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hello YouTube today my chat and I are trying to create the ultimate boss fight and Valerian now the rules are simple it's one Diamond against nine Silvers and we're adding a bunch of restrictions and twists to make it interesting can our Silvers work together to defeat the boss or will they struggle to become a team and lose 1v9 also yeah chat is the balance theme for this so good luck okay so Val boss fight oh beautiful so in order to do this valve boss fight it's one diamond versus nine Silvers but the question is what abilities do we give this Diamond Player I want to give him infinite lives which means he'll Auto respawn every time our Diamond needs to be on attack because the only way the silvers win is from defusing or doing something with a spike or Diamond gets all the silvers I think our silver should be on like classic or Sheriff only because if he's on infinite lives and if you guys ever watch the infinite lives video or the unlimited response video you know that who gives people weapons that can just Spam this diamond if he dies once he's never going to move ever again so we need to give them like a weapon that needs position let's try this first iteration with the sheriff and then these guys will have shields now I think this is good let's run the test run first Chad shop is the balance team for Riot today you should know by now we aren't good at balancing true but it's always fun to test you guys anyway by the way our diamond for today is our name is verith and they are playing Reina kind of predictable who do you think is winning this is did we make our boss to Opie is he too strong or is he too weak I actually don't know I'm not good at bounce here they come The Flash comes up look look Theo Knight comes out he gets one silver this Silver's just pushing on his own he shouldn't be pushing you know when you go into a boss fight you need to go together dude these Silvers are just running in one way what what are you guys doing you can't even kill him because he has unlimited respawns what are you guys doing you need to play smart you need to wait for the boss to attack you do you guys not play Elton ring wait what that's not supposed to work like that now we found out that the round end when the diamond player responds so we put a player on the diamonds team to prevent this from happening however this does mean that the silvers are now down to eight people so we're round two is the first round didn't work let's see what our Silvers do surely they don't Eagle Peak him this time oh my God they're Eagle peaking why are they ego peaking oh this is fine now that there's another person this is okay because at least if they shoot him they slow him down but for some reason the silver is just pushing up every time like dude you guys don't need to push you just need to prevent the play that's dying this why what are you guys doing just chill you need to run down the top and survive oh wait wait okay okay wait just one sec huh chat I don't know if this is fair is it fair our Diamond Player just gets infinite lives but our silver players are also just pushing up when they shouldn't actually be pushing up I have this fight they'll learn let me try to explain it to them Silver's just a heads up you can't kill the diamond player you can only try to stall them from planting so your main goal is to prevent them from planting you can kill him why are they pushing up I don't understand how to explain it okay this is tough I'll explain it next round but the main goal of these players is to prevent the plan I don't know why they're trying to fight him out here okay that's fine I I don't understand silver actually this is fine no this is okay they're getting him down actually but they don't need to fight him head on that's the main thing at least for me I think the main thing should just beat the Diamond just wins every time no let's see here your goal is to prevent the plan and stay alive and to run down time yeah you don't have to peek him every time because again your Peaks won't do anything because he has unlimited lives you can but you guys need to come up with a plan you know because if you all pick a one by one you're always gonna lose wait a raid is not even bringing up the spike okay I think he's picking it up now now our Silvers are playing smart you see it's like a boss battle it's like a boss battle you wait for your opportunity to strike you wait for the boss to swing oh my God okay they probably got imported here right yeah there's probably no way he gets out of this anymore oh wait maybe not your results oh my God okay I think we figured it out I think it works no chat does the game mode work I think the game mode works and we can run a proper game now all right chat so we're only gonna play this on defense side we're gonna see if our silver players can get at least three rounds and that's a win if they get two out of four then we call it a draw if they get one out of four then our Arena player wins all right let's do it turning off virus line specific announcer okay there it is so this man is just bringing up an Odin dear God he's spamming through with us now now our silver players are actually playing smart except for this one what is he doing why is he peeking all alone I don't understand Arena has infinite lives anyway our radar is now pushing at the B-side Euro TPS this Raider's gonna try to get a plant down sneakily meanwhile we have a silver player backside he will probably get the silver player the solar player's dead but he is sacrificing his life for the team they have to stop the bloodstown okay your clone comes out now it's raining now they have to defuse there's only one dude they have to fight this cracked up dude is just going to play post plan someone oh but they're distracting him long enough that that he did hear the spike okay so our Silvers get round one all right I think our Diamond Player also needs time to learn so our Diamond Player just a heads up you're going to try to stop from the fuse too they just need to wait for the plan maybe but if they wait for the plant then they all just swarms the plant are diamond players just gonna spam them with a judge or an Odin or something because it's infinite lives they know that they're B what are the silvers going to do oh it's our rain is moving down mid the silver should all just cap in one spot and wait for arena maybe but I don't know if they can even coordinate it well enough oh my God okay what they're they're peeking the Rhino the arena gets like how many three people down the silvers are down three no well they kept the spike down probably gets the spiderstone what are you doing Rena gets the Odin back flat comes down Molly come down zero throw under the field they're under the fields right off that's half but can Reina do anything she's now resorting to knifing she gets one brim so it's on to diffuse and this is the knife those are actually so close oh my God that was crazy Reina almost had that but somehow recovered all right let's see honestly they have a better chance to defuse a spikelet to prevent the plan the thing is they have all their util it's one dude you're playing defense against one dude just Sage wall Cipher trip anything it's one I don't think this guy gets to push at all they have full use of their abilities no they don't have any Sentinels wait really oh my God you're right there are eight silver players and not a single one pick the set no there's a ton of Duelists there's neon Phoenix Phoenix Reyes and Euro our Duelists is this what it's like in silver oh oh no but he loses the Odin remember if he dies he loses the engine he also loses the Spike oh my god that neon's actually throwing picks up the audience again picks up picks up and one more time I don't you're preventing the blood this is the place over is this is the play all right I can't do anything they're stuck here 35 seconds left arm radius brute forcing at the holy crap they're stun locking her they're actually stood locking her is there any way our mosquitoes oh eight seconds left eight seconds six five no oh but they left Spike I thought they could have ran into sight but Spike got left behind and our Silvers take round three I feel like next game the silvers Are Gonna Learn and they're gonna pick a sentinel do they know he's here did Phoenix clear out a oh my God he's about to be bullied wait he's waiting it out though oh my God he doesn't get hit we're just chilling the Euro spots him out Karina gets one okay this misses now running into sight the arena does drop Spike does drop random he's getting taken down by the sheriff but with plastic comes out the neon sound the names are out yes marina gets too slowly whittling away at the silver players numbers he needs to die so he refreshes his health gets blinded okay okay the silver players their numbers are dwindling they're dwindling and there's 30 seconds left can least unlock this Arena there's a Euro right beside him Serena needs to kill the neon if they get the neon then it should be fine but they're not oh 20 seconds left raise old comes out there's only two people left there's only two this neon's going crazy if the arena just one Taps us neon it should be fine but the neon is actually saving it for team silver I think we bad near I don't know if the island okay everyone let's leave this one we need to add a new rule no neon I think that should be okay right the jump they can still move around right you sure no neon a jet you can stun lock with Jeff that's assuming they hit their knives right okay yeah no neon Jump game two where do you guys want to go what's a good map for our Diamond Player our silver players do win the first game but now we have a little more restrictions just to make it a bit more fair we're always be long okay I'm down for perks new best of five first to three what is our Diamond Player picking whoa they're choosing jet I honestly think gekko's the play wait why Gekko what are our silver players choosing they're playing Gekko Cipher killjoy oh my God they're actually picking sandals for this one breach gets done yeah but it's not infinite that means the breach has to get a bunch of kills on our raid boss maybe we lower the guns of the silver players maybe a sheriff is too strong classic better yeah but classic if you're up close you just right click you wanna try it ghosts we're nerfing them twice in one round you sure you know will run the poll spam one for yes spam two for no this is a pretty tight call Chip it's 55 to 45 half it's almost 50 50. there it is we're nerfing them twice in one round chat Voda that you guys are on ghosts this time so just a heads up you guys are on ghosts wait why is he saying thank God is Sheriff worse than ghost did we give them a buff instead of a Nerf I mean actually now that I think about it that might be a buff actually no go back to sheriff no no no get one round you try ghost and then the next round we'll try Sheriff yeah yeah here we are so our Diamond Player is choosing to use neon and it is on Pearl so let's see how they play this he's gonna get a bunch of kills and then I'm probably gonna pop Neo note right probably that's the play he can't aim properly with Sheriff okay the chamber can oh that's true chamber candle but at least it's not neon where they can stun lock you okay he's going B they have the killjoy turret B oh they have the cipher at the kill Joy on me this is massive they're just all gonna play Sentinels they have the Phoenix Wall coming out too where are we going man oh there's a big lurk coming down the mid but that's not a good lurk that's a bad lurk the fade comes out here the prowler comes out the fade is up close he stuns himself accidentally our Diamond flare stuns again dashes into a bunch of people gets one gets taken down turn on your auto respawn if we need to nurse them even more we have to give some shorties that's the only play I think our Diamond Player is pushing into a let's see what he can do okay okay now he's he doesn't worry too much about his health I guess I think we also we turn off shopping restrictions Diamond Player you can buy your Shields back if you want I've turned off shopping restrictions so whenever you want just buy your Shields back okay I think that's fine just to give him a bit more help you know we gotta give our boss more there's nobody on guess a trap oh he's gonna get the plant down oh The Cypher cage actually helped him no but he doesn't plan he didn't know they were that far away he could have had that 45 seconds left he doesn't get one drop the gun though picks up they're all just swinging they're all swinging him needs to get something anything he's he's stuck I think our silver players have caught on Chad I think this might be too much for our Diamond unless wait I think our raid boss is too nope I think he's gone here Chuck he needs to find a better way to get it to the side and try the blood is it shorty time I think you need to push it really early because you need to brute force your way in that's the only way he gets in there right probably with the up they can't spam you know the op might not be a bad play oh he's not the judge he has old he does I think it's over I think we give them an up chat we'll fall running version three okay because I don't think this is all right where's our neon player okay what gun do we give the solvers up friendly classic shorty wait I think he might win though wait wait I think wait I think he can still win oh my God that threes actually screwed them over not gonna lie I think this might be fair no I think this might be fair wait he won it's either the Silver's misplayed what happened did the Rays screw them over I think this is fair so far let's see raise was an embossed there no damaging at least not damaging abilities actually works in our diamonds favor because that race through for the team you know for the content here's one coming up in it oh that's an easy Club yep there we go now our Diamond Player the only problem is he can't play sneaky peaky life unless he's trying to bathe them into an a he is trying to base them into an A and the Soul verse on what seven people you guys could at least what's dude on B how hard are you guys over rotating now there's no one on eight really dude okay Diamond's got a little respite you can buy shields in a gun Again by the way are diamonds slowly walking up a okay ready okay oh oh it comes up oh it comes out Defender killer comes out 20 seconds left but the left Spike mid he left Spike mid is he gonna get the kill trial he does get the killjo but he needs to flip unless he just tries oh but he gets oh that Gekko through that Gekko actually threw so hard holy crap no way five seconds five seconds all the skeleton has to do is survive all right chat now I think this is pretty fair final round is this going to be a draw or will our silver players clear the boss fight again let's see what will our Diamond Player do I think he just Brute Force you tanked the frames just do it oh the silvers are peaking they're swinging him like crazy buy Shields again oh they get taken down the shorty comes out the old comes out the razor starring nades that he does drop Spike mid which is a big problem gets whipped up by the Phoenix oh no our bosses beat garnered but Phoenix is just right beside him spamming the sheriff they are taking them is it time to go and put this man on a surely chance this looks like cyber bullying to me he's on 180 pounds all right Silvers we're nerfing you again we have to ask chat with Nerf to give you what weapon are we giving the silvers to help out our Diamond there we go up frenzy classic shorty this is the gun you choose to give them this might go down very badly with the High ELO Community toucan actually face their shots and coordinate maybe in low ELO this is fine I don't think high yellow players will be very happy with these SMH developers ruining the game all right you goddamn game devs let's do it all right silver is this round you're on Ops it's overpowered if they have Scopes no scope operator I don't think so it takes a while for the Scopes to come back it's like for the op to shoot again unless these guys have insane coordination I think our Diamond will have time to get out of there oh someone did choose John no neon and Jeff and now oh I'm so smart they're gonna be on up only beautiful this was the most balanced version of this game mode ever I'm gonna run down mid the silver player hits the up they leave Spike but they can rebuy their guns picks up Spike now we're walking away these guys are just holding because I mean they are using Ops 2. he picks up his own note but he misses the shot unfortunately silver player with the up this is an up versus off fight but I don't know if our diamond is winning this fight against the silvers they're just holding angles checked I don't know if that was the play Maybe It's not but why is our Diamond Player using up just use running gun chemist oh my God no this is fine but he leaves Spike boss man get your Spike they're just gonna hold you okay that's great Yep this looks like a fair one [Applause] at least he has time where's he going he pulls off the Odin this time clear guard up versus his own oh there's only one person left it's 1v1 he just has to prevent the plant now he's running B though it's 25 seconds left I don't think there's any chance he wins this anymore teleport's ready yeah there's no chance he wins this because he still has to defuse anyway like what's he gonna do he's holding but it's futile he wins the angel he gets it aids imagine if there's like a sage or something that could slow him down The Hope was there he was so close nice try nice try our silver players actually have to work together they should all be playing controllers because it's easier to defuse maybe but I mean having a flush is also really good having a breach is great the most balanced thing is to give the low ELO players the strongest gun in the game yeah I imagine that dude is winning these 1B ones by the way which is kind of crazy to me okay he pulls off the Odin now now he's running this one oh no oh no oh no time your shots he loves Spike this is big oh he gets walled off too oh that's so good yo these silver players are actually so good they're coordinating so well this makes me so proud look at them going they're like an actual team I'm out of here now our boss player is picking everyone apart he's going from behind he is approaching the team from behind he gets one [Applause] our silver players just holding men are are Diamond Player picks up enough he misses the shot get it oh my God okay looking fine he gets one yes two there's only one player left this guy all he has to do is survive it's all up to Poker he's being chased down can he survive three seconds two seconds one second yo he's him no way that was way too close what the are they all right what's our Diamond play doing pitch taken down mid I'm surprised how many times these silver players are winning their 1V ones by the way it's surprising to me but let's see what our Diamond Player can do Oh Sees the kale gets the kale gets taken down though gets hit again oh my God just being destroyed the sky flash comes up this man's being crowd controlled to death now he's being blinded now he's being decayed now they're all just going in for the knife this is oh my God the old comes out get they hit their shots how many bullets does that chamber have in their Headhunter I swear that's more than eight was it not more than eight oh my God he's going crazy [Applause] our silver players are all falling apart this guy's on the other side of the wall oh that finally wins another round oh God if our Diamond player wins this and he takes his first game which makes it two to one how are silver players won two games Harry won the area why not the only school okay gets two runs away plus the spike the holy crap this is an absolute oh my God he gets one minute left they're just knifing him now I don't think bailing up close is the play because he can just Spam me with Classics Silvers you guys are getting too confident this guy's going for a hero play don't be a hero no our servers are getting too cocky chat they're actually getting two cocky pokers done who's it up to it's up to two people left it's up to bug yellow and cable type formula needs to run and try to survive but will he even outrun a neon it's a beautiful day today oh no all right let's leave this one for a die little player gets around back by the way the score is two to one so use Silvers you only need one more game to win or Diamond needs two more Varys where do you want to go not split anymore choose somewhere else our Diamond Player wants to go Haven let's see now that I think about it hey if it's a pretty good pick because there are three sites it's easier for him to plant because they have to stay because it's an attack sided map yeah they're gonna be split you have like two people see one person garage two people beat two people a but many opping spots that's true honestly Lotus might be the play maybe maybe they should always stack together and rotate no for me the play for the silvers is you just wait for the plan all the other times you just hide you don't have to take fights the only thing you need to do is stop the plan or defuse that's why if they went controllers and Sentinels I think that would be the play or maybe even like initiators because you can stun with a breach or you can blind with a sky you can slow with the fade vareth chooses Jeb for this one very interesting where this goes all controllers and initiators is perfect maybe a phoenix as well you know what they should have thick Brimstone that buys them like a good five seconds if they just Bolt the spot where he's at all right the score is two to one chat we've found the most balanced version of this game mode and now we're gonna see if our raid boss can win or if our silver players can work together as a team to stun lock vareth he bought an Odin by the way oh he's gonna spam this early seems like this is the play we're ready why does Jeff not blink this is actually scary now developed character is not blink nope I don't think they do all right here comes Barrett's battling early on Vera does have Dash UPS which is still Phantom now I'm pushing into sight Dash is back interesting oh he's bathing from rotate into a and because they're servers they love to over rotate now everyone is an and he gets a free plant B or C maybe oh he's smart he knows how to outplay these Silvers but there's a Viper in the corner with him up he forgot to turn on turn on another respawn he forgot to turn it on few seconds but he's getting destroyed here that's just the blob of flares down the middle by judge Barris get his judge he's getting nice to distance can't even escape from this does he have updraft the Viper old comes out oh but the Viper old is hitting his team wait where is he going how many people has he gone he's gone in two but he leaves Spike down mid he's got a judge he's fighting back round two oh my God he's going crazy than that wait no it's up to Viper and Kayla now Viper and kale just have to hide there's only 11 seconds left KO shows himself mid Viper is the item why do you knifing my friend there's no point cable shows mid does he kill the blackout oh he gets a black dog what a clutch it's over where's he going wait time no no he needs to win to bring this to a game five it's taken down the cogulamit not looking great but it's okay he can re-buy your abilities by the way can you not even though the shopping restrictions off oh my God oh my God there's like that Modern Warfare um of Story Mission Jesus Christ now what oh dashing into hey he does have Spike gets spotted outside he knows after eight the Diamonds the diamonds are preventing it they're so smart oh but can they prevent the spike climb that's the main thing this guy's out in the open he lifts an entire mag it's 1v1 again all this guy has to do is stop the spike plant oh nice try we're tied one to one again Chad he's buying a specter huh is he planning to like run a gun or something why is he on the Specter you can run a gun just as well with a phantom why he gets blocked out of the air oh no alt comes out it's taken down by pugulo he's getting blinded I think he needs to get out of here unless he's trying to just Brute Force us he is trying to Brute Force he's trying he gets the Viper there's still one minute left this is looking good for our raid boss so far Dash is in guess the radar these guys aren't coordinating well enough he's on the biggest hunt of his life he's going Heaven these guys need to jump out jump up a few players left he's about to wipe the raid one thing will this guy deny the plan no he doesn't deny the plant that's the guy sure the guy long still alive it's 1v1 this is almost impossible I don't know how he's going to defuse this with an immortal jet sorry not Immortal with the undying jet oh all right our raid boss takes the third round needs one more round to close this out he'll probably get it here it is on Haven very attack sided map so he should be fine guys we just need the power of teamwork you know you gotta coordinate your up shots I wonder why nobody chose like okay wait oh he's baiting an a again this looks rough I think this ends up being a draw he's wasted too much time unless he runs all the way to Sea and gets the plant down because all the silvers are going in yo well this is passive over rotation dude oh but wow that was big for buying time I think he can't get the plan down gets one is he gonna go for the plant or is he gonna go for the play he's going for the play 40 seconds left gets two they're being modality 30 seconds left he needs to go for a plant here I think he gets a knife from behind this Viper is holy 20 seconds left 20 seconds he's going for kills now it's 1v1 and I think he's one of us planted yep all right let's leave this one we're going to game five our Diamond player has brought it back to the two you know what shot you guys pick the final map so we haven't done Breeze we haven't done icebox Lotus fracture and bind balls object go vote for the map you guys want okay Breeze really all right chat we're going to Breeze the final map the final boss battle agent picks very important that's true can we bring back now they just need to play sentos man just play the Sentinels real just play your Sentinel trust wait the bosses playing your room you can't land in your old right oh he's gonna I see what he's doing this is actually kind of smart because he knows that the silvers love to over rotate and he's gonna take full advantage of that final game chat raid Boss versus The Players what in the world is that proser is he gonna bait out the A and then go B we need to watch out for where his teleport's going oh he is oh they wall that though the audit comes out but there's still three people here what they didn't over rotate this time wait Breeze might have been a really bad pick for our boss the Ops are way stronger on reason there's lots of long sight lines he might try to get his ult here and trying to plant somewhere else he just needs one kill yeah he just needs one he gets one the old's active but it didn't even gets to it the field you need to plant you need to plant I don't think you can kill all of them get the ultimate oh the old comes out finally here he goes oh I think he's going for the hero play he's going for the kills he's not going for the plan I take it back he's going through the blood okay children Molly's here he gets a flat down no way he got it he got the plant now how are silver players going to defuse this now vipers here Viper saw the diffuse someone needs to stun locked please hold anyone smoke anything you hunt you have to eat you have everything let's go oh attack there's one person left it's over it's all up to Cable Ty ah dude the Silver's needed to coordinate that so much better they almost had it the TV comes out and our boss wins the first round auntie I thought they are doing pretty well that's why they need Brimmer Omen yeah they probably need a smoker I mean they do have viper they do have Cipher but the post plan is rough so their main win condition here is don't let it gets back to post one they need to run down the clock here which they're kind of doing right now they're keeping this guy kind of stranded here they do have it he does get the one he's firing with no gun doesn't get the second rule does it get the third gets taken down by the bowling this rain is falling this rain is trolling this rain is trolling he's not trolling holy single-handedly finding the boss dude dude it's like that Carousel moment himself and when he's about to die he just picks up his arms again wait wait that freedom bought so much time holy crap your sacrifice will not be invade I think the players for sure win this round there's no way our boss wins this I thought they were trolling but I underestimatedly silver players the silver players have tied up one to one shot this is big knife runs at them anytime they're about to die they get the orb because they just kept infinite orbs because this guy has infinite lives my God I'll handle this is it first of three rounds yeah they're all running away I think he might be able to get the plant now he is getting the plot down nobody's here what this is looking rough for our Silvers no this is look oh dude what in the world why is he there I don't think he expected it to be that far our Silvers are making their final stand okay he's holding early he gets out of the old gets one yeah what was the tpn to spawn okay oh my God I'm the gun it's okay that's all that message the long range surely you know it's a play nobody expects there's 50 seconds left our Silvers are about to win they just have to survive for 50 more seconds this guy's speaking with the TP comes out where is he going 40 seconds left is this tense our Silvers are all on B is our Euro player going a they're bringing a he might get the plant down he is going for the plan will they be able to stop the plant I don't think so the Molly comes up the plant goes down this is tough they need to coordinate their op shots now someone's on the blood GG s guys PG that was a roller coaster ggs are players win three to two all right guys Gigi's thanks for playing GGC juice oh God damn that was a game chat foreign [Music]
Channel: eggwick
Views: 402,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UeS9JBo8VDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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