The best cypher player you've never heard of

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maybe he does want it low man that's so easy cage triggered that I wonder how he's going to play this cuz you'd have to play it from like over here in some capacity so I'm guessing we're positioning more towards like a yellow round this we'll see one way I think that's $100 to huge I never seen anybody throw this not saying he invented it but people don't throw this [Music] dude and then he comes yellow and then he comes yellow he's not passive like you scaredy cat Cipher players cha Chihuahua is cooler than that Chihuahua takes this first fight might be again guys and then uses his setup to get the second kill b b b b b b surely one of them after that whole Spiel B 30 minutes Breeze b b b b b thank you thank you chihuaha and he plays with mini map uncovered trer check doesn't this guy play on a end he's duo with Chronicle in this game here is it just chiwa yeah yeah yeah yeah this is let me get their tracker if I can oh oh ah ah feels so good feels so good see chat they exist they exist they exist chat and he plays with mini map faking G what a g this guy is streaming right now we are going to raid this guy if he's still alive I saw some the follow all right what do is this is this fresh no okay okay we're playing with redar got cage trip we've got the unbreakable trip thingy here let me Bo up Breeze because it might be relevant to where he places the cam and and I'm going to fact check that we all follow and watch the average views will make them not eligible one less person for the pool exactly exactly I don't want another chiuahua VOD next week I want another guy because they all have unique I will bet my I'll bet $100 to charity if anybody in ch wants to match this that we will find unique Cipher breezee in this VOD ooh oh I can see mid back I know this isn't new I know this one's not new relax chat be like I have seen that cam before and was he having the trip tilt up a little bit N I think it's just like over here you bring it over until it's like touching that that bad boy right okay so I'll point this out uh Riot made me take a survey recently where I scored Sheriff versus abilities versus Armor and like what priority I put them in on my eco round on round two and this aligns with exactly how I answered and it's what Pros do this might be outdated now with the outlaw keep that in mind but in the event that you can buy a sheriff and have enough to buy next round sometimes you don't buy abilities if that would put you below the threshold in favor of that sheriff hey every Cipher man watching right now is crying you know why because I'm putting this in the Playbook and no world you're ever going to play this aggressively so he's starting his Eco round here and he immediately walks after holding window for a sec knife out gambling timing makes sense we got the Recon bet one HP Viper before they will do something with it right now it's full trash and useless yeah and so now he can't really buy much because of the the sheriff by UTI is kind of are too specific midle this was the meta I'm not sure if it still is yeah you can see this Camp SE mid it sees the elbow walk up and let me make that clear see mid so he's just playing here he just likes playing backside with the setup for close out elbow jet out Viper will be nice right cck tough round for our champion damn easy peasy wonder how going to play around this I'm guessing here cuz this spot can Peak all of that trip and he can play like this off angle to fight this way not sure we're the point of low trips so a trip like this I reserve you place it up here like a drone from the enemy SOA can hit it on accident the low trip the Drone will go over and when your trip is in a weird spot like this people generally don't shift walk all the way here find a trip and like jump over it like this and even if they do makes noise at this point and we're going to be playing near it so you'll place the trip lower against like drones and whatnot and sometimes you'll place it higher against dogs so like let's say they just have sky sometimes you might see Cypher throw a trip like this where yeah you could Crouch under it but the point is the sky dog will walk under it and the teammate following that Sky dog who's going to be real close to it running at height like this will just walk right into the trip don't Sky dog run under it regardless since the patch oh maybe actually that might be new tech how about fade dog I actually don't know I just know people used to place them high for that I could be wrong interesting it doesn't pop low ones out that's sick how about like raise boombot and Geo wingman yeah those would go under so you just throw Crouch head I guess CER elbow wiper will be it's going to be I really hope they SC be here so you can see yeah he's coming over here to play the trip okay okay I thought about this so he likes thinking about this versus this and this angle does make more sense to me McDonald's cuz if you're so just imagine this route they scale up B and they push this way like for whatever reason they scale this way this is actually really awkward angle for you here cuz of uh this as well but this angle is actually really chill this is like a good off angle for you and you can still peek into your trick so against really fast B play where the threat of it comes over here to play off of this trip oh okay he's here here we go here we go here we go okay he's going to cam up here will spot down in the mid I'm curious if he meant to throw it lower cuz his came lower like this I don't think this is intentional it will see a bit more mid I'm guessing you want it as high up as you can get it we'll see though if there's consistent I will not put this cam location yet in the Playbook here's aiming in the middle here middle a bit high like that interesting so the first person R he's really just trying to deal with this route so the first person who breaks this and whatever dies or whatnot they might think that this route's now open and he has like another trip for this route and he's really going to Nestle himself in to this position and play off of these trips we'll never expect the second trip yeah exactly like that's his idea a there's a cage as well oh he's backing up more than I think I guess he'll have time to move over here notice how tight he's like spotting damn and then he can just open his cam safely cuz he's talked with his second trip wa that setup's pretty sick and he's relying on the comfort of this second trip to just tuck in here and open cam because he has this second trip he knows that he can just come over here to open Cam and be very aggressive maybe he does want it low man that's so easy cage triggered that I wonder how he's going to play this cuz you'd have to play from like over here in some capacity so I'm guessing we're positioning more towards like a yellow round this we'll see one way I think that's $100 to huge I never seen anybody throw this not saying he invented it but people don't throw this I he just getting this as close as he [Music] can yeah it will be breakable if they're really careful I think but yeah for back here but not much more you can do and I mean it's better than just putting it here right yeah this is a totally new setup great he's almost certainly going to be playing somewhere over here maybe even here this might be a bit exposed to pushes over there so could be this area stairs we'll see let's see what Chihuahua does he might play pipe so it's looking like let me color code these this is setup one we'll draw the green box in a sec this is set up to the boxes indicate they're paired might be be again guys okay yeah he's playing the other pyramid so he's going to play back here [Music] dude and then he comes yellow and then he comes yellow he's not pass like you scaredy cat Cipher playersa chiuahua is cooler than that cha takes this first fight be G guys and then uses his setup to get the second kill you know why because he is no he's known to play on this side last a round he was here so this jet is scaling fast off of the do's pick because she anticipates that Cipher is playing back here so Chihuahua says oh well bet then I can take a normal duel against one person cuz jet dashed she's created a gap between her and her own teammates a duel and chihuaha is like Jet's not expecting to be this fast I like it I like it it's very greedy and I think you need to be greedy to be really good at the game take this duel and then he's like all right bet time to use my setup so he's aggro on the first fight now that is not going to happen every time you play this setup keep that in mind that's why he's starting here so he can get aggro if he wants what a beast and then we go yellow yeah oh he comes back oh cuz it's Cypher Al never mind he's got privileged information so now these dudes if they scale a they're going to expect him in this box so he's going to play over here now he's very tricky damn he's come over dude look at his willingness to take space what a beast I guarantee you every single Diamond Cipher player watching is like H I Wouldn't Die like that and i' just like to remind you that this guy is 1100 RR Peak you're the wrong one is he over aggressive there yeah but that's way better than being too passive D what a round okay sh Noah I was wondering why he was throwing the the shitty trip that's vile that's vile it's so the dudes who walk up break it and then they start running out you're going to want to put this one notice how he doesn't throw it on the edge like this he throws it further over here it's cuz he want them to see it without seeing the other one they break it and they come out you don't want to be too close together you want there to be some distance does like that oh yeah this one I also missed my bad my bad my bad CH I'm not a cipher main okay it's like there I can up hold [Music] up one more I don't know if you guys can see this but he just cied that cage into the exact spot his cage is look at this one more dead odd one it's the same spot like that's exactly where the spawn barrier is n n n n chamber Nest see when it matters I like that spoilers my bad okay yep oh the nest lurker wins The Duel so man he's going side bet oh new cam new cam okay he's very tricky his setups are always different so notice he runs the same setup when the enemy doesn't like activate it so that round we did did this Giga like five head double trip and the enemy team didn't push into it so they don't know that that this is in his Arsenal so he's throwing it again but notice his cam has been getting broken now like the enemy team's aware of the cam and so he shifts the cam he like went to throw it and he's like actually uh no I was throw it over here and he throws it here and Yep this cam bit worse doesn't see as deep mid but at least they won't get pre-fired from be main you feel it's just a mixup he probably will never start around with this cam if I had to guess like at the start a game off I doubt he would throw this first round this is the type of Cam he throws once the enemy team has sort of like gotten a feel for what he likes to do and they're breaking his cam too early so he's moving it right in the way right in the way too dude he is so willing to take space it's making me cry why don't you guys do this look at the this whole thing is full super willing to take aggressive space dude I was about to say there's no way he's going to throw this Cam and autopilot and sure enough it he's actually so understandable does it make sense they haven't seen this cam he knows they break this one he caught himself autopilot to go throw his autopilot Cam and now my money's on double trip he makes so much sense now if I was a cipher Main and I was watching this VOD this would raise an annoying question what do I do if they Rush B every round well go I've got three unique B setups I've mixed them up I've used all three what then that's probably a question that you're thinking if you're a cipher man right answer simple you watch more vods go find the breeze game where he gets pushed more than three times it exists okay so that that's like the next step I can't answer that question for you cuz I don't know what this guy would do maybe he's got a fourth setup and a fifth no but the moment that question comes to your head I'm thinking ahead of I know a lot of you are thinking that like Cipher Ms in particular uh Brad used to have this problem Brad had what I would call off angle itis where he felt he needed to have unique and strong off angles to hold every round on defense that were new so the enemy team hadn't seen them before he's like who what I do they pushed me eight times in a row I've used all my off angles I be like BR you can answer that question yourself like go watch do people really care that much anyways you can watch this guy answer questions you have about it cuz one VOD won't answer all the questions you have about a way that he plays that's this giving you a taste of Chihuahua CER right now and it's very methodical like the logic behind when he moved his util is very very clear when did he move the cam after they started breaking it before he opened it so there was a round where they broke his cam without him even opening it which means they're shooting bullets here without even seeing the cam well time to move the cam but he didn't move it until then so he probably has other logical rules around when he moves the rest of his all that's nice in knife out rotate cuz the enemy team is never fake this game this game and there's three mid and one elbow yeah he joins chamber damn she broke both the trips I be I would be you think he throws double trip next round CH he's super good BL yeah he she's being really patient for this right now this unlikely that she'll clear this side if she's routing back out toward think he does I actually think he might here's my logic he might not I could justify why he would that round he wasn't even playing off of it so they were less pressured to push out the odds that a solo CU player communicates that setup to our team not too high it's just it's arena he might mix it up don't get me wrong I've never studied this guy it's really comfortable to play every player in team I can see him throwing it again he makes so much sense CH I like this guy he thinks like me I would have thrown it again yeah I'll try my best I will bu round he actually thinks like me that's so base it's last round why not buying up if he FL bro if he flash bro we real valerin is a gambling [Music] game this guy knows how to gamble SP I'm coming to help you watching your window still yep we got to get moving switch to Rifle ooh pushing you he's so good dude dude like I'm coming to help you window uh I'm calling out the straw man Diamond one Cipher players in chat you're all tucking to play behind your UIL now cuz your Jet's dead agreed which is exactly why it's so good for him to push up and play off angle in front of his setup because it's so hard to read it's so hard to read this and you even see that like bam this dude's not he's doesn't even have his gun out yet what a beast all right's defense super willing to take aggressive space is very very consistent I was expect him autop I guess he's going Kim elbow oh cuz they have Raina yeah yeah know Raina always walk elbow so again if I was a cipher like if I was doing Cipher to radiant or some and I was studying this VOD off stream this would be my thought process huh why isn't he throwing this default cam mid oh they've got Rea Ros always walk elbow but I wouldn't stop there because that might not be correct he might like this elbow cam more even against one dualist so I would need to find another VOD got it cuz right now it makes sense to me cuz Rea walk elbow they're going to cam but that might be the actual reasoning and so I need to see another cuz I can't figure out his reasoning here but he's almost certainly going to cam elbow B lik elbow cam on B hits but have you checked if it's correlated to enemy Ras cuz there she is she was started round here to walk elbow we cammed she turns around comes out interesting back side back side back P damn low H damn enemy snipers got the set off and now here's this cam okay so we camed elbow on pistol more info needed if that's correlated to enemy Raina and now we've got this cam which I'm way more used to seeing there played the whole round hunting Raina on Tunnel side that's one simple yeah exactly it really did look like he was playing the anti-a game that round right and that is how I like to call Breeze against Rea I like to call a double elbow swing the OD 26 play well something like that good luck Cypher players I'm sure you all can figure out how to throw it consistently I I hit it eventually defaed mid camer gets broken a lot by soos I wouldn't know I don't play enough Cipher it's possible that that's true and so he's trying it out on their Eco round where they're already expecting to lose and he's trying to get a read on this SOA if that that makes sense cuz this round's already a lost it's not uncom on eco rounds to try and gather some information yeah his C did get broken pretty fast okay so the reason why he's moved his Crosshair down ignore that he's getting peaked far on my perfect Freeze Frame cuz he's given Raina enough time to walk this way and it's very common for elbow players to walk down this way hold this jump up from an off angle and then Peak close in fact we even saw us do that on defense this is one exception to the rule of like always hold far wall but it's a high level exception the r is almost certainly close and there she is close don't holding holding oh no we decid to throw it interesting he's scaling alone he probably doesn't care if he gets broken he just wants the info that they're progressing this he learns his Raina with the Marshall interesting this is uh this is really risky so I would hesitate to recommend this type of play to like somebody who's not radiant he trusts himself of course not to throw his Vandal away but you got to understand he's playing alone with a a rifle so he has to be very careful with how he positions how he Peaks go up up not recommend wait for they won't expect him one stairs one yellow wait wait wait wait jump up what a be team you want to go big no I want to pick notice Camp timing I'm pretty sure he's popping it at 134 135 right around then that's when Raina will be like in this box if she's super fast me she won't be close enough to and there she is elbow peing it more carefully but she won't be close enough to like instantly Round the Corner kill your teammates you'll be able to warn them and she won't be far enough back that she can UNS swing comfortably he's going to go stairs mine m m m I believe I've talked about this with this mid to a Viper wall how somebody should always be doing this jump up get spotted reposition dude he's actually like the Kobe Bryant of Cypher cages that's wow he's taking his timing no dude how does he find this the moment he kills jet he starts routing this way notice he's not looking Bridge do you understand why cuz a lot of you would probably be nervous about bridge this is why he's so good so first if we look at this tag we can see that Cipher Raina here and Jet there okay that's they're grouping the Jet's furthest back he he's like two in this area and there's no trade attempt made on that jet whatever mean they're definitely both in this area and so he realizes now he's got time to get under bridge before that guy Peaks that's and he barely gets under and notice they won't be here how does he know they won't be there because they were both here they can't get over here without making noise they literally can't get there on timing so he's got both of their positions worked out and so he knows he can just come over here and that's why this peak was so lazy like you see that Peak how his crossair was like over here cuz they're not here they're not here they can't be here on timing so they he fixes his Crosshair in case you know they could be shifting over to peek into him soon but that's very unlikely and then bam we get the audio Q one Dro and the only reason he can do this so fast and this is exactly what I was trying to teach what's his face um notorious Noob only reason we can do this so fast is reps on our mid to a this guy will route stairs that's what he does he routes stairs he looks for a kill and notice after he got the kill he looks for this fight they can get it dropped immediately he knew how to throw this cage exactly cage up he knew to after this kill he knew to look for this timing cuz he's done this so many times and that's how he can do this fast enough cuz you have to you have to make the decision instantly to get over here on time and now he's just better no we're not worried about our back because Cypher literally can't get over there on this timing yet just [Music] swing okay okay he's a gambler he's a gambler I like him I like him I'm a gambler too so he has enough time to Peak to deny and he's relying on this guy realizing that getting half and peeking it's a gamble yeah and it does not work this type of gamble I refuse to allow any Sentinel Mains in chat to do unless you are as aggressive as this guy is type of gambl 50 times stronger when you're the cipher player who pushes everything that makes sense cuz in this guy's head he's playing the clutch against the cipher who literally W keys if I'm diffusing against the world's most passive Cipher in this scenario I'm way more likely to stick he does not care this cam gets pre-fired he is kind of probably not good okay do you see how he's peeking here how it's bad you know why you know why he's not concerned at all about elbow he's so good the peak is bad like if this is you playing you should always ddy peek it but he knows raina's not here because the way they're fighting mid there's like there there's a pattern the Raina walks here if she's using her uh flash for elbow additionally we hear a guy on B rotating this way wouldn't they be coming over to join their elbow player so they're just holding think this is a mistake he look at his mini map before this peak through the wall ooh he GL oh no no he sees he sees Sila and he pre aims here I guess this is a bad pre- aim cuz he did mini map refrag this guy I was just shocked to see the Crosshair this far away the Sol that we saw the mini map behind one head shot head shot head shot head shot he's just really aware it's like really it's kind of frustrating right he doesn't miss anything and it's annoying cuz you know that you have a similar amount of info available to you in your games like the two footsteps here so you know it's two and Jet Bridge with alone you can push like you know that you have this info but it's so hard to internalize all in this guy is so fast okay so this is our first Dynamic usage of utility this attack and I think we all can understand why he's camming B main cuz uh Jet's hopping yeah C hold hold what a good trade dude say well down yeah his Viper just put the wall up as we're planting and so he's like oh B I'm going to go play post plant oh you can see he got surprised sa down he he does not care he just left that camera get broken what the out skilled idiot wait you guys ever seen the dash updraft out mid and fight play Das up out fight play I've never seen that dude okay elbow check it at 135 what up CH Peaks M side wait I will for okay so he needs to be I was about to say that go back unfortunate no h Oracle one more Ry one thank you so much for the tier three he was right side you want Pro analysis of that but no this is tough that's a wall down that's a wall down okay look at this so he's aware this does happen where somebody flanks and Peaks be main he's aware of the timing he can plant and now he does this is cheeky this is really cheeky he checks cam sees nothing and now he recognizes they could be right here okay now what would you do if you were right here and you heard cam check and you knew cam check nothing like it didn't see you well you'd probably swing pretty quickly and so he holds for that and then once that timing is gone he'll go he'll look here and here because he's like well I mean if they just sat there didn't swing waited then sure they're wall hacking whatever I'll lose the round he holds and they're not swinging they're not there up and now we got cam like anti-et technology anti-et technology this guy's an anti Strat you see this no cam mid cuz he doesn't want to tell them that he's lurking mid because he knows this Jet's an idiot and she is going to fast flank remember she even flanked with an operator you remember that chat I remember that we're really looking for her where's this guy at my valerant crashed look at this this dude's talking y yep what's up motherucker what's [Music] up this guy is not happy oh no I skipped around this Raina is not happy pushing bro he's so fast oh no wonder he's so fast I'm watching a 1.5x I was like how is he here I was watching on 1.5x like how the hell did he get here that fast even I didn't get it okay watch watch I'm going to make a prediction he's going to play fifth in formation he's going to avoid making early contact he's going to cam up make sure it gets broken and he's going to play with the team but behind them and come out late reason being this idiot this idiot this idiot knows he likes to play really slow lur mid he just got a kill on the slow lurk mid so he's going to cam up put that seed of doubt in their minds they're going to rotate slow because of it and he won't even be there yeah jet push B jet push B look up oh we got spotted notice he didn't need even use his cages for the guys to come out cuz he doesn't want to give up his location but now the jet seen him so spamming through a wall is fine you get I now he been spotted time to cage no this he's going to fake tap and he's going to push in front of the he whiffed he actually had the play oh that is dead he had the play dude that is so sick man and then we go OT okay everything else is dynamic very very very aggressive mixes in super slow lurk rounds this is exactly what I was talking to zendar about dude this guy is he's got such Dynamic contrast he has these rounds where he's really slow and then these rounds where he's stupid aggressive and it makes it so hard to play against cuz you can never really tell if he's mid slow lurk or if he's back yellow already with the knife out you know thank you for the VOD that was chiaha hey wujin here did you know that I stream every weekday doing VOD reviews and playing ranked if you enjoy the videos the best way to support me is to show up live if this video was just uploaded it's very likely that I'm streaming right now all of my coaching is free but that means I need to make money in other ways please consider supporting me with a 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Channel: Woohoojin
Views: 137,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kEsO9paRsNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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