'm dry so tell God God I'm dry I'm so busy I've got two jobs and so many bills to pay and I'm not I'm not as close to you as I was a year ago a few months ago and I want to get their order I'm holding the stone of Prayer as a reminder it's not it's not some icon or whatever but it's something that's going to be a symbol to me that you are calling me to a walk with you help me O God not to just knock myself out with two jobs and paying bills and taking care of family and have forgotten you O God and pushed you away into a corner come on don't stop don't stop some of you are just some of you are just feeling it talked to God I want this tonight to become a prayer meeting I want tonight body of Christ to become a prayer meeting right now because I have Goliath in my life I've got situations in my family you've got situations in your family there are Goliath's the enemy wants to tear families apart and I'm gonna knock that Goliath with prayer I want to knock my Goliath down and so do you is your Goliath the resentment unforgiveness is it hurt is it a dryness deep within what is your Goliath what is your Goliath I see some of you crying I see some of you weeping let that let that spirit of prayer and intercession flow over you how many how long has it been in that song how long has it been since you talked with the Lord how long has it been since you talked with him since you had a personal encounter with Jesus you got a push Church you cannot just sit there and listen to these words and clock out you've got a push like you've never pushed before because I know that our community and the demands of your job demands of your commitment and responsibility will distract you in a minute the enemy knows how to get you dry the enemy knows how to distract you and seduce you away from that which is important to just focusing on the urgent don't focus on the urgent focus on the important and prayer and getting with God and a relationship with Christ is important you don't have to live with a deep dryness within prayers where you can drink deeply and drink often it's 7:15 I've got a few more minutes and I'm gonna close there's another aspect of this stone that is gonna take down your Goliath say I'm gonna take Goliath down what is this stone stone of Prayer shout it out stone of pray I'm gonna take a lieth down but there's another aspect to this stone the stone that you've received I'm not sure whether you could see clearly but mine has two sides you can never get any faith by an effort of your will some people say you know I'm my willpower is strong nothing can shake me or move me I've got strong willpower really there are things that can take you down no matter how strong you are or how strong your willpower is your willpower alone cannot keep you in the straight and narrow I don't care how strong you are how many Tony Robbins CDs you've watched or how many pep talks you've given yourself or whether you're a coach of a big football club you can never get enough by an effort or any effort of the will you can never get it by trying to bump it up in any way no song no matter your favorite worship song cannot pump up your faith it can create an atmosphere where you can focus on God and focus on his love but it cannot pump up your faith the only secret to building your faith is within the Bible what does the Bible say for faith comes by and hearing that's how you get faith so don't don't don't don't even fool yourself I'm not gonna fool myself that I'm gonna I'm gonna have lots of faith in God without the word it's the word that builds my faith prayer enables me in the presence of God to be refilled and refreshed and to be strengthened but it's the word that builds my faith the word is the platform for my fate don't fool yourself by saying oh I don't need to read the word I don't need to do devotions with the word I can have faith all by myself well then that's it then you're saying that the Word of God is a lie and it's not God cannot lie when you're Goliath brings you a woeful list of worries an impossible situation remember David what did David do Saul looked at him and said you know you look you scrawny you gotta be outfitted to go and kill Goliath you better be dressed right and you better have the right weapons and David was not impressed with that heavy weaponry or the heavy armor that Saul made him wear and David went out and he declared to Goliath he declared to everyone that was listening in that hill of Elah in that valley and he declared and he said hey God he was actually quoting he quoted the history of God the resume of God where is the resume of God right now it's in the 66 books of the Bible that you carry or you've downloaded on your phone no matter it's the Bible when you're Goliath brings you a list of worries or possible situation remember David and gays eyeball-to-eyeball at God's victories where are God's victories recorded in the word if you don't read the word you won't know what God has taken care of yesterday to have hope for tomorrow you're not gonna know what God has done for you yesterday to have hope for tomorrow grab on to Holy Scriptures read the amazing miracles wrought by God if you don't understand doctrine well go to Bible study and ask questions that's fine but if all you do is read the promises of God and the miracles of God from the Old Testament to the new he opened the Red Sea he killed a lion he killed the bear he killed Goliath he took care of people's his children his enemy he healed the sick he raised the dead lame walk the Deaf see the Deaf hear and the blind see if you would call on Jesus pray intercede and begin making a list of lion and bear sized victories lion sized victories go around telling people last week I had a migraine I'm healed last week doctor said I had diabetes problem of my Sugar's taken care of I'm healed last week I had an accident but God has provided my car was totaled but I got a new car pray the word everybody say pray the word say declare the word and then you will be able to tell your friends and your family and especially Satan you'll be able to look at Devils face and say God has done this before he has done it again and will do it again look around your church foyer look at D look at the church for you when you go out to the church for you look at this church look around and the people that you may not have been here last year here now may not have been here two years ago I here now maybe they disappeared four years ago and suddenly walked in today can you see a lion's head hanging on the walls of this church I can do you see a bear rug rest in the foyer of this church I can remember his marvelous works which he has done only the word will help you catalog God's success how many here how many year he's walked you through high waters come on now just please lift up your hands and wave it to God boldly how many that's a lot of people look around that's a lot of people he has walked you through high waters how many here you have prayed for something and God has done it for you how many here lift up your hands don't be afraid don't be ashamed lift it up he's done it for me how many here you have asked God for a miracle and you did not think he will answer but he did remember the Bible says remember his marvelous works which he how are you gonna remember his marvelous works if you're not in the word if you don't read the word if you're not in the word if you don't meditate and devour and eat the word you're not gonna remember his works you won't know what he's done read his CV people read his resume see see see have you not known I mean have you not known his provision how many year you did not have a job but somehow he provided for you food money a cheque mysteriously arriving how many nights have you gone to bed hungry not many nights not many nights maybe not even a night he has made roadkill of your enemies you know what roadkill is yeah I know Fredericton is too pretty to have roadkill we live with it all the time in Louisiana he's made roadkill are you enemies right today's worries and sand but you can chisel yesterday's victories in stone so pick up the stone of the word come on pick up your stone say the stone of Prayer now turn it around the stone of the word you got a sharpie at home if you don't go to the store buy one if your stone is dark buy a silver gold one or a pink one no don't me on a nice green neon colored pin so that when in dark you're sleeping and your Goliath comes to you in whispers terrible things to you you turn around and you see we're glinting neon word prayer at you is it a friend of mine did that she said I'm gonna put it a neon because it's always when I switch off the lights Goliath tends to visit me the stone of the word when life closes in and read the story what story what am I talking about when I say read the story where is the story say the Bible then it's full of stories and that's and don't be like well how do we know the stories you know what if it's a good story and it's going to it's going to edify me I'm gonna read it God doesn't lie I know the Word of God is true but if you have questions about it read it anyway because faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God of it I'm the clients and counseling say I don't have faith for that I've got faith for my salvation I've got faith for this but that's just too big I said the only way you are going to build your faith and have faith for this and this but also that big thing is read the story read where God has come through for the impossible so in life closes in on you you read the story when someone you trusted repays you with dishonesty when people that you love betray you read the story when you've been knocked off the mountaintop climbing back seems almost hopeless read the story because there are many people in the Bible that have climbed back up they've been knocked off they climbed back knocked off the climb back up and the doctor gives you bad news and the bank gives you even worse news read the story what do you do with your disillusionment what do you do with your broken heart we're not talking inconveniences and hassles or long lines and Sobeys we're not talking about we're not talking you know red light or a bad game of tennis we're talking about heartbreak here we're talking about real heartbreak real marriage people walking away from their relationships of 20 30 years we're talking about children in drug addiction we're talking about accident cancer and death read the story let's stand Jesus is cure Jesus is cure for the broken heart is the Word of God that declares God is still in control that is not over until he says so that's why Scripture in the Bible says for whatsoever things were written aforetime things that were written before were written for one reason were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope how long are gonna have comfort of the Scriptures when I'm not even reading a scripture how am I going to have the comfort of scriptures when I am ignoring Scripture how a Miami we arrive at count clients asked me I just want to be comforted and I'm thinking well the scripture is your comfort you're coming to me for a quick band-aid fix a counselor cannot fix your problems I know I am one but you know what the word prayer come on I'm putting I'm not gonna do these my pray or savory bites a prayer say it out prayer the word prayer say the word say it again prayer the word prayer the word keep saying it prayer the word as you say it walk out the prayer good I'm done prayer keep saying it walk out the word I want us you know what I want tonight to be I know I could have come out here pastor Jack sister Woodward pastor mad I could have come out here and and talked about how to win multicultural I think I just did I could have given you step a step by step C how to teach Bible study how to be bold don't be afraid of different cultures just have them in your apartment cook upon a curry and stun them or let them just faint away at the smell and then you can baptize them and they're not looking whatever I'm just kidding I could have told you step a step B on how to reach Fredericton and how to reach the neighboring cities and how to you know double the size of the church I think I just did I think I just did because if we don't get back to prayer that we are going to be going on the last films of the the dregs of this gas or this petrol or what have you called what he call a gas up in fuel we're going to we're gonna have to reset if some of us have to reset don't be ever afraid to press a reset but never be afraid that's okay it's okay to press a reset button it's okay it's it's it's scary because you don't know a lot of things that won't change when you press a reset sometimes you feel well I'm going backwards if I press a read no you're not no you you're beaut you're getting rid of all the things that have cluttered your life and you are just saying god I'm gonna wipe it clean slate and then now you tell me what to prioritize car job family bills or prayer and then family and then everything else will work out I'm not saying put family second family is important my family is very important to me but if I'm not praying I'm gonna be one useless family member I'm gonna be one irritating family member don't anybody asked my brother and sister and all they tell you I know when she's not praying Jesus just a pain yeah no but I want to win all of them I want all of them to be drawn to God I want all of them to have a relation relationship with God to pray and to feel his love and mercy and the only way I'm gonna do it is not bug them but pray everybody say prayer the word prayer the word at anytime and you say if you want to go and make a commitment right now I'm gonna give it a pastor Jack in a few minutes but I want you to make a commitment you take find a place musicians find a place let's have the music let's have worship but I want you to find a place and tell God I'm gonna go back to prayer if I have to spend 15 minutes in the morning that means I've got to set the alarm if my day starts at 8 o'clock you wouldn't want to know what time I really my day really starts but my day usually starts at about the my phone starts ringing off the hook at 9:00 so I've got to be up at 8 in order to get to the office at 9:00 because my my counseling clients come around 9:00 9:30 10:00 sometimes in some days is different but if you if I have to set the alarm if you have to set the alarm 15 minutes earlier so you can get 15 minutes done I'm not telling you to do 15 minutes I'm telling you the bare minimum and if you can get 15 minutes before you go to bed that's 30 minutes of Jesus time and then you can build on that you can build on that use the 15 minutes my goodness I don't even have 10 minutes to comb my hair well you can start while you're calming your hair you're not talking to anybody when you're combing your hair you kind of really get mad with yourself in the mirror you're like I'm having a real bad hair day this is how a bad day day looks like you could start then God doesn't want a particular posture he's not asking that you always have you have to kneel when you pray or stand or say you can be hanging from the rafters I don't care what you're doing when you're driving just talk to God tell me your hair talk to God vacuuming the carpet talk to God washing the dishes talk to God you can get five minutes there five minutes here five minutes here five minutes there two minutes here three minutes there four minutes here and soon you are praying without you see prayer without ceasing praying without ceasing only means this it means that it's not it doesn't even mean that you always have two words coming out of your mouth because I think that some of us are worried well I've run out of words after two minutes what am I gonna do the remaining thirty minutes well prayer is not just words coming out of your mouth prayer is a constant awareness of God in your life when you're driving and you are just you're thinking about him and he's love you you're you're communicating with him in different ways sometimes you can be exhausted you're lying on your bed you can't even move a finger and if you just say oh Jesus I cannot move a finger I am so tired you know what you're doing you're talking to him you're talking rather than talking to the air or talking to your your boss you know in your mind things you really shouldn't be saying Oh Lord I'm so exhausted I cannot go on my knees will you accept my prayer when I'm lying in bed and I'm just feeling that I just want to tell you to give me a good day today make it easy for me today God just make it easy today just give me that strength and you know what you're doing you're communicating with it do you know the rewards of communicating with him even in your little tired voice the rewards of communicating with him at all whether your voice is tired or depressed or angry or despondent or despairing he hears you because you're talking to him he hears you immediately [Music] and when he walks into the room everything changes everything Jesus and all of a sudden you still might be exhausted but you suddenly feel you've done it you know what I'm talking about you're exhausted you're tired you don't want to have a big prayer meeting right now because you don't have the physical strength to energize yourself to have an intercessory prayer all you're doing is groaning with exhaustion but as soon as you communicate and connect with him you feel the atmosphere in your spirit change you're like thank you for being merciful and loving enough to take my pathetic tired prayers he does you know he does I don't know how he quantifies or qualifies prayer I only know that he wants us to pray and talk to him some of us in fact the whole time I was talking to me today so please don't take this like some kind some of us you prayed at one time you it was a default default reaction when your car stopped or or you had a car problem or a relationship problem or job problem money problem health problem your default reaction was prayer and some of us have come away from their default reaction your default now you know what's default they fall is switch on your computer whatever comes whatever is preset that's your default some of us your default was prayer but now your default is not prayer any more something else what is on your wallpaper now what is your screensaver right now when you open up when you open up your the computer of your life when you when you start the day that's you what do you think off first bills Facebook Twitter respond to the Twitter I'm gonna get that Twitter how dare she put that on Facebook I'm gonna get her what is your default I want you today as they play as they see when he walks into this room I want you to get with Jesus right now wherever you are can you find a place please find a place if you don't want a Neal that's fine you understand that's fine but I wish you would find a place can we do that just for a few moments let's go on if some of you can if you want to go on your face can we do that can we just seek after a humble and prostrate ourselves just just a humble demeanor [Music] and I want you to tell God God make prayer my default that means every morning when I wake up make prayer might default man church I want us to take time I know Sunday night tomorrow's a workday I understand but I want you to give Jesus a little bit of time just a little bit of your time he's given us his life he gave us his blood his life he gave us salvation Redemption deliverance and healing peace and joy [Music] prayer [Music] everything change
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 218,637
Rating: 4.8216996 out of 5
Keywords: vani, marshall, preaching, Sunday, sermon, preach, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, christian, the, stone, that, killed, my, goliath
Id: POCfzLqIIxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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